Terrific Ammunition Explosion Bombards Shrapnel HARRISBURG ifSllll TELEGRAPH LXXXV— No. 175 TWO FACE CHARGE OF MANSLAUGHTER AFTER EX Terrific Blasts of Ammunition at New York Piers Kill Four, Fatally Injure Three, Hurt Thirty-five Less Seriously and Cause Property Loss of $45,000,000; Probe by Congress Demanded NEW YORK CITY BOMBARDED WITH SHRAPNEL WHEN MUNITIONS-LADEN BARGES BURN Thirteen Warehouses Destroyed; Vast Quantities of Sugar and Tobacco Go Up in Flames; Statue of Liberty Is Damaged by Storm of Shells; Cause of Blast Unde termined; Twenty Missing By Associated Press New York. July 31. Two men are under arrest to-day on warrants charg ing them with manslaughter in in directly causing the death of one of the victims of the terrific explosion of ammunition on Black Tom pier early yesterday morning. Estimates of the casualties early to-day placed the number of dead at four, with three others mortally injured. 35 suffering from less serious injuries and eleven to twenty missing. Estimates of the property loss range from $25,000,000 to $45,000,000. Many persons who were on board barges moored at the burned piers are missing and it is feared that they have perished. In some quarters it was believed the total number of dead would reach 12. Will Demand Congressional Probe While federal and county prosecu tors and the Interstate Commerce Commission were conducting investi gations to determine the cause of and fix the responsibility for the great am munition explosion in Jersey City yes terday morning with its toll of death, injury and destruction, Mayor Mark Fagan, of Jersey City, announced that he would demand a congressional in vestigation of the disaster. He said that such an investigation was im perative in order to enact more strin gent laws for the transportation and storage of high explosives than are provided in the present regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission. The Mayor asserted that the State of New Jersey, although it had strin gent laws governing the transporta tion of explosives within the State, was at the mercy of the federal laws to ■which the Jersey authorities have been obliged to conform in order to permit inter-state commerce. The In terstate Commerce Commission regu lations, he said, allowed the transpor tation and storage of high explosives in quantities far too large. "I have already requested three Xew Jersey Congressmen to take steps to bring about an investigation." he said. "It seems unnatural that such a catas trophe could occur in a civilized com munity." Those under arrest were Albert M. Dickman, agent of the Lehigh Valley railroad, stationed at Black Tom pier, and Alexander Davidson, superinten dent of the warehouses of the Nation al Storage Company. 13 of which were THE WEATHER For Harrisburg and vicinity: Part ly cloudy to-night and Tuesday; not much change in temperature. For Eastern Pinnsjlvaiuu: Partly cloudy to-night and Tuesday, probably local thunderstorms In north portion) slightly cooler Tuesday in north portion; gentle to moderate went to northwest winds. River The Susquehanna river and all Its branches will probably continue to fall slowly. A stage of about 4.0 feet la indicated for Harris burg Tuesday morning. General Conditions The hot wave that has persisted over the Great Central Valleys and the Lake Region during the past week is drifting slowly east ward. It has caused a general vise of 2 to 12 degrees in tem perature since Saturday morning from the Lake Region eastward to the Atlantic coast, except In Northern Xew England, where it is somewhat cooler. Under the influence of an area of high pres sure that has moved down over the Missouri Valley temperatures have fallen - to 1* degrees gener ally in northern and central dis tricts between the Rocky Moun tains and the Mississippi river while west of the mountains there has been a general rise of 2 to 30 decrees In temperature. Showers have occurred In North ern Xew- England, the Upper St. Lawrence Valley and in some places In the South and West. Temperature: S a. m., 78. Sun: Rises, 5:03 a. m.; aets, 7:19 p. m. Moon: First quarters, August 1, 4:00 p. m. River Stage: 4.3 feet above low water mark. Yesterday's 'Weather Highest temperature, S3. Lowest temperature. 65. Mean temperature, 75. Kormal temperature, 74. Getting used to strange newspapers is like breaking in a pair of new shoes—mighty uncomfortable. Order the Harrisburg Telegraph mailed to your vacation address if you would enjoy real comfort. Six cents a week will bring the Telegraph to you no mat ter where you are. BY CARRIERS 6 CENTS A WEEK. SINGLE COPIES 2 CENTS. destroyed by the fire which followed the explosions. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Theodore B. Johnson, president of a lightering company, one of whose barges loaded with ammuni tion is alleged to have been moored at the pier. Cause Undetermined Frank Hague, commissioner of pub lic safety of Jersey City, charged that the blame of the explosion lay with either the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, the storage company or the lighterage company, and that some of them had violated the laws of New Jersey, the Jersey City ordinances and the rules of the Interstate Commerce Commission, by permitting barges loaded with explosives to remain moor ed at the piers overnight. These barges were being used to transport the ammunition to steamers lying in Gravesend Bay. The Jersey City police to-day added to the list of dead, Cornelius J. Leyden, chief of the Lehigh Valley railroad po lice, who has been missing since the explosion occurred. At least , $10,000,000, probably $15,- 000,000 damage was caused by the de struction of thirteen of the eighteen warehouses of the National Storage Company in Jersey City, Edmund L. MacKenzie stated to-d'ay. This loss is amply covered by insurance. Insurance Company's Loss "It would be more suess work to es timate the damage now," said Mr. MacKenzie, "but it was at least ten [Continued on Page 4] Federal Agents Begin Probe of Explosion By Associated Press Washington, July 31. lnvestig ations of the great explosion in New- York harbor to learn if it was the result of violation or the federal law were begun to-day by the Department of Justice and the Interstate Com merce Commission, through their agents in New York. The inquiries at first will be inform al and designed only to determine if either department has jurisdiction in the case. If it develops that either regulations of commerce or the neu trality laws have been violated, the government then will begin extended investigation into the facts leading up to the explosion. Shock of Explosion Felt in This Part of State The first intimation in Harrisburg that somewhere a terrific explosion had occurred was given when a Camp Hill man called Gorgas drug store about 2.20 yesterday morning, inquir ing whether anything had been blown up in this city. About the same time another man, a Middletown resident, called and asked the same question. Both said they felt distinct shocks. The operators at the Western Union Telegraph office were asked if they had word of any explosion and the telegraphers becan making inquiries over the wire. Operators on the New York circuit told the Harrisburg men that a terrific explosion had occurred somewhere near by, but at that hour they were unable to say just where. The Xew York operators said all the windows had been broken in their building. Cottagers coming in from Perdix, the Cove and other points along the river this morning said they had been awakened in some strange way about 2.15 yesterday morning with a feeling that their little bungalows were rock ing on their posts. Commenting on reports that yes terday's explosion at New York was felt here. Professor Percy L. Grubb, instructor of geclogy of the Technical high school faculty, declared this after noon that such a terrific detonation would have much the same effect as an earthquake. "A terrific explosion such as the one yesterday," said Professor Grubb, "would cause much the same kind of a tremor on the earth's surface as an earthquake. The shock would spread out in concentric circles, with the rock strata as conductors, and would cause the earth's crust to tremble for a great distance." 86 Stores Now Linked in Saturday Closing This week will mark the beginning of the early Saturday closing move ment which will be Joined in by a number of Harrisburg storeo. Three more stores, the Walk-Over Boot Shop, Art Embroidery Shop and E. Mathe" Company, bring the total number of stores that will join in the movement to 86. Next Friday these stores will re main open ail day and evening, and close on Saturday at one o'clock. This plan will be followed out each week during the month of August. A complete list of the stores that will observe the Saturday early clos ing movement will appear in the joint advertisement of the stores in the newspapers this week. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, JULY 31, 1916. JUST A GLIMPSE AT SOME OF THE GUARDSMEN WH ■ s. A glimpse of the Harrisburg guardsmen on tho Mexican border. The picture on the left shows Private Eugene Davis. Cook Oves and Cook Weber, of the Governor's Troop. On the right shows Richard Coover and Harold Hippie, of the Governor's Troop, both of whom teach the latest dancing steps when they are at home. NAME NAVY'S FINANCE MEN Include Many of City's Leading Bank Officials; Meet ing Tonight City Council's recent refusal to ap propriate any money toward financing the big river carnival and regatta planned by the "Greater Harrisburg navy" for Labor Da,y has necessitated the appointment of a finance commit tee of public-spirited citizens to look after this end of the celebration. Announcement was made to-day of the personnel of the committee which has been asked by the "navy's" execu tive committee to work out the money problem. The committee, which in [Continued on Page 4] Dutch Ship Hits Mine; Passengers Take to Boats By Associated Press London, July 31. The Dutch mail steamship Konigin Wilhelmina has struck a mine near the North Hinder [ lightship, says a dispatch from the Hague to Reuter's Telegram company. The passengers left the vessel in the lifeboats and made for the lightship. The captain of the Konigin Wil helmina reported by wireless that his ship had struck a mine near North : Hinder and that only the aft part of the vessel was out of the w-ater. Boats with the passengers left the steamer but after a while returned. Later the passengers again took to the ' boats and are proceeding to the Dutch coast. Steamers and torpedoboat destroy ers have been despatched to the as sistance of the Konigin Wilhel mina. The Dutch Mail steamer Konigin Wilhelmina was a steel paddleboat and plied between Flushing and Sheer ness. ROTARIANS WILL BOOST THE NAVY Club Decides to Participate in First Big Regatta on Labor Day The Harrisburg Rotary club at Its noon luncheon at the Columbus hotel heard all about the Greater Harris burg Navy and decided that the Ro tarians will participate in the water carnival on the evening of Labor Day, when the first regatta of the new Navy will be held. [Continued on Page 11] Baby Falls to Death From Third Floor Balcony While playing on the third story bal cony of his home yfesterday afternoon. Frank Paul Enders, 16-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Enders, 1800 Derry street, fell to the cement pave ment below, a distance of 5 feet, frac turing his skull. Mrs. Enders took the babv to the balcony because of the heat. The child saw something jp the yard and leaned over to reach fa* it. The mother made an unsuccessful attempt to catch the dress of the little fellow. Her screams attracted the attention of a neighbor, who went into the yard and picked up the baby. Death occurred at the Har risburg Hospital several hours later. Funeral services will be held Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the home of the grandmother, Mrs. Frances E. Elder, 2117 Moore street. FIKST GAME 12 3456789 RHE utka BDBB3OOEQ3O nna Harrisburg HHPlDlDltgnPlßl COUNCIL TO TAKE JITNEY PROBLEM UP WITH SEITZ Trolleymen's Committee Asks That There Be No Interference Until Settlement What action will be taken relative to the enforcement of the "jitney" ordin ance will be decided to-morrow morn ing following a conference of the city commissioners with City Solicitor D. S. Seitz. • Mayor E. S. Meals made that an nouncement thl6 morning following a conference with a committee of the striking trolleymen, headed by Hugh L. McLaughlin. The committee astyed the Mayor not to Interfere with the "jitneys" pending the settlement of the strike. The Mayor told newspapermen that nothing will be done in the matter for a day or so as he wishes to flrst con sult with Mr. Seitz on the subject. To this end he said he will invite the solic itor to appear before council to-mor row morning and he, himself, will at tend the session unless his health pre vents. Announcement by President Frank B. Musser of the Harrisburg Railways company, that the "company considers the strike all over, that practically all the cars are running, and that service has been restored." and statements by J. J. Thorpe, vice-president of the Amalgamated Association of Electric [Continued on Page 9] MEASURE FLIES TO-MORROW The first fly measuring aay for the Civic Club's fly catching contest will be held to-morrow morning from 9 to 12 o'clock at 11 North Second street. A prize of five dollars in gold will be given to the one catching the largest number and two dollars and a half to the one catching the second largest number. 200 Known Dead in Great Forest Fires That Wipe Out Half Dozen Towns By Associated Press Englehart, Ont., July 31.—Definite | figures regarding loss of life in North ern Ontario through the wiping out of half a dozen towns by bush fires were still lacking to-day. Figures on hand indicated that at least 200 persons arc \ dead. The known dead are: At Nushka, | 57; Cochrane, 18; Mathcson, 34; Iroquois Falls, 15, and Ramore, 15, a total of 139. It is learned that there has been loss of life also at Porcupine Junction where only the railroad station es caped the ilanies. Outlying places arc expected to swell the list materially I when rescue parties return. BOARDER KILLS CHILD By Associated Press Cleveland, Ohio. July 31. Helen Sabo, 15, was shot and killed to-day by j Ladislav Curti. 2S, boarder at the Sabo home. Curti then chased the girl's mother into the street, threaten ing her with his revolver, fired two shots at a policeman who was called and finally committed suicide by shoot ing himself. Trouble between Mrs. Sabo and Curti over room rent is said to be at the bottom of the tragedy. SOMNAMBULIST ROWS RIVER By Associated Press I Williamsport, Pa., July si. Clyde I Hibler, 6 years old, son of Samuel Hibler of Hyner, arose In his sleep made his way from the to the river, rowed across the stream in a boat and was found early in tne morn ing alongside a Pennsylvania watch box still sleeping. HEAT WAVE TO END IN 2 DAYS Cool Area Due to Reach City Not Later Than Wed nesday The hot wave from the west which was held up for several days Dy cool breezes from the Atlantic <!oast, reach ed Harrisburg to-day. At I o'clock indications were that the season's heat record 93.6 degrees would be reached. With the arrival of the h«a£ also cams the welcome announcement tnat it would not last '— > Iftfin *— days. Behind this heat wave Is another cool area, due to a fall in temperature in the Missouri and Mississippi valleys, due to reach Harrisburg by Wednes day. Then will come two more days of [Continued on Page 9] BIG FIRE IX KENTUCKY By Associated Press Cincinnati, Ohio, July 31. Fire early to-day practically destroyed the large plant of the F. C. Miller planitag mill at Newport, Ky., across the iTver from Cincinnati. Four other big build ings also burned. NEW YORK STRIKE SPREADS By Associated Press New York, July 21.—The Third ave nue railway strike spread into Harlem and Washington Heights to-day. At 8 a. m. not a car of this company's lines was running in the districts be tween Sixty-sixth and One Hundred and Sixtieth streets. FRANCIS JOSEPH VERY ILL By Associated Press . London, July 31.—Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria caught a severe chill while inspecting his troops, says a Vienna dispatch forwarded to London by the correspondent at The Hague of the Exchange Telegraph Company. His majesty is described as being very ill and confined to his bed. HUGHES CONSULTS PARTY LEADERS In New York For Notification Ceremonies Tonight; T. R. to Attend By Associated Press New Tork, July 31. Charles E. Hughes came here this morning from his summer home in Brldgehampton preparatory to the ceremony to-night in Carnegie Hal lat which he will be officially notified that he has been nominated for the presidency. The nominee spent the day in consultation with party leaders from all parts of the country. Senator Warren Harding, of Ohio, National Chairman Willcox and various members of the campaign committee. Mr. Hughes will return to Bridge hampton on Wednesday and remain [Continued on Page 4] State Printer Will Be Heard at Federal Inquiry Into Price of Print Paper By Associated Press Washington, July 31. Representa tives of the National Editorial Associa tion and newspaper publishers from various parts of the country confer red here to-day preparatory to their hearing to-morrow before the Federal Trade Commission regarding the scar city at high price of newsprint paper.' Only newspaper publishers will be heard to-morrow; the manufacturers will be given a hearing later. John Clyde Oswald of the American Printer, representing New York pub lishers; A. Nevin Pomeroy. superinten dent of State printing of Pennsylvania; J. H. Zerby, of Pottsville, Pa., chair man of the National Editorial Associa tion's committee; Robert L. McCiean. representing Philadelphia publishers, and representatives of the Pittsburgh Dally Publishers' Association probably will be the flrst witnesses COMBINED DRIVE OF ALLIES GAINS MORE TERRITORY British Consolidate Ground Won Along Somme Front; French Hold Line GERMANS IN EAST FLEE Russians Drive Forward With Undiminished Force; An other "Zep" Raid Further advances for General Haig's forces on the Somme front In North ern France, where a combined attack of the British and French gained ground along a six-mile front yester day, are reported by London to-day. The new gains, which were scored north of Bazentin-le-Petit, were ef fected in local operations, the British last night spending their time chiefly in consolidating ground won yesterday. To the south of this sector, where the French had advanced along the road toward Combles and reached the [Continued on I'ngc 11] Let Mother Shave Him, Braddock Youth May Die Pittsburgh, July 31.—William Coch ran of Braddock, Pa., may die as a result of permitting his mother shave him. COchran failed to visit a barber shop Saturday night and in order to attend church yesterday morning he faced the necessity of making up for his neglect. He had an old-fashioned razor, but never tried to use it. "I be lieve I could shave you," suggested his mother. "Try it," responded Cochran. • Operations proceeded with fair suc cess till Mrs. Ccchran. overconfident, tried the razor on the back of Wil liam's neck. The blade slipped as she was making a downward stroke and cut a deep gash in the son's arm, . severing an artery. Two physicians who were summoned say Cochran's condition is critical. BUYS FRONT STREET HOME Joseph K. White has purchased from the Shearer Realty Company the residence at Front and Schuylkill streets occupied by Joseph L. Shearer, Jr. For many years this property has been justly considered one of the most attractive residences in the city. Ne gotiations were conducted by the Com monwealth Trust Company. T TWO OFFICERS RETURN TO WORK «? Harrisburg. When Harry Dalton and Charles C. t Page, treasurer and financial secretary re of the | > 9 trolleymen's union returned to work to-day the strikers I were forced to elect successors at this afternoon's session. , & An auditing committee-was named to examine the books in 1 accordance with the rules of the Amalgamated Association. & Both of the former officials turned over some of their books 1 ' 1 thi H. A. Segclbaum. The books , > i showed that there is a balance of $373.81 i-i bank, $601.66 j in anotl $2.85 in cash. For the c to-day the i strike-breakers' term for the the men who didn't go on V | strike :;o.t into general circulation, according to the strik -1 ers. The men who remained with the cor. my are called 4 ' j "finks." ; | I RECEIVER FOR WATER COMP \NIES ; I 9 - Ivierccr B. Tate was app linted by 1 Presi lent Jt »,; Kunkel to-day as receivei i>r the Ruther- < | m fur Heights and the Extension Water Companies bonds of « $2500 was required in each case. t | . , .% * I MANY KILLED IN HANKOW UPRISING | Peking, July 31.—1n a revolution outbreak in Hankow < ' 1 last night a large district was burned and looted and many < ® natives were killed and some Russian women injured be- < ' j fore foreign volunteers checked the uprising. T 4 L THREE MORE TRAFFIC VIOLATORS FINED '« ' Hnrrisburg. James B. Deshong, alderman of the . , Twelfth Ward, who, sitting as police judge, has earned) J I J fined diree more traffic violators $lO apiece for > < ® the speed ordinance. ; l DUKE TO SUCCEED BIRRELL 1 ' . London, July 31. Henry Edward Duke, a barrister | I and Unionist member of Parliament for Exeter v/as to-day® > appointed be the new chief secretary of Ireland in suc , cesi.ion to Augustine Birrell. The new chief .ecretary will* ! be given a seat in the cabinet. \f s - MARRIAGE UCENSES • Y I.uke Zovorlck and 'l'hereaa llemrc, St eel ton. I.eroy Koblnaun and >rlllr Ray Soha, Mlddlrtown. T Edward James Hone)', city, and Ella May Curler, Steelton. i Calvin Richard Stuner, Leuiojue, aad Beaale Catherine Baer, York. C CITY EDITION 14 PAGES TWO AMERICANS KILLED TURNING BANDIT RAIDERS Eighth Regiment Trooper and Customs Inspector Shot by Outlaws CROSSED RIO GRANDE Mexicans Rode Across Line Near Fort Hancock; Another Soldier, Wounded By Associated Press El Paso, Tex., July 31. Two Am ericans were killed and one wounded In a clash with Mexican bandits who had crossed the Rio Grande five miles below Fort Hancock, Texas, early to day. There were five bandits in the party. Private John Twoney, Troop F., Eighth United States cavalry, and Robert Woods, a United States cus toms inspector, were killed. Sergeant [Continued on Page 11] Writers Uneasy as Stories of Mismanagement Along Border Are Investigated By Associated Press El Paso, Tex., July 31. Special correspondents attached to the various militia units in this district were made uneasy to-day by the news that copies of their articles to home papers deal ing with treatment of the men have been submitted to the various com manding officers fcfr investigation. It is learned that at the orders of the War Department these officers have been instructed to get at the truth of the charges of mismanage ment, incompetence and neglect made in these articles. If it is proved that the men have been in any case mace TO s".ffer needless hardships th e blame will be fixed. But if it can be shown that there was no basis ror charges | that caused the relatives of the I guardsmen great mental anguish, then the guilty writers will shortly see I themslves homeward bound. MAYFLOWER DOCKS By Associated Press Washington, July 31. President Wilson returned to Washington early to-day on the naval yacht Mayflower following a week-end cruise down the Chesapeake bay to Hampton Roads.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers