10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH /. .YEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by THE TELGGHAPH PRIXTIXG CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Square E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER, Business Manager GUS. M. STEIXMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board J. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLKSBY, F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All, rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. • Member American Newspaper Pub- Associa- Bureau of Circu lation and Penn sylvania Eastern office Story, Brooks & Finley, Fifth Building, . Gas Building, ■' Chicago, 111. Entered at the Post Office In Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a week: by mail, $3.00 a year in advance. TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 191 Work is the fresh air of the soul It etcars the heavy brain, Quickens the pulses of the mind, Warms thought to action, and the blind And sluggish will sunk into ease Of ineffective lethargies It stirs to life again. ... ■ —Susan COOI.UIUE. SABBATII OBSERVANCE BISHOP MCDEYITTS timely warning against making Sun- | day a day for general work is , worthy of careful consideration at I a time when serious efforts are be- I ing made to break down the sanctity fit' the Sabbath. Working people, the Bishop says, should be the last to consent to tHe lure ot' Sunday em ployment, even at high wages. The Bishop is right, and for this reason, if for no other—that if the stores and the theaters are allowed to be open Sundays, clerks and others must work seven days to keep them running, delivery wagons will be op orated and all the activities of week-day life will follow. Instead of making the seventh day a holi day it will become a working day if it is not observed as the Lord's Day, as the Bishop suggests. We are much more interested in procuring greater leisure for working people than we are in adding working days, we must not allow ourselves j to be fooled by advocates of the so- I called "continental Sabbath." PASSING - OF MINSTRELSY j THE death of Frank Dumont, the ' veteran minstrel, will wring a sigh of regret from many an 'Old-timer who remembers the fa mous black-face troudabor when he j was in his prime. Dumont was.among i the men who made burnt-cork en-j tertainment popular on the Amer- | ican stage. The American minstrel j came into fame almost in a day, i and Indications are not lacking that : with the passing of those with whom I this form of theatricals originated it will pass from the boards for ever. Philadelphia, styling itself the "home of minstrelsy," still main tains a little theater that makes some pretence of keeping alive the art, but no big, outstanding stars of the Dumont-Dockstader type are being developed, and ■ the end of , the black-face show is not far in the future. As Scott sang to thet troubador3 of another day—"The way is dark, the wind is cold, the minstrel is in firm and old" — And soon "bones" and "tarn bo" and the "end men" will clog and sing and applaud their own jokes for the j last time and another form of popu- i lar entertainment will have passed Into history. THE MO7)E7TN~MARVEI EORGE G. M'FARLAND, one I of the leaders in the Ninth An nual Automobile Show, says he remembers when, as the owner of the second automobile in Harrisburg, he was able to go only as far as! Fort Huiter in a half-day, and Mr. McFarland is a young man. To-day he would be impatient if the trip took a half-hour. We have gone a long way since then, and doubtless the motor vehicle industry is just getting under way, marvelous as the mechanical creations now on exhi bition at the show unquestionably are. History has no record of an in vention ttuit hds been brought to such a degr.ee of perfection in so short a time. It is little less than wonderful that a novice, ignorant of the first principles of mechanics, unacquainted with the fundamentals of the gas engine or the work ings of the related parts, may be put at the wheel of a fifty horse power machine, and in a few lessons so master it as to rfiake it do his will undej almost any conditions. TUESDAY EVENING. Little wonder that the automobile holds a cl.arin so universal that people are willing to pay admission Ito sec new types of cars exhibited j for sale. THE BLAME IS LAID ACCORDING to the March num ber of Industry, a magazine j published in New York, the ; government itself is mainly respon j sible for the conditions of unemploy j tnent now prevalent in this country, j This publication recently prepared j and distributed a questionnaire to the most important corporations and manufacturing firms in twenty-six States. This inquired as to the extent and cause of unemployment. The number of employes represented by the inanfacturers answering this questionnaire aggregated one mil lion, which, according to the law of ! averages, should represent the con sensus of the opinion of employers throughout the United States. As to the reasons given for unemployment, the basic causes were shown to be as follows: (1) The abrupt stopping of war .work. (2) The failure of the Govern- ' merit to pay manufacturers their just claims in connection with war contracts. (31 The absolute lack of a fixed policy, on the part of the Govern ment resulting in (a) hesitation and uncertainty, (b) instability of raw materials, (c) high cost of labor. (11 Strikes for decreased hours and increased pay. (51 The consuming public buy ing only according to the actual immediate needs. (6) Talk of price fixing and Government interference. i To these should be added one more not mentioned by the manufacturers, but which appears to be materially handicapping business in the United States, and that is the censorship of cables. Recently a large firm of agents and commission merchants state that "while the war is prac tically over and commerce is pre paring for normal conditions, we find that we are still very much handi capped through the unsatisfactory cable service," and (hey mention specifically a large business in al monds, with Spanish exporters, which was lost because of the Burle- ! son grip on the cables. "The attitude : of the present administration is en- 1 tireiy beyond our ability to compre hend," declares the Merchants' Asso- ' eiation of New York. "They are most j anxious to find employment for re- j turning soldiers and to build up busi- ! ness, but, on the other hand, they are , putting all kinds of difficulties in the i way of our transacting business by j the censorship, which seems so un- i necessary, especially to China and j the -Far East." As long ago as last September, Re publican Senators and Congressmen, foreseeing the troubles which would arise should the termination of the war find the United States unpre pared for peace conditions, conferred on the matter and the tangible re sult of the conference was the re ' construction bill introduced by Sen -1 ator Weeks, and enlarged and im proved by Senator Cummins. This measure contained a most conspre hensive program l'or the determina tion of economic problems, but all attempts to get it up for considera tion were frustrated by the Demo crats, at the instance of Mr. Wilson, who did not wish a Republican measure considered because of the credit which would go to that party for having conceived and perfected it. So March finds the government embar'.ied on a policy of meddling, interference, price-fixing and dodg ing responsibilities, while the head of the government pursues in Europe the old vision of Alexander of Rus sia and declines to call an extra session of Congress to permit Re publicans to unravel the sad tangle in which the Wilson bureaucracy has fettered business. You can't talk idealism to a man with a stomachache, and Wilson will doubtless find, should he return to this country within the next six months, that his own particular League of Nations makes small ap peal to a country whose industrial works are contorting themselves in the gripes of governmental interfer ence and Russified bureaucracy. JOBS FOB THOUSANDS WHILE the national government is running 'round in circles begging somebody, for the love of mercy, to provide work for the unemployed. Governor Sproul and State Highway Commissioner Sadler are going right ahead making jobs for thousands. Yesterday they asked bids for sixty-two more miles of State road. This does not mean only that men will be working within the next six weeks on sixty-two miles of high way. Road construction is not so simple as all that.' It means that road machinery must be bought, cement purchased, concrete mixers, roadrollers and traction engines pur chased, quarries put in operation and dozen other lines of business stimu lated. Public works in Pennsylvania will be a god-send to our working folks and businessmen the coming spring and summer. We would like to ask some of the gentlemen of neighboring Common wealths who have been wont to sneer at the Keystone State if their own States are doing anything nearly so well. THE WILLIAM PENN THE Telegraph rejoices to note that bids have been asked for twenty-one more miles of im provement for the William Penn highway east of this city. This great trunk road is destined to become the great east-to-west highway. Those who originated the movement to have the State improve the road all the way from Pittsburgh to Phila delphia arc in a fair way to see their dream come true. fzUtUiU | By the Kx-Oommlttccman The Legislature League got into action last night in the House of Representatives and in the language of one of the rural members who largely make up that organization, "established itself as a factor in the Legislature for the remainder of this session. The League defeated the bill to authorize the Auditor General to name the clerks to assist registers of wills to collect inheritance taxes. The bill lacked fifteen votes of what was needed to pass and 78 members voted against it. The roll call was ordered verified and some votes I challenged .by Representative Allan ; D. Miller, of Sfisquehanna, secretary j of the League. Representative Hugh A. Dawson, jof Scranton, Sponsor t'or the bill, ; said when asked by a Clearfield member that the bill had been given to him by the Attorney General. He defended the measure vigorously against an attack by Representative Robert L. Wallace, of New Castle, president of the League, who led the attack. The fate of thp bill attracted much attention and detracted from the failure of the Yare people to make a fight on the Brady primary and registration bills which went through first reading ih* the House. —Governor Sproul will not make a change in the superintendcncy of public printing and binding for a week or more. Robert C. Miller, of Adams, is prominently men tioned for the glgce. —Lewis S.'Sadler's appointment as Highway Commissioner last night was in accordance with the recently approved act reorganizing the de partment. —The bill reorganizing the Dfe partment of Agriculture attracted much attention whenMntroditced as no statement about salaries was made in the outline handed out last week. The salary of the sec retary is raised from $5,000 to $B,OOO it was discovered when the bill came in: the deputy goes up from $4,000 to $5,000; chief of animal Industry, (state veterinarian) will got $5,000. whiej) wl.fl also be the salary ot ihe director of plant industry, director of market?, director of foods and director of chemistry, while the director of statistics will get $4,000. The bill provides'that the bureaus shall be located in the State Capitol and is a very comprehensive mea sure. —The much discussed suffrage re solution appeared last night and speculation as to what will happen is now being heard. The resolu tion provides for a constitutional! amendment which adds the femin ine personal pronoun to the present' constitution and was submitted by i Mr. Ramsey. Delaware. The anti suffrage people promptly lined up| for battle. The amendment would! have to pass the legislatures of 1919 and 1921 before going before the: people. —The name of John C. Frazes, of Philadelphia, is being heard of for Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, although such talk is a bit ('premature —At request of the Philadelphia charter revisionists Senator Edwin Ft. Vare, chairman of the Senate municipal committee, has fixed next Tuesday, March 25, as the date for the hearing. —The Brady Bills will be a special order next Tuesday in the House when there will be a battle rbyal. It is predicted that the pri mary bill will be recast. —Repeal of the non partisan elective feature of the third class city code of 1913 is proposed in a bill introduced by Mr. Wilson the AicKeesport member of the House. It would restore the system of electing officers along party lines but the present scheme of organiza tion is not disturbed. The bill would allow present officers to serve out their terms. It also provides that city treasurers shall be elected by the voters and not by council. - —This bill was agreed upon by third class legislators last Tuesday and will be the subject of a hot fighti The Legislative League is said not to be for it. —lt was very evident today among the members of the Legislature that there is a pronounced difference of opinion in Philadelphia and Pitts burgh in regard to the Sterling bill to make the school boards in those cities elective bodies. The people j from Philadelphia who appeared last week and urged the bill, which would rip out the present boards, today found some militant Pitts burghers opposed to any change. The Pittsburgh Gazette-Tim s which has taken a prominent part in the movement for better educational things in Pittsburgh especially, says the Sterling bill is an attempt to "reshaekle" Pittsburgh. —No doubt exists on Capitol Hill that' Governor William C. Sproul can get all the support he wants for any legislation to enable the State to find out why it Is proposed to increase the price of anthracite. The Governor did something which interested every legislator immense ly and men from the hard coal region ' were outspoken in backing him up. . —Highway Cdmmissioner Sadler is being congratulated all over the State on his reappointment. It was expected, but .many people seem to think that he should be given pleas ant words because of the record he had already made. —Developments in the congres sional contest in Lackawanna show that whole registration lists were voted whether people were in town or not. LABOR NOTES Toronto aeroplane woodworkers have secured 63 cents an hour. Women street cleaners iq Mt. Ver non, N. Y„ wear official uniforms. Journeymen tailors and women helpers at Ottawa, Can., ask increas ed pay. • , , There are 200,000 women sewing machine operators in this country, I. W. W. printed matter will not be permitted to enter Canada from the United States. For every 100 workers in the fac tories in Sweden there are 23 wo men. There are 53 carpenters' local un ions in the province of Ontario, Can. HAKBISBURG TELEGRAPH AIN'T IT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELWT .... ... ... By BRIGGS §§§j • Wfi- I \m back op yovj who ' /// flAje. Day for 3U6ar If, /- : r. N'l f, HAVE The Borrowing Hl/ff/l i f ' (' ** Ho,v,e T DAy \//// HABtT-AND use The f , Iff An ° 1 ThooiSht \f ff. ' Phone f I 'I, ,D THe )////, m m i )! /. "Al^A^KioTHen t*y -and amother DAY fff. /. Comes The YooNS ///ML 'i f UP To TMe,R Dooß And_^_ ;;= ====== == -~ Son! FOR JOM6THIN6 S MC '' f ThEY ARE MOVING ?,' I .// JI m M f'cZlTZr~~~] m cr'rrrand ml 4/ That District Election [From the National Republican.] There could be no better evidence ol the desire of President Wilson and his associates in Democratic party leadership to put it over on I the people than the pretense which j has been made, in this country and | abroad, that the election in the But- I ler - -Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, | Congressional district, possessed | significance as evidence of sentiment , in this country as to the Lord Cecil- Wilson plan for a league of nations. . President Wilson sent a wireless J message of congratulation to the , I successful Democratic candidate, \ elected in a district normally Re- I publican, with an expression of I gratification that lie had been elect-' i ed on the Lord Cecil-Wilson plan for , j a league of nations issue. A state- . ment was given out for publication ' here and abroad that this was an indication of the trend of public | opinion on this issue. Democratic ; National Chairman Cummings join- ; ed in the chorus with a pronuncia- i mento, and the Congressman-elect, i Job.. H. Wilson, who very well knew i that the causes of his election were j other than the one claimed, added his sanction to the theory that a great hattle had taken place in his district on the Cecil-Wilson league of nations issue, and that the "cov enant" had triumphed. The National Republican has in vestigated this alleged triumph for the Cecil-Wilson plan, and finds that the claim that this isspe cut any figure in the result is an unadulter ated fake. Nor is the statement that the Republicans nominated a coal oper ator against whom his opponent, a corporation lawyer, raised the issue of employed against employer in true Democratic demagogue fashion, the real explanation,—though that happened. The Republican defeat was due, as people of the district know, to contention between the Republicans of the two big counties which com prise the district. In 1 903 there,was a conference at Pittsburgh at which ! delegates from the Republican com- [ mittees of Westmoreland and Butler j counties signed an agreement that '■ the Republicans of the two counties | were to take turns in selecting the i candidates for Congress. It was I agreed that Westmoreland county I was to name the candidate for two | terms, and theh Butler was to come I in for two terms, then Westmore- I land was to have three terms. But- | ler three terms and so on. The But - ! ler county Republicans claim they i kept the agreement, but that when I their turn came the Westmoreland • Republicans, having a majority of ! the delegates, lefuscd to abide by it. j and nominated a Westmoreland j county man. Hie result was that: in the election each county backed ' its own man undpr the sway of local | prejudice, fanned by the cry of in- Justice. The Republican candidate j carried his county, while the Demo- | cratic candidate carried his Repub lican county by a sufficient majority to wipe that lead out and 403 votes in addition. ■Charles K. Herr, editor of the Butler County Record writes: "The proposed league of nations, as every body in this district knows, was not an issue in the campaign." The question was mentioned only once, and that obscurely in a newspaper advertisement by the Democratic candidate, the Republican candidate ! saying nothing on the subject. There j were no speeches and the election ; attracted little attention except j •among those who were- angry or I apathetic over the strife between ! the Republicans of the two counties, j The fact that there was an election | to be held seems not to have been ! reported either to the Republican j national or congressional commit- 1 tees. The Republican majority In the House is so large that there was no national object in making a ! fight and the assumption was by ! those outside the district that no , campaign was necessary. Members ! of the House have no vote on the peace treatv. and the idea that the ■ Lord Cecil-Wilson plun for a league 1 of nations was an issue did not oc- ; cur to anybody before the election | was held, and Was not mentioned by ! any political leader or newspaper, j The theory that the result possesses, significance, publicly proclaimed, is clear evidence of a desire to deceive j the people of this country and of j Europe. It was only evidence that j even a. covenant of countries would i not preserve political pepce. 1 The Modern Version A glass of sody underneath the' bough. A slug of fudge a Hollo book and ' Thou Knitting beside me In the Wilder-j . ness. O Wilderness were proMbish enow.] —From the Macon Telegraph. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I F. M. Fames to Sportsmen | To the Editor of the Telegraph : The Runners and sportsmen of I Pennsylvania are soon to lie con i fronted with conditions that will require their immediate action. While thousands of State sports men were in military camps over three hundred and eleven thousand ; paid resident hunters' license last i fall, and which swelled the License ! Fund to over live hundred and fifty thousand dollars, subject to the order of the State Game Commission under the terms of the Resident Hunters' License Act, which act was volunteered and passed by the sportsmen of the State in 1913; passed by them in good faith and to better the game conditions of the State, it being impossible to obtain appropriations to the amount required to do this. This fund is now so large because of the in ability of the Game Commission to procure desirable game in the United States or Canada under war conditions, they are now turning to game preserves, and already have * established over sixty-one thousand acres in game refuges on State lands, around which gunners will never be confronted with signs "no trespass." There is a reported scheme on loot to combine State De- of Game, Fisheries, Forestry and Water under one con servation head, these departments to become subservient bureaus. This scheme is not new, as it has been scouted before and dropped. Such a proposition will quadruple costs of these departments to the Com- 1 nioqwealth and kill their efficiency ] through becoming subservient de partments, and their efficiency in \ consequence has never been ques- ' tioned. A bill to the above end is being quietly prepared with I evident intention of being rushed through the Legislature. Remarks are freely passed by those connected! with the preparation of this bill; that "the Hunters' License Fundi does not belong to hunters and their ! game interests." "That it belongs! to the State same as automobile taxi or any other tax." "That it will be; used by those in power in any way. they see tit." Such statements are i absolutely false. The Hunters' Li cense Fund does belong to the gun- j ners and their game interests, and i is pledged to this purpose only by Act of Assembly April IT, 1913, sec-I tlon 12. The Good Faith of the Common- j wealth of Pennsylvania is at Stake, for years the Legislature refused to consider Resident Hunters' Lic ense, and not until gunners and sportsmen volunteered, both in their! own committee meeting, before the! State Legislature and with the presi- ! dent and Directors of the Statej Grange in 1911 in Harrisburg, they; agreed with them that when Resi- j dent Hunters' License passed the! farmers should be allowed bounties, for killing vermin according to law ! in amount to equal one-half the ; license returns. Hunters' License! was passed in 1913, and this prov-• ision was embodied in the bill, which I with general provisions was so popular among State sportsmen that over three hundred thousand of them voluntarily paid their dollar for j Hunters' License -within ten days'! time. Nearly two hundred thou-l sand dollars In bounties' was paid : last year, and this amount will soon! be. increased, and the gunners have: fulfilled their obligations. Now, Gunners and Sportsmen ofi Pennsylvania, it is up to you to' protect your License Fund, every [ dollar of which you have contributed. I It Is up to you to continue paying! the farmers the bounties agreed 1 upon. It is up to you to see that j any who would tuke your fund for I any other purpose than the purpose! for which you gave it, in good faith, i are quickly and severely dealt with!' It is up to you to pass this word j quickly to all your club members,! to farmers, to your neighbors, to i yours friends and to your local' papers and a'l of you to direct your I representatives in the Legislature to i protect this fund and to down this l Conservation Bill as soon as it ap-1 pears. Do this immediately or it! may be too late. Write your State | Senator at the Senate Chamber at' Harrisburg. Write your State Be- j presentative at the House of fte- i presentatives at Harrisburg. Do I this at once, for if this Conservation! passes you will still have to pay a hunter's license tax, but the money you pay will be diverted to some ! • < j conservation fad and game will be completely neglected. Very truly yours, F. M. FAMES, . Chairman Legislative t'omniittee, I j The Pennsylvania State Sports i men's Association. FRONT STREET j To the Editor of the Telegraph: Dear Sir—ln your paper recently. : I observed the advertisement of Miss ! Mary Sach's, culling attention to the ,] name of our leuding residential street. 'l I agree with the writer of the ad vertisement, evidently a person who I does not reside in our citv. What is ' the meaning of Front street? Does it I mean the street fronting on a river, ,I a railroad or a canal? A stranger I visiting our city and hearing Front street mentioned cannot tell from ,j the name that it is our finest resi dential street. If the street were ! named Riverside Boulevard, the per j son would know at once that it was 1 , a street facing our beautiful. Susque- I hanna. The writer remembers a few years [ ago the residents living along the j river north of Division street, called ! that section Riverside Drive, and ■] they were so listed in the directories. 'As many know Front street, as j Riverside drive, there would be no i great confusion to rename the street ij Riverside Boulevard. In fact a great ! many of our streets could be re : named, adding much to the altrac ! tfveness of our city, and correspond i ing to the great improvements about ! to be made to our Capitol grounds. A boulevard should not lie called I I a street, neither Should an alley tie ; called an avenue. : I hope our city officials will, give the suggested change of names duo j consideration, f remain. 1 Yours truly. A CITIZEN. ST. PATRICK'S BIRTHDAY ] To the Editor of the Telegraph: If my little poem is of interest to I the readers of your paper, it is at I your disposal. ] Saint Patrick was born at midnight On March the eighth,.some say; i While others say he saw the light Quite early the next day. And so arose a great dispute, j But neither side could win, I For both the sides were resolute, I They taised an awful din. I Then Pat O'Door stood on the floor | And stilled the noisy throng, j "Let's compromise," he did implore, "We do a saint much wrong." The eighth and ninth were added then To bridge the deep ravine; ] His natal day, observed by men, 'i Is gay March, Seventeen. —A reuder of the Telegraph. j A Simple Man's Simple Creed By John D. Wells | EFsher—he's our hired man—- I Allows there ain't no better plan ] °f circumventin' woes an' cares, i Than smilin when y' come down j stairs; j An' lives up to it, square an' blunt, j Like general run of preachers won't! I Klisher smiles an' fore you know | The rest, of us is smilin', so I Ketchin'-like it is! My law, I It fits from him to me an' maw, j An' then across to Uncle Dri ! Or Mairy Ellen ntebbe: why, ; I've seen it set the pup J A-waggln' fore the sun was up! i Then bimeby, us like, as not, ! Some man will pass that's mebbe got j A mortgage that his crops can't fetch, i But like enough the man will ketch j Elisher's smile an' drop his frown An' tote the smile away to town. An' peddle it where, bein' wuss. The people need it more than us! The feller at the griss-miM gits The spirit of the smile—it flits Across an' through the blacksmith's | door, ; An' breezes through the general ] store", ; Then out aguin, an' wreaths, dog- I gone, . Whatever fnce it fastens on! I Because Elisher's smile is jis' I As ketehin' as the pink-eye is! i An' then the feller brings it buck | At night along the baek-u'rds track, i An' scatters it on either side ; The Country Road, both far an' wide, : Until, by'time when we get in \ From work, the amile is back agin' j Buik home agin!—an' seems t' bless j Elisher for his cheerfulness. I "Because you smiled," it seems to I say. I "The world has had a holiday!" —Buftulo Evening News. MARCH 18, 1919. The Myitis of a Tenant [Editorial from The Evening Bul letin, Philadelphia, Saturday, March I X, lit] 9.] , A bill which lias been introduced I at Harrisburg "concerning landlords j and tenants and to afford relief to I tenants where excessive rents are I charged," offers the vehicle by | which the problem of ttie dispos j nessed or "boosted" tenant, which I has been a continuing disturbance in Philadelphia for the past six ' months and is just now becoming 1 aggravated, may be reached for in | vestigation and discussion. Reduced front its legal verbiage of the statute, the measure provides, in substance, that, where a landlord 1 shall seek to oust a tenant or by • similar process shall attempt to ad ! vance the rent from the price agreed i upon at the time hiring, and the j tenant shall allege that the new ! demand is exorbitant, the latter j shall have the right to appeal to the j Court- of Common Pleas in the ! county, and that his petition set ting up the claim that the rental I asked is unfair or unreasonable shall I act as a stay on the writ of dis- I possession. Within thirty days the j court shall grant a hearing and if in its judgment the claim is well founded, an issue shall be ordered ! to be tried before a jury, who may determine what shall be a-fair rental for the property. Hundreds of families in Philadel phia who lay no claim to familiarity j or even understanding of all the intricacies of the law of property and, therefore, will not attempt to argue the legal points involved, will feel that the proposed law squares with what is to their mind justice and equity, and because it appears to reach and remedy what in their ; recent experience has cut deeply as , an act of injustice, its spirit and purpose deserve to be recognized even if in its present form it may be open to objection. The complaints of the tenant householders in the city, which have been recurrent since a sudden influx of war-workers and their families created an acute condition in the housing supply of the city last year, are not wisely to be ignored or lightly treated. The actual shortage in the housing supply which existed for a time no longer exists on equal degree. New construction under Federal patronage has afforded some relief, and still more has been afforded by the scattering of the temporary population. But in spite of these changed circumstances which shotdd have their effect in the operation of the law of supply and demand, rentals are even more difficult to obtain in the city than they were six months ago, and the tenant, with no place to go, is at Hit# mercy of his landlord, who may require him to pay an arbitrary advance in rent, or may ask him to buy at an arbitrary price with no alternative of rental. The terms in either case may be grossly •unjust, if the landlord be so minded, but the tenant who must maintain a roof over his head and those of his family has no redress or recourse. Such a s.tuation is by no means imaginary, but is an accurate state ment of the situation in which many tenants have found themselves, and to which they have been compelled to accommodate their budgets, al ready hard-pressed by general liv ing prices. Resultant murmuriugs and dis content are not surprising, and if it be true that the law of the Com monwealth, js it stands to-day, pro vides no recourse and relief for them, it ought to he recognized as the part of good and wise law-mak ing to search out the facts of the situation in detail and to devise an adequate statute of relief. Specula tion, to the extent of manipulating corners and forcing artificial levels of prices in the food markets and the necessities of life, is generally condemned, although law lias not been found adequate to prevent it, but none of these abuses is more serious in its effect ;on the com munity than the application of such tactics in the market of homes. Ninetieth Division S National Army of Texas and Okla homa. Divisional j headquarters ar rived in France June 23, 1918, Ac tivities: Sazerais- Haye - Puvenelle sector, August 24- October 10; St. Mi hiel operation, September 12-15; demonstration at beginning of Ar gonne-Mcuse offensive September ! 2t>; Argonne-Meusfl offensive, Octo ber 19-Novemher It. Prisoners captured: 32 officers, 1.84 4 enlisted men. duns captured: ! 42 pieces of artillery, 230 machine guns. Total advance on front line: i 28'j kilometers. Insignia: Red monogram "TO" standing for Texas-Oklahoma. I p========= ==== —=r lEbetttttg (Elfat' Proposals that the people of this Liberty Loan district name the car- Ko ship which is to be launched shortly recall the fact that names belonging to this part of Pennsyl vania have figured in the list of Lnele Sam's war vessels in years gone by just as Harrisburg and .Susquehanna do now on the naval lists. The lirst Susquehanna was one of the ships on Perry's expedi tion which open up the Mikado's kingdom and unless memory is at fault it was flagship part of that memorable cruise. Another Sus quehanna figured in the civil war. There was also a Swatara in the civil war list. A Dauphin was also in that war. The merchant marine has also hud a Dauphin and a Pax ton. The Reading coal fleet con tains Swatara. Lebanon, Paxtang, Lykens, Wisconisco and other names associated with this section of the State. As yet no one has seen fit lo tag a ship with Mabantongo or Conodoguinet. The Williams port people have decided on Ly coming. • * Governor William C. Sproul is not only taking his general manager ship of the government of Pennsyl vania seriously, but impressing peo ple with the fact and folks who hav come to Harrisburg any old time with official papers have made dis coveries. The Governor has adopted tlie plan of the late Samuel W. Peiinypuclter and goes over person ally every application for a cliartei and not only has the attorney gen eral s office pass on contracts, but brings Ids own experience in some years gone by to have been approved when the Governor was out of town. A few days ago a man arrived from a nearby State with a requisition and when he tound the Governor gone was inclined to growl. Suddenly he looked at his paper and found thai the Governor of the State of' New Jersey had made requisition on the Governor of New York and that be was in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Another man who arrived at the weekend spent some time and money telephoning to a sheriff in an effort to have him convince a pris- I oner that lie should consent to leave I the State without requisition pro j ceedings. The prisoner concluded , the weather was more pleasant in j Pennsylvania than in a southern I clime, especially as he was accused jof a capital offence. However, he I is going this week. • * • People connected with the Stat< | government and officials of counties I boroughs and townships interested ]in highway improvements to saj j nothing of folks in the contracting and supply trades are awaiting witfc jtlie greatest interest the opening ol - tlie first bids for the State's new \ road program on Thursday. Then j has been little bidding lately, in j fact, very little since the close ol t lie war and the return to something j like normal conditions, to indicati i how prices are going. The Pennsyl | vania letting this week, which will | call for over lifty miles, will be at | indication and be watched not onlj | in Pennsylvania, but in other St&Uu j where road building is under waj j and by bankers and builders in cities outside of this State. Seldom has u Pennsylvania letting been held w such importance. ♦ The cosmopolitan character of th< State Board ot Pardon's list of ai* | plicants has been growing rathij ; notable in the last year and a hallj but it is doubtful whether ai.j greater variety of names of foreiga origin has appeared than that maij for the meeting tomorrow. Starting off with MeHinkoff there is Palen ilrani, then Berggren, followed by Zaverelia, Cappellane, Dorraan, Vere, Hukinski and Soltysek, while Gangrose, Mangini, Pettitti, Ueese.v and Window-maker seek reheurings. The cases held over include Slaz zoka and Pensani. In recent years the Board has been endeavoring tu I get tlie applications listed under the i names as given by the men to their I attorneys, holding that these must |be correct, although occasionallj they are at variance with court records. Such matters have always to be straightened out as the Board is careful to be sure that the ap plicant and the person named on the record are one and the same, although they may hand around various names at different times. The list of offenses for this month's session is small, embracing only u dozen crimes. Often a score are on the list. • • , Some idea of the extent of the oleomargerine business in Pennsyl l vania is furnished by tlie fact thai I there have been 4094 licenses issued, ! within a I'e\v hundreds of the whole I figure issued during 1918. Of this ' number 4502 are retail, (IS whole | sale, 0 restaurant, 2 hotel and 117 boarding house. The comparative ly small number of hotel and res taurant licenses this year is a sur- I prise. Philadelphia has 731 license, 1 while Allegheny has a larger nuni ! her. • Just as an instance of the In. ' tercst taken in the Boy Scout move ! nient in Pittsburgh it may be said i that the men chosen to attend the I national meeting in New York in clude Erasmus Wilson, the com mentator of the Gazette-Times; I Jolm M. Philips, State Game Com- I missioner; Marcus Rauh, city coun j cilman, and others. WELL KNOWN PEOPLE I.eon Thomas, the new presi dent of the Reading Iron company, was for some time vice president oi the company. —Dr. P. K. Moylan, prominent Philadelphia!!, is home from Flori da. ' —Ex-Judge Dininer Beeber thinks that military training should be con lined to setting up exercises. J: B. Parson, the Port Royal edi tor, who hus sold his plant, will engage in business at Alillerstown. —W. J. Richards, president of the Reading Coal and iron company, says that his company has enough coal for 100 years. —Col. W. D. Uhler, chief en gineer of the Slate Highway depart ment, is a member of the Federal highway council. DO YOU KNOW 1 ; ' —Tliut Harrisburg has furnished many men to the navy and marine corps for the war? - HISTORIC HARRISBURG Dauphin county mills furnished flour for the American army in the war of 1812. Toasting the Ladies Gold* and Ruby Larkin enter tained u number of girls at theii home with a wtnnie roast and marsh' mallow toast one evening this week All went home with burnt tongue and fingers.—From the CoatesvllU Herald
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers