.... , , V War Finance Corporation Loans Nation Fifajjjmm Dollars to Rm United States Railm % HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH M k fcljc sHac-Independent. ' .XXXVIII— NO. 66 18 PAGES UftSi* aSSTftMSS&f 1 "" HARRISBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 19, 1919. •'"AiEESSS 6 XWO e CENTS' 3 HOME EDITION RORKE'SBILLTO AMEND BLUE LAW GETS A HEARING Argument and Music Are Em ployed to Urge Enact ment of Measure BOK FAVORS AMENDMENT Pittsburgh in With Favorable Resolutions From Thirty- Two Organizations Advocates and opponents of the Kurkc bill to permit Sunday con certs and entertainments of an edu i itional nature debated the measure for two hours before the House ju diciary special committee to-day and then the Philadelphia Orchestra save a concert to demonstrate the kind of music that would be ren dered. It was the llrst time that arguments and music have been presented in the hall of the House of Representatives and the huge chamber was crowded to the doors. Sponsor 1 "resides Mr. Rorke, sponsor for tlie bill, which would amend the old blue laws, presided and introduced the speakers. The lirst speaker was Dr. Charles Hart, of Philadelphia, who discussed the work of tiie orchestra and its aims, being followed by the Uev. Dr. John Mockridge. of St. James' Episcopal Church, Philadel phia. Edward W. Rok. of Philadelphia, made an extended argument for the hill, reviewing the opposition which had been made against Sunday street cars and Sundays newspapers and how public sentiment had won. say ing that there was larger church attendance per thousand of popula tion and more Sunday newspapers than ever, according to what he had heard and in spile of predictions to the contrary. The music of the orchestra would not interfere with Sabbath observ ance. tie contended, and he closed by saying that the restlessness of people against certain conditions prevailing must be reckoned with. I Pittsburgh Makes Pica . W. Sites, of Pittsburgh, presented resolutions of thirty-two organiza tions for the bill, saying that no harm would be done to the work ingtnan if lie could take liis family to Sunday evening moving picture shows to see religious and historic pictures. X. P. Alifus. of the ( International Association of Machin- , ists. atso spoke for the bill. Check? and ? Hard Luck Story Land Him in Jail George A Evans introduced a new j 'Got Rich Quick Wallingford" scheme into lite criminal annals of Harrisburg to-day. Representing himse'f as an employe of the Cen tral Iron and Steel Company, lie vis ited the drug store of Alderman James It. ReShnng this morning and attempted to pass a check made out to the order of \V. C. Rernhisor and - gned by the Central Iron and Steel Company. 1-'. H. Horts, cashier. He alleged that lie had been ill with in. fluenza and assigned that reason for I e failure to cash the check, dated March 1. before this time. The check was for the amount of JlO.lO. When DeShong refused to cash the cheek he visited several other stores and finally Constable David Hodge ar • sted him. On search it was found t at besides the check already men tioned lie had three others bearing the Steel Company's signature, made out to W. C. Rernhiser for $52.23 each, and another made out to the order of George A. Evans for $2.50. He alleged J hat he had a partner in crime and when authorities investi gated they found his coworker en deavoring to enlist at the local army recruiting station. Veterans Thank the Telegraph For Treat To the Editor of the Telegraph: On lichulf of the laiys of tlic Three Hundred and Sixty-eighth infantry and Three Hundred ami Fifty-first Held Artillery, I wish to most heartily tliank and as. -lire the Telegraph of our appre ciation for the wonderful treat given us yesterday afternoon at the Orplienm Theater. While those Imys were lighting in I'm nee for democracy, the Tele- j 1 graph was fighting here at liomc \ l'or right and jiistloo always. The Telegraph will lind that these tioys who have just eonio baek and who were Its guests j yesterday arc much hotter eitl- J /.ens for the experiences under gone, and In taking our places hi I civil life the boys of the Three Hundred and Sixty-eighth and Three Hundred ami Fifty-first will not forget that one of the ' public mouthpieces of the conn- I r* try which was not afraid to call black black, and white white, ! I was the Harrisburg Telegraph. SGT. LOUIS A. HOWARD, lldqs. Co., llalst F. A. I THE WEATHER] For UnrrlNburic and vicinityi Fair | to-it lie lit, with lowrat t?m|>crii f Hire about 30 ileicrrcs* Thur*- | Ony fair, wltli Hhliik tempera ! ture. | For Faatern Pennaylvnnlni Fair p to-nfxbt unil Thiir*ln> ; riNing I temperature Thir*dn> i at took , | north wlnda dlniinlMlilriK. I Itlvcr I The millii river Mill eontinue to | rl** alow'.j. All tributuriea Mill | inII, except the lower portion of • the \orth mid \\ eat hrnnclicM, , which will rlwe mIIk Ii 11 > to il li; lit. A NtUKc of nhoiit 7feet la Indicated for llarriahurt; 'JThuraday morning. !l : Six Feet Four and Four Feet Six Over at Tech they have 850 boys who are all sizes and shapes. Pome jof these fellows get their nicknames from their peculiarities. And between isix feet four and four feet six we have the others of the S4S pupils. Here I we have pictured "Bob" Spicer and Harry McNeill, the one a Senior and | the other a modest Freshman. They are the long and short of Tech. You jinay call them "David" and "Goliath. "Abe Lincoln" and "Stephen Doug j las." You may take your choice, hut in four more years the little lad will 'hate to make mighty strides to catch the big boy. |VISITS DIX HOSPITAL REMAINS AS BRIDE Miss Martha Fox. Teacher in Susquehanna School, Marries at Army Post i lArr'ving at the base hospital at : Camp Dix, X. J., yesterday afternoon ! j to visit her sweetheart, who is in a j ; surgical ward following an opera ! tion for injuries received while serv- t i ing with the United States forces 1 : overseas. Miss Martha A. Fox, 1507 ' ; Swatara street, former teacher in j I the Susquehanna open-air school, j i was unexpectedly married to him. j 'He is Sergeant Ernest J. Durkin, i a young businessman of Cleveland. I : Ohio. Miss Fox now has a leave of ab sence from active city school serv- j 1 ice. She secured this several years ago to attend Wilson College, Cham i Ijcrshurg. Miss Fox had no Inten- | tibn of being married when she left | this city, hut Sergeant Durkin, con- : ! lident of what lier answer would he. had summoned a hospital chaplain j to tie the martial knot and had in- i vited hts crippled fellowsoldiers and 1 nurses as attendants at the bridal, i CAPITOL HILL IS ! REPRESENTED AT BIG AUTO SHOW Big Exhibition Hall Kept Spic and Span Despite Crowds J It was "Hill Day" at the huge mo tor show out in the Overland build ing. Twenty-sixth and Deny streets, j with scores of legislators invading | the big arena and many of the em i ployes of the Capitol who took oc [ casion to join the general excursion. I Long before the hour of opening, j J. Clyde Myton had a regiment of I sweepers and cleaners on the job and J the attractive showroom was spick and span for the reception of the j distinguished visitors, who came in j big squads. Frank Davenport's temporary j lunch stand was a life-saver, located | right at the entrance, so that the | flavor of his historic coffee walloped j the arrival and steadied him up un til he could get to the counter and [Continued on Page 17.] Escaping Steam at Home For Children Is Cause For Alarm For Fire v Steam, escaping from a boiler in the cellar of tile Children's Indus trial Home and tilling the cellar, when a peteock blew off of the boil er, resulted in u tire alarm being sounded this morning. Peter Shickley. driver of the truck of the Royal Fire Company, No. 14. was severely scalded about the feet when he stepped into a puddle of water on the floor of the cellar, it is lie ieved that tile attendant of the furnace failed to have a sufficient quantity of water In the boiler. The children of the institution re mained calm during the excitement. Sergeant Durkin, in announcing : the marriage, said: "We have known each other seven years, hut I was never In a position , to pop the question until about the time the war broke out. I became a member of the 116 th Field Signal Battalion of the Firty-ttrst Divi sion, and as our troop train pulled through a Pennsylvania town, Miss I Fox came to say good-by. I told her that because of the uncertainty of whether 1 would come hack, I j didn't ask her to make any promises : then, but that if luck was with me and I did return, to remember that iny hat was in the ring. "When 1 got hack with my regi i nient we corresponded again, and tHe matter was about settled just as 1 was ordered to the hospital for special treatment before 1 could get my discharge. Then I took a chance and arranged this little surprise i party." STIFF SENTENCES IMPOSED UPON j CONVICTED MEN Frank Hoffman Tried on Charges Brought by His Wife ; Two penitentiary sentences were! j imposed in Courtroom No. 2 today by [Judge A. W. Johnson, upon two de fendants convicted of assaulting and i robbing in Steelton. Robert Marshall i charged witli attacking Sam Yova novie, slashing him with a razor and taking a quart of whisky from him, was given one to three years, and Edward Bynum, convicted on the same indictment of participating in the hold-up was given three months in the county jail dating from Feb ruary 15. Waddel McVey, convicted of at tacking another colored man in Steel [Continued oil Page 17.] JESS'S UNCLE IS HERE TO LOOK FOR 'TICKLE" RICE i And He's More Worried Over Street Addresses Than Wil- i lard's Chances to Hold Heavyweight Honors I . i ' John Willard, uncle of the world's heavyweight champion, came down from Marysville to-day, lured hither I by the bracing weather and a desire to look upon one "Pickle" Rice, with whom lie had not touched shoulders for several months. Willard is an employe of the Pennsylvania Rail road. "and a consistent one at that. In 1918 lie lost but one day. To a Telegraph reporter he confided that it might have been better for him had he not worked so earnestly. As it was he earned nearly $1,4U0 and his Income tax amounted to some WELLS SHOWN AS QUITTER IN HIS TAX BUNCOMBE Quits When Majority Com missioners Force Him to Play His Hand SAYS WILL DO NOTHING Permission Given Him to Fix New Assessments in His Home District That County Commissioner H. C. Wells is playing politics and noth ing more, looking only to the possi bility of his re-electibn as minority member of the board in November, became more apparent yesterday afternoon during the revision of as sessments of properties in Dauphin. Middle Paxton township and liced township, according to the state-I ments of other county officials to day. Wells has been "calling attention" to what he terms discrepancies In assessments, but so far has made no motion during the sessions o£ the board of revision to have any changes made. Yesterday when he questioned the valuation of a prop erty. County Commissioner 11. M. Stine demanded that he make a mo- ! tion tixing the assessment as what he thought it should be. Wells ad mitted then that he "didn't want to take the responsibility" for such a move. Taxpayers and officials who have been watching his actions and remarks about the assessments de clared that when he fails to move for any changes of property valua tions when he believes them to bo too low or too high, he is evading his duty as a County Commissioner and member of the hoard of re- | vision. Wells Quits County Commissioners Stine and I C. C. Cumbler, knowing that Wells ' owns property in Middle Paxton i township and probably is acquainted ' to some extent with values there. ' said to him yesterday: "We are willing to have you go over the en tire assessment list for this town ship, make any increases in valua- ! tions you think should be made —in fact if you want to change the en- | tire list and make the assessments at the figures you believe to he cor rect and fair—we will back you up. vote for the changes am} set another day to hear appeals from the town ship." ] Wells displayed then his true ! stand by refusing to "take the re- | sponsibility," and as a result the : other Comrirtssloners were able to I show to those who were present that has patter about what he would do is mere talk in the hope of re-elec tion. In many parts of the county property owners are already pre dicting that because of his actions at the sessions of the board* of re vision he will have little chance of even being nominated in September. "Calls Attention" A number of taxpayers declared that apparently Wells lias only one object in serving as County Com missioner—and that is to "call at tention" to changes he thinks should [Continued on Page 17.] COAL OPERATORS COMING HERE TO I MEET GOVERNOR Committee to Discuss Anthra cite Prices at Conference; Letters Exchanged j A committee of anthracite coal I operators will discuss the coal price ! situation with Governor William O. j Sproul at his office tomorrow aft j ernoon. Announcement was made I at the Capitol today that the Gov j ernor in response to a request front j Alan C. Dodson, of Bethlehem, sec | retary of the independent operators' 1 association, had arranged for the i meeting, to be held at 2.30 o'clock. Both the Governor and Attorney General declined to add to the let ters issued yesterday. It is believed that there will he no request for ac tion by the Legislature until after the conference. The House will ad journ today for the week. Claiming that Governor Sprout's intimation in a letter to Attorney General Schaffer, ttiat the proposed increases in coal prices are unfair, Alan C. Dodson. secretary of the An thracite Coal Operators' Association, of Bethlehem, in a lengthy communi cation. asks that the Governor probe the anthracite situation in the State. The coal men claim that the Intima [Continued on Page I.] i 11 twenty-four odd dollars. "It isn't | I altogether right," said the world champion's relative, "but you know j It wouldn't do to kick." In his quest for "Pickle" Rice he j | enlisted the assistance of courthouse ; | officials and requisitioned the good j j offices of girls at the Bell Telephone ' I Company offices in Walnut street so j that lie might secure the addresses jot' the Harry Rices In Harrisburg. j lie learned that two Rices, probably I father and son, lived at 1329 James; | street, and he turned liis footsteps.; rContinued ou Poire 17.1 BAVARIANS VOTE TITLES OUT OF I! THEIR COUNTRY New Premier Outlines Policy til Munich; Plans Are Approved by Diet SIX PLANES CIRCLE ABOUT WILHELM'S HOLLAND REFUGE By Associated Press. Ainerongeii, March 19.—Con- I sideruble excitement was created ] at Amerongen Castle, where for- I nter Emperor William is staying, ; when six airplanes appeared sud j denly at noon yesterday from j behind a bank of clouds. They ! came from the east and, after on j circling the castle twice, disap- I peared northward. The -nationality of the ma ! chines could not be distinguished, j owing to the overcast weather, ! but it is assumed they were Dutch. - By .Associated Press. Basic, Switzerland, March 19.—! i Premier Hoffman outlined the pro- I gram of the new Bavarian govern- J nient at the sitting of the diet yes- ! i terday in Munich. Representatives of all parties, it is said, approved of the government's plans and the gov ernment was given extensive powers for the direction of state affairs. A hill abolishing the nobility of Bavaria was adopted as also was a j measure prohibiting rights of in heritance. ! Deputy Speck, speaking as the ] ! representative of all parties in the | I diet, protested against the separa- j I tion of German territories from the; I former empire, against the reten- j | tion of German prisoners of war by ; the allies, and against attempts to! i prevent the union of German-Aus- j 1 tria and Germany. Premier Names Cabinet Before the sitting adjourned Pre- | . mier Hoffman announced liis cabinet i |as follows: Minister of justice. Dr.; Max Endres; interior, Martin Segitz: ; finance. Dr. Werkle; communica j tions, lleinrich Frauendorfer; social ■ affairs. Herr Unterleitner; agiicul i ture, Herr Steiner; military affairs, j Herr Schnettenhurst. I llerren Frauendorfer and Unter | leiter were members of the cabinet of the late Premier Eisner. Herr Segitz has been minister of the in terior, succeeding Herr Auer, who was shot during the tiring in the Ba varian Diet after the assassination of Eisner. j SCHOOLS CLOSE IN HONOR TO 1)11. SCHAEFFKII As a tribute to the late Dr. Nathan I C. Scliaeffcr, superintendent of pub i lie instruction in Pennsylvania, lead | or of the public schools in the State I during the past twenty-six years, -the schools of Harrisburg will he 'closed this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. ORIGINAL "HARD LUCK" MAN IS j JOHN MIDDLETON Bobbed, Beaten Up, Robbed and Beaten Again, Is His Record I John Middleton, 620 Hamilton I street, is the original "hard luck I guy;" or at least he recently has had ja greater share of misfortune than jthe average Harrisburger. During ; recent weeks he has slid downward on the ladder of success from being i a taxicab owner and driver to the ! position of restaurant cashier, has • been robbed, beaten up several times i and suffered divers other misfor i tunes. j This morning Middleton was ad- I mitted to the Harrisburg Hospital, I suffering with a severe nose bled. ! This, he says, rcsulted_from a scuf-i I fie, which occurred on Monday night J in a restaurant in which lie is now ! serving as a cashier, to which posi ; tion one bf his most serious misfor j tunes has brought him. n this scuf-! i fie. he says, lie was severely struck | < across the ncse. ! Tiie theft of his automobile is re-; | sponsible for him serving as cashier, jut this time, he says. .Several weeks! I ago, when lie was proprietor of a i ! taxical) and served as his own driver,! ; liis auto wa,s stolen from in front of j jthe Majestic theater and no truce of! jthe culprits was found. But the long! , chain of liis hard luck started even ; before that. Early one morning, several days j previous to that time when he was driving to Penbrook to bring a party - to the Pennsylvania railroad station, lie was held up. % blackjacked and .robbed. At that time he managed to I continue to Penbrook, bring his peo '■ p'c to the station and then to report jthe incident to the police depart- ni en I. London Hears Allies Are Fleeing From Odessa. By Issoeiatrd Press. 'Loudon, March 19— Official re-j ports Veceived here said a critical situation exists in Odessa, tlm chief Russian port on the Black Spa. No confirmation could lie obtained in London early this pftt*noon to, rumors thai Odessa was being evacu- I atcd by allied forces, but the report ! is not denied PEACE CONFERENCE LIFTS STRICTURES ON HUN ARMAMENT Allies Will Supervise While Huns Deliver War Materials, But Not Through Period of Payment Py Associated Press Paris, March 19. —The military terms of the treaty! of peace have been amended by the elimination of the; |clause providing for the control of Germany's armament jfor an indefinite period. Admiral \Y. S. Benson, of the ] jUnited States Navy, pointed out that the original terms; committed the United States to a virtually indefinite\] joccupation of Germany. It was chiefly on his insistancej j the terms were modified. American delegates also j pointed out that control of any portion of Germany fori jsnch a period would delay the return of American troops, j and would amount to annulling Germany's sovereignty. As amended the terms provide for | control through the time fixed for t the delivery of materials of war,- I guns and ships, but not through thoj I period during which war damages; j will be paid by Germany. | British Proposals Accepted j In a report submitted yesterday ; the commission appointed to con . sider plans for an international air code announced that the British pro- • posals had been, in the main, ac- j i eepted. An International council will be formed as a section of the I League of Nations to handle all mat- | ters relative to aerial navigation. It has been decided that each na- j tion is entitled to sovereignty over; the air above it, subject to the grant- I ! ing of permission for the passage of ■ foreign aviators. There is to be no discrimination against any nation by ; ] another, air pilots will be licensed j on an international basis, and there i | will he international rules governing. I the right of way for airpla'nes and : ! airships. Switzerland Gets Demand I The commission on international j | waterways, ports and railroads of the j Peace Conference decided to-day to | | recommend to the conference that, Switzerland should be given the navi- ; gating facilities on the Rhine for; which she has made demands. No Bar to World Peace Inclusion of the League of Na tions covenant in the preliminary j peace treaty will not delay the sign- j •ing of the treaty, which, it is hoped, j I will be accomplished within two j weeks, said Lord Robert Cecil, of I | Great Britain, talking to British and i American newspaper correspondents i last night. He said that three | j amendments to the • covenant had , | been submitted, hut added lie was j i "sure there will be no difficulty in i meeting legitimate objections." .! Discussing the Monroe Doctrine | and the effect of the League of Na ; tions upon it Lord Robert said: , "The Monroe Doctrine is strength ! cned by the League of Nations cove- | ! nunt because international action j I will be carried out by the organs of j I [Continued on l'ngo 17.] j CROWDS THRILLED!J BY DARING CAPERS l I HIGH IN THE AIR ;] ! j 1 I j Members of GlOlliAero Squad- ! J ron, at Middletown, Have Farewell Theater Party ijj j■ j 4 i Lieutenant Hamor, in one of the : j big planes of the Middletown Avla . tion Depot, yesterday afternoon gave • i one of the most daring exhibitions j r of flying given by any of the Depot j I flyers since its establishment. For' more'ban a quarter-hour Lieutenant] Hamor thrilled onlookers with par-j I ticularly daring loop-the-loops, j I I corkscrews and many other flying ;! stunts. . ] Members of the Six Hundred and i j Tenth Aero Squadron of the Mid- j I dlefown Aviation Depot, Lieutenant 1 j J. P. Scanlan commanding, last' I evening held a farewell theater j party at the Majestic Theater before J the disbanding of the unit this ] month. Three hundred persons, in cluding members of the units, their 1 wives and friends, attended. Be ] tween acts, the Six Hundred and I Tenth Squadron quartet, which has j done some local work during Lib- | erty Loan drives, rendered a num- T i ber of selections. Included in the j j quartet were Sergeants Parfltt, Oor bin, Roberts and Patterson. Mrs. el Roberts served as accompanist. Aj Cincinnati Fish War ]| Cuts Price of Eggs 4 Cincinnati, March 19, —The "war" jl that has sold 400,000 pounds of fish vr from the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes in Cincinnati in three weeks has at had a curious effect upon the Cincinnati Jf egg market. The increased consumption j? of fish lias cut the price of eggs four cents a dozen, commission men report. jel A further reduction in egg prices is expected, as the warring fish companies | '* ! promise to send six carloads of fish to I eJ" ! Cincinnati within a week. j „ a 1.000 WORKERS STRIIiK | 4 By Associated Press • ; -4, j Cleveland, Ohio, March 19.—Four T .thousand men's clothing workers of]*?' • Cleveland, employed in forty fac- ! lories, went on strike iliis morning, according to Louis llollandpr. gen- * era! organizer of the Amalgamated ; V Clothing Workers of America. A ] strike vote was taken lust night. -J, I The workers demand a 44-hour4 I week, complete recognition of the IT 1 ; union and a 90 per cent, increase j j in wages for ull workers. I® j PARIS IS TO TAKE DOWN ITS FORTS ! By .Associated Press. Paris, March 19.—The Cham- j her of Deputies today authorized ' tiie removal of special fortiflca- ! i lions about Paris which were erected shortly after the war he- ' gun. i I There are three, rings of per- I I manent fortifications about the ! j city of Paris—first, a solid wall of ] ; masonry twenty-two miles In clr ! cumference around the old sec- j tions of the city; second, a sys- i ; tem of seventeen detached forts arranged at intervals of two 1 miles beyond the wall and mak- i ' ing a circuit of the city thirty- j ; four miles in extent, and, third, j I an outer girdle of forts seventy- : j live miles in length on the | | heights commanding the Valley | i of the Seine. In August, 1914, special fortifications were erect- ! i cd, buildings demolished and j ; trees which obstructed a clear 1 I view of the terrain übout the city I ; were cut down. These probably i' are the fortifications which are ! to be dismantled. £ *l~ *J* -"$"$• -i*4-& *3* r 2* @ 5* * 7 " 5* f b f b T V T® ,•* **® r on C ..•'u: ',• >v G JL ft •'. [ ''" "' '■ iri '' ft& *• 4 I 2* I *l* l War Deps i ; ng. T V <| t Pari;—lt was officially announced to-day X p Premier Lloyd George would remain.in Pu is until T & *'s* L dr. *'' . • i■• < • Mi r having dtridi.J ;J postpone his return t .• !.••• J, London—There is a strong feeling In polit *IT MM diplomatic circles in Paris in favor of invitin , H. Asquith, former British premier, to becc * president of the League of Nations, according J ' i Daily Mirror * . * a DUNBAR'S SLAYER STABS KEEPERS J I Ossining, N. Y.—Giovanni Ferraro, a m * * <ecu Itc morrow night, tried t£ csc |)' the death house in Sing Sing prison to day * | i K J H ers fought for ten minutes to overc * • P* Ferraro was under death sentence for having £ ' killed a railroad employ while working in Cattarai J j j* county, New York. '* I„ i J* (The railroad employe is William E. Dunbar, | i a brother-in-law of Mercer B. Tate, 218 North Seen. 1* j 1 1 # * 1 street, this city. The murder occurred on July 12, . | . WILKINS WIRES HE'S COMING BACK j * * Y.—As District Attorney • * (4 W * was preparing to evidence In the Wilkins mu: der case to the grand jury to-day hi received tel '* L , • gram, purporting to come from Dr. Wilkins it Bait • * • saying the doctor was returning to put * • * " .77r. n * '* I ; MARRIAGE LICENSES . £ f <alirlcl Alexin, I'rotidenee, l<. 1., mul Helen >l. W llkliinoit. Hnr- * 9 : Uliir; lt-i Her|*-er Mini lleleu I, I'nlNvJike. I.eliiinon; John C. * Wei**, i'oliiiitltlu, and IHmIo 31. Ilrtidv, lliirriMliiirjf. NAB COUNTESS WHO THREATENS THE PRESIDENT Secret Service Men Arrest the Former Lady-in-\Yaiting to Austrian Empress SAID DANGEROUS WOMAN Admits to Having Spread Ger man Propaganda Before and After War Chicago. March 10. Aurelirf Bcthlen, claiming to lie a Hungar ian countess, is held by Federal au thorities to-day pending a hearing on a charge of sending a threaten ing letter to President Wilson ad dressed to Bar is. Tlie countess, who claims she was lady-in-waiting to Empress Elisa beth of Austria, was arrested last night l>y government operatives on a warrant sworn out by Captain Thomas I. Porter, chief of the sec ret service here. According to Cap tain Porter, the countess iterated the President in a five-page letter which | hud been intercepted and also had i acknowledged spreading German : propagatia, both during the war and ' since. The countess said she had i been gathering sociological data for | a series of lectures on capital and i labor and the work of the Peace I Conference. She came to this coun try in 1808. Her husband died in Budapest in 1882. site said, "t believe her to he a dangerous | woman," captain Porter said.. "Sho i is exceptionally well educated and |is a rabid political orator." Baby Scalded When It Falls Into Boiling Water A 2-year-old child of Mr. and i .Mrs. Harrison Snyder. 418 South I Seventeenth street, was severely ! scalded this morning when it fell i into a tub of boiling water while I playing about iis lioyne. The injury Icovers the entire left side from (lie shoulder to the arm. lU'IM>IXG GIANT PLANT Berlin. March 18. —The Kumpler j airplane factory in Bavaria, the plant I which produces the noted Taube i airplanes, now has under construc [ tion a giant airplane intended for a 1 trans-Atlantic flight.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers