AUTOMOBILE NEWS TIMELY LOCAL FEATURES OF INTEREST TO AUTOIST3 BY ALFRED P. DAVIES, AUTO EDITOR. FIRESTONE COMPANY EXHIBIT GIANT PNBI'MATIC THI CK TIRES As an interesting window exhibit, the one now in the big show windows of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Com pany at 210 North Second street, will be hard to equal. They are exhibit ing something out of the ordinary, or rather something that is coming into its own at a very fast pace. This ex hibit consists of two large 40x8 Giant Pneumatic Firestone Truck tires and tubes. These tires are fast taking the place of solid tires on trucks whose operators desire speed and rapid service. and are proving exceptionally satisfactory RETTBERG BROTHERS, 428-450 X. Front St. STEELTON AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE STATION Auto Repairing. Battery Re charging, United States and Good rich Tires, Mobiloils, Texaco Motor Oils. Agency Gould Storage Bat tery. BELL PHONE IWILL ALWAYS SERVE YOU WELL \\ hen your truck is an International, you eliminate practically all.your haulage worries and your mind is at ease for you know that I your International serves you well. I International Motor Trucks have been doing dependable, serviceable, economical 1 - work for a long number of years for thou -1 sands of owners all over the country. They have proven their metal in every con ceivable way. They have long ago passed the experimental stage and now stand out as America's foremost truck. We always have a number of good trucks of various makes for sale, that we have traded in I on Internationals. CRISPEN MOTOR CAR COMPANY Salesrooms, Bell Service Station I 103 Market. 3504 29 N. Cameron. I . L ( I- • I DODGE BROTHERS | BUSINESS EAR i I j p I 3 I here is nothing- problematical or ex ! i perimental about the performance | | of Dod g e Brothers Business Car. | 0 . The owner can safely calculate | hiscostofoperation 0 3 I It will pay yon to visit ns and examine Uiis car. jj The haulage cost is unusually low. Keystone Motor Car Co. 1 59 S. Cameron St. | J ?®i 1 CHARLES R. BARMER, Mgr. Dial 0 j[ /OQ 6 4454 v • - • L SATURDAY EVENING. in every way. They are made somewhat similar to the regular Firestone Cord Tire, except that tre construction is much more massive. The following letter from a user in Cleveland. 0.. will explain what these tires are doing for them in the every day use of one of their trucks. Cleveland. 0.. Jan. 3, 1919. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron. Ohio. Gentlemen: —I think you will be in terested in knowing something of the splendid performance of your Giant Cord Tires on the 2-ton White truck which we liav e been operating daily between Cleveland and Akron tor the ; past several months. This truck weighs, front S'j 50 ! pounds, and is equipped with Cjxfi cord tires —the rear weighs 4.10 | pounds and is equipped with 40x8 | cord tires. . ; As you probably know, the vibra ! tion to batteries and generator of truck on solid tires is u pretty sen cus matter. It, no doubt, would have been necessary to make some_ gen erator repairs and to havo built up the batteries at least twice, had this truck been equipped with solid tires. To date this truck has run So 6 miles and because of the cushioning qualities of your Giant _Tire equip ment, we have not found it necessary to go to any expense whatever for re pair parts or repair labor, except burning out carbon once, notiwth- I standing that, this truck has been in continual service and operates at pas- I senger car speed— it is not unusual to make the trip from Cleveland to Akron (43 miles) in an hour and & half. As you know, 1 was reluctant to have pneumatic equipment on this truck originally, but since it has dem onstrated to me that the wear, tear and general depreciation of truck is going to be almost a negligible itbm compared with results had it been equipped with solid tires. I am seri ously considering changing to pneu matic equipment on some of our oth er trucks. In fact, a few days ago. I gave you an order to change over the 3H-ton Packard truck No. 37 to 38x7 front and 44x10 rear. Yours very truly, KNUTSEN MOTOR TRUCKING CO. (Signed) O. Knutsen, Pres. ABSENCE OF FREAK INVEN TIONS ON AUTOS THIS YEAR. This year will be u notable one in lite automobile world owing to the lack of freakish inventions. Herc-to °re every automobile show throughout the country, the outstand ing points have always beeft the new freaks that have been on exhibition. Now the war has put a quietus on the irrepressible discoverers of mechani cal fallacies. This season every purchaser of an automobile may rest assured the car he buys will perform, for everything that is being exhibited is at least a year old and has past the experiment al stage There will be no alluring new tangled propositions to make a man scratch his head fnd wonder whether he should have one. Every car will be sold strictly on its merits and its record of past performance. And this is as it should be for the au tomobile is out of its infancy and is about as perfect as it will ever be. Of course it is a simple matter to run out of gas, or run into things and break up your car or some other iuch thing that is likely to tie up a trip but the substantially of the automo i .j S been proven conclusively and the old adage of 'get out and get un der is stored away in the moth balls of pleasant(?) memories Looks as if the traffic cops are to retain their jobs according to infor mation that has been circulating late ly This is as it should be for the present traffic men are about as good as there are in any city (one of them asked the writer if he couldn't see the jay lines the other day when crossing the street at Third and Mar ket) and with the experience of the last year it is reasonable to believe that traffic will be handled in a mas terly manner. WEST SHORE Auto Repair Shop and Battery Service Station • Auto Repairing Electrical Work Batteries Installed, Re charged, Overhauled Anything and everything nhont your machine promptly repaired and put in lirst-elass condition. Prices reasonable. Arthur L. Miller PROPRIETOR 2nd St. and Fulton Ave. Wormleysburg harrisburg "texegiexfhi WAR HEI.ICS TO BE ON EXHIBITION AT Al TO SHOW A special committee consisting of Boyd Harrington of the Packard Mo tor Car Company. B. F. Barker, of the Miller Auto Company, and Carl Han son. of the Overland-llarrlsburg Com pany. has been appointed by the Mo tor Dealers Association to take up the matter of securing war relics for the Automobile Show to be held in the Overland-Harrisburg Service Station, March 15 to 33. Every effort to get something out of the ordinary is being put forth and three or four new invenUons that have never been heard of or seen by the public will probably be on exhibi tion. What the Government meant to do to the Hun if he didn't give up, will be vividly illustrated in these new Inventions that are to be brought out of hiding now that the war is over. The 1919 Harrisburg AutivShow is going to be the best ever held in this vicinity, and it will be on a par with those of New York and Philadelphia. With the splendid organization back of the project and the enthusiasm be ing aroused, Harrisburg is in store for a real show. A new kind of service to be known as "Crank-case Service'"' has been in augurated at Black's Garage. This service means that when purchasing oil at this garage, the car owner can have his crank-case drained without extra cost and new oil put in. Tlrs is a novel proposition and is meeting with approval. Frank Downey, manager of the (lately Fitzgerald Company, who is tho owner of a Hudson superslx and who isn't considered very easv on tires, when driving his car, has just taken one of the Miller 35x5 cord tires which he is using to the Sterling Tire Company for repairs. Mr. Downey has only gotten 10, Dili) miles out of this tire, and says he expects to get about 5,000 more because the tread is prac tically as good us new. That is sure what we would cull real mileage GO.MERY-SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. OPEN BRANCH HERE The Goinery-Schwartz Motor Car Co.. of Philadelphia, eastern distrib utors for the Hudson Motor Car Co.. have opened a branch in Harrisbu.-g at 120 Market street. H. N. Parting ton. formerly manuger of the Wil mington, Del., branch will have charge here. The complete line of cars and tractors handled through the 1 hiladelphia distributing point, con sisting of Hudson and Essex touring cars. Stewart Trucks and Knicker t.m r . Traotors will be handled here. •i • i not e ' open for . business, this firm expects to have ail arrange ments completed in a few days, when they wilt be able to display tneir line of ears, and also have a service sta tion open for immediate work John I-iimle, better known as Jock, has expecn*d u position as salesniun I with tho Rex Garage and Supply Co. I and will devote his efforts to selling the v elie Cars. Lingle is a well known Harrisburger and has been in terested in the automobile industry for some time. j DVPI.EX TRUCK STANDS UP WELL IN TEST TRIP In a recent test trip between Sun bury and New Y'ork. a Duplex 4-wheol drive truck pulling a trailer with a load of 6 tons, made an exceptional record, as regards cost per mile. The trip covered a distance of 532 miles and took six days. Records that have just been sent the Harrisburg Auto Co., the local distributors, show that tfhck cost cents per ton per . .**9 operate, or 13 cents per mile which included interest on the invest ment, depreciation on tires, gasoline, oil. drivers.wages, insurance, lepans, This trip was made over the ordi nary roads in regular work of haul ing freight between these two points and .without any special efforts on the part of the driver. No time was lost in any way for repairing Charles Ft. Barner, manager the Keystone Sales Co.. was in Philadel phia this weeic arranging to have his allotment of Peerless cars raised o'e? successful in securing a larger num ber and expects to drive them over land from Philadelphia. MEYERS MOTOR SALES CO. TO OPEN NASH AGENCY HERE. Monday morning the Meyers Motor Sales Co., under the management cf ,1* Meyers, will open a new service station and salesroom at 1210 Penn street, for the Nash Motors. This line of touring cars and trucks are well known in Harrisburg, but for the past two or three years have not been Most Decorated American Returns From War Zone ■ V-Jtlj,.'' ** . .. / Capt. S. Crillon Chapman, bomb ing aviator, of New York, wearing the Medaille Militaire, Croix do Guerre with palm and v three stars, Belgian Whr Cross, Rirasian Croix de St. George and the Italian War Cross, returned home recently after four years with the Allied armies. Captain Chapman has had four stir ring years of service under the flags of Prance, Belgium, Russia, Italy and the United States. He Joined tho French forces in 1914 as an artill erist, later joining the Lafayette Es cadriile as a bomber. Bravery on the front with King Albert's forces won him the Belgian honors. In 1916 he served with the Russian Army on the French front, and won the Croix de St. George. While fly ing in Italy he was awarded the Italian Cross of War. The United- States Government has Captain Chapman credited with downing three German planes. pushed. Mr. Meyers Is a live auto mobile man. having been in the busi ness for a number of years and will make every effort to push the Nash to the front as one of Central Penn sylvania's popular cars. Mtcs GARAGE APPOINTED AIITHOKIZen FORD STATION. In an announcement on another page of today's paper, the Informa tion the Mac's Garage Inc., has been appointed by the Ford Motor Co., of Detroit as an authorized Ford service station. Mac's Garage has been do ing exclusive Ford work ever since opening up their new garage on South Third Street, and had installed every known facility for Ford repair ing. They were the first Ford concern in this part of the country to install this machinery and several big automobile men say that It is the best equlppei shop In the Fast. Partly for this rea son and also for the popularity that the garage has gained with the Ford owners of Central Pennsylvania caus ed the Ford Co.t to appoint them an authorized service station 'FAST MOTOR 1 1 EXPRESS to and front I New York, Phila. and Harrisburg Commercial and Furniture 1 llaullng General Local Hauling Anytime Anywhere All folly covered by Insurance A. T. Raffensperger & Son Alata Office Phlla. Office 004 Market St. 3OT Market St Ilnrrlsbunr. Pa. Phone Phone, 3IUSJ Market 443S SI AC'S 1 i GARAGE T MAC'S GARAGE f Has Been Appointed An Authorized ; Ford Service . Station! Because— I We have the mcrst completely equipped shop in the East. I I We were the first garage to install equipment including the Burn ing-in stand, the motor test machine, the transmission overhauling equipment, the axle straightening machine, |||| <,-% the reboring machine for cylinder blocks, and all the {{!} other special equipment endorsed by the Ford Motor Car Co. of Detroit. We devote our entire energies to Ford Repairing. We aim to give complete satisfaction to every Ford Owner. These are the reasons the Ford Motor Car Co. have appointed us to be an authorized Ford Serv ice Station. They recognized our merits and the tremendous popularity we have gained with the Ford Qwners of Central Pennsylvania. They recognized, that with the shop we have, we are able * | I to turn out work that is to the best interest of the Ford Co. and to Ford Owners. There are few Ford owners in Central Pennsylvania who do not know Mac's Garage. To those II I ♦ who have not yet made our acquaintance, we extend a most cordial invitation to visit our shop and see for themselves the wonderful equipment we have for doing Ford work and how it works to their advantage in saving <hem money on their work as well as time and how complete and satisfactory a job we can turn out. < ; ' ' We Do Exclusive Ford Repairing We Handle Only Genuine Ford Parts. We Maintain a Staff of Experienced Mechanics Every Job Is Supervised by a Factory Expert We Tell You What Your Job Will Cost Before We Do It We Guarantee Every Piece of Work We Do to Be Entirely Satisfactory. YOU WILT, APPRECIATE WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU WHEN YOU STOP TO CONSIDER—RRING YOUR FORD TO US FOR REPAIRING BELL y-7 DIAI 3777 2413 111 >■ 117-19-21 S. Third St. 11l i * j YANKS FAVOR DRY NATION. New York Liquor Interests, which cal Ithcmselveß spokesmen for :he Americnn Army in France, ure "Impostors" when they state the troops overseas are opposed to pro hibition, Jared Y. Sanders, represen tative in Congress. and former Gov ernor of Louisiana, declared here. He had received letiers, he said, from soldiers who declared that "the war would have been regarded as lost if ratification of the eighteenth constitutional amendment had not been attained." ■ I =t ol REO SPEEDWAGONS CLEVELAND TRACTORS I E p IJXI MEANS 111 J|||pn SERVICE . jgfift. STABILITY THINK AHEAD --- SPRING IS ALMOST HERE TO THE FARMER: In about a month the greatest world —the Keo Spoedwagqn and the season in the history of the country Cleveland Tractor —are at your serv will be in full blast. Production is Ice to enable YOU to produce to your the by-word, spelled with capital let- utmost. But you must place your ters. Facilities for a greater produc- order early in order to have them lion are In big demand. Mechanical when the spring season opens. They help is needed. Two of the greatest have both proven their stability. Now agencies known to the automotive it is up to you. Now is the time. REO TOURING CARS TO THE PROSPECTIVE AUTMOBILE PURCHASER: Reo reputation is fully established. . thing worth while go hand in hand Reo means the best In medium with the Reo. Do vou want more? priced cars. Looks, service, economy. You're fiard to please if you do. Cr comfort, pride of ownership, every- dor your Reo NOW. - Write or call ti3 today* for full f specifications and prices. Booklets gladly sent on request anywhere. HARRISBURG AUTO CO. Fourth and Kelker Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. R Duplex & Hurlburt Trucks . Firestone Truck Tires I R t, | E —° 1 ° FEBRUARY 1, 1919. SENTENCED TO ONF, DAY IN JAIL Kansas City—A sentence of one day in Jail was imposed upon Wil liam Anderson, tlvlng near Osceola, Mo., by Judge A. S. Van Valken burgh in the federal courts. Ander son failed ta register for the select ive draft. His defense was that he had tried to get into tin? army ly enlistment, but had been re.'ectod. He testified Ihut he did not regard I registration as necesj.a-y under the circumstances. MEMORIALS TO ROOSEVELT Washington—Memorials to Theo dore Roosevelt were proposed by , two members of the Houseof Rep resentatives In bills whic£ they In troduced. One blll( presented by Mr. Hicks of New York, appropria tes $6,000,000 for a museum of his tory and the arts, end the other, of. fered by Mr. Smith, of Idaho, pro vides for a memorial or statue cost- Ins $260,000. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers