10 CHILDREN SIX BEFORE JUNE 1 MAY ATTEND SCHOOL I Chambcrsburg, Pa., Feb. I.—The local school authorities have on- ; nounced that any child who will be i six years old before June 1 will ; have the "privilege of starting to school on Monday, February 3, or at any time during the week following. The children must be vaccinateid before they will be accepted at the schools, the authorities have an nounced. ORPHEUM Tonight—Last Time Tremendou* Triumph ittul Moat Sensallonnl Success In a Dccndc 7 Days Leave A Romantic Tale of Love and \ alor NOT A PICTURE Seats 25 C to 91*50 Coming! Two Nights, Beginning Tuos., Feb. 4. —Matinee Wed. The one substantial musical comedy success of the season, di- i rect from a solid year's run at I the Princess Theater. New York —the homo of polite musical comedy hits and unusual chorus beauty. F. RAY COMSTOCK and WIL LIAM ELLIOTT present the fifth New York Princess Theater mu- | sical comedy success, Youthful Daintiness and Pretty Girls in Attractive Raiment Company of 50 smart Princess • Players; 16 song hits; special | orchestra. Seat sale starts 10 a. m. Sat- I urday. J Prices—Nights, $2.00, 51.50, ; SI.OO, 75c and 50c. Matinee ' Wednesday, entire lower floor, > $1.00; balcony, 75c, 50c and 25c. j ORPHEUM S d t ay FEB. 3 j The Funniest Play Ever Written | Seats—2sc, 50c, 75c, $l.O0 —A Few at $1.50 11 "J7l Paramount " Artcraft ; J. Photoplays. MONDAY—TUESDAY—WEDNESDAY Maurice Tourneur, Famous French Producer Presents SPORTING LIFE The Famous Drury Lane Melodrama GRIPPING, REALISTIC SCENES of the greatest of all races, the English Derby; vivid pic tures of prize fights, intensely interesting story of the life of an English Earl with an All Star Cast A Romantic Love Story That Tugs at the Heart Strings. Don't Miss This Great Picture. ADDED ATTRACTION MACK SENNETT COMEDY THE VILLAGE CHESTNUT NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Admission: 10 and 20 Cents and War Tax —— ———— yTTTaIXTro TO-DAY ONLY—CHAPTER SIX. OF IM# " HOUDINI" in n tt "THE MASTER MYSTERY" Alo fjl Jf TOM MIX in "TREAT 'EM ROUGH" p ||y ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY —Entire Week of February 3 ®"MICKEY" The $500,000 Mack Sennett Comedy Thunderbolt of Mirth, Pathos, Sen sation and Thrills—All Harrisburg will see this Motion Picture Supreme —A Triumph of Screen Art—Featuring MABEL NORMAND ADMISSION TEN CENTS AND TWENTY CENTS AND WAR TAX SATURDAY EVENING. ORPHEUM To-night—"Seven Days' Leave." Monday, night only, February 3—"The Very Idea." Tuesday night and Wednesday, mati nee and night—"Oh. Lady! Lady!' Thursday, night only, February 6 The Moose Minstrels. Frdiay night and Saturday, matinee and night, February 7 and S j "Sweethearts." COLONIAL To-day Constance Talmadge in j "Who Cares'.'" | Monday and Tuesday Tom Moore in j Regent Theater TO-DAY ONLY Fatty (RoscOe) Arbuckle in I "The Sheriff" and CHARLES RAY in "STRING BEANS" ['VICTORIA THEATER TO-DAY ONLY—c hapter Six of HOI DIM In "THE MASTER MYSTERY," also TOM MIX In "TREAT 'EM ROUGH." EnKßKoment Extraordinary! Entire Week of February 3 ••MICKEY" m The *T00.000 Mack Sennett Com edy Thunderbolt of Mirth. Pathon, j Sensation and Thrills All Ilar rlnhurK Will See Th| Motion Ple- I tare Supreme A Triumph of I Screen Art—Featuring, MABEL NORMAND Vtlmfesion, 10c and 20c and war tax ! .—, . COLONIAL I , —— | Constance Talmadge IN WHO CARES MONDAY—TUESDAY TOM MOORE IX Go West Young Man When they Raid be couldn*t make good, he quickly Mhowed them. * "Go West, Young Man." • Wednesday and Thursday Alice Brady jn "In the Hollow of Her Hand." MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville "The Cen tury Revue;" MoDermott and Heagney In a singing and piano of fering; three other acts. Also the sixth episode of "The Loire of the Circus." The first half of next week —"Bobby" Heath's Revue. 'Four orticr attrac tions. Beginning Mondav. February 10 Pearl White in "The Lightning Raider." REGENT To-day Charles Ray in "String Beans." and "Fatty" (Roscoe) Arhuckle in "The Sheriff." Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday Maurice Tourneu's massive pro duction. "Sporting Life," and a Sen nett comedy, "The Village Chest nut." Thursday and Friday Pauline Fred erick In "Out of the Shadow," and a Sennett comedy, "Her First Mis take." Saturday Dorothy Dalton in "Hard Boiled." VICTORIA To-dnv Houdini In Chapter '8 of "Th!* Master Mystery:" Tom Mix in "Treat 'Em Rough;" a Mutt and Jeff comedy. All next week The $500,000 Mack Sennett feature, "Mickey." When war plays are mentioned, one unconsciously thinks of such big suc cesses of the stage as "Seven "Shennandoah," "Northern Hays' Lights." "Secret Service," Leave" to say nothing of "Barbara Fritehie," all products of the Civil War. These plays, all writ ten since the great conflict which al most sundered the Union to the South, naturally gives rise to the supposi / -4 MAJESTIC THEATER CENTURY REVUE AND 5 OTHER REITH ACTS .I/0.V., TI'ES. and WED. BOBBY HEATH AND HIS 5 SONG GIRLS Important Notice At the urgent request of many patrons, the Majestic Theater management has decided to RE SERVE A FEW OF THE FRONT ROWS on the orehestra floor. Beginning with the matinee per formance of MONDAY, FEBRU ARY 10, these seats will be re served for each performance (SATURDAY EVENINGS EX CEPTED). Tickets will be placed on sale three days in advance. The price of reserved seats will be 50 cents for evening perform ances and SO cents for the mati nee. Tickets sold for the evening performance will be for the FIRST or SECOND. SHOW DIS TINCTIVELY. Tickets sold for the first evening show will be for that performance, only and SEATS MUST BE VACATED WHEN THE FIRST EVENING SHOW IS OVER. Beginning on the same date, February 10—the first evening performance will begin at 7.10 and the second evening perform ance at 9.10 —instead of 7.15 and 9, as at present. This arrangement covers but a few of the front rows and is made for the convenience of theater goers who desire to purchase their tickets in advance. THE BALANCE OF THE THEATER WILL BE SOLD AT PRESENT, without reservation. NO TELEPHONE ORDERS NO LA YAW AYS First Reserved Seat Tickets Go on sale Thursday, February 6, for the performances of Monday, February 10, when The Island ot Dreams will be presented by the FADS AND FANCIES MUSICAL COMEDY CO. 1 and a new serial picture will be started, featuring ' PEARL WHITE • v —/ MAJESTIC Century Revue With an abundance of * songs and dances COMING MONDAY Bobby 1 eath And His Singing Girls fiL/LKRISBIJRG uSJfc&l TELEOKXPS tlon that good war plays are not writ ten until utter the IJgnilng has ceas ed. One of the glowing exceptions to this rule is "Seven Days' Leave," the Walter Howard comedy, which is closing a two days' engagement at the Orpheum to-night. This play, which is still running at the Lyceum Theater, London, in which playhouse it has been offered for eighteen months and six months at the Park Theuter, New York City, is regarded by many discriminating critics us one of the pleasant surprises of a big theatrical season. A cast of all well known players has been assembled to interpret the piece, each one of whom was selected lor special qualifications for the part assigned. For once in the history of skating! on thin literary ice for the sake ot'j theatrical amusement, a quite | "The private theme Is handled with. Very so much art, so much pleas-I Idea" ant satire, so much c.ever- j ness, that only the human i side and the agreeable enlightenment I can be remembered, and no offense in the world is delivered nor are any i domestic sanctities raided or very seriously abused. "Tho Very Idea!" which comes to the Orpheum on Monday evening, is neither rough nor coarse, but it in vades the unspoken realms and tears seven veils without exciting anything but honest laughter and applause., Principally, this is due to the. tre mendously funny characterization of the chief roles. Likewise is credit for the unique miracle largely due to the a.uthor, William Le Baron. Given a sister and a brother-in-law of the kind who have no children and plans to. adopt one, \he eugenic Alan Camp bullies them into reading his book and frightens them about adopt ing an orphan without knowing its parentage. Into this situation comes the excruciatingly witty dialog, aris ing complications that keep the char acters of the farce in continually amusing and side-splitting uproar un til the final curtain. So contagious is the laughter that the audiences wher ever this .greatest of all farces has played have, without exception, voted it the best in many a day. F. Ray Comstoek, the producer of "Oh, Lady! Lady!" the fifth New Y'ork Princess Theater musical "Oh, comedy success, which will I.aily! be seen at the Orpheum Lady!" Theater for an engagement of two days, starting Tues day, was the tirst producer to per ceive the opportunity of improving the old style musical comedy, and there is no one entitled to more credit than he for giving the playgoing pub lic the refinement, cleverness, melody and gentility that distinguish the new, smart type of musical play which has become an institution throughout the entire theatrical world of this country. For four years F. Ray Corn stock and William Elliott have in- 1 augurated the Princess Theater, New York City, season with one. of their intimate musical comedies, their latest being "Oh, Lady! Lady!" acclaimed by the press and public of New York fur ahead of "Nobody Home," "Very Good, Eddie" and "Oh, Boy!" its predeces- I sors. The Comstock-Elliott Company feels that the public has taken so strongly to the smart, intimate type of Princess Theater musical plays, be cause it is tired cf the old type, rag time, plotless musical comedy which has become entirely passe. There is nothing old about the Princess Theater offerings. Their productions are the very best, their companies are composed of the high est-salaried players and the girls are youthful and pretty and each girl in the entire company is gowned in a costume to fit her personality and in dividuality. All of which has spelled success for the youngest and most successful pro ducer in the theatrical world. The vaudeville bill now showing at the Majestic is made up of a list of choice attractions such At the as "The Century Revue," a 'Majestic beautifully-staged and well presented singing and dancing offering; McDermott and Heagney, two men in a splendid sing ing and piano act; Holmes and Hol lister, presenting their pleasing lit tle comedy skit entitled, "Miss Kid der;" Ferns and Howell, clever black face comedians, and the Flying Kcel ers, in a sensational aerial offering. The sixth episode of "The Lure of the Circus" is also included on the pro gram. "Bobby" Heath and his Song Re vue will be the big attraction the early half of next week. Grouped around this attraction are: Fremont Benton and Company, presenting a comedy sketch entitled. "Handker chief Number Fifteen;" Cooper and Ricardo, young couple in a bright song and patter skit, and three other acts. Beginning Monday, February 10. the first episode of Pearl White in "The Lightning Raider," will be shown. Charming Constance Talmadge will be seen in her latest success, "Who Cares?." showing at the Co- At the lonial Theater to-day only. Coolninl A photoplay of gripping in terest to all who care or don't care. Monday and Tuesday, Tom Moore will be seen in a picture of love, romance and adventury, combin ed in gripping story in "Go West, Young Man." Maurice Tourneur's gripping melo drama picturizafion, "Sporting Life," is the attraction scheduled At the for Monday, Tuesday and Regent Wednesday at the Regent Theater. The same master hand that produced the colossal spec tacle, "The Whip." has made this stu penduous production. In it are shown glimpses of prize fights, actual scenes of the greatest of all races, the Eng lish Derby, and other scenes in the life of an English Earl. An all-star cast is in this marvellous picture. The story is a thrilling tale of ro mance and love. Tt is seldom the mo tion picture fan is privileged to wit ness so striking a tale of love as this, with the stupenduous scenes, the marvellous pictures of actual English sporting scenes and the phases of English life that will probably never be seen again since the mighty hand of war has erased all vestiges from the screen of life. A rip-roaring Sennett comedy. "The Village Chestnut." will also be shown It is a funny comedy tht will bring hack memories of the old davs in the little red schoolhouse and the pupils I who sat with us there. Roscoe ("Fatty") Arbuckle In "The Sheriff, and Charles Ray. In "String Bean*. two delightful comedies, are being shown to-day for the last times Both are very enjoyable. Houdini, In the sixth episode of the gripping, startling screen serial. "The Master Mystery," is due to At the he seen again to-day at the Victoria Victoria Theater, and crowds are certain to b on hand to see the new thrills which Houdini's remarkable exploits give this fascinating picture. Tom Mix, in "Treat 'Em Rough," has another whirlwind, dahsing play that pleased hundreds of his follow ers yesterday at the Victoria and be will be seen again to-day. as will the laughahile Mutt and Jeff comedv. "Mickey" will be the big attraction next week. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE IN PEANUTS Try a pound of our Real Jumbo Peanuts at 226 c and see for yourself the difference between these and the ordinary kind. Fresh always. Imperial Tea Co., 213 Chestnut St. S. S. CRASS BANQUETS Columbia, Pa., Feb. I.—The elev enth annual banquet of the Men's Class and Brotherhood of the First English Lutheran Church was held last night and the toastmaster was Edward B. Smith, president Use McNeil's Cold Tahlets. Adv. D., P. and S. Men Enjoy Themselves at Y. M. C. A. More than eighty men, employes of the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart store, were guests of the Central Y. M. O. A. at an "open house" entertainment In the "Y" building, at Second and Lo cust streets, last night. Stunts were a feature of the occasion. A band. le-1 by "Charlie" Stone, a store em ploye, who has recently been mus tered out of service, furnished mu sical numbers. It was urged that a permanent or ganization for social and recreati- n al purposes be organized among the men. A dinner was the opening num ber. Nevln Saltxer, recently returned | from the front, gave a vivid recital | of his experiences. J. S. Baum, credit manager, acted as toastmnster. Sail on Mission For Relief of the Near East Xcw Bloom field. Pa., Feb. 1. —Two Perry county men, John Dunaway and James Magee, both of New Bloomlield, are with the delegation of 250 men which sailed front New York City to-day to aid in the re lief of the Armenians. The delega tion will go to Constantinople and shortly thereafter will start its work in rehabilitation and reconstruction. LIVERPOOL BOY WITH CANADIANS IX HOSPITAL Liverpool, Pa., Feb. I.—N. D. Wen ner, son of Mrs. Ellen Wenner, who is with the Fifteen Canadian Bat talian Intelligence Section in France, has written home that he is about to be sent to England for an operation of the nose. Young Wenner was wounded in action twice and gassed once. The last time he was wounded by shrapnel, had it thumb torn off and his nose injured. Army physi cians have decided that an operation of the nose is necessary. LIVERPOOL H. E. Bair and daughter, Hazel Bair, spent the week with re'atives in Harrisburg. Walter Drew and two little sons, of Binghamton, N. Y., were visitors at C. O. Charles. Mrs. E. E. Spicker and son, Wil liam Watts, spent several days this week In Newport. i MRS. JACOB MALIIORX DIES Mt. Wolf, Pa., Feb. I.—Following a several weeks' sickness, Mrs. Amanda Malehorn, wife of Jacob Malehorn, died yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. She was 66 years old. jiiMßMßMfclnUMi ~ • . . Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! • • / One or two doses ui/s-K ARMY & NAVY OHTM DYSPEPSIA TABLETS xßfl* will make you feel ten years younger. Best known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach ■■V and Dyspepsia. 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or sent to any address postpaid/ by the . U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway, N.Y. fildsf2o^- Price Stability Our prices have been revised in keeping Never in its twenty-one years' history with present reconstruction requirements. has your purchase of an Oldsmobile Prospective motor car purchasers, in this represented a sounder investment than uncertain period, will welcome the certain right now. assurance that today's attractive prices on Oldsmobiles are guaranteed by the factory Beauty—Power: The first requisites that up to July first, 1919. discriminating people look for in a car, are SIXES borne out in every detail of the Olds- Model 37 Touring or Roadster $1295.00 mobile, whether your choice is a Six or Model 37 Sedan or Coupe $1895.00 an Eight. EIGHTS We are as glad as we are proud to Model 45 A Touring Car $ 1700.00 demonstrate these cars. Come in, or phone Model 45A Pacemaker $1700.00 for an appointment. All prices F. O. B. Lansing, Michigan MILLER AUTO CO., INC. . Lebanon Branch B. P. babkkb. Mgr. Mechanicsburg Branch 126 N. 9th St. 58-68 S. CAMERON ST. 52 W. Main St. H. H. Harkins, Mgr. Bell 4119 Dial 5660 C. Guy Meyers, Mgr. M iddletoivn Mrs. R. C. Fuhrman and daughter, Mrs. A. R. Hoffman, spent yesterday at Harrisburg. Leroy Rehrer is spending a week at Buffalo, N. Y., with friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Houser, of South Union street, have received a German helmet and gas mask from their son, John Houser, who is overseas These are on exhibition in the window of C. S. Few's drug store. Harry Richards .who spent the past, week in town as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Koons, Pike street, re turned to his post at Mump Meade, Md., to-day. Mrs. Karl Bowers, daughter May, and son, who spent the pust several weeks in town, are the guests of Dr. C. E. Bowers and family, Swatara street, will return to their home at Philadelphia, next week. Tlie assault case against John Rod fong, a pupil of the grammar school, who was charged with striking the teacher. C. R. Sensoman, has been con tinued until the March term of juve nile court. He was ordered to return to school. Sam Small gave an address at the First United Brethren Church last evening under the auspices of the Anti-Saloon League. He spoke on tho temperance cause Dr. H. H. Rhodes, one of Middle town's local physicians, is confined to his bed with a severe cold. A meeting for men will be held In the Church of God on Sunday after noon at 2.30. The Rev. C. It. BeiddeT, of the Royal ton United Brethren Church will have charge of the serv ices. taking for his subject, "Uncov ered Sins." At the same hour a meeting for women will be held in the Sunday School room and will bo in charge of Mrs. Fannie Hostetter. of Elizabethtown. The Middltown Independent basket ball team will play the Hummel: town Big hive teanvjn the Luna Rink, on Wednesday evening, February 5. SOLDIER IS FATHER Marietta, Pa., Feb. I.—Among the men who have served Uncle Sam State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County—ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that S. e is senior partner of the firm of J x£ hen s y „, & , c °- doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, unci that said firm will nav the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. a FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. ISS6. (Seal) A. W. Gleason. Notary Public, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the lllood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. FEBRUARY 1,1919. ovorsoas and were married before their enlistment begun, in Private Harry Campbell, of Marietta. He, like some others, will have to bo In troduced to the "new arrival" when he comes home. Private Campbell Is now tho father of a baby girl. Lewis H. Lickel Heads Veteran Volunteer Firemen Lewis H. Llekcl was elected presi dent of tho Veteran Volunteer Firs men's Association in the organiza tion's hall, 3"3 X-Tth Third street, last night. The new by-laws and constitution, as well as the bene ficiary functions of the association, became effective at the meeting. Other officers elected are: Vice-president. T. S. Cless; record ing secretary, Georgo C. McCahan; financial secretary, H. O. Holptein; treasurer, Augustus Wildman; .rus tee, for a period of three years, J. H. ltudy; house committee. H. O. H-.1- stein, A. L. Patton. William Hodge, William Masoner and Isaac Light; auditing committee, Charles P. Meek. T. S. Cless and John Ensmlnger; rep resentative to State Federation. Au gustus Wildman: alternate. I crcy Honaslous: membership committee. F. L. Garve.rick, Ben Genslider and Steve Cupples. Save Money Now Vv in Buy Used Auto Parts I | CRANKSHAFTS CARBURETORS BATTERIES MAGNETOS I' Jk V. BEARINGS SPRINGS We also ~ GEARS carry a com- B I AXAiES plete line of Stan- rTI ilard Roller and B"nll Bearings and quite an _ assortment of Cones and Races and practically every thing pertaining to a car. 1 > We also Handle Used Tires and Tubes. USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Chelsea Auto Wrecking Yt\ A SCHIFFMAN, Prop. C I 22-24 N. CAMERON ST. BOTH PHONES. U OUR PATRIOTIC DUTY FULFILLED - We have completed the demands made upon us by the U. S. Government and are Now Again in Position to Promptly care for the needs of our old customers and the motoring public. | TQ| SERVICE STATION UOL STORAGE BATTERIES "A Size For Every Car" Frederick C. Sieber 130-150 PAXTON STREET urna mm bum rap Get UByeTKHets That Is fhe "Joyful cry xS 'Cmnßanlb since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician for 17 years and calomeln old-time enemy, discovered the farxnulafor Olive Tablets while treating patients for chronic constipation and torpid livers. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do net contain calomel, but ahealiiig, soothing vegetable laxative. No griping is the "keynote" of then little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab lets. They cause the bowels and liverto act normally. They never force Ihem to unnatural action. If you have a "dark brown moutiy—n bad breath—a dull, tired headache —torpid liver and are consti pated, you'll find quick, sure and ortly Sleasant results from one or two little lr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime. Thousands take one or two every night just to keep right Try them 10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers