Congressman Bremner, Who Underwent Radium Treatment For Cancer, Dies HARRISBURG SfiSlfßl TELEGRAPH LXXXIII— No. 31 OLD WAR VETERAN LIVES ILL ID ALONE IN DAMP BASEMENT Summing Party Finds Unbear able Conditions in Sibletown , Homes and Shops MANY PLACES IMPROVED Landlords Are to Blame in Many Instances; Rentals Sur prisingly High Sick and alone in ft gloomy, damp basement of an old house at 211 Mulberry street, Bartley Weitzel, a Civil TVar veteran more than 80 years old, was discovered yesterday by a party Inspecting housing conditions in the city. Dr. J. M. J. Raunlck was making his second trip through the city's "'slums" when he came across the sick old man. Weitzel was dismissed from the Harrlsburg hospital a week ago. Since then the old man has been lying In the bed in the cheerless room in the basement of his former boarding house, getting his meals at intervals through the kindness of a fellow boarder. He has a bad cough and breathes with difficulty. To-day one of the nurses from the Visiting Nurses' Association called to nee the man, and he will be given medical attention. Efforts will be made to have members of Post SS, G. A. R., of which Weitzel is a mem ber call to see htm and have him re moved to another room. "Too Damp," He Says The old man Is dissatisfied with his condition, and asked Dr. J. M. J. Kaunlck to move him frum the base ment. "It's too damp in here sometimes." he whispered in a husky voice. He •ays he pays *3.50 a week for his room and the meals that are brought to him. Hia pension is taken care of for him by Alderman Caveny. Each month the old man receives $22.50 and says he takes it to the alderman for safe keeping. The old soldier was just one in atance of many bad conditions found by the slumming party yesterday. Dr. Raunick learned, however, that many of the places visited in his first in spection have been improved. The man who lived in a cellar in! Pouth street has moved his things to the second floor, and he says "his rheumatism is better." Sibletown was invaded by the prob ers and many filthy conditions were uncovered. Hovels In which it seemed Impossible that humans could exist were everywhere in some sections. Landlord* to Blame In many Instances the landlords are to blame for the conditions. Houses are seldom repaired, no attempt to Improve sanitary conditions is made, and yet the rentals are surprisingly high For a six-room house in North Seventh street where plaster was fall ing from the walls, and the roof was about like a sieve, $9 a month was paid. In a narrow alley the house kept by an old colored aunty was scrupulously clean and was badly in need of a new roof, but "aunty" had to pay $6 a month. Orders to clean up were left by Dr. Raunick at some of the places. At 611 Walnut street in the house owned by Mrs. Dora Frank, a twenty-four hour notice was served. Five minutes after the order, brooms, hose and dust cloths were flying in the hands of Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Mary Miller, the tenant. In this place, a "delicatessen shop" was conducted on the first floor and on the other two floors were lodging rooms, with little furniture and much dirt and foul smells. Out side of this house, a board shack had been put up along the wall. A tiny dirty room, four feet wide and ten feet long was the home for a man. A bed, an old stove, covered with fllthy cooking utensils and a chair were the furnishings. A door and two windows, in which old clothes took the place of glass did more to keep out light and air than to let It In. This place was ordered vacated. « Late News Bulletins 158,026 CHICAGO WOMEN REGISTER Chicago, Feb. s.—Official registration figures announced to-day by the election <-omniissioners indicated that 158.02(1 women registered Tuesday in Chicago. PRESIDENT OPPOSES EXEMPTION Washington, Feb. s.—l*resident Wilson announced to-day that he would use every legitimate influence at hi* dis|*>sal to have repealed the provision of the Panama canal act exempting American coastwise ves sels from t" *e payment of toUs. CARRANZA WINS ANOTHER CITY Nogales, Ariz.. Feb. 3.—Mazatlan, an important scacoast port in the State of Sinaloa. fell into the bauds of Carranza's forces to-day, ac cording to Information received in Nogales, Sonora, from rebel sources. TRAIN HITS SIGHTSEEING AUTO c »^ a^h s< % , « lv i 1 1 .45'5 ' * la " * v sightseeing automobile was struck by a oeanoard Air Line train here to-day anil four persons arc* reported killed or dangerously injured. Twenty-live persons are reported hurt. SCHMIDT CASE GOES TO JURY . *ew 1 o»*k. Feb. r».—The fate of Hans Schmidt, accused of the mar *" ,*V nna Aumuller, was placed in tho hands of a jury to-day for the second time. At his former trial the jury disagreed. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARRED .. Washington, Feb. s.—Monpialsir. one of the several candidates for the presidency of Haiti, has arrived at Cape Ilaitlen on the German steamer bat ora, but lias not Iwen allowed to land, according to Navy Department dispatches to-day from Commander Bostwick, of tlie Nash ville. Monplaisir tried to disembark at Port Au Prince, several days ago but was refused permission. K ' RATE OF DISCOUNT REDUCED m anf^ n r^u b e^7^^H te to°4 g£S.° f Imperlal Bank °' Gcp " _ New York, Feb. s.—The market closed easy. Liquidation increased the available supply of stocks and bear operators were active in search spots. Declines of a point were made in Heading, Union Pacific, Southern I aclHc and other representative slmres. Fractional re coveries occurred in the final dealings a ' re XX Copper, 77 % ; Atchison, 98% ; Baltimore and Ohio. »4%; Brooklyn Rapid Trans., ; Canadian Pacific, 218® Chesapeake andOhlo. ««%:P. R.R.. 112%; Lehigh Valley, 153 H,; New Aork Central. 94; Aortliera Pacific, 117ti; Reading IB7V • Pacific, 98; Union Pacific, 162%; U. S. A ' Southe ™ —■ "-^i^Mßa—tam—n—i »..»■■-i in ii—aaM—hum 1 1 ""a—""" ■ m —'—"^ " : ''■« •sa.Nvf •' »■* '1 wpw r t '^•»j^'*^ Living conditions in t.he "slums" of the city are shown by the photographs above. Yesterday a party of city officials visited Sibletown and other sections of Harrisburg and ordered the owners of hovels to clean up at once. Thn upper left band etching shows the entrance to ola South alley, where a man was living In a cellar. The upper right hand etching is a shack where a woman has lived alone for six years. Below Is seen the inside of the "castle" of a white man at 511 Walnut street, for which a rental of $1.50 a week is charged. HUERTA INCREASES FEDERAL ARMY FOR ACTIVE CAMPAIGN Circular of Instructions Issued To day by Provisional > President By Associated Press Mexico City. Feb. 5. President Huerta last night issued a decree au thorizing an Increase in the army of 50.000 men. Including irregulars, according to official figures, this will bring the available fighting force of the army up to 239,000 men. President Huerta de clares that he will begin an active campaign immedlatley in all sections of the country. A circular of instructions was issued to-day by Provisional President Huerta [Continued on Page 9] HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5, 1914. CONDITIONS FOUND BY CITY OFFICIAL Sex Education and Domestic Science in Schools Is Urged by State Health Commissioner Sex education under certain restric tions in the public schools of the State was advised by Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, State Commissioner of Health, rather than the portrayal of sex problems in the theater In an address made to-day at the nineteenth annual convention of the school directors', department of the State Educational Association. Dr. Dixon also declared that an educational system which lacks the teaching of domestic science is de ficient In the training of the mothers and wives of the future. The modern tendency in education, he warned the directors, was toward the development of the brain at the expense of the body. Giving his reason for favoring the teaching of sex hygiene in the schools, Dr. Dixon said the dangers of sexual diseases should be taught by compe- RODMAN WANAMAKER PLANS AIRSHIP TO FLY ACROSS OCEAN Trip, According to Announcement, Could Be Made Within Fifteen Hours By Associated Press New York, Feb. B.—The success of Rodman Wanamaker's flying boat in crossing the Atlantic ocean In a single flight will depend almost entirely upon its motor, according to aviators and aeroplane constructors, who to-day let it be known that other machines were either in process of designing, or building with a similar object in view. [Continued on Page 9] Murder Suspect Will Return to Cleveland By Associated Press Wheeling, W. Va., Feb. 5. —Norman Stanley, arrested here early to-day in conectlon with the murder of Robert Mercer, of Pittsburgh, whose body was found burled in a shallow grave In the basement of the new city hall In Cleveland, decided later in the day to return to Ohio without extradition papers. When told that a charge of murder had been entered against him in Cleveland he said "I am in the clear." He admitted he was with Mer cer the night Mercer disappeared, and said he would tell all he knew of that night's happenings when the right time came. tent teachers rather than paraded be fore the mixed audience of the the ater. 300 Directors Hear Addresses Dr. Dixon gave a talk filled with valuable suggestions to the 300 school directors here from all parts of the State. He was one of four speakers this afternoon. Dr. Nathan C. Schaef fer, John Price Jackson and J. C. Brown, president of the department, spoke. Dr. Dixon said that a large factor in the development of tuberculosis among school children is physical ex haustion from overstudy. "They are often forced to sacrifice their outdoor life necessary for the growing child,'' he said. "Too often children are forced to jeopardize their [Continued on Page 4] COKSMI DIES AFTER TIITIMI OE HUM FIILS — n Taken to Dr. Kelly's Sanatorium After Other Physicians Worked in Vain By Associated Press Baltimore, Md., Feb. 51 Robert Gunn Bremner, member of Congress from the Seventh New Jersey district, and editor of the Passaic Daily Her ald, died to-day of cancer at a local sanatorium where he had been under going radium treatment since last De cember. He had been suffering from the disease for four years. Mr. Bremner was 39 years old and married but childless. Mr. Bremner came to Dr. Howard Kelly's sanatorium to try the radium [Continued on Page 0] With His Wooden Arm He Cruelly Soaked 'er in the Eye, Says Susie Charged with hitting Susie Forsythe, 3 8 South Tenth street, in the eye with his wooden right arm, Barney McGuire was arrested yesterday. He will be given a hearing before Alderman Mur ray to-night. In the information made by Susie it is charged that Barney hit the com plainant in the right eye with the flst of his artificial right arm. Susie has the black eye, which she will offer as an exhibit at the hearing this evening. I HIDES OPPOSES ' SPENDING St DOOM; FOR ILASKIRDRDS Much Better to Provide Transpor tation Facilities by Lease Under Commission Rule Special to The Telegraph Washington, Feb. s.—ln an address before the House, Congressman Kreider vigorously opposed the Sen ate bill appropriating $40,000,000 for experimental railroad building opera tions in Alaska. He made it clear that Alaska is,not bottled up as it is made to appear, but that its transportation facilities on both land and water were ample for its present requirements and Its small population. He said in part: "I approve of the policy of the government in retain ing absolute control of the coal and mineral lands but advocate the adop tion of a leasing system on a royalty basis under the control of a commis sion appointed for the purpose with absolute ar>d well defined powers. "I would also put the railroads un der the control of the same commis sion. Under such a policy the coun try will be developed and railroads [Continued on Page 11] PROPERTY OWNERS TO Plf PAVING OF FRONT ST'S WIDTH Hearing on Assessments Between Machty and Division Sts. Tomorrow Properties abutting in Front street between Xtaclay and Division will be assessed for the cost of paving the full width of the highway, according to an opinion on the subject given to City Engineer Oowden yesterday by City Solicitor Seitz. The action is the result of the de cision of the members of City Council reached at the conference of a week ago. Interested owners may air their opinions on the question before the Engineer between 9 and 12 o'clock tomorrow morning, notice to that eftect having been advertised for the last few weeks. In addition to the owners of prop erty abutting in Front between Maclay and Division, those living in the fol lowing streets will have an oppor tunity to be heard on the question of paving assessments too: Penn street from Woodbine to Em erald and Catherine street from Fif teenth to Seventeenth streets. Differs from Whitehall St. Problem The city's proposed action to assess abutting property owners for the cost [Continued on Page 11] White Girls Hidden Between Flooring and Ceiling of Chinese Den By Associated Press Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 5. While seurchlrte a Chinese roominghouße in Chinatown last night for opium smokers, the police discovered three white girls hidden between the ceiling of the first story and flooring of the second. The girls were crowded in a small aperture, concealed by a false ceiling, into which they had been forced when the police entered the building. At the police headquarters the girls said they were all over 20 years of age. They refused to tell how they came to be in the house or to give any <nfor-nation against Young Tick, a Chinese who resisted the police while the raid was under way, and who was arrested with them. The police believe they found a Chi nese white slave depot. STEAMER ENGINEER SCALDED By Associated Press New York, Feb. s.—The oil tank steamer San Gregorio, in port to-day from Rotterdam, reported that on Monday evening a valve box in her engineroom broke, filling the compart ment with steam. William Kemp, an engineer, was scalded to death and three other members of the crew were seriously burned. They were in the I ship's hospital when the vessel came 1 In to-day. Railroads May Issue Passes to Families of Employes, Is Ruling Public Service Commission Decides That Free Transporta tion Privileges Shall Not Be Curtailed by New Law; in Accord With Governor Tener's Views; Good News For Thousands of Railroadmen The Public Service Commission to day ruled that railroad companies may issue free passes to their officers and employes to be used for the transpor tation of the dependent members of the families of such officers and em ployes. The ruling is strengthened by the declaration that the granting of these concessions will not be regarded by the commission as a violation of the provisions of the public service company law. It also ruled that the free trans portation furnished by common car PROGRESSIVES NOT MUCH WORRIED DT DEMOCRATIC SLATE William Draper Lewis Their Choice For Governor; Kelly in the Opening Sentiment among the Washington party chiefs gathered here for the council of war this afternoon appears to be all favorable to William Draper Lewis for the gubernatorial nomi nation and for Gilford Pinehot for senator. The announcement from Washington last night that Congress man A. Mitchell Palmer would be the senatorial candidate and that ex-Mayor Vance C. McCormlek would be put forward as the reorganizers' candidate for Governor did not seem to ruffle the Bull Moosers to any ex tent, and if anything there was a feel ing of relief that McCormlek and not Palmer was going to be Lewis' oppo nent. What was uppermost In the minds of the men who talked In the corridors of the hotels while awaiting the arrival of William Flinn was whether Edwin S. Stuart wouid stand for Governor. The main business before the coun cil will be to get rid of Congressman [Continued on Page 11] WHO'S 1011 CITY MUNICIPAL CIRCLES TO BE KM SOON Resolution Ending Suspense May Be Presented Next Tues day Afternoon Who's who in the matter of mu nicipal office jobs so far as the pro visions of the Lynch councilraanic re moval resolution is concerned may be determined at next Tuesday's meet ing. When Commissioner W. H. Lynch last Tuesday offered the measure which provides that all holders of city offices in any department be dismissed March 1, unless otherwise provided for by the Clark act, it was generally expected that the resolution authoriz ing the specific changes wouldn't go In before February 17. To-day some of the commissioners discussed with City Solicitor Seitz, it is understood, the question of whether or not the appointments and dis missals contemplated couldn't be sub mitted to Council at the meeting next Tuesday instead. Whether or not this can be done legally will be decided before evening, it is said, and the commissioners will be Informed of it to-morrowi If this [Continued on Page 11] Ex-county Commissioner John W. Deibler, Dies at His Home in Berrysburg Sfecial to The Telegraph Berrysburg, Pa., Feb. 5. —Ex-Com- missioner John WT Deibler, 6 8 years old. died on Wednesday morning after an Illness of about a year. He was one of our most prominent citizens. He served two terms as commissioner of Dauphin county and also filled sev eral prominent offices in Berrysburg. He is survived by his widow and one son, Harry. Funeral services will be held on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock in the Reformed Church, burial to be made in the United Brethren Ceme tery'. Fall of Two-ton Rock Kills Upper End Miner Special to The Telegraph Williamstown, Pa., Feb. B.—While working In Shaft No. 2 last night M. Irvin Etzweller, 2 7 years old, a ma chine man, was killed by tho falling of a rock weighing nearly two tons. Etzweller had Just come to work and was working about his machines in the tunnel. Without warning the rock dropped from the roof of the mine, striking htm a glancing blow. He was picked up with a broken back. He died in the ambulance on his way home. He lived In Dayton, a little .settle ment near here, and Is survived by a wife and three small children. 14 PAGES. * POSTSCRIPT. riers to policemen and firemen in the discharge of their public duties is not such free transportation as is pro hibited by the provisions of the law. The commission did not paaa upon the questions regarding reduced rats# for clergymen nor did It dispose ot several other propositions of a kindred nature conoerning rates and fares. Governor Tener's public statement to the effect that there vu no sound reason why free passes should not be [Continued on Pace 4] IST 105 MEN IRE DETER JJUUITOR JOG IT POLICE STATION Johnny Grisringer Speaks Up When Patrolmen Speak of Fatal March 1 At roll call last night and ttato morn lng the one particular question asked about the police department by one employe of the other waa, "What are you going to do after March X?" "We re like the Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey," said one of Mayor Koyals patrolmen, "we just keep on feeding and guessing until our heads *o off." "You can't please everybody," spoke up Charley Fleck. "I would like to know how they are going to satisfy 724 applicants with but 300 jobs." "Well, there are just 105 after my job," spoke up Johnny Grissinger, the Janitor, this morning, "and some of the men after the Job are now draw-* ing down from $45 to *6O a month pension from the Pennsylvania Rail road." "And the worst Is yet to come," add ed Sergeant Tom Rodgprs. "Yes," signed Harry White, the de tective. COMMITTEE READY FOR WORK By Arsociattd Prtit Washington, D. C., Feb. s.—Mem bers of the House mining committee who will Investigate strike conditions in Michigan and Colorado will leavn Washington to-night. For Harrlnbiirg and vicinity■ Un settled weather to-nlgnt and Fri day, probably nnun, slightly colder to-night, with lowrvt tem perature about 25 degrees. For Eastern Pennsylvania! Un settled to-night and Friday, prob ably snowi polder to-night: llaht northeast winds. _ River The Susquehanna river and Ita ?„ i ,, ; l . Pal < rlhut " r| ea will coirtlnuo to fall, exeept the North and West branches, will remain nearly sta* tlonary to-night. General Conditions It Is voider from the Great Ukt« to the Atlantic coast and decidedly colder In North and ■nrf Montana ? d Washington, with tempera lures 10 to ao degrees below zero. It Is somewhat warmer along tho western shores of the Grea't sippT*VaHey!" l PP " MU "*- Temperaturei 8 a. m., 30; 3 p. m. SI p/m. 111 **"' 7,13 m ' Foil moon, February Ui33 7 5 ' eet . Yesterday's Weather Highest temperature, 46. lowest temperature, 34. Mean temperature, 40. Normal temperature, 28. T MARRIAGK^LIOBNSBS ley Keet cUy Re ® 3 aDd Fannle SmK m&^motne 1 and Cath#r,ne Cum " clt>" SePh J " San#on and Margaret Blyer, Advertised Goods Are Usually of Better Quality When a man puts an article on the market and advertises It he Is givjng it his personal endorse ment. He is creating a standard that he must live up to for all time if he expects to succeed. He must fulfill all his adver tising promises—and If he is a wise advertiser he will do a lit tle bit more. His hope of profit la the steady demand he wishes to create, and this can only come to an article with real merit. The great advertising agencies which are expert In planning big campaigns frequently advise would-be advertisers to w«lt for months or years until they bring their product to a point where it Is ready for exploitation. All things being equal It Is a safe rule to choose an advertised brand rather than one that has no particular sponsor. It will generally assure you more satisfaction for your money. It's what you get for what you pay. that oounts.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers