14 PENNSYLVANIA TO BOOM ALLIANCES Hughes Organization Effected at Gettysburg to Work For the Ticket Philadelphia, July 29. Pennsylva nia, according to an announcement made yesterday by the Citizens' Re publican League, of this city, is taking an active interest in the movement-to organize branches in every county of the State of the National Hughes Al liance. Membership in thiS organization is not confined to stalwart Republicans, but Progressives and Democrats who are opposed to the re-election of Presi dent Wilson, are invited to Join in a campaign to insure the election of Charles Evans Hughes to the Presi dency. A statement issued yesterday from the headquarters of the Citizens' Re publican League, among other things says: "A meeting to-day was held at Get tysburg and a notable feature of the gathering was the consolidation of Re publican and Washington Party work ers. E. P. Sach, late chairman of the Adams county Washington Party com mittee, was chosen temporary chair man. C. W. Beales called the meeting to order, and William C. Tyson, a Get tysburg banker, was elected perma nent chairman. John A. Hersh, of New Oxford, was selected vice-chairman, and John L. Hill, second vice-chairman; J. Donald Swope, secretary, and Dr. John A. Himes, treasurer. • "A resolution was adopted commit ting the Adams county alliance, in com mon with other county organizations, to conduct a strictly nonpartisan cam fiaign among the voters of all parties nterested in the overthrow of the Wilson administration. "In addition to supporting the plan of the national alliance in behalf of the heads of the Republican ticket, the Hughes Alliance* will throw its sup port to the Republican candidates for Congress in order that a delegation may be elected from this State that ■will stand behind President Hughes for the next four years." Republicans predict a sweeping rrfa- Jority in Pennsylvania for their na tional ticket. CANOES RACE FOR HIGH SCHOOL HONORS ? [Continued From First Pago] • youngsters can get together and give their boats a "try-out." The fact that school will not be in session by the time the carnival is ar ranged was considered a bit of a draw back at first, but it is believed that the opening date will be so close that enough of the rivermen of each school ■will be on hand to volunteer to paddle their boats a rrv-out. In Blue and Gray and Maroon The boys of course will wear their ' own school colors in jerseys or trunks as the case may be and the following of the race will be easy by means of the school penants that will fly from the stern of each. If the big race can be included in the regatta program as planned the event will be the first of any kind with the exception of a wide-open track meet at which the athletes of the three schools will compete. The "war" canoe race, however, will , be only one of a dozen or more events that will make the 1916 Labor Day re- j gatta memorable in the city's history. At a meeting last evening of the "navy" executive board a whole lot of preliminaries for "the Day" were ar ranged. Here is the tentative pro gram. subject of course,, to addition or subtraction: Two-mile motorboat race. 100-yard swim for boys under 18. Tilting match. 100-yard swim, for entrants over 16. Umbrella race. 100-yard swim for girls. Obstacle canoe race. Half-mile canoe races, doubles for tnen, girls and "mixed" crews. Quarter-mile swim. Tub race. Tri-high school "war" canoe cham- 1 plonship race. On the River The events will all be run off in the 1 afternocn and an arrangement of i floats will be followed whereby suffi cient space will be provided 1 for starting all of the en- , trants in each event at one time. This i will prevent the long drawn out pro- ! gram due to "heats." The importance of the dam will be apparent by Labor Day, too, incidentally, because there 1 will be ample water, in the opinion of the rivermen. to make possible the • laying out of courses closer to shore. ' Policing arrangements were practlc- ! ally decided upon last evening, too. The western side of the course will be S marked by a string of flats placed at 200 to 300 foot intervals from Market ' street to a point well above South ! street. Between these flats ropes will ' be stretched. The eastern side of the course will be the river front wall—so that the "front steps of Harrisburg" may serve as a grandstand. Motor po- , lice boats will keep this big stretch of : the basin clear throughout the regatta program. Start and finisn points for all events will be at a point a short distance above Market street. For the shorter distance matches, the starting float will be anchored the proper distance above the finish line Thus all the events will be concentrated. The decorated boat parade In the evening will likely begin at a point above Kelker street and move down stream. When the flagship reaches the lower basin, the entire stretch of river, it is expected, will be flooded j with big search lights. Bands on ' floats and in the parks will add to the gaiety of things—and then will come the fireworks. GRAM.M HOTEL IS SOLD FOR $1,400 [Continued From First I'ase] rushing express trains were of such things as dream are made. The hotel properties include Xos. ' 10ly-21-23 North Seenth street and the sale is considered of unusual sig nificance in realty circles. For the last year or so values in that section have felt the gradual clearing out of the .jCapitol Park extension zone and realty men have watched with considerable ! interest the many transfers. The sale of the Gramm hotel property, how- ! eer. Is the largest. The new owners, it is understood, will remodel the hotel and otherwise i put it into shape for a modern hostelry. 1 TO BOLD GARAGE The only permit issued to-day was given to John H. Chubb to build a brci kand concrete garage in the rear of 238 North Fourteenth street. It will cost $250. CITY ELECTRICIAN" PURCHASES ' Of especial interest in realtv circles wa rthe recent sale by Bac kenstoss ! Brothers, brokers, of 419-21 Boyd ! street to City Electrician Clark E Diehl. The consideration was sl. TO-DAY REALTY TRANSFERS Realty transfers recorded to-day in- I eluded the following in cltv and I county: George W. Cumbler's ex- I ecutors to Stephen Botchie, Bressler. | 51,225; W. H. Nell, trustee, to Bernard Gerber, Steelton, $5,620; Centra! Trust' Company to Abraham Gerber, 1427 North Third street; Ike Gerber to Abraham Gerber, SJeelton; W. C. Smith to Bertha Be/rs, Lower Pax ton; S. 8. Rupp to Harvey B. Bail", 321 Kelker street, all for $1 each. SATURDAY EVENING, EMPLOYES OF GLOBE CLO HOLD ANNUAL OUTING •Photo Courtesy Hershey Studio. About 100 employes, wives and friends of the Globe Clothing House, dressed In white hats and white suits, left the. store about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, for their second annual picnic and outing at Hershey Park. The party was taken to the grounds in three large auto trucks, decorated with flags and bunting. The commissary department was under the direction of Thomas Thornely, who had the tables spread for luncheon when the picnickers arrived. The guest of honor was George R. Bookman, of Philadelphia, originator of the Right Posture Health Suits for boys. After luncheon, a baseball game was played between the Blues and the Grays, two teams of the Globe Right Posture League, the Grays winning by the score of 5 to 4. After supper, a number of short speeches were made by prominent men present. Mr. Strouse announced the appointmgnt of H. A. Plank, as assistant general manager of the store and the promotion of R. B. Robinson to manager of the men's clothing department. After the speeches, prizes for the events were awarded to the winners of the events, as follows: Prizes Awarded <?trnn^e Ck tn^- C nV 8 wl e r^m^rr»rt V^ 1 on y xr e r«llD^ n< L»Jf C P rize ouff lir ) ks, won by Angelo Russo; 100-yard dash, prize, necktie, won by Milton 5," ,t»v wnn'hv \ti=l \v u. sin ß'® men, won by men; blindfold race, prize, silk hose, won by Albert Cohen; peanut race, ladies, prize, who attended the outing included the following handkerchief tray, won by Miss Florence Bankes; egg race, ladies, won by Miss Sara Heiser. Those Robert* 'w'lle° n w S ™i th T H ' f 1 !? 15 ' Joh . n Och, Edward Wettmeyer, Norman Jones, Albert Cohen. Lou Cohen. Leon Harris, W. B. Wi 1 mlr Kiii£r Kpnnnd nlrk !•>,ni, r„,r - vtl r . Kenny, A. W. Plank, John Elscheid, George "Weaver, Millard Greek. Ray Cassatt, John Bowers, .; JiT rv? n»<fi« hp m d ne ' J nßel ° Russo, Julian Sattino, John Garrett. Robert Leiby, Nelson Hlbsman, V. Hummel Bracken \nfhoiw AHoI r nn UI S' n. xn £V S<? * Geo l,» e , R - Bookman. Philadelphia; John Randolph. Thomas Thornely, George Widder, Anthonj Gillerdj, Miss Bertha Baine, Miss Lillie F oulke, Miss Florence Bankes. Miss Zura Welker, Miss Sara Heiser, Miss Marian Strouse Miss Rose Lino- DULL MARKET HAS AN UPWARD TREND U. S. Steel Recovers From Small Decline; Heavy Trad ing in French Notes By Associated Press New York, July 29. lrregular changes, mostly nominal but mainly upward, attended the dull and narrow trading of to-day's initial operations. United States Steel opened at a small decline, which was soon recovered, and such special issues as Mexican Petro leum, Marine. Pfd., Industrial Alcohol, Studebaker and Baldwin Locomotive were slightly higher. Rails also made moderate improvement, particularly Reading, Norfolk and Western, Illinois Central and Canadian Pacific. Interna tional issues again featured the bond list with relatively heavy trading. Anglo-French as at a concession, while the new Kreni h notqp held at 9s. the subscription price. NEW YORK SHOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square. Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York. July 29. Open. Clos. ; AHIs-Chalmers 21% 21 % American Beet Sugar .. . 88% BS% i American Can 54% 5414 | American C& I' 56% 5 7 i American Locomotive .. 66 63% American Smelting .... 92% 93% : American T & T". 129 V* 129% Anaconda 79 79 1 Atchison 104 104 Badlwin Locomotive ... 69% 69% Baltimore & Ohio 83% 83% California Petroleum ... 18 17% Canadian Pacific 175% 176% I Central Leather 53% 53% ! Chesapeake & Ohio .... 59% 59% IC,M& St P 94 % 95 C. RI & P 19 % 19 % j Ohino Con Copper 48 48 Consolidated Gas 134 134 j Corn Products 13% 14 | Crucible Steel 68% 68% Distilling Securities .... 43% 43% Erie 34% 35 \ General Electric 168% 168% Goodrich HP 71% 72 Great Northern pfd .... 117% 117% : Great Northern Ore subs 35 35 Inspiration Copper 47% 47% Interboro-Met 16 16% I Interboro-Met pfd 73% 73% : Kennecott Copper 45% 45% ! Lackawanna Steel 71 71 | Lehigh Valley 77% 77% Maxwell Motors 81% 81 ' 4 i Merc war ctfs 24% 24% i Merc War ctfs pfd 83 85% Mexican Petroleum .... TO 98% Miami Copper 34% 3 4 Missouri Pacific 6% 6% I National Lead 63% 63% New York Central 103 103 Norfolk and Western ... 127% 127% I Northern Pacific 110% 110% Pennsylvania Railroad.. 56% 56% I Pittsburgh Coal 26% 26% I Reading 95 % 95 i Republic Iron and Steel. 467, 46% Southern Pacific 97% 97% Southern Railway 22% 22% i Studebaker 127% 127% 1 Tennessee Copper 24% 25% 1 Third Avenue G2% 62% 1 Union Pacific 136% 136% U. S. I. Alcohol 106% 106% U. S. Steel 86% 86% I 17. S. Steel pfd 118% 118% Utah Copper 75% 76 I Westinghouse Mfg 55% 56 PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Asscjijtea fress \ Philadelphia, July 29. Wheat Lower; No. 2, red, spot and July, | J1.231& 1.25; No. 2, Southern, red, sl.2i I @1.23. Corn Steady; No. 2. yellow, local, : 92®92%c; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local, O \ <r, 1 li, r . 1 Oats ■— Firm; No. 2. white. 49© I 49% c; No. 3. white. 46M. <fJ4?%c. Bran The market is firm; I rltv iriillw. winter .» v ern, winter. p<»r ton. *26 R0: soft, win'er per ton. $23.50@24.00; Spring, per ton. s22.s'iit( 23.00. Iteilned Sugars—No market. Butter Market firm: western, creantery, extras, nearby prints, fancy. &3c. Eggs The market i 3 firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby tirsts, 1 free cases, S7.SO per case; do.', current receipts, free cases, 57.35© 7.65; west ern. extras, firsts, free cases, sS.lofi s.4ii per case: do., tirsts, free cases, $7.50 © 7.50 per case. Live Poultry The market is steady; fowls, l'JH'9>2lc; roosters, 13®14c; Spring chickens, 20©>26c; do., broilers. |3og3Sp; ducks, 13® 14c; geese. 14® 16c. Dressed Poultry—Firm; fowls fancy, l'2!g>J2i a c; do., good to choice, do., small Mv.ea. ls<u>2>.<c oiu iwii'.n 15c; broiling chickens, nearby, 27® 34c; do., western, 22®27c; roasting IlltkflU, \\ dMrl 1. Chl.l' . ... i 20c; do., fair to good, 15®18c; spring j ducks, nearby, ia®soc; do., western, 12 1 it 16c, gecbc, iiettiL.». c, uo.. ern ' s'rt lic Potatoes The njarket is weak; Eastern Shore. No. 1, per barici, $1.75©/2.00; No. 2, do.. 75c?«$1.00; do., culls, do., $1.00; Norfolk. I, per barrel, $1.50®1.75; do., No. 2, do., 75c; Jersey, per basket, 40© 45c. Flour Quiet, but firm; winter, j straights, $5.0U5i5.25; do., patents, so.2i I to3.st>; spring tirsts, clear, 55.35®5.75; do., straights. $5.30© 5.70; do., patents, *5.75©6.15; do., favorite brands, $6.25® ! 6.50 Hay The market is quiet, but steady; No. 1, large bales, $19.00 ® 20.00: medium bales, $19.00® Uu.oO; No. 2. do, $17.00@1S.O0; No 3, do.. $15.00 C 316.00; light mixed, $ 17.50 ® 18.00; No. ;1, do., $16.00 ® 17.00; No. 2. do., JI4.UUM 15.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, July 29. Stocks closed steady. General Asphalt 32 General Asphalt, Pfd 69 Lake Superior Corporation 10 ' Lehigh Navigation 75 Lehigh Valley 77^ Pennsylvania Railroad 56% Philadelphia Electric 2S'» Philadelphia Company 39H- Philadelphia Co., Pfd 37 i Philadelphia Rapid Tranist 19*4 Reading 95 j Storage Battery 66% ' I'nion Traction 4! United Gas Improvement 87 s i | U. S. Steel S6 % CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., July 29. Cattle Re ceipts. 40'); steady. Native beef cattle, S7.oo<?i 10.50: western. $6.75®8.60; stock -1 ers and feeders. $5.0o®8.OO: cows and i heifers, $3.50® 9.25; calves. $8.50©12.00. I Sheep Receipts. 8,000; steady. Wethers, $6.90®8.30; lambs, $7.25fy 11.05. Hogs Reecipts, 10,000 firm, un changed to; no above yesterday's aver i age. Bulk of sales, $9.605? 10.05; light. ' $9.60® 10.15; mixed. $9.30® 10.15; heavy, $9.20 w 10.15; rough, $9.20@9.35; pigs, $7.75® 9.70. LITTLE Bo¥ AWFUL SIGHT WITH ECZEMA Started on Child's Chin. Itched and Burned So Would Scream. Got No Rest. Healed by Cuticura, "When my son was about a year old he pot a very bad attack of eczema. It started on his chin in little blisters which broke open and became wet, and in about a month they were on his face and chest. They itched and burned so that he would scream and Scratch, and he got no rest. His skin was inflamed all the time, and he was an awful sight. "He bad it over a year when I read of Cutitura Soap and Ointment. I bought them and I used one box and a half of Cuticura Ointment and a cake and a half of Cuticura Soap and he was healed." (Signed) Mrs.M.Clark,Scott daleStar Route, Pa., January 31, 1916. What a world of good hot Cuticura Soap bj.ths followed by gentle appli cations of Cuticura Ointment have done in soothing and healing eczemas, rashes, itching;?, pimples and dandruff. And greater still where they have healed one they have prevented many by furnishing a pure, sweet, gentle soap without the irritation common to many strong, coarsely medicated soaps. Cuticura Soap, may be used on the infant at birth. Foff Trial Free by Return Mail ad dress post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. H, Boston." Sold throughout the world. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Appearances of Motor Car Like New With Little Care "Keep your car looking well," says E. C. Ensminger, distributor of the ! Dort motorcars. He makes some In ; teresting comparisons reminiscent of i the "old days," when the horse-drawn | buggy occupied the place now so much | more efficiently filled by the motor car. "I can remember," says Mr. Ens minger, "driving out in the country I with my father, time and again, after l rainstorms, and how careful he was to avoid each mud puddle, and how i he would turn out for them, especial- J ly if our buggy had just been washed. | In those days people were proud of the appearance of their buggies and they were ashamed to be seen driving an i unwashed or shabby buggy. 1 Contrast this with the attitude of ! the average motorist to-day. Does he | take the same care of the appearance !of his car? Emphatically, he does not. The result Is the very great number of dilapidated, and mud-scarred cars, that one sees on the streets to-day. It lis also the cause of considerable dis j satisfaction on the part of the owners, who do not realize, until it is too late, that their own lack of care is alone to blame for the looks of their cars, and the finish is too far gone to be re- I newed without painting. A few minutes every other day, or twice a week, in dry weather, spent j in showering off your car with clean. | cold water, and then going over the | surface with a chamois: and the I spraying off of your cat In wet weather ; before the mud has had a chance to dry on and spot the paint, will go far The High-Gear Coast-to-Coast Wonder Car Arrives Gettysburg Sunday Noon —the car Chicago went wild over! The much heralded Pathfinder The Great, King of Twelves, making the run from San Diego to New York over the Lincoln Highway, with just two gears —high and reverse, leaves Pitsburgh to-day, arriving at Gettysburg Sunday afternoon. Be on hand to see this Twin-Six Wonder Car of the world— you'll understand things about a motorcar no advertise ment or salesman can tell vou. PATHFINDER SALES COMPANY 68 SOUTH CAMERON STREET J. J. GAHVIX, SaltN Mnnnncr. BKI.L PHO\F. 4110-J towards keeping; it in the "new" class. I It will mean also that your car will last longer and give you better service for grit does not have an opportunity to work Into the springs, wheel bearings, and otlver parts of the well-taken care-of car and cause unnecessary wear and disagreeable rattles. If you take care of your own car, do this work yourself, but if you keep it in a public garage, do not begrudge the $1 or $1.50 that a thorough wash ing costs. It is money well spent. i The Dort finish is differentiated from | that put on most cars in its class, in that the Dort is a hand-painted car, I hand-painted in the old way and not I dipped and baked. Each coat is put j on separately and each is allowed to | dry thoroughly before the next is ap i plied. Such a finish is very permanent 1 and is easily kept in splendid shape ! with a very little care." British Win Possession of Captured Liner Appam By Associated Press Norfolk, Va„ July 29. Federal Judge Waddill to-day decided the libel nroceedings for possession of the cap tured British liner Appam in favor of the English ownerti and against the German prize crew which brought her here. The court held that the German government lost all legal claim to the ! Appam and her cargo as prizes of war | when Lieut. Berg and his prize crew | on last February first brought them into the neutral waters of Hampton | Roads with the intention of "laying I up" the vessel indefinitely. JULY 29. 1916. Secret of Goodrich Compounding Explained 'Few people realize the tremendous Importance of tha chemist in the rub ber business," says W. K. Mower, of the B. F. Goodrich company. "Pure rubber, merely volcanized, would never do—it would be too soft, too yielding, too easily worn out. So the chemist compounds. He mixes certain chcml-1 cals to either toughen or stiffen or j make more pliable the rubber —ac- cording to the product. "You could not, for example, use the same compound in a water bottle that you would in a tire—they are intended for different purposes. "Why is it one brand of tires will give wonderful satisfaction while an other. under the same conditions, will fall down completely? You cut them open—to all appearances they are made about the same. The secret is in the compounding of the materials. That's why Goodrich quality has a wonderful, real understandable mean ing. We have in our development de partment some of the keenest minds the rubber world affords and they are backed up by 47 years of cumulative Goodrich rubebr knowledge. And they are leaders—not imitators. Take automobile tires—it is a fact that practically every important Improve ment in this line In the last twenty •years had its inception in the labora tories of the B. F. Goodrich Company. These laboratories are wonderfully equipped—they are really a miniature j factory. And the products they turn out have been tested to a degree that would astonish the layman. We al ways produce to test—not to theory. Any new product that conies from Goodrich is new only to you. Good rich knows it—has proven it—and stakes their reputation that it is right." Copyrighted 1915 by The Electric Storage Battery Let This Giant Crank Your Car Get Our "Exibe" ! STARTING BATTERY and assure yourself of a right start at the right time. All makes of Batteries re ) charged and rebuilt. Work guar anteed. Execlsior Auto Co. 11TH AXD MULBERRY STS. Harrisburg, Pa. H. L. MYERS, Mgr. Carbon Cleaning by Oxygen a Specialty The Motor Mark of Good Breedind Quaiit> First Good breeding is written all over the 3400 r. p. m. seven passenger Chalmers. And small wonder; their pedigree is i backed by 99.21 per cent, perfect service. You're a prospect after your first inspection of this big, J able touring car—and after you've driven her week in and week out there's nothing on the road can give you dust if you press her. Spend five minutes at the wheel of a 3400 r. p. m. Chal mers. At once you sense the reserve of power, the easy j mastery of the road. You get it in acceleration ; from five to I twenty miles per hour in 5 seconds—you note that reserve of power when you pass a lagging car on the grades. Let's talk automobiles for a while. Say when! Keystone Motor Car Co. • Bell Phone 1859. 1017-1025 MARKET ST. "" ** 143 North Front Street, Steelton, Pa. j STORE AND DWELLING Gas, Electric Light, Furnace, Hot and Cold Water, Etc. » All Improvements Price Reasonable j ♦ This property is located in the center of the busi- * * ncss suction of this live town, and any one desiring t J a business property could not get a better choice —post I session given in 30 days. | t For particulars, call at once on I j M. R. ALLEMAN j • 145 N. Front Street STEELTON. PA. j North Fifth Street Located at 2311-13-15-17 N. Fifth Street EASY TERMS FRED C. MILLER, Builder 2IS Walnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 797-M . , i PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1916. The undersigned. Executors of the will of Edward Brough, deceased, will sell at public sale on the premises, the farm situated in Butler township. Adams county. Pennsylvania, adjoining the Borough of Biglerville, and on the State Highway from Shippensburg to York. Pa. This farm contains 130 acres more or lf-ss and Is improved with a brick house, hank barn and other outbuild ings. There are 200 bearing apple trees on the farm and about the same number of young trees. The place is well watered and in a good state of cultivation. Being convenient to town, and upon a main highway. This is an exceedingly desirable property. Anv one desiring to see the property can do so by calling on the tenant. Sale to begin at 2 p. m.. when terms will be made known by \V. F.. BKOKRH. EDW. A. BIIOtGH. Dauphin County Bonds f The undersigned solicits pro- I posals for the sale to it, at not i exceeding par and interest, of i sufficient j Dauphin County 3% Bonds j duo 1031 t to permit the investment of f $22,577.64 for the benefit of the ? ' sinking fund established for the I issue of January 1, 1901. i ( Proposals pursuant to this no- i I tice should be sealed and plainly f marked "Proposals for the Sale T l of Dauphin County Bonds due | ' 1931," and received by the un- ; ; dersigned not later than four t o'clock p. m., August 3, 1916. J The right is reserved to reject ? I any and all bids, in whole or in f | ! Part. Commonwealth Trust Company j TRUSTEE T Harrisburg, Pa. j Real Estate For Sale 201 Hamilton Street—3-story | brick house—B rooms and bath— | steam heat—side entrance—splen \ did condition—good location. Price, $1,300. 11)01 Green Street—3-story brick house—B rooms and bath—furnace j —corner property—improvements; j lot large enough for garage. Price, $4,100. 1903 Green Street—3-story brick house—B rooms and bath—furnace —side entrance lmprovements. Price. 53,800. 232 Mucnch Street—3-story brick house —8 rooms and bath—front porch improvements. Price, §2,800. 11)12 Susquehanna Street —3- story brick house—B rooms and bath—front porch—improvements. Price, $2,000. 265 Delaware Avenue—3-story brick house—B rooms and bath— front poith—lmprovements. Price. SI,OOO. 2122 A Moore Street 3-story brick house —8 rooms and bath— improvements. Price, $2,000. 818 North Sixth Street—3-story brick house —9 rooms and bath— city steam heat—improvements— interior finish hardwood stone trimmings desirable property— centrally located. Price, $0,600. 1132 Walnut Street 3-story brick and frame house—9 rooms j and bath —steam heat—front porch | —corner property—lot 15x90 feet. | Price, $3,570. !¥!. A. FOUGHT 272 North Street l> -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers