ARMY PROGRAM WOULD COST MUCH General March Declares It Would Require Nine Billion Dollars Washington, Aug. S.—The perma nent military policy recommended by the War Department, involving, under revised estimates, a standing peace army of 576,000 and universal military training tor youths of nine teen years of age, would cost the country $900,000,000 annually, Gen eral Peyton C. Marsh, chief-of-staff, yesterday told the Senate Military Subcommittee, considering army legislation. General Marsh, who appeared as the first witness in behalf of the de partment's bill, was unable to con elude his statement yesterday and wilt appear again to-day. Secretary Baker will present his views to the committee next week, and General Pershing and other experts later. i if the $900,000,000 which the pro gram would cost, General March said $798,660,000 would be required for the upkeep of the proposed standing army, while three months intensive training for nineteen-year old youths would cost $94,066,500 annually. He estimated the pet capital cost for this training at sl4 4.75. General March said inquiries made by him during a recent inspection trip over the country showed that the present draft system has re sulted in men being turned out bet ter physically and morally than when they entered the service. General March said had the pro posed plan been in effect when tlie United States entered the war, the country would have saved "billions of dollars." Secretary Baker has been asked to appear before the committee next Thursday while General Pershing will also appear upon his return from France. Car Strikers Warned Against New Rioting Butler, Pa.. Aug. S. Striking shopmen of the four plants of the Standard Steel Car Company were warned last night by their leaders against a recurrence of threatened rioting during the day between pickets and nonstriking workmen. Chief Organizer 11. F. Riley told sixty delegates, representing 16 .unions and the 4.000 strikers at a meeting this afternoon that they must he law-abiding or they would be compelled to secure new leaders. Quiet prevailed through Butler and Ryndora, near here last night. Union Woman First to Be Federal Bureau Chief Washington, Aug. S. Appoint ment of Miss Mary Anderson as director of the Woman-in-Industry service of the Department of Rubor, announced by Secretary Wilson, brings a trade union woman for the first time into Government otlice as a Federal bureau chief. Bolshevik U-Boat Sunk in the Baltic ■ London. Aug. S. A Bolshevik 'submarine has been sunk in the Baltic sea by the British torpedo j boat destroyers Valorous and Van- j comer according to official state- ] nent issued by the admiralty last I evening. Dr. Edwin M. Bliss, Dies in Washington Now York. Aug. S.—The sudden death in Washington of Dr. Edwin Munsell Bliss, author and authority on missionary subjects, was an nounced here. He formerly was j associate editor of the Independent, j MIRREIISVILRE FIRM FAILS Lancaster, Pa., Aug. B.—The firm of McAllister & Kline, dealers in sheet metal and slag roofing, passed into the hands of a receiver yester day on a bill in equity filed by Amos McAllister, of Millersville, a member of the firm. McAllister explains in the bill that Kline handles till the company's business and made sev eral large collections three weeks ago. He has been seen neither at his home nor his business place since. CAMP COI.T NEAR END Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. B.—When the present week ends, Gettysburg as an army post will have passed into history. But three men, in cluding the commanding officer, are now stationed here. All the work will be finished by Saturday night, the records shipped away, the force of civilian clerks released, and the three men leave. DAIRYMEN HEAR SPEECHES Lock Haven. Pa„ Aug. 8. The Clinton County Cow Testing Asso ciation were guests at a banquet at the Clinton Country Club lust eve ning, at which Secretary of Agricul ture E. Rasmussen and several agri cultural experts from State College were present. The banquet was fol lowed by a public meeting in the in terest of securing a better quality In dairy herds. TEAM HIT IIV tt'TO Hagerxtoivn, Md., Aug. 8. Mrs. James \V. Winters, of Roxbury, was injured when a team in which she Was driving through Funkstown was struck by a large touring car owned by H. O. Bates, of Chicago. The ve hicle was badly damaged. Mrs. Win ters was brought to this city for treatment. FiCtTONIUIINE IN GAILY LIFE ' Experiences that read like fiction arc given daily by men and women . of unquestioned honesty and in tegrity on behalf of Tanlac. Dis couraged and depressed over their Inability to regain their lost health, thousands testify how Tanlac quickly corrected their troubles and lifted their spirits to the level of the world's cheerfulness. For years Thos. Pickrell, the well known Reading banker, says he took treatments and medicine without getting one particle of good until he found Tanlac. "My stomach was so badly disordered that I could scarcely eat anything, as food caused pain in my stomach, a chok ing sensation in my throat and a sickish feeling. Tanlac is a remark able remedy and 1 gladly recom mend it. Tunluc in now sold hero by all leading druggists. FRIDAY" EVENING, Elect Antonio Almeida President of Portugal Lisbon, Aug. B.—Antonio Almeida, ! I former Premier and Minister of Col- j J onies, was elected President of Por- | j tugal yesterday by Parliment. The election took place on a third ballot, j Senhor Almeida receiving 123 votes ' to 31 for other candidates. Thir- I teen members of Parliment ab- | stained from viting. , President-elect Almeida will take ! I oflice October 5. 1,100 Planes Sold by Army For S2OO Washington. Aug. 8.-—Aircraft ! and airplane engines which cost the 1 government an estimated price of $20,815,800, were sold for $2,720,- j 000, or about thirteen per cent.. Ma- j jor General Charles T. Menolicr, ' chief of aviation, told a House sub- j committee of the War Jnvestiga- j tion Committee yesterday. John E. Addicks, Gas Magnate, Dies New lork, Aug. S.—John Edward I Addicks, capitalist, gas magnate and j three times candidate -for United I States Senator from Delaware, died I here last night of heart disease. ; The body was removed to-day to Philadelphia, his birthplace, for burial. GET I.ICKNSK Tl> WKI) Hn K< rliMTn, Md.. Aug. B.—Marriage licenses were issued liero to the fol lowing couples from Pennsylvania: Elmer M. Beam and Maud Dunlap, both of Harrisburg; Vernon W. Wil , son, Snermansdale, and Maud L. Shet ter of Gardner's. WISK BROOMS 23c TOILET DEPARTMENT TOILET CREAMS Stillman's Freckle Cream ...,32c Elcaya Cream 45c DeMeridor Cream 33c Othine 69c Palmolive Cold Cream 38c Palmolive Vanishing Cream 38c Pompeian Night Cream, jar . . ,27c Pompeian Night Cream, jar . , ,53c Pompeian Day Cream 39c Pompeian Massage Cr. 39c, 48c, 73c L-Ame (La May) Cream 28c Ingram Milk Weed Cream, 38c, 75c Daggett & Ramsdell Cd Cr. 25c, 34c Kintho (Double Strength) ...68c Ken Klay (Double Strength), ,79c Lady Betty Greasy or Non-Greasy, 45c TALCUM POWDERS Mennen's Talcum 19c Mary Garden Talcum 45c Lady Mary Talcum 39c Red Cross Baby Talcum 13c Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum.. 14c Babcock's Cut Rose Talcum. . ,13c Cuticura Talcum 19c Waltz Dream Talcum 19c Dußarry Talcum 79c Fiancee Talcum 63c Lilas Da Rigaud 59c Stearate Zinc 17c Djer-Kiss Talcum 33c DENTAL CREAMS AND POWDERS Perfecto Tooth Paste 23c Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c Lyon's Tooth Paste or Powder. 17c Sanitol Tooth Paste or Powder, 20c Lilly's Tooth Paste 19c, 34c Euthymol Tooth Paste or Pow. 17c Arnica Tooth Soap 17c Lister's Tooth Soap 16c Colgate's Tooth Paste, 10c and 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder, 15c, 25c Pyrodenta Tooth Paste 24c S. S. White Tooth Paste 17c Pebeco Tooth Paste 34c FINE STATIONERY 23c to 83c Paper and envelopes by the pound Pinaud's Pinaud's Quinine Lilac Vegetal Hair Tonic 4 ounces.,. 48c 1 bottle 75c 8 ounces ...95c 3 bottles. .$2.19 15 ounce |j "Kennedy Sells It Cheaper" GOODS ALL STANDARD Warship Disabled on Way to San Diego; Being Towed to Port I Washington. Aug. B.—The battle- I | ship Khode Island, flagship of ! | squadron one lof tlie new Pacific i ; fleet, is being towed to Balboa, Can- I ]al Zone, with a broken propeller | ! shaft. The battleship North Caro- j ! line has the disabled dreadnaught | | in tow. Dispatches to the Navy Depart- I ! raent late to-day said the starboard I j shaft of the Rhode Island broke I when she was about 675 miles west | of Balboa en route to San Diego to | join the vanguard of the lleet. Al i though compartments in the after I part of the battleship were flood -1 ed, there were no casualties. American Motor Steamer Disabled; Asks Help | Halifax, N. S„ Aug. 8. The i American motor steamer Mount | Baker, hound from New York to j Liverpool, is disabled at sea and ' flashing radio calls for assistance, ; according to the Marine intelligence j otlice here. i Rater messages said that the ; American steamer Great Northern ; was standing by the Mount Baker. | The messages added that the Mount Baker's engine had broken down. ' PROPERTY OWNERS PROTEST Carlisle, Pa., Aug. B.—The bor ough council is again under fire. Residents of the northwest section of the town have entered a protest against the method of sewer work. It is claimed there was protracted loafing on the job that too many boys were employed and that delay caused damage and additional ex penses to adjoining properties. Kennedy's Saturday Specials FACE POWDERS Mary Garden Face Powder .. .75c Djer-Kiss Face Powder 51c Pompeian Face Powder 42c Swansdown Face Powder .... 13c La Trefle Face Powder $1.19 Flora Sweet 59c Lady Mary Face Powder 37c Elmo Face Powder 19c, 38c L-Ame (La May) Face Pw. 17c, 34c Pinaud's Face Powder 43c Sole-Mio Powder 79c Garden Fragrance Face Pow., 39c Fiancee Face Powder 79c Garden Allah Face Powder .. ,53c Pussywillow Face Powder .... 39c Freeman's Face Powder 19c Boomerang Face Powder ....79c SUMMER LOTIONS Hind's Honey and Aim. Cr. 39c, 79c Elmo Cumumber Cream 39c Quince Violet Cucumber 39c Frostilla 18c Ben Hazel Cream 59c Oriental Cream $1.09 Orchard White 27c DeMeridor Liquid Powder ... .34c Derma Viva 34c Velvet Cream 39c Pinaud's Liquid Powder 59c Jergen's Benzoin Almond Lo tion 28c TOILET SOAPS Cuticura Soap 2 for 37c Woodbury's Soap 2 for 37c Resinol Soap 19c Lysol Soap 18c D. D. D. Soap 19c Pears Scented Soap 22c Pears Unscented Soap.. .2 for 27c Olivilo Soap 3 for 25c Geranium Bath Soap ... .3 for 25c Phys. & Surg. Soap 3 for 25c Palmolive Soap 3 for 25c Palmer's Skin Soap 19c Derma Zema Soap 25c Roger & Gallet Violet Soap . ,43c Roger & Gallet Sandal Wood.. .43c Mavis Soap 23c ODOR DESTROYERS Mum "....19c Flora Sweet Deodorent 45c Odor Gone 28c Spiro Powder 19c Amoline Powder 19c, 39c Porto Rico $5.00 Gillette Bay Rum Sa£et y Razor Complete With 12 ounces 12 Blades 79c $3.75 HAJR.RISBURG TEILEGRAJPH Author and Editor of Youth's Companion, Dies, 111 Short Time Now York. Aug. 8. William J Nathaniel llarben, author ana as- ' | sociate editor of Youth's Companion, | died at his home here last night | I after a brief illness. Mr. Harben, ! j who was born in Dalton, Gu., in | 185S, is survived by his widow and j two children. Stars and Stripes to Fly From Port in Rhineland as Long as Troops Stay Coblenz, Aug. B.—The American ; flag will continue to fly from the i fortress of Ehrenbreitstcin so long ] I at United States troops hold a posi | tion here in the occupied area, ac- j The best bak- L°*t pou*9 • , |wrrjj mg powder at the price—no better powder at any price. RUMFORD | I | THE WHOLESOME BAKING POWDER Go buy it today ! 321 Market St cording to informal information by ! the Intcr-Allied lthineland Com- 1 mission. General Pershing:, it,is understood, LIVINGSTON'S 7 and 9 South Market Square } I .00 Hundreds of Women's $ X "V 00 f3) and Misses' | / \ = I —SUITS, COATS,CAPES C U |\| = | DOLMANS & DRESSES ill \ going at $5.00 and SIO.OO. Posi- I H I fH f ]V fl tively the greatest sale of worn- 1 tss / ||| f I 8 M en's wearing apparel ever at- \ J \ V tempted in Harrisburg. \ iSf We won't attempt to describe \ the articles at these prices— I v. Come and see for yourself. LIVINGSTON'S I _ _ _ August 9th 321 Market St. Cigars—Cigarettes CIGARS Factory Smokers 7 for 25c; 50 for $1.68 Thomas Willing 6 for 25c; 50 for $2.00 Bold 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Gen. Hartranft 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 R oig 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Counsellor 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 New Bachelor 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Even Steven 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Rose O'Cuba 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 "44" 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Knull's Ambrosia ....9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 White Statue 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Don Abilo 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 La Afinidad 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.59 Henrietta 3 for 50c; 50 for $3.59 Girard 3 for 50c; 50 for $3.59 Adlon 3 for 50c; 50 for $3.59 Wedding Veil 3 for 50c; 50 for $3.59 American Empire ....3 for 50c; 50 for $3.59 Manuel 3 for 50c; 50 for $3.59 CIGARETTES Fatime 20c Camels 15c Lucky Strikes 15c Lord Salisbury 15c Chesterfield 15c Murad 16c Natural ' 18c Melachrinos 18c Sweet Caporals 7c 15c Vali ICc Special Sweets Helm Assorted CHOCOLATES • I 49c Special Saturday 39c Hair Brush 34c 39c Cloth Brush 34c ! recommended that the Stars and 1 Stripes be kept on the fortress, j which has l>een an American garri son since last December. He also MEDICINE DEPARTMENT STANDARD PATENTS Fletcher's Castoria 25c Pinkham's Veg. Compound .. .80c Pierce's Discovery 79c Pierce's Prescription 79c Hood's Sarsaparilla 79c Ayer's Sarsaparilla 83c Gray's Glycerine Tonic, 43c, $1.03 Swifts Specific (S. S. S.), 69c, $1.13 Father John's Medicine.. .39c, 79c Stearns' Wine Cod Liver 79c Scott's Emulsion 45c, 89c Swamp-Root . 39c, 71c Gude's Pepto-Mangan 98c D. D. D. Eczema Remedy ... ,81c Lash's Bitters 85c Maltine Preparations 98c Wampole's Cod Liver Extract, 63c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin..3sc, 69c Nujol—2o ozs '..39 c, 79c Listerine 19c, 37c, 69c Fellows' Syrup Hpo 73c, $1.05 Bromo-Seltzer 19c, 37c, 75c Vinol (Original) 79c Tanlac 79 c California Syrup Figs 37c Beef, Iron and Wine (Pint),.. ,65c Lysol 19c, 39c, 73c Jad's Salts 53c Squibb's Mineral Oil 73c Miles' Nervine 79c HOME NEEDS . O'Cedar Polish 17c, 34c, 67c Liquid Veneer 19c, 39c 20-Mule Team Borax, 2 pounds, 21c 20-Mule Team Boric Acid, lb. 12c Sani Flush 19c Life Buoy Soap 2 for 15c Piatt's Chloride 28c, 49c Witch Hazel, pint 35c Egg Preserver 30c Lux Soap Chips 2 for 23c Epsom Salts, pound 9c Pluto Water 31c Sulphur Tablets 3 for 25c Colorite 19c Cotton (absorbent) Pound, 45c Rubber Gloves Pair, 39c Special Water Bottle 79c Special Syringe 79c $5.00 Auto Strop Ever-Ready Safety Razor, Compete With Razors, 12 blades, $4.39 79c KENNEDY LEADS-Others TRY to Follow AUGUST 8, 1919, recommended that Coblenz be made I American headquarters, | A decision by the Supreme Coun cil as to the area to be occupied HAIR PREPARATIONS Danderine 21c, 41c, 69c Wyeth Sage and Sulphur. .43c, 69c Hays' Hair Health. . .15c, 34c, 67c Sag Sage and Sulphur 45c O-han Restorer .. 49c Wild Root Tonic 41c, 79c Herpicide 39c, 79c Mary T. Goldman Restorer. .. ,98c Montgomery Hair Restorer... 83c Palmolive Shampoo 39c Elvera Shampoo 59c Fluff Dry Shampoo 21c. Liquid Cocoanut Oil Shampoo.39c Canthrox Shampoo 43c Barbo Comp 39c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil 39c PILLS AND TABLETS Horlick's Malted Milk (Hos pital) $2.75 Borden's Malted Milk (Hos pital) $2.75 Nesle's Food (Hospital) .45c, $2.49 Mellen's Food.. .2—75 c Jars, $1.05 Libby's Milk 14c Eskay's Food $2.69 Imperial Granum 60c, 89c Peptogenic Milk Powder 89c Pape's Diapepsin 33c 100 Bayer's Asperin Tablets . . .85c 100 Lehn & Fink Asperin Tab lets 69c 100 5-grain Cascara Tablets .. ,39c 100 5-grain Blaud Iron Pills . .. 19c 100 Calomel Tablets 19c 100 Bells-Ans Tablets 45c 200 Bliss Native Herbs 67c Hill's Cascara Quinine Tablets, 19c Groves' Bromo-Quinine Tab., 19c 100 Alophen Pills 55c Doan's Kidney Pills 42c OINTMENTS Musterole 19c, 39c Mentholatum 17c, 32c Musterine 19c, 39c Capsolin 19c Resinol Ointment 37c, 73c Poslam Ointment 40c Palmer's Skin Success 19c Vick's Vapo-Rub 19c, 39c Cuticura Ointment 19c, 39c K. Y. Jelly 19c 6 Gillette 6 Ever-Ready Blades, Blades, 39c 27 c 6 Auto Strop 5 Durham Blades, Duplex Blades, 39c 39c by the Elphth Infantry and other units which are to remain here, is expected to be announced some time next week. Cinderella, Diamond, Putnam and Dyola Dyes Any One—3 For 25c 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers