6 Says Company Did Not Fulfill Conditions Mexico City, Aug. B.—Questioned regarding the reported diplomatic protest by the United States Gov ernment against the nullification of the concession held by the "Com pania Constructors Richardson, S. A," to utilize the waters of the Yaqui river, Pastor Rouaix, Secre tary of Development, is quoted by K1 Democrats as saying that the You smack your Hps over it, because you like its taste, its quality, its genuine gratifica tion. It satisfies thirst. Nobody has ever been able to suc cessfully imitate it, because its quality is indelibly registered in the taste of the American public. ill I, i.- IB Demand the genuine by lull name / if —nicknames encourage cuhetitution. THE COCA-COLA Co. ATIANTA ' ° A Wg UNDER UNDER SELL w®&88 "JV/fl" "K* In the face of rapidly mounting costs, we are offering extra- I ordinary values in shoes at prices which knock the H. C. of L. Complete lines, all sizes and styles, sold at close profits based on costs of a year ago. We cannot duplicate them ourselves at the prices we are selling them to you. TAKE A TlP—Buy your supply now for the coming Fall and Winter. We have a good supply of suitable styles. Extraordinary Values in Men's Dress Shoes at $2.98 Genuine Goodyear welted, solid, long-wearing soles, soft , | pliable uppers. They include the very popular English toe, me dium toes, or the full broad shapes. All good styles and cannot be bought by ourselves under $3.50 on to-day's market. Here is a real buy for you $2.98 L° Men's plain toe vici shoes, hand-sewed soles $2.98 it Men's Vici Shoes, full broad toes, hand le ** \q\\ Heavy or welted soles, real $8 values A AQ I Medium Weight at 3)4. N "'—W QT)IT English models in gun metal or vici kid. Neat dressy lasts, real (1* O A O IJ,SHOES valucs •••'• 30.98 <tiwua.nteki) wear Tan calf shoes in both the full toed bltt- '. ?!*'. f.'V'.T.' S °'.'!*. $2.79 cuts in English styles. *A QO Tan Elkskin Shoes; soft, pliable uppers, solid 'Welted soles O leather throughout; four stj les, qo all at vOJ/0 Black medium weight Work Shoes, Goodyear High grade tail calf shoes, English mod wcited soles. Army shape, comfort- Ho no els, extra good grade leather tf* f\d able lasts WV.SO ' ... >.f> HK scout Shoes in black or $2.49 and $2 69 workmanship Special lot of heavy tan Bluchers, d0 jq Neolin soled shoes in the English or full from size 8 up to 11, at . _ Tan Army Blucher Shoes, Munson dj,* QQ ° e . S - C ' Qft last, soft toe, welted soles d> 1 xI70 variety ™ U Dressy Oxfords for men: best Special Lot of grade leather, in vici or gun- ' I rs r-ir-i MEN'S OXFORDS metal: English or medium ild |[ | toes; a'l s'zes 8:1.08 Lj j Sizes run 6to 8 and Include Tan Cordo Cal. Oxfords, dark both ""J vici, In shade, Kinex soles, Goodyear English or broad too; a lot of wc '' 9 8,1.08 * tlicm liavc Goodyear welted Tan Oxfords, rubber heels, soles nnd arc worth up to $t English toes 81.08 TRAVEL! n pair. High-grade Tan Calf Oxfords, __ modified English toe; a Travel far and wide and we don't Cl* "■ Ak) value you cannot duplicate think you'll Ihul anything to equal I for less than $8 $.-,.08 our splendid offerings of to-day. W• VW G. R. KINNEY CO., INC. I 19 and 21 North 4th Street j MM ————>———I——p— BE—ml FRIDAY EVENING, concession was cancelled because the company had not fulfilled the conditions relative to furnishing water for irrigation purposes and development work upon which the concession was granted. The paper also states that, ac cording to the secretary, the com pany's irrigation system has been expropriated by the government for the public good, after compensa tion had been fixed on the basis of the cost of the development work already dene. From the Angle of Bethlehem Tlio International Sunday School Lesson For August 10 Is "Winning Others to Christ"—Acts lti:0-15; James 5:10-20 By WILLIAM T. ELLIS In the -soft glow of a summer evening 1 rode yesterday from Jeru salem to Bethlehem. The distance is only a little more than five miles, along the main southern highway to Hebron. It was over this very road that Joseph and Mary and their faithful donkey went in haste the day before Christmas. The ancient well by the wayside is pointed ouc, with every degree of probability, as one at which Mary refreshel herself. Near Bethlehem we pass the tomb of Rachel. Olive and vine clad terraced hills surround tlio town, which is solidly built of the ! übiquitous limestone of the land: j the wiso man builds his house on the rock—the underlying rock of I Palestine—and of the rock as well. | The stone is quarried soft and hard- I ens upin exposure to air. In a limestone cave, which once 1 was the rear room of stable of the [ Bethlehem inn, or khan, there was j born nineteen centuries ago a babo. I Over that cave to-day there stands I the oldest Christian Church in the I world, built in the reign of Con ' stantine the Great, on the site of a | still earlier construction. Since the j capture of Jerusalem by General ; Allenby—when an American otilcer ; in his army was made first governor of Bethlehem—certain unlovely ovi | dences of ecclesiastical strife, nota bly the unsightly wall that divided ! the interior, have been removed. It is still necessary, though, to main tain a military guard at the manger | to prevent sectarian strife: thougii ; now the soldiers ace British, instead . of Turks. A silver star is let into the center ! of the grotto beneath the church, and it is inscribed, "Hie de Virgine I Maria Jesus Christus natus est." I Around it burn perpetually the • lamps of the I-atin, Greek and Ar : nienian churches. There is much . ecclesiastical ornamentation. One | can scarcely realize that at this holy , spot the miracle of the ages was : wrought; and that here was mani -1 fe6ted the Son of God, the Saviour of the world. Here gathered the wondering shepherds from the i neighboring hillside. Over this town j the mysterious celestial glory shone: i and later the star rested. This is a | local point of the universe and of I eternity. Now Power of nil Old Place What has all this got to do with the present lessoni Everything. . This Bethlehem manger has become central to a newly self-conscious world. The star that shone here nineteen centuries ago has become, as it were, the supreme luminary ot a celestial system, drawing all les- HARRISBTJTtG .TECEGIOLFH ser planets into its orbit and power. It represents the uplifted Christ who Is to-day drawing all men unto him self. Now. above all days that have ever been, is a time of the suprem acy of the teaching and spirit and sacrifice of Jesus, once born ill Hethlehcm as a lowly mother's Babe. The heart-sore world is ready to suy, with the shepherds, "Coma, now, let us go unto Bethlehem." As of old Paul heard Macedonia calling in a vision—that same poor, distraught Macedonia through which 1 have recently traveled—"Come over and help us," so now all the weak and war-worn and newly awakened nations are crying to Christ and Hi 6 Church, "Come over and help us." There is no thought ful person intelligently review ing the world's present condition who does not arrive at the conclu sion that the greatest' need of the nations is spiritual, and to be met only by a vitalized and present re ligion. As tlie Soldier Sees It I pon returning from Bethlehem i yesterday, and after dinner, I spent two hours in enversation with a staff captain in the British Army, a cosmopolite who has seen most ot the problem-places in the present world unsettlement. We discussed the national perplexities, one by one, and finally confessed ourselves bafiled, until the soldier said—and he is not a religious man—"l ted you, this whole business will nevor be settled except on the basis of re ligion which will make people really friendly. There has got to be some great Power to bring the spirit of brotherhood into all the world." That interview was true to type. t'\er and over I find all sorts af men turning to religion as the solu tion of the present world chaos. Some express a desire for a new re ligion or a new prophet or an amal gamation of all religions. In the speech of soldiers and statesmen and men of the world, the great affirmation of Christ is being echoed —mankind must be born again, and receive a new nature, before it can live a life of holiness and helpfulness and harmony. Under His Own llat That line of reasoning leads us straight to the conviction that the most important work in the wotnl at the present is to create Chris tians. When men and women ate led to Christ they are led out of the selfishness and smallness and sor didness that now afflict society liko a disease. A sturdy type of intelli gent Christianity is the best bul wark against Bolshevism, capital ism, imperialism, and all the other isms that menace the integrity of civilization. Recently "Life" had an editorial upon the importance of each man's having a league of nations, and of good intentions under his own hat. If the little world that lives there is reorganized, the affairs of the greater world will be cared for au tomatically. The final problem is the state of mind of the individual. That is so obvious that its im portance may be overlooked. All of us are so busy with vast schemes for making over mankind in the mass that we are tempted to forget that God's way is the one-by-one method. He deals with individual". He is changing the world by trans forming men one at a time. Who ever leads a friend into discipleship to Christ is doing really a worn! service as many of the men asso ciated with the Peace Conference. We cannot improve upon the Master's methors. Amind these lulls of India and Galilee Jesus chose a | dozen common men—just such , looking men as are at this moment passing through the Jaffa Gate of , Jerusalem before my eyes—to be his ii iends and helpers. Association | with him made them uncommon | men. Their discipleship led them into a service where they became a world-revolutionizing force. Again we are at a plastic hour |tn history. New personalities are yet to emerge to lay a shaping hand upon events. Who knows that tho | young person who is to-dav brought , under the spell of Christ's leader | ship may not be decisive factor in | human destiny? We are serving th~ | world in profoundest and most fundamental ways when we lead I men into Christian allegiance. British Company to Organize Trade in the Near East London, Aug. B.—Organization of The Levant Company with a capital $5,000,000 for developing trade be tween Great Britain and the near eastern countries has been announc ed here. The American Chamber of Com merce in London compares this company to the $20,000,000 Ameri can Foreign Trade Corporation, or ganized to develop American trade in the near East and which is es tablishing headquarters in Con stantinople, Smyrna, Syria and on the Black Sea and suggests that interesting competition will result. To Solve Mystery as to Mound Builders Mexico City, Aug. B.—Archeologi cal investigations by a govern mental commission to solve the mystery of who built the great pyramids at San Juan Teotihuacan 27 miles from Mexico City, have brought to light two great granite heads of the ancient Mexican god of the air. Quetzalcoatl. These heads are almost perfect specimens, bearing all the symbolic markings' The long disputed point as to who erected the pyramids is, as yet, un solved. These huge mounds one to the sun and the other to the moon, the former being 761 by 7:>i feet at the base and 216 feet "high are generally attributed to a tribe that preceded the Toltccs, probably dating from about the sixth century. German Trades to Come to Latin-America Mexico City. Aug. B.—The German government intends to devote a great portion of its commercial ac tivity to a revival of its trade re lations with Latin-American coun tries, according to communications lust forwarded to Mexican officials here by Arthur von Magnus, repre sentative of the German govern ment in Mexico. He asked for com pleto information In regard to the demand for German products here. YANKS HONORED IN MONTENEGRO High Military Decoration Is Conferred Upon Red Cross Members Cettlnjo, Montenegro, Aug. 8. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jugo-Slavia has conferred high mili tary decorations on several mem bers of the American Red Cross unit in Montenegro, suy advices from Belgrade. Other mcmbeis have been awarded lesser Orders. The director of the unit, Major Henry Rushton Fairclough, former ly professor at Stanford University, is given the Order of the White Eagle, fourth class. Captains Chel sea C. Pratt and Joseph F. Jaroa receive the fifth class decoration of the same order. About fifty Americans have been engaged recently in relief and medi cal work in Montenegro. Four hos pitals were operated in addition to numerous dispensaries and canteens and a general program to improve health and sanitation was con ducted. Ihe American Red Cross work is now supplemented by that of a unit representing the International Rc Cross at Geneva. WOMAN SPURNED KILLS PHYSICIAN IN STREET Springfield, Mass., Aug. B.—Dr. Henry Zimmerman was shot to death near his home here yester day by Miss Jennie Zimmerman fol lowing a violent quarrel in the street. After firing live shots Miss Zimmerman, who is not related t > Dr. Zimmerman, threw her revolver away and ran. She was overtaken and held, however, until the arnval of officers. Miss Zimmerman is about 25 J ears old and Dr. Zimmerman ten years older. Miss Zimmerman said the doctor had spurned her. DIES AT HOSPITAL Wriglitsvllle, Pa.. Aug. S.—Joseph Hilt, an aged resident, died at the Columbus Hospital at noon yester day, of cancer of the stomach. He was 74 years old. " Harrisburg's Dependable Store" Our Sale-Ends Tomorrow and it showed that the men and women of Har risburg who want true value, true quality and true service buy at "Harrisburg's Dependable Store." There has been for the past few weeks, a period of unequalled activity at Wm. Strouse & Co. Because the public, the thinking public, knows we are HONORABLE. That's the whole story, so why say more. The sale ends tomorrow night, so if you wish to take advantage of the unsurpassed event to save yourself money—buy at once, or it will be too late. Remember! Wm. Strouse & Co., 4 'Harrisburg's Dependable Store." The Furnishing Department Is "alive" with Underwear, Shirt, Neckwear, Bathing Suit and Hosiery bargains. For the man who is thrifty our store presents an unlimited field for saving on his clothing for the coming year. Metric Shirts, Monito Hosiery, Lewis, Vassar and Rochinchair Underwear are all included in this Big Money Saving Event. You'll agree that it's unprecedented—especially at this time of "high cost of living"—we'll help you keep it DOWN. • All Bogs' Clothing Reduced Mothers, our daylight, first floor Boys' Department is "chock full" of REAL BARGAINS. You will find it to the advantage of your purse to come in and look over our splendid assortment of magnificent Suits, Hats and Shirts for your Boy. In Our Men's Department All Palm Beaches $11.95 and A Special Lot of All Wool Suits That Sold as High as $35.00, Now $16.75 310 Market St. IXOf Harrisburg, Pa. PACIFIC STATES GAVE 472 SHIPS Contributed 3,721,524 Dead Weight Tons During the War San Francisco, Aug. 8. The three Pacific coast states of Wash ington, Oregon and California will have contributed 3,721,52 4 dead weight tons of ships at the close of the 1319 building program, accord ing to the approximate figures given out here to-day by the United States Shipping Board. In all. 472 ships will have been added to the American merchant marine since the intensive war time shipbuilding began to "bridge the Atlantic"in the battle waged against the German submarines. Steel and wooden ships to the number of 318 with a tonnage of 2,- 336,980, is the estimated production of Washington and Oregon ship yards from the beginning of the war to the completion of the 1919 pro gram. Of these 245 are steel and 73 of wood. In California the total tonnage of steel vessels to bo constructed to the end of 1919 is 1,192,538. Of wooden vessels, constructed, or un der construction, California's con tribution is 28 with a total dead weight tonnage of 177,000. Con crete ships are represented by 15.- 000 tons. Arrest Woman For Trying to Kidnap "Baby Irene" Ottawa, Aug. 8. Charged with assault after an unsuccessful at tempt yesterday to obtain posses sion of 4-ycar-old Katherine Ryan, who. as "Baby Irene," was the cen tral figure in a sensational trial in the Federal courts ol' Chicago three years ago, Mrs.-Dolly Ledger wood Matters, of Chicago, was in custody here to-day. Horlick's the Original Malted Milk—Avoid Imitations &Subtitutes AUGUST 8, 1919. Wants P. 0. Employes to Get 50 Per Cent. More Washington, Aug. B.—President Wilson was asked in n letter pre sented at the White House yester day to recommend to Congress on Increase of Ht'ty per cent, in the wages of post office and postal em ployes over the country to meet tho high cost of living. The letter was piesented by a delegation headed by Frank Morrison, secretary of tho American Federation of Labor. \ recommendation on this sub ject to the Congress favoring ade quate legislation in hehulf of this important group of American wage earners," the letter said, "would sharply diruct attention to the pos tu. wage problem—one that is fully as pressing as tho railroad wage problem and we are confident it wi'.l result in bringing merited relief." BITES-STINGS Wash tho effected surfaco with house- flgfl hold ammonia or warm salt water; then apply— AaXjKA yicrs vaporubsT YO'Jil BODYGUARD"-30f. "?-oe"o BUY FROM THE PRODUCER Avoid unreasonable prices and encourage = t the grower of fruits and vegetables by mak- 3 ing your market purchases directly from S t him. 3 We grow all the fruit and produce we of- 5 3 fer for sale on the city markets. jS 3 Call at our stalls in the Hill, Broad Street 3 3 and Chestnut Street Markets. Observe the 3 3 fine quality of what we offer and compare 3 our prices. 3 ROBERT J. WALTON East End Fruit and Truck Farm H Comfort Feet That Itch And Burn With Cuticura For tired, aching. Irritated. Itching leet warm baths with Cutlcur* Soap followed by gentle applications of Cuticura Oint ment are most successful. Soap 2S. OlnSm.nt 21 aad 80. Tsluta 2Be. Sold throughout the world. For sample such free addrtae: Cation Lab. craiorlaa. Dept. 25F, M.M.n, Mass." Cutlcur. Soap ikirw wtotuut mag.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers