All Plans Complete on Eve of Gigantic Muni HARRISBURG WSmmM TELEGRAPH LXXXIV— Xo. 221 TO UNVEIL BIG MARKER TO CITY'S PROGRESS Wonderful Story of Harris burg's Fifteen Years of Im provements on Inscriptions * JOHN HARRIS' LOG CABIN Boulder at Site of Ancient Ferry; Miss Walter and Cy Heckert to Dance In the River Front Park just north of the formal entrance to Harrisburg at Market street is a big canvas draped stone, ready and waiting for the twist of the unveiling strings that will mark the formal opening of Har lisburg's three-d;*y municipal improve ment celebration, Thursday, Septem ber 23. The stone will be dedicated by the Chamber of Commerce to mark the completion of tifveen years of splendid public achievement. Down in, Harris Park, only a few hundred feet below the graveyard of John Harris, father of Harrisburg's founder, is a smaller boulder, canvas covered and ready for the pulling of the unveiling strings. The Ferry anil the Cabin The stone marks the • landing of Harris' Ferry and will be dedicated by the Pennsylvania Historical Commisr sion to mark the landing. Less than a hundred leet away is a tiny log cabin. That has been erected by the Red Men lodges in Harrisburg and will figure dramatically in the .spectacle "The Burning of John Harris," which is to be aJeature of the celebration. All day to-day squads of youngsters tramped up and down the park under the supervision of Samm I ". *>' l.augh. principal of Harris school, baugh, drilling for the ec.uoi In other parts of town school children inarched and wheeled and drilled and countermarched and "dressed front" and so on. Fathers and big brothers might be putting in the busiest day of their lives at the polls: the small sons and daughters and brothers and sis ters couldn't bother about such things —not with the. greatest parade of school kids in history only a day or so away. The Water Carnival Tue finishing touches are now be ing added to the water carnival pro fe gram. Thursday the boat crews from the Fairmount Rowing Association, of Philadelphia, will be here and will likely be put up at the Engineers' Society headquarters. Their shells will be housed at Berrler's boat landing. Floats are being prepared for the big turnout and the staffs of the Park Department are very, very bUBy finish ing the Forestry, City Planning and Park Department exhibits. The City- Planning Commission exhibit will be especially unique. Among other things it will show a fac simile of a street which has been subject to the varying [Continued on Page 12.] Children's Aid and Associated Charities Will Merge, Tonight The merging of the Children's Aid ! Society and the Associated Charities j into one. organization will take place this evening at a meeting of the mem bers of both. The joint meeting will be held at S o'clock at the Young Men's Christian Association. Although nothing definite ivas Known to-day by any of the present officers as to what action would be ! taken this evening other than dissolv- I ing of the present organizations, it is believed that some members of the present board of each society would be ' retained and others appointed on | standing committees. • John Yates, of Pittsburgh, has been ' chosen secretary of the new society, | which is being organized because it i will be more efficient and economical, I it is believed. Both of the present • branches will be under one depart- ! ment. W. H. BAKER IS DEAD By Associated Press Winchester. Va., Sept. 21.—William i H. Baker, chocolate manufacturer and ' banker, died at his home here to-day 1 aged 65. MAY EXPORT WOOLS Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 21, via' London, 12.37 P. M.—The common- ' wealth granted permission to-day for the exportation of cross-bred wools to : the United States and Canada and the ' allied countries. THE WEATHER] For Harrlnhuric mid vicinity ■ I Fair and much pooler tu-nliclit with i lonfit temperature about ."O <!<•- I creem \\>dnr«ilny fnlr! continued i eool. For Eaatern Pennaylvanlui Fair ; to-nlKbt and Wednendny. cooler to night. Freali went nlndn. Ueneral Condition* The *torm that nan central over l ake Superior Monday morning hn* ! moved northeastward and now rov ers the northeastern pnrt of the I lnlted Stntea and Kanteru Canada with Its center over the upper St. ! I.awrenrc valley. It linn caused M «hov>era jtenrrnlly over the eastern i half of the country In the last li-l i hour* except the extreme Noiitii castern portion. An area of high pressure of great magnitude cov- I ers the central pnrt of the country. j It has caused a general fall at 2to ' ■22 degrees In the temperature over ' nil the country east of the Rocky ! Mountain* except along the Im- I mediate Atlantic and tiulf coasts where temperatures have risen ! slightly or remained stationary. i River The Susquehanna river and Its ' princ ipal brnnchea will rise slightly I or remain nearly stationary. A stage of about 4.3 feet In Indicated for Harrlshurg Wednesday morn ing. Temperature, 8 a. m. Sum Rises, 5.30 a. m.; sets, fl.Ofl ! p. m. Moon■ Full moon September 33, 4.3.1 a. River Stage: 4 feet above low water mark. Yesterday's Weather Highest temperature, 70c. T.onest temperature, (12. Mean tempcrnturp, 70. Normal temperature, M. THE CASTLES CAN'T ■ , Vfi ffinrtff"' n « ■ ■ - {SB x v jS^^^mKK&L * f ' iiHSHHnHn ■mi in HK UT MISS ELEANOR WALTER AND CT HECKERT WILL DANCE AT CELE BRATION CABARET—SO WHAT'S THE ODDS? WANT ENGINEER ON COMMISSION Local Society to Unite in Peti tion For Expert to Fill Re . cent Vacated Position The Engineers' Society of Pennsyl vania in co-operation with the West ern Pennsylvania Engineers' Society of Pittsburgh and other similar or ganizations of the State will petition Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh to' appoint an engineer to the vacancy on the Public Service Commission caused by the resignation of Thomas B. Smith. Preceding the business meeting, C. E. Drayer, secretary of the Cleve land Engineering Society, addressed the members on "The Engineer and the Public." Mr. Drayer in his lec ture urge.d the Pennsylvania' members to help ' educate the people to the value of the engineer to the general public. Mr. Drayer said if the general pub lic knew the value of an engineer they would undoubtedly make him a man of affairs and put him in public of fices and executive positions. Mr. Drayer has spoken before many Chambers of Commerce, engineering societies and other organizations and has written a great deal on the sub ject. He has asked the members of the Pennsylvania society to co-operate with other similar organizations in exchanging publicity ideas. Weather to Be Clear and Cold Rest of Week; Will Go to 50 Degrees Washington, D. C., Sept. 21.—The Weather Bureau's forecast for the week beginning to-morrow follows: Middle Atlantic States: Fair and moderately cool the first half of the, v.eek. probably with frosts in the mountain district Wednesday and Thursday nights. The latter part of the week unsettled and warmer, with a probability of showers Saturday or Sunday. Back of the northwest wind which is sweeping through Pennsylvania to day at a rate varying from 18 to 2 4 miles an hour is an area of high pres sure which has caused freezing tem peratures in the Dakotas. While it is not expected to fall that low here, a temperature of fifty degrees is ex pected to-night. The wind is expected to blow inter mittently all day to-morrow before dying down. It is predicted at the Weather Bureau that to-morrow will be clear and slightly cooler. Swedes to Lend Germany $10,000,000 For Purchase London, Sept. 21. ln return for Germany's consent to permit the ex portation of coal and some other speci fied products to Sweden, five Swedish banks, according to the Copenhagen correspondent of the Exchange Tele graph Company, have agreed to make Germany a loan of 40,000,000 kroner (about $10,000,000). The money is to be used in payment for goods bought in Sweden by Ger many. HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1915 BIG VOTE OUT AT EARLY HOUR City Councilmanic Contest Leads in Attention; Sev eral Sharp Local Fights With contests for many nomina tions a heavy primary vote' is being polled to-day. The big fight for places on the councilmanic ticket in Har risburg overbalanced all other con siderations In many of the wards, al though the party places for which there were more than one aspirant attracted no little attention. There were several particularly brisk local fights in the lower end of town and in the Twelfth ward, where parti cularly heavy votes had been polled up to 2 o'clock. Indications are that on account of the heavy vote and the many candidates returns will be very late. The Superior Court con test, the only one of State-wide im portance, received almost 'no atten tion in many districts. Out over the county the farmers were voting un usually early and in large numbers, last night's rain having made out side work well nigh impossible in many localities. .Many Questions Asked Telephones janerled all morning in the county commissioners' offices and the clerks answered a thousand and one questions. In a few places due to misunder standings supplies didn't reach the districts 011 the minute and panicky election officers had to be straightened out. As a rule a very heavy vote is rarely pblled before noon as the aver age Harrisburger waits until his lunch or dinner hour to exercise his in alienable right. To-day was an ex ception. By noon an unusually heavy vote had been polled. In some pre cincts fifty per' cent, of the electors had cast their ballote by 11 o'clock. Some anxious inquiries went into the commissioners' office relative to the residence of late registrations. Many a luckless individual who hustled to get his name on the regis tration books by petition on the last day, discovered too late, that he had qualified from a precinct in which he didn't live—that he had moved his place of residence since he had been assessed. Joint Primary Election in Massachusetts To-day By Associated Press Boston, Mass., Sept. 21. Heavy clouds presaged rain, which was con sidered likely to have considerable effect on the size of the vote in the lolnt primaries in this state to-day. It was thought, however, that the in terest aroused bv the strenuous cam paigns of candidates for Republican nd Democratic nominations would bring a larger number of voters than usual to the polls. The Progressives were able to participate only to the extent of nominating a candidate for governor because of a lack of sufficient! signatures to nomination papers for other offices. Under a new law going into effect to-day, the names of candidates of all parties appeared on a single ballofr, but it was provided that split ballots I should be thrown out. URGES PUBLICITY IN CAMPAIGNING AGAINST DISEASE Dr. John B. McAlister, of This City, Presides at State Medical Convention jCANCER NOT INCURABLE iFrcquent Failure to Take It in Time Cause of Dis couragement Cancer Deaths Increase Pliiladelphia. Pa., Sept. 2!. Figures computed by the Cancer Commission of the Medical Society of Pennsylvania, aud submitted at the opening session here to-day ol' the sixty-fifth annual i-onventlon of that body, show that the deatli rate from cancer In Pennsylvania Is steadily increasing out of all proportions with the increase in population, and that immediate action by health officials and the medical profession is imperative. Since 190ti. tile rc|>ort of the commission shows the deathrate has increaseu 28 !•£ |>cr cent. Last year the number* of deaths from cancerous growths totaled 5.197. according to Uie report, and the prediction Is made that this year the number will reach 3.000.' By Associated Press Philadelphia. Pa.. Sept. 21. Dr. John B. McAlister, of Harrisburg, the newly installed president of the Medi cal Society of Pennsylvania, opened the sixty-tifth annual convention of that body in the Bellevue Stratford to day, with an address in which he urged physicians everywhere to co operate with the newspapers In an aggressive campaign against such scourage* as cancer and tuberculosis. Dr. McAlister declared that publicity is the most competent medium through which the public should be instructed in the best methods of mitigating these diseases. It is not so much through medical or surgical treatment, he said, but through public education, that, these horrors will finally be. eliminated an a serious menace. It is the "duty [Continued on Page 12.J "Gave No Interview" Says Keene; Repeats He Is Independent Regarding a statement appearing in the Telegraph last evening relating to the independenqe In politics of Robert A. Enders and Dr. C. E. L. Keene, Mr. Enders said to-day: "That statement was framed as a result of a conference we held yesterday and sets forth absolutely my position in this fight. I am an independent can didate, pledged to nobody or any thing other than the best interests of the city, as my statement said." Dr. C. E. L. Keene, who was quoted in the morning newspaper, was equally emphatic in his denials of having given out any Interview. "I neither saw nor talked to any re porter,' he said to-day. "Nobody from the newspaper eten called me up and the first I knew of the story was when it appeared to-day." It is known, however, that some weeks ago, in the hope of stirring up factional strife among the three Re publican candidates, the newspaper mentioned did call Dr. Keene on the phone and asked him whether or not he would vote for the re-election of the present school treasurer. It is also known that although Dr. Keene asked that his views be published the newspaper in question did not do so because it desired to put Dr. Keene in a bad light and did not want to print the truth concerning him when it knew that the truth would help his nomination and election. Dr. Keene erpeated most em phatically to-day that he is an ab solutely Independent candidate and has made no promises to anybody. Child Running to Meet Her Father Causes Him to Fall and Cut Face Coming home from work last even ing, Robert Koons. aged 47, 1020 KerryhU! street, was knocked down by his little 2-year-old daughter, who ran out to meet him. Koons was returning home for sup per when his daughter spied him com ing up Berryhill street. Running down the hill, she bumped into his knees end threw hint forward on the pave ment. Koons received a deep lace ration of the face. He was treated at the Harrisburg Hospital to-day. Sev eral stitches were necessary to close the gash. Roast Turkey Places Man Behind the Bars > large roasted turkey is respon sible for an occupied cell In the jail to-day. Frank Pollock, the police say, strolled Into the Plaza Hotel last nlglit, Law a large turkey on the lunch bar —and when no one was watching snatched the bird and retreated. The retreat led up Market street and was interrupted by Officer Larsen, who ar rested Pollock. » Reserve Army of 100,000 Is J. G. Cannon's Idea Danville, 111., Sept. 21.—Addressing several hundred voterans of the Span ish-American war at a reunion. Con gressman J. G. Cannon advocated a reserve army of 100.000 men, to cost the nation $60,000,000 a year. His plan is to send the first two-year volunteers to camp for a month each year. These men then will go into the first reserve and two years later Into the third reserve. The salary of the soldiers. Mr. Can non proposed, should be J250 a year. The only drilling would be during the month at camp. ALBERT E. BROWN WITH STATE FAIR ! i * Syracuse Fair Official Has I Joined Forces With Key stone Company Here ?< *%, T;'« ALBERT E. BROWX j A meeting between the officers of j the Keystone State Fair and In- I dustrial Exposition and Albert E. | Brown, of Syracuse, New York, will take place at the offices of the com pany, Thursday, September 23. Mr. Brown will be here at the Instance of Graham, Burnham and Company, who are assisting in financing the Key stone State Fair project, for the pur ■ pose of going over the proposition In detail, and with Mr. Brown's exten- I sive knowledge of State fairs and agri cultural societies, and Mr. Graham's ■ knowledge of speedways, they together I Will figure out the possible profits of fair and speedway combined. Graham, Burnham and Company have made an estimated valuation of the ground, cost of constructing buildings, speedway, etc., and are now waiting information from Mr. Brown to enable them to complete the finan cial prospectus. After Mr. Brown meets with the Keystone State Fair officials, he will leave in company with W. J. Stewart for Chicago, 111., to attend a special meeting at the offi ces of Graham, Burnham and Com pany, Railway Exchange, on the aft ernoon of September 27. Treasurer Xew York State Fair Mr. Brown is now treasurer of the New York State Fair, Syracuse, New York, which position he has held for the past sixteen years, and having de voted the greater part of his life to fairs and expositions, he is regarded as one of the ablest men along that line to-day in the world. He first attended the Farmers Na tional Congress at Boston, ten years or more ago, by appointment of ex- Governor Theodore Roosevelt and also attended as delegate the congress at New Orleans and Fort Worth. Has Many Connections He is also Secretary of the New York State Agricultural Society, and Secretary of the New York State Breeders Association, both of said positions having been held for 10 years. For fifteen years and at present treasurer of the New York State As sociation of County Agricultural So cieties. For twenty-three years prior to 1914 was secretary and manager of the Genesee County, (N. Y.), Agricul tural society. For twelve years prior to 1914 was president of the Western New York Fair Managers Association. He is a life member of the New York State Dairymen's Association; member of the Elba, (N. Y.), Grange. He is also vice-president of the hoard of ap peals, American Association of Fairs and Expositions. He has been for years closely and actively asociated with the various Fair Associations and other agricultural societies. He was recently elected chairman of the exec utive committee of the Farmers' Na tional Congress. After Mr. Brown returns from Chi cago he will become associated offi cially with the Keystone State Fair and Industrial Exposition, which company can well feel proud in securing his ser vices. • Tech High Seniors Out Surveying the River Prof. E. S. Wolf, instructor of math ematics at the Technical High school, had his first squad of seniors out along the Tiver yesterday afternoon, ascer tainin the width of the river, and the height of the monument at State and Second streets. Prof. Wolf has the senior class di vided into six squads of nine, and will take them out • for field work every afternoon and Saturday mornings. They will lay off the garden plots, sur vey the foot ball field, and other prac tical work in connection with their trigonometry and study of surveying, during the year. LANDMARK CHANGES HANDS The building in Broad street, near Third, known as Kinnard's Hall, where Post 116, G. A. R. has been quartered many years, and which has two store rooms on the first floor, will change ownership on the first of October, when the title will pass from the joint estates of L. H. Kinnard and Albert Hummel to George J. and William J. Colovlras, proprietors of the Phila delphia Quick Lunch. For years the Hummel Shoe Store and the Kinnard Hat Store occupied the first floor. The building was erected about 1874. Send in Your Essays! Boys and girls, you have only three more days to send your es says to the Telegraph on "Why Is | Harrisburg a Better City For the i Boys and Girls as a Result of the ! Improvements of the Last Fifteen i Ytars." The contest closes Friday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Be sure to ' send your essays to the Telegraph by tnui time. i • The prizes will be $5, |3 and J1 for the best essays on the subject i md the prize winning ones wilj be ! published in the Telegraph. All | ?ssays must not exceed 200 words , In length and Is only open to bovs ] ind girls of the city. 14 PAGES ESCAPE OF RUSS FORCES ASSURED Military Observers Are Confi dent Ruzsky's Soldiers Will Make Safe Retreat GERMAN SUBMARINE SUNK Teutonic Drive Through Ser bia Reported to Have Been Started While the Russian armies retreat ing from the Vilna region apparently are not definitely out of danger from the German encircling movement, military observers In the capitals of the entente allies expressed confidence that the ultimate escaoe of General Ruzsky's forces is assured. The German censor has passed a dis patch from Berlin which records the beginning of the expected Teutonic drive through Serbia. It is indicated that the aim of the Austro-German armies will be to force their way to ward Constantinople through the Morava valley in which railway lines lead to Bulgaria and Turkey. Hi view of the commencement of the Teutonic advance to the aid of the Turks and to effect the cutting of a land route to the Ottoman capital, the definite announcement of Bulgaria's attitude, asked by the entente allies in a joint note is awaited with deep in terest In the allied capitals.' A German submarine which has been operating in the Black Sea re cently has been sunk by Russian ships, it is announced in Odessa. Off the British coast the British steamer Linknoor of 4048 tons, has been sunk, presumably in a renewal of the German submarine operations. Two more spies have been tried and convicted by a British court martial. One, a man, has been condemned to death. The other, a woman, received a ten-year jail sentence. Both have been permitted to appeal. Austria-Hungary is to appoint at once a successor to Dr. Dumba as am bassador to the United States, accord ing to advices through Budapest. The new ambassador, it reported will be Kajetan Von Marcznvski, former [Continued on Page 9] TWO SPIES CON VICTKD London. Sept. 21. 12.16 P. M.—Two more spies have been convicted by court-martial. Official announcement was made to-day that a man and a woman of German origin, whose names were not given, were found guilty yes terday of attempting to communicate information concerning the fleet. FORCES EXCEED 3,000,000 London, Sept. 21, 3.21 P. M.—Premier Asquith inform ed the blouse of Commons to-day that the figures he re cently gave that nearly 3,000,000 recruits had joined the British army since the beginning of the war did not include any forces raised outside the United Kingdom. DEBT WILL REACH $11,000,000,000 London, Sept. 21, 4.03 P. M. Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his budget speech to-day es timated that the government's revenue for the current year would be £272,000,000 ($1,360, that the expenditure would reach £1,590,000,000 ($7,950,000,000) and that the dead weight of debt at the close of the financial year would be £2,200,000,000 ($11,000,000,000). PRINCE INJURED IN ACCIDENT Berlin, Sept. 21, via London, 3.15 P. M. Prince Joachim Albrecht, of Prussia, was slightly injured when an automobile in which he was riding with a companion met with an accident, and both were thrown out of the car. The Prince's companion *yas more severely injured. SERBO-BULGARIAN FRONTIER WAR ZONE Berlin, Sept. 21.—8y Wireless to Sayville.—"lt is re ported from the Balkans," says the Overseas News Agency, "that the Serbian government has declared .the Serbo-Bul garian frontier district a war rone." Washington, Sept. 21.—N0 inquiries have been madr by the Austrian Foreign Office as to the acceptability of Kajetan Merey Von Kapos-Mers as ambassador to the United States. In fact no inquiries J?ave been made regard ing any prospective successor to Dr. Dumba. Washington, Sept. 21.—General mobilization of all mil itary force 3 in Bulgaria,, effective to-day, for the purpose of armed neutrality, has been ordered by the Bulgarian govera ment. Official announcement of this order was communi cated by his government to Mr. Panaretpff, the Bulgarian minister here. Berlin, Sept. 21.—8y Wireleas to Sayville.—The Frank furter Zeitung feports that a large British transport, from Egypt for the Dardanelles has been sunk by a German sub i ■marine. .MARRIAGE LICENSES Cyrus H Leslie, Jr., and Martha E. Clark, Palmyra. * POSTSCRIPT SAYS THE CHURCH SHOULD PROVIDE FOR AMUSEMENT Rev. Williams Tells Methodist Ministry They Ought Pro vide Recreation CAN'T DO EVERYTHING Duty to Help in Establishing Sane, Well-Balanced Social Activities Church problems of commanding importance were tackled vigorously by local ministers, who were the prin-. cipal speakers at the annual conven tion of the Harrisburg District of the. Methodist Episcopal Church which, concludes a two-day session at Gettys-* burg this evening. Undoubtedly of the most impor-J tance was the address of the Rev. A. S, Williams on "How Can the Churtfo Meet the Legitimate Craving For Amusement'.'" After telling of the ! damage done by the cheap theater and shady dance hall, he suggested that the church heartily co-operate in every legitimate enterprise to se cure wholesome play and sport for the boy and girl. Dr. Williams said it is good to form athletic clubs for ihe express pur pose of drawing boys into the church. "How Can We More Fully Utilize Our Membership In the Real Work of the Church and Kingdom?" was the title of an interesting address by the Rev. E. A. Pyles. "Let us presume," said the Rev. Mr. [Continued on Pase 0] VILLA FORCES RETREATING By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Sept. 21. —Con- tinued general retreating movements of Villa forces toward the American border were indicated in to-day's War Department dispatches. Brigadier- General Pershinj/, at El Paso, reported there were between live and seven thousand Villa troops in Juarez or on the way there from the interior. WILL LIFT QUARANTINE By Associated Press Pittsburgh, Sept. 21.—Federal and state authorities, it was announced to day, have agreed to lift to-morrow the foot and mouth disease quarantine which has been In force at the llerr'a Island stockyards; for almost a year.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers