8 Forty Persons Hurt When Strikers and Police in Glasgow Clash By Associated Press Glasgow, Feb. I.—Serious conflicts between the police and strikers de veloped yesterday In which at least forty persons were more or less badly injured, among them Sheriff Macken zie. Chief Constable Stevenson, number of policemen. These were all injured by bottles thrown by strikers when the police were clear ing the streets in baton charges. Two of the strike leaders. William were arrested. Davis Made Bencher of the Middle Temple London. Feb. I.—John W. Davis, the American Ambassador, has been made a bencher of the Middle Tem ple and the barristers of the Temple gave a dinner in his honor Thurs day night. The late Joseph H. Choate, former \ nerlcan Ambassa dor in London, is the only other for eigner ever to have been given the honor of admission to the Middle Temple. AUSTRIAN EAST SILESIA IS OCCUPIED BY POLES By Associated Press Amsterdam. Feb. 1. —Austrian East Silesia has ben entirely occupied by Czechs after heavy lighting with the Poles, according to a Viennt dispatch to the Cologne Volks Zeitung. J <- fpyitCbt r-cift,rrd, 1111 HALF SQUARE FROM THE SQUARE SEVEN SOUTH RIVER AVE Perhaps You Didn't Know— That lots of batteries die of thirst — That many are ruined by neglect— That thousands are overworked and under fed — Yet these and a lot of other battery abuses are common. Be sure that you are treating your battery in such a way that you will get the best from it. If you are not sure, we will be glad to tell you what to do. FRONT MARKET Motor Supply Co. t f ~ We Want to Bang Away on These Points Because they are essentially vital to you in every trans action that we have. We may be a little out of your road—but it will pay you to come here for your Tire Repairs and Accessories, for— There is real human interest manifested in every effort to make your interest in us a constant one, in that you will feel that we are rendering you a service that is guided by the heart, with the desire to give you an overflowing measure of satisfactory service that will make it a pleasure to you to have us do your work. Our plant is equipped to give very efficient Tire Repair service. We sell the best Tires made. We Deliver Tires, afld call for and Deliver Tire Repair Work to any part of the city. It will pay you to give us a trial. 655 1 Black's Garage 3K 205 SOUTH SEVENTEENTH ST. SATURDAY EVENINQ TWO Ur THE IMWLSStfCNIGHT SEDANS USED BTTHEfENB&ARMS TAXTCAB CO. ffup 3255 temr:: - - %£:•: • "•'" * ' - - ; When the new Pnnn-Harris Hrttfcl was opened, the taxi-cab company who are operating a stand from this hotel placed an order with ths Over land-Harrisburg Company for two Willys-Knight Sedans to be used In the regular service. Those cars have proven very satisfactory and it is un derstood that an order for more cars is being placed AGREE ON BONUS FOR ENLISTED MEN UPON DISCHARGE Senate and House Conferees Would Pay Men SSO and Officers S2OO Washington, Keb. l.r—An amend ment to the war revenue bill provid ing: for the payment of a bonus of SSO to enlisted men and nurses and S2OO te officers of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps upon their dis charge from service has been agreed upon by the Senate and House con ferees. Demands in the House for a sep arate vote on the Senate child labor amendment and the provision pro hibiting importation of liquor into the District of Columbia for bever age purposes were withdrawn yes terday, insuring the retention of these amendments in the final draft l of the .bill. Under the conference agreement, the bonus would be given to enlisted men, nurses and officer's already mustered out, as well as those yet to be discharged, regardless of whether service wa sat home or overseas. Field clerlts and others attached to the fighting forces would share in the payments. 1 The Motor Dealer and Service ARTICLE NO. 4 STABILITY By L. H. HAGERLING T. B. Wildermuth, president of the Front Market Motor Supply Co.. has been confined to his bed for Uie past week with a serious case of the "flu." Reports from his office today say that he is recovering slowly and will soon be around again. A first requisite of proper* mainten ance is the stability of the company from which you are going to make your purchase. During the past 18 to 20 years the automobile industry has witnessed many, fly-by-night com panies. both factory and local and as a result we have many thousand au tomobile orphans whose commercial value have no rating, even to a de gree that the second hand merchant will not buy them at a sacrifice. This causes the cost pftr mile to become abnormal due to depreciation and its effects are not only felt by the unfor tunate owner, but also by the auto mobile dealer. Sound business Judgment will lead a purchaser to investigate not only the merits of the product that he is considering, but also the stability of its representation. It is very strange to say automobiles are sold time and time again on snap judgment.. It may be possible the size of the car suits the purchaser or the price may be in accordance with his judgment, or still it may be the terms which today play an important part in sales. * Sales, however, of this character while they may occur frequently are not the sales of any large volume THE VINTAGE OF 1877. SOME CLASS, EH? ; " " — r ; 8... (jpa3BMntf ipHfrflsfygKßay^w* Ji. Jft* The above Is a photograph of the flrst road wagon built by Selden In 1871 - The Idea of the Inventor of this Job was to build what he called a "mad locomotive." Forty years ago Mr. Oeorgo B. Selden. of Rochester. M. Y... never dreamed of the automobile of the present—of a touring car that won 10 run easily forty or fifty in ties an hour*, of a racing model that would go two miles a minute. His own dream was of light "road locomo tive" that would carry the farm product to the city market and would run as fast the second or third hour as a good home would the first—B to 10 miles an hour. The present day product'of the Selden factory at Rochester, I? Y„ Is atffl Selden trucks; it was so In 1877 and is so In 1818. The Selden truck of today built In 1 te i ton capacities and represented In this territory by Selden Truck XHatxlbuxlora, 1017-11# Murte .street, are unite different frna the aid 1837 Selden model. HJLRRXSBUHG tfiSSfc TELEGRAPH MOORE ACCUSES LEVER OF TRYING THE 'GAG' RULE Senate Delays Vote on Agri cultural Appropriation \ Bill Waslilngton, Feb. 1. —After re maining in continuous session more than twelve hours, the House late last night completed work on the annual agricultural appropriation bill, but a formal vote was delayed until to-day by a demand of Repre sentative Stafford, of Wisconsin, Re publican, for a reading of the en grossed measure. Complaint of the practice by which salaries may be raised by depart ment heads, was voiced during de bate to-night but an amendment by Representative McLaughlin, of Mich igan, Republican, to .prevent any "alary increases to employes receiv ing the $240 a year increase author ized in the legislative bill if given through other legislation, was de feated 58 to 84. Representative Moore, of Pennsyl vania, Republican, led a fight on the salaries provided for the bureau of markets, declaring that the bureau was a "detriment to business," and that a "saturnalia of graft" was be ing practiced for the benefit of Dem ocrats. When Representative Lever, in charge of the measure, obtained a vote closing debate before Mr. Moore had completed his efforts to amend individual salaries, the Pennsylva nia Representative accused Mr. Lev er. of attempting a "gag rule." The outh Carolina Representative said he wished to end a "gagfest." Boy From Boiling Springs Released From Hun Prison Washington, Feb. I.—-The Wlar Department announces a new list of Americans held by the Germans prisoners of war who have been re leased. Names of three enlisted men of the army reported to have -died in Germany were announced, one of them being Charles Olson, Windber, Pa. Tift following Pennsylvanians have returned to. France after*belng released from German prison camps: i James Devlin, Reading; John P. , Fahey, Old Forge; Emmett E. Min_, nlch. Boiling Springs, and Frank J. Olinzoek, Staufer. Americans Start on Relief Mission in the Near East Paris. Feb. 1. —The expedition for the relief of Armenia and Georgia under the direction of the American Commission For Relief in the Near Bast, left Taris for Constantinople last night under the leadership of the Rev. James L. Barton, foreign missions lie will be accompanied by Ernest Watson and William Peet. Two hundred American workers will take" part in the expedition. Three ships, carrying clothing, flour, medicine and farm implements, now en route from America to Con stantinople, will be unloaded at ports on the Black and Mediterranean seas. within themselves, that is to say, the higher the grade article handled the less frequent snap judgment plays a part and stability plays hands down. A real estate merchant spent his time and money to prove a title, and to insure his purchaser that the prop erty lie is selling is confined to with in certain lines which are on record In the engineering department of ti city, a recognizee permanent asset. How many buyers of motor care, either passenger or truck, give a pur chaser the same consideration? Very few, indeed. In my experience, which covers a good many years in the mo tor car field the question of stability appears less frequent than any other important factor of which I can re call. Who of the business men of Harris burg, the men who plan are not in terested in bigger and better business and its fundamental principles. They sit at their desks and plan and cal culate, devise ways and means of bet ter and bigger business, and' beyond any question of doubt all their plan ning and their calculating have a di rect relationship to stability. The ultimate aim of a motor car dealer should be to make the owner feel that they are glad that they pur chased that particular make of car from that particular dealer because stability was a prime factor. There are many items which enter into the first sale, but the much sought after repeat order depends largely on actu al performance and service coupled with stability. NEW HOME OF THE VEUE CARS i The Rex Garage at Thtrd and Delaware is the new home, of the Vclie Towing cars and trucks. The Rex Garage and Supply Co., were appointed distributors for Harrisburg and vicinity some time ago. This garage has been established for some years and is well known to Harrisburge.rs. The velle service station will also be maintained hero. GOR S ON"T? 4 ;r jwj** TbaiVu Tirt "*" Jr no f CORSON 0 US7D C CAR. f A d°* e 1 Com jj' ete in "very jj 1000 CARS TO SELECT ••lling. Prices most J TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED. moderate. 5 T ° urln *- "* winter 1917 PACKARD Tourlnr Twin Sl 4 i ..iffjist \ l ,i?-SSy£r:£ SSS^S-":" 1 1 \ vr&r::i\T r,' cct,on: a,, ° '-.'p J X9lB-17-16 RTI'DF.RAKKK Touring 1917 LOCOMOBIi F T l in' i " 5 R f Hs£d '"r "f. Vnfiy * SS3SBS set Wa equipped. As low as S4OO 1917 Hi'nsnv T T..-• L " CE * W 4 > OLDSMOBILF. Tourlns, 7-pas" whlpconl unho ® U P"-S<*: 5 only 2 months old; tlree equal to body; splendid eoulnment le R ll W CHANDLER*ChuTmy t 'Road.t. r . ir""' 5 sa?:' ..r., ■= saurt' j SI RIDDLE Sport Roadster; very 1917 WINTON Sl* Tnnrln > R \ ..-niKES I \ awJS'S 8 iGORSON'S AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE 0 J 238-240 NORTH BROAD STREET. PHILADELPHIA PA ? I CHANDLER SIX Famous For Its Marvelous Motor 50,000 Owners, 50,000 Friends THE greatest single factor in thereon- This year, twenty thousand more, if the tinuous and increasing growth of factory can supply that number, will be demand jor tne Chandler Six is the come enthusiastic Chandler owners. ®^ a ° rdina *y satis faction fifty thousand Chandler offers more for less than any Chandler owners have found in this great other car. A determined Chandler policy ca £ . , . ( provides a really fine car at the lowest Because of what these Chandler owners possible price. Chandler holds its leader know and say of their car, thousands more ship for 1919 just as distinctly as in the choose the Chandler each year. past. Handsome Chandler Sedan Now Only $2495 ~ ThU beautiful big car is quite in a class by warm, pleasant days, with the windows lowered itself. Gracefully designed, splendidly finished away, it is open to the sunshine and the soft air. and upholstered, roomy and comfortable, it is The Chandler Sedan seats seven passengers acm of exceptional refinement, in inclement when its auxiliary chairs are in use. It.is stur weather it may be wholly enclosed, offering snug dily built and withstands the rack and strain * protection against the cold or snow or rain. On of rough roadways. Your Family Would Be DeligHted WitH a Chandler Sedan SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Car, $1795 Four-Passenger Roadster, $1795 Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, $1875 Convertible Sedan, $2495 Convertible Coupe, $2395 Limousine, $3095 • AU prices f. o. b. Cleveland ANDREW REDMOND 2133 r DISTRIBUTOR * .... Third and Reily Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. Open Territory For Lite Agents. Hake Inquiries ut Once CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANYi CLEVELAND, OHIO FEBRUARY 1,1919. : Overtime at Cambria Steel Co. Discontinued iliiistown, Pa., Feb. 1, —Beginning >-daj% n'l overtime will be dlscon .nued by the Cambria Steel Com •any, subsidiary of Mldvalo Steel nd Ordnance Company. Somo mills vlll work only sixteen hours In wenty-four. One blast furnaco was lown out yesterday. Another blown ut and rellned. Is still out. Un'ess •rders In quantity appear at once, iwo or three more blast furnaces will he bonded next week It was an , nounced by company officials. Further Reductions Made in Ocean Rates Washington, Feb. I.—To meet fur ther rate reductions proposed for Hrltlsli vessels, the Shipping Board's division of operations announces cuts in freight tariffs on cargo carried in American bottoms from North At lantic ports of the United States to Australia, Ns® Zealand. South Africa and the far east, including Yoko | A Good Used Car Is A Real t will meet every ' J service requirement. Every car in first-class condition and , M the price is right. Come, see them at once. I TTT?T?Q GOODYEAR AND 1 C AAAVJIfO RACINE CORDS. ' C Also other makes in stock, all sizes. . < |Rex Garage and Supply Co.! C THIRD AND DELAWARE STREETS t I L. L. Shettel, Mgr. VELIE SERVICE STATION I hams. Hone Konr, Shanghai. Kobe. Manila and Singapore, and the ueuaj porta of call. ALLIED TROOPS ON RUINK TO BE LOOTED TO KllJ.lOg I'nris, Feb. X. —The number o) American, French and British troopt to be maintained In the occupied re. glons along the Rhine •will be limit, ed to 1.000,000 men, according tp th Echo De Paris. We carry a Complete Stock of Everything For The Automobile Tires—Accessories- Gasoline P. H. KEBOCH 111 Market Street Successor to Retail Dept. Front Market Motor Supply 00.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers