Miracle of a Child Learning to Talk Wireless telephones aeroplanes soaring at 120 miles an hour—trans- Atlantic flying—the plays of Shakes peare—there are so many things to marvel at we hardly know whether to be amazed by everything or by nothing. The wireless telephone seems to the unscientific almost the peak and summit of amazement; yet is it any more marvelous than the miracle every parent knows —that of a child first learning to talk? How and by what incredible magic does that small brain, so inexpres sive a few months earlier, grasp the astounding, inconceivable process of translating its consciousness into our complex and arbitrary symbols of speech? A few months ago the child and its puppy playmate were apparently on an intellectual par. What secret essence lies in the child's mind that leads it on to talk while the dog stays dumb—in our language at least? Explain the miracle of a child learning to talk, and we will be content to take the wireless telephone as a mere trifle in astonishment.—Colliers Weekly. BRITISH DIRIGIBLE, R-33, TO START FLIGHT TO INDIA London, Aug. 8. The British dirigible, R-33, sister ship \pf the R-34, which recently completed a round trip across the Atlantic, will probably start on her flight to India next week. FARMERS ON OPTING Tenements on the McCormick and Cameron farms, together with their families, to the number of 125, at tended the annual picnic at Big Head, near Hogestown. yesterday. Isaturdayl I FOR MEN 1 |_. _ „ I 1 |_ if I Sale of I Saturday Will Be a Big | | $19.95 (M | P| Suit Sale For Men and .VA \ \ p H Young Men [l' ['l "We want you to bear In mind that HEfl \(B||| I" the suits in this sale are worth from HH tjjjjfl IS tvi 125 to $55. They are the cream ot tSBSB ltllfl fit IjJ the season's styles and well made. Wffjj] |*| a, j,'; Through a very fortunate purchase. Yfgmk j'SWjj J-fj together with some of our own stock, fjESEB I j;,! 1 N; 1 y we have been able to hold this sale. VIM hj Si; Clothing prices will be higher this fall. £ja%| [ifi'3 ps [5 j The man who buys his suit now will i,SJa ! save a great deal of money. Every /EwV SS man who understands conditions will 1 fx\ S jl] want to buy one of these suits. All xiS-x* jSj the patterns are good. We have all ||V sizes and the models are the very best. jS hj Palm Beach Suits at K A few more to sell at the price. This Is the *r ? m■ JN last of them. Come In and buy at the low || Men's Suits-Special s£l9s E IN These are In sizes 34, 35, 36 only. They |SIJ IAI are bargains and you can bet you will get 1? g>>j a big value at this price. If your size Is in this Mr Rij lot—BUY. Suits in tho lot worth to $10.50. ® Two Lots of Men's Pants | HI d* 1 GfA * 0 r Men's I T| AP for Men's k! X•vl VI Khaki Pants j iplt/v Khaki and B ||j| in sizes 30 to 32. | blue serge Pants, 32 to 42. g K Men's Straw Hats • • $4 .95 1 |U Your choice of any Straw Hat In stock— H U Sjj Togo Panamas, Sennetts—no matter what |sj S HJ price they are marked. U iSi Boys' Wash 1 Boys' Wash d 1 d"\ 's IN Suits tpJL.UU Suits 3>I.DU \{ wS 3 to 8 years. 3 to 8 years. S |i||J The materials are neat Made of Kiddy cloth and |j|| IS stripe percales and madras. madras. New Norfolk mod- Ig M Norfolk models. e ] Si IjU Boys' Boys' Nor- GC hi foi *T4/C folk Suits, K I to C years. 8 to 17 years. IJ )hjl Made of dark blue stripe ... | y material. Two to six years ith two Pa |ra of pants; R| only. full lined; Norfolk models. n] Boys' Odd Boys' Nor- fiJO QC ft Sj Pants J/G folk Suits, g liv 13 to 17 years 13, 10, 17 years. || hj A splendid lot of stripe Cool cloth suits. Norfolk k crash par/ts; cut full. models. Less than one-half. if j I HT... T." 79c f„r s '. Ro T rs 9sc | | ?:j 2, 4 and 0 ycais. 2 to 0 years. Neat strtpa n rcale and EIIU , Btri P° madras romp- (1 tjft r ers in several different S ■ J madras romp cut full. shades. FRIDAY EVENING, Internal Revenue Office Is Being Organized The scope of service to Central Pennsylvania rendered by the Inter nal Revenue branch in this city, will be greatly increased under plans of enlargement, announced by S. P. Ba castow, deputy collector in charge of the local ofTice. Suvh enlargements were forecast several weeks ago, after the annonucement of the con solidation of the first and ninth dis tricts. of Pennsylvania. Arrangements for the establishment of the branch collector's office in this city, were completed yesterday, fol lowing the arrival of in this city of E. J. Hopkins, of the Department of Internal Revenue. A competent dep uty will be located here and a full of fice force secured. The contemplated changes will take place as soon as the necesary equip ment can be installed. Revenue fa cilities will be greatly enlarged, and all the advantages and convenience which can be had from the central office, will eb secured for Central Pennsylvanians from the new local office. KING ALBERT TO RECEIVE GENERAL PERSHING, SI'NDAY Brussels. Aug. 8. General John J. Pershing, the American Com mander-in-Chief, will be received by King Albert, next Sunday, at the King's country palace at Cierney, in the Ardennes. The visit will be un official and will be made in order that General Pershing may wish the King a personal good-by be fore leaving for the I'nited States. SHOW HOLLISU KITCHEN A Liberty Rolling Kitchen, such as was used for cooking meals for sol diers while on the march In France, is on exhibition in front of the Army Recruiting Station. 325 Market street. The is usually moved by being at tached to a motor truck or horse drawn vehicle and meals can be cooked while on the move. Now For a Rousing Big Saturday Sale| Store Open Saturday Store Open Saturday 0 Until 9 O'clock P. M. Until 9 O'clock P. M. | ! Wonderful Purchase and Sale of Voile Dresses 30C> Dresses---Values Range From SIO.OO to $12.50 I fngmeum 200 Purchased This Week CD A H [ W . 100 From Our Over Stock EVERY DRESS A NEW MODEL—EVERY DRESS A REMARKABLE VALUE , , _ These fine dresses are taken from our own regular stock of better voile dresses, and also consist of a very big purchase ° tle -i\/f neSt v ? f dresses from one of our best manufacturers. These dresses all together are among the prettiest shown this sea son. any o them are trimmed with taffeta. The models are the very latest and ea:h dress is exceptionally well made. Not one in the lot is worth less than $10.50, and many of them are worth sl2. The sizes are misses' 16, up to women's 44. All of them go in this sale to-morrow at this price—s4.9s. v Wash Skirts Silk Dresses Wash Skirt's also Taffeta Silk. All good w-,i? m GLrf,.f,f" Ilasc ® Women's and Misses' Silk Dresses— Women's and Misses' Wash Skirts— % L Assorted colors 1* f\ fii ?. ° 11 r A Made of TafTeta ;yid A m ,rx r* Made of Finest Gabar-drw P* /f\ (No blacks). Sizes to 30 Sj C|| Former s . ts V I SI I Satins; assorted colors QC dines; assorted stvlcs X V klf if waistband. Former Ld'DU Former prices up to and sizes. Former sell- ami sizes. Former prices t?U I II price, $4.00. .$...95. ing prices to $lO. to $4.00. ' V J V, V ) Saturday an Early Showing of Smart Fall Suits fr> _ f ° r t ° _ " lorrov ' a fine collection and a splendid assortment of women's and misses' early fall suits. The models are paricularly suitable wUI be fof fater W nur r c^gin^ r 'Si THis iS the time t0 bu * >' our earl y fall suit bccause P riccs ■ now titan tiiey will be for later purchasing. There are extra size suits among these models and many snappy models for the youthful figure The materials are Men's wear serges, poplins, silvertones, tricotines, velours and mixtures. y B materials ar„ mens $25.00, $29.50, $32.50, $35.00, $30.50 up to $65.00 W Continuing the Clearance of Women's and Children's Knit Underwear M W ,T en ' S w ink *? r i°° Women ' s Fine 9C - ! 300 Women's Fine O A 250 Women's Ribbed Of* Si Ribbed Gauze Vests Ribbed Lisle Vests Z3C t-,*i t_ a ~ n jj- HJ - 00 "Women's Pink Fine Ribbed Gauze 200 Women's Fine Ribbed ' Lisle Vests; lbbed Gauze Vests C Suits O C hi V'vf' . hodl^ e and V necks ' sleeveless, ° PS ' j Cumf F c,lt - v neck, can't slip shoulder straps, knee length," lace trimmed bot m slight imperfections; sizes 34. 36, 38. j 36. 38. bl " a ' [ Btrap „ flrgt quamy , „, M „ s6> ~g [ toma. first quality; regular and extra N 175 Children's 150 Women's n 1200 Children's jfl Gauze Vests j J 1 Union Suits I Union Suits JL ffl Rl6b • a f **P 1/ Kl . bM s „, u .Sn , Gauze \ ests, sleeveless and high I F these arc seconds of Knvser's well- II fi low neck, lace trimmed bottoms; S§3 uft Hi neck; open in front; sizes 2to 5 and the ,m P rrf eotions are %F first quality; sizes 4to 12. Three fur \# AH very slight Two for 91.35. • fii.oo. |U Middy Blouses, hi Extra Special MX p i Saturday... |iy Middies for women, |N misses and children —in white, green, rose and [ij blue made of good Sj.i quality material in a W number of styles, nicely hi trimmed, full cut; sizes S Bto h] House Dresses, a* a Extra Special \ 1 H S W Saturday . . . V ||j Women's Gingham j House Dresses, made of j hi tine quality ginghams in s* neat stripes, a number of |!|j very attractive styles, m neatly trimmed; sizes i Is 36 to 46. j hj I KAI'F.MAX'S Second Floor J 1 Items of Value in the Bargain Basement Saturday! S| I | GG C Matting Suit Cases $5 PrUcilla Electric Irons j Porch Swings i | Nickel plated with A Porch Savings, good strong % Jsjjj Ikl | ' r-..98c HMfllilF I ! cord and plug ' Spc " • Kind for, 1 js! M'l ii HASOfJ i dozen 30c Special Combination Mattress, Special lot of Matting Suit °** ' ! 4"fc f* CHI I ■, l&i j~:.. 8c $9.95, $1.95 $3.95 $2.95 fllf I jjj 71 , C ±£zil hite °™*t ics 11 T enn u I Buy Your Ru S s Now and Save Money (I I ' 36-inch good quality „ urk N ciles in all " ew Mcrc-crized White Poplin, ICIIIIIS Room size, 9x12 feet, Wool Fiber Rugs, good patterns $9 9 s ; Kfy V nu.ii:. • ,rTr..i iiv patterns, also plain voiles; 127 in wide Beautiful on r> • n ii t 1 t /- fe 1 yanviua iptf.WO Vk IU ) S™ v 1 19c Hemnant 29c quality yfrd . 39c D I , Room size 9x12 feet Japanese Crass Rugs. New designs $9.95 JLi 4 ' , LENBTH ?- F WHITE VOILE , Karkpt Imported Japanese Matting Rugs, 9x11.8. Special 54.95 4R| J DRESS GIXGHAMS p ' a >n White Mercerized 1 Hall Runners, made of Japanese Grass. size 27 in. xl 2ft $3.95 CjS 1 , .*>* ? rc8! ! Ginghams. 2 S inches wide, in pink. x oile ' 40 inches wide; good ■ Axminster Rugs, floral and oriental patterns, 27x34 ins Special S3 .19 ill ( Yard S . PeS '. 24 c :^ l n e in a B nrt white - Nee l* n ° YUT' 1 " 1 . ,' CnKth:i - 25 C I A Ti tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 ft. good variety of designs, each $24.95 ( I I p™ r , TPB i Yard 29c PA JAMA CHECKS j 111 >ls tut £'"e £ rad f Tapestry Rugs. 9x12 ft., floral and oriental patterns .$29.95 [ M 1 T~I , ~ DRESS GINGHAMS I 36-inch wide Pajuma /Jftk [Il S h grade Axminister Rugs, 9x12 ft., new rich patterns 839.95 J # Dark Bine and Gray 32 in. wide Dress Ging- j Checks; fine quality for It C nil m Percales, 3G Inches wide; hams, p'ain, stripe ar.-d athletic Underwear and f/m+i : f+ +VV iTTlTinYtpn COCOA DOOR MATi l T TMAT TPTTiv/ro 3 121 ■ extra good qualties. 04 plaids; extra good children's use OQ £jr3\ llllfJUl IKU L.V-/V-.W/A DUUK tVi/Yld LINOLEUMS D % Yard quality. Yard 00 c : Yard C ' t.\\ 14v?4 /v 1 HI M ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ffflfmn ffi|fll| itxz,-r B . g variety of new patterns— (fr # I Muslin SheeU Pillow Cases [SSif I P - £\r> " MC >1 % 72x90 Seamed Bleached *1 1Q ' 15x36 Muslin Pillow or- IbWffiS2lnil I 1 W, 1 fiQ Fine Printed Linoleums—good QO_ % Ist M Sheets ®l.l#j Caaeß SSC inches tp 1 sUt/ patterns, square yard I7OC £ Ml <lP/ | in^ 6 s2 o 3§ $1.48 j § CARIUfiBURG TECEOKXPH Senate Body Will Consider Probe of Mexican Situation By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. B.—Demands of j several Senators for a general in- I vestigation of the Mexican situation Women's Pumps, Oxfords, Shoes Four Bi{* Lots in Saturday's Sale One Lot of Women's One Lot of White r Canvas Pumps Lace Bools ' \\ $3.00 dj-j Qr $3.00 <D| Chez \\\ Value, pr.. ■$ i• y O Value \\ m\ 1\ I.ouis anil military heel: white Louis heels; flexible soles il.Wlli \ \\ ',W| turned so a ios. Blxe^T'to i" l ° Width C ' , " j|fl| A I^4 Pumps and Pumps and /■4 w\ Oxfords . Oxfords MJ \\ VZ. $3.83 $3.83 X y Beaver Brown Kid Oxfords with j Oxford's:" V military and leather Louis heels on with military, covered and leather V the new English and long plain toe Louis heels; English tin and n Jin V?X \ tfi; wwth rt £? C.V° IC "- klZea !L" C.'r. 81 *' Si ™ " w P .dt£ \ KAIF3IA.VS Flr( Floor J will be considered to-morrow by the I Senate Foreign Relations Commit tee. A special meeting of the com mittee for that time was culled | yesterday by Chairman Lodge. ! I Republican members of the com j mittee said that they felt confident the committee would approve the proposed investigation and that if the Senate acquiesced a subcom mittee probably would be appointed I I and hearings held on the Mexican I border as well as in Washington. Demand for an inquiry by the j I Senate Committee. Senators said, i ' resulted partly from failure of the House to act on a resolution now I before the Rules Committee pro posing an Inquiry into American and Mexican relations. I l?se McNeil's Tain Exterminator—Ad. AUGUST 8, 1919. POSSESSING REMARKABLE BEAUTIFYING PROPER- J M fflQf Beasts* \V|V\ ties yet absolutely harmless all shades. "J r. - tiBSl /r.'fJVW WBVa defies detection why not retain your youthful J M V-f 1 * H USfc Vli'W ft aJ)' -DARLING" moulyicht ROUGE. 35c A BOX 4 L( VtamJl /&!> " ADOLPH KLAR J , Ul TTH HIM AW.M't M w V. .R>. Middy Blouses, Extra Spe cial Satur- d? •% AF* day Jfe 1 0 45 Fine Jean Middies for Women, Misses and Children—in all white and white with colored collar and cults—pretty styles, well made, full cut. sizes 8 to 22. ICAITMAIi'S Second Floor V __ J Pink and White Ccrjets, Extra Special $ i o Saturday J. o \J Pink and white Corsets, popu lar makes, made of Cout:l and Batiste, in models for the slen der and average figure, topless, medium and high bust, well boned, four b.ooe supporters, sixes 13 to 30. IIAI PJIAS'H Second Floor V J Muslin Gowns, Extra Spe cial Satur- (J£> "1 h)Q day A a &a *5 Muslin Gowns, slip over styles, lace and embroidery- trimmed, full cut, made of good cju-alliy Kjualln, all sizes. KAt PMAjra rccond Floor \ J Envelope Chemise, Extra Spe- h|| cial Satur- fV Q _ day yOC (}] Nainsook Envelope Chemise. K;1 trimmed hack and front with IjlJ lace and emhroidery. some ribbon lis strapped over shoulder, out full bell shape, sizes 36 to 14. KM'FMA.VS Second Floor |t? Girls' Dresses, Extra Spe- kh cial Satur- $3.951 Girls' Middle Dresses, regula- Is tion styles, made of Lonsdale Jean, embroidered sleeve, in plain white and white with color trim mod colors and cuffs, sizes 6to lJ* LI years. KAI FMAVS Second Floor Children's Dresses, Extra Spe sl-95 S Children's tine Gingham Dresses gj in plain colors, plaids and checks. ISII beautifully smocked and embroid- lj|J ered, perfectly made and tinish ed. sizes 2 to 6 years. jjj|| KAI F.MAS'S Second Floor J^j Voile Waists, Extra Special 17; sioo White and Colored Voile |[|4 Waists shown fn more than jSj twenty different styles; Lace em- nil broidery, frilled or plain tailored |a| models, well made,. Cull cut, sizes Sit to 46. nil KAI EMAVS First Floor g!a!| i Silk Waists, Extra Special Satur- <s£ O (TV P* hi day iP'Z.t/b S. Crepe de Chine and Georgina j{J Waists, flesh and white in plain >. and embroidered stylea, all very Isl attractive, full out, perfectly Ijil made, sizes 36 to 46. IvACFHA-TS Fllrst Floor Kj SilkWaisfs, a i Cj Extra Special M.JjO i Saturday . . fjj Beautiful Georgette Sj Waists, white, flesh, jIM navy, black, brown, gray jsl and other good colors, all prettily beaded and embroidered, shown in a number of styles; sizes |||! 36 to 46. jj|| v iil Corsels, Extra aq Afti s ? - a .ai sat- | Elsie, Warner, P. X. nj and Royal Worcester Corsets, models adapt- ||jjj| ed to any figure in top- Si less, low, medium and |l|j high bust, all well |jj| boned; made of coutils !§j and broches, fitted with |[®J four and six hose sup porters, both back and front-laced styles; sizes nj 19 to 36. " H v nil 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers