8 GERMANS INTEND TO PUT PACT TO VOTE OF PEOPLE Teutons Set Up Machinery Whereby Verdict of Popu lace Will Be Given Brrlln, April 22. Appurtenances for an election, such as voting booths, lists and clerks are all ready for an immediate plebiscite on the peace terms which can be completed all over Germany in IS hours, ac cording to information secured front sources close to th# government. Preparation* ,\rc Secret Preparations have been going on secretly for several days, it is declar ed, and if the terms are published one morning, the referendum can be taken the next day and the answer rati go to the Entente IS hours later. It is asserted that the only probable chance of an affirmative answer would be in case there is an agree ment to negotiate details of the terms. Thus if an indemnity is fixed Germany cannot hope to dispute the total, but must be allowed to send experts to discuss ways and means of payment, it is said. It is declared that the cabinet wishes to avoid the responsibility of either refusing or accepting the turns. Therefore, a plebiscite is al most certain. It is believed the re sult will be a refusal to accept the peace terms because the people will overlook the consequences of such or. act—the maintenance of the blockade, t'.ie stoppage of food im portations and the accompanying evils which may be expected, in view of their reluctance to sanction harsh terms. it is asserted that r.n agreement to negotiate the details of the treaty is absolutely the only; basis tipon which Germany in her present mood will vote in the affirmative. It's Springtime Celery King Time Blood Cleaning time is here! What will I give the children and lake myself? Celery King, of course—the kind that father and mother take every spring. Try Celery King to purify the blood this spring—the cost is almost nothing—the benefit ' beyond price. A cup of freshly brewed Celery- King every other night will drive poisonous waste from the system, will tone up the liver, brighten up dull eyes and till your whole being with tlie Joy of living. It's just the right spring medicine —purely vegetable. "IT DID MDERS," IS THIS LIDT'S REPORT Mrs. Susan Hankele, It W. nock land street. Philadelphia, is enthusi astic over the splendid results site obtained in the use of Tanlac. "l-'or many years I suffered from stomach trouble, indigestion and nervous ness," she says. "I got so I couldn't sleep at night. 1 tried all kinds of medicine without relief, until one day 1 heard about a lady who had the same trouble and was relieved by TanliJc. J thought I would try Tanlac as a last resort. It proved to bo the very thing 1 wanted. Thank goodness. Tanlac has clone wonders for me and 1 gladly recom mend it." The genuine J. I. Gore Co. Tanlac is sold here by George's, Got-gas', Kramer's, Kennedy's and Steever's, and other leading druggists in every community. 432 MARKET iTREfT I.(cense No. G-35305 Specials For Wednesday, April 23, 1919 Compound, used as lard 25c lb. Choice Chuck Roast 22c lb. Veal Chops or Roast 30c lb. Fleshy Boiling Beef ,20c lb. Shoulder Steak 28c lb. Round Steak 34c lb. Fresh Pork Roast 30c lb. Fresh Pork Steak 33c lb. Frankfurters, Smoked or Fresh Sausage 22c lb. English Coined Beef 18c lb. Sbced Liver, 5 lbs 25c Fresh Fish, 3 lbs 25c B. B. Special or Lincoln Butterine, 2 lbs. 52c Markets in 65 Cities of 14 States Main Office, Chicago Packing Plant, Peoria, 111. All Meat Government Inspected. All Goods Purchased Guaranteed or Money Refunded * MONDAY EVENING. The German Drive Has Finally Got to Paris THK MILITARY HAIR (IT . "We are all militarists now." said I Representative Kirby, of Arkansas. "I was being shaved in a barber 1 shop the other day when a grizzled | chap in a captain's uniform came in. > He saluted smartly and seated- him- j self in the chair next to my own. " 'Haircut,' he said in gruff tones. : " 'How would you like it cut, sir?' l the barber asked. "The captain, who was baldish,; answered, gruffer than ever: " 'Line up the hairs and number) off to the right. Odd numbers each want a half inch off. Dress smartly) with bay rum and brillintine. Then dismiss.' " —Washington Star. ASK MA-SHE KNOWS! WKjPN f V .i > 'i L't'S'.miWJA'.'.ff v*' i i Is Wonderful I'or Relieving Pain,! StifT or Swollen Joints. Rheumatic ' I'hinges. Sore. Aching Muscles, , Neuritis, Neuralgia, t'liil- j Mains or Colds in Head, Throat and Chest "It Touches the Spot!" JOIXT-EASE is better than mussy I plasters or liniments— Will not stain or blister. It leaves skin soft and ; smooth. Sold in this city by Geo. j A. Gorgas, Kennedy's drug store and i [other leading druggists, insist on j "Joint-Ease." ITALIAN CLAIMS IN THE ADRIATIC AGAIN HELD UP Orlando and Sonnino Fail to Appear at Afternoon Session When apparently the Council of Four was ready to take decisive ac ta- ii on the Itxli.il> claims in jhe Adriatic, including the coast, islands and l iume. the Italian delegates, Ptemier Orlando and Foreign Min ister Sonnino, failed to appear at Mon lay afternoon's session. These mi maters had discussed the problem insistently with Premier Clemen eeau and Premier Lloyd George earlier in the day and for the pur pose of bringing the matter to a climax President Wilson attended the afternoon session. It was then expected that the question, which up to that time was considered almost insurmountable, would be decided, but, owing to the absence of the Italian delegates, dis cussion of the Italian claims was dispensed with. It is announced that the council will take no further action 011 the subject pending in formation as to the future course of the Italians. A new provision of the peace treat*-, intending to make impossible anv attempts of the Germans to utilize outside forces to re-estab lish their military machine has been approved by the Council of Foreign Ministers. This is a prohibition of the sending by Germany of military instructors to foreign countries. \ President Wilson conferred at length Monday with Baron Makino and Viscount Chinda of the Jap anese peace delegation. The general strike in Berlin has ended. Francis W. Rutherford, Sr., Dies in His 75th Year Francis W. Rutherford, Sr., aged 7 4, died at his home, Rutherford Sta tion, this morning at 8 o'clock after a lingering illness. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at i o'clock from the residence, with ; the Rev. Harry B. King, pastor of ; the Paxton Presbyterian Church, of : ficiating. and burial will be made | In the churchyard of old Paxton. Mr. Rutherford is survived by the following children: Joshua E., Xor- I man P., Francis W., Jr.. Samuel B. and Miss Jean Rutherford, all of this city. One brother, J. Q. A. Ruther ford, Jr., and four sisters, Mrs. Bu cinda McClure, of Philadelphia: Mrs. Samuel Dickey, of Oxford. Pa.: Mrs. Franklin Rutherford, of Paxtang, and Miss K. Virginia Rutherford, at home. Mr. Rutherford was a member of one of the oldest families of the country with distinguished Revolu ' tionary ancestry. He was a son of the late John B. and Keziah Parke Rutherford and was of the fifth generation to reside on the old Rutherford farm, belonging to Thomas Rutherford, who came to this country from Ireland. He mar ried Miss Eleanor Shearer Elder in 1876, who died a year ago. As a young man he enlisted for sendee in the Civil war from the State Normal school at Millersville, nnd since the war has been a mem er of Post 58, G. A. R, Mr. Rutherford was an ardent church man. for thirty years an elder of old Paxton Presbyterian Church, formed by his forefathers and for a long term superintendent of the Sunday school. STEKI.TOX PBRBONAI.B Mrs. L. H. Walters, Pine street, is visiting friends in Easton. Mr. and Mrs. Jere Blakslee return ed from Berwick where they attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Blakslee s mother. IT AJRRISBTJRG llfil££V TELEGRAPH 1 Law Against Bleaching of Pennsylvania Flour Is Attacked by Millers The House committee on health and sanitation gave a public hearing this afternoon on the bill to amend the pure food law to permit artificial ageing of flour. This legislation is urged by the Pennsylvania Millers Association and among those pres ent to-day was William J. Veager, chairman of the legislative commit tee of the association and other prominent millers of the State. It is contended on behalf of the mil lers that the proposed measure in tended to place the milling industry of Pennsylvania on an equal footing with the millers of other States; that Pennsylvania, North Dakota and Wisconsin are the only states pro hibiting the bleaching of flour. In some quarters the bill is being strongly opposed. Dairy and Food Commissioner Foust being against it on the score that it will prove an entering wedge for improper prac tices in the treatment of food pro- I ducts. Mr. Veager stated that a similar bill passed both the Senate and the House two years ago but j was vetoed by Governor Brumbaugh notwithstanding assurances that the ! measures would be approved, i The attitude of the millers is that : the industry outside of Pennsylvania I has a big advantage over the Penn- I sylvania milling interests and one i of the millers declared to-day that ; the farmers of Pennsylvania are los ' ing $5,000,000 a year on their wheat I as a result of the alleged discrimina ition. It is claimed that mills out ' side of Pennsylvania are now ageing j and curing flour by electrical and | other processes so that they can ship I direct from the packer and save the : labor and expense of storing and handling. It is contended by the i millers that this treatment of the iiiour does not render it deleterious I to health and that the Pennsylvania 1 regulations are a distinct handicap j to the industry here. Opponents of the bill say that the j artificial bleaching of flour by elee ; tricity would encourage the practice | of mixing third and first grade wheat and selling the product as first grade j flour. To this millers reply that from ' a commercial point of view the 1 bleaching of flour which contained I low grades of wheat had been proved j unsuccessful after a series of experi ! ments. | Colenel Edward Martin, State Commissioner of Health, and James Foust, State Dairy and Food Com missioner, attended the hearing and expressed their disapproval of the proposed measure. Flour manufac tured under the provisions of the measure, would be harmful to the health of the people of the State, both maintained. FINE FOR RHEUMATISM • j Musterole Loosens Up Those j Stiff Joints —Drives Out Pain You'll know why thousands use Musterole once you experience the glad relief it gives. Get a jar at once from the nearest drug store. It is a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and dort not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on I Musterole is recommended by many doctors and nurses. Millions of jars are used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 20c and 60c jars; hospital uzc $2.50. ROTAN AND VARE FORCES IN LIVELY TILT OVER BILLS .Fifth Ward Politics and Need For Assistants For District Attorney Set Forth District Attorney Samuel T. Ro tan, of Philadelphia, had it hot and heavy with the Yare forces for a few moments this morning at a hearing before the Senate'committee on ap propriations, on the two bills pro viding for four additional assistant district attorneys and sixteen addi tional detectives under the direction of the district attorney, in Philadel phia county. Philadelphia politics in general, and those of the Fifth ward in par ticular, were the subject of discus sion in a three-cornered argument which raged between Senators Vare and Salus on the one hand', and Mr. Rotan. Senator Vare stated at the hearing that he would not oppose the bill in committee, but would speuk against it on the floor of the Senate. The only speaker the measure was William 11. Wilson, director of public safety in Philadelphia. Mr. Wilson opposed the bill on the grounds of the increased cost to the taxpayer should the measure go through. Me declared that there were already sufficient detectives in the city of Philadelphia, and declar ed that the proposed bills would S create a new and separate minatnre I detective bureau, separate from the control of the director of public safety. "The present police depart ment is always at the beck und call of the district attorney," declared Mr. Wilson. No Delay Tolerated United States Senator Penrose de clared this morning that the hearing which Senator Vare has fixed for next Tuesday to give Mayor Smith and former mayors of Philadelphia a chance to state their objection to the Woodward Philadelphia charter bills will be the last delay permit ted. The senior Senator expressed seri ous doubt as to the proposal to bring Mayor Smith here to oppose the charter bills. Ho also expressed pleasure over the progress made so far. The bills were read a second time in the Sen ate last night. "1 am gratified that the bills have been read the second time and satis lied to hold a further hearing next Tuesday," said the Senator. "This will be the last delay." "Ample opportunity has been af forded to discuss the bills and the time for action has arrived. "I am gratified to know that Mayor Smith is coming here to talk on the bills. It will be interesting to hear him give the record of his adminis tration during the last three and a half years." Then the Senator expressed the opinion that it was doubtful if the mayor wouW appear at the hear ing. Senator Penrose objected to the use of the word "factional" in re ferring to the fight now on between the rival Penrose and Vare forces over the Philadelphia reform legis lation. "This Is not a factional fight." he asserted. "It is a fight for a princi ple. j "There is some element of faction alism in it," he admitted, "but the It Took REAL Americans To Finish the Fighting* Job Over There if They went into it ready to sacrifice EVERYTHING—their lives if need be and they never faltered—or paused to consider the possible cost. €f Now, they want to come back home. II It Will Take REAL Americans Over Here to Finish Up Our End of the Job Which They Finished Up Over There I We are asked to sacrifice NOTHING— % Cj All Uncle Sam asks us to do is to loan some ot our money to him to finish up over here the job that our boys have finished up over there. C| And if you do not happen to have the immediate cash, we will be glad to help you by loaning you money to help you finance your subscription. Are YOU a REAL American? Your Victory Loan Subscription Is Your Answer ASK US FOR DETAILS I Harrisburg National Bank, Harrisburg Trust Co., Edward Bailey, Pres't Geo. W. Reily, Pres't newspapers are fighting for these bills as a matter of principle." The senior Senator professed to be pleased with the defeat of the non partisan repealer for third class cities in the House last night, although it was his own friends who tried to put the repealer through. "This looks like a step toward progress," he said. He took the stand yesterday that nonpartisan elections should be held in all cities, towns and boroughs in the State. Nevertheless Penrose men in the House tried last night to re move the third class cities from the list of municipalities which now op erate under a nonpartisan act. Independent leaders are much pleased with the Senator's utterances on the nonpartisan principle and claim that a nonpartisan law for Philadelphia would be a big benefit to the independents there. .'iistin Meets Senator One of the first to see Senator Penrose was former Senator Ernest T,. Tustin, who from time to time has been mentioned as a possible candidate for tbe mayoralty in Phil adelphia. Another early caller was Auditor General Charles A. Snyder. The appearance of Senator Pen rose on the Hill brought a host of his Philadelphia followers here. Most of them attended the hearing on the Daix bills to increase the dis trict attorney's force. Among those active in the Senator's behalf are Thomas W. Cunningham, Select Councilman Harry J. Trainer, ex-Senator Ernest D. Tustin, Real Estate Assessor Oscar E. Noll, James Heurn. a former at tache of the tax receiver's office and a number of others. The Senator said to-day that he in tended leaving Harrlsburg to-mor row. He will go to New York to speak at a dinner FViday night and expects to return here again next week. ; ADDING AND j| CALCULATING MACHINE K. T. riL ITCHFIEI.D, 4(MI. tnldrr Hldg., Harrisburg, Pa. HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT VOCATION The best JOB for yon In life is de scribed by Holmes \V. Merton. expert Vocational Counselor, in this vital new hook. Soldiers and sailor's com ing back to civil life, men and women ambitious to succeed In business young people .lust starting their careers, all need this book. If you are "a square peg in a round hole" this book will help you find yourself. It explains dozens of things as: ' too niatlnrt Vocation*. nni j .%|,ll- If lea Needed In Kneb; Picking the Job Von Were Madr to Fllll Sink ing Vnur Work Yield the I t met Natiafnetlon and Proflt: Analysing Your >a|nral Abilities: l)l*ro-rrr- Ing Your I nnnrd Toner*: Bring ing Into Piny Yonr Ileal Abilities, ele. "By following the instructions given by Mr. Merton, young men and women may be saved years of wasted effort and disappointment." Atlanta Con stitution. •I.GO net: by mail 91.02, Bookstores or the Pnbllliers. FT' X K A WAGX A1.1.S COMPANY, Mt Fourth Ave-, _\, Y. City APRIL 21, 1919. A MANS • DRINK TETLEY'S Tea is a real man's drink. Here is why,—its strength and flavor bring a world of cheer. After a good steaming cup of Tetley's, you forget you were ever tired 1 That's because Tetley's is refreshing. •Tetley's Teas are gathered from the world's finest tea gardens, and are skilfully and carefully blended. They are securely put up in closely sealed packages which keep impurities out and strength and fragrance in. , Try a cup of Tetley's Orange Pekoe Tea today. You'll like the refreshing yqjfr fragrance and different flavor. TETLEY'S TEA I The Peace Time Quality of I I King Oscar Cigars i will be remembered long after the price, which conditions compel us to charge, has been forgotten. - .. .. John C. Herman & Co. 7c worth .t. Makm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers