6 VERY RICH AND VERY POOR HAVE SEVERAL WIVES Turkey's Part in Great War Told Chamber of Com merce by Louis Heck The spacious ballroom of the Penn-Harris was crowded to-day with representative Harrisburg men and women, for the fair sex had re ceived a special invitation to the Chamber of Commerce luncheon where the speaker of the day was Lewis Heck, a native son just re turned as American Commissioner to Turkey. E. J. Stackpole presided as temporary chairman, after Secretary Jackson had announced two big events for the Chamber of Com merce, namely, a "June oyJ Jaunt" next week to Colonial Club, starting at 4 p. m„ with special, cars Triangle Pepperroinls are made from the/inest "XXXX" pulverized, su£ar and pure super oil mini! compress ea into good coQ/ection TheV ampcicKigd in tin^)il..lined Waji paper, jhen>3ePeryfresK. Handy to PSSC . Peppermint Vifelagreeo CloVe Cimaroon m . * m - i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.il jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi^^ See the New Hudson Super-Six % It Is Jast Such a Quality Car As You Might Expect—Yfe Are Now Showing It How often you must have heard users say The development in beauty kept pace with the Super-Six is potentially the finest auto- the improvement in mechanical detail mobile that is built. . , . . Hudsons became pattern cars that the whole Four years with 60,000 cars in use have industry recognizes, shown how to free it from many of the annoy- J 6 ances regarded as inevitable to all cars. It expresses the attainment of an ideal long Un That Experience cheri-rhed but never before possible. A New Huson Was Built Experience Showed Such a car would be impossible of any the Way Other organization. The men responsible for the Super-Six are likewise responsible for its Hudsons have been leaders for ten years. development. They have retained all its The Super-Six was the result of six years' ex- earlier advantages> It is th fi perience. It marked a new advance M motor 1 b . MM nne car cars, for it minimized vibration and added to you know> but lt 1S enhanced tn ways that endurance without sacrificing simplicity or meet the standard of our ideal, increasing weight. It gave 72% more power than other motors The New Price Is of equal size. $1975 f. o. b. Detroit A new motoring pleasure resulted. There Every season has seen a Hudson shortage, was power for any emergency. There were Buyers have waited months to get the car of speed possibilities beyond the needs of any their choice driver. That was shown in its establishing speed- . the " ew Super-Six gets into its nat wav records that are known to everyone. " ra u U^ C if S have to wait their turn. There has been a marked Hudson short- As a result the Super-Six became the larg- age for more than a year, est selling fine car in the world. . This new price would in itself create a big Each year saw an advancement over pre- demand. But that $1975 buys a finer Super vious models. Six must mean more people will want it. Its What was learned from cars delivered over sale bc tremendous served to make subsequent cars finer and For that reason you will want to see the more durable. new Hudson Super-Six as soon as possible. Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car Co. Salesroom Service Station 116 Market St. Court and Cranberry St*. Harrisburg, Pa. WEDNESDAY EVENING, carrying the patrons from Market Square, and the regular August pic nic. The secretary gave as the number of members 940, and said the total' of 1,000 will soon be secured. ' Mr. Stackpole gave the speaker of the day a rousing welcome to his home town. Mr. Heck was roundly applauded as he took up the descrip tion of Turkey as she was, is and will be. When he reuched the point of the Turkish women big uudi ence relaxed into hearty laughter at his information that polygamy is getting very Scarce because "it is too expensive." He stated that only twenty per cent, of the Turks lux uriate in plurality of wives, the very rich and the very poor. The latter, he said, get a second or third wife chiefly* from the hope of making workers of them, much as they would buy a donkey. A divorce in Turkey is secured simply by the man repeating three times, just like this: "I want a divorce." He gets it in jig time, but has to pay something to the lady's father. Women do not have this privilege. The speaker told how highly America is regarded by Syria and Palestine, and how they count on Uncle Sam conducting an immense trade with that region, instead of the paltry commerce of yore. Ho related that Constantinople is waking up that men of substance are admitting foreigners to their home, that women are getting more free dom, the veil being nearly done away with in Constantinople. An interesting feature was the telling by Mr. Heck, whose home is at Hecktown, near Harrisburg, of Germany's energy in pulling the Turks into war, for the country really did not want to fight England or France. German officers ran the army and found the Turks very brave because they all believe they will go direct to their heaven if killed in battle, so they have no fear of death. They are sorry now they allowed the Huns to ruin their coun try, for It Is not only a "sick man" but a "dying man." When Mr. Heck left Constantinople sugar was $2,50 pound: kerosene $9 a gallon: ovor shoee sl7 a pair. The country is materially exhausted: even the his toric cedars of Lebanon- hnvo all been out down for fire wood. The speaker predicted & huge trade with the near East and he says America can have all of it, so popular is Unole Bam with the natives of every country in the near East. HjaiBJBBUKU jfiHh TEOammnf THOUSANDS TO ATTEND PICNIC [Continued from First Pago] Brunner; substitute, Grace FTeeburn. About 200 will attend from our school." Some changes have been made In the general program and the Tele graph to-day gives thp line of events so that all may realize what a "Jazz" day it is going to be: Points scored will count: First place, five points; second place, three points; third place, two points; fourth place, one point. % Points doubled for p'lace winners in spelling match. 9 A. M.—Cars arrive to given points for children. 9.30 A. M.—Cars arrive at Park. 10.00 A. M.—Bo-yard dash for boys' third and fourth grades. (Heats if necessary) 10.10 A. M.—Bo-yard daah for girls, third and fourth grades. 10.20 A. M.—3o-yard egg race for girls, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth grades. 10.30 A. M.—3o-yard egg race for girls, third and fourth grades. 10.40 A. M.—Peanut race for small girls (fifty feet In length). 10.50 A. M.—Sewing contest for teachers. 11.00 A. M.—Long distance relay race for Boy Scouts from Telegraph building to Paxtang Park. 11.10—Shoe race for small boys. 11.20 A. M.—Three standing broad jumps, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth grades; three standing broad jumps, third and fourth grades. 11.30 A. M. —50-yard dash for boys, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth grades. 11.36 A. M.—so-yard dash for girls, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth grades. 11.50 A. M.—Obstacle race for boys, all grades. 12.05 P. M.—Long distance run aronnd lake for seventh and eighth grades. 12.10 —Tug of war by boys of all grades. 12.30 P. M.—Mess call for dinner. (Long ball game for two good girl teams and volley ball games to be run off at the convenience of the field marshal). 1 to 2 P .M.—Band concert and all schools massed on lawn to sing the "Star Spangled Banner" under direction of Professor Rose. 2.15 P. M.—Show in theater. 4.00 P. M. —Spelling match; speakers of the day; award of prizes. 6.00 P. M.—Massed schools sing ing patriotic songs. SENTIMENT AGAINST SIGNING THE PACT [ConUntied from First Page] the end agree to the terma. Those familiar with the changes in the Treaty say the German leaders can, If they wish, make It appear they had gained concessions through ne gotiation. Americana Ready to Invade Marshal Foch, commander-in chief of the Allied armies, has Is sued orders that preparations be made for an advance eastward from the Rhine bridgeheads as soon aa the Germans refuse to meet the Al lied terms. If that action should be taken. American forces are all ready and. If the occasion should require, can start on short notice in battle formation toward the Interior of Germany- Austria Makes Reply The Austrian reply to the frag mentary Treaty submitted at St, Germ&in has been handed to the Peace Conference and is being trans lated for submission to the Council of Five. Nothing aa to ita nature has been made public at Paris, but Vienna dispatches say that news papers there are publishing a sum mary of the reply, which seems to consist largely of objections to the territorial clhuses of the Treaty. Foreign Ministers Meet With President Wilson in Bel gium and Premier Lloyd George at Verdun to-day and to-morrow, the Council of Five will mark time. The only Peace Conference body in ses sion to-day was the Council of For eign Ministers. Final consideration of the Austrian terms Is planned for Friday, and it Is believed that the Austrians will receive the full text of the terms on Saturday. C. DAY RUDY DIES SUDDENLY [aSCJ UIOJJ IDUnUO3] stained glass; vice-president of the Landis Savings Club Company, sec retary of the 801 l Bros. Manufactur ing Company and former president of the Slxteeners Association of Pennsylvania. He was a member of Robert Burns Lodge, Free and Ac cepted Masons; Harrlsburg Consis tory, Zembo Shrine and Grace Methodist Church. Funeral services will be held I' ri day afternoon at 4 o'clock under the allspices of the Masons. The Rev. H N. Bassler officiating in the ab sence of Dr. Bagnell. Pittsburgh Wants Games With Harrisburg Team Pittsburgh, Pa., Jun 15 Would you kindly inform me if there are any good semipro or steel league team playing ball in Harrisburg this sea son, or any league of any kind? I would like to have the address of one or two managers who handle good teams in that section. I will be very glad If you will let me know. Thanking you In advance X remain. Very Respectfully, W. E. McCONNELL. 524 West Jefferson street- Boy Scouts to Play For City Championship Troop It. B. S. A., evened up the series for championship of the city of Scout teams by winnlg a forfeit game from Troop 22 by the score of 9 to 0. The manager of the Troop 22 team is asked to get in touch with the manager of Troop 1 team to ar range the final game, which will de cide the city's championship. The game to be played on the H. A. C. grounds. • On Thursday, June 26. Troop Eleven's team will go to Duncannon to play the Scout team of that place. All the players are asked to report at Market Square not later than 4.30 p. m.. to go by truck to Duncannon. Boy Scout teams desiring games with Troop 11 should get in touch with Manager Rodgers, 1298 State street INSPECT DIVISION An inspection ,was made to-day of the Philadelphia division of the Pennsylvania railroad. The inspec tion party included N. W.' Smith, general superintendent of the East ern divisions, and William Elmer, superintendent of the Philadelphia division. It is understood that ex tensive repairs and improvements will be taken up at an early date. Hempt's Home Run Won For Electricians in the Bethlehem Steel League Hempt's home run over the left field fence With two men on bases gave the Electricians the decision over the Machine Shop in last even ing's game. This is Peacock's sixth straight victory, and gives the Elec tricians a lead of two games. G. Zerance played a great game at third base, Landis and rtooks did the best work for the Machine Shop. MACHINE SHOP AB. R. H. O. A. E. Krout, cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Gardner, ss...z 3 0 1 2 1 1 Books, lb 3 0 1 8 0 0 White, c 3 0 0 6 0 0 Landis, p 1 0 j j j , to ~e r' 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 Sellers, 3b .... 3 0 0 0 1 0 Nesser, If 3 0 0 1 0 0 Push . rt 3 1 1 0 0 0 Totals 25 1 ~6 18 ~5 ~2 ELECTRICIANS AB. R. H. O. A. E. Murphy 3 0 0 0 2 0 G. Zerance .... 3 1 2 2 7 0 Hempt 3 1 in 0 0 Hornbergcr .... 2 0 0 2 1 0 Wagner 3 0 0 0 0 0 Sheafter 3 0 1 4 1 0 J. Zerawce .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Peacock 2 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 23 3 4 21 13 0 Machine Shop . . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Electricians .... 0 0 0 3 0 0 x 3 Home run, Hempt. Sacrifice hits, Etter, Hornberger. Struck out, by Landis, 6 Peacock, 4. Base on balls, off Landis, 1; Peacock, 2. Left on base. Machine Shop, 6; Electricians, 4. Stolen bases. G. Zerance, Reily. Passed balls. White. Umpire, Tag gert. Lemoyne Beats Marysville; Enswiler Strikes Out 16 Lemoyne, in a very fast game, eclipsed Marysville yesterday by a score of 10-2. Sanders also twirled a fine game, but the hitting was hard by Lemoyne batters. Lemoyne will play Shiremanetown on the' GREAT OLD REMEDY FOR SKIN DISEASES S. S. S. Clears Skin of Erup tions—Drives Poison From the System Get it fixed in your mind that skin eruptions. Eczema, burning, itching skin, and all skin diseases are due entirely to impure and in fected blood. If the trouble was on the outside of the skin, by simply washing and keeping It clean you could obtain relief—not even oint ments, lotions, and salves would be necessary. Agree with us in this belief, and your trouble can be re lieved —you can be entirely restored to health. 8. S. S. is a purely vege table treatment that you can secure from your own druggist—it is a blood tonic that will purify your "I Was Sick and Run Down All Over, Weak, Worn Out" Another Williamsport man who had faith In the pure, safe, Nature remedies he knew about and could trust, has found quick relief from a miserable condition, he tells in a splendid endorsement given to Nat onex, the Nature medicine that we ik, ailing, nervous, run down men and women here are publicly en dorsing every day. The statement of Daniel Hain. of 23 Dußols street, Williamsport, will bring encouragement to so many sufferers here. "I have had kidney and bladder trouble for a long time," Mr. Hain explained. "These organs were in a very weakened condition and nat urally would not perform their duties. Any one who has suffered from disordered or weakened kid neys will know how miserable I felt. "I did not have any sharp pains. I was Just sick and run down all over. I was weak and worn out. "I finally read of Natonex in the papers and I recognized the roots and herbs that I have great faith in. I started on Natonex and it went to work quickly, purifying and invigo rating my kidneys and my whole system. "I have been BO greatly benefited that I know my system needs a real cleansing and I am going to keep on with Natonex a while longer. "I am leaving the latter part of this week to visit my daughter in Texas. I have not seen her in ten years, so I want to feol my best and I am going to take Natonex with me." "These Nature remedies in which Mr. Hain had such faith are the 12 most famous of Nature's gifts and they are all combined in Natonex," said th'c fjatonex representative who HARVESTING MACHINERY Mowers, Binders, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Corn Binders, Tractors, Quality Seeds Every kind of Modern Farm Machinery and Equipment. We have furnished entire equipments to those just start ing farming. We are prepared to furnish you anything ydu want for your farm. Make Schell's Seed Store your dependable headquarters. Right prices, quick delivery, pleasing intelligent service, for square satisfaction in everything, very liberal terms. If you have a used machine you wish to trade in on a new one see us about it. Plows, Disc Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Cultivators, Grain Drills, Ensilage Cutters and Shredders, Silos, Wagons, Dairy Equipment, Milking Machines, Separa tors, etc. WALTER S.SCHELL Quality Seeds They Grow Better—They Yield Better 1307-1309 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG Both Phones home ground Thursday evening. The score: LEMOTNE AB. R. H. O. A. E. Kutz, 2b 5 0 2 2 1 1 Zimmerman, 3b 5 12 12 0 Thomas, lb 5 2 3 5 0 0 Fair, c 5 ,1 0 16 0 0 Myers, as 5 0 0 3 2 1 Enswiler, p... 5 1 1 0 1 0 Free, If 2 1 1 0 0 0 Moul, rf 5 1 0 0 0 0 Beistllne, cf- ... 5 2 2 0 0 0 Strine, If 3 1 1 0 0 0 Total 44 10 12 27 6 2 MARYSVILLE AB. R. H. O. A. E. E. Roberts, lb . 4 1 2 10 0 0 F. Sanders, 3b.. 4 0 0 0 0 l R. Benfer, ss. . 4 0 1 1 2 0 D. Clendenin, c. 4 0 1 6 0 0 D. Sanders, p.. 4 0 0 2 1 1 M. Willard, rf .. 4 0 0 0 0 0 D. Bear, cf ... 3 0 0 1 0 0 O. Dickers, 2b . 3 1 1 3 1 2 J. Benfer. If ... 3 0 0 1 0 0 Total 33 2 5 24 5 4 Lemoyne 00030313 x —lo Marysvllle 002000 0 0 o—2 Two base hits—R. Benfer, Kutz. Sacrifice hits—Myers, Kutz. Struck out—Enswiler, 16: D. Sanders, 6. Base on balls—Zimmerman, Strine. Hit by pitcher—Fair, 2: Strine, My ers. Time—6.4s. Umpire—Deshong. BASEBALL RESULTS NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results Chica'go, 7; New York, 2. Pittsburgh, 6; Philadelphia, 0. Brooklyn at St. Louis, rain. Boston at Cincinnati, rain. Standing of the Clubs W. L. Pet. New York 30 14 >2l Cincinnati 27 18 .60 r Chicago 25 21 .547 Pittsburgh 25 21 .547 St Louis 21 24 .'67 Brooklyn 21 26 .447 Philadelphia 15 26 .365 Boston 14 28 .333 Schedule FOP To-day Boston at Pittsburgh. Brooklyn at Chicago. New York at St Louis. Philadelphia at Cincinnati. AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results i New York, 5; St. Louis, 2. blood arid cause a most decided abatement of your trouble, and fin ally make you entirely well. Fifty years ago S. S. S. was discovered and given to suffering mankind. During this period it h..s proven its remarkable curative properties as a blood purifier and tonic, and has re lieved thousands of cases of disease caused by poor or impure blood. You can be relieved, but you must take S. S. S. Take it if only pim ples appear, for they denote bad blood, and may be followed by the sufferings from tc-*-<ring skin erup tions. Therefore be sure. Don't take chances, don't use lotions. If yours is a special case, write fir ex pert medical advice. Address Medi cal Director, 258 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. is here. Each Nature remedy is noted for a special relief, and com bined, they are designed to purify and strengthen the entire digestive tract so that Nature can create a better digestion, purer blood, real nerve vigor and bodilv strength. Nothing secret about Natonex. You do not have to be convinced that Natonex will be good for you. You know these Nature remedies too well to question them. Your conlmon sense tells you it is safe — no alcohol or narcotics. These are the Nature remedies: Dandelion Root, Nature's liver tonic; Gentian Root, for indigestion and to mildly increase the force of blood circulation; Juniper Berries, to cleanse and purify kidneys and blad der; Sarsaparilla Root, for the blood. Jamaica Ginger Root, to warm the stomaoh, increase the flow of diges tive juices and nourish the stomach blood supply; Peruvian Bark, to sub due feverish condition; Rhubarb Root, to dislodge the waste matter that causes acute constipation; Prickly Ash Bark, for a languid run down system. Valerian Root, to tone the nerves and reduce the sleeplessness of stomach sufferers; Linseed, to re lieve congestion; Cascara Bark, the bowel tonic, and Bicarbonate of Soda to sweeten acid stomach, stop food fermentation and relieve gas bloat ing. You can even test Natonex free by calling on the special representative at the Gorgaa Drug Store, 16 North Third street. Natonex is now sold by the lead ing druggists in every town. If your druggist can't supply you, don't take a substitute and don't wait, address the Gorgas Drug Store, Harrlsburg. JUNE 18, 1919. Chicago, 7; Philadelphia, 6. Cleveland. 4; Boston, 3, morning. Cleveland, 3; Boston, 2, afternoon. Washington, 2; Detroit, 1. Standing of the Clubs W. L. Pet. Chicago 30 15 .666 Cleveland *#o 16 .644 New York 26 15 .634 St. Louis 22 22 .500 Detroit 21 23 .477 Boston 18 23 .439 Washington 16 27 .372 Athletics 9 32 .219 Schednle For To-day St. Louis at Boston. MORE RED BLOOD AND STEADIER NERVES FOR RUN DOWN PEOPLE The World Demands, Strong, Vigorous, Keen-Minded, Men and Women ; It has been said of Americans that they work their habits over time. Many become nervous and inefficient by overwork. By worry, despondency, social affairs, robbing brain and body fof needed rest; excessive use of tobacco, indulgence in strong alco holic drink—excesses of every kind that burn up the vital powers so necessary in these trying times to make both men and women lit to be of help to themselves and others. It is time to be temperate in all things. The man or woman with impaired nerves caused by impoverished blood lacks vigor, the ambition, the endurance and the keen mind of those who avoid excesses, r Timldness, despondency, fear, trembling linnds. want of confidence and even cowardliness, are due in a large measure to abused nerves. People with plenty of red bleed cerpaselea and strong, healthy nerves here ne desire to shirk work and lean on others far guidance and support. There Is hardly a nerve-sliattered man or woman (unless of on organic disease) in America today who cannot become alert and clear in mind; vigorous and energetic in body in & very few weeks aud at trifling cost. Te became strong and aahitioas, to feel that wark Is not drudgery; ta have steady nerves, abandance of red blood and power of endaronee; ta be not only O man bat as men now go, a superman, yon mast take seven tablets af! Bie-feren every day for seven days—and take them faithfally. Take two after each meal and one at bedtime and after seven days take ' one oniy after meal unUl the supply is exhausted. Then If you feel that any claim made In this special notice is untrue—lf your nerves are not twice as steady as before; if you do not feel ambitious, more vigorous and Vcen-mlnded, the pharmacist who dispensed the tablets to you will gladly hand you back just what you paid for them. Bio-feren Is without doubt the grandest remedy for nervous, rundown, weak, anaemic men and women ever offered direct through druggists and is not at all expensive. All druggists la this city and vicinity have a supply on hand—sell many packages. Th ot fi" "M"I p T7M rinv jjf T ■ I BROADWAY, * 32d A 33d STS. N I I 4 YORK ' - . I One Block from Penna. Station. 600 B Baggage Transferred Free ROOMS \ I e** 400YBATHS J II Direct Entrance to B'wuy Sub- I I Hmbon Rates; —From $2 Per Day j Jt/ JcT A SPECIALTY ' ' J 1 2| ISS PLEASANT ROOMS With Private Bath j Vffl# . s3y Pert Day U • V KfljtjH / . The Martinique Restaurants Are WeO Known far Good I Food and Reasonable Prices * l INTERN T FOR $ % REPEAT ORDERS ♦ <► - "Harrisburg, Pa., June 17, 1919. <f> ❖ International Harvester Company of America, #. ♦ Harrisburg, Pa % ♦ ❖ Gentlemen:—Referring to the INTERNATIONAL Motor Trucks ♦ <♦ we are using, wish to say we purchased the first truck from your ♦ jf Company about, three years ago. This was a one-ton capacity and ♦ T gave, us such good service that we gave you an order for another ♦ v truck the same year. v ♦ This second one-ton truck we found equally as good as the first. * Y We have used it now around two years and the results of both trucks X T were so gratifying that in May of this year our business demanded X 2, another truck and we again called on you for a Model H. three-quar- T T ter-ton INTERNATIONAL truck. X X The durability of your motor trucks and the good service ren- X 3, dered by the International Harvester Company to their truck owners a. X is OUR reasons for using INTERNATIONIi. X X Yours very truly, X 4> STANDARD BAKING COMPANY, * #► By F. W. Graupner, ♦ ♦ Manager." | Next week we will hear from another Baker in this town * * CRISPEN MOTOR CAR COMPANY * 103 MARKET ST. HARRISBURG, PA. % ♦ Service Station, No. 27 X. Cameron Street ♦ t 4 Say KING OSCAR N to your dealer and pass him 7t, and then he will give you your money's worth of real smoke comfort. John C, Herman & Co, Harrisburg, Pa. To-day Try One ■ - ———■——! Cleveland at New Yorlf Chicago at Washington Detroit at Philadelphia. VALUABLE RING RECOVERED Waynesboro, Pa., June 18.—To have lost and after six months re covered her 8400 diamond and pearl cluster ring, is the unique experi ence of Mrs. Isaac H. Bloom, wife of a well-known local merchant The jewel was recovered from a young woman livir|T at Greencastle, ■ to whom it had been given by tho finder.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers