Save Time and Money by Making Gift Selections at Kaufman's—The Real Christmas Storej Special Notice Kaufman's Christmas Economy Carnival I ?. s ciff FREE! We will gladly cash all Is a Money Saving Event For All Economical Shoppers ma 1 whether yoa make a purchase 111 Bring the Children to TOYLAND To-morrow 1 ! ° r Airflk 1° the Bargain Basement a Carnival of Amusement \ SILK SWEATER IN A yjk " * un t * ian a c i rcus ' everything going full blast. Thousands of toys to see, amuse t«H 'XyNv J^''° f Ftlaft HOLIDAY BOX |n * ntercst y° un S folks, as well as old. Thousands of Games of every interesting MKyjf Make a pleasing gift for a woman. A description. Mechanical Toys that are constantly doing funny stunts. Oh! you don't xj|V £^ d "y'u We have beautiful styles, In art silk, I V \ . . . . •. -r . 1 . i ir, » r i • desire popular shades and different color I / 1/ rata /J 1 want to miss it, if you want at least a half hour s pure fun and- joy. Tl\°^ combinations and you may purchase / , f\< i T\ • \T JFwV _ _ OVAL CONVKX PORTItAITS them in holly boxes at $3.95 to $8.90 !| \ v /\| fa i T I' Wo make tlum for you without one eerii HOLIDAY RIBBONS j Big Doll Display Erector Structural Toys Wide Fancy Ribbon for making || \i Literally thousands of them, any one of which would The toy that teaches, educates, instructs. A play- before 'xnuis' ,Jet ' l,,l,el surc ° " slipper bags, handkerchief bags, work Wf . /_A l m' <K XMS&A . ,l«. nlake the UtUe fftrl h »PP>- 1)011,5 that talk : doUs tha * thine- full nf bags, knitting bags, pin trays, slipper y l *) |*iJju ft) almost walk; Jointed Dolls. Character thing lull of immense possibilities for jour bo>. Iwlll fHRK TM & and coat hangers 17c and 24c «jr/ I \ iTrSfc iu> d undressed. All marked at the famous Kaufman keep him amused for hours, nt the same time give him vIIIV 1 O I lflrtO fflr CT_*'*B _ \ /H«M tg m-r\ ♦VrH'-ftMMLaI Underselling Prices. See Kaufman's for Unusual Doll CIirrECTIAUC Wide Satin Ribbons, in all colors, \V\ V S//ttßs RarKains OA~ to 010 QA an education. Every boy wants one. fl» 1 An 10 d«l C bUClllto 1 1 U N J fine grade; yard 15c to 27c *4C M9.9U See that he gets one for Xmas «I.UU &13 W—»«kl«. Dresden Ribbons, In all the desired 'H Women S Wearables widths and beautiful new color com- v 1 1 ' * Pajamas, 95c to SI.I0 —Of pink, binations; yard 17c and 24< Children's Story Books 10c up Shooting Gaines 2'lc to 98c Train Tunnels 21c up I Drums, all sizes 21c to $1.48 Toy Sots or Dishes .. . 2le to $1.48 b V2? ? nd , Black Silk Moire Ribbon, fine for Painting Rooks 10c up Picture Blocks 24c to »8e Erector Toys SI.OO to $15.04) Friction Toy 40c to »8c skin Animals . 24c to »8c- w , „ ' girdles, etc.: good widths; yard. . ,21c New Games 10c to 98c Express Building Blocks, 24c to 98.- Tinker Toys 49c Air Blue l»c to »8c a 1^ ihlta of fine marabou ... Toy Trunks 10c Ten Pins 24c and 48c Tree Trinkets 5c and l(k> ' Toy NARROW RIBBONS R o x of Pencils 190 to -i9<' Baseball Game 40c Toy Pianos 40c to $2.98 . Swinging Horses ... $2.98 to $9.98 Horses an<l Wagons .. 49<* to $1.98 an( J ostrich, u host ot Deajtil 1 IX)R GIl-T PACKAGES Paint Boxes 2»e to 98c Kitchen Cabinets 98c to 51.19 i Toy Desk 98e to $«.98 Rocking Horses 19e to $2.98 Toy Beds . 98c to sl.lß styles froni .. . ... to i i o „r,\ -\rc Sewing Boxes 24c and 49c Washing Sets 2le to 98c i Blackboards 24c to 98c Velocipedes $1.23 to $7.98 Skin Horses 49c to $1.45 IJoudoir m a vast \ari .t>, s i No. 1 b Satin Kioon, plain (our. Wood Building Blocks 98c Bouncing Colored Balls. 21c to 98c ; Toy Houses 49c to $3.98 | Toy Tables 19c to 98c Steam Engines .... $1.23 to $3.98 with lace, all Bilk witn ., I>ead Soldier Sets 24c to 49c Pish Ponds 24c to 48? Toy Forts 49c to $2.49 ; Automobiles $3.98 to $9.98 Horns 10c to 24c an f?. l V°>l rß it ' 'is ' ' "!/ |V _; Satin Ribbon, plain colors, from, ClHH'ker Boards 49c Sand Toys 194* to $1.49 • Toy Stoves 48c to sl.lß Wheel Barrows 49c to 75c Mechanical Toys .... 24c to $3.98 Silk l oniniiiatlon t.ariiunts, i i«- - yard 2c to 5c ||| stone Building Blocks 49c 1 Winding Trains, with tracks, 49c up Iron Toys 19c to 98c Go-Carts 98c to $8.90 Footballs 21c to 98c white m ncJ 86 f 1 y pivu" styles. • > a tineAlir i/iifA\!AC Italian silk, vvhltc ami pink, at $1.75; HANDSOME KlmONOo those at $1.95 are daintily etubroi- The Richest & Most Reliable FURS For Gift Giving, Extra Low in This Economy Carnival length. ianc> patuins an.j ciors Furs are unusually popular this year and the Economy Carnival provides an ex- JT\ fu, At 48^ b sciirrs iorwom s2.oo satin Trimmed rianneiette cellent opportunity to save by purchasing now—for our furs were bought when prices Vly7 tl>: aU th '; ra «' e , t ' I ' s He!is ,°"- A" lhc Kimonos, full length, beautiful new * ui ii '- popular colors, widths and lengths. styTesT for $1.45 Mg*Q were at a much lower level. ]p wni^cDruircc cjorgeous New Fancy silk Kimonos Handsome Red Fox Sets; Worth Smart Raccoon Sets; Worth MISSES' FUR SETS PRICED MJL ft* Vjlr 1 nAlNlllvtKLillEiro - $35.00. Economy d»OQ 7; EXTREMELY LOW ,J IN BOXES -d more, for $2.05 Carnival Pric e. sl4. / O Carnival Price. .4 D initial l.em- GIFT HINTS FOR GIRLS mSW # Bwc" 8 wc " sty,e anhnal scarfs an %u^ Weßt fU " anlmal and Melon :^ Wh,C " to p& range from '■ ' • .... _ ® # . _., Women 8 Hemstitcheil HanuKer- AT A A- x p- l Miinroi \i/.ir q tc , ti/ f u 5po«9») to ,v.9t) ! chiefs, with colored embroidered floral Rich Natural Wolf Sets, Worth Beautiful Black Skunk Sets '■'w' designs: three In a box f0r...... ,25c Girls' Raincoats »5r up 'fapTfii Mr _ SIB.OO to $27.50. Economy m .l tin nn ' CHILDREN'S FUR SETS I Women's Colored and While Kin . i iris- Pretty Dresses. $1.95 to $».»5 7/ Price 'Worth $30.00. Economy a Feature Of the Carnival l.roldered Handkerchief*: fix in a box Girls' Path Robes $1.50 up \Vj J\J Frice, Carnival An 4 wm r* ... reaiure 01 Inc V ,If ,or JK: 1 ;irls' leatherette Gloves 50c Vk" w <h 1r» AA Ann r- A n • SA. /*>., An . " e ,T no Y el c T^ ct «. !n ri i bb i t and i| Women:; Plain White Kmbroidered Girls' Wool Gloves 25c * SI 1 2 .n?2 FkO Price m 1 « # > tigei and combination effect. ; B Hemstitched Handkerchiefs; four in Girls' winter .'oats ... $2.75 UP flnoror cor- Scarfs in the latest mode, pillow or P " ces ran 8 e from " '\? x ' • V.' V ' V,' " " i'i, ** Girls Sets of Furs ...$1.05 to $3.95 Aotuing nncr or 11101 c stynsniy cor »?1 to JtS-l i».l % Women s White Embroidered Hem- Girls' Coat Sweaters 95c up re, t ' Melon murrH. 'i" 10 stitched Handkerchiefs: six In a box Girls' Embroidered Hindkerchlefs - —-•——' ■ 5c up to mhhbhmmmh ms—n—mm m mmmmmammmmmmm m mmm mhhmm Women's Elaborately KlllV>rolilel'ed < lirls* Wool Scarfs -18 c to 95c I lan«lkert.hicfs; three in a fancy box < iirls' Knit Caps 50c up j! v " 5 for 19c she'will" want GLOVES | More Drastic Reductions on Entire Stock of Women's & Misses' Suits, Coats & Dresses | SfSSS _ , _ rf »n '! At r \ |! ing % doz. coiored or plain white Em- The Economy Sale offer, All More of Those Extraordinary Plush Coat> Bargains I 1 Children's Hemstitched Colored Ein- Winrlc at •» Qoirinrr i' m mm a m _ ~ _ . _ », . /'* JtOf/ |! broidered Handkerchiefs; two in a fH L,vfs for wJI Full Len 9 ih > Full Fiare > Lafest Si V ie > Chin Chin Cottar, ji '*s% it Salt's Sealetfe and Esquimette Plush Coats at Si Thew are the washable kinds, two ] | yf .. .7 ' V I" ' J " VWaIJ 01 j| At 10<>—Thousands of pretty attrac and grey; all sizes. in biack. white e s\ i Radically Low Prices in This Economy Carnival 1 |At 89c —Just arrived Boudoir Boxes WOMEX'S Kll> gt»TES Worth 1; A/s\ \\ Just arrived in time for to-morrow's selling. They are the cream of one of New York's lead- jj hlndsome d womfn" pair, lor » ,j {— \w i l ing makers. Final winter models with big fur collars. <; At 24e —Beautiful Pussy Willow In all this season's popular colors, ~ |1 U\ c t*> r- • r>i t . c , ?. , „ . _, . _ , _ . MMmgKinßßmM J! Silk Crepe de Chine, in a bewildering including black, two button clasp; all ][ Salts Esquimette Plush Coat, halts Esquimette and Seal- Salts Guaranteed Sealette ! arra y of dainty pastel stiudes, neatly t™, k, O «;i worth $22.50, tl cqe %£ LVSH c 2™ t P o''sS» H c i A S2 il »r M ~ d! - colors; black and white, remarkable S 11 1 '. V J At 95c—There are Women's Silk if •it l . Kln r-iAvi-s '! I I E $15.00 Suits for Women and' Suits for Women and $6 Winter Coats for Women I $14.00 Winter Coats for IEM j J! f(ijv.ui"7ieel ''soh'^an'd''toe'' black' 'ind w/rIK si! U \ *** Misses: Xmas $8.75 $18.50 ««d Misses: Xn,as QC , Women and Misses; Xmas / 9 fIMI i , sole and toe, black "nd S-.-. . '**' ' ], j — '"\ Carnival Prii c.. arnnal Price. Carnival Price <b4,ys faniivai tf|Q Cfl I 'JK» 1 jKB-1 -■ * <' At sl.oo—These are Women's I.lsle A big variety of different styles and S I i\ All the best colors, mod- Besides the regular sizes«- Br,mal iin«e... 1 Price JM7.OU ilKflll't ; j! Thread Stockings; three pairs in a colors, including black and white; all < /. I j\ . . this includes extra large Variety of new colors and , \ '■■BrV J > holidav box- -ill siyi>s- bl-i.-k onlv sizes. * j / |\. e,S "lies. from 37 to 53 All the all sizes. I Wide assortment of choice il IXFAXTS' FCR TOP MITTENS of J[ /j /|\ $22.50 Extra Size Snits 8 ' S 10.00 Winter Coats for modelß ' in aU co,ors ,Ji / ' j! An Attractive Christmas Gift I cliamoisette, washable, white, red and i> / // 1V Women: and Misses; Xmas .. and sizes. ! Black, wlutc and colors, pure silk brown 25c and 50c / ,7 1 \ Carnival tl4 nh»00 to SIO.OO SnlU for women and Misses, Xmas \ U J, with buttonhole garter top; reinforced , „, T ~ , !- J ,11 \.\ Price iJIf.UU Homcn and Misses; Xmas S6-75 520.00 Winter Coats for ,j 1 j| heel, sole and toe; in holly box <.ini;S KNIT GLOVES Black, «; j a \\ \ Revealine the best of tai- Carnival <9/1 7C I Women and Misses; Xmas I , »5c to $1.23 white and colors 25<- J, J // \\ \ The latest models, in all Carnival CIAOO « l ! Women'. Onyx Silk Stockings, com- I*-atherctte Washable GI/OVES for !' I ,// \\ orlng and making. Choose Chiefly one and two of a colors and sizes. Price Jpl'I.UU _ <[ bination colors and stripes; very now Children in whito, srrey and tan; all j! f ,;/ \\ f rom bl ack. and kind. Velvet Suits, Broad-j ~. , Fashions newest fabrics. Salt'sPersianaAstrakhan Coats <| nai r ed y novel: in h " n >' slzes 50c j! jj X "-owns. . Izes ~1 to 53. or°braid trimmed. Alf' col-jWomen and Misses? Xmas in all styles, colors and sizes. f or Women and Misses; !• S»k Stocking, for women, in'black. BXI H HOBI Worth Misses; Xmas OtA AA 1«5S»- $17.50 $ 18.00 Winter Coats for worth (t» -| £" aa | heel S ' tloulll< svo ° $3.95 j| t'arnival Price $ 14.00 SIB.OO Suits for Women and Vrt miTt'n'r.o aknt ,, lin Wotnc,, n nd MISKCM; Xmas «J) I O.UU j| Women's Rill; Male Onyx Stockings," These come in all colors, are very <j Misses; Xmas it 1 f CO Smart mixtures, also plain. Carnival if 1 1 $20.00 ( i black only: tho new Pointex heel; all new and decidedly handsome. ? ' nli trimmed, others| CaPnlva j p rlC e. wl i.OU colors with rich big fur col- Price Maide in the , atest sty]e flare ef _ jj sises, a pair ;{»<• SIIiK Pl-rmCOATS—made of mes- !' lj| " lain ,a 'l o red, in all sizes Latest styles, all colors l»rs. Good range of colors. Classy effects, in all the fect plain tailored and' guaranteed j! lui " I f ds, I f ry ,. w f th saline, taffeta and plaid silk, in a lot jj "nd colors. and sizes. I All sizes. new colors and sizes. satin lined; sizes IC to It. j! palr ®' Pan e ' a SIZCS .;," Worth"s an i . r " ar " JCal>l<? . 0 . f1 5i.9.'» riIDICTMA c I ivrrntrc BAT'II ROBES OF BEACON CI/)TU * i IN GIFT BOXES SKESS I Economy Carnival Brings Prices; Continuing the Great Holiday Sale of Raincoats and lw ss^ur,«s«; and separate garment for women and , *r r I » p , ' A «r».i ,r» ~ . f> ' 1 broidery; in holly boxes 98c " 1 " M " n • Very Low on Girls Coats • Capes For Women, Misses aid Girls at Low p™™ -srasnj? w fffSbg"* Beautiful New Blouses Make J Just j, Time „ Gel Her a GooJ Garment For Xmas • , hc ifij «• » SVtXS Charming Xmas Gifts ♦ _ * a practical gift. iAI i.l embroidery trimmed. 18c i0'*2.15 ♦ Cwipla' \%iiitrr Coh(»: Worth fcO *7C ♦ ; KtivHuiM' <'nmhiiifiiionK , The t;« at Economy luus , to $4.00. for . . 5Z./& Jggk . Qirls' Rain jXLL&\ Women's and Misses' Italn Coats, This Girls" ■•ln.ook.' in a host oX differently trim brought Uie prices way below the ♦ Choose from popular new corduroys, as- J Worth SS.OO, , <JI QEJ _ . nied styles 70c to $1 45 usual for Blouses of tlio beauty ana trakhans, modeled lambs, etc. Variety of new , CoatS with i. Tfc for ' Kain Cape, White Petticoats."of" muslin, in' a qiiulity these colors, blzgs <2 to 14 yesrs. \ • O* *• • i r\c vjist \uriotv lo\'<*lv Htvlos (lnintilv Women's Newest Organdie and Voile ♦ $5.00 to $« 00 Winter Coats for f) <7C * Hat and 'iC Made of double texturfe Bomba- worth $1.95, trimmed with lace and embroidery Waists. Worth to SLSO. 89 C t Girls: l.conomy Carnival Priee •••••• * Sizes 2to 14 years; variety of colors to 1 ©/ I \ ♦ " a S» WOtth back, tsn onlj, all sizes II to 44. fhJSiIhJS A U7UV WAT A rif styles, t 1 Modcled Astrakhan and j MA I $5.00, for /j n//I >£& 95c WHY NOT A BlouM^ a^ an<l *' ' <tl q'c I $«.50 Winter Coats for Girls: qe IS | V\ * rf* Ar* / I Women's and Misses' Kain Coats. Made of a good GOOD UMBRELLA •' nmmiT rarnlval Price 51.95 J Ikonomv Price ' ! iJT \ » JII a / u Worth $4.50. «0 QC - Children's Umbrellas. 24-lncli sizes; fine nets in a bewildering * A wide variety ol styles and fabrics. As- H' n r v?v cif new sfvlmi colors and sb;es ♦ sorted colors. Sizes 2to 1 4 years. V• ' V for ";" ' ' finished with a wood handles 19c and 75c an .iv of new styles, color, ana sues. * \ These are excellent, made of good large plaid lined Men's Umbrellas, paragon frame, l'ii-> Willow Taffeta Silk for , (.iris $8..»0 Plush and I- ur Trimmed QC i. I\Vl t Unusual JW\sf 0 VNIX i Rnglish rubberized rep with hood. Makes a steel rods, in a variety of new handles, Wonun: Kconomy $2.95 I Co«te; Economy Carnival PHcc <PU, ' 7J ;\\ 1 \f I f values, made R<Z/i lf-\ Pitched and <emented seams Navv W .«« splendid service- sill; and gloria cloth; silk for $2.45 up: Carnival Price , p„, sh C oats with tur collars, sizes 2to <i Pi \\ \ \ of double tex- I able gift for your gloria cloth from 98c up Also . repe de. chine. Georgette crepe J years. I\\\ \ ' ; \)l t of double tex I J1 ■ "°l j\ blue only. All sizes 14 to 44. girl. All sizes. Women's Umbrellas, mude of silk o'r nets, laces in a multitude of different 4 Fur trimmed coats, sizes 6to 14 years. lA\\ L— ' I * ture water- I I h . |IA gloria cloth with steel rod, paragon styles, flesh and white; all sizes. , $7.50 to SB.OO Winter Coats- AC ! f proof material Jj] li\ . with QC frame; all the latest style handles, lovely New $5.00 Blouses for Women: * Kconomy Carnival Price $5.95 V, j J T lth , a H r*\ Women's and Misses' Kuin Coats. n a t H Worth 93.50, for.. $2*95 pan, or mounted, silk, *-•!•> up: Carnival $3.95 t. Corduroys mixtures zibelines, modeled J* \% J \ e X Just 'J SH ll\ Worth $7.50. QC Made of good rubberised Kng- *'° Ha Cloth 98 " "P Among the iace, net "crepe de chine J ,Sunb f' aU C0lOr »' s,ze " 2to 14 arß ' X.J \f < J belted sTyf"' £fi for U-h Rep In a desirable new style GIFTS FROM THE silks nre the Georgette silks; all sizes ♦ <;lrls $10.50 Plush Coats; Cfl QC 0 Hat and bag Fine double texture Bombazine h ? , f ce v .°_ f " a^y n DADV CUftn and colors. J Economy Carnival Price <0>O.»O ♦ to match. Put P 11 Raincoats with stitched and ce- to 10 y ears ' BABY SHOP I "S2 to «», oto > by* . Bolly fit mentert SMma. Neweit belted back nw.MW M.IW.W( Brr.'-rr! $4.95 , Simply unmatchable for beauty and J rirTximnn I ' f or w * ,MV Infants' Sweaters !»5c u|> pwie».^ l l,^ th =Wo« aBOn " roort desirable \ WINTER COATS For JUNIORS; Sizes 15 and 17 ♦ This 4-in-Onc Rain «'ape For Girls; Actually fljl QC Vast variety of newest styles. infants' Capes, with hoods, 81.45 up l-atest < repc de' Chine Blouses, with J . Co ™ e in a variety of colors and newest styles for the hard-to-llt ♦ Worth $2.50, for ......... . ''' ' • ' * doüble Chin Cliin Collar: special at. .. . $1.95 ♦ ?"-ls. Prices range q- to J Made ot a guaranteed fast color rubberized sateen with a large silk od l ( , ol^rH . a „ slzes <n either Knitted To.iues 39c and 48c Entirely new. made of a fine crepe o from «lt.Uv , plaid lined hood that can be worn four different ways. Choice of navy i, e it e( i 0 r plain styles. Infants' Shoes 24c and |Bc de chine, in all the popular shades. ♦ * blue and red. Put up in holiday boxes. Baby Rattle 10c up fastens In front with two big pearl J ——mmJ* — i _ Infants' Mittens 150 up buttons; all , f J ••••••••••••••••••••...• Women's and Misses' Read Additional^A Page. | j 3 | Store Opens at 8 Closes at 9P. M. Saturdays FRIDAY EVENING, UARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 10, 1915 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers