Telegraph Want -Ads.—The Shortest Rente Between Buyer ami Seller Deaths | LEGO On September 19, 1915, Martin j I too. at his residence, 1136 Christian street, aged 56 years, l-'uneral on Tuesday afternoon at " ' o'clock from the funeral parlors of i C H Mauk. undertaker. Sixth and I Kelker streets. In charge of Wauwa peum Tribe. No. 382. I. O. R. M. Bur- ; ial in Harrisburg Cemetery. POTTER —On Sunday. September 19th. j 1913. Mrs. Angeline J. Potter, died at i the home of her daughter. Mrs. A. D. | Wharton. No. 3119 North Fourth street, Riverside. Funeral services will be held at the 1 above address. Tuesday evening, at ! 7.30 o'clock. Body will be taken to ■ Huntingdon. Pa., at 11.40 a. m. for! burial. Relatives and friends are in- I vited to attend without further no tice | FANNEBAKER —On September IS. 1915. George W. Pannebaker, aged 68 [ years. i Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. N. Foltz, 2333 Jef ferson streets. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial in East Harrisburg Cemetery. Survived by four children: Mrs Marv Bowersox. Mrs. J. N. Foltz, Mrs. Herbert Palmer and Mrs. Panne- Baker. LOST LOST Saturday evening. toilet room of P. R P.. station, open face gold watch (Elgin) with leather wristband Initials K. M. E. Reward if returned < to 60S Mat lay street. LOST Lady's black handbag con taining pension paper, envelope, ad- ( dressed to owner 1919 Gveen street, a'so : money, and other articles, probably in jitney, on Monday. Finder please re turn 1114 Penn street. _HI | "LOST Knife about 10 inches long, ivory handle, in wooden case, on Thurs day. Reward if returned to 516 State street. FOUND FOUND That Eggert's Steam Dye ing & French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market St.. do the very besv: work in the city. Call either phone for :>roof. We call and deliver. HELP WANTED—MaIe ALL round machine man for plan ing mill. Must have experience as moulder and sticker. Prefer man be tween 30 and 40. Apply at once. Her shey Employment Bureau. Hershey, Pa. GROCERY CLERK Town twelve miles from Harrisburg. Address, H 3055, care Telegraph. WANTED Collector and Canvass er; man with Industrial Insurance ex perience preferred; salary and commis sion. Apply, B 3072, care Telegraph. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Easily secured in any branch of service. Suc cess assured bv my simple, practical plan. Mail card at once for particulars. Ad-tress, Examiner. Care Telegraph Of fice. Harrisburg. Pa. LABORERS WANTED—AppIy, E. J. Fogarty, 1121 North Front street. WANTED Active and energetic salesmen to sell a new type of incan descent gas lamp. Liberal commission allowed. Call at Gas Office Tuesday, September 21st. after 2 p. m. 'WANTED An office boy at Wo man's Suffrage Headquarters, -201 Ar cade Building. Boy must be 16 years or over. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodled, unmar ried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can 4peakr read and writd th€ English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 2d A Market Sts.. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED First-class paperhang er; must be a good workman. H. R. Booser. Wormleysburg. SALESMAN WANTED by leading New York real estate company to rep resent us in Scranton. Only man cap able of earning $2,000 to *4.000 yearly considered. Brentwood Realty Co., 1 West 34th street, New York City. WANTED Man to run extractor in laundry; must be experienced; 112.00 to start. Sanitary family Washing Co., 16th and Elm streets. WANTED AT ONCE Names of yo!:ng men desiring first-class business « 'ucation and good position. Call or ir.aU card to F. H. Gregory, Secretary, P. R. R. Y. M. C. A , Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED—Two neat reliable young men for counter and floor work, coun try boys preferred. Apply Rustic Dairy Lunch, 5-7-9 South Third street, Harris WANTED First-class toolmaker, profiler, miller, driller, rifier, barrel turners, blacksmiths and steam hajn mer men to make drop forges. Also men for barrel rolling. Address P. O. Box 264. Lancaster, Pa. • HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girl about 20 years of age, with bindery experience preferred. Call. Johnston Paper Co. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL— 22North Fourth street. Become a pupil now. Make all your Fall and winter dresses while learning an art that will be of endless value as long as you live. Day and evening. TWO YOUNG LADIES, 18—22 to travel, pleasant work; $1 per day and expenses', chance for advancement Apply, Miss Joyce, Hotel Lenox, 5 to 7 p. m. WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn the trade of Cigar Making. Pay while learn ing. Welfare looked after by a trained nurse. Apply at Harris burg Cigar Co.. 500 Race street. FOR RENT ' Lemoyne, 352 York St *7 IRO2 Boas St.. 2 s. b„ 6 r *m 142 Linden St., 3 s. f., 8 r. *io 257 Sayford Ave $lO Enola. Adams St $1;: 2141 Ulas Ave.. 2% s. b„ 7 r. b.. *l3 .*146 N. Seventh St., 3 s. b.. 8 r„ *l3 2128 N. 7th St.. 3 s. b„ 8 r. . . . . ,*|3 1503 K. Cameron St., 3 s. b., 8 r., *l3 1500 Allison St., 2% s. b., 7 r. . . .*l4 627 Brigga St., 3 s. f„ 8 r *l4 Bella Vista, Ross Ave *14.."0 63S Peffer St *l3 1503 Allison St., 2V4 s. b.. 7 r. b.. *l3 Near Duncannon, 2% s. f„ 10 r., *ir, 419 North St., 3 s. b., 8 r.. b *l3 1531 S. 13th St., 3 s. b„ 8 r., b. .. ,*i« 1536 S. 13th, 3 s. b., 8 r *IA 1504 S. 12th St., 2V4 s. b„ Br. b., *1)1 670 Emerald St.. 3 s. b„ 9 r *l7 133 N. 13th St., 3 s. b„ 8 r. & b.. *a« 203 K»ll<er St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r *23 1207 N. 14th St.. new, 2 hi s. b. . . ,*afi lt"9 N. 2nd St., 3s. b., 10 r., b. *3O 222« fc. 3 rf i gt:, 3 s. b.. 10 r. ...*32.30 -Mo> N. Third St *33 "Hill Crest." Bella Vista *O3 Hainlyn (Aldinger Cottage) ....*OO 23 S. Front St., furnished, 4 8. b 209 S- Front St., 3 s. b., 10 r.. 2 b. APARTMENTS 716 N. 6th St., 3d floor *25 MILLER BROTHERS&CO. REAI, ESTATE Insurance Surety Bond* LOCUM and Court Street* * i MONDAY EVENING, &JLKRIBBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 20, 1915>. I HELP WANTED—FEMALE LAUNDRESS WANTED White wo j man* Apply at Bolton House FALL TERM commences August 30; ! Night School, Tuesday evening. Augus, 31. Thorough courses. Individual in struction and the gteatest results. Har I risburg Shorthand School. 31 North Sec j ond street. j WANTED Experienced machine I rollers and bunchmakers. Apply Cen | tral Cigar • Co., 425 South Cameron I street. ! WANTED Experienced sewing mi- I chine operators on ladies' and chil dren's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., i over City Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance. i I WANTED —, White girl for general (house work. Apply, 621 South Fif j teenth street. I WANTED Reliable girl foi gen ie ral housework; small family; subur ban; good wages. Bell phone 3516J2,* or am''- 3014 North Second street. WANTED An experienced white cook; references required; high wa ges. Call, 3201 Riverside Drive. WANTED Woman for canvassing excellent line. Write for interview, L 3060, care Telegraph. MATRON for dormitory, October 1, near Harrisburg, salary S3O month. Address, H 306 i, care Telegraph. WHITE WOMAN COOK Near Har risburg. Restaurant; $5; 6 days week. 9 hours day. Address, H 3059, care Telegraph. I WANTED Woman or girl for gen- I eral housework In small family; up j town; must stay at own home nights. | Address. A 3068, care Telegraph. I WANTED —ln private family, two I capable women; one for cook and down i stairs work; other for nurse and up stairs work; no washing; good wages; give reference. Address, D 3067, care Telegraph. HELP WANTED—3InIc and Female WANTED Lady and gentlemen canvassers; good proposition; big money. Apply from 6.30 to 8 p. m. M. Parry, 1217 Market street. AGENTS WANTED ..CHICAGO'S greatest tailors of wo men's clothes, will employ worthy men and women everywhere to show beau tiful samples and take measurements for up-to-date startling low priced tail or-made suits for women. Easy make $l5O monthly. No capital or experience needed. Fascinating work. Big $lO outfit free to representatives. Act guick Ideal Ladies' Tailoring Co., Dept. B, Chicago, 111. AGENTS ssO weekly. Sell our 15 Household Inventions; new. live, quick sehers; general agents getting rich. Every home buys one or more; sample furnished active workers. Write now. Address, P. O. Box 204, Scanton, Pa., Dept. D. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WANTED—Two honor able mentor women from Harrisburg or suburban towns. $13.50 per week salary, or commission. Apply, General Man ager, E. C. Mingle, 221 Crescent street. SITUATIONS WANTED —Male WANTED—Work of any kind; ex perienced in running automobile or driving a team. Address, Theodore Mack. 1114 North 11th St, City. SITUATIONS WAN TED—FEMALE WANTED A position as house keeper by young woman. Call, Bell phone, 3786 J. _ SMALL WASHING and Ironing to do 'I at home by an experienced white wo ['man Address, 1734% Fifth street. ! WANTED —By young woman, posi- I tion as housekeeper in private family. ; Address. M 307«, care Telegraph. ! WIDOW, from the country, with , l bright girl 7 years old. wants house ' | keeping for widow er. Apply, 254 Union avenue, or Bell phone 2G6R. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE—A 100-acre farm, situ * ateU 7 miles from Harrisburg. consist -1 ing of large bank fiarn, 9-room brick 1 | house, all necessary outbuilding, run >'ning water through farm, land In high I state of cultivation. For further infor | i mation apply, A. U. Reese, Box 1, Har | j risburg. GREEN STREET HOUSE in good ■ condition, brick construction lO rooms batli gas furnace porch. Can be bought at a reason ' I able price. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner j Building. ■ I S3OO CASH will give you possession j to an Eighteenth street houses all | * . .uu .ii improvements porch front ' . side entrance drive alley on rear. Balance as rent. Bell Realty | Co., Bergner Building. PENBROOK PROPERTY for sale at $2200 frame house lot 30x150 considerable fruit near trolley. Several other suburban properties at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co., j|Be.-gner Building. •j SI6OO WILL BUY a Fulton street j property rented at sl4 per month 9 rooms bath porch. Also Ji other cheap houses for sale. Bell ' j Realty Co., Bergner Building. 1 j 64 ACRE FARM near Harrisburg, I for sale at less than $125 per acre— j good building large orchard var " | lety of other fruit. Bell Realty Co., j Bergner Building. ; FOR SALE Suburban property ' within 5c fare of city, large stone house, 1% acres of groun,l, lot of fruit. A bar ; gain to quick buyer. For particulars ) to Edward W. Evans. Real Es t tate and Insurance. Room 7, 204 Market ' street. NOW IS THE TIME to buy 1836 Re- I gina street; price reduced s<so; single brick dwelling; 10 rooms and bath; * steam heat: gas and electric light; lot. 89 feet front: large porches. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut street. " 1 50 ACRES Three-fourths mile east jof Halifax in Armstrong Valley—B - room dwelling—frame bank barn—river ' —well and running water. Price. I $.1,000. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and , walnut streets. I FARMS 271 acres, 178 acres fields, ' balance woodland, situated 7 miles ! north of Harrisburg. Pa. Improvements lon this farm; great and beautiful, and worth $20,000. Come see It. Tills is ! the most you ever saw for your dollar. Kor profit, beauty and fun this farm ex ( eels. Price S4O per acre, i 84 acres. 72 acres fields. 12 acres j woods; » good farm; improvements; j worth $6,000; I'd prefer this farm to the be'fet Kansas farm you 'ever saw. This j»s a good stock or all-purpose farm I and Joins "Bob" Hoke's beautiful farm. I Price. $22 per acre; C. B. Care. Care's ; Grocery. Llngleatown. Call at 403 Mar ket street. Harrisburg, Pa. I FOR SALE 2%-story frame house, 1 lot 90x120 ft., southeast corner Walnut ! street and Plalnvlew alley. Hainton. ; Pa. Finest suburban residence on ■ Llnglestown line. 14 North Market I Square. Bell phone 2026. Independent 1 589. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT : FOR RENT B-room house with lights and .lot for garden, at Steelton Heights, opposite Frog Shop Office. Apply. J. II Heagy, 39 South j front street, Steelton, Pa. • FOR nES"T—2O3O Boas street. 6-room [hn-ji>>. SS a month. Inquire, 35 South li immit street. I 1820 BOAS ST. S rooms ar.d bath; | side entrance ; all improvements; $lB. /1 Apply, 1518 Walnut, Harry Ward. _ RKAIj ESTATE roll RENT | FOR RENT 660-662 Calder street; ! three-story brick house; 8 rooms and I ' bath; all Improvements; rent reason- ' sole; will rent to good colored people. - '.M. Baturln, 639 r!oas street. 1109 N. SECOND ST. Three- storv \ • vrick dwelling ton rooms bath;] furnace and gas s3O. Miller i •'•rothers & Co.. Bell phone 1595. FOR RENT 2016 Swatara street; j 3-story. 8 rooms and bath, all Improve* ■ ments; sl4 per month. Irvin Johnson, | 2052 Swatara street. ! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT | FOR RENT Storerooms and 254 Hamilton street. Rent ] sl2. Charles Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third street., . ' FOR RENT 1713 North Third street; all Improvements; recently papered and painted through out; Immediate possession. Apply 1100 North Front street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT 225 North Second street. housekeeping apartment. 5 | rooms, pantry, tiled bath, modern in . every detail; private hall entire length of apartment; city vapor heat; hot wa ter furnished. Applv 218 Pine street. Bell phone 559W APARTMENT FOR RENT—Second floor, 4 rooms and bath, electric light, l gas; porch in rear; city vapor heat. Ad dress. H. M. C., Telegraph. FURNISHED ROOMS Roslyn I apartments. 209 Walnut street; all im provements; city steam heat- Inquire, ; Kllanora Gove, 226 North Third street, I millinery store. FOR RENT Apartments, corner North ar.d Second streets. 5 rooms; < bath, steam heat; all improvements; Also '6OS .«orth Second street, small , brick house. Inquire. 618 North Second : street, second floor. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, sinfjle or en suite. Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth street. ! FOR RENT Two large, well-fur i ninhed rooms; ono with private balcony; each room suitable for two or three ■ gentlemen or married couple. Inquire | I*s Pine street FOR RENT One nicely furnished j < bedroom on second lloor; suitable for one or two gentlemen; close to home cooking. Apply, 104 South Thirteenth ; street. HANDSOMELY furnished rooms; 1 steam heat; electricity; centrally lo cated; men on business women prefer ■ red. Address, W 389, Telegraph. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Furnished complete. 1814 Gretn street. ROOMS FOR RENT Second floor . furnished room, city heat, use bathroom, central. Call. 311 Walnut street, main ; entrance. SECOND FLOOR, front room, facing 1 Capitol Park (two windows); hot and cold running water, electric light in room, also adjoins large bath room. . Bell phone. Apply, 410 North street. . FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In strictly private family for two re fined gentlemen; home comfort and board if desired; use of phone. Address, W 3061, care Telegraph. ; ROOMS FOR RENT Bright pleas- I ant rooms with board; reference. 513 North Second street. > FOR RENT On or before Oct. 1, • second floor, front, furnished suite, living room, bed room and private - bath. City steam, electric light, hard - wood floors. Reference required. 218 . Pine street. FOR RENT Unfurnished bachelor apartment suitable for two gentlemen, privilege of bath, use of phone, cen trally located, rent moderate. Address, R. F., 3050, care Telegraph. FOR RENT Second floor front room, newly furnished, across from Capitol Park; all conveniences; city steam heat; large bath, including shower; use of phone. 406 North street. ROOMS WANTED GENTLEMAN DESIRES BOARD and room in private family, uptown sec tion preferred: references exchanged. Address, Box 3071, care Telegraph. WANTED By gentleman, furnish ed room, running water, city steam, use of bath, between .Walnut, North, Second and Third street: state location and price. Can give references. Ad dress, M 3065, care Telegraph. ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD and nicely furnished room; fine location, and all conveniences for two men or man and wife. Call, 1439 Berryhill street, City. UNFURNISHED KOOMS 429 BROAD STREET Built especl aly for light housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes; arrangements strictly privaite; stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bathroom privi leges: lockers for surplus furniture. 1321-23 Wallace street; remodeled and newly papered throughout: ar rangements, two rooms and a kitchen with running water, range and cabinet. Daily inspection invited. Inquire on premises, or 107 Boas street. Phone 779 M. BOARDERS WANTED WANTED Lady boarders by the week or month. Price reasonable, place homelike: of bath and plione. Call at 1408 Liberty street. FOR SALE LARGE ICE BOX suitable for butcher or grocer for sale.. Size about 6x7xß feet high. Something fine. Cost |l5O. Used one year. Will sell cheap because 1 need the space. Apply to Menger's Rcstaiyant, 110 North Second street. FOK SALE WALLPAPER Many patterns at half of list price. Paper de livered anywhere free. Hanging rea sonable. A. U. Spotz, 1317-19 Market street. FOR SALE New tWin Thor motor cycle; fully equipped; ridden about 200 miles. Am willing to sacrifice. Call, Mr. Shenk, Bogar's Store. FOR SALE Ofne Metz roadster cheap to quick buye,r. Monn Bros., 17th j and Swatara streets. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS lndian! 1914, 2-speed, lamp, preston, speedome ter, claxon, tandem, $150; Indian. 1914, with side car, fully equipped, $160; Ex celsior. 1914, equipped, fine sh-ipe. 1128. Keystone Garage, 814 North Third St. FOR SALE Cheap, one horse and harness. Bell phone, 3168 M. AUTOMOBILE Five passenger; good condition; reasonable. Address, West Falrview Garage. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113. 11l «nd 117 South Secojld street, 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality All the full line of the Acme i make. j * FOR S.aLE Or will exchange for chickens—all steel 9-ft. self-dump Wal ter A. Wood hay rake. Call. Bell plione -161)4. Ft~>R SALE At Old Orchard, small 4-ruom cottage; must be moved from premises. Snap to quick buyer. Call Bell phone 3 ««t. FOR SALE II ROOMS FOR RENT CARDB can Be ! 1 secured at the Business OfTlce. FOR SALE Screenings from forked lime. 4c per bushel at our kilns; bar gain for use on land. Bell phone. Rutherford Bros., Paxtajig, Pa. FOR SALE—Upright piano, walnut I case, reasonable in good order. Call at 235 Boas street. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—so fcr 2tc while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department .The Tele graph Printing Company. FOR SALE —Or will let furnished, best located rooming house In city; business well established. Morrell s, 1 204 Locust street. FOR SALE Five shares Commer cial Bank Stock. Address, C 8069, care Telegraph. FOR SALE Lumber, land, brick i and stone; a gold edge proposal to you < builder. Call at 6 p. m. Bell phone 2403 R. ! FOR SALE—One oak roll top desk and revolving chair; S2O. Apply, 206 South Thirteenth street. FOR BALE CARDS on sal* at the Telegraph Business office. FOR SALE Bav horse, 6 years old. city broke. Will sell reasonable to [ quick buyer. Guaranteed to work any I place. Apply Malman, 67 Conestoga | street. Steelton, Pa. I BARGAINS IN TYPKWRITERS—Re buiIt and second-hand L. C. Smith, Un- I derwoods. Remington and others from i SIO.OO up. Supplies and office equlp -1 nient of every description. Geo. P. Tillotson. 36 South Fourth street. FOR SALE One pair of black bay mules, one driving mare, runabout and harness; in good condition. Address, D 3066. care Telegraph. FOR SALE, — 1911 Cadillac touring' car, in good condition; one extra. Har ry Fasoti, Heckton, Pa. I FOR SALE 13x19 and Bxl2 job printing presses; both bargains; must be sold or want of room; speak quick: can be seen in operation at office of Steelton American, Steelton. GLASS window s?gns. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One ot these signs will be given with each slx-tlme order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR RENT ! FOR RENT Warehouse; three i story brick building; 11,000 sq. ft floor I space; elevator 6xß ft.: along P. R. R. I with siding. Inquire DauphTn Deposit Trust Co. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping; all conveniences: use of Bell phone. Call, 1089 M. FOR RENT Good business loca tion; 3-story building: larfge store room and 4 flats; will rent or sell at a bargain; possession given immediately. Call Bell phone 345 M, or write M 3055, care Telegraph. FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, 3 and 5 Cowden street; 5,000 sq. ft. floor space; elevator; railroad siding; posses sion October 1. Apply C. F. Gohl, 1008 North Second etreet. • Bell phone 899 M. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE $60,000 In five years In the mail order business, began with $6. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 855 Lockport. N. Y. ONE picture show for sale, doing a good business; must be sold in ten days; good reasons for selling. Address, S 3056, care Telegraph. ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine' Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the I Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market] street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. MR. MOTORCYCLE OWNER lf you have a motorcycle you want to dispose of quickly, better try our service. Key stone Garage, 814 N. 3rd street. Bell phone 266-R. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable nnd I National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. MONEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY In amounts from $5.00 to $300.00 in compliance with act of June 17, 1915. Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Up-to-date method. Positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. STORAGE STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE In 3-story brick building, rear 409 Market street. Honseltold goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply tm P. G. Dlencr. Jeweler, 408 Market It STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. |1 to $3 Wagons. 7S cents per month. Apply D. Cooper ft Ce„ m Broad street. Both JDhonea. FINANCIALS $22,000 WANTED Will give first mortgage on valuable real estate; State rate of Interest. Address, X 3062, care Telegraph. ' IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM —In memory of our beloved son. William D. Carroll, Jr., wnc, departed this life on September 19. 1912, still mourned by his sorrowing father., mother and sister Ruth. Yet do we believe— "There is no Death! What seems so is transition; This life of mortal breath Is but a suuuro of the life elyslan Whose portal we call Death. Thus do we walk with him and keep 1 unbroken The bond which nature gives. Thinking 'hat our remembrance, though ; 1 unspoken, May reach his pure soul where It ' lives." SHOW WORK IN CHEMICALS By Associated Press New York, Sept. 20.—The develop ment of the chemical Industries in the United States, particularly the progress made in the manufacture of d.vestuffs since the beginning of the European war cutting off the supply of German dyes was fhown to-day in the first National Exposition of Chem ical Industries, which opened here' to . day. RAILROAD SHARES SHOW ACTIVITY More Substantial Advances, However, Were Confined to War Shares By Associated Press New' York Sept. 20.—The higher prices and greater activity in railways which characterized last week's final operations was resumed to-day, New i Yoik Central, Chesapeake and Ohio and Reading being the most conspicuous. As usual, however, the more substantial advances were confined to war shares. General Motors rose seven points to 295, Studebaker 3% to 132%, Bethle hem Steel 6 to 350. New York Airbrake 3M; to 145% and Willys Overland .1 to 196. Other stocks of tills class advanc ed 1 to 2 points with light gains for the miscellaneous shares. United States Steel opened % up at 76%, but soon fell back, while Motors added to early ad vances. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by E. S. Goshorn, 208-209 Arcade Building. New York, Sept. 20. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 33 33% 33 33% Allis-Chal . 44% 45% 43% 43% Am Bt Sug 66% 67% 66% 66% Am Can 61% 62 60 60% Am CA- F. 71% 71% 70% 70% Am Cot Oil 51% 51% 51% 51% Am Loco . 57% 58% 57% 57% Am Smelt . 82% 84% 82 84 Am Sugar . 109 109% 109 109% Am T & T l . 124% 124% 124 124% I Anaconda . 71% 72% 71% 71% j Atchison .. 102% 102% 101% 102% I Baldwin .. 81% 82% 80% 81% IB & O 84 % 84% 84% 84% Beth Steel . 347 350 345 345 Bklyn RT. 84% 84% 84% 84% Cal Petro. . 19% 21% 19% 21 Can Pacific 156 156 155 155% Cent Leath 48% 49% 48 48 % C& 0 49% 49% 49 49 C. M&St P 85% 85% 85- 85% C.RI4P. 21 21% 20% 20% C Con Cop. 44% 44% 44% 44% Col F&I. . 55% 56% 53 54% Kans Cy S 27 27% 27 27% Lehigh Val 146 146 146% 145% Mex Pet... 85% 89 85% 87% Miami Cop 27% 27% 27% 27% Mo Pacific. 3% I 3% Natl Leadd 64% 66% 64% 65% N Y Cell.. 94% 95 94% 94% NY N H & H ... 68% 68% 68 68 NYO & W 27% 28% 27% 28% Nor & W. 111% 111% 111 111 Cons Gas.. 127 128 127 128 Cruc St 94% "96% 93% 94% Dist Sec... 26 26% 25% 25% Erie 31 31% 31 .31% Erie Ist Pd 51% 52 51% 51% Genl El Co 172% 173 170% 170% Genl Mot.. 294 % 294% Good B F. 66% 71% 66% 69% Gt N. Pfd. 119% 119% 119% 119% Gt N O su 46% 46% 44% 45% Gugg Exp. 65% 66% 65 65% Insp Cop . 35% 35% 35% 35% Inter-Met . 20% 20% 20% 20% North Pac. 108% 108% 108 108% Pac Mail... 32 32 32 82 Pa Rail 110 110 109% 109% P G C 116% 116% 116% 116% Pitts C 33% 34% 38% 34% Pitts C pd. 10C 102 102 102 Press SC.. 63% 63% 62% 62% Rail SS. .. 40% 40% 40% 40% Ray CC. .. 22 22 21% 21% Reading .. 152 152 151 151 % Rep I S 46% 46% 45% 45% Rep I S pd. 100% 100% 100% 100% South Pac. 89% 90% 89% 90 South Ry.. 16% 16% 16% 16% Studeteaker. 130 141 130 140 Tenn Cop.. 55 57% 55 55% Third Ave. 60 60% 59 59 % Union Pac. 131% 131% 130% 130% U S Rub.. 52% 54% 52% 53% U S Steel... 76% 76% 75% 76% 1 U S Stl pd. 113% 114 113% 11-3% Utah Cop.. 66 67 66 66 y. i Vir-Car ,C.. 39 39% 39 39 CGrW pd 31% 31% 31% 31% West U Tel 76% 76% 75% 75% West Mfg.. 119 119% 118% 118% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Sept. 20. —Wheat Lower; No. 2 red, new, spot, Septem ber, sl.o7<@> 1.09; No. 2 red, wernern, $1.13@1.14. Corn Market lower; No. 2 yel low; local 85<ff86c; steadier, No. 2 yel low, 84 s 4 86c. Oats Steady; No. 2 white, none here; No. 3, white, new, 40@41c. Bran The market is steady; city mills, per ton, $25.00; western do. none here; Spring, per ton, $22.75®23.25. Refined Sugars Market Is steady; powdered, 5.30®5.40; fine granulated, 5.20#5.30; confectioners' A, 5.10®5.20. Butter Market is steady; western, creamery, extra. 26c; nearby prints, fancy, 29c. Eggs The market Is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby flrnts. free cases,. $7.80®8.10 per case; nearby current receipts, free cases. $7.20®57.50; western extra firsts, free cases, sß.lo® 8.40; western firsts, free cases, $7.50® $7.80. Live Poultry —r- Market quiet;; fowls, 14 %® 1 5 %c; old roosters, 11® 12c; broil ing chickens. 15@17c; spring ducks, 14 @lsc; old ducks, 12®14c. Dressed Poultry Market steady; fresh killed fowls, fancy. 18%#19e do. average. 16%®17%c; do., unattractive. 14%®15%c; do., old roosters, 13c; do., broiling chickens, nearby. 22@26c; do., western. 16@>21c: do., spring ducks. 1$ @l7c; do., western, 10@12c; ice packed fowls. 15®18c. Potatoes Market steady; Maine, per bushel. 15®20c; New York, pe* bushel. 16®20c: Southern, per barrel. 60c®51.26; Jersey No. 1, per basket, 25 ®3sc; Jersey No. 2, per basket, 10®15c. Floir Flrmr winter, straights, new, $5.00®5.26; Spring, straights, new, $5.15®5.26; do., patents, new, $5.35© 5.60; do., patent, old. $6.60(®57.35. Hay Market steady; timothy; No. 1 large bales, $20.50; medium males, $20.00@520.60; No. 2 do., $ 19.00®519.50: No. 3 do., $17.00 018.00. Clover mixed; light mixed, $18.50© 19.00; No. 1 do,, $17.50@18.00; No. 2 do., $16.50® 17.00. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET Chicago, Sept. 20. Hogs—Receipts, 24,000; weak. Bulk, $6.60®7.45; light, $7.10®57.95; mixed, $6.35®7.85; heavy, Harrisburg Ta Announces 'the Establishment of a New and Lower Rate-~The Lowest Metered Fare Known FARE: Pay Fare As Shown on Meter. Oie, Two, Three or Four Passengers 25c For First % Mile 5c For Each Additional % Mile Hour Rate $2.00 $6.10®7.30; rough, $6.10®6.25; pigs, $5.25®6.76. Cattle Receipts, 25,000; weak. Native beef cattle, west ern steers, $6.65*8.75; cows and heif ers. $2.85®8.30; valces, $".? =*11.50. Sheep Receipts, 12,000; strong. Wethers. $5.25%6.00: lambs, S6.OO<S 8.65. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, Sept. 20.—Stocks Closed ] steady: American Railways 24 * Cambria Steel 64% 1 General Asphalt 31% ' General Asphalt pfd 69 Lake Superior Corporation 9% ' Lehigh Navlgalton 75>4 I Lehigh Valley 72% l Pennsylvania Railroad 54% 1 Pennsylvania Steel pfd 83% • Philadelphia Electric 24% ! Philadelphia Company 43% Philadelphia Company pfd 38 ' Philadelphia Rapid Transit 10% 1 Reading 75% i Storage Battery 73 United Traction 37% United Gas Improvement 85% United States Steel 76 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET ( - By Associated Press Chicago, Sept. 20. The grain mar ket closed as follows: Wheat September, $1.01%; Decem ber. 93% c; May. 97c. Com—December, 56% c; May, 58c. , Oats—December, 35% c; May. 37% c. $14 > 65 k ~ ° ctober ' *l2-05; January, Lard—October, $7.85; January. $8.32. Ribs—October, $7.72; January, $8.17. Vote for David Hoffman, of Dauphin, Pa., for Director of the Poor.—Adv. Lower Lights Were Burning Along River Wall This Afternoon Lights on the river front wall were pglow for more than an hour this afternoon from "Hardscrabble" to Ma clay street. While the long string of fiftv-four oiectric standards will all be in po sition by to-morrow at the latest, the posts on the walk above "Hardscrab ble'' were connected, globed and cleaned by noon to-day and the Har risburg Light ond Power Company switched on the current to test out the upper part of the system. Testing out of the remainder of the lights those on the wall south of Market street to Iroh alley—will likely be made to-morrow afternoon under the direction of L. L. Ferree, superin tendent of construction for the elec tric company. He has been pushing the work steadily in order to get the installation in and ready for -service in time for the opening night of the big municipal celebration, Thursday evening. Deaths and Funerals MARTIN LEGO Martin Lego, aged 56, died yester day morning at his home, 1136 Chris tian street. He' was a member of Wanwasuenn Tribe, No. 382, Improved Men. Funeral services will be held to-morrow afternoon at 2 o clock from the funeral parlors of C. H. Mauk, undertaker,, the Rev. E. A. Pyles officiating. The Red Men will have charge of the funeral. Buf ial will be made In the Harrisburg cemetery. EMANUEL SCHLESINGER Funeral services for Emanuel Schlesinger, aged 53, who died in Nan ticoke. were held this afternoon In the Harrisburg cemetery prior to burial, the Rev. E. A. Pyles officiating. Members of Warrior Eagle Tribe, No. 340. Improved Order of Red Men. of which Mr. Schlesinger was a member, conducted the funeral. MRS. A. J. POTTER Mrs. Angeline J. Potter, aged -78, died yesterday morning' at «the home of her daughter. Mrs. A. D. Wharton, 3119 North Fourth street, Riverside. Funeral services will be held from her late home to-morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock, the Rev. E. E. Snyder offi c'-tlng. The body will be taken to Mrs. Potter's former home in Hun tingdon on Wednesday morning, where services will be held from the Lutheran church <vf which she was a member. Burial will be made in Hun tingdon. Mrs. Potter is survived by three daughters and two sons: Mrs. A. D. Wharton, Mrs. Elizabeth Snvder and Mrs. Chas. H. Kehr., of this city; Harry A. Potter, of Wilmerding, Pa., and Frank R. Potter, of Ottawa. 111.; also one sister, Mrs. Mary S. Good man, of Huntingdon, Pa. POLICEMAN ILL Officer Joseph Van Camp, one of the oldest, men on the police force of the city was admitted to the Harrisburg hospital yesterday suffering, physicians believe, from a nervous breakdown. No definite diagnosis has been made. LATE NEWS FLASHES London.—-Baron Von Rlssing, half brother of General Von Blsslng. Ger man military governor *of Belgium, and a naturalized British subject, af ter fighting for months for his liberty, has been Interned. New York.—Charles E. Brooker, former Republican National Commit teeman from Connecticut and one of the defendants in the government suit against the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad company to-day asked Federal Judge William H. Hunt for a separate trial. Washington.—Rear Admiral Caper ton reported to-day that In a skirmish at Gonaives, Haiti, one native had been wounded. There were no losses among the American troops. New York. —Mrs. Ronald White way. of Toronto, one of the survivors from the Allan Line steamer Heeper ian, which was sunk by a torpedo or , mine in the British war zone, arrived to-day on the steamer Philadelphia, from Liverpool. She said that an in vestigation was in progress regarding the conduct of the crew of the Hes perian, which she declared was not I praiseworthy, to say the least. 25 Philadelphians to Enter Sales School of Elliott-Fisher Co. Twenty-flve young men from Phila delphia will comprise the bulk of the enrollment at the next Elliott-Fisher school of salesmanship which opens Monday. This is the third session of the school, which started last Fall. Each time mejo are taken from different lo calities. This school is unique in that at the conclusion of the- five weeks' instruc tion in selling, the graduates are placed in the various Elliott-Fisher branches over the world at salaries of $26 a week and expenses. When they have had the experience of actual con tact with the husiness world they will be paid from $2,500 a year to SB,OOO and all necessary expenses. EBB MAY RECOVER By Associated Press New York,. Sept. 30.—Newman Erb, wealthy railroad reorganizer, was to day reported to have an excellent chance to recover from the effects of two poison tablets he swallowed by mistake last Tuesday. Mr. Erb at his summer home at Deal, N. J., Is now passing through the final hours of the critical period in this form of poi soning. "QUEEN" TO STOP AT •HERSHEY THIS EVENING Announcement was made by officials of the Reading Railway this afternoon that the Queen of the Valley express will make a special stop at Hershey to-night to bring Harrlsljurgers back to this city from the chocolate town after the address of Dr. Henry W. Stough. The train reaches Harrisbure at 10.10. WANTS LASTING PEACE By Associated Press Paris, Sept. 20, 4.56 a. m.—"We do not want a premature, but a complete and lasting peace," said John Hodge, a member of the British Parliament in an address last night at a meeting of French Socialists. "We do not want conquests but the liberation of all op posed peoples. 3(amj Insurance Agent, 161'7 N. Second Street for individuals pressed by lank of funds to meet immediate necessities at reduced legal rates, repayable in weekly or monthly installments. CO-OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Co. 204 CHESTNUT ST. Office Hours: Bto H Daily; 9 P. M,, Wednesday and Saturday MONEY 1 k To Housekeepers, Work* logmen and Salaried tm - ployea. UEGAI; RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY • N. MARKET SQUARE > Room 21 4th Floor ■ Spooner Building I FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insurance Of fice, No. 18 North Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE . Elegant Suburban Home on West Third St., New Cumber land. Detached dwelling on lot 50x140; has all improve ments. Owner moving to Philadelphia and will sell at a reasonable price. FOR RENT 128 Broad St., 3-story frame dwelling, 10 rooms and bath; all imp. Possession at once. » Rent, $20.00. i 1531 N. 4th St., 3-story frame dwelling, 8 rooms and bath. All imp. Possession at once. Rent, $17.00. 15
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