Italians See Futility W Demanding Dalmatian Coast and Prohably Be Content With Rami HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Wtt Sfesr-MftpciAnjl. LXXXVIII KO.-5 ISEAGES n.W.'.'AlriCa,?-" HARRISBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1919. f,SS!f,BSS JR™HOME EDITION THOUSANDS OF . 28TH DIVISION ON WAY HOME Transports Carrying Fighting Pennsylvanians Steaming Across the Ocean IIARRISBURGERS ABOARD Many of Old Eighth Regiment will Land May 4 at Newport News Several hundred Harrisburg Na tional Guardsmen who foilght In France with the Keystone Division are included among the thirty-three per cent, of the 28th Division who have already taken transport for this country. Mujor General Charles H. Aluir, commanding officer of the much-cited division, is homeward bound with a number of units under his command aboard the United States transport Mercury. Company D, of the old Eighth Regiment, made up almost entirely of llarrisburgers, will be the lirst of the three local units to return home. It is sailing with a number of other companies of the 112 th Regiment of Infantry, of which it is now a mem ber, aboard the Mercury, which is scheduled to arrive at Newport News on May 4. General Muir on Hoard On the vessel with General Muir are headquarters troops and head quarters detachment of the 28th Di-' vision, medical detachment, Com- j panics A, 14, O and D, of the 112 th! infantry Regiment. These companies were comprised of men from the former Bth and 16th Pennsylvania! Infantry Regiments. The men were; mobilized in Harrisburg, Oil City, Corry, Tamaqua, Meadville, Hrad-j ford, Chambersburg and York. Another transport, the steamshipt Finland, en route to Newport News,J has on board one detachment of 28th) Division headquarters, lield and staff, ] First Hattalion Headquarters, and j Companies A, B, C, D and E, 103 d J Engineers. The latter units were • Composed entirely of Philadelphians, I Seranton, West Pittston, Schuylkill I Haven and Pottsville. These units I originally were known as the First! Engineers of Pennsylvania National j Guard. To Arrive Next Week Two troop ships will conic early J next week, it was said. The Kroon-: land, bearing 02 otlicers and 1,888 j men, of the 111 th Infantry, the 109 th : Infantry, and ten officers and ten j men of the headquarters staff of the I 28th Division will come to Newport' News. The 111 th Regiment men to! arrive are Companies F to Al, with j the lield and staff headquarters of j the First and Third battalions, puilj of the medical corps. One machine' gun company is also included. Of j the 109 th Regiment there will come; lo Newport News Companies A to D, and part of the medical and head-! quarters staff. The Minnesota, with twenty-seven officers and 1.744 men, will dock in | New York either Sunday or Monday. J All the men arc of the 111 th In-j fantry and include Companies A to! E, and part of the headquarters,' medical and supply branches. tin May 1, the Poeohontas, with sixty-six officers and 2,728 men. will come to Newport News. These men I are from the 109 th machine gun hat- I talion, the 1.89 th Infantry and the! 128 th machine gun company. Parade Plans Unsettled A report that Company 1 of the! old Eighth Regiment, another unit! of Harrisburg men, was aboard the' Pocahontas, which is scheduled to! land at Newport News one week from to-morrow, is not borne out by dispatches received in this city.' Old Company D is the only one of | the three local units that is known! to have sailed, it being aboard the Mercury, which will reach Newport News on May 4. It is known that the old Governor's Troop, now a unit of the one Hundred and Eighth: Field Artillery, has not yet taken passage for the home voyage. The AdJutajit General's office is unable to-day to give information as to the units which have sailed for home. Adjutant General Beary is in Washington to-day and no definite information from the Penn sylvania department will be avail able to-day. Plans for the parade of the divi sion in Philadelphia are anything but settled, reports from that city i say. The manner in which the; members of the division are being! distributed among Army camps of i fourteen States, instead of being concentrated in any one camp,! would appear to indicate that, it! will be impossible to have a full di-| visional parade in the Quaker City. I SHAKER I'LIEs Adjutant Walter Shafer, the Dau phin aviator, flew from Middle town to Chambersburg this after ioon. He will speak, at a big Vic tory l.oan rally and mass meeting in that place to-morrow night. Sec ond Lieutenant Fred A. Nelson, of the, Middletown aviation depot, ac companied him. THE WEATHER] For llnrrishurg "nil drlnltyt Fnlr anil slightly nnrmcr to-night, avltli lowest temperature übout -IN i|r grees; Thursday iinrtly cloudy nnil iinrmrr, For F.nstcrn I'm nsylvnnln : Fair to-night, slightly wnrnicr In north unit west portions; Thursday partly rlnoily anil aaarnirr; grntlr winds hrm m - Ing south. nivor Thr Sust|;>-hnnna river and nil Its hritni'lies aalll continue to fnll slow ly. A stage of shout r.,-1 fret Is Indicated for Harris burn Thursday morning. FIUME CANNOT BECOME PART OF ITALY, S4YS WILSON; ORLANDO IS READY TO LEAVE PEACE COUNCIL Latins Insist Upon Treaty of London WILSON HOLDS OUT FOR SLAV Earlier Signs at Paris Indicated Concessions By Associated Press• Paris, April 23.—Premier Orlando threatens to re turn to Italy to-day unless there is a satisfactory ad justment of the Fiume and Dalmatian questions. Prem ier Lloyd George, of Great Britain, is trying to per suade the Italian leader to remain in Paris longer while he continues his ef forts to reconcile the op posing- viewpoints. In a statement issued by President Wilson to-day ex plaining his position on the Adriatic question he declares that Fiume cannot become a part of Italy. The President points out that every condi tion concerning the Adriatic settlement has been changed since Italy entered the war upon the promises of the pact of London, the Austro-Hun garian empire having disap peared. He notes that new states have been created for which Fiume is the natural outlet to the sea. The Presi dent also contends that the strategic necessity pleaded in behalf of Italy's claim to the Dalmatian islands no longer prevails, as the Austrian na val menace has ceased to ex ist. I lie Latin delegation to the I'eace Conference reasserted its determination to stand firm on the question of Fiume, indicat ing that unless the Council changed its position the delega tion would not return to the conference. An early settlement of the difficulty is consequently thought to lie improbable, espe cially as President Wilson is understood to lie equally as firm as the Italian representatives. With Premier Orlando still absent. Premiers Clcmenceau and Lloyd George and President Wilson resumed this morning the consideration of questions concerning China and Japan. Facts of Deadlock The facts of the deadlock over the Italian claims in the Adriatic, ac cording to the Petit I'arisien, are as follows: President Wilson proposed that Fiume, which is not mentioned in the Treaty of 'London, should lie a free city, but attached to the Jugo Slav customs system and, further, that the London Treaty should be subjected to a total revision. Italy refused to accept this pro posal, whereupon President Wilson withdrew, leaving Italy alone with the representatives of the other sig natories of the treaty. During the meetings of the representatives of the signatories, both Premier Orlando and Foreign Minister Sonnino were most conciliatory, Orlando, especial ly, having asked repeatedly on what condition France and Great Britian would consent to give Fiume to Italy, Baron Sonnino said he was ready to discuss a revision of the London Treaty. Wilson Keeps in Touch However, President Wilson, who, while he was not present at the meetings, kept in touch with them, then wanted to reopen the question of the Treaty of London, but with out joining the revision to the fate of Fiume. The President has reced ed from his first proposal to make Fiume a free city and is inclined to givo'it absolutely to the Jugo-Slavs. As to Premiers Clemeneeau and Lloyd George, they are understood to be rcadv to adhere purely and simply to the Treaty of London, at the same time seeking means of conciliation. Although the peace conferees in Peris have parsed nlong for future adjustment the Japanese problem, one of the two troublesome questions standing In the way of the final shsning or the peace treaty, the Italian difficulty was still pressing [Continued on Page 2.] 1 Pennsylvania at the Front Captured machine guns and the men of the "ne Hundred and Twelfth Infantry, formerly the Eighth and Sixteenth Regiments, Infantry. Pennsylvania National Guard, who captured them. I .eft to right, front row. Private Alva E. King, Private James W. Moore; back row, Private Allies 11. Howe, Private John K. An good and Private Franklin E. Freeman. The picture was tnkon south of Fismes, France, August 12, 1918. This pic ture was produced by the Signal Corps of the United States Army, and, if interested in obtaining copies, apply to the United States Army recruiting officer, 825 Market street, this city. DRUG ADDICTS ROB DRUG STORE TO GET NARCOTICS Police Believe Arrests of Ped dlers Is Responsible For Crime That Harrisburg "dope" users are becoming desperate to secure their accustomed supply of drugs, is the impression created among police au thorities by the theft of between sls and S2O worth of narcotics of various kinds from the drug store of Dr. John 11. Garland, Sixth and Muench streets, early this morning. Police are convinced that the ilieft was committed by drug addicts who have been experiencing difficulty in securing morphine, cocaine, heroin and other narcotics to fill their needs since the alleged leaders of t lie "dope" ring have been taken into custody and are now either serving sentences or are awaiting trial. The persons who committed last evening's theft gained access to the store by forcing screws from the out side lock of the cellar door and after gaining admission to it. by forcing a trap door between the cellar nnd the store room. Tu addition to the narcotics, about 150 pennies were taken. Eight-Year-Old Girl Placed on Stand to Testify Against Mother Eight-year-old Evelyn Hays was j called as a witness in divorce ac- j l ion brought by her father, Oar- I ence Hays, against Mrs. Hebecea 1 S. Hays, in which John Hoke was named as co-respondent. The child testified in court yesterday after noon that she had seen Hoke and her mother together. Neighbors who testified said that Iloke went to the , Hays home 011 a number of occa- j sions after Mr. Hays had gone to : work. The divorce action was con- I tested by Mrs. Hays, who took the | stand and denied charges made j aguinst her. Hoke also was called j and denied the statements made by i neighbors. Counsel for both parties will argue the case, probably next j Tuesday. A divorce decree was granted in the case of ltelvln H. vs. EHsle Mc-j Farland, John McFarland being j named as co-respondent. Louis G. Baltimore Is Named City Forester Appointment of Louis G. Haiti- i more, 1115 Market street, as city' forester, was announced to-day at i the offices of the city park depart- ; ment. His name will be submitted j to Council for confirmation at a ! meeting in the near future by Com- ! missioner E. 55. Gross, it is under-1 stoari. Mr. Baltimore is a graduate of State College, class of 1918, and I since that time until recently has ] been in the employ of the Interna- 1 tional Paper Company, a firm manu facturing paper in large quantities. Mr. Baltimore was located in flic Adirondacks in New Vork State for ' the paper firm, locating trees to be used for wood pulp, part of the ma- ' to rial used to manufacture paper. A number of cases of tree butch- ! er.v reported to the department will | be investigated by him, after which it is likely the tree census which ws started a few years ago will be , crmplete/1. This lias been delayed I reuse of the failure to appoint u i| 4 ester in 1917 or 1918. BILL PERMITTING JOINT BUILDING PASSES FINALLY Smith Measure Authorizing Combined Courthouse and City Hall Approved The Smith Senate bill authorizing the City of Harrisburg and county of Dauphin to unite in erection of a joint city-county office building front ing on Capitol Park, as suggested by Governor Sprout, was passed finally in the House to-day. The bill, which now goes to the Governer, would apply to any county and its county seat. Picture Found Behind Battleline Identified as Property of Simon Lutz "Ting-a-ling-a-ling-a - ling," rang the Telegraph's phone yesterday af ternoon while the paper was hot front the press. "Say, is that the Telegraph?" came a voice, "that picture on your front page of a girl and a man in a boat is Simon Lutz. I mean the man is— -1 don't know the girl." Soon there was an investigation, which proved that the photograph shown last evening, found in the sal vage heaps of France, back of ttie battleline, was really taken in Har risburg. The man in the canoe is Simon J. Lutz, son of Harry S. Lutz, a plum ber of 211 Vcrbeke street. Every one who enjoys water sports knows him and his canoe of silver gray with its broad band of blue, and black gunwales. Simon Lutz left here in September, litis, and after spending three weeks at Camp Wudswortli, South Carolina, went overseas with the Fourth Corps, Field Artillery, lie was located in Coblenz for some time and at Easter a card stated lie was in Lonnig for a while. This morning the photograph which had traveled 6,000 miles to France and home again, and was found by another Hurrisburg boy. Sergeant Lin wood Wanbaugh, was given to Mrs. Leon Lingle, of Boas street, a sister of Simon Lutz with whom he made his home for two years prior to entering the service. HUNS THROW SHIP FOREMAN IN SEA; THEN PLAY CARDS By .Associated Press, London, April 23. —German la borers in the shipyards at Dan zig, where American food ships are. being overhauled, are becom ing so imbued with Bolshevism that the American Navy prob ably will abandon ahy attempt to do the repair work there. Re ports received in London say that the workers arc getting entirely out of control. In one instance a foreman In charge of work on an American ship broke up a card game among the workers and ordered them buck to their jobs. The workers threw the foreman overboard and continued the card game, leaving it to others to rescue the foreman from the water. WOMAN NOT SURE jABOUT HUSBAND'S DEATH REWEDS i Could Not Withstand Wooing of Baltimore Man. Now Held by Police "Really, I couldn't say whether my lirst husband is still alive or not," said Anna B. Sioane, of Marys ville, this morning in telling of her marriage to Vernon B. Sipple, who is being held awaiting the arrival of Baltimore officers who are to take him back to the Maryland city to answer charges of deserting his wife and children and failure to main tain them. Met liini in Baltimore "I met him in Baltimore," she told Chief of Police Wetzel. "He came to Marysville end asked me to marry him, but 1 told him 1 had lost faith in all men; besides, i wasn't sure, although 1 was told, that my husband was dead. He said all men weren't alike and then I consented." The knot was tied by the Rev. S. B. Bidlack. It developed that the wo man. who is about 26 years old, had lived with her first husband ten days. Then he disappeared. That was four years ago. He, too. had another wife, the police were told to-day. Sipple, who is an electrician, was taken from a job he was work ing on in Seneca street yesterday afternoon at the instance of the Bal timore police, who sent word that he was wanted in that city for de sertion and maintenance. The po lice are of the opinion that Sipple, while playing ball In Baltimore, mar ried the woman who has sued him for the support of herself and little ones. Sipple once had been a base ball umpire and recently was an ap plicant for a position in the Dau phin-Perry League. Men and Women Arrested in Federal Vice Raid to Be Tried Next Week The April session of argument court In the Federal Middle District of Pennsylvania, was held in the Federal building hero to-day with two lawyers, the judge and court of ficials as the only people in the court room at the morning session, in the afternoon four lawyers wort present. The next session will be held here Monday, May 5, when both criminal and civil cases will be tried. Among the people to come up will be those arrested in the Federal raid here sev eral months ago, charged with being inmates of and maintaining disord erly houses. Judge C. B. Witmer pre sided. Norway Maple? to Be Planted at Post Office Choice Norway maples will bo planted on the north side of Walnut street, between Court and Third streets. Postmaster Frank <Sites, said to-day. These trees, which will he furnished by the Bell Telephone Company through the lierryhill Nursery of this city, will be used to replace live old and d'eeacco trees which were removed when un addition was made to the sidewalk on the north side of Walnut street some time ago. Workmen are now engaged in beautifying the plot of ground sur rounding the Post Office. The ground is being raked and carefully pre pared for resceding. CIVIC BODIES TO SUPPORT PLANS FOR MODEL CITY Colonel Martin to Attend Con ference Called by Cham ber of Commerce TIME FOR ACTION HER! Organization Asked to Send Two Representatives to Meeting The Harrisburg Chamber of Com merce to-day took steps to co-ordi nate the efforts of local civic and public welfare bodies which have J been asked to co-operate with the State Health Department in its plan to make Harrisburg a model city from a standpoint of health and; sanitation. A meeting of the repre sentatives of the various organ iza - tions will be held in the Chamber of Commerce offices at 8 o'clock on the evening of May 15. The meeting is a direct result of the meeting arranged in the hall of the House of Representatives h.v' the State Health Department April 14. when the representatives of various civic bodies were asked to ! aid State Health Commissioner Mar tin and his staff in their efforts to make Harrisburg the cleanest, city not only in Pennsylvania, but in the, entire United States. The date fori the meeting was set as May 15 in order that it would not divert thoj attention of representatives engaged in the Victory Roan campaign and to give (lie organizations a chaucei to select their t Each organization will ■>. Invite I to send two representatives to the meeting, at which a permanent oi ganization will lie formed The or ganization will selei t its chairman, vice-chairman and secretary, and will give the support of the united organizations to the efforts of Ihe State Health Department. Colonel Edward Martin will attend the meeting. The various bodies which will bo invited to send representatives rre as follows: Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and K*. wan is Clubs, Dauphin County Medical Society, Visiting Nurses' Association, Ministerial Association, Knights of Columbus, Young Men's Christian Association, Young Men's Hebrew Association, Central Rabor Union, Firemen's Union, Associated Aids Society, Municipal League, Hed Cross, Society For the Distribution of Pure Milk and the Civic Club. "It seems to me that it is neces sary to do something more than pledge our aid to Colonel Martin," said President Reinoehl. "The best way to accomplish anything is by a united effort, and I am, therefore, asking these organizations to send representatives to this meeting, when Colonel Martin will bo asked to tell us specifically what he thinks we should hrst attempt to accom plish." Chief Clerk Farver Is Named Director of Poor Until November Election J. S. Farver, chief clerk to the County Commissioners, to-day was appointed a member of the Board of Poor Directors to serve from May 1 until the general election in November, succeeding Levi S. Mil ler. late of Ilummelstown Mr. Farver has been a clerk in the commissioners' office since De cember, being appointed to succeed Ed H. Fisher, who was given the position of Register of Wills by ap pointment. Mr. Farver's successor will be named later. County Com missioners stuting to-day they have not considered any one for the post. Practically every important town ship office has been held by Mr. Farver. who has been a lifelong resident of Conewago township and is widely known in the lower end of the county. He has been both judge and inspector of elections, held the office of school director for two terms, was tux collector and a justice of the peace for one term and at present is a supervisor in the district for a six-year term. Seven Airplanes Will Race Here From York Airplanes aren't much of a treat to Harrisburg, but an airplane race is a novelty; and that is what is to be staged here next Tuesday morn ing. Six machines will race to Har risburg from York, reaching here about 11 o'clock. The winner will receive a silver cup, donated to the Victory Loan committee this morn ing by P. H. Caplan, Market street jeweler. There will be seven planes in the sky above Harrisburg next Tuesday afternoon. Six of them will be those of the "flying circus" which is touring Pennsylvania in the interest of the Victory Loan. The seventh will bo from the Middletown plant of the Government. The planes Nv ill appear over the city at 3 o'clock, flying tirst in squadron for mation, then separating and the in dividual pilots performing their own special circus stunts. Three of the visiting planes will be war machines from France, the other three "trick" planes from this side. Of the six pilots, three are lighting men. Bach of the six pilots will have his own mechanician along. I'KAt KMAKKHS MO ASTIIAY lloston, April 23.—That the Pence Conference in Paris has forsaken the "1 t points" and bids fair to revert to the old-time policy of secret alliances, leaving the Dengue of Nations a hopeless elTort, is the opinion given by County lllya Tolstoy, eldest son and literary heir of the great Russian, Tolstoy, who arrived here to-day, I STRIKE IS CALLED FOR WAGE INCREASE BY UNION PAINTERS Men Ask Sixty-two and a-Half Cents an Hour Instead of Fifty, Saying Trade Is Poorest of Skilled Labor CONTRACTORS SAY WORK WILL BE DELAYED BY HIGHER COST Approximately 140 members of the Painters', Decorators' and I aperhangers' Lnion. No. 411. affiliated with the American Fed eration of Labor, went on strike here at 8 o'clock this morning, with the object of securing a wrlgc increase from 50 cents to 62Yt cents an hour. I he strike was called last night at a meeting in the Labor Hall when it was reported that communications addressed to their em ployers, the Master Painters' Association, had not been answered and that the contractors had refused to compromise. Cite I,ow Scute "Tlie reason why we want this increase is because of the increase In the cost of living," saiil President H. C. Kutz. He cited instances where the rent of the members had been increased and said it is neces sary to get the wage increase in or der to keep up with the times. "The members of fhis craft are the poorest paid in the building trades," the president told a Telegraph re porter this morning, "and they have been this ever since the war started." "Yes, for the last twenty years," interrupted a striker. "For the past sixty-live years," added a gray-haired worker stand ing by. Agreement Kxpircd "i'.csidcs the living cost there are l/berty Ponds. We must have money to buy bonds," continued the official. "Our local union lias in vested a large part of its treasury in the various government loans and our members have paid for their bonds. We want more money to buy more bonds." Acording to the strikers, when their contracts expired April 1, they approached the Master Painters with a request for increase in wages. The request was ignored. ♦* 4* 7* I V X . *s* 7 s 4 § t * T .5 4* *■* f V *i * *s? €* if {l^ f *j~ < * * j~ ' * *t* X *** r # £* i 4 ?~ 4 **- e * *s* fo * , 8 i* < § * Hr * <4 * * HS <J 4* <■ * € i < . , 4 4 *£* 4 4 b i* f~ (£ T Harri: bur; 4* *f > T :T J ; '•- •• . X S afvrrK in. 7 T VILLA MEN VVRECK, SLAY AND LOOT X V {C^4 T M> *|* 'X X X 4 YANKS RIDE SEAS ON WAY HOME T X i April 21, 120,276 1 § •S* army overseas were at sea enroute to this country. j* 4 OFFENSIVE AGAINST REDS BEGINS 4 tf* *£ 1 London—Ural Cossack troops, apparently acting In X 4 conjunction with the Siberian forces of Admiral Kojchak. 4 have begun an offensive in the region of Uralsk and have X 4* ied se .eral villages. *l* X JSI | MARRIAGE LICENSES f *T* Sheridan K. llouKrni and lit lon K. Unimex, lliirrlnliurKl Pmil I'. y llnlr, Wrxt Killrview, mill lli.lh \. Kekert. llnrrihnr K , Clement .1. 4. Mnrj 'cT"llaturln?'liarrUhu"^_ hor " ' •"* A. Cohen and After three weeks of waiting in I which officials endeavored to com | promise, the strike was called. The Contractors' Side The Master Painters' Association ; had issued no official statement this morning. A member of the organi zation. ail "old stager," as he styled | himself, stated that the increase i has been refused because of the ; lack of business and the refusal of 1 the people to pay increased prices. "Painting and puperhunging are I things that can be postponed," ex | plained the master painter. "It Is , not absolutely necessary, people I say, that their painting be done this year. if we grant the increase in [Continued on I'nge 2.] Staples Again Named ar. Playground Supervisor | J. K. Staples, city playground su- I pervisor for a number of years, has been secured again for the 1919 season, V. Grant Fotrer, assistant park superintendent, announced to day. He will come to Harrisburg June 9 from Seattle, Washington, where he is director of physical in struction in the public schools.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers