|gg KENNEDY'S f| Why is it that KENNEDY'S e doing such a large business ? Why is it their THIS IS "KENNEDY'S" WHO ALWAYS SOLD business is increasing every day? We hear these questians asked most everywhere, THIS IS OUR COMPETITORS WHO ALWAYS D AT CUT PRICES principally by strangers, who are visiting, or those who have only lived in our city in OPPOSED CUT PRICES — _ recent years. m m 71 y# • Ur customers know WHY. They know KENNEDY'S can not, or will not, be -# v - Jk _ • J £ CIICTXL Medicines unders ol d - They know our prices are the lowest in the city, besides meeting all adver- / 01/ Ci YLICi6S tised and so-called special sale prices of our competitors. They know of our "fair and I _ J » square" business methods. They have been dealing with us for thirty years. Why & m I 1 Saturday Only shouldn ' l thcy> But to those others, who do not know. Why shouldn't we do a large business? 75c Jad's Kidney Salts 430 Why shouldn't our business be increasing every day? The answer, in our mind, is very R °ger & Gallet Rice Powder . 24<* | 25c Carter's Liver Pills ............... . .. 11 simple. Roger & Gallet Talcum Powder I "50c Make Man TahW<s >)•{/. ... . ' Dußarry Talcum Powder 7.W K SI.OO Father John's Medicine ?,7<- SeCret treatln S our old customers right. Thereby, we never lose Hudnut Talcum Powder | 50c Syrup Figs, Calif 2i)<* any ' anC * ever y day we are continually adding new ones to our business. Talcolette p§j SI.OO Bromo Seltzer 570 You ask how we do this. Simply by being wide awake, and on the job. We are E^Rad*? 18 * 6 " BeaUtlfier if $3.75 Horlick s Malted Milk $2.85 the first in everything. We set the pace that others try to follow. We carry the largest Jess Face Powder I v 25c AtwooTs S Bitters I ~yt m ° St COmplete line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles and Rubber Goods in the Freeman's Face Powder .'.'.'.'.'.'. * SI.OO Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Gil* Clty ' We give our customers what they ask for, by alert, intelligent, and courteous M * r y Garden Face Powder $1.59 SI.OO Hood's Sarsaparilla 57<* clerks ' who know their busin ess, and don't keep you waiting all day for what you want. Azurea Face Powder .. 10c Roach S Sauh ney PiUS **£ ° Ur Stock is all fresh and new S oods;in fact ' k isn,t on our shelves long Hudnut 1 7.7.7 ''' 57^ 35c Hoff's Malt and Iron".' 27<> enough to become old - And the last, but not least, Our Prices are the Lowest. Euthymul Tooth Paste 14<. 25c Hoff's Malt, plain Those are the most important reasons why our business is growing larger every day. ™- SS ™ a^ e owder 2'ir I eihicr's Malt Til a , * Djer Kiss Talcum 19^. «innSi 'o Are you shopping where everybody else is P IF you are not, come in and get ac- Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum ... . |U t Sl'oo Tyrees Antiseptic Powder s»£ meth ° ds ° f doing businesß and the PEOPLE who cut P ric « in Har- Creme De Meridor ;..! 1 SI.OO Man H0.... V SO* ™ barg - ' Mennens Talcum Powder 11,. 50c Armour's Extract Beef :[:[(• ! I —— RikersV.olet Cerate :{!)«• j I Pepsin I '. *. :>!><* Remember the Place Laßlanche Powder V.| I SI.OO Wyeth Sage and Sulphur s»f fJT f^|« T« Y V"1 VTt /"« ~, _ t" a u * n 1( I $1 00 Hyomei Outfit Vlf TIW I « Ifi | u . , Daggetts and Ramsdells Cold Cream :!+*• | 50c Parisian Sage ...... ll I*AM M Hamsburg Hinds Honey and Almond Cream 3lf 50c Scott's Emulsion .!..!!.! Z'2<' Kolyno's Tooth Paste 50c Resinol Ointment lilc Attack De Luxe Is Launched at Wilson Washington, Dec. 10.—A special ! messenger passed through the Capitol j recently distributing envelopes that looked like invitations to a White I House reception, but when opened ! by senators to whom they were ad- | tlle Wi 11-Known ■ B ygnfcr (M ■ mm m I Round Package ir»rr If IS cautio iiyiiLivria Avoid Substitutes.^** ™ E ORIGINAL MALTED MILK fTAjp#* 1 Made in the largest, best equipped and sanitary Malted Milk plant in the world ▲ 08S3 do ,?. ot make "milk products"- m Milk, Condensed Milk, etc. Ask For HORLTCK'S ii^ Sj l NVA J THE ORIGINAL MALTED MiLH Made from clean, full-cream milk p iZ^.t 0 j f he extract of select malted grain, reduced to powder form, soluble in Water * Best Fo °d-Drink for All Ages, o walted MilKCO* Va *<* for over a Quarter Century **ciNt I wi ) u.j.*, J Unless you say "HORLIGK'S" y° u may 9ot a Substitute. Ts&k& a M&ton&i Bringing Up Father (0) $ $ $ 0 By McManus 1 I'VE COT TO <ilT I'LL BUST THE V*rEßl|~ r~~~T~TI f <OOD <RAOCOb- If \OUn-L bTAsX RKHT HERE." T" j OUT TONtCHT- » PIPE - THEN OH . MACQE WE Mot>T «ET VLL PHOHE FOR A PLUMBER! 1 PROMISED OINXY ( lFrt D ME FO* COME HERE - THE PI_OMB>E.R! _ ZZH—, > ' MOORE COPLM S . <3? £ quick-the p- -U \E«a-ru ■■""TisH i HIM CAME OF POKE*! °' j l^ ATER PPE i m L^ TO 1 t. ■ t FKIDAY EVENING, HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH . DECEMBER 10, 1915 dressed were found to consist of a folder printed on a very fine cream paper and several cards attacking the | Administration policy. The folder had several illustrations or sketches that purported to be the i work of "count von Ferri." One il lustration pictured President Wilson I and Emperor William confronting ! each other, the former demanding | that the Emperor put a stop to sub | marine warfare, the Emperor retort- j i j ing that, the Pres.'dent should stop , export of munitions. A card showed two illustrations in I , j deadly parallel, one representing , | Bethlehem and the Nativity, labelled | . j "Peace went out from Bethlehem, j , | Palestine," while the other represent- | . l ed a string of cars loaded with shells | , | and was labelled "Hell went out from . j Bethlehem, Pennsylvania." The whole : picture was labelled "O Little Town I !of Bethlehem." ' V || 1 . ' It May Be Unscientific but Here's Proof of It .. ! Special to The Telegraph London, Dec. 20.—Despite the j argument that there Is no basis in i science for the belief that more boy J babies than girls are born in war | I time, the statistics of thirty-six large! I towns in England and Wales break j i all records in this country for boy i I babies. Prom January to March for every i 1,000 girl babies there were thirty- j two more boys. For April and June there were forty-three, and for July I and September, fifty-five more. The j marriage rate for England and Wales j in the last three months was the; highest ever recorded, being 21.S In j every 1.000 population. Truly goodness, purity and durabil ity is characteristic in the Becker & i Sons' piano. Spangler, Sixth, above I M aclay.— Advertisement. HIGH SCHOOL GLEE CLUB . j New Cumberland, Pa.. Dec. 10. —; Misses Mary Buttorff will instruct the j (lice Club which has been organized j by the girls of the Senior class of the New Cumberland High school. j CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS Special to The Telegriiffc | Blain, Pa., Dec. 10. 'Christmas | will be observed by the Methodist 1 Episcopal Sunday school on the eve ! ning of Sunday, December lit, by j ■ rendering a special program. The Zion Lutheran Sunday school I I will render the cantata entitled, "The ! j Christmas King," on Christmas eve. i XEW P.'\STOR ARRIVES Special to The Telegraph 1 Mecbanicsburg, Pa., Dec. 10.—The j I Rev. \V. T. Reynolds, who has been j ! appointed as pastor of St. Luke's! ' Episcopal church has arrived and is; | domiciled in the rectory. The Rev. ] Mr. Reynolds came here from the! i diocese of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. I I | > A Simple Way to ! Remove Dandruff j There Is one sure way that has never j | failed to remove dandruff at once, and ' that is to dissolve it, then you destroy j jit entirely. To do this, just get about I I fotir ounces of plain, common liquid j jarvon from any drug store (this is all iyou will need), apply it at night when j retiring; use enough to moisten the j i scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. I By morning, most if not all, of your! ! dandruff will be gone, and three or) j four more applications will completely j dissolve and entirely destroy every I ! single sign and trace of it, no matter i | iiow much dandruff you may have, j j You will find all Itching and digging j .of the scalp will stop instantly, and i I your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, j glossy, silky and soft, and look and I feel a hundred times better.—Adver-1 tlsement. tttiTT'i MM! * I!'"{it* * * ■ ?TT'« T 1 ' T11111111111 " || rctty Teeth Add to the Natural :;i Jit Beauty of All F aces || !TT Tf ? our teeth are in want of any attention, call and have tliem ex- !! X ! it amlned, which is FREE OF CHARGE. ~ X « SgF JjptjgP' <■ I guarantee my work to lie of Uie very best, both in material and "T xl W *■ workmanship, which it is possible to give my potients. My 18 years of '"c TT #. 1 constant practice and study have given ine the experience which each and '' I •f + " "2®. MM every dentist must have hi order to do satisfactory work. I do my work !!X H rVj&i& absolutely painless. My assistants are dentists, who have had a vast '»? ft ' "• '®sr amount of experience, and therefore are able to render the very best of ■ II k ti services. My office is equipped with all the modern appliances In order to ''T ?4- do painless dentistry. < j + || 'l<l' l 'niTm^s'' V EnameK Cement, ] I Office open dally 8:S0 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Mon., Wed. and Sat. till • ' ' J p. m. Closed on Sundays. Bell phone, 3332-R. J't I DR. PHILLIPS. Painl«. Dentist i| fIi MMN 320 Market Street, HARRISBURG"'PA. j | till Hi* '■ ♦♦♦♦♦♦l ?[ m !■!»•}!!! j m (OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT— LESTER PIANOS] G. DAY, 1319 Derry Streeet. Both Phones wmmmmmmmmmmfr 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers