A" IK Uniform Cause Crike in Fr~ ; C tew Americans in !fV HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH V ffrc fltac-Independent. LXXXVIII Xo ?6 16 PAGES Da, 'y Except Sunday. Entered as Second Claai -•■*"■•"■* 111 ■ k>u ' ~ iu x .n.u.L.3 Matter at the Post OfTice at HarrUburg WILSON PLAN FOR LEAGUE OF NATIONS ACCEPTED BY GREAT WORLD POWERS United States Will Not Reduce Its Naval Strength, Daniels Predicts ENGLAND AND FRANCE PUT WM. L. GORGAS APPROVAL ON AMERICAN DIES AFTER A PRINCIPLE FOR COLONIES SHORTIELNESS Other Great Colonial Powers Accept Wilson's Proposal For Supervision of Germany's Lost Territory by the League of Nations—Favor a Mandatory Power Paris, Jan. 31.—Great Britain and France, and other great colonial powers, have accepted the American pro posal put forward by President Wilson for the League of Nations exercising supervision over the German colo nies and allotting their administration to mandatory powers, it was generally conceded in authoritative quar ters to-day. I lie latest official communication, issued last night, makes the official announcement that "satisfactory provisional arrangements were reached for dealing with the ticrman colonics and the occu pied territories of I urkcy and Asia. Ihe provisional arrangements tit which the communication refers is the acceptance in principal of President Wilson - plan of mandatory administering of the # The reference to the occupied ter ritory of Turkey in Asia indicates that .Mesopotamia, Palestine. Arme nia and Syria are brought within the scope of this new policy pf dealing with the colonies. Indicate,, Sweeping t'iinngc Thus has suddenly come within rango of practical accomplishment hue of the most sweeping changes in colonial manager).ent that ever his occurred. The basic idea of this policy is that the colonies will be ad ministered by mandate for the bene fit of t! eir own people, and not ex ploited as profit-making enterprises by the powers claiming ihem. While acceptance of tire principle is with the condition that the details may he worked oat on a 'practical basis, yet exchanges among the Powers lead to tire belief that the details will be formulated for accept ance by all the colonies and Powers, including Great Britain. France, Ja HUNT 3 BANDITS i WHO SHOT POLICE CHIEF; GET 4TH Police Search For Men Who J Fired From an Auto mobile By Associated Press j Manchester, Conn., Jan. 31. —Po-j lite are to-day searching for three automobile bandits, who last night shot and killed William F. Madden,! chief of the special police force at I ' 'haney Brothers' silk mills here. The I fourth bandit, who was in the party, i was captured in Hartford county, thirty minutes after the shooting oc curred. Madden was shot when lie attempted to arrest the men near the mills. Madden and an assistant, Clifton Macomber, were on the watch for silk thieves last night "when an au tomobile approached which they re garded with suspicion. The two men jumped on the running board of the machine to question the four men in the car. One of the men in the au tomobile shouted: "Get off or we'll kill you." Macomber jumped ■ and Madden started to follow when one of the men in the automobile fired. Madden fell to the ground dead, while the automobile sped away. Macomber notified the Manchester! police and Captain W. R. Campbell immediately telephoned to the po lice of all surrounding towns, de-1 scribing the automobile. Within an i hour he received Word that a police-! man in Hartford had recognized thej machine and stopped it. The driver of the automobile was taken into ; custody, while the other three men ; escaped. The police said the license j number on the automobile is "New : Jersey, 31,837.' Maddenwas formerly well known | throughout New England as a foot- j ball player and as a welterweight! boxer. He was a graduate of Trinity i '"ollege, Hartford, where ho p'ayed football and later was athletic coach. At one time lie was captain of Coin-j pany G. Connecticut National Gtjard. ■ He was 38 years old and leaVcs a wife and one child. NO OU- I-AND AGREEMENT By Associated I'ress Washington. Jan. 31.—Another meeting of conferees on the adminis tration oil land leasing hill was held' yesterday, but they again failed to > reach an ugrcement. pan, Belgiupt ncwi Portugal- The m fist' r orinidable opposition has come from Premier Hughes, of Australia, who has maintained that anything short of outright annexation cp' New Guinea to Australia might - ndanger •he friendly feelings toward the ' mother country. j This, however, is in process of be- I ing reconciled by concessions on de- S tails, but in any event the opposi j tion is considered to have lost its ef j fectiveneis. since the British home 1 government and Scuth Africa are | favorable tc tire new colonial policj. Credit to Wilson : President Wilson has taken a lead ing part in the animated discussions, ! and acceptance of the new principle !is being credited large'} to his de termined attitude. There is no d?- j sire in American Quarters, however, j to herald a victory, but, on the con- I [Continued on Page I".] iBALDWIN NAMED ! FOR SENATE TO SUCCEED SPROUL j Delaware Republicans Select Kx-Speaker of House as Candidate | Media, Pa.. Jan. 31.—Kx-gpeaker : of the House Richard J. Baldwin, , of Media, was nominated as the Re | publican candidate for State Sena tor, to succeed Governor William C. | Sprout. The nomination was made ; by the Republican County Executive Committee, and Baldwin did not have any opposition. The meeting was the largest the committee has held In years, and it was a real love feast. Baldwin was placed in nomina tion by Representative William T. Ramsey, of Chester, who referred t<> him as being the man able to till the place so admirably held in the Sen ate for so many years by William C. Sproul. His nomination was second ed by W. Frank Mathues, who him self was a candidate for the Senate until a few weeks ago, when he dropped out of the fight to give the ex-Speaker a clear field. Baldwin i made a brief speech in accepting tlie nomination, promising. If elect ed. to emulate his predecessor. The Democrats of Delaware coun ty will nominate a man of their party j for the Senate early next week, it | is believed that either A. B. Geary, , widely known lawyer, or Harvey Og ; den will be the choice of the Demo \' crats. Geary can have the nomina tion if he desires it.say the Demo -11 eratic leaders. There will be a spe j clal election held In Doluware county I Tuesday, February 25, when Uov i ernor Sprout's successor will be j elected. I Will Go to Far East to Aid Stricken People j Epliralo, Pa., Jan. 31. In addi , tion to sending two Mennonite men to the far East to aid the stricken people, this district has also Riven a nurse. .Miss Margaret Smith, daughter of Hie Rew and Mrs. J. W. Smith, will sail this week to work In Armenia, and Syria. She Is one y the best known nurses in this Hectic® 'and was formerly night the I.ancaster General Hospital. BALFOUR SEEING THROUGH PLAN By Associated Press LONDON, .lun. St.—The Paris eorrosporident of the Daily Mail sends the following regarding the negotiations on tlio former Ger man colonics: "It is understood that the pre miers of AustraUa, New /.calami and South Africa have agreed upon a scheme respecting what powers should be delegated under the mandatory system, and urg ing this scheme strongly upon i the conference. It would provide practically for freedom of admin istration on the present dominion plan, "Mr. lialfour ha- also prepared Wilson system. |>omtiug out the various difficulties in it- applica tion and possible ways of ovcr i coming them." IwiLLMAKEMW EFFORT TODAY TO PREVENT STRIKE Textile Workers arid Manu facturers Have Reached No Agreement Albany, X. Jan. 81.—Repre sentatives of the textile manufactur ers and employes of Central New York, together with members of the newly-organized reconstruction com mission of the state, after meeting yesterday in an effort to reach some agreement to avert a threatened strike of textile workers February 3, adjourned early last night without having reached an agreement. An other meeting will take place to day. It was reported, however, that both the manufacturers and work ers expressed approval of the stand taken by the commission and Gov ernor Smith in attempting to assist in settling the controversy over an eight-hour day which the workers have demanded. It appeared pro table that even if the agreement between employer and employe was not setled shortly, the strike which has been threatened lor next Monday would be at least postponed. Before the conference assembled, they gathered at the executive cham ber at the request of Governor Smith. He then most urgently requested them to reach some sort of an agree ment which would result in work not being suspended. He even went so far as to offer to act personally as a conciliator if such u step were deem ed necessary to avoid a cessation of work. Nat C. Goodwin Dies After Brief Illness New York, Jan. 31.—Nat O. Goodwin, the actor, died at a hotel here early to-day after a brief ill ness. He came to New York last Monday from Baltimore, where he had been playing. Deatii was due to a general breakdown in health, folowing an operation for the re moval of his right eye several months ago. Born at Boston, July 23. 1857, Goodwin was a familiar figure on the American stage for many years. He made his first appearance in 1874, and subsequently played lead ing roles in many successful plays, both in the United States and England. Devastated Regions of France Make a Deep Impression on Wilson By Associated Press Paris, Jan. 31.—President Wilson ■was deeply impressed by his visit to the devastated regions of Trance, ac cording to IVlntransigeant, which quotes him as saying: "I did not be lieve the sight could be so distres sing." President Wilson, the news paper declares, expressed "the In tense grief, which every man with a heart must feci at the sight of such devastation." will visit the coal the north of France and PIARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 31, 1919 Cornier City Commissioner and Prominent Mason Suc cumbs After Illness William Luther Gorgas, one of Harrisburg's most widely-known res idents and for years prominently j identified in political, banking and ' Masonic circles, died at 1.50 o'clock | this morning at the Harrisburg Hos : | pital at the age of TO. j His death came as a surprise to his | family and the many persons who i knew him. as he had only been seri | ously ill since ues'da.v. A complica -1 tion of diseases Caused death, j Air. Gorges was cashier of the | Harrisburg National Bank and was , well known in state banking circles I because of his long service with one j of the city's older institutions. ! Politically, Mr. Gorgas was a Dem ! oerat. He served as president of ' Select Council under the old bicam j eral system. When tlie commission I form of .city government began in | 1 f 1 he was elected as one of the orlg ! inal members of Council, serving un til J916, when he was re-elected for I another term. Both of these he served as superintendent of accounts and flnam e and he took a great m rearranging the city's tinan eial systlP.m to conform with the com mission plan of government. Upon the deuth of the late Mayor IS. St. MeaTb he became acting MB-O4 until tbe appointment of tlie late Mayor I fntarles A. Aliller by Council. Upon j the latter's death Mr. Gorges again ' served as acting Mayor until the i court named J. William Bownpan for ' the position. Defeated for Mayor , In the fall of 1917 Air. GorgaH was ; a candidate for nomination to till the ■ unexpired term of the late Mayor | Meals, but was defeated at the pri mary election in September. In Itn uary, 1918, his term as Commissioner experide and since that tlnil* he de voted his ontire time to his posi'l tit as cashier of the Harrisburg National [ Bank. As a member of the ATasonic order, f Mr. Gorgas lias held hoAored places in the lodge and was known I throughout Pennsylvania in Masonic J circles. He was a member of the | Blue Lodge, Chapter and Command* i ery and for eight years serve! as Deputy Grand Alaster for Dauphin and a part of Northumberland coun ties, representing eight lodges. Four years ago he became Grand Alaster of the State Lodge. He wa sahvays interested in His torical events and was a member of the Dauphin County Historical So ciety and the Pennsylvania German Society. Of Old Family Air. Gorgas was born June 23. HB, in Cumberland county. His father, William Tt. Gorgas, had served In both branches of the State Legisla ture as a Democratic member from Cumberland county. After being educated in the Cum berland county schools and the Cum berland Valley Institute, he was .. teacher for a few years, but later be came an apprentice in the works at Alullcn, Cumberland county. Eventu ally Mr. tlorgas decided upon a bank ing career and in 1869 he became a teller in the Second National Bank, Afcchanlcsburg. He held the posi tion until 1873, when he was appoint ed a clerk in the Harrisburg Nation al Bank. Nineteen years later, in 1892. Mr. Gorgas was elected cashier of the bank and held the position until his death, a continuous service of almost twenty-seven years. He also served as a director of the Harrisburg Bridge Company, director of the Har risburg and Alechanicsburg Railway Company and aided in tlie organiza tion and was elected president of the I Capital City Shoe Manufacturing Company. He was also treasurer of the Harrisburg City Railway Com pany, treasurer of the Harrisburg Hospital and president of the Camp Hill Cemetery Company. also "No Man's Band" on the Yeer, L'lntransigeant says. President Wilson still hopes to visit Brussels, making the trip at the last possible moment previous to his departure for home. He was prevented from going to Belgium this month because of the important, matters coming up at the peace conference, but if the pres ent plans hold he will be able to visit Brussels and probably some of the battlefields of Belgium before sailing from Brest. In this case he would Paris probably on Feb ruary 9 and arrive at Brest l2 and 15, LEAGUE OF PEACE WILL REDUCE THE WORLD'S ARMAMENT i Secretary of the Navy Addresses Reserve Officers in J Presenting Commissions at Naval Academy; , On Last Stretch of the Three-Year Program of Construction ] By Associated Press 1 J Annapolis, Aid.. Jan. 31.—in pre-| . senting oommssons to-day to the last! class of reserve officers trained at the United States Naval Academy j during the war, Secretary Daniels i s predicted that "there will be no time I , | of recession of interest in the navy." . "Not in your day," the secretary j [told the young officers, "will there' " j be any reduction of naval power. We are now on the last stretch of build 5, Ing tlie three year program of nu- j va ' construction which was author s I ized three years ago. s [ Vessels of Highest Type e Secretary Daniels said lie Jiad no j doubt that Congress would authorize ' " | the recommendation of President) ! j Wilson for another three-year pro-j • gram of construction. In building! 1 |ships under that program, be said! 1 • the types of vessels would be con-i ■ structed which would keep oui' navy | • | abreast of any navy in the world." r "We shall not. build oginsf. ijny 5 nation," the secretary continued. ] J "because we have faith that tlifc • league of peace will bring alioubj ■ such friendship and uiidersi&ndtagll ■ among all nations as will ultimate-1 > ly cause a reduction arrnumept i 7 TWT ' 1 SENATE ADOPTS AMENDMENTS TO ! POST OFFICE BILL I Authorize Burleson to ('.on- 1 J tinue Pneumatic Tube Service By Associated Press Washington, Jan. :jt.—Committee amendments to the annual post of flee bill authorizing the Postmaster General to continue the postal pneu matic tube service in New York and Brooklyn and prohibiting removal pending action by Congress of the tube systems in the other large cities were adopted late yesterday by the Senute. The Senute also approved with lit tle discussion items in the $400,000,- 000 bill carrying several millions of Jdi llars for pay increases for post otllce clerks, letter and rural car- ' riers and railway mail employes i during the next liscal year. The i House had proposed to muke tho in- j creases permanent, i When the bill was taken up there i were less than a dozen senators i present and by agreement several items in dispute were passed over temporarily. They included com mittee proposals for appropriation of $200,000,000 during ttie next three years for road construction, increasing the appropriation for aerial mail service and decreasing i that for motor truck "farm to con sumer" produce deliveries. Senator Swanson. of Virginia, in supporting the road appropriations, declared they would provide em ployment for many men and that road building presented a .better plan than "aimless appropriations for public works." I Paris Gives Building Site For Home For American Soldiers By Associated Press Paris, Jan. 31.—A building site, | city of Paris, was formally accept-1 valued at $lOO,OOO, the gift of the ed for the American University Union yesterday by Henry B. Thomp son. Princeton, treasurer of the i union. The American University Union j contemplates the erection of a build | ipg, for which plans already have j been drawn. The funds will be se-1 | cured in the United States. The struc- j | ture will be used us a home fori I American students in Paris, as well j as to provide French students with j information regarding American ! universities. Degree of L. L. D. to Be Given Sproul by U. of P. By Associated Press Philadelphia, Jan. 31.—Governor William C. Sproul will be awarded i the degree of doctor of laws by the | University of Pennsylvania at the annual university day exercises on February 22. This announcement was made by Provost Smith, of the University. Governor Sproul will be the orator of the day. OXI.Y EVK.M.V KEWRPAPE 1 and a consequent decrease of cxpen-U j ditures for naval strength." I "But so long as this republic needs ja navy, we must have one, for ourjej i own protection and to preserve the J | peace of the world, that will be pow- ] (erful, strong and modern. |e America to 11c Xuvul Power , , "It would be a sin for America,' ! j rich and powerful, to be beholden! *! to any other country for naval pro-! , teciion. We must, in whatever sort! ! of world police shall be needed in'* the new order contribute as many ■■ units and as much strength as any IJ other nation. "We must remember always the maintenance of the Monroe Doc-|j trine is our peculiar responsibility;,; (and duty, and for its proper main-! ! I tenance and our duty to secure all the smaller nations of the world e ! Ilio rights to which fliey arc en-',; | titled, we must maintain u navy: j I Strong enough and powerful enough)® jto measure up to our responsibility j | and our obligations." • U I Mr. Daniel said tho Navy Depart-) ' intent intended, after the treaty of)® 1 peace is signed, to rpainlaik a train-1* led and efficient naval reserve force ! i ihich woiild.be ready for instant I rtrobffizanoh. r EVERY CENT PtlT j IN HOG ISLAND \ ■: IS GOOD: BRUSH j jliead of Company Operating Plant Is Before the Sen eS ale Committee By Associated Press ! *1 j Washington, Jan. 31. — The Hogl<| j Island shipyard, which will costly j $66,000,000. when completed, is de- j | fended by Matt C. Brush, president j ej | of the company, operating the plant, j J | 'as the only war venture where | every single cent spent is still good." J jHe testified yesterday before the a | Senate commerce committee. "Aside from the shipbuilding fa cilities," Mr. Brush said, "the con- I struction of Hog Island is justified i it ]us a terminal. It is worth more now I than the United States government <§ j has invested in it, because it's as i good a deep water terminal as there ! ; is in this country." I| I Mr. Brush quoted Howard Coon- el j ley, vice-president of the Emergency -f i Fleet Corporation, as saying that 2 1 Philadelphia could afford to spend $100,000,000 to acquire Hog Island <3 and continue its development us the 3 city's great water terminal. Big Advertisement eS Mr. Brush said Hog lisand was a one of the biggest advertisements f the .United States lias ever had, a 1 great psychological influence in the A j world of commerce and reminded I the committee that the government could take over the yard whenever it desired. He said the American International Corporation, the hold- * ing company which controls the e property, gladly continued the gov ernment's option which was made before Congress gave the Emer- gertoy Fleet Corporation power to e acquire land. • 'redit for the launching* of four- ' teen ships, Ave of which ure in com- | liisson, was given by Mr. Uiash en- ' i tirely to the former mungefleut of the yard and the men working there. | He left the presidency of an elevat jed rilroad in Boston last October. ' went to work as a shipbuilder at Hog Island in November and the j following month was elected presi dent of the American International ® Shipbuilding Corporation, which is constructing the yard and tlie ships, His salary is $40,000 a yer. Employment Agencies Seek 1 to Oust National Bureau Mushing ton, Jan. 81. —Charges J i that representatives of "private foe I charging employment agencies" are | attempting to lobby ifi congress lor a ! the abolishment of the United States j j Employment Service were made to . day by officials of the service. It was £ said that during the past ten days f all members of Congress have re celved circulars from the private 3 agencies and that manufacturers A had been asked to assist in the cam- "2 |jaign. *1 "We are fully aware that such j attacks have been made," said John | | B. Densmore, director general of the a ! Federal Employment Service. "They are particulasly dangerous at this 4 time because of the rapid demobili zatlon of troops and the existing tin employment in many big cities." (g iO ASSOCIATED PIIES9 SINGLE COPIES 211 IX lIA It It ISB tilt U TWO CENTS ® 4**& 4 , 4 , 4 , 4*4"4* 4* v 4* *4" r 2~1 v 4- 4* 4*4~S*4*4*4*4*4'*i**iH | LATE NEWS J FIGHTERS TO GET CHEAPER PEACE C 1 | New York—*To enable discharged sailors and '-crs J to obtain civilian clothing more cheaply thi;> J * bureau of the National League for Women's Sc. , e", has £ arranged with a number of men's furnishing . T ment:- here to allow all former cn! m discount, it was announced here to-day. A majeniy of T the merchants have agreed to ten pet ecu.* .... i- X saidvthe announcement while one has-notified tHoJt The will allow the men a discount of thirty per r- n V clothing. ' T EXPRESSMEN TO TAKE STRIKE V j T St. Paul, Minn.—Taking of a strike vote throughout * the country has been starte dby the expressmen's .union, Z it was stated here by Eugene J. Gardos of Lciiisvflle ▼ chairman executive committee of the org; riimtiun m who announced to-day the vote of the Sf. Par. 1 j 1 T near c 'aver of a.• j X *TR WEATHER TO CONTINUE AT Wr . Washington—Eastern Pennsylvania: Fai rto \ it RUSS REFUSE TO-MEET THE REDS \ ▼ . Parisi—The peace conference to far bash ; . if to its invitation to the various Russian governr/wi. s,( * conference atjthe Princes Islands." In one of t! i* ▼ government of Nprth Russia formally refuses to rndet A with the Bcisheviki, The Omsk government under T Admiral Kolchak, while less categoric in its rto! ▼ presses strong reserve. ffh-ial in donr d £ with the invitation has been"received from the RiwurH ▼ || CRISIS IN PEACE CONGRESS [t OVER HUN COLONIES PA ESI ▼ - Paris—The crisis in thf peace negotiations o*r tr •he T disposition to be made of Germany's IT have pas •••;, momentarily :it 1.-ast. Jt y '▼ that President Wilson's view has prevailed in its entirety €& • T but in American quarters there is confidence that a com fi I promise plan, which has been accepted in principle; will * be worked out with details which will bfe acceptable tof * * the American viewpoint. When the Supreme CoUncil of * the Peace Conference meets to-day it will have " jfi >re it 11 the very plajn statement made by President Wil .t ** Wednesday's late session. So particu! rv. to have an exact record of what he had said on 4 u • after entering the meeting he summoned * * sonal stenogrAphers and kept him at his side c session. What he said did not appear in the • i d < * 4 wnmu ? authority, but it may be. stated that it war, a ** reaffirmation of the principles for which the--'?* .tt 4 | has previously contended. In phrases stripped f diplb * I matic niceties it is understood, Mr. Wilson told i hers of the Supreme Council he would not be party to a e ... , # division of Germany's colonial possession:, a | * powers which now hold thbm, and then becor.n | | a league of nations which, in effect, would guar ' title. There are inferences that the I 4 , ferred to a peace of "loot." The net result of th ♦ J ' two jays of discussion on the colonial, quest, opinion of many Americans here, has been to c!< the X atmosphere generally and to force a clear defut.; *of T sinis on all sides. § New York—Pan-African conference to b T Paris l2, 13 and 14, in which I ▼ from Nortn and Loath America, \V xvill bc represented, has been sanctioned by Pr ▼ Clemenccau of Fraqce, according to|'a*cablc 0 r. n made 4* public here to-day by the National 'Asvjoi.iti T Advancement of Colored People. Mk | MARRIAGE ▼ Moyd W. Cook, New Holland, an<^| CM connty; William T. Hrltmrycr nnd MM A Han Merry und Mlrola Mara., UaHola.H EXTRA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers