Buy Victory Bonds and Finish Your Job the Yanks on £<. *w* *+s lran<j| HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH &ht Star-dependent. NO. 9o 2D PAGES Dail^^ p a \ s HARRISBURG. PA. THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 24, 1919. HOME EDITION BELIEVE CITY WILL SURPASS LOAN RECORDS WOrkers Expect to Go Above High Percentage of Sales Made in Fourth Drive WEAR BUTTONS OX ARMS Need More Soldiers and Sail ors to Parade and to Sell Victory Bonds I'here was every indication to-day that Harrisburg in the forthcoming Victory Loan campaign will surpass its enviable record of the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign, when over • SO per cent, of its population bought bonds. "Harrisburg in that campaign made a remarkable showing," said <'ity Chairman Andrew S. Patterson this morning. "A glance at the flg ures will show just how we compare with other cities our size." This is a tabulated statement of what was done in the Fourth cam paign in certain Pennsylvania cities: hj v: -1 I! 11l 3 3 -. ' 'ttj . Allentown $5,510,900 43.87 Altoona 3.G45.95U 54.23 Chester 5,563,900 34 57 Fasten 4,036,350 30.04 llarrisburg 6,891.100 50.30 I lazleton 5.728.300 18.80 ■lnhnstown 6.576,300 18.95 Lancaster 7.979,500 42.30 Lebanon 2.823.200 51.08 New Castle 3,790,550 55.4 1 Pottsvillc 2,837,750 23.83 Heading 9,692,900 32.89 Sosunton 15.808.150 42.49 Wilkes-Barre 9,552.900 52.31 York 5.047.100 26.39 The figures show that llarrisburg not only bought bonds, but that the purchases were very well distributed. Every other man, woman and child in the city owned a bond when the impaign was ended. That a better •' o\ ing will follow the fifth and last Victoi.v Loan campaign scents cer tain. \\ Im W ants a Itido .' I Ics'dquut tors in Market street this morning got the following telegram from t.ieutcnant Lyman, at Head ing: Authorit> granted for a slight to man or woman ' purchasing most bonds. Also lor man or woman sell ing most bonds." Lieutenant Kyman is in charge of the dying circus which comes to Harrsburg from York Tuesday morning. The "coming to llarris burg" will lie a race, the prize to lie a cup donated to lite committee by Jeweler P. 11. Caplan. The man or woman, or men and women, who take tlights here must, first sign a release, relieving the gov ernment front all claims for dam ages. This is imperative. There were a hundred applicants for permission to ride to-day. The German dress helmets which are to lie given as prizes in the Vic tory Bond campaign are on the way to the city, llarrisburg gets 72 of them. A total of 112 comes to tlie entire tri-county district. In all likelihood the pilots in Tues day's dying events will release sev eral hundred circulars, certain of which will lie numbered and will en title ttie tinder to a helmet. W earing Button- on \rins The practice is becoming general of wearing the Victory Bond but ton on the arm. as a service stripe. Victory workers are coupling the button with a tri-color which shows that they are workers. A showing of "The Price of Peace" was scheduled for Mifflin last night. The crowds were such that "the" showing developed into "three" showings. The crowd was highly enthusiastic. A talk was given ly Charles W. Clark, soldier secretary at the city V. M. A. Want- a Locally Made BoaC This district is to lie allowed to name a cargo freighter in June. An effort is being made to get a steel ship, tiie plates for which were made at the Central Iron and Steel This plant was the only one in the district which made parts of ships for the shipbuilding corporation. Soldiers and sailors are still in de mand for the parade Monday night ind for Victory Bond salesmen. Frank Sites requests that they re port to him at the Post < >Hice. Firs! Ant?-Germap Bill Becomes a Law Governor William C. Sproul has an 3,oved the Mallery hill amending 'lie school code whereby every child he ween eight and sixteen years of age - required to attend a day school in which the "common English branches" are taught in the Kngiish language. , , This is the first of the k. man hills to he approved. The Davis Urbill which forbids the teaching of German in any form has been passed by the Senate and is now up to the Governor. THE WEATHER I*'or llttrriMliurx anil virinlt? : Fnlr ninl much colder with lowcMt temperature about 3S de gree*! Friday fair, continued cold. For Kuhtcrn Pennaylvnnlni Partly cloudy nnd mm voider to nfuht} Friday fair, colder In ca*t port ion; freah to moderate ly Mtronic north went niniUi Saturday probably fair. Itlvcr The *tfMquchnnna river and ail llm branches will fall alowly or re . main nearly wtatlonary. \ Mkkc of about |* |mlJ e tiled for llarrlahurx Friday •it or n I n k. They Have Paid Theirs—Your Installment Is Now Due ; i Sf H cSrr |V?HERB m K 1 ! ©UI7 looking,and --jrY PARTLY- - 7 i (repeat t itfcrj M j Jm v ±l^ r o, /v, i PAINTERS WILL CONTINUE WAGE INCREASE FIGHT Deny Charge That Six Con tracts on New Scale Are i No' Genuine I Officials of the Pain'ers, Decor ators and puperhangers Union No. 411, of liurrisburg, whose members are out on strike for an increase of from fifty cents to sixty-two and | one-half cents an hour in wages, reasserted to-day that they had signed agreements with six contruc ■ (tors for tile increase in wages. They showed a reporter for the Telegraph . copies of those signed contracts. They j bore the names of Fisher and Kot termun. liurrisburg; l,ee Stetler. New ; i Cumberland; 11. K. Bashoren and • ' George Bannan, liurrisburg; A. O. ■ | Stoner, Steelton, and Charles F. ; Keisch, Steelton. Contracts Are Genuine "These contracts are genuine," said > President 11. <'. Kills, of tlie strikers' ? union, replying to allegations made iby a morning newspaper that they . 1 were not. 1 The strikers have not yielded in : j their demands, they say, and will | continue until the master painters I decide to grant them the increase. jThey declare there is plenty of work . i for them and made the statement ■ ! that they have received telephone i calls and telegrams from Atlantic City and Trenton offering them as I much as seventy and eighty cents an ! hour. r 1 Did Government Work Replying to statements made un ' officially by members of the Master . | Painters' Association yesterday, they | said that the reason they did not • j help the firms of the city last year 1 j was because they were on govern | | ment work. It was said they re jceived letters from the War Depart ■ ment asking that their men get gov -1 ernment jobs. "We left the local painters, too, ; to work for the Pcnn-Harris people because the hotel was a public neces sity and the sooner it was completed, j the better for the city. According to the strikers the Mas- I ter Painters as an official body have ( not yet replied to their advances. Some of the painters are indig ! nant at the stand taken by the Mas j ter Painters in tlie strike situation. ! It was pointed out by one of their I number that the master painter re -1 ceives $1.20 profit on the work of : each man for each eight-hour day ! that he works. To emphasize his i point, this pa'nter said that if he ! were in a shop with ten men work ing under him during a forty-four ! hour week, the master painter would receive a total of SCC.tiO. This pu'nt j or told that he had been working ; at his trade for a total of forty years i and In consequence knew the j figures which he had cited to be | correct. ! 1 THE FIRST "BIG 'UN" J Harrisburg Silk Mill Company owners this morning wrote May or Daniel L. Keister that the i company will buy $25,000 worth of Victory Bonds through the , Harrisburg district. This is the ; first "big 'un" reported. The little town of Dauphin : sn't "letting the banks do it." It has a Victory Bond quota of $30,000. At 10 o'clock this morning more than half that sum had been bought and indica tions were that the rest will bo gone before the campaign opens. NEGRO SHOT IN 1 LEG; ATTEMPTED THEFT ALLEGED ■ i John Dorscy Arrested in Cel lar of Nurse's Home in Carlisle I Carlisle, Pa., April 24.—Police bc 'l lieve they have ended the wave of i I robbery that has swept over this region in the past few weeks, in I the arrest of John Dorsey, colored, ( 1 after he had been shot in the leg I by Charles W. Strohni in the home .| of Miss Fannie llendel in South Pitt street at midnight last night. ! During the past few weeks there J! have been scores of petty thefts in ,j Carlisle and vicinity. Dorsey is bo ;j lieved to be at the bottom of at least ': part of tliis work, i As neighbors recount the story, ' Miss Hendel, a nurse, who lives alone in South Pitt street, was awakened by strange noises in her [Continued on Pago 15,] PROHIBITION AIDED ;j BY SODA FOUNTAINS I Sofl Drinks Played Big Part in Fight Against "Booze," De -1 clares Harrisburger; Criticises Federal Tax I "Soda fountains did more to bring] prohibition to America than any j other one thing," declared a Har-] risburger who mainta'ns several of j i the emporiums which quench the! I thirst of folks of the capital city! i with other than intoxicating drinks.! | "Multitudes of men who once par-1 I took of beer or whisky began to' j patronise soft drinks long before: i prohibition was agitated as a na-' i tional campaign. | "The consumption of soft drinks! i in this city is enormous and will grow, but it is not a fact that they| serve as substitutes. They were: crowding out hard drinks long be-j BIG TRANSPORTS ; CARRY MANY MEN OF 28TH DIVISION Majority of Local Fighting Men to Arrive in Phil adelphia , More than 500 men from Harris iburg and surrounding territory are ! believed to he on their way from [ France on the steamships Pocahon tas and Mercury which will land in Philadelphia on May 1 and May 4. j These two great transports carry j ing home the victorious men of the j much-cited Keystone Division were 1 originally scheduled to land at New port News, but were diverted from | their course yesterday by wireless l| messages following the conference i of Adjutant General Frank D. Beary j with War Department oilicials. ; The majority of the overseas vet .jcrans from this territory now known [Continued oil Page 15.] Bond Issue For Roads Approved by Governor i Approval of the hill enabling the si State to issue the $50,000,1)00 of bonds ! for improvement of highways author ■ i/.e<l by the people of Pennsylvania - i when they voted for the bond issuing : I amendment to the constitution last , fall was announced by the Governor's j; office to-day. j The governor is authorized to bor row the money as needed, the bonds >1 to hear four and a half per cent in ijterest and not to run more than 30 . I years. The bonds are to he sold to . I the highest and best bidders by the '{Auditor Genera! und Stafe Treasurer jat such times as the Governor may ■ designate, the proceeds to go into the II "State Bond Bond Fund." The Leg . islature will make the appropriations . for the interest and sinking fund, j The firrt bonds will be issued be i fore many months as the improve ment of the highways progresses. j foie the war. What Haridsburg 'likes, by all tokens, is a drink with I something distinctive, with a 'per j sonality.' Hundreds always buy the I same brand, so that the attendant | knows what will be called Tor when the patron walks in. "Time was when soda fountain ' patrons were excluded almost en tirely to the fair sex; it was looked : upon as an effeminate desire. But i when the proprietors began to in , troduee attractive drinks at attrac j tive booths, the men came running, , for the soda fountain proved itself [Continued on Page 15.] ITALY'S KING SUPPORTS ORLANDO IN DETERMINA TION TO WITHDRA W FROM WORLD'S PEA CE CONFERENCE Situation Is Grave With Allies in Final Confab BLAME STAND TAKEN BY U.S. llij Associated Press Paris, April 24. It is said Premier Lloyd George of Great Britain approved of President' Wilson's statement without re- j serve and that Premier Clemen-j ceau has described it as "adtnir-; able" and has said that "lie 1 would not change a word." After Premier Lloyd George's visit to Premier Orlando it was i stated that the Italian premier had postponed his departure from Paris until 8 o'clock this j evening. Paris, April 24.—Premier Orlando, of Italy, reiterated this morning' that ho will leave Paris to-day, his] departure being set for 2 o'clock in: the afternoon. tie added, how - ; ever, "We do not break with our allies, but hand over our interests to their hands, trusting they will loyally fulliil their mission." Vittorio Orlando, the Italian i Premier, in a lengthy statement to-] day replying to President Wilson, states in so many words that lie is compelled to withdraw from the j Pence Conference after President! Wilson's action, which is regarded] as a departure from diplomatic cus- ] torn and leaves the Italians no oth- j er course. Emmanuel Firm King Victor Emmanuel has tele-] | graphed to Premier Orlando com- i mending his action and insisting I j there be no recession from the po-j I sition Italy had taken. | Premier Lloyd George called on : Premier Orlando before the Council ] ' met this morning. The two states- I I men had a long conference, the, i British Premier endeavoring to sc- j cure a change in the Italian posi- j tion and induce Italy's rcpresenta- ] tives lo remain. There was no in- j dication, however, of liis success. Not Fatal Mistake It was pointed out that the with- ] cirawal of the delegation did not! mean the withdrawal of the Italian 1 government from partibipation in j i the peace negotiations or from the | League of Nations. Italy might i ] agree to abide by the decision of j (Confined on Page 111) I COMMUNITY HOME IN THIS CITY FOR COLORED PEOPLE Executive Committee Com ; ; prises Citizens Well-Known in I'plii't Work Here | The People's Forum, the oldest and i most prominent of all the colored or ganizations of Harrisburg to-day j announced tlie appointment of an [executive committee to have charge |of the establishment and mainten j ance of a Community House for col ored people in Harrisburg, In con , ncction with the activities of the i War Camp Community Service in this | vicinity. All of the members of the I committee are well knowti anil have j had prominent part in up-lift work (Contiuctl on Page 111) Baker Tickled to Learn . of Prowess of Little Men Ujf Associated Press , Luxembourg, Wednesday, April 23. During the review of the 33d | (Prairie) Division here yesterday, ! Secretary of War Baker spent nearly j two hours in strolling along t lie lines lot troops. It happened that most of i the men he encountered were nearly | six feet tall, and so the Secretary, who is but live feet, six inches in height, asked for a company of smaller men. Meeting soldiers of his stature and some even smaller. Mr. Baker asked one of the smallest if he had seen any Germans captured. "Quite a number, sir," replied the short doughboy. "Who captured them?" asked the Secretary, "the big men or little men?" . , "The litt'e ones, sir," answered the doughboy, smilingly'. "I knew the little men were fight ers," was Mr. Baker's comment as-he moved along to talk to other little fellows of the group. During the day more than 100 decorations were presented by Gen eral Pershing. Brigadier General George Bell, Jr.. commander of the division, and Brigadier General Paul Wolf received distinguished service medals. IlOllllKHS GET $lOO,OOO Vpper Sandusky. Ohio. April 2 4. Robbers entered the Harpster Bank of Harpster near here to-day and es j raped with over $lOO,OOO in Liberty Bonds and other valuables taken I from safety deposit boxes. Guard American Property Paris, Wednesday, April 23.—Renter's Limited learns that the Italian government is taking measures to protect the American embassy at Rome and consulates in all Italian j cities in event of demonstrations in that country. Rome, Wednesday. April 22.—An imposing demonstration occurred here to-day, paraders traversing the principal thor oughfares acclaiming Fiume and lJ;ilmatia and cheering for Premier Orlando and Foreign Minister Sonnino because of their attitude regarding Italy's claims at the Paris Peace Conference. PLAN MANY EVENTS FOR VICTORY LOAN j Next Week Will Be Crowded Willi Demonstrations lo Show Need of Funds to Pay War Debts I Every minute of the lime to boj, 1 devoteu next week lo the Victory; Loan drive will be tilled with some- 1 I thing to drive home the nations needs. A partial program looows: Meetings—City workers will gather j rin Federal courtroom, po.t otllco, i Friday night, to receive instructions and outtits. Workers of not only the! I city, but all of Dauphin, Perry and JOniata counties will meet in Chest-] nut street auditorium, Monday night' to hear Chaplain Fettridge and lb ' H. Ludlow and see "The Price of] i Peace," filmed at the cost of $l,-; j 125.000. i Parade —Will be staged Monday night, starling from Front and .Mar- i ket street at 7 o'clock, will include ! returned soldiers and sailors and Vic- , ;tory workers, with sixty-piece-Muni-] jcipal band. Airplane Flights—Race from York I |to Harrisburg will occur Tuesday] | morning, the planes reaching here] j about eleven. Squadron flying by six ] !or seven machines, with "circus" j 'work at three Tuesday afternoon. The! I itriw\ ban ball trll t thfl tttDbl I | person who has bought the most j I bonds or sold the most bonds will] be given a ride. ■ Street Dances—Under direction of ; ] N. S. Longaker; Tuesday night, Third land Verbeke; Wednesday night, Mul- I berry and Derry; Thursday night, I Market Square. Luncheons For Victory Loan ] workers, Tuesday, Wednesday and • Thursday noons, at 12.15. Daven i port will cater. There will (be music. Decorations-^-1 ntensivc decorating ] is being done at Third and Verbeke, {Thirteenth and Derry. Market Square] land a downtown point. City Chair-1 j man Andrew S.Patterson repeats his ] | request that all homes and business | 'places display the American colorsi I and flags of the Allies. ] "The Price of Peace' —This Ave-, I reel picture is being exhibited j TWELVE CITIES SEND DELEGATES ! TO KIWANIS CLUB Flans Made For Picnic to lie! Held in Hcrslicy Park I 1 Representatives of twelve Penn- i j sylvania Kiwanis Clubs visited the j | local club at the noonday luncheon i field at the Penn-Harris Hotel to-| ! day, and reached an unanimous deci- j ; sion that it is the livest club in the . i entire State. Delegates from lite | following clubs were present: Potts ville, Allentown, Beading, Huston, : j Lancaster, Philadelphia, Scran ion, j ! Wilkes-Barre, York, Jersey Shore,, ; Williamsport, Chester. Following the regular luncheon j [ meeting a business session was lield , j when plans for a big Kiwanis Club j i picnic to lie held by the Central [ j Pennsylvania clubs were made. This j 11 picnic will probably lie held at ller-| jshey in the beautiful Hershey Park. | j Details are now being worked out. [' (Contiuctl on Page 19) : j Rare Wild Flower Is Found in Hills Ij Several members of the Har- j | risburg Natural History Society, I 'i while in the mountains yester- j 1 day, found a colony of Shooting j "| Star or American Cowslip (Dode- j I; catheon Media). This is a very ' j handsome wild flower, and ex tremely rare in this part of the ,! country. The flower stalk is : topped by a cluster of delicate ,' pendulous, pink-magenta flow ers, the lwig corolla of which ure . i strongly turned backward. The ,! exposed stamens are close clus , i tered, grouped in a conelike figure; the anthers are long, thin I and golden yellow, the base of . | each is marked with magenta- I ; purple. The name is from the , Greek, meaning twelve gods. The j I I botanist Linnaeus, who named j i many of our flowers, imagined ! I he saw in the form of Its umbel I a little congress of the 1 divinities , seated around a miniature Ulynt- | . I pus. This plant can be seen in I ; i the window of Footer's dye ; . | works, 213 Walnut street; also in I •| Dr Potts' drug store, 1100 North II Third street. VICTORY LOAN POINTS Industrial campaign is now under way. Intensive house-to-house cam paign bog'ns next week. Batiks will sell bonds on dol lar-a-week plan, or in any way buyers desire. Bonds are bettor than savings funds, for they pay 1 94 per cent, in ore. Big parade of volunteer work ers Monday evening, preceding the Price of Peace meeting at Chestnut Street Hall. ; throughout the district and will be shown on Market Square some night ] next week, and in the Capitol. It . presents hitherto prohibited pictures, of the United States at war. I $ ? t 4* hh t * •j* 4* 4 ! 4* § j4 ♦? 4 i 4* 4 14* *f* 4 4* 4 s 4* 4# v 4* . 4 4* *s* 21 i 4" I ** |4 s T T IX T iX *** ? ' IT Harrisburg Harry Casner, said tc X 14 X 21 ip 4 4* X X ' 4* T ' *? it ? x " 4* \% i : J. 21 4* X 'l^ 4* $ 4 y ' 4* 5P 4 the |i c <"x\. y !4 ELECt]ED VICE-PRESIDENT O lIS M 14* *s A hot $ i 4 , j*f* iX t ! 4* 4* f :♦ f x lo 4 14 £ X iT| Kiev, capital of the Ukraine, by revolutionary Ukrainian jy I X troops friendly to Simon Prtlura, the Ukrainian leader X ]$ MARRIAGE LICENSES X |4 Samuel H, llnnilMhnn mid lloar 11, Cul|i, Hanrlaburm Frntifc 4* [ -'C. Perri and JKp|>lilnr Fortino, HtrrKon; Hlehnrd S. Flip and Braale J, ' * •*'• llnrrUliurm Wayne W. McCormlek and Maritnret M. J Ib Artlry, l.emoyuej John Solar, Steelton, and Aicnea (irnnal, Saylor- M L vllle. JL ■■ 4^ e; 2" s *4 i *4* 4* 4* 4* 4* *4 t 4**§*4 5c 4 t *ai"j*'*i w 4 w 4* :! 4 i , 4 , *j r *4"4"9l Threat Made to Send Army Into Denied Territories STAFF TALKS OF CIVIL WAR nil Associated Press I Paris, April 24.—Italian forces will occupy that part of Dal-, i maliu anil other Adriatic territory j named in the pact of London with i about 100,000 men, it was stated to ! day by Captain Pozzi of Premier Or i lando's staff. A similar force, the I captain added, would be sent to the : northern region and around Fiume. Premier Orlando's course, in the i meantime, Captain Pozzi says, would i be to convoke Parliament in special ■ session and secure from that body lite passage of a measure providing I for the annexation of the Dalmatian ami other eastern Adriatic territory I given to Italy by the London agree ment, and also of Plume. Reports have been received, the : captain added, that a military dem ; castration by the Jugo-Slavs at , Spalato was contemplated, in which event the Italians would take proper | counter measures. Soldier With One Arm Saves Two Children Ity . Issoeiatcd Press* Shenandoah. Pa., April 24.—Fira to-da.v destroyed live dwellings near ; tlie heart of the city. Stephen i Stabings, a private, just home from ; Prance, where he lost his right arm. ■ j while in action, ran through blind ing smoke to the third floor of ona t, of the houses. He picked up two y children and carried them to tho street. The loss was about $60,00(L,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers