Feeling Runs High In , Ugly Oxier Fmme lkmonsi Held Through C, w HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH jP^ . ©he £tor-3nhepenhcnt. II WXVTTT MO <l7 P \HFS Daily Except Sunday. Entered as Second Class j_— yvx.y v ill J! . t X AUDO Matter at the Post Office at Harrisburg COLD SNAP TO SEND MERCURY LOWER TONIGHT High Winds Save Fruil Trees From Danger of Freezing THICK ICE IS FORMED Orchard Owners Fearful of Tremendous Losses From Hie Cold Weather MAY CO DOWN TO '2S Winiry Blasts Bring Out Over ■oats and Heavy Blankets Fruit u'i'owors throughout t'entrul T*ennnylvan!a are fearful for the safety of their fruit buds to-night when the temperature is expected to drop below the low mark reached to-day and the high winds that pre vailed last night and this morning are to diminish. The mercury is expected to drop to the US degree mark in Harris burg and vicinity to-night, K. It. Domain, local weather forecaster, says. Added to this, the wind that blew at a twenty-mile clip since the cold wave struck Harrisburg, is ex pected to decrease to ten or twelve miles per hour. This will lessen the influence of the cold weather to a certain extent, but will not prevent all damage, fruit growers fear. I.ittlc Damage Thus Fur l.ittle damage is believed to have been done thus far by the cold snap. "The high winds which accompanied saved us front serious damage." said State Zoologist .1. !. Sanders to-day in discussing the conditions of the last twenty-four hours. "We have not received any reports of harm done, and while in some places there may have been frosts we have not heart! of them " Apple buds escaped entirely un scathed, K. n. Mitchell, one of the ... biggest fruit growers of the sec tion. said tills morning. The more tender fruit and cherry buds, to gethor with some others, have been damaged to a slight extent, the fruit growers believe, but not enough to cause alarm. Buds on both varie ties of trees have been particularly numerous and any, already killed will benefit the trees, the growers Wiml May Save IJuds The wind, while falling to-night, will not become altogether quiet. It I is belieyed the rate of between eight and ten miles will be retained until the cold weather ends. This will do much to prevent absolute destruc tion to the buds. but. it' Lie tem perature expected is reached, c n siderable damage may result. If the mercury drops to twenty-, seven degrees, a new tecord for this day of the month, hijtoiy will bo es-, . tablislied in tlie Harrisburg Weath er bureau. Thirty-two degiees, tiie liligure reached at 6 O'PDCK this morning, is the lowos 1 figure reached since 1892. wh • i ."1.3 degrees was recorded. Thirty-two degrees is the mark for April 26. It is almost a certainty that a new mark will be established for hot', days, tonight and early to-mon'ov Farmers Were Planting Yesterday lec was reported in considerable j • uantity throughout the city and, surrounding country to-day. One quarter-inch ice was the greatest th : ckness reached, line farmer said that yesterday bo hud been planting, poll toes, but th't mo. ning he found: the ground frozen and had boot' ■ ompelled to delay the soulmg of the remainder of 'lie plot. The [Continued on Page IT.] Master Painters and. Union Strikers Unable to Reach an Agreement Two more contractors have signed i contracts accepting the new wage sedle of the Painters, Decorators and j I'aperhangers' Union N'o. 411, of Har risburg, it was announced this morn- j ing. by H. C. Kutz. president. The i total of signed contracts now held by the union officials, is eight, and j it is believed they will provide em ployinent at the increased rate, for I approximately 30 men. About 140 ! strikers are out. Besides these opportunities for em- j • ployment, president Kutz stated, ! many men are accepting offers from other cities and several left to-day j for New Jersey and Philadelphia, j where they will secure employment. 1 The eight contractors who have | signed with the Union are not mem bers of the Master Painters' Associ- ! ation. Union officers said. Tiie two ! new signers announced this morning j are: William bungle. , Miller and Spangler. • No communication has been receiv- 1 ed up to noon to-day from the Mas- ) ter Painters. The weekly meeting of: the Union is to be held in Union La- ! bor Hall to-night. THE WEATHER !'• ll<irriliirK nml vicinity t Fnlr, j continued cold with lowcMt tcmpcruture nliout 28 decree*. For Hum tern I Vnn>l vnn in: Fair, continued cold to-nimit nnd siitunfiiM frccxluK temperature to-uiulit; diniinlMliliiK I north>vcMt %vlnd*. IH vcr The BuM|uchfinnn river mid nil ||m liranchcN will full m|owl> or re nin In nearly Mtntionnry. \ of nliout r,u feet i* inilleiited for ' linrrlMburit Saturday muritlnu. Why Begin by Tracking the House All Up Again? —————————————— 1 . • _______ "- - ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 -" ALL HARRISBURG ! MENOFTHE2BTH HOME SHORTLY War Department Plans to Send Back Members of Old Governor's Troop Every Harrisburg man who served in France with the Keystone Divi sion, except those who have volun teered to remain there in the Army of Occupation and those men who will never return home ,are expected | to reacli a home port not later than j May 10. ' Brigadier General Edward | ! D. Anderson, of the General Staff, ! Washington, has issued an announce [ nient that every effort will be bent to have those members of the divi- : ; sion who have not already embark- r : ed, go aboard in time to reach Amer ica by that date. Every one of the returning units j of the old Pennsylvania National i Guard will participate in a great j [Continued on Page IT.] Bill Providing For One Receiver of Taxes Would Save County $7,000 Yearly | ; County Commissioners estimated ; I to-day that passage of the bill which I j would provide for a county receiver) | of taxes from third class cities to I | replace the present system of having I i a collector in each ward and paying j ! him a commission, would save the | county at least $7,000 each year. At present in the city wards about] $292,000 in realty tax and $">5,000 per- >. , sonal taxes are collected, a total of I I ?34T,000 on which the tax collectors | : receive a five per cent, commission > ! for their services. This commission amounts to ap- : I proximately SIT.OOO annually, while ! the bill now before the Legislature, i I introduced by Senator Smith, Dauphin | j county, provides for an expenditure j i of about $lO,OOO in salaries for the ! receiver, assistants and clerks. Highwaymen Hold Up Miners; Shoot Them and Steal Wages; Both Dying By Associated Press. ] Scrnntun, Pa., April 25.—.John Yar- i j ris and Tony Bogalosky, miners, were ; I shot down and robbed by hlghway ! men at Eynon in the Upper Lacka ■ wanna valley last night after receiv | ing their pay envelopes. ' The holdup occurred while the min | ers were on their way home. Both j are in a dying condition at the state j Hospital here. MIIIIIEIIEIt TAKEN I'HIMI JAIL TO HEATH HOLMEj I la rdy *i dekerson, colored, convicted) on a charge f murder In the first de gree. and sentenced to be electrocuted I in the Dauphin county courts, was : it ken t>> the western penitentiary to- I day by Deputy Sheriff W. 11. Hoffman. iWickcrgun is lu be electrocuted next | u psk 'LOAN CERTAIN TO MEET WARM | RESPONSE HERE Towns and Boroughs Keen to; Aid Uncle Sam to Pay Expense of War - "A SCRAP OF PAPER"' "I want two Victory Bonds." said an uptown woman at Mar ket street headquarters this ! ' morning. I want to tell you, too, why I want two Victory Bonds," she went on. "There's a mother in our block who has a gold star on Iter service (lag, the memory of ! a. boy who died in the Argonne j Forest, and a scrap of paper on which the government of the I United States guarantees to pay j the mother the life insurance ; ] the boy took out for her when ' he went abroad. I'm going to do my part to mukc that piece of paper always just as good as | gold. That mother has her gold > star and she has the golden j memory of her boy, but she j needs more than that. She needs taken care of: and I'm going > to help the government take i i care of her." — ! Postmaster Frank C. Sites, who is j j in charge of the homes drive of the I i Victory Loan campaign in Harris- j j burg, said this morning that when | | the city team workers gather in the I Federal courtroom to-night to hoar ! instructions from drive directors he expects to tind a large number I I of soldiers and sailors who took | ) part in the war. "These boys aren't going to quit i j until quitting time." said Mr. Sites. I "Dozens of them are going to vol- ' ] unteer their services. They are go- j ting to see it through. I have; j imagined a conversation which 1 : might occur between a soldier sales- j ] man and a possible bond purchaser. ) llt would go something like this: j | "Soldier—Have you thought of ! buying Victory Bonds? I "Customer —Yes; I'm not going to | } buy any. The war's over. "Soldier—But it isn't paid for. "Customer—l should worry about ; I that. It. ain't my funeral. "Soldier —N'o. not your funeral! ! [Continued on I'agc 19.] German Official Couriers Arrive at Versailles; Are at Hotel Des Reservoirs By Associated Press. Paris. April 25. German Official | couriers, in advance of the German : delegation to the Peace Congress, ar i rived at Versailles to-day. The Germans travelled by special train from Creil, near Compiegne. j I They were received at Versailles by j Colonel Henry and other French of- j ilcials and taken to the Hotel Des Reservoirs, which lirs beei assigned to the German detonation. I HARRISBURG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 25, 1919. CANDY TO TAKE PLACE OF B00ZE? ! WELL, PERHAPS!! ; Confectioners Uncertain of Drinkers' New Habits, but See Big Business j _ Eat candy! Why certainly Penn sylvania has a sweet tooth and a| rapidly growing one according to the 1 makers of confectioners gathered i here to-day for their annual conven- i I tlon. But there is a difference of opinion j us to whether drinking men will turn 1 : to candy as a substitute for alcohol i , when the country goes "dry." Tiie I ; delegates are not certain how pro-1 ! hibition will hit their business, some j | being of the idea that more men will i i lind solace in candy while others say I ■ not. But all are certain that pros-j , pority will bo with them in the coni ! ing year,and all are making prepara tion to do more and still more busi l ncss. j The sessions of the annual meet-■ I ing of the Pennsylvania Manufactur-j , ing Confectioners Association opened). lat 6.45 o'clock last night in the j Penn-llarris Hotel' with a brief ! business conclave, followed by the annual dinner. Lieutenant Gover | nor E. E. Beidleman and Senator Frank A. Smith were the .speakers, jAt this morning's session James Foust, State Dairy and Food Com-1 i missioner, delivered an interesting! . address. Business of the association ■ taken up included the report of the I president, It. it. Lloyd, Butler, ill! | which ho told of the work acconi- ■ - plished during the past year. ! | Through the efforts of the associa-i lion more than $1,200,000 in War! Savings Stamps were sold in 1918.1 | Arthur D. Bacon, Harrisburg, chair- i i man of the executive committee, in ! ! his report, covered the activities of i the committee during the year. Klec- I j tion of officers was scheduled for this) | afternoon. Governor Sproul Gets Back From Virginia; j Comes Here Next Week i I Governor Sproul arrived at his I home near Chester last night from Hot Springs, Va., where he spent | the lust three weeks. The Governor went to the Vir- ' ginia health resort because of a se- ; vere attack of rheumatism and for some tmie he was confined to his I hotel rooms. During his absence he kept closely |. in touch with affairs in the State, particularly at tiie Capitol, where the Legislature is in session and lias ! taken action on many hills. i It was announced lie would re main quietly at his home over the i 1 weekend and would come to Harriq . burg til> first of next week. i HOPPER'S KOI lITH WIFE DIEM I j By Associated Press. Frreport. N. Y„ April 2.*>. Mrs I I-'J .{'• Hopper, fourth wire of Dc I Wolf Hopper, the actor, died here last ; 'nio-Ht uftjur a brio/ OOuuu. HUNGARY'S REDS ! SEAL BORDERS IN FEAR OF ATTACK i Soviets Sock to Control Invu-j sion by Huinanians and Stop News Leaks DAYS LIKELY NUMBERED i _ Bailie Reigns in Budapest, From Which City Thou sands Are Fleeing .WAR ORDER IS ISSUED Women Meet and Protest Against Soviet Govern ment and Bolshevism Bit Associated Press Berlin. April 25.—Hungary has i hermetically closed all her borders j in an effort to control the Rumanian invasion and prevent unfavorable : news from escup'ng from the coun try. Reports from Budapest, there : lore, are contradictory, but all in dicate th> situation is grave. The days of the Soviet government ; ; are perhaps numbered. The Entente powers arc said to have 60,000 col onial troops in Xcusatz. which are . advancing as a Rumanian reserve. The Czechs arc believed to be pre paring to attack. The people uf , Transylvania have revolted and are I advancing with the Rumanians lie- , ! cause of the agrarian measures im- i i posed by the Soviet regime, i A panic is said to reign in Buda- ! pest, where the Communist author ities are said to lie ruthlessly arrest ing scores of the Bourgeoisie, i Thousands of the citizens arc lieeing according to report. The Budapest police have begun a counter-revolutionary movement, •ml it is said that all involved have been arrested. Government troops , are leaving for the front unwillingly., having in in ini the experience of their corn rati en who capitulated to 1 j the Rumanians. Geneva. April 25.— I The Rumanian ! [ bureau tit Berne has issued a state ment saying that after the visit of I General Francliet D'Esperey to Bucharest recently. Rumanian j troops were ordered to resume the offensive against Hungary which ' had been suspended during tlie stay j of General C. J. Smuts at Budapest. ! It is said the order provoked great ! enthusiasm and that a number of 1 I Saxon officers and troops from . i Transylvania joined the Rumanian ! army, which in a rapid march be yond the old lin oof demarcation oc i copied Grosswardein. capital of the province of Miliar. Hungarian Red ! Guards lied from tlie city and large 1 quantities of booty were captured by tlie Rumanians. It s officially announced at Buda ■ post that the Rumanians continue to advance toward the Thoiss river ami Hint the Hungarians have been 1 forged to evacuateDebrcezen, tliirty ■ six miles northwest of Grosswur- | • lei n. Thousands of people are leaving Budapest on foot and are carrying their baggage, as there are no trains lor vehicles. Five thousand women ' at Budapest have met and protested against the Soviet government and : ■ Bolshevism. Centra! Seniors Want to Be Graduated by Daylight School Directors at their regular , i meeting this afternoon received tlie ' [ petition of High School students ask- • ing tlieni to change the hour for the ) I annual commencement exercises. At ; I a recent meeting the board iixed the ] event for the evening, but the seniors | | at tlie High School object and have j petitioned to have tlie commencement I take place in the morning as in for- j 1 mer years. I A request from State Health Com missioner Martin .for tlie inaugura ; lion of a campaign in the schools | against flies was received and pre sented to the board for approval. EUROPE TO EAT j WAR BREAD FOR THREE MONTHS Increase in Milling Percentage' to Go Into Effect, Decrees j Food Council in Paris By Associated Press I'aris. April 23.—An increase in : the milling percentage, which will | virtually put the world back to a ! war-bread basis for the next three j months, is a part of the program i adopted by the Supreme Food Ooun- i oil under the chairmanship of Her- i bert Hoover. Tlie program also includes a com- ! plete plan for securing and (lis- ' tributing food to allied, liberated, 1 neutral and enemy countries untii ! the next harvest. One object of the program is to determine the avail- j able food supply and so distribute | shipping as not to put undue pres- 1 sure on any one market. New York. April 23.—Americans | will continue to eat. "white bread" 1 restored late last year after months ; of milling on a "victory flour" basis, | despite the return of European | countries to a war-bread basis an- | nounced by tlie Supreme Food j Council, Julius H. Barnes, president i of tlie Food Administration Grain Corporation and Federal Wheat Di rector. said to-day. A survey of wheat stocks, Mr. , Barnes said, had cdnvlntfed his do- I partment that tlie American supply was sufficient not only to warrant continued production of all-wheat j flour, but to meet, the export do- | maud until the next harvest. ORLANDO GOES TO FEEL PULSE OF PERTURBED ITALY; PREMIER j. WILL SEEK PARLIAMENTS AID Situation Not Irreconcilable Is View Held Today in Frencl Capital; Demonstrations in Support of Latins' Policy Held in Rome and Other Cities HUNGARY STANDS IN FEAR OF INVASION BY RUMANIANS, AIDED BY FRENCH ARMI PARIS, April 25.—A distinctly more hopeful and lers irreconcilable feeling prevailed a' Italian headquarters to-day. No longer was there talk of a breach with the Peace Conference but instead it was said: "All may be settled within a fortnight. Premier Orlando has gone tc ) Rome to consult parliament. Thereafter we shall sec." Although Premier Orlando lias left Paris with two other members of the Italian delegation I to the Peace Conference in protest against President Wilson's action in making public >' i statement on the Adriatic question, the latest Paris advices do not give the view that tli move means a cessation of Italy's participation in the Conference. Italy, if all her delegate leave Paris, will be represented at the Conference ly Great Britain and Prance. Meanwhile the Italian people to whom Premier Orlando is returning, appears from the Rom NEW DRAINAGE SYSTEM FOR 13TH WARD PLANNED C.osl of Sanitary and Surface Wider Interecptcr Sought i by Commissioner Lynch I'ity <\>mniisBiomr, \Y. 11. Lynch to- 1 . tlay i*i quested t'iiy or M. IV | U'owclcii to liuvo an estimate tnadn 011 the cost nf constriictinw a scweruK''| system for sanitary and storm wafer 1 draimw in tin* Thirteenth ward from ! Twenty-lirst and I>en;. streets to i the eastern city line. It is understood because f the tfi'ade in tliis district it will lie nee-■ • essary to build a intercepter, | probabL somewhere near the present i right of way of tlie Philadelphia and j Heading' Hallway lines. Connecting I to this will be tlie smaller pipes in i the various streets in that part of j tiie ward. ! At present the entire section beyond 1 Twenty-first street Is with ut prop . IT drainage facilities, either for saii ] itary purposes or for storm water ; outlets. According- to city officials it would be impossible to connect a line in I terry street with the one which drains the western end of the > ward as from Twenty-first street to tlie eastern line the grade changes in ' iha opposite direction, i According to Mr. Lynch there are approximately 25 dwellings being ing constructed in the area beyond Twenty-first street, and the growth j of the city in that direction has been ( large in the last few years. "I consider it an important sani tary measure." Mr. Lynch said, "The city engineer's office will submit es timates and tentative plans for the , line of the sewerage system to me j soon, and then the matter can be dis cussed with the other conucilincti. "This part of the city is developing | rapidly and is without any drainage, j Cesspools are being used at present ( and I believe something should lie , done to provide a proper sewerage ' system for the district." Czecho-Slovaks Attack Waitzen; French Assist Rumanians in Offensive (■ciievfi, April 25. Czecho-Slovak ) forces have attacked the city of Wait zen. 20 miles northeast of Budapest, which is expected to fall soon. French troops are said to be aiding the Hu inanians in their advance in eastern Hungary, according to advices re ceived here from Vienna. SONNINO IS IN PUBLIC EYE AS BIG FOUR SITS ) Italian Foreign Minister Not | Expected to Attend Session of Wilson and Premiers By Associated Press ■l'aris, April 25.—A plenary scs-! sion of tho Peace Conference will be I hckl Monday to consider the revised I j dral l of (lie League of Nations cove-! j nant and also such portions of the! peace treaty us may be completed jby that time. The session will bo ■ open to the public. It is understood! I that if the covenant is approved it : i will immediately be made public. ; Premier Clemervceau and Lloyd i George and President Wilson, it is! ! announced, will meet in conference 1 jat 4 o'clock this afternoon. The 1 ! topics to lie discussed at the meet- ! j ing are not known. The remaining. i members of the Council of Four,' j now that Premier Orlando has left | j France, did not hold a meeting dur i ing the forenoon. The chief interest attached to the | afternoon session is whether Foreign j Minister Sonnino of Italy will at-j i tend and continue the discussion of ! the Italian question, as he intends to ! leave for Rome to-night. However, i it is not considered likely that lie will i i attend. j l-'l.l KIM.* HALF MILI.IOX llrUKsrlM, April 25. Great loss of life among the natives of tiie Belgian : : <'origo as a result of an influenza cpl i (bonis is reported In dispatches ro- ' t cetveil here, home estimates pi cc the ' | number of deuUis at suu,ouu, ONII.Y EVENING ASSOCIATED PHESS TWO CENTS IlflMC CniTIAN NEWSPAPER IN IIAUKISIUUUi SINGLE COPIES IlUlTlEi LUUIUIt "advices received to be standing determinedly behind her deli gates at the C onference. Demonstrations were held yesterda . and last night in Rome, and it is reported that in all the large towns oi the kingdom there have been parades in which the peop' have show n their approval of Premier (Irlando's stand. MACHINERY IN MOTION TC CLEAN UP HARRISBURG! Cily Di pnrlmem Mends in ConlcTeiKv Willi Sin It: 1 it'til(ii Officer | Machinery airoiuly is in motion to 1 moke Ila iris burg ;i model cit\ from .health ind simitars standpoints. | Master Daniel L. KeisUgr now is j receiving recommendations from hoods of tho various divisions of tho j I Continued on l2. J ®I-%> >.V ¥hl•fr4- !• * fr* > fr T f ■ % I i* ,1 ! 4* *1 ■ T '2 i, 2* ,j 1 4* '2 J, t | to T * 2* .* i' 2. I T , J,'* *! ♦ :X * T i 'i T It i X f t '&. '"5" j. ,T if f* '£• * * ' "s* >?■ , g ;f J jl j* f *• 4 X IT f jj|* ' Z I A x • •$ 1 'j* i ' : i' J 3 X ■ -£ X i v jB: 4 *£ t*f" \ 2, ,4 ;1 P! - if •■ i in.; ? f 0( *§* •M ,f* ; jQ. j| IT' X X *?* T* M *l ' f I |4 f ■; | : S f J MARRIAGE LICENSES X :'rj llurr> 11. (:r<!<iii nntl l.nnr.-i I. I'l-ri-riliiiiish, llnrrUburgl Se- f ! Itiiktiun \iliuii him! \inin M. ll'rUcrl, StirMiin. (j) ■— — - --'- - Feeling High in Italy Peeling is running hig throughout the country, accon ing to the reports, and di patches state that Great Britai shares with President Wilso I the condemnation of tlie Italia people. The slogan "Fiunte o death." is said to have bee j adopted. Whether Italy will or cupy the disputed territories o Daimatia and Finnic wit I troops, as it was indicated yc: terday she might do, is no j definitely know n. Efforts to lind some middi ! ground between Premier Or lando and President Wilsoi [Continued on I'ngc 12.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers