10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH , .1 XEWSPA.PER FOR THE HOME Founded ISSI Published evenings except Sunday by THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, federal Square S ' E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief j F. R. OYSTER, Business Manager GUS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor t A. R. MICHENEK, Circulation Manager Executive Board J. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLESBY, F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. ~ Members of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. ——————_______ A Member American Newspaper Pub- Bureau of Cireu lation and Penn '• Dailies! §S£ 3* Eastern office, aw* m kAn tU Story. Brooks & RSS 3 SQB W Finley, Fif th {JSLTL6SB 0 Avenue Building, Western office'. Gas' Building, -'■ Chicago, 111. Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. 1 By carrier, ten cents a week; by mail. $3.00 a year In advance. TUESDAY, APRIL 22. 1919 I To be happy is not the purpose of ] , our being but to deserve happiness.— Fichtc. WE'LL FINISH IT DON'T begin anything you think! you can't finish," is a bit of j advice often given those about 1 r __ to embark on perilous undertakings, j Had any one proffered it to us, as! , Americans, when we went into this war with Germany, we would have! i- replied: "Don't worry: we'll finish it, all | right." And we would have meant it. We j * would have fought anybody who might have insinuated we did not. So, indeed, we must finish it. The Hun is beaten. The Kaiser is dethroned. Germany is in the | u dust. I 5 But the war is not over, f; American soldiers "over there" 1 paid their war debt to "the last full measure of their devotion." But some of our war debts still ' remain to be paid. Uncle Sam | doesn't ask us to give him the money, i He says: if "Here, Mr. American, I need some money to pay war debts created to save you from tlie sword and torch of the Hun. I'm willing to pay you j 4 ; ' t per cent, and return the money in four years. Will you buy?" , And what will you say to that? Will we finish this war? Sure, we will? That means we must buy bonds. I Postmaster General Burleson may be j ; a popular official, but nobody lias dis- 1 t covered the fact. MR. PENROSE'S VISIT SENATOR PENROSE'S hearty endorsement of the Capitol Ex tension plans, which he saw for tlie first time at the Capitol yester day, is in full accord with the Sena tor's policy in respect to Harrisburg as the seat of government. When Philadelphia legislators would have 1 removed the Capitol to that city fol lowing the fire in 1897, Mr. Penrose came to the support of Harrisburg and none did more to prevent the \ proposed change than he. Again, f when the Capitol Extension plan was j in a critical stage before the Legis i; lature, Senator renrose, here 011 a visit somewhat similar to that of the present, came out heartily in an L interview in the Telegraph and that ' same evening in a public address at L the Board of Trade, urging the Leg j* islature to put the bill for the land i purchase through and his was the I voice which carried most weight in ' reaching that decision, j On every occasion, when public utterance has been useful, and in numerably in private conferences and conversations, the senior Penn , ' sylvania Senator has not hesitated to champion the interests of Harris burg as the best location in the State for the seat of government and all of its activities, and for that Harrisburg people are deeply grate ful'. What Senator Penrose has done, in this regard, has been of inestim able advantages in the development of the Capitol and its extensions, and • so in the growth and prosperity of the city itself. In the present in stance there is no contest, no dis sension: the administration and the Legislature are alike favorable to the development as outlined for Mr. Penrose's edification yesterday, but ; it is gratifying, ineed, to note that the Senator is pleased with the work ing out of the plan which he did so much to make possible. In commending the judgment of Governor Sproul in the selection of such men as Colonel Martin for State Health Commissioner and Lewis S. Sadler for State Highway Commis sioner, Senator Penrose put into words a belief that everybody holds who has any acquaintance with tlie facts, and as Senator Pen re so said, if by reason of any of the legislation now under consideration there should arise the necessity of filling vacan | cies in Philadelphia municipal ser- V ; ! TUESDAY EVENING, | vice the duty could fall to no more I tit man than the present chief exeeu- I tlve. His whole course since in- I auguration has been such as to win 1 the confidence of the public regard | less of party and the constructive J policies of his immediate subordi i nates have won the approval of men jin all walks of life, who feel that j Pennsylvania now has an adminis j tration that not only means to get i a dollar's worth for every dollar spent, but is investing in things worth I while. The senior Senator comes to I Harrisburg at a time when the Re | publican party in Pennsylvania j stands united as never before and I when Republicans in office are do ' ing bigger things for the State j than ever. WHAT'S IN A NAME ? A LEADING magazine recently published a photograph of the 104 years old son of a for- j ! mer President of the United States. I sitting on the veranda of the little J j Florida houseboat he calls home, lit was interesting because of the ! man's unusual age, and because of | ! the fact that a President's son could j j live so long among us, known only j to his immediate neighbors. I On another page of the same issue I was an even more entertaining pic ture—that of a former "bad boy" of | a New England manufacturing town, | who through the softening pro- 1 ' cesses of a boys' club had been in- j jstructed in the ways of thrift and, j who, although still below voting age, j has built up for himself a profitable I I and growing business in plant- do- | velopment. If he keeps on as be I has begun, he will be independent 1 before he is thirty. What a country of contrasts and 1 opportunities! Here we have a young man starting out in the world supported by ample means and with the prestige of a famous father, j ending his days obscurely, never 1 having been able to so focus public J attention on himself as to win that] distinction which such a promising beginning might have made so easy: and, on the other hand, a lad of for eign birth, born in poverty, reared in the back streets, striking out for himself and making his mark before having attained his majority. Truly there is not much in a name, save what its possessor makes of it. There is no aristocracy in America, except that of brains and energy. The millionaire of to-day may be the pauper of to-morrow, and it is just as true that the pauper of to day may be the independently wealthy man of to-morrow. What's 1 in a name? Better ask, what s in a man? SEEING IT THROUGH DISCUSSING the Victory Liberty Loan, a prominent publicist observes — The Victory Liberty Loan will probablv be the last popular Na tional loan in connection with tlu- war. Its success is quite as vital as was the victory of our military forces in the field. >\ e urge you to support it liberally. The effect on the industries of the country of an oversubscrip tion of the loan would be most stimulating in creating a pros perity in which all would share. This is a phase of the matter which ought to be understood and thoroughly'appreciated by the aver age American citizen. This country was responsible for ending the war in th<j,'right way and it must finish the job by supplying the necessary funds to pay the bill. Any failure through lack of public interest would be seized upon by the leaders of unrest and the incipient Bolshe viks on this side of the water as an evidence of public discontent and dissatisfaction with the Government. Two significant things have tran spired within the week to reassure the nervous element of our popula tion regarding the "spread of the Russian menace in this country. Count Tolstoy declared in Harris burg the other night that Bolshevism could not find lodgment in this coun try because of the wide diffusion of knowledge regarding our system of Government and the liberty which is enjoyed by the masses of ouri people. Almost in the same hour, a leader of the Danish people declared that the apostles of unrest would find 110 fruitful soil in his country because of the widespread education of the people. ■ In short, wherever people are awake to their own welfare, they are giving no encouragement to the leaders of destruction here or else where. Even the most careless of our own people cannot help realiz ing what has resulted in Russia as I a consequence of the impossible theories of the Soviet rulers. Starvation and inconceivable suf fering have followed the impossible attempt at a new order of things sinct the revolution in Russia, and it will scarcely be contended that any number of American people can be induced to try the experiment on this side of the ocean. Just .in proportion as our own people take their place in the Gov ernment through the support of war loans and the other activities will they demonstrate to the mischief makers abroad the difference be tween liberty and license. Recently, a soldier declared that "it* is a case of all good Americans pulling to gether and making this America for Americans." This sentiment is grow ing throughout the country. The appeals of the late Colonel Roosevelt are finding lodgment in the hearts of the people and, though dead, he yet speaketh. Bolshevism must be crushed not only in Europe, but wherever it shows its ugly head. Gradually it is being realized that intervention in Russia through force of arms at this time would be a serious blunder and the people in that unhappy country, through much tribulation and suffer ing, must work out their own salva tion The United States and other countries, allied in suppressing the German menace, will see to it that | the innocent as well as the guilty in Russia do not suffer for lack of food, | and through supplying their need in this respect it is believed will come final adjustment in Russia and the peace of the world. But we in the United States must see to it that Uncle Sam's request for a loan sufficient to clean up the remaining bills of the war is prompt ly met, to the end that those who provoke unrest and discontent may have no encouragement in any ap parent failure of the people to see the thing through to the end. "Poecttc* CK "~P C-KKO W IC&KLCL By the Ei-l'ommittoeman | 'i [ Nothing since the announcement of the candidacy of Joseph F. Guffey, of Pittsburgh, for the Democratic j nomination for Governor last year, appears to. have given as much grat i itication to the Democrats who arc [opposed to the reorganization ma- I chine control of their party, as the Intimation from Washington that Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer may be a Presidential candidate in order to "sew up" the Keystone State delegation. This will afford an opportunity for the partisans of Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell, the gubernatorial candidate who was "bawled out" by Palmer here last summer and defeated by such a tre mendous majority at the general election: the friends of Colonel "Jim" Guffey, the old time leader, and others who have been fighting the Palnter-MeCormick machine, to start out on the war path. Every one remembers the influ ence that the present Federal office holders were able to swing at the Baltimore convention in behalf of Wilson, when things reached a criti cal stage and the Democrats who did not get Federal appointments, especially recall the manner in which Palmer, McCormick and others collected when offices were being handed around. —The recent conference of the machine Democratic leaders in Phil adelphia was more or less of a mournful affair, as it was shown that while the Federal jobholders were making themselves solid in of fice, the Democrats of the State were characteristically getting mad and! that Palmer-McCormick machine! stock was below par. Hence it was decided to send out some mission aries to galvanize the Democracy, and to tell them how important it will be to "sustain" the President. —Now the manner in which the President is to be "sustained" will be to have Presidential delegates elected in the interest of the attorney general. There will be the usual stuff about Palmer being "close to the President." one of the "big fig ures at Washington," and other phrases which have supplanted the old style term of the "favorite son." It will also be noticeable with avidity the Bonniwell Democrats will receive the Palmer candidacy, if it ever gets to the point of being used as a means to have the Keystone State delegation made a block. The whirl of the grindstone as the anti- Palmer men sharpen their knives can already be heard in the valleys of Pennsylvania and there will prob ably be some citizens with long memories who will recall how the Palmer-McCormick people used to sav that it was one of the worst of the offences of the old Guffey regime that it endeavored to tie up the whole delegation by the unit rule and other devices which are appar ently just what the machinists have in mind now. —StiU more significant is the atti tude of mind of the Democratic bosses in trying to establish "favor ite son" booms. It is taken to mean that there will be an open field and that the President far from being a candidate for any third term, will have trouble putting over any per sonal choice. There is also the engaging possl bilitv that the Philadelphia Press mention of McCormick mav be only camouflage for McCormick. Summed up, the developments of last night in the Philadelphia charter revision legislation, which brought Senator Penrose to Harris-' burg, are that the Senator succeeded in winning a point in having the! Woodward bills come out 011 second reading in the Senate, but that Sen ator Yare secured more delay by announcing a hearing on the bills for next Tuesday, when ex-Mayors Smith and Weaver aie scheduled to appear. The district attorney bills, in which the senior Senator "i s also interested, are having their hearing to-day. The Senator will bo back in Harrisburg again next week. —That the Senator means to fight was apparent to-day. He said so again last night and to-day was busy making alignments to insure the suc cess of the bills, while the Vare ele ment was just as ousy among mem bers of the House in the hope of getting votes against, the bills. The Vare tactics in the House have been an interesting study for weeks and last night a fresh example was given in the voting on "he third-class city nonpartisan repeal bill —Governor Sproul last night gave the legislators fresh notice that sal ary bills arc going to have a hard time when he announced a veto of one salary bill. —The senior Senator also took the highly important strategic position of being unreservedly in favor of in creases of teachers' salaries and ap proved of the Scott bill to permit Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to in crease the tax levy limits to provide the funds for the purpose. —lncidentally, the Senator dealt a blow at the bill generally supposed to be a Vare scheme to provide for an elective school board in the two big cities. This bill 1s now consider ed in the morgue. —Senator Penrose's idea is that the session will not end now until June 1. He said so much time has been lost that tlie session will run a month or six weeks longer. United States of World The day shall come when we shall realize not only the brotherhood of individuals but the essential unity of all mankind. All are brothers: all children of the same Father. The barriers which divide nations are artificial. T believe the time is at hand when these barriers will fall,, like the walls of Jericho, before Dove's trumpet summons, when the banner of brotherhood and freedom will float forever over a new federa tion—the United States of the World —TolstOV. UJVRJRJSBURG TFT.FGRAPH MOVIE OF A MAN WITH A POOR MEMORY By BRICGS LTRT S SEIS -WHAT WHAT VMS THAT.'? ISN'T- THAT TUMMY I KROOWJ IT WAS WAS THAT I WAS IT WAS SOMETHING' AT '- ' T GAIH.I/' ; I M RIRTN -I— -R -R- REMEMBER VAJMAT MAD T O BE POWT, Q7PIM6 TO BUY- IMPORTANT TOO ■' ( ' IT WAS * ANJI > , R W AS . HM- M- (M- Y ? F PARTICULARLY KMPRESSEO OM ME. /BY THS. WIFE/" WHAT WAS IT! -MOW I CAN -WAIT -wait- A LIBeRTV ALMOST GET IT CM 6£ T TINJGJ " AMD TL-J ERO IT |X DOMU ISLLP3 AWAY FF?OM - WHAT WAS IT Coming Era of Literary Hotels A sign oC the dry times coming may be the new method hit upon by a North Carolinian for naming his hotel. The New York Sun is author ity for the fact that a new niillion dollar" hostelry in the South will be called, by some illogic, "The O, Henry." The portrait of the late Mr. Porter, who used his pen-name, will hang in the lounging room, and illus trations from his works will decorate the other rooms. One can imagine a Manhattan traveler asking for "Bag dad on the Subway" instead of a lodging. The Sun rather welcomes this deliverance from the use of the names of kings and queens and princes, etc., and takes a little men tal excursion among the possibilities of the innovation: "May we not soon see the Hotel Henry James, with winding mazy corridors and obscure corners: the Thomas Hardy, far from the mad dening crowd and famous for its Gloom Room: the Tennyson, with a brook running through the lobby and a marble Sir Galahad frowning on Peacock Alley; the Stevenson, with a young man serving cream tarts in a pavilion on the links; the Arnold Bennett, where the waiters will talk a great deal but arrive late with the food (no Pretty Ladies wel come); the Theodore Dreiser, for travelers of forty, the Defoe, with a cave for patrons as well as goats; the Poe. with mysterious prices; the Mark Twain, with huckleberry fin nan haddie; the Epgene Field, with foods fresh from the Sabine Farm: the Hergesheimer, where three black pennies will be acceptable as a tip. • • • • "The idea adopted by this North Carolina wise man should appeal to publishers, who may be expected to invest liberally in liostelries bearing the names of their favorite writers. Ay, the writers themselves may plunge into the hotel business. 'Ppend a week at the Harold Bell Wright away from the Eves of the Wor'd." "Come to the Robert W. Chambers and wear a Cardigan Jacket. *• 'The Paths of Glory lead to the Trvin Cobb.' The advertising possibilities are in finite." THANKS THE TELEGRAPH We want to express our gratifi cation and appreciation at the gra cious compliment paid us by the Harrisburg (Pa.) Telegraph, in re printing part of an address deliver ed by Harry B. Haverstick at a meet ing of the Lancaster Florists' Club, and published in The Exchange of March 1. It says: "Any compliment regarding floral decoration from the New York Flor ists' Exchange, the leading medium of the florist industry in the United States, is a compliment indeed. A writer in this magazine, who has recently been in Harrisburg with his eyes open, makes a pleasant reference to the famous window boxes of "The Telegraph Building in the following extract, and also de scribes the beautiful lawns and shrubbery at Hershey." Incidentally, the fact that the Telegraph came across this refer ence to its good taste and commend able activity along lines of commun ity beautiflcation is an illustration of Itlie fact that the reading of trade [journals—of which The Exchange [ likes to consider itself a worthy rep [ resentative —is not always restricted [ to members of a trade or business | with narrowly circumscribed inter- I ests. The significance of this should ! not he overlooked by prospective I contributors or by potential adver tisers either. | AN ELEPHANT IN COURT ■ July 18, 1879, an elephant was brought into court as a witness. The action arose out of the visit of a lady to the Alexandra Palace, where a Nubian encampment was attracting crowds of people. She went there in a pony carriage and after the conclusion of the per formance a baby elephant came out, with its keeper, and frightened the pony. The pony bolted and the plaintiff was thrown out and injured. Counsel for the defense said the elephant was willing to go into the witness box to show its harmless dis position: and, the judge consenting, the animal walked in, with bells on its head and theaded its way through the mazes of the law as though it had been used to courts of justice all its life. Counsel for defense having no questions to ask in cross examina tion, the animal withdrew, and, the action being settled upon terms, the judge remarked that the happy end ing was highly proper, since the elephant had come to offer its apolo gies in person.—From Answers, Lon don. GENERAL ALLENBY AND THE LITTLE MAID OF FRANCE [From the Youth's Companion.] • r-piHE children of France, during [ I the great war, have won the hearts of many soldiers' Eng > lish and American, privates and of i ficers. But they have had no more tcader friend than General Allenby, . the conqueror of Jerusalem, who, > before ho left France for the East, I j was affectionately known in many . French villages as "!e bon General." 5 One who served with him has re | cently related the pretty story of I; some of his many friendships with . French and Belgian children. Now , that the war is over, says the writer, _ they are awaiting for him eagerly. In the little villages of Northern | France and Belgium, Marthe and _ Sidonie, Aline, Irene (with her bad | arm) and many others are waiting • for him on the chance that he will • ! come their way again one day—as he 1 promised. ! i .Their hearts have not forgotten '! "Allenby, le bon General." It is '! impossible to estimate how much ■ |they will kiss him! Irene (who can " j read the papers) is a little wistful i; about it, and, oh! so jealous! She :| is afraid that, perhaps, during his >j triumphant progress, her big friend . j may have taken sonic little Arab i|(or even Turkish) children under ; ! his wing—and the thought hurts. : | An what a friend he was! Neither , I Irene nor her mother will ever for ; get that dreadful day in September, ( ;1916, when the enemy rained death .land destruction among the inhabi itants of Saint-Pol. r I Madame remembers that the gen 'jeral himself walked round the town, • I comforting the wounded and super i intending the arrangements for their JI care. Irene only remembers the J burning, stinging pain in her arm, 1 the finest face she had even seen, ' j and then nothing more until she 1 ! woke up in a comfortable bed in a ' j British military hospital, to find the ■ | kind faced matron smiling down on her. That evening the general sent PROSPECT To taste Wild wine of mountain-spring, , fresh, living, strong, Running and rushing like a tri umph song, Round hearts new-braced: To smell A growing cowslip, some glad morn of Spring, And breathe the breath of every fragrant thing From every bell: To touch A sliding wavelet, supple, smooth and thin, — Just ere the pois'd and perfect crests begin To bend too much: To hear Amid' May twilight, by the mur muring sea, Some blackbird warbling from a budded tree. Tender and clear: To see Down young rose-petals how the deepening light Glides gradually, till, somewhere out of sight, What light must be! . . . —Blanche Edith Baughan In the Christian Science Monitor. Songs of Civil War Days Whatever may be the faults of our generation, we are not guilty of a certain form of mawkishnesg that flourished during the Civil War. It is expressed in many of the songs that were popular sixty years ago. "Mother Would Comfort Me:" "Kiss Me, Mother, Ere I Die:" "Who AVill Care for Mother Now;" "Dear Mother, I've Come Home to Die;" "Mother, Dear. Your Boy Is Wound ed. •' and so on through a long list. Mother love is too beautiful a thing to be made ridiculous by arrant sen timentality. The reader who peruses such songs of an earlier generation must agree with Artemus Ward, who says of his contemporaries, "These song writers air doin' the Mother Bbiness rather too muchly."—From the Youth's Companion. Excess Profits The ministers have drawn up a bill on boxing wherein the admission limit will be 50 cents per head. Can you imagine headlines such as these: "Quicksand, Ariz., Guarantees, Wil lard and Dempsey $19.23 fof Big ; Bout?" —Chicago Tribune. up his A. D. C. with some flowers. Every day that week the general called at the hospital and sat on her bed (strictly against hospital regu lations!) And every day he called j at the little house in Saint Pol and j reported Irene's progress to her j anxious mother. After a bit Irene | was cured and went home, proud, j and very much in love! j Then came the winter. Irene will | never forget that winter and the I visits of the general. Sometimes he j would come alone on foot, lap on the door and walk in for a homely chat; ■at other times he would ride past I with his A. D. C. and flag bearer and stop outside. And after that the excitement of going to Paris, where 'the general was arranging for her | instruction at a school where ehild ■ ren who are deprived, temporarily J or otherwise, of the use of limb are taught some useful trade. I The blow fell suddenly. The gen | eral was going to Egypt, and Irene | could not hide her tears. A few ! months later Jerusalem was taken, j and Irene was the proudest girl in j France. Yet perhaps, if she had but | understood it —as some day she will j —th(> little girl had greater cause for I pride on the first day of the battle tof Arras, in 1917. For on that day [General Sir Edmund Allenby, in the j very middle and crisis of the conflict, | walked out of his office, at a mom ent when he knew that for at least I half an hour he could get no more useful Information as to the progress of the battle, went into a local patisserie and bought a bag of buns, which he took around himself to his little maimed girl friend. Then he walked quitely back. In a few i minutes his chief of staff brought him the information he required, and he calmly telephoned his orders for the cavalry to advance. As an example of calm, that in cident —which is perfectly true—ls hard to beat. And one day Irene will know the real point about those buns. NOW THE 11-CENT TIP He looked like a country mer chant. maybe a hardware dealer or banker in a small way. The girl at the Union Station lunchroom had left his check on the table and returned to the kitchen. The man fumbled for change as he arose from the table. He found a dime and laid it beside his plate, took his hat and overcoat from the rack and started away, but stopped in no man's land. He fumbled in his pocket again and extracted a copper penny and laid the 1-cent piece on the dime. A satisfied expression on his face as he sautered up to the cashier's desk to settle his account. Having received his change and purchased a 7-cent cigar he paused again at the door until he saw the right girl pick up her 11-cent tip. Shells in English Gardens Talk of raids, the task of the sub urban gardener is likely to provide a little supplementary excitement during the next few seasons. While digging in his garden the other day a resident of Manor Park unearthed a loaded shell. During 1917 and the first few months of last year an en ormous quantity of ammunition was fired by the barrage guns in the London district. An uncertain pro portion of this consisted of "duds," which, when they did no material damage, were buried a few feet in the earth. Tt is a crop which will need careful harvesting.—From the London Chronicle. Ilij the. Side of the Road "Let mo live in a house by the side of the road, Where the race of men go by— The men who are good and the men who are bad. As good and as bad as T. I would not sit in the scorner's seat. Or hurl the cynic's ban— Let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man." "I see from my house by the side of the road, By the side of the highway of life. The men who press on wit'.i the ar dor of hope. The men who are fair.t with the strife. But I turn not aw'ay from their smiles nor their tears— Both a part of the infinite plan— Let me live in a house by the side of the road And be a friend to man." APRIL £i, II7IV. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES The nutshell is Facts About France, by E. Saillens, recently pub lished by Stokes. It is a book unique in plan and as full of interesting in formation as a nut is full of meat. Americans who have seen France and wish to enlarge their knowledge or refresh their memories, and those who contemplate a pilgrimage to a France of many changes, will find in this compact, readable encyclo pedia information covering every phase of French life, customs and people, past and present, ranging front thoughtful discussions of music, painting and sculpture to a concise treatment of the Alsace-Lor raine question; from agriculture and industries to Joan of Arc, Napoleon and the battles of the Great War. Yashka, Maria Botclikareva's mov ing and unique story of her early personal life and her service for Russia during the war, recently pub lished by Stokes, has had an un usual reception, meeting universal recognition of its extraordinary qualities both as a human document and a record of genuine historical importance. Those following the investigations of the Overman Com mittee into revolutionary propagan da will be interested in the fact that Botclikareva's story goes further and deeper into the scouj-ge of Bolshe vism than any wlf&ess appearing before that committee. It is based on inside experience not outside ob servation. Maria Botchkareva saw with her own eyes how Bolshevism worked in the Russian army. Her efforts to stem its flood before it should sweep away Russia and inun date the world are enormously sig nificant. Though she did not meet with immediate and visible success, she stands, and will stand in future, as a historical tigure, comparable with the foremost heroes of world progress. A few months before his death, Theodore Roosevelt invited Maria Botchkareva to lucheon at Oyster Bay, desirous, although he said he "did not believe in women going to war," of meeting the inspired peas ant woman who had served Russia so uniquely. At once these two widely differing individuals recog nized in each other a kindred spirit. Roosevelt was so deeply impressed with the inspiration and devotion as a leader of her people that he sent her $l,OOO from his Nobel Peace Prize Fund to bo applied to the re lief of thirty brave women of the Battalion of Death whose*, destitute condition Botchkareva movingly de scribes in her thrilling life "story Yashka (Stokes). Mo said of her afterwards, "I never enjoyed an afternoon more. She's a remarkable woman." Singing seems to go with soldier ing, as the many recent books of verso by our heroes testify. One of the most spirited and delightful of these volumes is Songs Of The Ser vices, by Chief Yoeman Will Stokes a veteran of the U. S. Army and Navy, well loved as a man and a singer by men of the Services who for years have known and sung many of the songs appearing in this volume. Will Stokes has serv ed in three wars and seems even more alive to-day than ever before. Me was on the eve of retiring after thirty-two years' service when the war broke out and caused him to renew his energies in the navy. His poems of the Great War have splendid patriotic spirit and real Irish humor. LABOR NOTES Kmployerg in Great Britain who are paying less than the minimum wage have been warned that they will be proceeded against by the gov ernment. The average wages of laborers in the factories of India during the past year were generally somewhat lower than the wages of workers not in factories Organized cooks, waiters and wait resses in Ml Paso. Texas, have secur ed a new wage scale which makes no distinction because of sex. The Oklahoma state legislature has amended the state compensation law in a way that it will now compare favorably with similar legislation in other states. The Massachusetts legislature has passed a hill to prohibit night work in bakeries despite the ruling by the State Attorney General that such ac tion is unconstitutional. Cat building nd repairing and iron and steel show the greatest increases in pay rolls for the past year. In the former the Increase amounted to 68.1 per cent., and in the latter, 33.8 per cent ©letting (Clfat Senator Boies Penrose's remark yesterday that the completion of tin road building program in Pennsyl vania, will attract national attention has a special interest for llarrisburg, because when the construction ol primary roads is finished, the State Capital will in reality bo the civic center of the Commonwealth. In the language of Governor WilK*m O. Sproul upon a recent occasion: "All roads in Pennsylvania will lead to Harrisburg." This is literally true now because the highways, primarj as the main roads are known; sec ondary as the county or lateral roads are classed and tertiary as the Stale officials call the "dirt" roads, ar so linked that the traveller can sooti get to a road which lends to the official seat of the State. Kernels rad, iate from llarrisburg like the spoken of a wheel. Four of these roads are main State highways or primary highways. They are the Lancaster pike or the road through Middletowu and Steelton which enters at Cam eron street; the Reading pike, ul the 150-mile road to the Berks coun ty catpital is known, which enters at Derry street and Poorliouse lane; the River road, which comes down into Front street at the upper end of the Fourteenth ward and con nects with the Susquehanna and the William Penn highways and many others, and the Carlisle road, which comes across the Susquehanna and links with the road to Gettysburg, down the Cumberland valley to the Lincoln highway, and hitches up with the roads to York and Marys ville. The bulk of these roads are improved now, hut when the rough spots are smoothed out, there will be fine riding right into llarrisburg and when the Capitol park is fin ished all highways will lead right to the State House. • * * There will be a great chance for the State to erect a distinctive build ing f6r the courts of the Common wealth in the event that it is de cided to establish headquarters of the supreme and superior courts in Harrisburg. The Capitol park exten sion contains ample space and a j building devoted to the highest ! courts would he a notable addition ito the State's official center and ho something of general importance. Very few States in the Union have their courts housed in special build ings and the courts would have the dignity and importance that they occupy, in a relative sense, at Washington. • • • In writing about the discussion of 'George Wharton Pepper as a candi | date for the Presidency, and the ! nomination of Governor William O. | Sproul and Senator Philander C. | Knox, "Girard" of the Philadelphia i Press says: "Both the Governor and j Mr. Pepper have the edge on tho Senator in years. Tho latter is just a decade older than the average ago of American Presidents when first elected, which was about fifty-six. And Sir. Popper is nearer the aver age than is the Governor, who is tho youngest of the trio, although both are below that mark. Most of our Presidents went to college and so did Knox, Sproul and Pepper. Bc | ginning with Washington, who wa' early decorated by Yale with a LL. ! D., nearly all the Presidents were entitled to add a goodly portion of' the alphabet to their names—marks of distinction awarded by colleges. In th's particular Pepper, Sproul and ICnox are deficient. All are I Doctors of Law and other thing". | Mr. Pepper was even a teacher of laws. More millions of dollars invested in manufacturing, mining and vari ous other enterprises were represent ed at the conference held in the Supreme Court chamber to-day on the compensation act than seen hero in a long time. The big railroads, coal and steel and other companies all had picked men here and the aggregate of the money they repre sented would seem almost like a Liberty Loan. WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —The Rev. James R. Cox, Pitts burgh priest, is home from France after service with a Western Penn sylvania unit. —General K. F. Glenn, who com manded western Pennsylvanians at Camp Sherman, says that Germans are not dead yet and must be watched. —General W. W. Atterbury, in charge of railroads in France, will not return for a month, according to what has been heard in Philadelphia. —The Rev. Joseph Welch, chap lain of the eatsern penitentiary, has finished fifty years connection with the Methodist Church. DO YOU KNOW —That Harrisburg Is still ship ping materials for use in recon struction of France? HISTORIC HARRISBCRG —Brick used in construction of the first Capitol were burned in Harrisburg. Punish This Guilty One United States soldiers, $3O a month, were employed to build roads in Southern States. They work ed alongside negro civilians who were paid $5 and $0 a day. They entered the Army to be soldiers. Who did this? And why does not the guilty one face charges in a criminal court? The trail seems.to lead straight to the door of Secre tary Baker. There is no doubt of the wrong done because Congress lias ordered the soldier-laborers paid on the basis of the wages given to negro laborers who worked with x them. It Is not sutfleient to pay the soldiers the difference between $3O a month and $5 or $6 a day and then let the affair drop. Hasn't the United States Army had about enough odium heaped upon it by Baker? Sunny Colorado (From the Outlook.) A hotel in a Colorado town bears a huge sign on which are the words, "Free Board on Days when the Sun Doesn't Shine." This ofTer, it is sntd, was first made in 1912, and since that time only three days, December 4, 1913, December 18, 1914, and Feb ruary 27, 1918, have passed on which there was no sunshine and guests could claim their privilege of free meals. Can any other state show a record of 2,554 sunny days In seven years?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers