IHSPj all ike RSJXSJKJ ilPjl " When a Girl Marries" By ANN LISLK A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife J CHAPTER CCXXV. (Copyright, 1919, King Features Syndicate, Inc.) "Haven't we met before?" asked Mrs. Stoughton, a well-groomed, pearl-decorated neighbor, as Evvy presented her to Valerie Cosby, on the evening of her dance at Mason Towers. "0h —have we?" asked Valerie, the cream of her voice slightly soured. "How nice!" purred Evvy. "Old friends." "Yes, it was about six years ago. AVe were staying at a hotel in Can ada, and you and Mr. Cosby motored through one evening. 1 remember the name perfectly," replied Mrs. Stoughton with an air of great posi tiveness. For the moment Val seemed bored, hut her expression changed sudden ly to apprehension and something bordering on terror when Mrs. Stoughton cried out: "Oh, there's Mr. Cosby now! I'd remember him anywhere. But some how. I wouldn't have known you if His Idea of a Slice Comes natural to a boy to know when things taste right. Comes natural, too, for him to want a lot of it. That's why one should be careful to give him GUNZENHAUSER AMERICAN-MAID BREAD because it is clean, health ful,nutritious and awon derfully well - balanced food for a growing child. Older folks like it, too. The GUNZENHAUSER Bakery f. | I E3 I Protect— I H. in I Four Clothes From Moth j by Using a Goldsmith 8 Cedar Chest S Make one of our genuine Red = , Cedar Chests the safety deposit box = for your winter furs and clothing— |p M blankets —in fact anything you want H to keep away from moth. g GOLDSMITH Cedar Chests are H' made of the most ODOROUS Ten- S nessee Red Cedar —of superior con- M struction and finish. H' All styles —all sizes. Cedar Chests, $17.50 to $65.00 Utility Boxes, $6.50 to $12.50 I GOLDSMITH'S I | NORTH MARKET SQUARE j M Central Penna.'s Best Furniture Store M miiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiniiiiiwl WEDNESDAY EVENING, | Evvy hadn't introduced us. She was] s | so sweet about making a point of having us meet again when I told) | her 1 thought we'd met years ago." j j Val turned her head lazily and j i fixed her narrowing eyes on Evvy. 'Never had Evvy's wide blue eyes j been more childlike and bland; but I; | felt something rapier-like dart be | tween the two women, and a mall j cious smile crinkled Evvy's lips for j the fraction of a second. I Then Jim came lo claim Val for; ; the waltz 1 longed to have with him. j So, seeing Tom Mason bearing down on me with a purposeful air, 1 didn't Ignore the signaling fore linger Lane Cosby was waving at me across the room, and went half way to meet him. "You've been too darned popular with these hunting, golfing country gentlemen to-night," he said with | heavy gallantry, as he steered me ; out for a bit of equally heavy danc-i j ing. "Who was that woman you | | were talking to? She's been star- 1 ling at me all evening, Stoughton?! j Don't remember the name." Then he stopped talking and' j saved his short breath for the | dance. Mercifully the first encore proved! I enough for the big brown bear and i ! he suggested we go out to the por-, j tico for a breeze and a glass of punch. "It's a shame that handsome! young brother of yours can't be j down to-night," he said as he sipped his cooling drink. "Little Evvy re-j covered all right, and I should! j think his nerve might have been as ( good as hers." "He rescued her and had the 1 strain of swimming in and bring ing her too," I began defensively, and then my eyes were attracted to! a room that had suddenly sprung] l into light just above the portico, at! right angles from where we were sitting. Before the curtain was pulled i down T recognized Neal at the win-, dow—Neal fully dressed in an or-] dinary business suit. Then I could! see his shadow moving about the : room, and though I couldn't make! out what he was doing. I got the absurd impression that he was packing. Presently a crowd surged out to the portico as the dance ended, j Among the newcomers was Evvy. I For a moment or two she came and perched on the arm of my chair.! Her head was thrown back and I 1 wondered if her eyes were on the j lighted quadrangle of Neal's win-! j dow. But she made no comment | I and soon the music for the next; j dance struck up and we were both! ! claimed as partners. At the end of the dance I slipped ; up to Meal's room. The doorknob; yielded to my touch. But Neal ] didn't answer when I spoke. I went' in and flooded the room with light. Neal wasn't there. On the oak stand lay his suitcase. It was strapped and locked. Neal's ebony brushes were gone from the dressing table. The glass top lay bare over a brown amhet taffeta I cover. I sat down, for I felt that I Neal hand't gone far, and would j surely return for his suitcase. | A net casement curtain billowed in and out of the window. From I below I could hear the strains of ! "Hin-du-staa-aan, I met her and my world began." The music wailed | and whimpered of love and warm ! winds. And I sat in the darkness 1j thinking of many things. Mrs. j Stoughton, and the look of cold | hatred Valerie Cosby had turned on ! Evvy. Phoebe and the fruit lem- I onade she couldn't drink because Bringing Up Father -* - - f '- Copyright, 1918, International News Service *- ■- By McM WHATS L-a CITOOTOF L 1 WOZTS'-T CHAbiN T I DID TOO i>EE THfb - THE MATTErI HFRF Rproot- ) ft H\M- W(JZ , 1 HEBf >O(J<HTTOfOU-HE ft ITO U)RPPOt>E CjAf HI .. R I HERE BEFORE CHA<bE MR. TRTIN' TO ( K/TO \ CAPTURED IT HIMSELF I /5Sk TCU* Z-J 1 . WR | j SMITH OUT HIT HI J I I she had always taken that with Neal I N'eal and the way he had buried I his head in the covers when 1 told j him that Phoebe still cared. I Then I jerked my thoughts back I to the present and the packed suit- I case. Was Neal running away to I Phoebe? Even the worry about ' Dick West was over if Neal meant ito run away to Phoebe. I felt a I surge of confidence in my young I brother. He would take care of | I Phoebe while Jim was dancing i | with Valerie Cosby, j As if to punctuate my thoughts, | . I the door creaked, swung open aj I bit, and then a voice whispered: i ! "Anne, are you there?" | I crept over to the door. "Who's there?" I challenged. Valerie Cosby came into the room I with her indolent air changed to a\ vibrant, urgent one. She pulled the ! door to and leaned toward me, whis. j pering: j "Are you alone?" "Yes," I replied, wondering what i secret Val Cosby and X had to share |in the darkness of Neal's deserted ' room. I "I've hunted for you everywhere j else—so I tried your brother's room |as a last resort. I want you to come | with me very quietly," she said curt ! ly. Then she laughed in a strident | note I had never before heard in | her languid voice. "Your little 1 friend Evelyn Mason is byway of being a cat, isn't she? But I fancy jif a cat's claws are pulled it can't ; scratch. That sounds, perfectly log ical. doesn't it?" ' "What do you mean?" I cried im j patiently. "I don't want to think j about Evvy Mason now. I'm wait ;ing for my brother Neal." "If you want to see your broth ler Neal I advise you to follow me j and at once," said Val, shrugging j her shoulders challengingly and | turning to leave the room. | "What do you mean?" I called ! again. "Come and see," she laughed. Then, almost as if it were a bad j dream, I rose and followed her. (To Be Continued.) II Electrocuted as He Rescues Small Boy From Live Wire By Associated Press. Attoonu, Pa., June 18.—After res-! Icuing a small boy entangled in a '[telephone wire tossed against a live ! wire during a storm, Samuel Kipe, j 55, of Williamsburg, near here, was I [ J electrocuted last evening. The lad | 11 was unhurt. •I AVilliam B. Hilans, 71 years old, of ' Hollidaysburg, was electrocuted at a p! powder plant at Horrell, east of this M city, last night when he was strick en ill and fell upon a switch. Cleveland Bank Robbers Got $65,000 in Currency Cleveland, June 18.—The five I armed bandits who Monday held up I employes and customers and robbed j the West Cleveland Bank, got $65,- | 000, according to a statement yester- I j day by W. S. Bailey, president, after j I checking up the bank's cash. The bandits escaped in a stolen i automobile. 1 NERVOUS ! BREAKDOWN Miss Kelly Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ] Compound Restored Her Health Newark, N. J.—"For about three j years I suffered from nervous strt . brcakd own and y\ [1 i PmIM BOt s ° weak I (gpM could hardly , j | stand, and had 1 headaches i ■WMLiITv/ ever y day. i A tried evory ttta'gis thine 1 conid * h ink of and ! used Lydia E! ! illA Pinkham's Vege \ vIliA fSj® table Compound \ and she told me A ubout it. From \ took it I began j to feel better and 'I \7 now I am we'l j and aoie to uo most any kind of I work. I have been recomincn ling | the Compound ever since and give ' you my permission to publish this i letter." —Miss Flo Kelly, 476 So. : 14th St.. Newark, N. J. ■ The reason this famous root and ' ' herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's : I Vegetable Compound, was so sue- : i cessful in Miss Kelly's case was be- ' cause it went to the root of her ! trouble, restored her to a normal i healthy condition and as a result [her nervousness disappeared. fiULRRISBTJRG Cftfccfrt TELEGKXPg 11 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ! I' TOO MANY PARADES To the Editor of the Telegraph: If everybody who was incon venienced or incommoded by the parades on Saturday were to shout, | bow loud do j'ou think the noise I would be? Ido not know if there I is an ordinance or not, but a parade !in Harrisburg always means disor j sanitation of street car travel and traffic. If it could be arranged that everything and every person could be stopped, then there would be no interruption; but fortunately or unfortunately business in its vari ous forms keeps moving, and pa rades spreading over the street car I tracks and occupying the principal j streets, cause very many annoyances ! such as missing railroad trains, breaking engagements, disappoint ments in delivery of goods and many j other forms of annoyances which | nearly every person can supply from I past experiences. The people in' llarrisburg are not the only ones to feel it, but wherever the street cars penerate those persons must suffer from the destroyed schedules. Formerly it was considered quite smart in cart and truck drivers to j block street cars, they thinking that | they were hurting the street car 'company, when in fact, they were detaining passengers whom they had no right to detain. 1 like some pa rades, composed of good bands and gentlemen who know how to be have in public, but there can be no demand for a parade that justifies the interference with schedules and traffic, not only during the parade, but before and after the event, j There is only one worse ordiannce that seems senseless to a thinking man.and that is that everything stops when a funeral is crossing the track or street. What is better able to wait than a dead body in a funeral car? and yet if that funeral cortege hap pens to cross the street car track or | some busy place, everything has to 'stop. No matter if you do miss your I train, no matter if you do break that very important engagement, no i matter if a patient is suffering agony there you sit silently or audibly | swearing at the stupid government, | compelling a car full of live people I to be blocked for a dead body, j When it is a question of serving I the great third party, the common i people, then it's the duty of both I capital and labor to do everything possible for their convenience and advancement. DR. FAGER, SR. j To the Editor of the Telegraph: In the summer months the dis ! posal of garbage is a serious prob | lem in all cities. Improper care of | city garbage means a menace to city | health. It means more flies, more | sick babies and more communicable | disease. There is no excuse for sick j ness that may be avoided. The time lis at hand to look after ihe garbage I question. | The city authorities engage to ; empty all garbage cans and remove garbage twice every week. If this be not done ihe city is subject to well deserved censure. At the same time there are certain obligations de volving upon the citizen, one of these is to have properly constructed, close lidded, galvanized iron cans. Cans that do not leak. These cans should be scoured with lye from time to time. The wooden boxes and fruit, crates in which the family garbage is found quite frequently reposing,' in this city, are not only unsightly and wlorous but are sources of dan ger to neighborhood health. One of the great lessons taught by the world's war is Ihe value of team work. Another is the religion of doing for others. The leaky, open garbage can is a sad slacker in the campaign to make Harrisburg flyless and healthy. The. person who maintains it may not know that by so doing he is I hazarding the life of his neighbor's! baby, he probably never thought about it. And now as he reads this | little note which calls attention to I his personal responsibility in living up to the religion of "Doing For Others." It is to be sincerely hoped that he will hasten to correct his practices and do his share toward our great campaign for health. CIVIC CLUB FLY COMMITTEE. Deaths and Funerals • MRS. MARY A. 11ll.l,i:il Mrs. Mary A. Miller, widow of Da vid J. Miller, died at her home. 1801 Market street, last evening aged 76 i years. She Is survived by one daugh ter. Miss Llllie Miller, of this citv. Mrs. Miller was a former resident of Lancaster county. The body will be 1 taken to New Providence, where pri vate funeral services will be held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in the New Providence cemetery. MRS. ELIZABETH ANDERSON ! Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, wife of | Emanuel T. Anderson, died at her I home, 315 Prune street, last evening, : aged 70 years. She is survived by her i husband, one son and five daughters. ' Funeral services will be held on Fri day afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Edward H. Paar, of the Calvary Evangelical Church, Burial will be in the East Harrisburg ceme tery. 1 To the Editor of the Telegraph: In the church bulletin issued atl the Reformed Salem Church on Sun-j day, the Rev. Dr. Ellis N. Krcmeri has given his views on a communi-1 cation regarding the action of church people of Pennsylvania at elections, which should be read by everyone. Dr. Kremer's statement, "Pennsyl vania," follows: "It is not pleasant to recall, but it is true, that Pennsylvania has been | made notorious among all the states for corruption, greed, and ineffi ciency in politics and government. The wrongs which have raised our State to this bad eminence are only too well known to the people. They could have been ended at any elec tion by action of the church people of Pennsylvania. But such action has always been wanting. "The above is a sample of what is sent to Ministers of the Gospel j to induce them to sink their calling I I'into, or add to it, an agency to see! that all the members of their re-j spective congregations vote, and vote right. 'Man who made me judge or divider over you' was the answer of Jesus to an appeal of like import. It seems strange to hear such an es timate of the Keystone State at a time when the record of her noble achievements in contributions to Government Loans, Red Cross and other activities, and of her sons in the Army have distinguished her as among the foremost states of the Union. These 'boys' have just re turned. They were the first Ameri can soldiers, excepting the regulars, to meet the foe: and the victory we celebrated less than a year ago was in large part the victory of our Key stone soldiers. "Governments notorious for cor ruption and inefficiency do not make citizens of such morale as character ized our soldiers and citizens during the war. "The Pennsylvania Legislature is the only one in the country which has successfully resisted the organ ized and heavily financed effort to abrogate our Sunday law and order. Where has there not \jeen corrup tion and consequent inefficiency? "Where the carcass is the eagles will be gathered together." In this case the carcass is our great wealth, the' eagles are the greedy. Under any political party or system of laws, wealth will uttract the greedy and corrupt. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.' Wholesale denun ciation of the powers that be: or change of laws for substitutes bear ing the stencil-mark 'Progressive' is no insurance against corruption and inefficiency. Some of our old and well-tried methods, abandoned under the charge of inefficiency will prob ably be replaced and their substi tutes pitched on the scrap-heap. "No State has greater problems to meet than Pennsylvania. We have an immense foreign population to be treated fairly, to be assimilated and to be educated in the spirit and letter of our laws. We have more cities and large towns than any other State in the Union. These be come attractive centers for the vic ious as well as the good. Yet, in proportion o our urban communi ties, and imfnense mining and manu facturing interests there han been less unrest than elsewhere. This is due in part to the fact that no other State has as large a number of citi zens who own their own homes: who are native born; or are members of the Sunday School. Yet with cor rupt and inefficient government how could our cities and towns thrive as ■ they do? It will be a sad day when I the Minister of the Gospel loses faith in the Word he. preaches and 1 dreams that, he can do more for the public good by. personal influence! and political tactics. There may be room for both methods in the case I of some peculiarly gifted and promi nent men. But no minister, how ever gifted, dare forget that "the weapons of our warfare arc not car nal but spiritual, but are mighty to the pulling down of the strongholds of sin.' It is just here that our dan ] ger lies." G. K. | MRS. CHARLES E. RATES Mrs. Flora Alice Bates, aged 50 years, died last night after a linger [ ing illness. Private funeral services will he held Friday at 2 o'clock at her home, 349 Hummel street, the Rev. Dr. Mudge. Pine Street Presby terian Church. officiating. Burial ; will be made in the Harrisburg ceme tery. She was a member of Pine Street Presbyterian Church for twenty-six years. and leaves her husband. Charles E. Bates; sons. Howard and Robert: daughter. Mrs. James E. Dahr. Esther, Edna, Dorothy and 1 Mildred Bates. The body may be I viewed Thursday evening at the late residence. Hairs Will Vanish After This Treatment ' L 1 (Toilet Helps) You can keep your skin free from hair or fuzz by the occasional use of plain delatone and in using it you need have no fear <Jf marring or in- | jurtng the skin. A thick paste Is! made by mixing some of the pow- i dered delatone with water. Then j spread on the hairs and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and all traces of hair have vanished. | Be careful, however, to get real tone. LABOR REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE SOVIET RUSSIA Vote Against General Strike j Proposed For "Tom" Mooney Eg Associated Press. Atlantic City., N. J., June 18.—Amid general uproar, delegates attending t the convention here of the American ' Federation of Labor yesterday, re- j fused to endorse recognition of Soviet! Rusia, although urging recognition by the United States of "the existing! Irish Republic," and voted against | the general strike proposed for July; 4 in behalf of "Tom" Mooney, con i victed in connection with the prepar | edness day bomb explosion in San I Francisco. Discussion of Bolshevism developed when the resolutions committee re ported a resolution asking withdraw-1 al from Russia of American soldiers, but refused to report others demand-' ing recognition of Soviet Russia and lifting the blockade of Russian | ports, stating it refijsed to endorse; recognition of the "Soviet or any other I form of government in Russia until the people of thut country by constit uent or other form of national as sembly shall have established a truly democratic form of government." The debate wag said by veteran labor leaders to have been the most bitter ever heard. It followed re-' jection by the convention, over the! strenuous protest of the radical j group, of a proposal to change Amer-j ican Labor Day from the first MOD- ] day in September to May 1, "as a bond of affection to unite all the world of labor into universal broth erhood." Samuel Gompers, president of the Federation, led the, fight against the May Day resolution, asserting that American Labor Day was a "day fori Americaji labor," and not a "political | event" as it was in Europe. Numerous delegates took part in the debate on Bolshevism. Peter | Bollenbacher, of the Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor, protested against rejection of his resolution, which called for the lifting of the Russian blockade, declaring he bad offered it "on humanitarian grounds." to bring relief for women and chil dren. Bishop Darlington Made Chaplain of the Huguenot Society Rending. Jurrc 18.—The Hugue not Society of Pennsylvania, whose membership is composed of men and women descended from early French settlers, held its annual meeting here yesterday. Color.l Henry W. Shoe maker, Altoona, was elected presi dent and Right Rev. Darlington, Harrisburg, chaplain. Gough Named Treasurer of State Elks Association Erie, Pa., June 18.—Lawrence H. Rupp, Allentown, was elected presi- j dent of the Pennsylvania State As- ( sociation of Elks at the annual con- j vention in session here. Other of-1 fiecrs chosen were: Vice-president, | p. S. Fisher, Johnstown; secretary,! \V. S. Gould, Scranton: treasurer, I I Henry W. Gough, Harrisburg; trus- I tee, Weldon W. Goulick, Danville. ! -- Delay Will Prove Cosily Imagine thp condition of af fairs if the mines didn't begin to dig coal until Winter opened. What a famine there would be! What suffering! As it is the miners are only producing about half the normal output, which together with I transportation troubles and in creased costs practically in every process of mining and delivery. Now—if you don't order your coal early you will positively be i disappointed later and July 1 prices advance 30c. Heed the warning—we want your orders now. H.M.KELLEY&OO. |1 N. 3rd St. 10th.& State Sts. NE 18, 1919 AMERICANS ON MEXICAN BORDER FEAR ATTACK I Think Villa or Lopez Might Attempt Reprisals For Juarez Affair By Associated Press. El Pnso, Tex., Juno 18.—Uneasl , ness for the safety of American citi zens in- northern Mexico was felt l , here to-day. Mormon officials here and in Ju ) arez were much concerned over re ] ports that Villa was heading toward I Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, near Co j lonia Dublan where many Mormon ] . families live. Several American mining com- ] panies have ordered their American employes to leave for the border as soon as possible. I Reports from Juarez that the feel ing among Mexicans was hitter to ward Americans were denied by American Consul Edward A. Dow, ! who said he had been courteously I treated. General Cabell's statement here that the expedition- to Juarez was a closed incident was accepted at its face value, and no further develop ments of that situation is anticipat- I cd. However, it is feared that Villa j or Martin Lopez might attempt re prisals on isolated American bor der towns. To anticipate this all gar risons along the • border were strengthen-ed, and patrols doubled. COW AND BULL KILLED Hallani, P., June 18.—A cow valued at S2OO and a bull at $l5O owned by John Hargest, was struck by lightning and killed during one jof the recent storms. The cattle had ! been in the field. i. wmmmmmmmmßßmamttmmm | Extra! Extra! Extra! | ■Final Suit Sale I 1 On Friday 1 1 81 Women's and Misses' gj I Suits —Values S2O to $25 1 I SQJS | | Friday J | 1 | | All Sizes From 16 to 44 I I Men's Wear Serge and All j| ill Wool Poplin Suits ffl I All the wantedcolors such as Tan, 1 Gray, Burgundy, Navy and Black J 7LTAKE all your arrangements so that j 1 you wili be able to come to this sale Iv on Friday. Remember there are just 81 j suits in all and the entire lot will be j placed in this sale at one price. This is the final suit sale, so that you better be \ prepared to purchase your suit on Fri- . day. Full particulars in tomorrow's papers. See Suits Now On Display In Our Window For Quick Relief From Indigestion Take three or four Bi-nesia tablets immediately after eating or whenever pain is felt. Those who have tried it say that relief and comfort almost in variably result within five minutes. If you would like once more to enjoy the | pleasure of eating a hearty meal of j good things without fear of pain or discomfort to follow, go to Geo. A. Gorgas or any other good druggist and get a package of Bi-nesia tablets and use as directed. Inasmuch as every package contains a binding guarantee contract of satisfaction or money back, you don't risk a cent by making this test, and the chances are that to-morrow you will be telling I your dyspeptic friends that if they | want to enjoy life they should TAKE 81-NESIA i Cause of Stomach Sickness . How to Believe >tomncli Distress tn n Few Minutes. Money Back if [ Treatment Does \ot Overcome Any Form of Indigestion If you feel as though there was a lump" of lead at the pit of the stom ■ uch, take a couple of Mi-o-na stum ! ach tablets and in live minutes you ' should see that all stomach distress ] has vanished. If you belch gas, have heartburn or sour stomach, you need Mi-o-na. if your stomach feels up-set the morning after the night before, take two Mi-o-na tablets and see how quickly you get relief. If you have shortness of breath, pain in the stomach, waterbrash or 1 foul breath, you need Mi-o-na and the sooner you get it, the sooner your stomach should perform its duties properly. If you use a box of Mi-o-na tablets and feel that it has not overcome your indigestion or stomach trouble, take the empty box to your dealer and ho will refund your money. For sale by H. C. Kennedy and all leading druggists. The best sporting page in Philadelphia. Up-to-the-minute iporting news every day in "The Press." 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers