IDeatbs JBAITISTI Mrs. Susan Eilft Baptisti. wife of Peter G. Baptisti. died t- riday evening, at lo o'clock. aged oT years. Funeral services Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, trout her late residence, ICO South Thirteenth street, the Rev. Dr. Yates ofneiating. Burial ui lax tang Cemetery. Relatives and tnends invited to attend without further no tice. MI.XGLE James F. Stingie. in his "Sth year, at his late home. 1231 Reily street. He is survived by his wife ar.d three children, two daugh ter®. Mrs. Elizabeth Swart* and Airs. Claude Aungst, ana one son. Leroy Stingle. . Funeral services will be held at the above address on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, to which relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice Burial private m Harrisburg Cemetery Lost and Found LOST Bunch of keys in Jitney going uptown or in central part of city. Return to 410 Trustee Building. J. R. Horning. Heip Wanted —.Male WANTED Young man to loajn drug business. Address A.. 4329, care of Telegraph. • : , WE WANT men to repair and drive automobiles: salary, Slou per month, reference required; also two or three men as helpers. A chance to learn a good paying trade, and earn salary be tween class hours. Fifty dollars re quired. Call, or write, at oiue, Auto Transportation School. 25-27-..' North Cameron street. AND WOMEN to raise mush- j rooms in cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. , Spare time. sl2 to $25 weekly. Success guaranteed. Write to-day. Hiram i Barton. 333 West Forty-eignth street. New York. WANTED Steamfitter's helper. Appiy No. 123 Pine street, after i P. M. AGENTS Cooper made $314 last month, s9l last week selling "Kant leak' Ra.ncoats. New proposition. We deliver and collect. Sample coat free. Comer Mfg. Co., 226 York street,. Day ton. Ohio. WANTED A butcher, with experi ence, that is reliable. Address A.. care of Telegrrfph. WANTED Ten or twelve good, green and dry sand steel niolders. Union shop. Xo trouble. Rate, $4.50 per day of 9 hours. Apply Sharon Foundry Company, Sharon, Pa. MACHINISTS Lathe, Planer ar.d Boring Mill hands required for modern and large sue machines. No labor troubles, steady work. and best wages in the State for good men. Apply, or write. Employment De partment, The Morgan Engineering Company, Alliance, Ohio. MOLDERS WANTED Good, steady, green sand iron mould ers for medium and heavy mill work. This Is a permanent Job, ar.d highest ■wages paid. No labor trouble of any kind. Working conditions good. Apply, or write, Foundry Depart ment, The Morgan Engineering Com pany, Alliance, Ohio. WANTED Young man, sober and Industrious, to wash cars, and do gen- i eral work in garage. Loarers not wanted. Address, with references, R., 4528, care of Telegraph. WANTED Charging Machine Op erators for Open Hearth plant. Experi enced men only, to Master Me chanic's Office, Central Iron Jc Steel Co. WANTED Bricklayers on Coke Ovens. Rate. 70c per hour. Apply H. Koppers Co.. Brier Hill Steel Co., Youngstown, Ohio. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied. unmar ried men under age of 35: Citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information app'.y to Recruiting Of ficer. Bergner Bldg.. 3rd & Market Sts., Harrisburg. WANTED Plumbers and steam fitters. Good wages to good men. Ap ply J. W. Morrow, 17 North Fifth street. CARPENTERS' Helpers and Rigger' Helpers. Long Job. Wages. 25 cents per hour. Apply Robert Grace Con tracting Company. Harrisburg. Pa. CARPENTERS WANTED on concrete forms. Long job. Apply Robert Grace Contracting Company, Forster's Island. Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED Competent, young man, with experience at soda fountain. Ad dress K.. 5114, care of Telegraph. WANTED Bookkeeper. Address in own handwriting. State age, experience and salary wanted. Box A. 4326. care of Telegraph. SALESMAN WANTED Live wire on a strictly commis sion basis. A man wro can finance himself to start. Electric ; apparatus; experience preferred ; but not necessary. Address M 5104, care Telegraph. - : ——=> Apartments For Rent 610 N. Second Street Three desirable apart ments of 3 and 4 rooms, bath and kitchenette. City steam-heated. Be a utiful ] hard-wood finish. Located in new stucco apartment building, 610 N. Second street. Plenty of light. Large yard. Ready For Occupancy August 10th, 1916 For full information, consult MILLER BROTHERS & CO. Locust and Court Sts. / SATURDAY EVENING. SELL IT NOW! THAT USED CAR. SELL 11 MOW! Help Wanted —Male ' BAKERS Good oven man. SIB.OO week. Bench man. $16.00. Steady work. Car tare refunded Apply Kolb's Bakery, Fifty-sixth and Market, Philadelphia. WANTED—Meat cutter, gooa worker, Buehler Kros., 1507 Eleventh avenue, Altoona, Pa. WANTED Outside and trimming cutters wanted. Steady work. Gooa pay. W rite, or call. A. S. Kreider Co., j Annvllie, Pa. WANTED Vampers and stitching room help wanted. Steady work. Good pay. Write, or call. A S. Kreider Co.. AiutviUe. Pa. PAPERHANGERS WASTED High est Stciiav employment guar anteed. H. A. Bodmer, »13 North Third street. WANTED Energetic young man of some education ana business ability, able to invest sioo.ou to become asso elated with high-class established busi ness in Harrisburg. Salary and share ot pro tits. Only part tune requir | ed. either day or evening. Fine oppor tunity tor light party. Address Box ! C., 6112, care of Telegraph. TYPEWRITER FREE—To ea;h stu ,dent enrolling for a course in the Young Men's Business Institute, Inc., to open in Harrtsburg. Pa., about September 1. 1916; will be given the choice of an Underwood, Remington or any standard machine; shipped direct from factory. The Young Men's Business Institute, print. ,pr.lly a secretarial school, will prepare acceptable young men tor spec ial positions of trust in private and business life. The principal, a Prince ton College man. has the endorsements of the largest corporation in the U. S. Entrance requirements; enrollment lim ned. For particulars address Box R. 5071, care of Telegraph. CIVIL. SERVICE POSITIONS Mr. i Depue, of the Interstate Civil Service Bureau, of Washington, D. C , can be seen at Columbus Hotel regarding ex aminations for Railway Mail Clerk, Post Office Clerk, etc.. soon to be held :n this district. Full particulars as to requirements. cost of preparation, etc. Address Box A, 3070. care of Telegraph. WANTED —4O able-bodied men for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED First-class outside cut ters on Ladies' shoes. Good wages and steady employment. Utz i Dunn Co.. 37 Canal street. Rochester. X. Y. SALESMANAGKR WANTED to handle a superior line of Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Paper In Eastern Pennsyl vania. Elg returns assured a live wire. No investment. Address "Manu facturer.'' care of Telegraph. MEN Young, wanted to work in automobile repair shop: our school is overflowing with repair work, there tore it gives our students a chance to obtain practical repair work on all ma chines. We pay 30 cents an hour as soon as competent Take advantage of summer rates. Auto Transportation School. 19 North Cameron street. LABORERS WANTED For either contract or day labor. Attractive wages. Apply at Quarries of Hoffman Eros & Wilson. Twenty-third street and P. & R. Railroad. MACHINE AND BENCH HANDS ANTED Steady work. Apply Wohl sec Planing Mill Co., Lancaster. Pa. Help Wanted—Female WANTED —An experienced waitress. Apply at 170S North Second street. WANTED Girl or woman wanted at once for general housework in small family. Good wages. Call at once. 37 or 41 South Front street, Steelton. WANTED Woman to do light pressing in dyeing and cleaning estab lishment. Inquire of E. Simms, SO3 North Third street. City. WANTED Persons to color art pic tures at home: easy work; no experi ence: good pay; sample free. Wheeler Co., 337 Madison. Chicago. SEVERAL ladies to travel, demon strate our goods and sell dealers (20 to S4O weekly. We pay railroad fares. Experience unnecessary. Duchess Co., Dept. 160, Minneapolis, Minn. WOMEN—Don't be without money. !!5 salary or 25c an hour spare time distributing guaranteed hosiery. Ex perience unnecessary. Permanent. In ternational Mills, 238 Penn. Norristown, Pa. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Good pay for good stenographer and typist. Underwood machine. From August 7 to 19. inclusive. S. F. Bowser Co.. Inc., Telegraph Building. EXPERT TRAINING. RESULT a student secured a position in a Jersey Public School at S9OO. Will start work September 1. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second street. WANTED Bright, steady girls, to work on collars, in starch room, on the mangle and in marking and sorting department. Apply Troy Laundry, 1520-24 Fulton street. WANTED Ladies for easv embroid ery, home work. Call from S to 4, 102 Calder street. WANTED Girls over 16 to «trip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel> tare looked after bv trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED. AT ONCE Sewing nt chin* operators. Experience not nec essary. Pressers also wanted. Blough Manufacturing Co WANTED Girls experienced on rowsr sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street. Harrisburg, Pa. t VAVAWJVWVW.VWAW. • IENGLA HOUSES ji ii FOR SALE ji 249 SCSQCEHAXXA ST. C i 2*4-story frame (one of a pair)? Sseven rooms: bath; steam heat;i 5 porches; electric lights. Lot 25x5 I* 152 ft. Price $2.300 J I; 155 COLUMBIA ROAD $ i 2-story frame: fi rooms: baths ?and furnace. Lot 25x150. Price S ? 82,4001 ■| t '' 255 SUSQUEHAXXA ST. i i! 2% -story frame house with 7? {rooms and bath: electricity. Rented? Sat sl6 a month. Lot 25x152 ft.2 ,«Price 82,400 J, 115 COLUMBIA ROAD $ I* 2H-story frame (one of a pair);? /seven rooms; bath, furnace; S electric light. Slate r00f.5 JiLot 25x151 ft. Price 82,750? ii MILLER BROTHERS & CO. i; j| HEAL, ESTATE J ,■ Insurance Surety Boada'j JT I.OVUM and Court Street* 'J '•■ASW.V.VAW.SWVWkVbS» Help Wanted — Male and Female WANTED A chef and dishwashers. Apply Senate Hotel. Market Square. Agents W anted DISTRICT AGENTS .Kleenup Hand Cleanser, in collapsible tubes. No water needed. Autoists wild over it. For territory write Kleenup Co., Station E, Toledo, Ohio. AGENTS To handle great labor saving specialties; sells everywhere, in homes, offices. hotels, etc. Big profits. Write to-day. The Clevore Co., Box 266-A. Rutledge. Pa. AGENTS—Free Catalog and Samples, new goods, quick sales, big profits, make So to $25 daily, no experience, world's greatest specialties. Cruver Co.. Jackson and Campbell, Chicago, 111. AGENTS—"INKSPOON" makes every pen a fountain pen. The only perfect device marketed. Wonderful seller. Large profit. Sample and money-back proposition free. 231 Heed Buildln*. Philadelphia. Salesmen Wanted WE WANT TWO HIGH GRADE SPECIALTY SALESMEN TO TRAVEL IN PENNSYLVANIA WITH OUR HIGH-GRADE LINE PLAS TIC HOOFING AND ROOFING PAINT. SALARIED PROPOSITION. E.V KL LENT OPENING FOR HL'STLER. STATE AGE AND PAST EXPERI ENCE. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 504, PHILADELPHIA. PA. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, earn while you learn. Write for large list of openings and tes timonials from hundreds of our stu dents who earn SIOO to SSOO a month. Address nearest office. Dept. 244. Na tional Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago. New York. San Francisco. SALES MANAGER WANTED—Some thing new. Business necessity. Retails $5 to SH>O. Enormous profits. No com petition. Exclusive territory. Fiee samples. Sayers Co., 457 Wainwright, St. Louis. WANTED Salesmen to call on gro cers. general stores and confectioners in small country towns. Can easily earn $250 per month. Commission con tract. with 535 weekly drawing account. Crown Cider Co.. 509 Chestnut street. St. Louis, Mo. WANTED Traveling salesman for dress goods and blankets. We sell the retailer and pay good commission. De sirable side line. Schuylkill Mills. Box 1192. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED—Magnetic specialty sales man. Powerful, convincing talker to hire and train salesmen. Commission, with liberal advance. Address D„ As sociation Financial Enterprise, lowa City, lowa. FORD STARTER—Man owning Ford car to sell guaranteed $lO starter in Dauphin County; easy to sell when demonstrated; good proposition. Ad dress R.. 5123. care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Young man of good character ar.d ability wishes work as clerk in office; has six years' experi ence in shipping and timekeeping. Ad dress V. Beck. General Delivery, Steel ton, Pa. WANTED Colored man wants situation. Cook for camp parties, lawns mowed, hedges trimmed, cellars cleaned and whitewashed, automobiles washed and polished. Phone 271 R. WANTED A position by young man. 31 years of age. as chauffeur; ex perienced: tan drive any kind of car: best of reference. Apply 308 Boyd avenue. Situations Wanted —Female WANTED A reliable white woman desires situation for general house work, or as housekeeper in widower's family. Address R„ 4307, care of Tele graph. WANTED Position as cook in pub lic or private family white woman; can furnish reference. Address 5122, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young woman, with small child, would like to have general housework. Call by Bell phone 2567R-4. WANTED Girl 15 years old wants position helping with housework. Ap ply 706 North Seventh street. City. WANTED By a middle-aged wo man, place as child's nurse, or attend ing invalid lady, or light housekeeping. Address D.. 5120, care of Telegraph. WANTED By woman with small boy two years old, situation as house keeper. Address M. F., Enola, Pa. WANTED A middle-aged woman wants housekeeping for a respectable widower. Address H.. 5115, caie of Telegraph. WANTED Dishwashing, or scrub bing. at hotel or restauiant. Apply 807 South Tenth street, or 550 Shaffer's avenue. WANTED —Girl desires position as waitress, chambermaid or child's nurse; can furnish reference. Call, or address, 235 Cranberry street. Real Estate For Sale WALNUT STREET. 1420 This 2~ story brick dwelling. S rooms and bath, has been reduced in price to settle up an estate. The location is fine. Pos session at once. Price. $2,800. Backen stoss Bros., Russ Building. VIOLET STREET. 534 This 3-story. 8-roomed frame dwelling, with bath, range, assessed at $850.00. renting for $12.50, will be reduced $5.00 weekly un til sold or withdrawn by owner. Listed July 10 at $1,550. Price this week, $1,540. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Build ing. INSPECT 1316 STATE STREET and make an offer. Owner very desirous of selling. Rents for S2O. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. 1611 REG IN A STREET is offered at $2,450. Occupied by owner. Inspect it and see If price is right. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. MAHANTONGO ST., 555 Property for sale; all improvements; this can be bought at a sacrifice. John C. Orr, 222 Market street. LOT FOR SALE No. 1327 South Twelfth street; 25 feet front by 125 feet deep. Must be sold. Apply to Robert Stucker, Russ Building, Mar ket Square. BOYD STREET. 419-421 —lf you want an investment, inspect these two dwellings. Total taxes. $33.61; total rents, $16.50 per month; good tenants. Price for both, $1,600. Backenstoss Bros.. Russ Building. FOR SALE—THREE LOTS THIRD AND EMERALD STREETS, 60 feet by 160 feet, fronting 75 feet on Susquehanna street. Must be sold at once. Very reasonable figure. Inquire 23 South Second street. PAXTAXG KELSO ST. 2H-story brick house, built in pair. Lot. 30x125. This property has all modern improve ments; steam heat and laundry. Rear drive. Can be sold at the bargain price of $3,150. H. C. Brandt, 3$ Xorth Tlxira street. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity lor builder, lnquirs or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care ot iiarrisburg ielegtajju, city. FOR tAi_E Attractive, new, three story uncK house, e gut rooms ana until, luilsned nt uuii, i.aiduuod lloois, ■ apor Jicut. porcUvs, laigu yard, gr&no uinic wttiKb. irou leuccs, uunaiy and all other luodern improvements; goou location. Will stil oil payments ot ilwrty Dollars pel month. Alacw cUNfl'iiiCiio.\ CO, BLlL.u.ta\£> .-v.NL* l'i.;-lu.sErtS. ilbu .V i'ltlM ST, Hainsours, *'&_ KAKM, 4 ACRES; AEL NEW liUILJJ -INGS. HUN'J'EiiS RUN, Cumberland .county, ru., ivieai for cnicken uiid u UCK tanning, -ilso dcsuaole lor country suuinic-t home; goo a tium service on ncaaing nsinoau. 1». JiUiott Middlo tovrti, uoilmg springs. Pa. A atsciipuou ot property at 403 MaiKet btiect. C. ii. CAKE, liarris burg. VAUGHN One acre plots, wui sell halt acre; also lots tcet along 11. T. trolley; • He tare lo all parts ot liar risOuig ana bteeiton; Oeautltul and htalihlul; ground enough tor poul try una vegetables; price only per hait acre. C. B. Care, Cares '•rocery Stcre, Latmlerto A n, Fa. _ fccriptioii at 4U» Market street. City. KOR SAL.E Desirable house on easy terms within walking distance ot central business section brick seven rooms turnace conveniences —corner property porches i-.o uu. ror full particulars address il., 4258. care oi Telegraph. THRKK aOL'SKS IN DUNCANNON— One suitable tor awelling or boarding house; all modern improvements, and stoieroom on nrst tlowr. One doub,e nouse. 6 rooms each. .Lots, lib It. deep, 6y ft. trontage. Address -Mrs. Josephin* •Millar, Oui.cannou. or W. Al. Seihsrt, Attorney, .New Ulooinfleld. Real Estate For Rent FOR KENT 1159 Derry street 9 rooms front porch gas and elec tricity cemented celiai excellent condition SiiO.ou per month, inquire .\l. L. Bowman. J5» Herr street. KOR RENT JJ7 Boas street; 8- story brick house; all improvements; in good conaition. Apply North Sixtn street. FOR RENT ESTABLISHEL> (JuoCERY STAND Pyne s Corner, West Fairview, modern -story trame house, store room and six living rooms, with concrete basement under entire building; a splen did opportunity tor a live busi ness mun, in most any retail lino, particularly green grocer, light lunch, soft drinks, soda fountain, etc. Ba.-ement suitable for barber shop,-shoe repaii ing shop, or pool loom; entire building will be painted and papered to suit good tenant, and in addition will, if necessary, give reason able financial assistance to de serving, experienced party who can give good recommendations. Apply to owner. A. C. YOUNG, Real Estate, iti North Third Street, Hairisburg, Fa., or Mr. Hippcnsteel. at the adjoining property. West Fairview, who has key for inspection. FOR SAL.E 6-acre torm; located along Conodoguinet Creek; 10 minutes' walk from trolley; 2H-story frame dwelling; frame barn; necessary out buildings; sand loam soil; fruit trees, price, S-.000.QU. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets, FOR SALE l4-9 Swatara Street; 3-story frame dwelling; i rooms and bath; gas; turnace; porch; lot, JOx 105; drive alley on rear; price, s2,ouu.ou. Brinton-Facker Co., Second and Wal nut streets. FOR SALE 67 N. Seventeenth Street; 3-story brick dwelling; 9 rooms and bath; gas and electric Tight; fur nace; tront and rear porches; cemented cellar, lot. 16x89; price. $4,300.00. Brin ton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. LOOK AT THOSE new seinibungalow houses now about completed on Chest nut street near Eighteenth. Look them over soon. Well built, conveniently ar-l ranged, moderately equipped. " Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ANXIOUS TO SELL 1317 Wallace Street frame house with 7 rooms. What is it warth to you? Any orfer carefully considered. Bejl Realty Co., Bergner Building. NO. 804 N. SIXTH STREET IS FOR SALE lO rooms and bath gas furnace lot. 20x113 good location —well built property. Bell Realty Co., Bregner Building. FOR SALE One new, attractive, two-story bungalow, with all conveni ences, on North Seventh street, above Schuylkill. Price, $i,060.00. Easy terms. Apply W. W. Wittenmyer, sev enth and Schuylkill streets. HOUSE FOR RENT at 407 Hamilton street. Inquire at 205 Muench street. Fossession can be had the Ist of Au gust. FOR RENT No. 3S N. Tenth St SIB.OO No. 1732 Herr St 18.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, improvements, 8 rooms and bath, 2214 Atlas street. Rent, $14.00. Key, Charles' Store, 412 Woodbine. C. S. Weakley, 1815 North Second street. FOR RENT No. 1507 State street, modern three-story bri<:k house in the best of condition. Immedia'e posses sion. Rent, $35. J. E. GIPPLE. 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT 2005 N. THlitD ST.—Three-story dwelling l2 rooms bath steam heat—large porches—delightful shade— plot, 126x204 ft — pleasingly located at the southeast corner Third and Geiger Sts. Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and Court Sts. Farms FARM of 43 acres for sale at $2,600 7 miles from Harrisburg, near State road truck farm with abundance of berries and fruit buildings in good condition. Bell Realty Co/f Bergner Building. FOR SALE A Cumberland County Farm of 52 acres, 10 miles from Harris burg, 2b* miles from New Kingston. Fart of land lies along creek. Good buildings. Price, $1,500.00. C. Fry, 1114 Market street. Bell phone. FOR SALE A farm of about 94 acres, in good condition, situated about one and a half miles from York Haven. Pa., in Newberry Township, near Pleas ant Grove. Large bank barn, .arm house, and other outbuildings. About 16 acres of good, heavy woodland, and run ning water on farm. Pump of good water at door. Also another small tract of 2 acres with house, barn and other outbuildings, and pump at door. Apply to Aaron E. Bare, Cly. Pa. Apartments For Rent FOR RENT One apartment. The Reynard. 208 North Third street; two rooms and bath; steam heat; constant hot and cold water. Apply Common wealth Trust Company, 222 Market street. MacDANIEL'S FAMILY APART TS Furnished complete, lisht housekeeping. Two large rooms, kitchen, gas range, private meter, bell, 1 letter box. stationary wash tub. porch. 4117 Market street. Phone 897 J. Apartments For Rent SfcCOND ST, 1700 Five and six rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings in city. FOR RENT Tnree unfurnished sec ond stoiv rooms; with privilege of bath, heat and gas furnished, located at 410 Crescent street. Rent. »16. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Third floor furnished room, on North Eighteenth street; all conveniences; use oi bath. Bell phono SOSM. Apply A., 4330, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Two large, well-fur nislied front, second lloor rooms; all con\eniences, use of phone. Apply 813 North Second street. FOR RENT Two or three unfur nished rooms and kitchen, with use of bathroom; electric lights and steam heat. Apply 1928 Park street. FOR KENT Unfurnished, attrac tive. single, double or three-room housekeeping apartments. Running water in kitchen, range and cabinet, gas, strictly private, direct entrance. Phone and bathroom privileges. For location and prices, inquire 429 Broad. 10 to 11 A. .vL FOR RENT Two nicely furnished, up-to-date rooms for light housekeep ing; .ilso one separate room; use of bath; hot and cold water. 24 North Fifth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, singly or ensulte; all conveniences; phone, etc.; references required. Appiy lulo North Front street. Rooms Wanted WANTED Furnished or unfurnish ed room, with pri\ate bath or with sta tionary washstand. Must bo well heat ed in winter. Permanent if accommo dations satisfactory. Address G., 5113, care of Telegraph. Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED. TO RENT Two tents, about 12x14, 12x20, August 12 to 26. Must be in good condition and reason able. Box L, Progress. BAGS WANTED SECOND-HAND Bags. Burlap, Scrap Bagging and Twine. Write for prices. RICHMOND BAG COMPANY, Dept. 48, Rich mond, Virginia. WANTED, TO RENT Cottage along Susquehanna or Juniata week of August 13, or longer. Party of four. State lo cation. rent and whether or not fur nished. Apply Cottage, care of Tele graph. WANTED Garage room for two cars, near Third and Woodbine. Appiy Regal Umbrella Co., Second and Wal nut. WANTED. YOUR ATTENTION Carpets and Rugs scoured at reducea rates during the months of July and August. Keystone Rug Co., 1115 ilont gomery street. Wanted —Board—Rooms WANTED Boardinghouse, country preferred, for sickly colored girl aged eight. Address P. O. Box 405, Harris burg, Pa. Board and Rooms BOARDING AND ROOMS Can ac commodate a few more boarders; rea sonable rates, with the best the market affords. 123 South Second street. For Sale —Miscellaneous FIRE SALE OF HARDWARE at 323 Broad street, daily and Saturday even ing. Immense stock of all kinds of Hardware at unheard of prices. Five hundred Atkins handsaws, chisels. Tools of all kinds. TELL YOUR book-loving friends about Harrisburg's old book store. Bar gains daily in books, magazines, novels, dictionaries, encyclopedias and sets; 10,000 volumes on all subjects; open evenings: books bought. Aurand's Book Store, 913 North Third. FOR SALE Bricklayer's tressels. Call Eleventh and State streets. FOR SALE s3s Boch baby coach, good as new. Sell cheap. Bell phone IS62W, or address Box C, 5118, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE A beautiful bedroom set. with twin beds, also a refrigerator. In perfect condition. Only used two months. Will sacrifice to quick buyer. No dealers. Inquire at Askin & Marine Co., 36 North Second street, coiner Wal nut, or phone 356 J. FOR SALE, AT ONCE A set of mahogany oases. C»uld be used for drugs or cigars. Good as new. Only in use four months. Apply 433 South Fifteenth street. City. FOR SALE One pair of heavy horses. Will be sold cheap to quick buyer, as party has gone out of busi ness. Apply Mr. 6>. D. Kaufman, 2301 Penn street. FOR SALE A two-seated surrey; also one set of single harness; as good as new. Apply Ober's Old Stand, Court and Cranberry streets. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence, Gates. Poultry Netting. Building Hard ware. Plaster Board, L'pson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors. Sash. Shutters. Mouldings, Porch Posts, Pumps, etc. FOR SALE Diamond and Good rich Automobile. Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, Harness and Leather Goods made to ' order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings. HARRISBURG HARNESS ii SUPPLJf CO.. SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured ct the Telegraph Business Office. > AT GABLE S, 113, 115 and 117 South , Second street. 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. Ail the full line of the Acme mako. AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second street. 5,000 sets new sash, 8:10, 12 L primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set ,-ciso other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. For Rent—Miscellaneous STORAGE In Private Rooms; also furnished or unfurnished storeroom, 16x17, with large show windows, high ceiling, suitable for light repair work; cemented basement in connection. Will rent basement or room separate if de sired. Inquire 429 Broad street. 10-11 A. M.. or Room 6. same building. FOR RENT Garage for automobile, $3 per month. Apply 632 Peffer street, or Bell phone 519 J. FOR RENT—Offices suitable (or a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street Business Opportunities FOR SALE An up-to-date grocery store in a residence section of the city. Clean stock and good business. Rea son for selling, ill health. Address C., 4306, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Cigar and pool ; room, doing good business. Two tables | and other fixtures in good condition. 1 Intend to leave city. 26i North Front street, Steeltov JULY 20. 1916. ' Business Opportunities WANTED Energetic young man of some education and business ability, able to Invert SSOO, to become associat ed with high-class, established busi ness In Harrisburg. Salary and share of profits. Only part time required, either day or evening. Fine opportu nity for light party. Box C., 5112, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT An old reliable Gro cery Store, with dwelling house, and garage in rear of house. This has been a store for twenty-five years. Now va cant. Rent only $30.00. Apply to Harrisburg Trust Co., or Dr. W. H. Fainter, Bell phone 504R-1. Up-to-date ilxtures to be had at one-third original value. MILLINERS AN opportunity for an up-to-date Milliner to buy the old and well-known business—established 60 years—doing 75 per cent, of the business in Perry county. Full investigation given. Pos session at once. Principals only. Apply to Miss A. L, Bassett, Newport, Pa. APPLICATION will be received by the undersigned, from parties of responsi bility lor the GENERAL SALES AGENCY in this territory for the best selling automobile in the SSOO to sl,oou class. Liberal commissions, prompt deliveries and but small investment re quired. Address, with full particulars, E. M. Carroll, Suite 518, 25 Broad street. New York. N. Y. FOR SALE Cigar and Pool Parlor, reasonable to quick buyer. Address D., 5040, care of Telegraph. BOARDINGHOUSE FOR SALE, CHEAP on account of other business. Apply Rutherford Heights. Box 43. BEFORE BUYING a rebuilt BICVCLE elsewhere, inspect our stock aud prices. Special bargains and prices for summer months. J. B. Murray, 1014 James street. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income ccrresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for p&i tlcul'irs. Press Syndicate, 798 Lock port. N. Y. Business Personals LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit rases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting gooas at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable j Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at subway. 1 CARPETS AND RUGS "scoured re i duced rates during the months of July and August. Keystone Rug Co., 1115 Montgomery street. WHITE UKTISCTIVK AGENCY 1 Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective work handled—one eye always open. BELL PHONE 127 W. ~ HEMSTITCHING FANCY AND PLAIN, done on short notice; 10 cents a yard up; colors a specialty. Information given freat MCDOWELL IPSA MARKET STREET. Hauling ana Moving HAULING R. A. HARTMAN. National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. W. H. Lathe. Manager. Firth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. GENERAL HAULING One and one-half ton to two-ton truck for hire. Prompt attention to moving. Truck parties solicited. H. G. Garman, Meh llng's Garage. Both phones. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE One good grade Guern sey and one good grade Jersey cow; each three years old. Apply C. D. Stu -1 art. Twenty-seventh and Derry streets. Musical FOR SALE Slightly used piano; no reasonable offer refused. Apply Mrs. L. M. Reed. 316 Chestnut street. FOR SALE Strictly high grade GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will sell at a bargain. Address Box D, 4311, care of Telegraph. HAVE your VICTROLA. GRAFANOI.A or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR ED by an expert. 801 l phone 3242 J. Write, or call, at 315 Broad street. Money to Loan MONEY advanced to houseKeeptrn at legal rotes; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society. Room 7. Spooaer liuiiding. a North Market Squarec Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second btreet. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, house hold jjoods and merchandise. Private rooms, il to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. Summer Resorts and Cottages IF you want a nice chicken and wafrie dinner, Sundays, come to New port, only 30 miles from Harrisburg. A nice, pleasant run. Meal hours from 12:15 to 1:30. Write or telephone. Mingle House, Newport. Pa. FOR RENT lsle of Recreation, op posite erdix, ten-room house, furnished to accommodate fifteen. Fine boating, bathing and fishing. Reasonable rates for week or week-ends. T. R. Kinter, Dauphin, Pa. FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage, furnished, between Accomac and Wild Cat. Fine location. A. L. Resch, Mari etta, Pa. Automooues BUICK AUTO BUS FOR SALE Eighteen passengers, A 1 condi tion; equipped with and con vertible Into motor truck; SI,OOO spot cash. Cost $2,200 new. Ad dress A., 5117, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE 1915 Ford Touring car in first-class condition. New tires, electric lights, several extras. Will be sold cheap to first buyer. Charles D. Speck. Carlisle, Pa. FOR SALE Ford touring car, 191s, with all equipments; all new tires; car is slightly used; will be sold at a bar gain. Can be seen at City Garage. FOR SALE Scripps-Booth road ster, 1916 model; five wire wheels, tires and tubes; -lenty of power for hills and road; electric lights and starter; nonstallable motor; body rich blue black' wheels white. Will sell very rea sonable if sold at once. Applv J. J. McCormlck. 1745 North Sixth street. KLINE KAR, 1912 Model; 40-H.-P., 6-tylinder; 5 practically new tires; Presto-light: fully equipped; goo<! con dition: could be converted into ttuck; sacrifice price. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building. FOR SALE 1914 Jackson. 5-pas senger touring car; self-starter; elec tric lights: shock absorbers: new rear tires; elegant condition; $625. Address Box 38. Millersburg, Pa. FOR SALE Chevrolet roadstei. Used onlv two months. Two extra tires and rims. Fully equipped. First-class condition. Make an offer. Address K.. 5121. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE l.a to model Ford roadster. Just been overhauled. Shock nbsorber. Speedometer. Extra tire. S26n. Apply 424 Keily street. Bell phone '£2BlW. NEW ARTILLERY TO BE EXPENSIVE Capitol Wonders Why There W as So Much Delay in Or ganizing Regiment Transfer of the Ninth and Thir teenth Regiments of Infantry of the National Guurd of Pennsylvania to tho artillery arm will cost the United States government about $2,000,000. The details of the transfer, which will include the furnishing of ordnance, horses and other equipment, will take several weeks to work out and there is no telling when the Luzerne and »l^ lAvanna will get into service. This transfer and that of the Potts- Vllle company of the Fourth Regiment V .ft. e »?K>neer battalion completes what the \\ ar Department required of Pennsylvania some time ago but which lor some unknown reason Was never earned out by the adjutant general. Genera! Stewart, who has been sharply criticised lor tailing to organize motor transport service and for not encour aging machine gun and aeroplane auxiliaries, has insisted that there was no appropriation for these branches. !,e,n asked why more infantry waa not turned into artillery, as required by the divisional order on Pennsyl vania. he always "passed tho buck" to Washington. It is rumored in \\ashington that it was passed back to the Pennsylvania chief of staff rather sharply on Thursday and that he made haste to go to Mount Gretna yesterday to start things moving. The Pennsyl vania National Guard was required IV?. a,4 *° 10 ave two regiments of ai tillery and no one could ever under stand from what was said at the Capi- r A OI wh y the organization of the First Artilu ry was held up so long" or why the organization of tho second artil lery regiment was not effected. One of the things to which people at the Capitol are not looking with any degree of comfort is the pulling and hauling which will start when the time comes to drop officers of the Ninth and Thirteenth. Artillery regi ments have considerably fewer offi cers than infantry, and, as the Gov ernor has to make the appointments, there will be plenty doing in the way of seeking appointments. Every officer will naturally want to go to the border and will naturally write numerous let- IMTA' the Capitol and get legislator^ An Associated Press dispatch from Jlount Gretna says: "Camp Armstrong passed out of ex istence to-da.v when the tents of tho Ninth and Thirteenth Regiments and the separate battalion were razed and the men of these organizations left for their homes, where they will stay for ,in undetermined time before return ing here again. The Thirteenth was the first to get busy. The spirit of the men was in marked contrast to that shown when they arrived here. The prospect of active work at the border 1 has tilled them with enthusiasm. "How long it will be before this I camp will open again, Adjutant Gen j eral Stewart would not say. 'lt is : impossible to tell how long it will take to whip these infantrymen into shape for the artillery,' he said. 'lt is pos | sible that some of the officers who have handled the infantry companies will not be found fit to direct artillery.' Forty-seven officers of the Ninth Regiment were examined and out of these eighty were rejected on account and eyes and heart. The officers who failed were John T. Jeter, first lieuten ant, attached to headquarters; Captain .John L. Fehlinger, Company E; First Lieutenant Patrick J. Gibbons, Com pany H; Captain Albert Bowen. at tached to headquarters; Captain An drew C. Overpeck, attached to supply company; Second Lieutenant Edward C. Wormelsdorf, Company L; First Lieutenant William Snyder, Company O, and Second Lieutenant Conrad P, Smith, attached to supply company. Russians Capture 20,000 Prisoners, Is Their Claim By Associated Press Petrograd, July SO. The captures by Russian troops in the fighting yes terday on the western front included 400 officers and 20,000 men, it was of ficially announced to-day. RUBBER STAMIM 31 SEALS A STENCILS MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ' nj 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. II Automobiles SECOND-HAND CARS One 6-pas senger Do Cambel, one 6-past.enger 1914 Ford, uewly painted, in excellent con dition; one i-pusiunger 1915 Ford, good as new; one 1912 Bord delivery, with new body; one 1908 Overland. Cars top cale at Fo:d Garage. Mlddletowu, Pa. K. M. fanavely. Manager. : WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of anr ] Kind. If vou cannot sell your car, why | not consign it or exchange It with us i for a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 6 per cent. only. No tstoraga charges if car Is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department. 25-21 North Cameron Btreet. Bell phone 1710. 1912 (T e-passenger Hegal; goo<t shape; new tires all around; big baxi gain (or Quick buyer. 1912 flve-passenger Pullman, com' pletely overhauled; A 1 condition; good upholstering; good top and tires; bit bargain. MILLER AUTO CC.. (8 South Cameron St. Bell phone 41197. Motorcycles and Bicycles MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS Ton machines to select from. Prices to suit your pocketbook. Ea?v terms. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 J. BICYCLES BICYCLES *' to suit your pocketbook. Terms easy. Why walk? Save money. Trade here. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 386 J. BICYCLES OR PARTS OF BICYCLES WANTED We pay highest cash prices. Phone, write or call. Quick ser vice. Trade here and save monev on your repairs and bikes. Dayton Co.. 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 J. Legal Notices MY WIFE, Sarah Frank, having left my, bed and boaFti without just cause, I hereby notify all persons not to har bor nor trust her on my account, as I will not pay any debts contracted by ! her. | (Signed) HARRY FRANK. Try Telegraph Want Ads 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers