American Cavalrymen Are Bach an U.S. Soil After Chase of Outlaw B hfs THroa h I j LXXXVIII—NO. 198 16 PAGES Da, MEr EP A\ WK'.T oSS V^rf 1 "' HARRISBURG, PA. MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 25, 1919. f^luSur 88 bi TWO B CENTO SB HOME EDITION CITY IS LINING UP SOLIDLY IN FAVOR OF DAYLIGHT LAW Boroughs Join With Harrishurg to Get Hour of Sunshine For Next Summer; Many Cities Are Lining Up TELEGRAPH IS PRINTING PETITIONS FOR WORKMEN The campaign to have Harrisburg* turn its clocks ahead an hour next summer and save daylight despite the protests of farmers who were successful in having Congress re peal the popular measure, to-day was reported as having gained more supporters in less time than any other civic enterprise has attained in recent years. Reading, also, has joined the ranks of the progressive cities. Virtually the only opposition recorded to-day was from men and women over 60 years old who ad mittedly oppose the measure be cause it interferes with time-hon ored custom. Of the numerous letters received in the Telegraph of fice only two opposed the idea. One writer criticised daylight saving as benefiting baseball fans whom he termed "cheap sports." The second critic was a matron who flayed young women for preparing "the chaff of the modern meal" saying that with daylight saving she hardly had time "to cook an old-fashioned breakfast." Want Petition The majority of the letters, how ever, were requests for petitions to circulate in shops, factories and places of business. The writers strongly endorsed the idea to have the clock turned. Whatever opposition had devel oped among businessmen practically was wiped out to-day with dispatches from New York, saying that the New- York stock exchange will observe the new hours when the board of al derman pass the New York resolu tion. It was suggested, however, that the number of months be re duced from seven to five so that dark mornings will be avoided. Un der this provision the clock would be turned forward the last Sunday in April and turned back the last Sunday in September. C. of C. Members Pleased With the stock exchanges and banks of New York observing the new hours it means that business in other cities might be seriously dis rupted if the smaller municipalities did not follow. This view has been taken by the Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce which Saturday passsed resolutions calling on the Pitts burgh council and all Pennsylvania cities to take action. Prominent members of the Har risburg Chamber of Commerce were pleased with the announcement that Pittsburgh's business had taken the lead. They added that the decision of the New York stock exchange also will have a far-reaching effect. The movement now seems certain to reach to all the more important and progressive cities in the east and middle west. No Inconvenience to Result "Even if Harrisburg and New ork stood alone," said one prom inent businessman, "no inconveni ence would result to local business houses. Persons going away onlv need remember that trains were leaving an hour earlier than the schedule. This condition habitually occurs in Pittsburgh where there are two sup times and no one ever is confusesd. Banks, business houses and industries and trolley companies all combining there is no possibility of confusion." The Telegraph to-day is printing petitions addressed to City Council calling on them to continue the popular movement. The petitions also call upon the Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary Club and the Kiwanis Club to get behind the movement. These petitions will be ready in a day or so and will be circulated at the shops, stores, fac tories and foundries. The Petition The text of the petition follows: "We, the undersigned, do hereby i heartily endorse the Harrisburg Telegraph's movement for the con tinuation of the daylight-saving sys tem in- Harrisburg, and we earnest- | ly petition the members of C'ty I Council and the Mayor to take such i action as will give us next year the I extra hour of daylight which we have so much enjoyed the past two i years and which has been such a boon to people in general, giving us time for healthful recreation and amusement which we cannot have in any other way. Also, we peti-1 tion the Harrisburg Chamber ofi Commerce, the Rota y Club of Har- I risburg ar,-d the Kiwanis Club to get | behind the movement started by the ' Daylight Saving Association in New ! York, and to the that Harris-1 burg, the capital of Pennsylvania, | may be a leader in the campaign for 1 the continuation of the extra hour | [Continued on Page 9.] Itheweathf.p] Harrisburg nnd Vicinityi Fair anil cooler to-night with lowest temperature about 5 degree* Tuesday fair with moderate temperature. Eastern Pennsylvania! Fair, cool er to-night. Tuesday' fair. Mod erate northweat winds. Rlveri The Susquehanna river nnd nil Its branches will fall slow ly except the north branch which will rise slightly or re main nearly satlonary below To wanda. A stage of about 4.0 feet is Indicated for Harrisburg Tuesday morning. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ftfje o!ar-3n&epcn?>cfil. REGISTER THURSDAY All voters in the city in or der to vote at the primary elec tion September 16 and the gen eral election November 4, must register this fall. Thursday is the registration day. Voters who do not register this fall can not receive ballots at the primary or general elec tion. No previous registration 13 valid. All important city offices .and many important county offices are to be filled. The city polling places will be open on Thursday from S to 12, 1 to 6 and 7 to 10 o'clock. In order to vote a citizen mu6t have resided in the dis trict in which he is about to register at least sixty days, and must present a county or state tax receipt dated within the last two years. If no party choice is made by a voter in registering on Thurs day. he will receive only a "Non partisan" ballot in September. The only office to be listed on the nonpartisan ticket this year is that of Superior Court Judge, and the candidate for the office, Judge Keller, is unopposed for nomination. Register Thursday. SEES FURTHER INFLATION OF COSTS IN BILL Packing Representative De clares Licensing Act Would Boost Pricees Higher By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 23. —Further inflation of foodstuff prices would result from the passage of the Kenyon bill to regulate and license the packing industry, L. D. H. Weld, manager of the commercial re search department of Swift & Com pany, testified to-day before the Senate Agriculture Committee, where the bill is under considera tion. •'The main objection to the bill," he said, "is in the fact that it was based upon reports of the Federal [Continued oil Page 9.] Vladivostok Girdled by Insurgents as Refugees Fill City By Associated Press. London, Aug. 25.—Vladivostok is surrounded by insurgents and filled with refugees, according to a Bol shevik wireless received here. A Japanese squadron has arrived at ! Vladivostok, the message adds. Austria Gets Treaty From Council Tomorrow By Associated Press. Paris, Aug. 2 s.—The treaty with Austria will be considered by the Supreme Council this afternoon and probably will be handed to the Aus trian delegation to-morrow. Five days will be given for consideration, unless the Austrians ask for a long er delay. Woman Furnishes Bail; Was Not Under Arrest A regretable error was made in i the publication of Camp Hill cor- ! respondence with relation to the arrest of J. W. Riley, charged by Jacob Wolfe with the theft aT vege tables. It was erroniously stated that Mrs. Mary Kurtz also had been charged with theft. Mrs. Kurtz gave bail for Riley and that is her only connection with the case. Girl Arrested on Shop Lifting Charge Charged with shop-lifting in Woolworth's Five and Ten Cent 1 Store. Helen Bugle was arrested this i morning by Patrolman Lawrie. She will be given a hearing in police court during the afternoon. The girl had been noticed ap propriating various articles from the several counters of the store, by employes, according to the report received at police station. Patrol man Lowery was ntified and made the arrest. She said to have had a number of song books, a comb and other articles when searched at the I police station. Other goods were recovered at the store immediately after the at-rest. When Officer Lowery arrested the woman she resisted him and bit him on the left arm . The patrolman went to the hospital and had the wounds cauterized and dressed. I SWEET REVENGE . GOVERNMENT OF IARCHDUKEJOSEPH | FALLS WITH HIM Process of Forming New Cabi net Is Already Under Way By Associated Press. Pnrls, Aug. 25.—The resignation of the Hungarian government of Arch duke Joseph was announced in mes sages received by the Supreme Coun cil to-day. The messages indicated that the resignation occurred at 8 p. m. Saturday and that the process of forming a new cabinet had been be gun. In the new cabinet the dispatches state, Paul Garmi, minister of Justice in the Peidll cabinet would be min ister of commerce, while former pre mier Jules Peidll would be minister of food; Karl Payer minister of homo affairs in the Peidll government is designated as minister of labor in the reconstructed ministry and Count Crany as minister of foreign affairs. Other places have not yet been tilled. Archduke Joseph's resignation fol lowed the delivery to him by the Inter-allied mission of the Supreme Council's telegram, demanding that he resign, accompanied by a letter stating that the mission would give him two hours to take this action. Otherwise, he was notified, the mis sion would publish the council's tele gram broadcast. At 8 o'clock Saturday night Pre mier Fredrich notified the mission that Archduke Joseph and the other members of the government under him had resigned. SERBIA MAY MOBILIZE By Associated Press. Paris, Aug. 25.—(Havas)—The Rumanian cabinet has refused to accept the Peace Conference's de cision regarding division of Banat and Tamesvar between Rumania" and Serbia, says the Echo de Paris. Serbia is reported to be considering the general mobilization of hei army, it is added. FAMOUS ARTIST PAINTING SCENES FOR THE KIPONA Historical Pageant Will Be One of Most Spectacular Events of Its Kind in Recent Years That the historical pageant which will be a feature of Kipona on La bor Day will be one of the most spectacular affairs of its kind in the east, was made certain to-day when the executive committee announced that scenes for this big event will be painted by M. A. Bloom, the fa mous New York artist. Mr. Bloom is the artist who painted all the scenes for the big Hudson-Fulton celebration in New York last year, which was one of the most spectacular pageants ever staged by the metropolis. He also HAS JESSE JAMES RETURNED? By Associated Press. Sioux City, la., Aug. 25. —A highwayman held up a crowd of more than twenty persons in the center of the city yesterday and compelled them to turn over i their money. He escaped in an automobile with $13,. The ban dit lined the victims up on a side walk and, with a revolver in his hand, directed a young man to hold a hat while he passed along, ■ searching all. SCHOOLS TO BE OPERATED UPON NEW PRINCIPLE I Opening Day to See Many Changes in City's System With the opening of public schools in the city Tuesday, Sep tember 2, the reorganization of the school system will become operative. In the past pupils went to pri mary and grammar schools for eight years and to high school for the last four years of the public school ] course. Beginning this year there will be six lower grades, three inter- 1 mediate grades and the last three years will be devoted to high school courses. D. F. E. Downes, city school super - tendent, has issued a statement to the parents and the pupils explain ing when the boys and girls are to report at the various buildings, and ] the arrangements which have been ■ made for the districts from which i pupils may enter the new intermedi ate or Junior high schools. The Assignments All pupils in the Allison Hill dis trict In the seventh, eighth and ninth, grades will enter the Edison school.] [Contiucd on Page 16.] painted the scenes for the fall of Pompeii, the big pageant staged in New York several years ago. His services were secured for the local celebration by Anton Benson; chair man of the scenic construction com mittee. Work on the various scenes thai will depict Harrisburg's l growtl from the time John Harris' trading post was established is well under way. Under Chairman Benson's di rection, assisted by Harry.C. Par sons, of the Orpheum force, the brff canvasses are nearing comple*i^s TROOPERS WHO CHASED BANDITS BACK INTHE U.S. Heavy Rainstorms Wipe Out "Hot Trails;" Missing Air men Are Found J?!/ .4ssocta(cd Press. MARI'A, Tex., Aug. 25. Major James P. Yancey, com mander of the Ameriean puni tive expedition, told the Asso ciated Press over the Army field telephone at Ruidosa to day that he considered the re port authentic that Jesus Ren teria, bandit leader, had leen shot and killed from an Amer ican airplane last Tuesday. Mnrfn. Tex„ Aug. 25.—The American cavalry troops who last Tuesday be gan a campaign to overtake the Mex ican bandits who captured and held for ransom Lieutenants Harold G. Feterson and Paul H. Davis, are again back on American soil. The first of the troops to cross the border on the re turn to the United States, were the pack and supply trains, which reach ed Ruidosa shortly after 8.30 o'clock last night. The remainder of the ex pedition followed. The decision to withdraw the troops resulted from failure to pick up "hot trails' yesterday because of ruin storms in the mountains. The order j withdrawing the troops was announ ced yesterday afternoon by Colonel George T. Langhorne. Leader Reported Shot Jesus Renteria, the bandit leader, was shot and killed by Lieutenant R! I H. Cooper when bandits fired on Coop ier's machine, according to a statement 'by Lieut Peterson on his arrival here j Lieut. Harold G. Peterson and Lieut Faul H. Davis, the American aviators | whose capture by bandits was the im mediate cause for sending American troops across the line, arrived at | Royce flying field yesterday. They ] crossed to Mexico with the punitive 'expedition Tuesday. Lteuts. George K. Rice and U. L Boquet, American Army aviators who were reported missing below the Rio Grande yesterday after they had left Royce field for Mexico to reconnoiter for the punitive expedi tion, were located last night at Ter linqua, Texas. They had become lost In the rain storm and made a forced landing. Neither was Injured. A report brought to the border by Lieut. Peterson that Jesus Renteria, leader of the bandits was killed by an American airman, could not be cjjpfirmed. Contact with Carranza soldiers also on the trail of the bandits and a heavy rain which wiped out the fresh trails resulted in decision to abandon the chase. The Mexican Federals weYe en countered Saturday night by a scout putrol and after a conference army officers decided to abandon the pur suit. The six days below the bonder re sulted in the killing of four bandits by troops and death of one by ma chine gun ballets from an airplane. Nine bandits, said to be part of the Renteriu band, were captured at Coy ame. in a dance hall, by Carranza sol- FEARS GERMANS WILL TRY AGAIN FOR DOMINATION Senate Committee Holds Pro posed Pact With French Is Constitutional IN INTEREST OF THE l\ S. Should Allow France to Re cover Old-Time Strength to Act as World Shield Washington, Aug. 25. While Germany has been Vanquished for the present, "nothing but force is likely to restrain her from seeking world domination at the earliest op portunity" in the opinion of the Sen ate Judiciary Subcommittee ap pointed ta report on the validity of the proposed Treaty by which the United States would go to the aid of France in the event of an unpro voked attack by Germany. In holding that ratification of the special defensive Treaty is within the constitutional powers of the Treaty muking bodies of the American Government, the subcommittee, in its report submitted to-day to the full committee said it was for the interest of the United States that France sh#uld be allowed to recup erate and recruit her old-time vigor. "She will then," said the report, "be a great shield and protection to us against the German menace in the future." The report was written by Senator Walsh, Democrat, of Montana, in collaboration with Senators Nelson and Kellogg, both of Minnesota, and Fall, of New Mexico, Republicans, and Senator Overman, of North Carolina, Democrat, constituting the subcommittee. "It will be seen," the report said, "that the covenant only aims at pro tection against Germany and that it is of a temporary character to be merged in and substituted by the authority of the League of Nations when that is established and put into operation. "As the armistice covers the ground between the end of the war and the ratification of the Treaty of Peace, so the Treaty in question aims to cover the ground from the time of the adoption of the Treaty until the League of Nations, provided for in the Treaty, can take its place. In other words the Treaty in question is of a temporary character to be merged in the final Treaty of Peace. "Such a Treaty is clearly war ranted by international law and usage and is therefore within the scope of the Treaty making power of the United States. Machine Turning Turtle Delays Start of Big Air Race to New York Toronto, August 25.—The first air piiine to start in the International airplane race from Toronto to New York and return, left at 12.25 p. m. On the "take off" an Oriole machine piloted by Roland Rolfe turned tur tle'and the other machines wete called back. No one was hurt, but the start of the other competitors was de layed. Rolfe finally got away at 12.56 p. m. ] He was followed by Sergeant Cooms in a De Haviland, four minutes later. The other 16 entrants got away a few minutes apart. The contestants include Army and civilian aviators, the latter compet ing for a prize of SIO,OOO offered by the Hotel Commodore, of New York. The Army participants have entered to test various types of Army planes. Two of the local contestants have established world's altitude records. Major Schoeder, who will fly a Vouglit machine held this record at 29,000 feet until recently when Ro land Wolf, who has entered an Oriole plane set a new mark at 30,- 600 feet. Colonel W. C. Barker, a Canadian ace, who will fly a Fokker machine, is to carry a message from the Prince of Wales to President Wilson. Let ters carried by other contestants will bear special stamps issued by the Aero Club of Canada, which with the American Flying Club, is pro njoting the contest. Sergeant Coombs Is First to Reach Buffalo; Runs Into 125-Mile Gale • Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 25.—Sergeant Coombs was the first to arrive at Curtis field on the Niagara boulevard here. He landed at 1.25 p. m. One minute later Roland Rolfe landed and was followed at 1.31 p. m. by Major Schroeder and 1.32 by Cap tain H. W. Cook. Rolfe reported running Into two storms over Lake Erie and encount ering a 125 mile gale. It was rain ing hard when the aviators landed here. Heavy Showers Hold Start of Forty Fliers in Great Air Race Mincola, N. Y., Aug. 25. Heavy] showers this morning prevented the; scheduled start at 9 o'clock of the international air race from New York to Toronto and return, but officials of the American Flying Club expected to send the first plane away at 11 o'clock if the weather clears. Reports from the other points along the route indicate good weather. More than forty machines were' on the ground at Roosevelt field ready to start. Officials expected to send them away in three groups, the first plane being due to arrive at Albany, the first stop, one hour, and ten minutes after the start. Weather conditions here were still : unfavorab'e at 11 o'clock and the! start was postponed another hour. ] At noon the pace was again post poned until 1 o'clock. EVEN POLICEMEN MAY STRIKE By .Associated Press. Boston, Aug. 25. —Organization of an unpaid volunteer police force for duty in the event ot a strike by the po'icemen of the city was begun to-dav by iormer Superintendent William H. Pierce. As the nucleus for the emergency body, it was an nounced that several former cap tains and lieutenants and 100 pensioners of the force were available. Labor leaders to-day sent no tices to 500 unions, calling for special meetings to ballot on the question of their position "in the event that the Boston police_ men are compelled to strike to protect their rights to organize." A score of local unions already have voted to stand by the police men. The course of action to be pursued by the Policemen's Un ion is expected to develop after . the trial to-morrow of officers of the union on charges of disobey ing department rules by joining the union. VOTERS TO PASS ON $490,000 IN LOANS IN FALL New Bridge, Paving, Bathing Beaches and Sewers Will Cost Large Sum Ordinances authorizing a vote in November on four loans totaling $490,000, were passed finally by Council to-day. The Commissioners held the weekly meeting one day earlier than usual so that they could be present to-morrow at the opening of the convention of tlio League of Third Class Cities in Allentown. One of the loans, for $300,000, was approved in 1915, the money being intended to pay for a bridge in Walnut street crossing the Penn sylvania railroad lines. This money was never borrowed, and with the State planning to erect a soldiers' and sailors' memorial bridge, in [Continued on Page 9.] V I b irHr&Wie>lr*lr*<HrMrHrMrHeWrtrlrl 4* ll 4 5 j Z 4 4 t f X ' <4* A ' 4* i 4* Tj at '1.55 P. M. to-day. Tfr. >t to get away >•- W ' 4 <4* j # 1* €^ l J J • MIDDLE WESTERN.COAL,MINERS STRIKE * * $ t I; MARRIAGE LICENSES - • :v;'K' "X"" -K2E: T 7|| f C ? f, m an an<l Aim* Grnmm, If nrrUhiinc; Charlm F. Fddlttn and ® *cr, If ilV^Uh" u "li Harr,Mbur *< """••HI s. Harford and Martha N. Bucb- 65 BRICKLAYERS QUIT WHEN PAY BOOSTIS DENIED Refusal of Steelton Plant to Meet Demand Is Followed by Strike WANT .20 AN HOUR MORE Workmen Claim Outside Jobs Arc Plentiful at Higher Rata As a result of a refusal on the part of the officials of the Steelton plant of the Bethlehem Steel Com pany to grant the bricklayers an in crease of 20 cents an hour, about sixty-five of them this morning se cured their tools and drew their pay. Two weeks ago the bricklayers demanded an increase from sixty to eighty cents per hour. The officials replied that while it was impossible for them to comply with the demand at this time they were willing to al low them to work ten hours with time and half-time for all work over eight hours. The men rejected the offer and this morning secured their tools unci left. A few of the men are said to have returned to work this morning, the strikers claiming only one returned. To-day was their regular scheduled payday. When asked what they intended doing the reply was that bricklayers outside were drawing eighty-live cents per hour, and as there was a demand for them they would have no difficulty in securing other po sitions. At any rate, they said, they would - not wait for the officials to come to a decision, so they weie "just quitting." SIBERIAN'S TO MAKE STAND By Associated Press. Vladivostok, Wednesday, Aug. 13. —Siberian forces retreating on the East Russian front have planned to make a stand on the Ishim river, which crosses the trans-Siberian Railroad about 175 miles west of Omsk. Previous reports have stated that the Siberian retreat would' stop on the line of Tobolsk, about! ninety miles farther west.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers