16 |m ANNIVERSMY SALEH ¥s§]H=2l(£^^?g^S^foE^3^^sFl^^^g^^ir<3C=i=3D^^^l3-^Ss^cr^o||oi=^gE^lFgD? n ' n THE store's Thirty-seventh Birthday Anniversary Sale opens to-morrow with the presentation of the most important list of birthday surprises that we have ever assembled. We've been planning for this important event for some weeks and ==J we believe we have gathered a list of items that will attract thousands of our patrons to the point of buying. & p Just as Harrisburg as a municipality has occasion to-day to be proud of the work it has accomplished since its official j* awakening, 14 years ago, so do we feel proud of the work we have done in the betterment of retail merchandising condi (J tions in Harrisburg. < &) In September. 1878, when the store was opened in the old Grand Opera House block, it would have been hard to find a smaller store in Harrisburg. We experienced hard pulling for several years, but once we got on our feet we became pioneers in the work of selling goods fairly and honestly. Since that time the progress of f jrA Harrisburg's retail section has been measured by the progress we have made. • jyj ' In approaching a new year of greater improvements we welcome you to celebrate with us the work that has been done. . p — [1 . Anniversary Silks Anniversary Umbrellas Anniversary Shirts Anniversary Linens Anniversary Books {5 75c and SI.OO Grades to Be Values That Cannot Be The Men's Store Has a Rare You Can Replenish Your Popular Fiction Gathered & Offered Tomorrow at 37<* Repeated Again This Year Surprise For Tomorrow Stock at Small Cost From Our 50c Tables HZ These out-of-the-ordinary silk values In sizes for men, women and chil- Shirts that have become counter Throughout the Linen section are to Choose from several hundred titles & give promise of lively buying to-mor- dren, and the values actually go to mussed, or depleted as to sizes have be found anniversary specials that will and pay only 370 in the Anniver rovv in the 37th Anniversary Sale— SI.O0—in fact we have not seen bet- been taken from lines that sold up to be of particular interest to the woman sary Sale. We browsed for a minute T. 75c messaline plaids, 20 inches wide. ter umbrellas for SI.OO. $1.19 and ordered into the Anniversary who is on the lookout for standard or two among these readable books and Specially priced, yard 370 Paragon frames, with handles of mis- Sale at 370 values at lowered prices. jotted down the books that interested m 75c and SI.OO fancy silks for street sion, ebonoid and boxwood, in many The selection of patterns is large, but 59c bath Mats will be 370 us. What do you think of them at r-j wear, including black and white choice patterns. the sizes are for either large or small 7c toweling with stripe border. An- 370. 1 weaves, blue messalines with contrast- Anniversary price 370 men. In negligee and plaited styles; niversary price, 8 yards for The Viarshai J<>> Blue* Anchor inn | ing colors forming stripes, silk serges D,ves ' st£S™£i'r Stewart ' stripes and solid white. 20-inch mercerized napkins, hem- Kindling* ***■ m with white stripes priced Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, all perfect; regularly 98c a doz. Blue Wall inside of tiic c«p K v • v ' ; Street Floor. . . The Secret or lonesome Cove - yard 370 # . _ Anniversary price, dozen 37J40 Diveß , Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor. a [_j Dives, pomeroy & stewart, Birthday Surprises in Groceries Furnishings For Men 29c all-linen figured damask for r-i —" lrpet The special birthday values that have and Little Fellows scarfs, 2 yards for 370 Writing Paper ij j Lancaster Ginghams been gathered by the grocery depart- Men's 12j/£c all linen handkerchiefs, fancy huck toweling; 20-inch. Regular 50c Highland linen initialed j t h y A an d hem. Anniver- 2 yards for 370 paper or cards. Specially priced, box, large variety of styles. Anniversary more purchasers than we have ever be- sary price, 4 for ............. 370 lace edges/ Anniversary priced 37C 370 V& price, 6 yards for 370 fore served in the course of one day. Boys' 50c blouse waists in stripes , 'White Goods Dives, pomeroy & stewart, , Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Th t r surprises follows— and blue chambray. Anniversary p"ce. ; fQ l_ street Floor. i ne llsl or surpiiscs iuuuwa 2 5c and 29c lancy weaves. Anniver- M M o A XT w ~r ,TT • c.. Ivory | lobars " children's sizes to 6 vears, sary price, 3 yards for 370 Toilet Soaps Are Not N Women s Vests and Union Suits P. &G. Naphtha I Children s swears sizes y Dlveg . Pomeroy 4 stewart> Often So Low in Price (§> 50c and 73c white silk lisle ribbed f for 37? and value, to SI.OO. Anniversary price, Nor so high in quality. Yo„ can de union suits, sleeveless, * knee length; 7 lbs r ST« D'ves, p #wro:* r ® tewarl. Women's Long Gloves pend upon finding activity at the Drug I regular and extra sizes. Anniversary with purchase of one pound of coffe» - 0 £ Silk; in White Only Sundries section to-morrow with these IT! I price 370 son lbs. 23c special roasted and blended Carpets and Rugs \n Anniversary achievement that leading attractions so low in price— » & U ;>oc white silk lisle ribbed vests, 'june pack peas;' rejruiariy 10c'a 75c heavy rubber door mats, 18x30 will be remembered by every woman One dozen regular 5c cakes of White P sleeveless, plain and fancv vokes. An- can: 5 cans 37c inches. Anniversary price 3«0 w ho takes advantage of the special it Rihhrm tnilet cnan 37rt f=; niver«arv price 370 soup beans \ 5 lb*. 50c and 60c Wilton and Axminster createS . K!DDon op . ? Dives. Pomeroy & stewart. Fancy head rice J for 3*o Rugs. Anniversary price 3<o In elbow length, with double finger * ° mor 13 ' [J street Floor. .loii.O: all flavors 60c cocoa mats. Anniversary price, tj DS> Extra special in the sale. pair. one customer. Kellogg corn nakes I 4 pk«s. 37 £ Two-quart rubber Fountain Vsy Men's Underwear crisps ••;••••;> for 370 • 50c Hassocks. Anniversary price Dives. Pomeroy & stewart. ' Syringes with two branch pipes and (J 75c white ribbed lisle shirts and Mothers'oats J 370 street Floor. patent shut-off device: regular o9c w drawers, shirts have short sleeves, Campbell's soaps 1 60c Bozart fibre runners, 27 i nc h£ s - Anniversary Specials in • stock. Specially priced at ..... 37c drawers ankle length, medium weight. Campbell's beans 4. Anniversary price 3<o VR' MM > .-J RU'U » c A Best grade of W itch Hazel, con- Anniversary price, each 370 Hitter's soups I. 55c wool stair carpet. 22J4 inches. Misses and Children S Oxfords tainers not supplied. Specially priced, n 25c Egvptian balbriggan shirts and Rltter's beans tor \nniversarv price 370 Black kidskin oxfords and tan bare- two quarts for 3<o jj drawers. long or short sleeves. Anni- Wucon oI,TC! ' * 75c Tapestrv Brussels carpet, two foot sandals, broken sizes. Aunniver- % and 59c handbags. Specially versarv price t\vo garments for .. 370 "Sunshine" dainties: fancy Da ttems Anniversary price 370 sary price 370 priced 370 p—f Boys'soc cotton union suits, plain or rartcU^rs^i^T) 1 lb . an - Infants' 60c black kidskin button 50c back or side combs. Specially £> ribbed, short sleeves, knee length. An- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Basement. versarv price 370 shoes hand-turned leather soles, sizes priced »3<o V niversary price 370 ' ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. 1 to 5. Anniversary price 37 0 50c and 75c toilet waters. Specially Dives. Pomerov & Stewart. Third Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. priced 370 0 Things Needed in the Home Men>s Hosiery D,v "' Lace Curtains 65c metal wash tubs 3*e . ak , islt hoM in hlack alld co l- -Interesting Anniversary —, „ ... I<S. 59c Nottingham lace curtains, 2y 3 69c oak bread boxes 370 ors Anniversary price, 4 pair for Offerings in Cotton Goods Women S rlandkercniets yards long, ecru and white. Anniver- 25c dustless dust cloth and 39c util- 30c Ratine, 36 inches, mixed shades Hemstitched dimity handkerchiefs fv. sary price 3*o itv hand duster; a 64c combination for 25c lisle and fibre silk hose in black f or suits and skirts. Anniversary with initial, half dozen in ancy box. pj W Dives. and colors Anniversary price. 2 pair pric e. 2'/ 3 yards /or 370 w ° rth 3C each " Anniversar y 12 f ° r — , Wizard oil polish mops with long for 59c and 69c Voiles, 38 inches, floral „ tt , . u * w t S Couch Covers handles. Regularly 25c each, special Dives, Pomeroy A stewart, designs. Anniversary price, 2V 2 yards Hemstitched handkerchiefs with one M , .j , for two .. street Floor. . fnr corner embroidered, wide and narrow tr iringed alUrouniT 1 " Anniversary price! decorated marmalade jars and Women's Hosiery siik and cotton Roman stripes, J l '""' 2 ' ,c val " e ' Anniversary Ul 37< • decorated Fl0 "- decorated chocolate pots .. 370 for ~^ c y°^ es > inches, black figures Hemstitched linen handkerchiefs, J4- )| =4 Stamped Towels h^'l-et! anCy Colored " Dives.'Pomeroy '& Stewart. on white ground. Anniversary price, inch hem, 10c value. Ahniversary frt . . , shopping baskets 370 street Floor. 3 yards for 370 orice 5 for ... 370 I I 1 , 7 u T n f h to M e isin S j :a DiVe "- Ba°s™me^t. & Stewart - ~ 7„ ~ 8c and uy 2 c Crepes and Lawns, ' ' Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart. Lj both ends for embroidering. Annn er- Basement Children s Hosiery neat figures on white ground. Anni- str ? et Floor ' sary price D x „ . 25c white silk lisle fancy top socks, versary price, 7 yards for 370 PihWi Serial« Vs? Dives, P~>\ o & 0r stewarß . Basement Miscellany in the Sale slight imperfections. Anniversary Dives, Pomeroy & stewart. Kibbon specials C> 9Bc artificial fern and flower combi- price. 3 pair for 370 btreet . Taffeta, ijioire and fancy edge _taf- p X/; Stamped Dresses nation for table decoration. Anniver- 19c black lisle ribbed hose seamless. M , siiDoers in th* £ - r i S 'i ha ! rbow 5 n ' s . h ' f° (fa 50c and 75c dresses for children, - sary price Vl* Anniversary Price, 3 pair for ... 370 Men S Clippers m the f inches w,de colors and black, 19 Pi made ~p and stamped for embroider- decorated sugir' and criam SI ' .. .T™?.. U , mg. Anniversary price . ... 3< 0 Anniversary price 370 ~ leather hart/ l W , Dives. Pomeroy & stewart, H Dlv "' P T° h Trd o^io& or Stcwart - cake plates. Anniversary price, Muslin and Pillow Cases £6to 10 AnmVwslr ricel?* stlPpt F '- oor ' j 50c to $1.50 Dress Fabrics Me and 75c salad bowls. Ann*!' JwiS'y.rf" 1 "a™'- ' """* \ „ Blacjt Dress Goods jj J in the Anniversary Sale at 37<- chtaa ieieVy «ys, 1?? T^unbSchiTvLsL'39 • incS Pumps in the «ry pric" yard"". :.? rße '.. " n 3?# 2. Crepe, Granite Cloth, fancy French One half dozen root beer" bottlef v. 1«A cralinllS in K ? tan ca f pumps with silk rib- $1.50 black fanty Silk and Suiting. weaves, silk and wool crepe, 50c to quarts , with patent stopper R SSIj S> br ° kCn S,ZeS ' Annive Anniversary price.' yard 370 * J 51.50 values. Anniversary price, yard, ly 95c. .Anniversary price 37<* Annnersaiy price, ea .. 0 pncc - - " *>7,* J J v price Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart, Dives Pomorov *- j nm 1 1 .r> ' 37 * M)C inverted gas globes. Anniver- street Floor, Rear. street Floor 8 versary price, yard . 370 JJ Dives. sar y p r j ce - SI.OO black. French Suiting, 42 in /ft) 1 ; 3 dozen tin top jelly tumblers' An- I^———————ches. Anniversary price yard ... 370 p » Laces and Embroideries niversary price Lace and net Guimpes high and low Divea. * stewart, Qlinellina price, yard ?70 necks, white and ecru, values to $1.25. __Basoment. M OUllSlline Dlv "' Anniversary price : 370 Lining Specials "$ A , , II U Shadow all-over lace, 36 inches, 50c black Venetian coat lining. An- W .1M ASSOrtmeilt Women's SJippers in the |J V white, values to 75c. Anniversary niversary price yard 370 1 \ , Anniversary Sale • yr ' )r ' T S e 'r var 'l "j rrV"' E »g ,ish floral satine, 40 inches. *. r* r $2.00 red kidskin slippers with one- Ql Embroidered Organdie Flouncing, Anniversary price, yard. .: 370 At Our Counter , tran ribbon ties hand-turned 40 inches, scalloped edges values to 25c black Satine 36 inches. Anniver- 2 whh tgS beds .Wversary fl /.■K. Anniversary price, yard 370 sary price, yard J 50c and «0e varieties: I . ' tiricc • 370 I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. \ Annlrersary 0"*« I '' ' '''' '' ' ' Street Floor. Street Floor. Prl«-, 1b........ 3 ' C | Dives, Pomeroy A^Stewart. ♦ ' % MONDAY EVTiNFNG, HARRISBURG Q&SSI TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 20, 1915.
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