. . .. .. Y .. ). . .. . ' ■ ;"■• ■. v ■ i- - ' '•' • ■ ' ■ , ' ' " ' r '' 1 ■■.■»%<3 «■< v • „ • ' SECOND SECTION. FRIDAY EVENING, PAGES 11 to 20 TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 6, 1914. DON'T GET 1 TllTlHllUMlbl No '"'"gixory THE IDEA J ■! I*, jHtMP g|!i "VaW th»t this Live Stores are quoted. The gar- To-Morrow Morning Z^Su*," Z.tL til WE START THE HALF YEARLY ;«» Here you find every garment now or $10.75. And don't in the stock at a big and m A __ 1 ■"V _ £ ' I _ forget there's plenty of actual reduction from IVI rtf 4 I T I ■ All T\\ m. QI Q everything. Whatever you KSM-s /▼ Ul k "lillWII IMIC ,„i,„«„ „H W ~ I lUIII l/VTTII C/CI.AV arris urg, and every gar- -"1 OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK » At the end of the biggest season One thing of vital & A ff^P fArs Store has ever experienced,we a t h ing to be remembered in your 'Mk follow out our usual custom or disposing or all . i . f , . , . , f . . . our Winter merchandise on hand. It is not in conslderatwn of this sale is the fact that this k any sense shelf-worn merchandise of uncertain ls OUR MERCHANDISE, purchased for j™ age and origin but new 1913-14 productions selling this season, tested by our quality J J&L4&L of the country's foremost makers of men's wear, standards, attested te by hundreds of men \ worth what we have asked for it heretofore, who have purc h ase d here during the past few mSMMfflMsm well worth any man s consideration now. months Every Piece of Merchandise Will Be Reduced With the Exception of Arrow Brand Collars Im\l- l| EVERY SUIT AND OVERCOAT in our entire stock, including blue serges and blacks will be reduced Every $12.00 d*Q 7 C Every S2O $4 i7C 1 W I SUIT and *X I* SUIT and Jlj, 75 \ ff% ft 1 OVERCOAT .. .. <->•= OVERCOAT !**•= flVl M Mjil Wk I £? $lO 75 w $lB 75 I OVERCOAT IV.= OVERCOAT • ■ jß™|g| W ' I Every SIB.OO d»-| rt 7C Every S3O $Ol 7C B|t M I SUIT and $1 </D SILT and . */l <5. I OVERCOAT .... 10.= OVERCOAT I l j J This is an opportunity I Sweaters I j Boy's Suits & Overcoats 1 [ Suit Cases And I | Ncckwfiftr I I In black and fancy to get real bargains in un- Real Bargains in *JUII VadCO «11U ■ worsteds, cassimeres and derwcar. Two-piece or Sweaters with the - H cheviots. Perhaps you iteck and widest var'ty $8.50 Suits and H need a pair to help along $2.50 Garments .. #1.85 of Et yles and colors to $7.50 Suits and Overcoats, $5.75 SIO.OO Case or Bag, $7.75 1 your winter coat. Ganjtents .. #1.59 choose from to be had in $6.50 Suits and Overcoats, #4.95 $8.50 Case or 8ag...#0.85 50c Neckties "iii!!i!!: ■ $6.50 Trousers .. #4.95 SI.OO Garments .'i.. 79» Sweaters .. #B.as $5.00 Suits and Overcoats, #3.69 $7.50 Case or 8ag...#5.75 SI.OO Neckt.es 79* ■ Sno rm,S " S " ~ tk Gl,^'r«l n j c $7.50 Sweaters .. #5.75 $3.50 Suits and Overcoats, #a.«9 $6.50 Case or 8ag..,#4.90 Man'c HoSC I $4.00 Trousers .. GLOVES $6.50 Sweaters .. $4.95 $5.00 Case or 8ag...#J5.69 lfiCll v lIUvV H $3.50 Trousers .. s2.fi9 $5.00 Gloves $3.09 $5.00 Sweaters .. s.'{.(>9 Rnv«* Ponf« $3.50 Case or 8ag...52.69 We only sell the best stand- I $3.00 Trousers .. $2.39 $2.50 Gloves sl*Bs $3.50 Sweaters .. $2.69 DOj® iVliee laillS $2.50 Case or 8ag...51.85 ard makes of men's hose. ■ $2.50 Trousers .. $1.85 Gloves !!!" *sl!«9 2 - 30 Sweaters •• # ! -85 $1.50 Pants $1.19 $2.00 Case or 8ag...51.59 Hose*9o I $2.00 Trousers .. $1.59 Gloves $1.19 52.00 Sweaters .. $1.59 $1 00 Pants $1 50 Case Qr 8a g...51.19 2?c Hose .............. I $1.50 Trousers .. #1.19 50c Glov"™.39* $l!oO Skaters. # 79« 75c Pants 59* SI.OO Case or Bag... .79* IfoOHose 79* I ' v / / / J ■ COMPLETE CLEARAN SHIRTS 300 Shirts; Flannel, Madras, Percale, Soisette and Silk, plain colors and fancy, including negli- I I maUc nf tt, B c* 1- AT , 1 o""""*<ree, pleated, stiff bosom and the new mushroom tuck. Our stock comprises of the well-known I ° f the t,atCR Street ' Star Ech P se ' Manchester and other well-known makes. Every shirt guaranteed fast color. I z:...: 39c sr... 79c • s :r.. $1.19 ™ $1.59 $1.85 sr.,. $2.69 I I 1 1 I ■ ■ Goods exchanged or money ■ Alterations com- H A refunded either during or I when promised, but ■ B I A H after the Sale. for any I please grant us all the time V fl reason any purchase is un- H you can, as our workshop at satisfactory. If you don't ■ will be under a raiirhtv strain AlWay S Reliable Hi U know what kind of a store | for atopic weeks or ; ;i I 304 MARKET STRFEET HARRISBURG Pa °" C I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers