16 Women's Low Shoes Shirts For Men! -T-, -« tr 1 Cotton Dress Materials I A Sale of Cloth Broken Lines from Regular Stock A Sale of Unprecedent Values for . H VOD U V ()H V Strike a New Price Ebb Suits For Women a.-Remnant Day" Prices Manv a man himself A -"AUllUajr \JUiy In th.s Remnant Day Sale ol terin B for Monday With a world scarcitv of leather : n er OCt A luck through thU *a\e nf *ru r r> i. T-\ o i • 1 Beautiful though they are and - * ... , • ! - and another advance in the price of "hirts-m everv case the , Th - C P, ur P OSe of thls Remnant Day bale IS to sweep the store staple as we know them to be. vet that WI » many women to the shoes sure to come the items in this reductions are'unique. ' " clean ot all odd lots ot S ood seasonal merchandise. we have marked remnant prices on fo/paj"^uSfthTnwhde'- clearaway movement will be a Men's negligee shirts in band stvle But because the lots are small, does not mean that thev are pieces of popular colored cot- * cost shtpfnH^uV 0 "° m ™ "plaVclrs VoVme^ricesTp'o 69c" Und f rab ' e : . , . " , Z S nr,Ureduc"LVm\ttafpoU S ' S-Wpits in green and blue On Remnant Day. Monday, we Limit two shirts to a " customer , addltl °n t0 the >' e, n s S'™n here, there will be hundreds Therefore we announce for Monday S Via™ "kiTand vokT effect" shall offer in the Market Street shoe Mondav onlv •>.» eot others equally as good throughout the store, and they will all on the street floor. , l-rmnant Dav nrk-e ' se i^? n— - • 1 oj-n Men's 79c and SI.OO negligee shirts carry a Remnant Day Reduction ticket. and'strioe?' Remnant n™ ' TrTt' $27.50 suit in black and white 100 pair of women s regular s.\so with collar attached in cream linen Mondav will be the first of the Dives, Pomerov & Stewart ?d 1 remnant Day pme, check; black and white button trim low shoes, in small sizes, 95 c and pongee shades. Monday on£ Remnant Day Sales. We don't know when the next one will oc- | * and'39c''skiVt'ing 'in fancy " lcd ! § athered £ irt and £ f ; 50 pair* of wombs'' $3.50 high . Men's 69c. 79c and SI.OO negligee 1 f 1 ""' J hat de P e " d altogether upon our accumulation of odd stripes; 36 inches wide. Remnant "% 000^ " t \ and whke white shoes, will be sold ttl AtZ band shirts from broken lines and lots ot regular merchandise. S/lTnen } ?6inrhe' wM*' Vr check with white silk P°P lin vestee for 1.40 counter soiled stock. Monday only, and collar; flare model with flare Oxfords For Men Tlen's^Oc■"fancy'trinimed'sport Men's Union Suits Boys' Cloth Suits! 50c silk sport stripes; 36 inches i , c ' rcu ' ai pockets. I^mnant JS,XiSiXZ? • & ; /t S 14,0 . i6 :. Mond » andl Two-Piece Underwear P " Silk Blouse, 'Way 7 lar 54.50 grade. Monday J J <SO Jjoys" KfesHk stripe collar sport Very AtttaCve ReduCons There's not much need to lay 39c "asper silic V 'Mack Under Regular Prices ' Dlv«. pom.i.r '* 'su'w.n Boys" SI.OO ail-oveV-'stripe and silk on accost o^lls*'savingTlTmen (OT tLTrctson^t'thT stripe shirts w.,h collar; long or And these are the items to accom- able to tell its own worthy storv. 'Oc and 25c' niadras*' 's'h'irtin'tr on f'd sides; sailor collar, rose A r» a!l i C_ _r short sleeves. Mondav onlv, .<4* a oart of the Hav's tiifPMc • * * . . u , '" auras snirting on and white and green and white A Great Sale Of Trimmed Boys'blue chambray vacation and P „ P " * J «to »1»." B ro »"ds. Remnant Day price. stripe . Remnant Day price. #2.75 and Sport Hats, camping shirts; sizes 12 to 14; ■ Mens sl.tX white madras union c llit J• "' o n v 7 U Cloth - a [ d - y $5.50 crepe de chine waists, gold M A iei nn double stitched. Monday onlv, 35*; suits; sleeveless and knee length. win he finnH in \T • c • % , ear> ' . f9 c .-| a P®" e . se kimono crepe; one- and white and blue and white stripe. Monday at 51-00 3 ,- or ' 91.i>0 Remnant Day price ,»9c be found Mondays bale at, half silk; 3b inches wide. Remnant Remnant Day price s4.')o Final clearance of about 150 hats that Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Men s Store. Men's 50c cotton ribbed Union r. >Ol -rv ,o ■ • „ l Da .>l P. nc< v yd. 19* $3 95 s t r ipe crepe de chine waists Rllty . suits with short sleeves. Remnant • fi fSu^ ltS m ■ ® batiste m neat styles of print- in all shades. Remnant Day price. The :ot includes large black and eel- and KllgS Day price 42* ' " ia<^e with stripe waists. In ing. Remnant Day price, yd., .»'j* S3 25 ored sailors, small straw sailors, trimmed S 50c hassocks. Monday only ...SI.OO 1 \"r • ;r , , , . , . the bale on Mondav at 45* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. c , - n . • . . oltf . . . . * hats in black, rose. tan. blue and other 3 yards 55c linoleum. Mondav onlv 3len S .Uc mesh shirts and draw- Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor, i Stripe tUD SIIK waists 111 all styles and sport hats. Choice of any hat si.oo ers; drawers knee leneth. Remnant Summpr n-anorioe shades. Remnant Day price. $2.98 In this gTOUp. at SI.OO 3 yards 45c Crex. Monday only. SI.OO r) av nr ; r#> Pa ,-1, f 1 O • 1 l-'a aperlCS Dives Pomerov & Stewart Soronrt pi„„ GIRI.S' \ND BOYS H\TS 2 yards 75c and 80c plain carpet. Mon- Ua> price, each, >o* Jewelry Specials $2.50 summer bedspreads in white P<-nteio> A. htenait. Second Floor. Girls' :r:mmeVhats and ready-to-wear door mats'." Mondav s cnh- Men's /.C white ribbed lisle draw- SI.OO Rogers" silver plated gravy X""'" '"llOO Silk Dr P ß«i WpSVP, straw hats that were 9Sc to 11.95. Sre- for 81.00 ers; knee length. Remnant Dav ladles Remnant Day Price ,30c $2.50 Irish Point bed sets' for'single 011KL»re8S Weaves dal Monday ...... ,0 ° 3 50c rag rugs. Monday only ...SI.OO price 29* Plated baby spoons, j beds only; slightly soiled. Special Mon- *1.50 fancy stripe taffetas. 36 inches Boys straw ha s and light summer 4 yards 35c matting. Monday only for . , M w Isc day only ....SI.OO wide. Special Monday only. yard. ..750 r, „ 81 ' 00 Men S SI.OO white knitsook union nant'Dav PWc« K "' R «a 1 " sl ' so Ronlii n stripe couch covers. SI.OO Habutal and satin stripe tub Small lot o. ..at frames that 50c One hassock. Monday only. sl.i>o suit« ; sleeveless and knee lpncrrh n „H «? -V *«i ; 39c fringed all around. Special Monday onlv silks, in lght blue, maize, pink and nile. and .oc. Special Monday lc 2 75c Ford rubber mats. Monday only -"'i- • ana Knee lenptll. »1.20 and J1 ,5 silver plated manicure p SI 00 Monday only, vard ... . 49c Dives. Pomerov & Stewart ic , SI.OO Remnant Day price 7.J* se, »- ; * 9c 39c linen towels, stamped for embr'ot- »2.00 satin stripe tub crepe d'e "chine. feecor.d Floor. Front. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. , Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor nickel alarm clocks. Remnant Day dering. Special Monday. 4 for ...SI.OO 40 inches wide. Monday only, yard, 51.19 " ' 1 39c ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Purses, Leather Belts and Other Pillow Cases and Muslins sty W™™'., p;u n V i, • r Little Personals At Very Special Savings W w Women 8 F > h ™ Coats Hosiery for Women 51.30 and 51.75 white kid strap purse? and 45x36-inch bleached pillow cases: limit 10 to a Ak t haeenTold emerald '' H C ° pen " Remnan t Day News That Tells a Good Story handbags, Remnant Day price . 8100 customer;; regular, price. Ujic. Remnant Sale K SJfkiS 4- -A S .ory rid, with savings on staple grades ? achette strap purses. Remnant Day price, 10 tor .. . ... ...... 81.00 \ Sale * 84 o'i of hosiery from regular stock. P "oc' and* 59c leather' belts' in' two tone*.' nant Day price 3»e yards for 81.(W \\ »* .AO'S \ fXwhi.?" m J " "f 4 ~ ,M,e and rose ««»"•" Da . v Price 12y* 10c hair nets, caps and fringe. Remnant Day 45x36-inch bleached pillow cases: embroidered ; jt\ \ Sa[e '* on a > on o ln the Remnant Day Women's 50c black thread boot hose with fash price, dozen 98* limit 4to a customer. Regular price, 33c. Rem- J l\\ \ Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Ma'zzaninV * ioned feet. Remnant Day price, 33* 2sc mahogany bud holders. Remnant Day nant Day price 4 for SI.OO /// \ \ VT\ p tT Women's navy blue fibre silk seamless hose price, lo* 42x36-inch bleached pillow cases; limit 6to a /\\ I\ \ Men S Rafia Hats Remnant Dav price 'Wif 39c mahog;anv bud holders. Remnant Dav customer; regular price 20c Remnant Dav /// \ \ I \ \ - n . t . .J. P ri F e ' •••."••, orice o- iC . nrirp f. _ P ' Kemnant . L.)a\ U I \ I I \ Regular .->oc grade for outings, motoring and omen s $1.25 fancy silk hose assorted stripes ' - ' r I \ sports, . 33c =nd figures. Men's Suits! White Dress Weaves and The Last of a Good Kodak, Reduced ! Furniture Specials Colored Dress Good, a a ° a • r * Ce mens an owes Lot of Stock Shoes An Unusual Opportunity of Special Importance Weaves that are good in the serv ' of'this RemrS e Day n il 0 e ; s Reduced Misses' and Children's Sizes j One 3 A folding Brownie, regular Three sets of fumed oak dining in S ro ° m a » 3'ear. I Sat theTnhr a re or tL se W White goods remnants left from Misses* $2.00 black suede and '$10.00; takes pictures 3v,xs'i room chairs with leather slip seats; And it is seldom that prices are mo*t de-iraMe materials ' the Mill and Factory Sale. Special patent colt instep pumps. In the inches. Remnant Day Sale, $6.50 slight damage marks; regularlv low as we quote in this Remnant mo ~} d le j n t h e Remnant Dav Sale, One-half Remnant Day sale, Mondav. Sl.Oi) One No. 3 folding Brownie, regu- $21.25. Monday's price . SIO.OO ? ay S^f aranc ® sche( luled for Mon- Choose from blue serge and grey Prke - Children's $1.50 patent colt Col- lar $9.00; takes pictures | $6.95 -' 1 arc out of the or mixed labncs, in st>les 29c white Turkish towels; 22x44 on i a l pumps, with patent buckle inches. Remnant Day Sale, $5..>0 Monday's price, cllliar y and the qualities ad^tised with belted back. inches wide. Remnant Day price, I and wide toe last. Remnant Dav One No. 1A Ingento Junior, regu- $14.5*0 mahogany chairs. Mon- ar e°f our usual standard. Sizes are from 34 to 40. Regular- r 2oc Sale price #I.OO lar S8.00; single lens; pictures 2<jx dav's price. $7.25 j w ° ol chall,cs 1n !'ght grounds ly 512.r0. In the Rem- QC 50c mercerized table damask; 64 Girls' $2.50 black suede instep 4J4 inches. Remnant Day Sale, $3.50 porch chairs. Monday's an(l floral patterns. Remnant Day cant Day bale * inches wide. Remnant Day price, strap pumps, sizes 2 l / 2t 3. 3y 2 and $4.50 price SI.OO P nc . e > >' d ••. •, 25* Summer Trousers yard .*.. 33c Remnant Day Sale price. SI.OO One No. 1A Ingento Junior, regu- $12.95 oak chiffoniers. Monday's /5 c navy mohair; 42 inches wide; Regular $5.00 white serge and . 52.50 satin quilt Marseilles; full Di v e..Pom|rw r&R ßtewart. lar $10.00; r r lens; - Rc mnant Day fancv stripe trousers in sizes to fit £l2e " R ernnant Dav price, ..$1.59 4,4 inches. Remnant Day Sale, $16.95 mahogany chiffoniers. ' 'j ". •••• ? men and young men, who require c f'. 4 f tw 'Hed toweling; fast And Theße Colored ( i v , . p $5.70 Monday's price SIO.OO • ' cr '''"°m ,32 inches wide 30 to 38-inch waist rrMsnrpmpntc selvedge. Remnant Day price, vd„ , _ One No. 1A Premoette Junior; $16.50 mahoganv princess dress- n "j W stn P es - Remnant '4e Cotton, m the Basement single lens: S Ues 2/, x 4« inches, ers. Monday's price, SIO.OO P r '~> D av «: a ip ' $2.95 9sc longcloth. Remnant Day io c voiles; 28 inches wide: neat regular SB.OO. Remnant Day Sale, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. j ' j le P' checks; 4_ inches S „ ale price, 10 yards for 65* stvles on white Remnant' Dav $4.00 wide. Remnant Day price, yd., 49c Pomeroy & Stewart, second Floor. SI.OO imported stripe dress crepe; price, vd ' s v-'t Dlve »' P° mer °y & Stewart, street Floor. Monday Special in the . $ . 1 * 2 ° mixed grey suiting; 56 Boys' $5.00 Suits Are vict*"'... .^.T*! I .'. 39e Si! * Embroidered Voile, and Basement Reduced to $2.95 59c imported oxford for skirts; 8c lawns in white and colored Flminrincr* at Ricr Savincre 8115 oval white ,lned casserol es. in . silk poplin, 40 inches wide Broken lots from regular stock— . !de - Remnant Day grounds. Remnant Day price, vd.. Embroidered voile and crepe fiounc- c » 1 : 1 ? Al hea , vy aluminum fr y' n s P 3 " B - price, vd all of them were in our staple S5 00 P rl< -e> 39* ings; 45 inches wide: In a large range of p ? c , a ,[ ?*VL ay i: b'V's'i <sl ci'lL- -a A'' '"1 Si line. Sizes range from Bto 18 Dives. Pomeroy a Stewart, street Floor. 8c percale in white and grey "ISemSKS " (Yit ft inc $ he^e; i" navyTnd InSfanre^ years. In Monday's $2.95 Boy,' Wash Suit, gr ° U pnC, V?fc i StSi&VS ISSTTSJ^r.- Remnant Day price, yd SI.OO - . ~ e . _ (■,/ . ... . p . . . / Swiss embroidery galloon; 5 Inches Ha v- rOUn presses. Special Mon- $3.70 Semi-made skirts. Remnant Dive.. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. 11l the Sale Too Per ® ian dei 'g n r J°'' values t° 59c. Remnant Day Tin top jVlly Vumbiers."Special' m"- Day price sl.(>o o »p • . Selected from our stock of $195 j° L emnan a\ Oriental lace fiouncings; 18 to 27 day. dozen i«e Colored remnants at half price. Boy, Raincoat, tos39ssuits>ofages^ i'BV..„;i c Dlv "' —™»* Reduced in Price years; broken lots, of course, but w piv... pom.r.y st.w.rt-5.,..t n.or. c „^ pl .,,, n ?;:;"Black Dress Goods in the An opportunitv which sen*es to mighty desirable bargains. In Mon- "Omens Ollk lilOVes > R U Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. _ supolv a part of'vour bov's school day's Remnant Dav AK.~ sixteen-button length gloves of a very ivien s celts and Liloves itlh *? Kemnant Day Sale J , 1lKc „- • . Sale fine quality, in a broken size range and S 1.00 live "leather" elastic belts Mon- Umbrellas For S 1.45 iQr hlarlr mnhoiV- « U -j needs at a substantial saving. " aie only in colors, from our regular $1.50 day only »«. ueus. jion w Dlack mohair; 3b inches wide. Grev and tan rubberized rain- D " v «. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. Stock On account of the fact that the 9c canvas gloves, open' band ' or' knit k S i'i' k P wu® /?£ Ed S " k 11 d c °"° n um " Remnant Day pfice. yd. 45* leu uuuerizea rain quantity is limited these gloves will be wrist. Mondav only. 4 pairs Ao brellas with silk case and tassel, for men «1 m j : i coats, in sizes from 6to 16 vears. ** » c . e , offered In the Remnant Day Sale for, All linen hemstitched handkerchief* and women; actual J2.00 umbrellas. SI.UU black gabarume; 41 inches Regularly S? 50 .In Mens Sport Shoes pair 49c Monday only, »c; 3 for .»5c May w °" toVn i' 7' * * *1 M wlde - R emnant Da/ price, yd.. Monday's sie ... .... $1.49 Low in Price S " W "'- S "'" """ D,V., Pomeroy St.war, Men's '6o# Div„. a st.w.rt r, O „. ; E,, ry m .„ Men', Silk Neckwear Book, of Fiction Women', Handkerchief," wide'^emnanrDav'oricfvd'^fe r» > T J» .. ment will be interested In buying either 50c four-in-hand ties in broken line, .... YTOmcn # nanaKercmerS " iue. remnant JJay price, yd., US* BoyS Indian Suits * or present or future needs a pair of iof new styles"" Regular 50c three.nfer» regular $1.50 white canvas oxfords. The ,1.00 nnlv Special Monday handkerchiefs. Monday only. 6 for 50c Remnant Day price vd .19* "SSXT™ ™ h««i« 'to°.° Hriw "dl "sSonaJy "S?. c S'Sf •>•"«<»■• h.mf^u«"t k «o h 'MoMw ®'- 2 ? bla cl< Panama; '54 "inches Men . a,or. D ,v» Pomeroy . S, F ,. Re „. Dlvts . P0..,0 y . D , v(> Pom . roy , 51 .„.. r1 _ 3t „., F1 -» Women's Underwear Children's Underwear for K L-A pr^"ra d nd S iu a ore ei ""tattJesting "iree . And 10c tc ; 25c is the usual ran S e for the « A group of reg- Summer and Fall \ they come from regular stock. \ er> garments. . ular stock to enliven your interest in the first Important savings to the parents ft, -A \ Boys' 50c white cotton ribbed Ihe man who is foresighted in his buying of our Remnant Day Sales. who have children to outfit JS>^\ pjll . \ c<\l C \ ""ion suits; in sleeveless style and will be on hand early Monday morning: Women's 10c and white cotton rib- ey e gone through and through x \ sA, l\ \VY Iq.l \ knee length. Remnant Day price Men s 10c black cotton seamless socks. bed vests. Remnant Day price 6C our ' f h,ldren s underwear section ■ 1 \ \ ' 35* R Day price, 5* Women's 39c and 50c white cotton'ribbed a " d . roU » i^ ht various items l\ X . \ I\\ \ Boys'2sc white open mesh shirts - s_c black hbre silk seamless socks. union suits; sleeveless and knee length. Rem- I(\ \ \ j) \ \ \ \ an d drawers; small sizes. Remnant Remnant Day price, 15£ nan t Day price, 25* Children s \~/ 2 c white cotton rib- IK\ \P* j | Day prjee^ each, ........... 12V 2 t F ■' Dives, pomeroy 4 Stewart, street Floor. bed knee length ajd lace W ■——— ~1 Dives Stewart. Street Floor. SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG SfijFAj TELEGRAPH JULY 29, 1916.
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