6 See Additional Store News on Page 14 Gift Furniture Not For a Day But For Years Inexpensive Jewelry, Rogers Plated Ware, jhmh Silverware and a Notable Showing of L^ lther Hand BagS . ' o»inj,;m> iny tlieni.'jin-ln.lr: Vv^ \ I Maple It V 'II 'n,W I JEWEIiRY . ROGERS PUT!® WARE Gravy Ladies. each $1.50 jl N TV»il«+ II v —JX X S. ■ UUICI ■ Diamond Rings $12.50 lo $22.50 a s l ,oons - '& doJ! - Berry .Spoons, each $1.75 J Rj i. Ollci I H jff T~\ i A. K Cameo Brooches #2 OO ■<> s7T oo »1.25, $1.75 ami $2.50 Meat Forks, each $1.25 'I jfl Tahlf»<s ll ~ . «»> UeSkS tO BW Cameo Lavallieres ... St 75 to «» no Tabl ° Spoons ... .$1.50. $2.00 to *5.00 Bouillon Spoons. «,i doz $4.00 II ■ dUtCb. II Mahoeranv C\ ET (U , m Silver Coin Purses SI.OO to $250 Qra\y I-adles, each ..SI.OO and $1.25 | al f d Forks, each $1.50 I 4ilo Q? \\ m ~r " /' M„ 1 »}»J»>.OO Silver Mesh Baps NOo to nooo boup Ladles *!■»« to $2.75 Butter Spreaders, each $1.25 U spA—«»*t> tO y Tea W tl£TOnS "• Gold Beads s> oo Meat Forks 05c Knives and Forks, half doz. each $45 00 " Pearl Beads 'sW io'«3 98 S om! \ to Servels St.so „ $1.50 to $10.50 ' Oold Brooches .->»)«• to *5 98 " Uon ®P° ons SI.OO Pocket books with hack straps, in Solid Gold Cuff I.inks »2 2?5 to sYoo 2 ' ve Spoons «5 C black, Breen, navy, tan, brown, T-" •. T ■£> npl . ffif 1 Iff ffFffr* Solid Gold Scarf Pin »8c to VSO £ ickl ? ,!!' orkß 49c to $5.00 Furniture Is a Out lhat Oan ***»--85 gas j T-I 1 n r? (20 yeur" caset,C^haJn'amrKnife pi" n « 'V u lk , a « d Vel>ve " Be Enjoyed By bvery Women's Gold Watches, 20 yea' 8 "' ! I Morocco Leather Hand ' Member of the Family \ ■f\ lw Our Furniture Section is featuring many pieces that arc dis- Perfumes. Toilet Wniers, Cold Creams \ I TraveMrgOises ......s,voo to SIO.OO |jg| tinctlv holiday offerings, which are t° be found of soundest construe- Vantinc's wisVarta lo,vl ' r \ T!npoV?cd n i r ' UK * tion, newest in design and at lowest prices. These giftv pieces in- collie-* "iif^KSl'S ll' II ~ |jjJj ** If Smoking stands 81.19 to liall clocks. /J Ho-erA Gallei r«r!n.» > «r Pi *?i' i Sandwich Trays $2.50 to $3.98 ' < V^ ses • •', 50 cto $3.99 1 £ tea \vagons,s».9s to $19.00 $_9.50 to SJo.OO XorilU-i nUfSTiL Tea Sets (4 pieces) $5.95 Go'* l and Silver Picture Frames, V Mahogany music cabinets. China <io>ets . . Violet Sec ' s Butter Dishes $1.98 to $3.50 _ 25c to $1.50 fWr $8.95 to slo.oo Mal»oKan> s ', eontaininp tooth paste, c Mahogany Sewing Cabinets. Finned oak desks •8»-50 to $25.00 II IS brown fl» OQ U and othcis Cashmere Bouquet Shearton and Georirian Deslans soap, talcum powder and ex- Thi, Brown CCCi C «»2»* ' SS .«.«,« K " d R"ckc r .... 90.9 d P«ru»« ta S ITT «-SS ««.' S.;',.* 1 - Fibre Rocker $5.95 - s > roiktrs - •• ' 9 - 75 ,0 s39o ° Mbm " tn,,lc, ' s "' >o f ° $ -®- 50 Ch " r ' - ,rh,u « "« Toilet Water 25c to $3.?5 s T ° Uet ioS'?00 06 25 ° IO s2s ° ° yßtCr Forks $2.75 [Hot Water Bottles'.'.'«9e to $2/25 i* ft ft ?f fl This Brass Bed Satin $Q CQ Reed New Models Will Make Their Bow | i 1 ! Finished, • Rocker *° as^*on Lovers To-morrow c '^ ollr Millinery Section picked a charming collec- ff "vX HIS «Ay t,on of the new "Winter Hats in New York City this week, and we ft Ji %K * "ijiW | for the^\v^ vhM r Vhror. Panne vislvet Hats jnew flowers or fruit; navy, brown 1/ Tricorne liats of Panne velvet , black #4.95 and 5p.1.0."? « \\ T * \ \ p f f trimmed with fur pompons, JU5.95 Di lecond m FiSor. & FlonT. art ' With the beason or Oood Cheer c , tIJ s~\ i -iv t i r -iv T /->i -t Oitt Hosiery r or Men, Women and Children Comes the IN eeci ot IN ew Clothing f '•'•;." , ; >s vr i,ofe f iists r t lc - pprinci t, y Hi ° l )ractica ' g' l ' lß we have gathered an incomparable »^ r '_*r^ v ! stock of hosiery—for men, women and children. -. - - | j'-li l| ll J ' I ] C'otion Hose, black and colors, 4 pair in fancy box 50c T- *>V I -I /'* "ll Si >•• +• J \ JR\ Jffi f Rlack lisle hose, black and colors, 4 pairs in fancy box SI.OO ~ ~ ~ Black hoae °fa sli Ioik? d rs Out size silk hose, black and white $l!oO y n Black silk hose, fashioned feet, all silk or lisle CHILDRKN'S HOSK » //£ garter top SI.OO Fibre silk hose, black and white, ail sizes, I Z U s —v Silk hose, fashioned feet, lisle garter tops, black 37' Ac and 50c v / // f\\\ l\. f IT 1 (rf r and colors SI.OO . Fine ribbed silk lisle hose, seamless, black, white. ft W\\ iMP&i&BS \X/ \ Iv Pri I 1J » I II I Extra heavy black r.ilk hose, fashioned feet, $1.15 lan, pink, blue and cardinal 25c J| x ~ vv A V-^V^C4-1U LA l • • \L/ Aw • V-/ Vy Black silk hose, fashioned feet, black and colors. Infants' white silk hose, seamless, pair 50c I ,11) / bHHS $1.50 Infants' white silk and wool hose, seamless, pair. I "IV T 117* . / > • . -4 mm* /-v Fancy sillc hose, assorted colors and styles. .SI.OO 25c and 37jic v ' xH Mew Winter Suits at $15.00 do(thS Carbonettes, of Famous Paintings •in Oak, I m - Mahogany and Circassian Finished Frames 'W men who want to be V t 7 r An Unusual Value in Framed Pictures /~\ . 1 T • I 1 Sizes 16x20 inches and- 14x28 inches Overcoats at q>15.00 in a Variety of Styles - ' ) m t hr«-mch fr^s I—w—,1 — w— , *L -r The Good Sheplicrd Tlie Close of Day. Voung llandel. I I__ A. Li | , TV T -f xhc Horse Fair. 1 loft'man's Christ Head. Harvest Moon. 1 hat bncompasses bvery Need iffs&srarr„"rr _ _ * «/ The Angclus. Roman CoUseum. J™ ' Overcoats For Dress Overcoats For Stormy Weather Balmaroons Kon,? ° r the l4,rk - Koman l^rum - Black and Green Boucle Overcoats. niack CnHnlahed Worsted Over. «N. C „.in. V..L i . f ,9 S , me <irey S<-otch Mixture Balmaroons. Blue irrey owrulMld CaaSS^re^ TkJSJSJI- Impels. Davidson and Thompson hand-col- Colored landscapes in heavy fancy ~~rr- xgsmx Grey and Green Scotch Balmaroons. ill!." L'' ,nert ° ,l, txm,s ' or<-d nature prints neatly framed In Kilt frames $1.»8 yflp- ■, Blue and Grey Kersey Overcoats. Black Meltoii Overcoats' nwhogany, Circassian walnut and gilt r \ */»#/*' i<st/ f i> Brown Vicuna Overcoats. Brown and (Jreeii hearv stortn ninth —medium und siuull sizes in white Masterpieces ill oil painting effects, I 8 Oxford gny unllnlshed Worsted Overcoats. Grey sjorn, tMoil, Ckters gift boxes. _ antique gilt I *v»/ |Jff| j 50<* 080 $1.50 k s »"' <1 " 1 !>H< j pyi Many Other Overcoat Styles SIB.OO to I Beautifully colored pictures with framed, $7.50 to $12.50 values reduced | 1 - lo '«« lf l> ri, <' "»»d less on account of | ~"M ] t ' sian walnut and mahogany frames— scratched and slightly damaged frames >, JU ta-u I Vr I I ' I TV T \ T" . f~> ' . ft> 4 r""v "The Dear Old Folks at Home." —pictures intact. tfrTj 1 he INew Winter buits at Jblo.OO % *«*. U[ .,v lvj *~* v yiVf.VV "That Old Familiar Song." beautifully framed $1.25 B( r / ~,, c , . , , Si " s "«® 42 English and Conservative Sacks """* '- ° M ~.r 1. „,.h ~< ire„ „; , IVC fj, y_"| bUItS that a mail can depend upon for good wear and Style service— $3.50 hand-colored petty prints in ,n swlnelng easel frames and pedestal I-£:..y 5 / W.""" 1 "' | llefl ?"" ,le and trtp, ° wWte BtrtpCd blnok « nd " luc wo " ted antl I «7»- scotch mixtures and t«e, ; ,ls. ( dark gilt frames. Special SI.OH J err^ uinc hinU JM . I'jS&Pl'jS&P A V," J, . . Blue and l>la< k pin and shadow striiied cassiniet'o. WN , M I franuN «»»-.• VII I LLL » S . „« <• *. A a fI H .-#| J*-. Carlton djfclw. . | Plain hlue and black nrrges. Ernesti Water Colors, Dives Pomerov"& 'fitewart Milihierv A nVr **■*■'■■■ Tn \, <»rcen and blue overplahls. I Dives. Pomerov and Stewart Men's Clothing. Second Floor. Hear. »Bc. $1.75 and $.1.05 Section! slond * tkfeSfi FRIDAY EVENING, FARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 10, 1015
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