10 Morning and Closes Of Rare Importance Are the Savings in the Mill and Factory Sale TheßestValuesinWashGoodsThat Many New Styles Spring Blouses Ever Entered a Mill Factory Sale Jy -jv Have Joined the Mill Factory Sale Thousands of yards of choice new weaves in dress cottons went over the counters yesterday, MfllL All these new blouses are exclusive styles and are the worthiest garments we could find t' n< naJ C,SS ° rS continue sn, PP m S oft dress lengths all through the sale, for values are excep- after inspecting many good lines to sell at these moderate prices. ems we couia nna, Voile lingerie blouses, hand embroidered front. T»4IXTV PHiv^rcc 50c silk pongee,, 36 inches wide, floral and oQ n 59c ratine in solid shades and self-col- y 7 Venise lace PIIITP trims pniinr rfliri ,i n „ , 4 0 ... PRINCESS SUPB colored figures on white ground, yard Z&C ored stripes, one of the most popular fab- ,f(\ n I • re & ular sleeves trim- Seco silk princess slips, white, canary yellow, light 60c wash silks, 32 inches wide; fancy rics of the season, yard 1 A jjSßjflr me " with lace insertion and lace edge $1.95 blue, pink, lavender and black $2.50 blue, helio and black stripes on white Oft/> SI.OO Bagdad suiting, 50 inches wide, light all over embroidery voile blouses front trimmed Messallne princess slips, white, rose, light blue. ground, yard 29C and dark brown • • •,•••;;■ ■ ' "ochet buttons and net frill ......... ST.OS °V"T' W -°°* « 5 » 5 99c Bilk organdie, half silk, floral de- 10 „ wirfn varTi mixed ratine, is inches // r \ ~ , . ~ pn k and light blue batiste princess sliiis lac e tn signs on white ground, yard 19C *IOO £1 39 and 'll Rft' rntlnn ' ' W-rKrt ' r-r\ \ Kll blouses, drop shoulders, fiat collar, corded sertion and lace edge trims neck, lace edge trims 26c woven crepe, colored stripes of blue. inches wide - * sleeves trimmed with turn-back cuffs, SI.OO armholes; tucked ruffle trims skirt brown, black and pink on white and solid 15c crepe, floral designs on white ground, IA. ■ Striped voile blouses, drop shoulders all over lace h-Nainsook princess slips, trimming of i iu -e or cm shades, yard IOC self-colored corded stripes, yard lUC IWIHfMiI Irl I I 'lnr nnd cuffs . . , « I , nsertl ? n j , la , ce ,°r embroidery medallions, 2&c crepes in pink, light blue, Copenha- •* !7c Plisse crepe, white and colored -i 01/_ 0 l*i ffC Xi B | I •1.50 u h tucks and dainty ribbon, gen, rose, garnet, bluck and navy, yard lOC grounds, floral styles, yard ' ~ 80 plain pongee, highly mercerized, 30 In„ Wonderland cloth, solid shades and ijraS}! jit V. jl I I seams, pleated voile trims neck and sleeves ...$1.50 CHIFFON AND *MESSALINE PKTTICOATB inches, good shades, yard 1"C Presses vard ° 8 dresses and women s |Q C W\ \ '(I I All over embroiderv voile blouses dron nhmiiri*™ Chiffon taffeta petticoats, pleated flounce, taupe 25c madras shirting, 32 inches, fancy drewes, yard ••••••• . u J' \ \ L\! I , , ses, drop shoulders, cherry red, navy, Copenhagen, brown, white and twol stripes of black, blue, hello and tan on ■* (r~ Bates ginghams, large variety of q., mWA >/ 1/ pleatid net frill trims collar and front; sleeves trim- tone effects; $2.95 values, at «< o-> white ground, yard IjC in? In i'« I" .j iiffiSiSH ? ffi> I //V med with turn back cuffs and net frills SI.OO Messallne petticoats, pleated flounce, American 15c dress gingham, 32 inches wide, attrac- neat stvlea v»rj C Pcae> " nc les Wl e ' ffl-/oC SRSSSSwiIP/ It Checked dimity blouses; drop shoulders; three. ~°. 0 P e, } hagen ' taupe, grey, mahogany, king's tive new styles, yard Dives, Pomeroy *' Floor. " £=- qUUrtCr sleeves; Swlsa embroidery co..ar si.qq Dives, Pomero'y & Stewart-Second Floor. $5.00 Satin Brocade | FinestGradesofDrug To wXTL R< Millinery Bargains Corsets, Models : $2.95 Sundries: Reduced American Lady and Rengo Belt corsets of iOc and sctoothbrusl.es. Mill and Factory Sale JTHCe LlttleiieSS lllc i'Jlil cIIKI A 1 tICLOI'V Oale med hats \ brocade satin, in models produced to sell for pr i' ° 9 e n ••• •••• ;• •;••• • • , 80 And in Cimp $5.00 are entered in the Mill and Factory Sale. „«£ Viol!" c . M "! *" J . F 'T" 1& I,! ®: .KJWA co l°'?- at the Corset Section, second floor, at .. »3.95 "luloia conii., « Inclie, long: While. lilnk «na tonast epi ices .li e inter- lie Wenched turkl.h bath towel.. Mill and F«». \°. y , 10c _ , .. . . oliie. .Mill and factory Sale price 20c CStlll o- a.rp the ClUJllltipS till- tory Sale price, 3 for On the Street floor, are the following corset „ White pine and tar cough syrup. Mill and Factory n , 1 15c bleached turkish bath towels Mill and Fac- , Lnt Hmmed beavers, velours and plush va l„-- Sale Price 150 USUaIIV SfOOd. Tory Sale price ' ,of 7„ hat s, $3.95 to $6.50 values. Mill and Fac- 4n „ i i trn * • r j a Purity cold cream, 25c jar. Mill and Factory Sale w'f i it 19c colored border turkish towels. ' Mlli and Fac- tory Sale price 4VJC $-.00 and $2..i0 American Lady corsets, price 17c We teel pretty well as- tory Sale price 15c Untrimmed velvet, plush and hatter's $1.50 pH .c a y lnK S . t .c. k .ln me tal box. Mill and Factory Sale sured that you >J] nQt be al) ] e tor 2 / C s^e ea^ 1 e c d e tUrklsh . bath towe ' a ; and "Fac- t P^ y ßh^- 9 p 5 «« F«- QHq SI.OO and $1.50 American Lady corsets, <s9<* boUle°7c- e i °ii, ii^V b^ tlC * to I JUV good values later, wop?L^s« , iL an honU>slJUU tabl ° covel *lng. Mlil"and Trimmed hats reduced in the Mill and in low himf «V '* * * ,X)tUe ' *®c; 2 lb. bottle 25t? . , « I i'actorj bale price oof.g f . Factory Sale oriee 4i#P hox containing three cakes Swift's toilet soan CXCept at llllicll advanced "c full bleached damask; 70 inches wide. ' Anil Trlmmrd hntn rrrl'nrVil 'l.Vn iV/ 111" '' V "'' I Mill and Factory Sale price j7,. . 1 and Factory Sale price 10' 'rimmed hats reduced in the Mill and nn R#=»rlrlir»ff J sc bottle Blue Lilly toilet soap. Mill and Factory pi'ICCS. SI.OO bleached table linen, 72 inches' wide."' Mill Factory Sale SI.UU DGQQinP O UppilCS rvOQuCGQ bale price 59( . 12VjC whlte includine and Factory Sale price 85c Trimmed hats reduced in the Mill and d»i ix r l«c bleached pillow cases, size 42x36. Mill and S a ?e%rice . to, ' et Wat ~ Mi " a,U ' lawns? checks and-fancy weaves. Mil, « Inches wide Fac^rv W>9s r bl^hed r pniow' cases! size' Vokw! - MIH and | »er ounce perfume. Mill and Factory Sale 'yards of® Ksh thS: 00x60 lnches Wl ' dV/ PlumeS at SI.OO I i,aSeS: ' ' UX36; ' * l ' ilV t 1 l ''^aK© a^^-cen'L^fum^^: °' r^i^ iC a'n^'®^ , vlrf 4 " ' " .reTltXht \ Hei'ched jiil'mv' c'u'ses; 'size' 50x36!' Miil and j ™ ««* pHce. % yj? Last Day To-niOITOW of .SI.OO Ft^Str 0 " r os vF ™ The Hair Goods Demonstration 89c to $1.75 Velvet, 50c tory k b llTrtce d Bhee ! S: . J 6 * 90 . !"??* QnJ P T 0 V7VI Verdu'm traiisn r"t " 1 1" - from a half yard to 4 yards in good aa • torv'salTpricl "?° SLe* ' 'ii** ti | °» a i 1 1 °l ™ . S()C ' $1.25 stripe cotton blankeis.' Mlli' and Facto" cake ' ' M '" a,,d Fact »ry Sale price, wide. Yard 17,• should like to have you Visit the department U , fto „ , , Sale price, pair...... SI.OO Packer s tar soap!' Mili and FactorV SaL n'n,U " ,1° , 49c white ratine, 36 inches wide. before the display closes to-morrow evenini; DOyS . liatS at sl. 6%c unbleached muslin; 36 inches wide. Mill and No. 4711 white rn W aclorj °a'e price, 16c yard 19,. v , . ~ , . Factory Sale price 5,. Tory Sale price Kbcerlne soap. Mill and Fac- 29c white stripe pique, 28 inches 1 Oil 11 find tile prices Oil the latest Stvles of $1.98 chinchillas hats, silk edged brims, browns, 10c unbleached muslin; 36 inches wide. Mi'li'and Johnson 25c foot soan ' Miii n'm'i'' c.- 1 !" Y . ar<l ; ' I 9° dressings and transformations to be verv in- Kreys and navy . a , nd »l-98 French felt hats In black, factory Sale price 0c price I'actory Sale 50c white fancy stripe voiles, 28 • . , Miy ill navy,, greys and brown, all flne dress hats. <1»-| Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. llives, Pomeroy '& 'stewar»-ll«»' "l" IGl ' Inches wide. Yard 25c terestingly low. Mill and Factory Sale price .'P' • reet b loor. V—Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Front. The Most Notable Savings Imaginable onj t i 3p Staple Grades of Hosiery and Underwear aces own O C 7 ' ;5 A'M Men's Hosiery Women's Vests and Union Suits I -fl \/|l|l Qflfl P o r k f"OT*"V len > IQ c cotton hose, black and colors, 7* Women's 25c and 29c white cotton ribbed UAV/ iVIAU ailU 1 a^IUA J Men's cotton hose, seamless, black vests, long sleeves, fleece lined, regular and Tkn 1 c. and colors !... 90 extra sizes, each 19? Ihe torthcommg Spring and Summer sea ~jjj Men's 25c silk lisle hose, seamless, black and Women's 39c white cotton ribbed vests and SOnS arc to be marked by the abundant Use of S co i ors v& x M drawers, fleece lined, each 39? laces--news that will be of special interest with -H!;:; 18 heavy woo! mixed hose - 12yk qua ribbcd yii ist prices as low as we quote here : S ' ® Children's Hosiery Women's 50c white cotton ribbed vests, English Torchon laces, 1 to V/ 2 inches wide, values up I I • Children's black cotton fine ribbed Dutch neck, elbow sleeves 159? to 3c, yard 1? rj-\| I —1 1 I—, . • _ hose, seamless, all colors 90 omen s 37,V 2 c Peeler cotton ribbed vests German Torchon laces, 2to 3 inches wide, values up to The February Furniture Sale 5c^ rd • /\DOUIIQS 111 Uncommon V £IiUOS Women's 50c silk hose, seamless, spliced ' ow ! ecl{ ' elbow sleeves and sleeveless .. 600 worth 3c, yard 30 From tiiand Kapids' best niukers liave come many or the attractive hee!s and toes ' white and tan color el •• • 350 Children's Peeler cotton ribbed vests and White Point de Paris laces, 3 to 5 inches wide, values .! t,ld ®^ sen,l,led ,n the February Furniture Sale. And| Women's tan colored cotton hose, seamless, pants, fleece lined, values up to 35c 150 up to 19c, yard 106 mere tMi t u piece In the entire collection that you would not love to live with ml */r _» TT.J V Prf!» ol .„ your . Kvep yjtcm represents soometliing dependable. , ir , ;> 0 Mens Underwear All Over laces, 18 inches wide, white and ecru, values up .em',, o\vere<'. omen s fast black cotton hose, seam- Men's heavy Jeager cotton fleece lined shirts to 59c vard 2 o<fr ' Furniture Sale'nAee^^ 8 ' c: f url 5 tsh rockers, in imitation less and drawers, each 3})(/. ' c .'„ { ■ ' A - J" I # S.rc„«,. • • sfi Women'# 25c fast black lisle hose, seamless Men's Egyptian cotton, ribbed shirts and , S,lk 'T "»«* of CO '° rS ' 2to 4 mche » w,de ' »4B0 rO B Uk fltwa e n i at tressea.'' Feb- 0 PrU k "t" 'i" " s h l2 ' 50 s P llc . ed he f ls a , nd toes drawers, fleece lined, each 2\)<t SUp t0 ' yard ; WM ruary Furniture Sale price ....$11.50 <n oa ' txenson tal^l 5 s { j 3 Women's 25c black lisle hose, with white Men's heavy cotton ribbed shirts and draw- linen Torchon laces, Ito inches wide, large range i^uronure^leTriee 63868 '.513?50 s2lß ° Bolden oak extension tables feet, seamless ers, Egyptian and grey, fleece lined, each, 390 of patterns, values up to 10c, yard 50 weighing compounds, made hy ? c last black cottpn hose, fash- Men's SI.OO Egyptian cotton ribbed union Linen Cluny insertions, 2to 4 inches wide, values up to & /ostef. We have agreed $14.50 golden oak extension tables heC,S a " d tOCS IS " ,tS ' fleeCC lmed 6»0 29c vard 19* line of mattresses and have obligated si»'»r> omens 25c Burson cotton hose, seamless, Men's SI.M) velvet rib cotton ribbed union ™ „ ourselves for a large number. To ac- $35.00 golden oak buffets &o<i\n iccnrteH o+i/loc tc, 1 union 01ves, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. utaaaSS!!:iSl 18< s " lts > frame, seat and bark upholstered in $28.50 golden oak china-closets^ 9 5 ° Women's Imported Kid Gloves: $l.OOl Of 7 W~l m genuine Spanish leather. P'ebmary nn _ r, «. r. ' |3 l<*ll X? I I 4 I Fu /. n . lt i l ?' e 1 i jr , lce $19.50 $22.50 golden oak china closets" ' 4 » P- &S. two-clasp kid gloves, in black, white, tan and grey. )3lt |3j\ tl la\ $45.00 leather davenport. February sin in PiJr nn l£] % J*l \ P \ |3 \ S m C Pr i'.K e •.. . • $35.00 $29.00 golden oak china closets : SI.OO /3 /] /j Ml g A ! 3/\ chair, nitttre Sale Price ..$75.00 $28.50 mahofany chiSers tan ' Palr jW/JL a/JM J S//Shfs// ) W/\k>/AA ruarj- s P S lov es; in black, white, tan and grey. Pair, JfJ y $39 00 sofa beds. February Furnl- $29.50 fumed oak bookcases ! fumed oak tabies with double * 31 ' 50 1 le mish oak davenports Kayser's washable chamoisette gloves, two-clasp; in while, ====; == a ?::: :[ Furmture'safe 1 p e rice cnd ' $49 0 ° Plemish oak davenports.natural, grey and biscuit. Pair 500 to $1.35 ===: ====== a ?s ? |r $15.00 fumed oak"rockers!' Feb- $39.00 Flemish oak davennoris ls ' 00 Kayser's washable chamoisette gloves; 16-button length; II Jl 1 J1 ii JL il ruary Furniture Sale price 510.H5 $i15.00 white, natural and biscuit. Pair 500 to SI.OO Women s and Misses $35.00 to $45.00 Winter Suits The Anonymous Novel S £tnd Boys Winter ShooS Rodliced Go Out Tomorrow in the Mill and Factory Sale at $16,50 " Home" X O New Low Proportions in the Sale «« m SUIt J- C r ning from °" r W ,nter stock has bccn reduced to $10.50 if its original price i ust published by The Century was $30.00 to There are just ?2 of these garments to be disposed of and to-morrow's Company, is a book that will live And the values represent altogether the best shoes we've offered since the open price oug it to ta e half the lot. w j t]l you long a f tcr you j iaV g j n g G f t j ie w j n ter season. There are sturdy, well-built shoes for active boys at a vefvet 1 B coi!ar n fnd S i , a t rge in buttonl c °mm'TnV" KH-Torv $35 00 suits in eponKe; cut velour nnd w ° ol cordu " !t asi(le - Thc author has seen fit fraction of their actual worth, and the styles for women are only such as vou will Sale price sl6 50 roy cutaway and military models, fur trimmed collar, fo i„ t i - k„ C , • , • , , , • $87.50 brown novelty cloth suits, one-button style, colors, mahogany, brown, taupe and navy. Mill and 1 v tIUCI 111 iligu gfSuC llllCS. lon« back trimmed with fancy buttons, velvet collar, Factory Sale price $16.50 cause ''Home" is too closely identi fA°nft I,actor >'Sale price. .. .$16.50 $39.30 diagonal serge suits In walnut shade, one- c„.i „.; f i, i:r„ i, > r , rf "™ Women S Shoes Boys' Shoes f.i? Irl j trlmmc d with black button style, trimmed back, velvet collar, draped " e 'th tile life lies lived. Tf VOU ... . m ~ . , , * 1 a factory Rale pric■ skirt $16.50 would cnjov a good, long evening omefi s $3.00 tan calf button shoes, made Boys' $2.50 gun metal calf and tan calf but .. »»■<">. y'»T i'-". .»»• one-button miss ihis «ory. At the book on high toe last with stitched soles an,l h.gh T^ 11 v ? lvet butto "B. draped Mill and Factory Sale price $1650 section SO Cubatl or lovv hcc,s » s'i..is tu " snue5 ' ulaae on IUM Ul ß n luc lasth %vlUl ■**t _ rrr?^r,-XT- mSO .1 I>l f 1^ 8 ; Pomeroy & Stewart-Second Floor. * Women's 2.50 tan calf and gun metal calf welted and stitched soles, sizes Ito .% $1.90 A 1S ■ J Wool iNavy and Black Skirts 1 omorrow Only, $2.25 a r * * button shoes, made Oil a medium high toe last Boys' $2,00 box calf and black kidskin lace An exceptional bargain in women's all-wool skirts is announced for to-morrow in the offer- lOr IVIOII with heavy stitched soles, high heels .. $1.90 , ing of a $4.95 st}lc, in navy and black, at the unusually low price of $2.25 Step into the Men's Furnishing's Women's $2.00 black kidskin and gun metal - c s nia con me lum u toe asts with 13 ' medium and large sires. department to-morrow, and ask calf button and lace shoes, heavy stitched soles heavy stitched soles; sizes 2j4 to sy'j .. $1.35 A O £_v • . „ any one of the alert young men with low heels $1.65 Boj-s' $1.50 satin calf shoes," blucher lace A bale of Dining Room Domes at a Saving of One-Fourth S£? f a w H y ;" m thes ; clc , ver , ly Wonien ' s *}/> black kidskin ,ace sh ° cs ;, a,Kl styles with solid leather so ies, si zcs 2/, to 5/,, 110.00 dining room domes; 24-inch B i*o. with » sale price „ 19 fi ■ Tladr sh pn metal calf button shoes, made on full toe panels of art glass and heavy cast metal trimmings; 50c brass stands for smokers!' Miil' and' Faclorv Wlt lalln(lerc d cuffs. Sizes are com- . lasts With heavy stitched soles $1.45 ffined in e our home d KKml™ "J? Sa i P a prlc ® »v rA' ""j " ' ar,t ' pletp ' to 17 And don't for- Women's $1.50 black kidskin button and Bo 3' s S LSO P atent colt and gun metal calf ,™ui, M home, on ,n„ .„ M . c 0,,„ .. d F gc , lht wi| , , JC ,* avy „ jtthcd witll low , la , l„cc shoe,, made on lull toe lasts with heavy umbrella stands. Mill and Factory I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. ] iee]s $1.20 stitched SoleS, sizes' 8/ 2 to 1.3>4 $1.20 j. •♦* FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 6, 1914.
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