10 VEUEISOUT WITH NEW SIX Design Is Entirely Different and Motor Burns Low- Grade Fuel The Velie Motors Corporation of Mottne, Illinois, announces a new Vedie Six. The announcement is in teresting inasmuch as it reveals a Third Annual Williams Grove Picnic Farmers' and Industrial Exhibition August 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Display of Farm Horticulture Machinery UJNJc/ JdJLIt Livestock Household WEEK Poultry Goods L——— Automobiles Aeroplane Flights—Free Attractions AUTOMOBILES— TRACTOR PRACTICALLY EVERY EXHIBIT—SHOWING MAKE WILL BE ON ACTUAL DEMONSTRA EXHIBITION TIONS GOOD MIDWAY SPECIAL TRAINS WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Leave Mechanicsburg daily 6, 7.30, 9.05 a. m., 4, 5.40, 6.55 p. m. Special Wednesday and Thursday, 8.10, 11.05 a. m., 12.20 p. m. Special excursion rates from all points on the Cumberland Valley. REMEMBER THE WEEK C. A. Markley, Mgr. C. N. Koser, Adv. Mgr. f See the^V (NASH) % All Next Week at 1 \ WILLIAMS 1 Myers Motor Sales Co. Distributor 1210 Penn St.—Harrisburg The Utmost In Body Design I And Dependable Service No matter to what use you put your truck, it is absolutely necessary that your truck body be of the most substan tial and correct proportion. - C. A. Fair Bodies incorporate that correctness of design and beauty of finish which go to make your truck a real asset, and help to increase its serv ice life. First ciass Adequate facilities devoted Motoi to the production of quality and Trinuning. truck bodies, and a highly- POMCY: skilled corps of mechanics and customers'* designer, assure you of the utmost in body service. It will pay you to consult us about that new truck body for your truck. Phone Bell 2679 and a representative will call and furnish full particulars. r A FAIR CARRIAGE JT -RTLLY, AND AUTO WORKS 1135 MULBERRY STREET East End Mulberry Street Bridge • 1 SATURDAY EVENING new type of car—a car whose Unes are made up •of plane surfaces blending; into one another in a most pleasing manner. Viewed from any angle the new Velle is strikingly attractive. Its straight-line, high cowl body and tapering hood gives the eye a long unbroken unit of beauty from front to rear. Velie claims the honor of being the first to offer this new much-sought design. The new Velie 48 includes com forts that match its art—deep plaited upholstery, more leg room, very wide doors, with storage spaces and other interesting places—there and compartments in seat backs are pleasing ideas everywhere. Velie also presents a new motor in this car. A motor having an in ternally heated vaporize—a motor which burns low-grade fuel suc cessfully, and gives vastly more miles per gallon. The Velie motor is balanced and has a four-bearing crank shaft; runs solidly without vibration at all speeds and has high grade bronze backed bearings every where, which simply means a mini mum of upkeep and expense. Velie claims more improvements in its new motor than has been advanced in a decade. There are five body styles in the passenger roadster, four-passenger 1920 Velie line, touring car, two sport model, four-door sedan and coupe. The new Velie colors are varied and beautiful. Even now the Velie Corporation is in the midßt of a production far greater than the "Mile of Factory" has been called •upon to produce heretofore. GETTYSBURG TO PLAY GAME HERE Will Meet Bucknell at Island Park Saturday, No vember 15 Harrlsburg is again sure of one big college football game. Gettys burg will play Bucknell at Island Park, Saturday November 15. Gettys burg Is now making up a strong team. A training camp will be conducted on Coach "Bill" Wood's farm, four miles from Gettysburg. The camp will open Wednesday September 10, and close Tuesday evening, Sep tember 16, the day before the open ing of college. The following Ge tysburg veterans, many of whom were in the service, have been re quested to report for the camp. Cap tain Marts, Nicely, Fuhrman, Zeig ler, Rote, Briggs, Widman, Gansor, Davis, Bream, McDowell, Emanuel, Richards, Markle, Houck, KeKiser, Phillips. Is Ideal Camp The Wood farm is well located for a football training camp. A large meadow with a swimming hole near by will be used for practice field. Gettysburg has good pros pects for the best team in her his tory. In addition to the above veterans whose football ability if. well known there will be a wealth of material In the Freshman Class. The complete schedule follows: Oct 4, State, at State College; Oct. 11, Western Maryland, at Westmin ster; Oct. 18, Ursinus, at Gettysburg; Oct. 25, Albright, at Lebanon; Nov. 2, Dickinson, at Carlisle; Nov. 3, Villa Nova, at York; Nov. 15, Buck nell, at Harrisburg; Nov. 22, Mt. St. Marys, at Gettysburg; Nov. 27, P. and M., at Lancaster. Republic Truck Exhibit at Williams Grove The Swain-Hickman Company, distributors of Republic trucks will exhibit at Williams Grove a model Republic special equipped with ex press body and canopy top, a model 10, one ton capacity, with express body and a model 20, 3% tons capa city, equipped with Hydraulic hoist and dump body. The exhibit will be In charge of George C. Eppelman, retail sales manager, branch manager J. A. Hudson, and George M. Howard, who has charge of the wholesale, will also be In attendance. CHECKING A POET The young man rolled his eyes as he entered the editorial sanctum. "Here Is a poem which you may pub lish in your paper. I dashed It off in an idle moment and you will perhaps find it a little rough. You can make any correction you please." "Thank you!" said the editor. "I will give you a check for it at once." 'You are very kind, I shall be de lighted." The editor handed him a check. "Many thanks!" said the poet. "I will bring you some more poems." He had reached the door when sud denly he turned. "Excuse me. but you've forgotten to fill up this check." "Oh. that's all right," said the edi tor. "I have given you a check in its rough state, as it were. You can make any correction you please."— Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. HIS MASTER'S VOICE Halting opposite the French restau rant which he was wont to patronize, he invited his friend to dine with him. "You know," he said, "this place is famous for its horse meat You'll find It a regular treat." "Horse meat!" exclaimed the friend in alarm. "Wouldn't touch it if I was paid especially after what happened to poor Duggle." "Why, what about him?" he was asked. "Choked to death In a hotel the other day," answered the friend. "He was eating a piece of horse meat when some one said 'whoa!' " —Argonaut President of International Federation of Labor II MI HI W mil v W. A. APPLETON I W. A. Appleton, secretary of the I General Federation of Trade Unions of Great Britain, has Just been elected president of the Internation al Federation of Labor at the con | vention in- 'Amsterdam. He was nominated by Samuel Gomper* a*HRISBTJRO <££& TELEGKAPIf HIGH COST OF LIVING IS BACK TO DEFICIENT HIGHWAYS Washington, D. C., Aug. 21.—Leg islative forces are again on the trail of Old High Cost of Living. These forces are In full awing, with the Sen ate iatrlct subcommittee talcing the lead at the National capital. So far, Old High Cost has had his usual luck in keeping more than a tail's length ahead. His pursuers have been unable to "get anything on him", that is, anything they can tie to. This last chase started a few days ago, when Government employes de cided they had reached the limit of en durance in trying lo keep up with as cending food costs. Their appeals for economic relief reached Congress with the result that the hunt for the old villain was on again, and the entire country soon joined in the chase. Al ready the pursuers are striking the usual conflicting und diverging trails, une scent leads to the packers, an other to the butter and egg trust, an other to this, another to that. In all of the hearings and discus sions, both In public and private, earn est seekers after the fundamental rea sons which underlie the present causes of unrest, And themselves coming out on the same old trail, the unimproved road. jt is the profiteer's safe am bush, protecting as it does a long line of cormorants in the form of unneces [ sary middlemen who are aided in their I nefarious work by the devious and un reliable routes to, market. Whatever the remedy proposed, there is always the matter of trans portation. Regardless of how many marketing agencies may be brought into operation, or how many restric tions may be thrown around the mid dleman, no permanent solution can be reached until the road between the producer and consumer is shortened by types of construction that will in sure a speedy and open thoroughfare to market under all weather condi tions. These are facts that are be coming more and more deeply im pressed upon the legislative mind as high cost investigations proceed It is admitted that road building has been given a tremendous boost dur ing the past few year a But even with construction under way practically in every state, such construction is largely in patches, and the process of working out from the neighborhood road to a comprehensive system must necessarily be slow, too slow in fact to meet the economic demands of the hour which are now being so sharply expressed in the cry for lower prices on food. Far-sighted members of Congress have had in mind the need for a still greater development of public roads with the result that a bill for a Na tional highway system is now pend ing in the United States Senate, intro duced by Senator Townsend. chairman of the committee on postofflces and post roads. It is proposed in this measure to create a Nation-wide sys | tern of highways under Federal con trol and maintenance embracing not less than two per cent nor more than five per cent of the mileage in actual use in each state. The location of the Federal lines is to be determined by a Federal Highway Commission, after advising with the various state high way departments. "Apparently the time has come .when a motorist can forget his tires. Not so long ago every driver's pleas ure was disturbed by constant fears amounting almost to certainty that something would happen to his tires before he got home. But I hardly ever give a thought to my tires now adays. I don't have to, because tire trouble is the exception and no longer the rule." This was the comment of a busi ness man who was discussing re cently the merits of the Royal Cords of the United States Tire Company. "Good roads have eliminated most of the causes of punctures,'' he con tinued, "and the tire engineers have perfected in this cord tire a light, lively tire that has the endurance of steel. This achievement has had its part in adding to the popularity of motoring." See It at Williams Grove, Pa. Aa^st 2529 • The one truck that will surely hold your interest *~\TVTI7! c¥ Twvtn at Summer Auto Show is the All-American. It OINE SUPER" is the Super-l-ton truck that will accomplish just TON TRUCK what you want it to. And think, the price is only - ril _ $1395. Take a glance at the construction. You must admit that you are certainly getting some KIRK and OCHS T — _Ss■=< ' DISTRIBUTORS TUII\I¥ <ELI LIBERTY COLE 3 J. N JL B J 9w qt Hbg. Auto & Tire Repair Co. Liberty Garage ' 131 S. Third St. 16th and Walnut Sts. Attention—Prospective Buyers of Automobiles The First Summer Auto Show Grangers Picnic, Williams' Grove Tuesday Aug. 26, Wednesday 27, Thursday 28, Friday 29 Passenger Cars and Trucks Realizing the big and growing de mand for automobiles the members of the Harrisburg Motor Dealers' Association will hold a Summer Auto Show at the Grangers' Picnic, William's Grove, in order that pros pective buyers will have opportunity to see the new models for the coming season. This being the first Summer Auto Show the Motor Dealers of Harrisburg have held, it will be looked forward to with keen interest by all motor enthusiasts. . The necessity of having an auto mobile in the daily life of every family and business is too well known to dwell at length upon that subject. The automobile is established as the prime means of transportation, not only for private use but for business purposes. The automobile brings the country in close touch with the city, one city in close touch with another, and friends only a few minutes or a few hours apart. Harrisburg Motor Dealers Association .. GUNN DEFINES TIRE GUARANTY United States Tire Company] Has Unlimited Guarantee Against Imperfections BY J. N. GUNN, Pres. U. S. Tiro 00. Many inquiries came to us at the time the United States Tire Co. an nounced its policy regarding tire guarantees, a policy so entirely dif ferent from that which many manu facturers have lately adopted. Summing up these inquiries, they said: "How on earth can you get away from a definite mileage guarantee in selling tires?" As a matter of fact we have made a more definite guarantee. Our guarantee holds good regardless of the mileage a tire runs. But we do not urge mileage guarantees to sell tires. We stress quality. This policy of guaranteeing against imperfections in materials and workmanship without any mile age limitation is not really new with The standard cars of America will be shown at the Grangers' Picnic, displayed attractively in a large space, making it easy for you to visit and inspect every car. The man who intends to buy an automobile for his family will be glad for this opportunity to see the various makes all in one exhibit. The business man who is seeking a truck will find this exhibit comprehensive in scope, thereby providing him with ample op portunity for selection of a truck that best suits his purposes. Representatives of the various Motor Dealers of Harrisburg will be in at tendance and will be pleased to make your visit to the show both pleasant and profitable. There are many people who want automobiles who will welcome this exhibit be cause it comes at an opportune time for study ing the various makes of automobiles. Everybody is welcome. 'AUGUST 23, P919. the United States Tire Co. We have never used any definite mileage basis In making adjustments on Royal Cord tires, which we have been manufacturing for four years. Furthermore, for years we have not been advertising any definite milc- Become a Practical Mechanic! and for only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make application at once. Automobile and Aeroplane Mechanical School Ofilce, 25 S. Cameron St., Hbg. Training Quarters, 200 S. Front St. Steelton age guarantees on any of our tlresj Having seen through a numbers of years of experience that the pub lic liked the basis upon which Rojul Cord tires were sold, it seemed the logical thing to do to put all United States tires on the same basis.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers