U. S. Had Deadliest Gas as War Closed Wasiiißfftwa. —A super-poison gas. seventy-two times deadlier than the j terrible "mustard" compound pro- : pared by the Germans, was ready in Cleveland for shipment overseas when the armistice was signed, according j to information made public here to-, day. The new gas was called methyl and , was the climax of this country's j achievements in that line. It had the j ftagrance of geranium blossoms, was j highly explosive and burst into flame ; with water. By early last November enough of it had been prepared to j wipe out the entire population of the United states. Major General W. 1. Sibert, in com mand of the chemical warfare service, was ready to fill his contract which] called for 3000 tons of it on French i battle fields in shells and drums to | accompany Foch in his spring drive j of 1313. Ten tons a day were being! produced in the eleven acre plant at J Cleveland. Two days after the armistice was, signed workmen began dismantling the big plant. Difficulty was experi-j enced in disposing of the great quan- | tities of methyl. Cleveland did not f want it dumped into Erie and ; there existed no practical method to i neutralize it chemically. Finally the: gss was loaded into great containers, j shipped to Baltimore by rail and car- j vied fifty miles from shore, where it was lowered jnto the ocean. If He Drinks Give Him TESCUM POWDERS Secretly 1 Any mother, wife or sister can •top the Drink Habit, if she wants! to do so. Thousands of women are happy today because they gave their husbands, sons or brothers "Tescum Powders." The powders are taste-; less and harmless and can be given 1 in either liquid or solid food. Tou take no risk as Tescum Pow- j ders are sold under a steel-bound ! money-refund guarantee by J. Nel-! •on Clark and other druggists. RHEUMATICS -RET BUSY! THEY ARE ALL RECOMUENDIN6 "MEUTROIE PRESCRIPTION 99" They have used "Xeutronc Pre scription 99" and their tired, aching, weary swollen joints and muscles have disappeared, what a relief after those long weeks cf suffering and misery. "Xeutrono Prescription 99" causes nil rheumatic poisons to disappear hy purifying the blood, making it as nature intended it should be. Go to your druggist and get a 50c or $l.OO bottle and insure your share of life's comfort and happiness. George A. Gorgas. the Druggist, and leading druggists everywhere. Dr. Carter's K. & B. Tea Real Springtime Tonic and Blood Purifier • Old Fashioned Vegetable Remedy That Drive. Out the Impari ties of "Winter Take Dr. Carter's K & B tea as just about the best spring system regulator you can get and don t fail to give it to the children also. A good-sized package costs but a trifle and with it, you can brew enough real good medicinal tea to last a long time. And such wonderful tea —it's pleas ant to drink and it just does regu late the stomach, liver and bowels without any distress cr harshness. Ask your druggist for a package to-day. Take a cupful every night for two weeks—it's one good sensible way to give the entire system a good spring cleaning. Children love it. arorpa/ Mai Lift (Wtttc & Keger Co.. Hbg^Pa^^ Coal Cannot Be Mined Without a Market For It Last Summer about 45 per cent, of the consumers filled their coal bins. Now, it more of these house holders follow the same wise course this year, there will no no trouble. But, if they wait un til Autumn or early Winter to buy coal, not only will coal /NOT be mined in any larg-e quantity during this Summer, but deliveries cannot be made sufficiently to take care of everybody. Coal dealers cannot be ex pected to lay in large stocks of coal, which they must pay for immediately unless the public co-operates and does its share to keep the market active. And remember prices will be 50 cents higher next Fall. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. 3rd St. 10th & State Sts. TUESDAY EVENING, t IN AND ABOUT STEELTON I I * Senior Class to Present Play j • I — ' —- —-—— l Above is pictured the cast of characters that will appear in the annual Steelton High school senior j class play this evening. "The Sky Riders." by Thomas D. Marble. Read-ing from left to right: I.ower row: Edna Hose. George Tuptanoski. Margaret Crowley, Ivatherine Stehman, Harry Proud. Ada Herman. Harold Zimmerman. Midd'e row: Sara Marklev, William Snell. Dorothy Kopenhaver. Emmett Weav j or, Jane Isenberg, Caroline McCauley. Top row: Donald Stoutfer, PaulTriece. Harold Shutter, George Dun- Idorff. Edgar Xebinger, William Kolilhaas. Harold Suydam. Steelton Physician serves With Ambulance Corps a- i | I | I i LIEUT. F. W. BYROD Dr. Frederick Webster Byrod, well-known Steelton physician, now commands Ambulance Company No. 1. which unit established a brilliant record for itself at Belleau Woods and maintained its record through- i out the war. It is one of the units that has been elected to maintain a watch on the Rhine. As the first ambulance company of the Second Division, the unit served on the following fronts: Chateau Thierry, (Belleau Woods. Bourc-hes, Vaux), Soissons, St. Mihiel, Blanc Alont (Champagne), Meuse, Argonne. Dr. Byrod after serving at Camp Stuart. Newport News, Va., was sent to France and served for a perfbd as camp surgeon at Brest when more than 32,000 soldiers were located at that place. It was while located there that Ludendorf smashed into Bel leau Woods and Dr. Byrod was speedily dispatched there to join the unit he is now with. Children Help Him Celebrate Birthday A very pleasant surprise was ten dered E. \\. Zerby, zii Locust street, Easter Sunday when his children, some of his grandchildren and great grandchildren, other - relatives and friends gathered at his home to help celebrate his 80th birthday. The decorations throughout the" house j and Uiningroom were of mountain laurel and jonquils. The guests in- i eluded: Air. and Mrs. Cyrus E. Zerbv, of j Cleveland. Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. "Rob ert Scott and daughter, Alarian, Phil- j adelphia: Mr. and Mrs. Claude W.! Zerby. Wilkes-Barre; Airs. William Bechtel. Wilkes-Barre; Air. and Airs. illiani Zerby and son, Gardner, Carlisle: Air. and Airs. William L. Hoffman, Mr. and Airs. E. E. Zerby. 1 Mr. and Airs. Arthur E. Shaul and; son, Arthur, Jr., ilarrisburg; Miss Ella Zimmerman. Pottsville; John! H. Graram, Philadelphia; Air. ffnd; Airs. Emanuel Roniberger, Mr. and' Airs. Frank I.ightner, Mr. and Airs. 1 William H. Zerby, Air. and Mrs. P. N.! Aliller, Air. and Airs. C. Monroe Zer-1 by and son. Bruce, Miss Hannah Hersh Zerby, Airs. Irene Day and son, i Alarlean, Aliss Flo Zerby, Steelton. j Private Ray Ziegler Arrives in New York fhfl'y."!? Raymond Ziegler. for more v-A" v„ £ ln I ' rance ' has landed in ;„ e * u , rk according to a telegram re \fi . ev , enln s l 'V his parents. Mr. ami Mrs. Jacob Ziegler, 339 Mv ers "treet. He sailed from France n".". ta P l ula ' 1,0 wa a mem '"J ?, f J at * r >' -A. Second Trench Alor t ttalion. He expects to be dis charged from service at Camp Upton. Boy Scouts to Do Share in ' Victory Loan Campaign -m r "a P ,K , Bo c Of America, will do their share In the Victory Liberty Loan campaign, according to an announcement made bv Scoutmas ter Alcfo.v last evening McCoy says that during the last .-ampaign-seven ' "f his hoys received medals fir the i selling of bonds. They expect to do I as well in the present one. . j Associated Charities Gets $3OO Balance of Old Relief Fund | At the meeting: of the Associated Charities last evening:. .1. A. Ale Curdy turned over $3OO representing the balance of a relief fund, with inter est, started ten years ago to relieve : families made destitute in a tire in I Catherine street. The fund originally ; amounted to $1,500. and left a small : balance after the families had been I provided for. MeCurdy is the only ■ surviving member of the committee. ! The money will be kept by the Asso ; eiaied Charities as an emergency I fund. | At the meeting last evening as i sistance for three destitute families | was authorized. Reports showed that i nineteen children, orphaned through j the influenza epidemic, had been I placed in good homes. The charter for the Associated Charities is ex pected early in Alay. Presbyterians Give $l4O For Armenian Relief | The Raster offering at the First I Presbyterian church, amounting to jSUO, was turned over to the Armen ian and Syrian relief fund. WALKED FROM POTTSVILLE j An old man last evening applied at J the police station for a night's lodg ing. He said he walked here from Pottsville. His appearance continu ed the statement, lie left this morn ing. WUmmmm Mag Rhu, the World's Greatest Guaranteed Stomach Remedy, Is On Sale at First-Class Drug Stores in Harris burg A Brief History of Mag Rhu What Mag Rhu Is Guaranteed The discoverer of Ma? Rhu, a Pittsburgh , f\ businessman, suffered intensely with stomach lO UO trouble for seven years, and during that time he doctored with stomach specialists, practiced Mag Rhu is a guaranteed remedy for the christian Science. physical culture, gave a thor- permanent relief of all kinds of stomach trou ough trial to e\ery home remedy, tried ail the ble—lndigestion. Dyspepsia, Heartburn Bloat patent medicines he saw advertised to cure stom- Belchings, Sour and Gassy Stomach Heavy ach trouble. and none of these gave him the Dull Keeling After Eating. Dizziness, Heart slightest relief; he spent in all about five thou- Palpitation and Stomach Pains sand dollars trying to get well. The first dose of Mag Rhu gave him instant relief, the first Mag Rhu helps digest and assimilate your in seven years; he could hardly believe that he food, giving you good, rich blood, neutralizes would have permanent relief, but it has now the excessive acids, relieves you of constipa been over two years that he has been cured and tion, giving a freedom of action of the nerves has gained forty pounds. ' and proper circulation of the blood. Contains He was so delighted with this wonderful "° harmful dru * 8 ' n ° alcoho >' remedy that for two years he gave all his Prompt results in cases of long standing, friends who suffered with stomach trouble this when doctors and patent medicines fail. One remedy and they were all cured. Finally there box will convince you of the merits. Price of was such a great demand for Mag Rhu that a box refunded if after a thorough trial, accord company of Pittsburgh businessmen, who have ing to directions, you do not get results, been stomach sufferers themselves, felt it their duty to put it on the market, not as a money- If your stomach does not perform its proper making scheme, but for the benefit of the thou- function, you lose weight, you lose these rosy sands of stomach sufferers who have failed to cheeks and become pale, you do not enjoy the get relief from other remedies, and every cent pleasures of life that you are entitled to. You received will be expended in placing this won- are nervous, can't sleep, short of breath, have derful stomach remedy in reach of all stomach heart palpitation, caused by vour stomach sufferers, at a price that all can afford to pay. being filled with gas crowding yo'ur heart, con- These Pittsburgh men know exactly just stipated bilious, have terrible headaches, dizzy what Mag Rhu will do when they advise you to because you do not have the proper try a box of Mag Rhu, and if you do not get digestion and assimilation. r.^. U !, can retUrn thß bOX and U WOn t COSt "hu not only helps digest and assimt >ou a ceni. l ate yoUr ( 00{ j, giving you good, rich blood, but MAG RHU is made from natural herbs and a,B ° produces a good, clear complexion, bright minerals and not any Alcohol or Harmful Poi- eyes, rosy cheeks and red lips, sonous Drugs are used. Thousands of patent medicines on the market are made to sell, not Make up your mind to get a box of Mag Rhu to cure, and are made sweet or to taste good; to-day, then notice how quickly you get relief alcohol or harmful poisonous drugs are used to from ail these stomach miseries, give one a false stimulant. „ ~ . ~ „ Sold by Keller Drug Company and at all oth- A great many people have received perma- er druggists. If your druggist cannot supply nent relief from one box of MAG RHt', but you you, write direct to Mag Rhu Qompany and a should not be discouraged If you are not entire- box of Mag Rhu will be sent postpaid upon re ly well by using only one box. for the chances ceipt of $l.OO. Address Mag Rhu Company, are that you have been suffering a long time, 207-208 Kltzsimmons Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. and you not expect to get well in a week. State if you want Tablet or Powdered form. ■■■ HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Communists Defeated in Lindau, Bavaria By Associated Press i 1 Bcnio. April 22.—After a short j siege by Bavarian and Wurttemberg ; troops, the Communists In Lindau, | on Lake Constance, have been de- i feated completely, according to ; 1 messages received here from the j j Bavarian frontier. The government , j Which had been set up by the Com ' munists has been overthrown. ! Lindau was the most important j Communist stronghold in Bavaria ' with the exception of Munich. The : peasants in the surrounding coun- j i try, the messages say, give evidence I of great satisfaction over the down- ' j fall of the Communists. IM.AX TO MAKE HAIXT.YX St HOOti GROUNDS BETTER Plans to make the Ilainlvn school ' | grounds the model rural school I l grounds of Dauphin county, were out lined at a meeting of the Hainlvn i i Community Club at the liainlyn school house last e\ening. It is ex pected that the matter will be taken up for further consideration within a ' short time. At last evening's meeting, which ! was largely attended, steps were i taken to organize several special i clubs. Canning and home-making 1 clubs will be organized for the girls I and women while pig and poultry | clubs will be organized for the bovs I and girls. The organization of these I clubs is being effected with the co i operation of the Dauphin Countv i I-arm Bureau. " j Standing of the Crews II YRRISIU R(i SIDE Middle Division —The 231 crew to go first after 3..20 o'clock: 219. 27, jIS, 28. 32. 21. 21. Firemen wanted for 27. | Conductors wanted for 27, 21. - t Flagmen wanted for IS2. j Engineers up: Leppard, Bowers, i Tettermer, Cook, Xumer, Romberger. ! Buckwalter, Grove, j Firemen up: Swab, Campbell. Ret jeiman. Radio. Rrimm, Schmidt, Blck | ert, Kennedy, Mellinger, Kowatch, j Schoffstall, Morris. Arnold. Conductors up: Glace. Potrow, | Ivlotz: Brokemen up: Blessing. 11. C. John j Son, I.inn. Hare. Gebhard, Donner, : Heinminger, Murray. G. W, Packard, j Bell. Shearer, Xeff, Miller, Bltner, A. Eantz. ENOI.A SIDE | Middle Dlvixlfon —-The 232 crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 253. 218, 123. j 116. 108. I Two Altoona crews to come in. I Engineers for 116. Firemen for 116. Conductors for 10S. | Flagmen for 108. Turd llonrd —Engineers up: Flick ;enger. Sliuey, Myers. Geib, Curtis. Hinkle. Hill. Boyer. Kling. j Firemen up: Sadler. Hutchison. O. jJ. Wagner. Leightner, Swigart, Ja | cobs, Taylor. Hippensteel, Holmes, j Coldren .McConnell, Snyder, Engineers for 115, Ist 126, 110, change crew. Firemen for Ist 101, 2nd 126. I'ASSEXGER SERVICE | Middle Division — Engineers up: J. A. Spotts, S. H. Alexander, W. P. MeDougal. C. P. llollenbaugh, F. F. ' Schreek, O. L. Miller, P. Keane, H. IF. Krepps, J. W. Smith. W. C. Plack. Engineers wanted for 665, 667, 33 and 17. Firemen up: G. 1,. lluggins. 11. O. j Hartzel. 11. D. Pee. E. E. Ivoller, D. F. Derlck, H. Naylor. H. M. Corn propst, R. M. Lyter, F. Dysinger, H. A. Wehling. Firemen wanted for 6293. 13. 15. Philadelphia Division — Engineers up: J. C. Davis, R. D. Welsh, A. Hall, D. A. Kennedy. Engineers wanted for 2, S. Firemen up: \V. E. Aulthouse, A. L. Floyd, F. L. Floyd. J. M. Piatt, W. E. Sees, C. E. Britcher. Firemen wanted for 2, 8, P-36. Willinm.sport Division —Engineers !up: E. E. Bastian. | Engineers wanted for 57T. ! Firemen up: A. Henry J. L. Mang jhes. C. E. Smith. Firemen wanted for 541, W-101. THE HEADING The 37. crew to go first after 12.15 'o'clock: 67, 69, 18, 68, 66, 14, 5, 60, '6l, 64 and 62. j Engineers for 62. , Firemen 1 for 5. 14, IS, 57, 62, 66, 72. Conductors for 5. I Flagmen for None, j Brakemen for 5, IS, 62. 61, 66. | Engineers up: Morrison, Eppton. Walton. Monroe, Wood, Hollenbach, Wutiderliok. Emerick, McCurdy, '.Tones, Kettner, Grimes. Schuhauer. ; Firemen up: Smith. Saul. Myers. I Piitman, Speck, Hohner. Estes, Linn, Taylor. Kuntz, Royston, Durbrow, Bentwith, Fahnestock. Conductors up: Smith, Eshleman. ; Meek, Shuff, Fleagle. Flagmen up: Huss, Keefer, Hain, , Zink, Grady, Donley, Welker, Leli j man. Gochenour, Pettiger, Miehle, Spangler. TOMMY KNEW Wallop! went the lid o fthe roll ; t op desk at 2.30 and the hard-working man tff affairs reached joyously for his hat and coat. I "Tommy," he said to his staring ■ office boy, "I have important matters to see to this afternoon and mav be detained several hours. If any'one should call" I "Please, sir. the big boxing bout | for this afternoon has been put off,' i said Tommy. "There won't te any I fight." Soldier Digging in Trench Turns Up Coins Marithlrld, Ore.—Herman Hlllyer, of this city. has one of the most in teresting: war exhibits see here. It Is a collection of twelve Roman I ronxe and copper coins, found In Franco by a French soldier, who was digging trenches. The coins were pur chased by a brother-in-law of Mr. Hlllyer and sent here. A number of the coins still retain their lettering and the figures on both sides. Several have representa tions of rulers or soldiers, with spiked crowns, while others bear crowns and laurel wreaths. On the reverse of one coin the outlines of an animal, supposedly a deer, are plainly visible. None of the coins is larger than a quarter and several are slightly larg er than a copper cent. Mr. Ilillyer so far has been unable to tlnd any person who can classify the money and will send the collec t-on to n numismatist for identified tion. These coins are believed to have been issued during the middle ages. MARY'S I, AST I.KTTER I.oiulnn. —The National Art Collee tu n Fund lias loaned to the Royal Scottish Museum in Edinburgh pend ing its linal disposition the last letter of Mary. Queen of Scots, addressed to her brother-in-law. llenrv 111 of France, and written the night before nor execution. This letter was acquired from the Morrison collection by a number of person* for presentation to the Scot tish people. It is in a perfect state of preservation end a beautiful speci men of call graph y. In the letter Queen Mary told Kin* Henry that, havin* passed nearlv twenty venrs in the enpivity of Queen I* lizabeth, she had at last been con demned to death and had been or dered to be executed as a criminal at Ho clock the following: morning. She commended her son to Henrv's oa r e She Mpned the letter "at two hours after midnight. Your most loving: end very good sister/* WORKS IIOTII WAYS "Yes. sir: small men certainly do *reat things." "Yes. they are almost equaled by the ability of treat men to do small things."—Life. No Need to Be Thin, Scrawny or Sallow If you are thin and want to ha plump: if you have wrinkles in vour face that you are not proud of; if the skin is sallow or subject to pimples or blackheads, take Mi-o-na stomach tablets for two weeks and notice the change. Th f. .majority of the thin people are thin because the stomach does not perform its duties properly. Jt is not secreting sufficient of the natural digestive Juices and in con sequence does not extract from the food enough nutritive matter to nourish every part of the body. Mi-o-na stomach tablets are in tended to build up the stomach so that It will act properly and extract from the food, the elements necessary to form flesh. If you are thin try two weeks treat ment of Mi-o-na stomach tablets they are email, easily swallowed and are sold on the guarantee of monev back if they do not overcome chronic indigestion, acute or chronic, stop : stomach disturbance, belching, heart ! burn, sour stomach, ai.d anv after j dinner distress. | For sale by 11. C. Kennedy and all ; leading druggists. "Let's Finish ! the Job" t. The war is won, but the bills must be paid. The success of the Victory Liberty Loan j is your job. You are lending, not giving your - money, and your ; Government guar- jj antees its return j with interest. I * j 4 \ Buy today—Cash J or Installments j i I This space contributed by Swift & Company ii APRIL 22, 1919. A SAD TALE "Your wife starving?" What's the mutter, can't you ict work?" "Yes. sir; but she can't.'—Boston Transcript. J Your mmh, Dollar Not only larger, tut you can make your in come go muck further ty taking advantage of our dignified Charge Account plan. We Clothe The Family it is here that you can get a new Spring outfit for yourself or family on such easy literal terms that the small weekly or monthly pay— i ments you make will never he missed ty you. There s a r ason why we are so popular. 36 N. Second St., Cor. Walnut I Carter's Little Liver Pills You Caunot be A Remedy That Constipated Makes Life and Happy JjP'iiTi.'j Worth Living Small Pill BpsLLS. Gaeulna bears denature AKlfiSfi pARTER'S IRON PILLS. many colorless faces but wIB greatly help most pale-faced people | DOING WELL "Yes. I'm a reformed drunkard." "You deserve credit for that." i "I don't need credit. X got cash , now."—Louisville Courier. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers