STAR OF THE NORTH. was, 'if.'jAcosr,' k'niTOß. BLoinisrriiC.wi iiM.siiAY, M.uini n, iB6O. Colnmhiii County Democratic Conventitn We publish below, at the suggestion of a large number of influential Democratic vot ers, the RCI.ES AND CODE OF LAWS as adopted by a full Democratic County Convention, Sept. 6lh. 1851, for the future government of the "DELEGATE ELECTIONS AND COUNTY CONVENTIONS " They are stro gent and of binding force, and should be regarded These RULES and LAWS were Irawteil and adopted tor the governmenbof the Demo cratic party, therefore why violate them? If the Chairman o! the Standing Committee, Levi L. Tate, thinks different of these Rides and Law s than he did some three or four years ago, when lie lauded them very high ly, why does he not get out a remonstrance against them and have litem repealed in ate- d of violating every part of litem as is being done by not calling a County Con vention. What is the use of writing when we have before us the Chairman's own language al ready written. We'll just quote a portion from a copy of his paper issued in 1855. He says : "In the Columbia Democrat, of June 9:1), and the issue ol June 11-'ili, we took occasion to ask if this county was to he represented in die Democratic Slate Convention, to assem ble in Harrshnrg on the 4ih of July. It is n s'andntg itt'e of the Democratic parly in Columbia Cnuiitt that no appointment ol a Delegate to a State Convention shall he made by the Standing Committee and we therefore presume, as no Convention lias been called, that Columbia County is to have no voire in that Convention, lieing onrseif a strict constructionist, we do not see how the Standing Committee dare ap point a Delegate, in contravention of till role and all justice; especially, as the time of the meeting ol the Conven ion ami the Title above nieinioned. ore, and have been well known. How long is litis wor.-e than British tyranny toronliuue? Have the peo ple no rights, no voice?" Now this is our sentiments exactly. We would like to know whether the "people have no rights" or "no voice." Probably the Chairman can explain to the Democra cy. We will quote a little further from his paper as it answers every purpose : "They not only [meaning the Standing Committee] neglect their duty, [hy not call ing a Convention ami allowing the people n loiee in the mat er ol choosing Delegates] but they vio ate a position and well estab lished rule of the party, adopted lor the very purpose ol preventing sncli men as now seek to muzzle the party, from consumma ting their tyrannical imentions. But even the following rue was too weak [meaning rue V 11!. which will lie found below] to restrain the unprincipled and designing men who boast they, God save the murk, ■are the Democratic party." The words in the above, which are ar ranged in crotchets , we have fixed in that manner, that lite quotation may be belter understood. We will not quote any more from the Dcmocrul at present but leave this suffice. Rule IX specifies that the Standing Com- i miuee shall be five in number, ami makes no provisions (or any more or less on tlie j Committee. llnleXll. declares that none! of these rules (hall beultered unless by a vote ! of twothmU tit a regular annual Convention. Nothing can be plainer than the above, ! anil yet these rules have teen violated. No I vote has been taken to have any of them 1 altered or rescinded, and yet in looking over \ the present Standing Committee we find it | to consist of six in number, when lite rule : calls for hat five. The following are the tcleit and chosen Committee:—Levi L Tate, I Iram Derr, Albert Hunter, John Nues, Daniel j McHenty and I'. G. Campbell. Well, vvesee through it all now. The Col had his thoughts upon Representative Dele gate to the llitrrishurg Slate convention,and hoping to be a candidate for the delogacy, 1 lie thought it no more than proper and rigin j that the Committee should consist of six I members anil hitnseli be chairman, there- J lore he would have control ol said Coin- j mitlee, and being a candidate for the Dele j gacy to the State Convention the Standing ] Committee would consist of its proper num- j her, an! if he managed to get the whole five to sign his "paper" to serve as his creden- I tials in the District Conference lie would ' come in of course as the unanimous choice 1 ol said Committee, and tho Conlerees ol i said Cotilerence very probably would be rone the wiser of it. "The principle lor which we contend will statul forever, no matter who may be chairman of the Stand ing Committee ; and the outrage is equally an outrage no matter who was tho counsel Jur." The following are the rules and laws which govern our political county affairs: The undersigned appointed at the last county convention to prepare some rules lor the regulation of nominations hereafter, and report the same to this convention do report the following 12 Rules lor your considera tion 'They conform in most respects to the usages of the parly as hereiolore existing and we have endeavored to make them con cise and intelligible A slight change in the time of holding the annual conventions, as contemplated in the first rule, is rendered necessary by the lact that the Court House will herenfter be occu pied by the courts on the first Monday of •September and lor some time afterwards. C. R. BUCKAI.KW, Sept. 6, 1851. GEORGE MACK, F. M BRIDE. RULES. I. The annual Counly Convention shall be held at the Court House ill Bloornsbtirg, on the last Monday of August, at one P. M., and the Delegate Election shall he held on the Saturday previous, at the places ol hold ing the general elections in tlio several elec tion districts, between the hours ol 3 and 7 o'clock in the afternoon. 11. The Delegate Election shall be by bal lot and each general election disir.ct shall be entitled to two delegates III> The Delegate Elections shall lie held and conducted by a Judge and clerk, to be selected by the Democrats in attendance, and the said officers shall keep a list of vo ters and tally of votes counted, to be sent by them to the convention with their certifi cate of the result of their election. IV. All cases ol di-puted seats in con ventions shall he disposed of openly by vote after hearing the respective claimants uud their evidence V. All delegates must reside tn the dis trict they represent. In case of an absent delegate be may depute another, il he fail to do so, his colleague in attendance rr.ay substitute for him. In other cases the con vention may till up the representation Irom 1 the citizens of the District in attendance VI. l ite voting in Conventions shall he I open, and any two members may require I the yeas and nays on any question pending ( VII. Special conventions may be called, when necessary, by ilioStandingcommittee, the proceedings of which shall conform to these rules - VIII All county nominations, and all appointments ol conferees and of delegates to State conventions, shall be made in coun ty convention. JX. The Standing committee shall he five in nnrnl er, one ol whom shall reside at the county seal, and shall be chosen aunun'ly in convention. In case ol vacancy the com mittee nitty till up their number. X. No member of the Legislature shall he chosen by this comity a.- a Delegate to a St.'t'n convention during his term ol oflico. XI In Convention a majority of all the votes given shall be necessary to a nomina tion, and no person named shall he perernp torily stricken from lite ii.-l of candidate* until after the sixth vole, 'when the lowest ttttme shall he struck off anil so on at each successive vote until a nomination is allect ed XII None of these rules shall he altered, or rescinded unless by a vote of iwo-lhirds at a regular minimi Convention. The above report was on motion adopted unanimously, and the convention then ad journed. Tlic Washington Tragedy. This terrible tragedy litis created a most intense excitement, not only in Washington and New York, where tho parties were more extensively known, but at every po-nt which tho new s has reached Our exchange papers come to us daily, teeming with vari ed accounts of the tragical affair, and tho causes that led to it. From numerous sources we have collected many interesting partic ulars, which can be found elsewhere, into to-day's paper. They are mostly corres pondences taken from the New York Tit- Imnc and Ilerahl. The trial of Mr. which is ere long to lake place, for lite de liberate inurderhe has committed, will furn ish a fair representation of the lives which many families lead itt Washington. At the capital of the nation more than anywhere j else, are the re'atiousof domestic life invad ed, and lite ennobling modesty and refined | reserve of woman endangered by promiscu ous and umtarded social intercourse. Such I le-sons should arouse every community to j a sense of these dangers j This is indeed a sad tragedy, but it is a I step in lite direction : ami while the j evil is as stupendous as it is—taking Wash j ingtou as the radiating point—the hand of ; tho avenger of domestic woe, of ruined j homes, of disgraced, defiled and prostituted ! wives, mothers, and daughters, should seize ■ the two-edged sword of death and drawing | it from the scabbard, go forth and spare not, till tho last foul Seducer had paid the forfeit | for his wrongs, or until the existing mnr -1 hidily in lite public mind on these tilings | had been corrected by this uprising Are I we permitted to-day to draw aside the Veil | and look behind it and see the corruptions I of,his kind which abound. I It is freely rumored that a brother of the ! deceased declares his purpose tokiii Sickles j on sight. THE STATU JOURNAL is the title of a now I paper just started in Philadelphia, by RBU- 1 BKN G OIIWIO to be devoted to the interests of Pennsylvania generally. It is printed in octavo form, and contains a large amount of reading; well edited. The first number contains a portrait of Joit\ BRIGHT, Esq., one of the greatest and best Englishmen ol the present day. At the present time he is engaged in a fierce contest with many of the British aristocracy on the disputed question, whether Democracy in the United States is a failure or not. A daily paper 1 will l e published in connection with Trie Slate Journal as soon as the necessary ar rangements can be effected. Terms ot 'lhe Stale Journal, $2 00. TIIB POTTSVIM.K RECORD AMI EMPORIUM is enlarged and improved. It is now the larg est, best and neatest paper published in Schuylkill county. It is u paper that should meet with good success. The editor has been to considerable expense in making it what it now is. He suffered a heavy loss , in being burnt onl on tlie 1-Jih of last Au gust, when he was compelled to purchase j all new material, anil start his paper anew, lie certainly deserves a good patronage, \ which wc hope lie is receiving. THE LADIES' HOME MAGAZINE is upon onr table, laden with reading of a very choice and instructive character. This is, with out the least doubt, a very useful periodical for the family circle, and should circulate ex tensively in those circles. This highly es- ' teemed work is published in Philadelphia, Ivy T. S ARTHUR and VIIIGIKIA F. TOWNSKND, 323 Walnut Street, at $2 per annum iuflexi- ] hly in advance. SCRANTON RFPUBI.ICAN. —We have received a number ol the Scranton Republican which makes a very creditable appearance, edited by F. A. MACARTNEY. Esq , formerly one of j the editors of the Columbia Comity Republi can, of this place. Mr. Macartney is an able and litciil writer, and an ardent woker in the Republican cause, therefore success to him in all but politics. WE HAVE before us a neat little work en titled " Hoys and Gills'own Magazine." It contains a good and large amount ol read ing for the size of it, with thir y-two pages; devoted to the interest of the young class principally. It is an interesting little Mag azine. William L. Jones, 152 Sixth Avenue, New York, is the publisher. It is issued monthly—price 6 cts per copy. Success to the Hoys and Gilts' Magazine. MuiißEn AND SUICIDE —We learn through a friend that a Mrs Smith, (a charucter pret ty well known,) at Bailysbnrg. Perry county, poisoned her husband on Thursday last, and that she, herself, has since died.— Tyrone Star, Ist inst. Another Star. Another republic has been added to the confederacy; another star to the galaxy which studs the blue field of freedom's ban ner. Oregon, the youngest sister of the empire, sits proudly in the national council —the equal of her oldest and proudest sisters. A noble and beantilnl land is Oregon.— The waters of the Pacific lave her feet, and her head towers high amid the loftiest peaks of the great ranee of mountains which rise in the centre of our continent. Her hills are covered with the noblest for ests and her valleys are clothed with per j petttal verdure. 1 Her rivers are mighty. Her lakes crystal. | Her soil strewn with gold. Her harvests, abundant. Her resources, none can calcti i late. Her prospective wealth, destined to overshadow that of older communities.— Her climate, salubrious. Iter sky, serene Glorious is Ore.'on, the youngest ot the sisterhood of Slates. That her future ca reer will bo brilliant no one who knows might of her history and resources can doubt. With everything that can contribute to or adorn civilization is she abundantly blessed. Her water-power is sufficient to drive the mnchienry in factories of tho world. Her mineral resources are inexhaustible—inclu ding the precious as well as the useful met uls. Her climate, as we have said, is salu brious; possessed of that happy mean ill which lh rigors of winter and tho extreme heats of summer are unknown. Karely does the storm rage along Iter extended coasts, and in her interior all is calm ami peaceful as the haunt of zephyrs— "Wooing winds from the balmy south." Site has commenced the race for empire nobly. Her constitution is most liberal, and Iter laws enlightened. When, as undoubted ly will he the case in a decade or two, her fertile valleys shall he filled with an indus trious, frugal population, cultivating the arts of peace; when her eastern borders are 110 longer subject to the ravages of savage marauders; when her rivers are the resort of commerce, and tier harbors are whitened with the sails of many nations, Oregon will lake a proud position as the thirty-third Stale of the Union—the mistress of the Northern Pacific. • I* THE Senate, last week, Mr. Douglas announced that he still adheres to, and will hercalter stand upon, his doctrine relative to the lion iu'erference of Congress, and the C'onsti'Uliomtl rights of the South in the Territories, upon the subject of slavery.— The Republicans say he denied the right of the Territorial legislature to interfere, ex cept by "indirect discouraging legislation." The Democrats assert, he declared that Territorial Legislatures may exclude slavery from United Slates teriiiories, ami that Con gress can neither protect slave-holders against such territorial legislation, nor tur ther the interests of slavery in the Territor ies. Both parties are agreed that the an nouncement which they so differently inter pret has separated him (rom the po'ilical organization now known as the Democrat ic party. Ai d the extreme ultraists of the South contend that "when this dogma on which Mr. Douglas designs basing bis new opposition party ptevails in the Govern ments its existence may be measured by hours—not years." IF WE are not mistaken it was asserted by the Republicans in 1856, at least by the "Tribune," that if Buchanan was e'ected, that none but slave States would be admitt ed into the Union, or words to that effect.— Since Buchanan's inauguration no slave States have been admitted, but two free States have entered the confederacy, ami both in opposition to the Republican vote in Congress. The only States that may yet be admitted into the Union during his ad mini.-lration will have to lie free States— Kansas, Nebraska, Pike s Peak, Washing ton, kc Free soil is pushing out its boun daries further every day. Cuba is the only territory that can be made available for a slave State for some years to come, and w bile Spain refuses to sell, and we have not the money to buy, it is not probable that I-Ian(I will enter the Confederacy in a hur ry. In fact Mr. Slidell, on last Saturday, displayed more sense in withdrawing his £30,000 Olil) bill, than lie had -Iion in pre senting it at this particular juncture—Sun bury Gazette. WE r.EARN from an exchange that a man hy the name of Crab, in Brady township Clearfield County, while out hunting, not long since, came in contact with a bear-trap minlo ol logs, and having never before seen one of the kind, be was extremely anxious to see ami learn the in which it was arranged. Accordingly, he sat his gun down on the outside and crawled in to satis fy his curio-ity, when he touched the trig gerand the trap closed, completely shutliiiv him inside. Being unable to extricate him self, he was kept shut up for two days with out anything to eat, until the person who made the trap came to examine it, and found in place of catching a bruin he had caught a plump Dutchman. So much for that man's curiosity. WE lIAVE received from DUANS RUI.ION, Bonk Publisher, 33 South third street, Phil adelphia, Ihe L'fe, Sp'echcs and Memorials, of DANIEL WEBSTEII ; containing his most cel ebrated orations: a selection from the Eu logies delivered on the occasion of his death; and the Life and Times by SAMUEL SMUCKRK, A. M , author of "Court and Reign of Cath arine II.," besides other very popular works. This book of Webster is interesting, and well gotten up, with neat binding; and con tains five hundred and forty-eight pages —. It will no doubt meet with ready sale, for it is a book that every intelligent family will have. Price, in cloth, SI 75; handsomely embossed, leather, S2 00. nr The Lewistown Gazelle states that ten men and eight women, were baptised on Sunday last by immersion in the Juniata, at the three locks about seven miles below i/owistown. The Pastli!sioii of Coniress. At thiiuime ii is difficult to say with en tire what are the particular provi sions onrfe Appropriation bills that have passed the Thirty-Filth Congress. To some of them are attached sections which are lor objects not al all gerniaiu to carry into efTect the treaty with the Dacotah and Tonawan da Indians has incorporated with it an ap propriation for complying with* existing contracts for carrying the mail via Panama and Tehanntcpec, to California. This fact makes it possible that other appropriations ot a useful an cf Mfcled character may yet he saved. The Miscellaneous Appropriation bill contains the section extending tbe Treasury-note law for two years, and ap propriates SMS2 (100 for the Coast Survey, besides appropriations for the Light House establishment, survey of the public lands, and an appropriation for taking the next census, etc. The Post Office Approptiation and Post Route bills, also the Ocean Mail Steamer bill, failed to become laws owing to lire disagreement of tho two Houses. The Crnlit System. At a recent meeting of the Glasgow Chamber ol commerce, a report on commer cial crisis 'was presented by Ilia Commit tee on Banking Laws, v hiclt abounds with sound, practical sensible views, plainly and forcibly stated. They are as applica ble to this country as that ill which they were express, and are especially commend ed to the attention of the people of this Slate, at this time? When they are engag ed in an effort to reform the banking sys tem, and thus put a check upon the great fountain of excessive credit. The similari ty ol tho principles stated with those which are now engaging the attention of the friends of a relorm in the curreney both in Penn sylvania and New York, shows that men are to look at this question fern i t fie stand point of commercial experience. | and hence are verging to the same conclu sions. The report says "the bestsecurily against j commercial convulsions is to limit credit— j The nearer we come to a cash business, I the sounder will be our trade. The com- j parative security of French commerce dur ing the late crises, was, no doubt greatly i owing to the modified nature of its credits ; ! and, on the other hand, the disasters which j overwhelmed the commerce of America, I were as ccrtwwily the Ts.-uit of an exagger- | ated credit system. Everywhere the stability nf centme et is in an inverse ratio to the devel opment of ci edit. But the abuse of mercantile \ creil t couhl not cxid to any preal extent, were 1 it not fostered by the abuse of '•ankinp credit In our commercial system the credit given by one trader to another, depends mainly on ll:e cretit piven by bonkers to traders Trailers could not give excessive credits unless bankers supplied them with the means Imprudent banking is the root of all unsound trailing. The great fault of modern bank ingisthe insufficient of reserves. Bankers, like traders, are bound to provide for their solvency; they must reserye ample means to meet obligations, and in their case any departure from this rule is the more inex cusable that the proper amount of reserve for them to hold may he ascertained with almost mathematical precision, lint the j desire of profit or the urgency of their cits | tomers induces bunkers, in too many in stances, to invest their deposits more close ly than prudence warrants; safe'y is sacri ficed r or an addition per centage of profit, the reserve is allowed to fall dangerously low, ami when a time of pressure comes the Bank has itching to fall back upon. I This insufficiency of banking reserves is the immediate cause of our panics. When | pressure occurs our great money lenders are j the first to lake alarm; \vhh enormous lia bilities and inadequate reserves of immedi atcly available resources, they feel that their solvency is endangered, and their violent efiorts to regain a position of safety, are the chief couse of disturbance in the money market. Instead of lending to others, they become themselves the most impor tunate Those who should sustain authors of dis credit: they who should inspire confidence are themselves panic stricken. It is not the needy depositor or ignorant noteholder oi the provinces who cause our panics; it j is the millionaire money-lender of our great centres of commerce. Ot.e great cause of insufficient reserves is nndoubtly the high rate of interest allowed upon deposits.— Such rates can only be paid, and a profit realized, by a closo investment of deposits. Our trading cretli s rest mainly on accom modation from the Banks. The provincial Banks deposit a great part of their reserves with London bankers on ealt. The London bankers again invest their deposits closely, and trust mainly to advances from the Bank of Kuglarul in case of need, while the B'kof Kiiglntid itself allows its reserve in times of pressure to tail to a trifling fraction of its deposits. Thus the vast superstructure of British commerce "tests "Ultimately on a mere trifle of reserved capi'al. Our whole credit system is an inverted pyramid.— Penn'an. THE InoN INTEREST OF TENNESSEE—VVe learn that Hie slock of pig Iron for sa'e on the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers does not exceed three thousand tons, chiefly held by four parlies, who are holding for better prices ; that four lurnaces that were in blast last year will not run this; and that the make this year above the amount required for home consumption will not exceed nine thousand tons. There are now twen'y-five furnaces standing idle many of them good property and well situated, making a capi tal of near one million of dollars entirely unproductive. The losses incurred in this branch of business in the past five years will amount to seven hundred thousand dollars.— Clarksvilic Chinaicle. tlf P. T. Hirudin's Lecture on the Art of Money-making has proved an extraordinary hit in England. All the wits and writters go to hear him, and the vast St James Hall, London, is crammed every time he repeats the lecture. He has declined an oiler of $6OOO from a prominent London publishing house for the exclusive right to publish the lecture in Great Britian. Air. Buchanan and Cotygye&s. Nothing shoWs more clearly the provi dential necessity which effected the elec tion of Mr. tier MAN AN, and cued the Union, than tho our lawgivers in Congress, cans as well as Democrats, to understand and act up to the National and patriotic re quirements of the country. I It is quite apparent that a great number of tbe National Representatives, if we judge ' them tiv their actions, have reached the Capitol if flood ol the people's will, which Mr ! BUCHANAN above his competitors, had not at the same time carried on its waves all { smaller tilings. I Congress lias now rejourned. It did not I go out of existenre after having improved jits time, and thus become prepared for a | happy end. Quite the contrary. It has been surprised and suddenly cut down by the hand of time, while its members thought , they had still plenty of time to change their I course—time enough to dolheirduty—time j enough to serve their masters, the people, | who sent them to Washington. | The constitutional representatives of the ; will of the people having failed to properly : express the same on the most important public questions, the Executive branch of the Government is in a great measure paral- I yzed, for when there is no will there ver ly is no way, and thus the Nation stands ashamed before the wotld ol its chosen Sci ons, and shouid the epitaph ol the XXXV'.h ' Congress be written to-day, it would not be j flattering. And tliat tjuijaph would be just. | Because it has not unable to as- I pire to the noble resolves of a policy worthy j ol a great Nation of Sovereigns iu its dornes- I tie and loreign policy, but had even been | so thoughtless as to derange all social and j commercial intercourse by leaving the most important Department of the Government, the l'ost Department, without means for its : support. Happily wo liave in Mr. BCCHANAM a helmsman of that tried ability and true re publican greatness of character which will prompt him to stick by the ship in this ex ■ retnity, and lake the grave responsibility which the Constitution wisely lays even up on the most patriotic actions lor the publ.c good—if the same be beyond the limits of power belonging to the special branch of Government. We dnubt not the President will exert, without hesitation, all the consti tutional power, and if needs be that power which he asked for in vain from a factious and derelict Congress, to place the nation at home and abroad in the position due to her and far above the level a Congress of weak and intriguing men thought to leave her — Pennsyluittijan. DISITIIKSSISG AFFAIM.—A lew days ago, a most lamentable accident occurred at Leb anon, Ky. The Louisville Cornier says : By passengers Irom Lebanon, we leant of a most distressing alfitir which occurred near that place yesteroay. Miss Susan Shuck, daughter of John, Shuck was to have been married to Mr. John I hotnas at twelve o'clock. But a lew minutes prior to the time the ceremony was to be perlormed, her dress oil fire, and the wedding of thin mat erial, was Mr, Shuck and other members of the family, who also tried to relieve the young lady from her perilous situation, were burned, but not seriously. The bride was badly burned from Iter waist up, and the hair burned from her head. Alter her wounds were dressed, and while she lay upon her couch, suffering the intensest agony the marriage ceremony was perlormed. MAN KILLED IN A COUIIT lIOOM —LOUIS VILI.K, March 2.—An old political feud ex isted between Thomas S- Low, of Hnwes ville. and Cicero Maxwell, of Hartford. Ky., Prosecuting Attorney of that district. Low, had threatened to cowhide Maxwell on meeting. To-day Maxwell, while addres sing the Court at Hawesville, was interrupt ed by Law, denouncing him grossly by in sufliug language Maxwell and others fired several shots, wounding Low in the thigh and arm, cutting off his thumb and riddling his shirt. A general fire of pistols ensued Irom the friends of Maxwell. John Aid ridge, a friend ol Low, was killed. A Mr. Miller was shot through the thigh. Low was committed to jail for protection from the mob. THE POST OFFICE PKPARTMEN. —WASHING- TON, March 4.—The Post Office Appropria tion bill contained an item ol three millions of dollars fur the payment of deficiencies lor the present year, and which were abso lutely required to meet accumulated obliga tions With this sum, the Department could have got along comfortably till the Ist of July. No means can be available till the Ist ol April, when the proceeds for the quarter will be paid in. After the 31 si of June, none of the incoming revenue can be ex pended, as the present law will have ceas ed to operate. The land as well as* the ocean service, and consequently the whole machinery ol the Department, is thus disastrously affect ed. SUICIDE OF A DSAPPOINTED OFFICE SEEKER, —A young man named Orlando G. Parsons, formerly a clerk in the New York Post Olfice, committed suicide at his boarding house in Baltimore on Tuesday, by shooting himself Through the head. He hud been disappointed in his effort to secure a clerk ship in (he State Department at Washing ton, as a letter Irom Secretary Cass, which was found in his pocket, showed. Out ol menus, and in a fit of despair, he commit ted the rash act. Letters Irom Hon. Charles J. Faulkner and Hon. J. Clancy Jones, rec ommending him for appointment, were also found in his possession. THE East Baltimore Conference is still in session at Williamsport, and it is said to be unusually welt attended. Some 165 minis ters responded to their names at the calling ol the roll. The presiding officer is Bishop SCOTT. The Postmaster General. Washington, Match 7—A rumor prevailed ibis morning that Postmaster General Brown had expired. This was incorrect; a; 2 o'clock he was apparently easier, and breadied more free'y than at any time dur ing the previous twelve hours. to o'clock, P. M—The Postmaster Gen eral still lingers, there being 110 pro>pccl whatever of his recovery. Washington Criminal Court. Wurhin ctoii, Mmcli 7. —The Criminal Court for the District assembled this morning.— The death of the late District Attorney, P. B Keys, was announced in filtingtcrms by llobert Ould Esq the newly appointed successor of Mr. Keys, and was responded to by Judge Crawford. The Court then ad journed over in respect to the memory of the deceased. The Court room was crowded in expec tation that some action being had in relation to the '.rial of Mr. Sickles, but the Grand Ju ry was not assembled. The trial of Sickles will not commence so early in the session as many anticipated. His counsel were not present to day. The j jail docket.' embracing the smaller offences, j is usually first taken up, ar.d may occupy a j week or longer. I TUB Hon Edward I). Hannegan died on I the 25th ult., at St Louis. He was a United j States Senator from Indiana from 1843 to j 1849, and was then sent by President Polk as Minister to Prussia, where his unfortu nate habits inflicted great discredit on the country. Mr. 11. was of Irish origin, an eloquent, impulsive, warm-hearted man, j whose single lading, though a sad one, was counterbalanced by many generaus quali fies. A hrother-in law fell a victim to his fury in a drunken quarrel some four or five I years ago, and his life as a wide, might I serve belter to "point a moral" than to j "adorn a tale." His age must have been 1 from 55 to CO. WIFE POISONING.—On Saturday last a man named Clark B Crooks, at Newark, Ohio, had a quarrel with his wife about going to Pike's Peak—Crooks wished her to go along with him, and she refused. Procur ing some strychnine, he forced open her mouth, and choked In-r, until she hail swal lowed enough to throw her into convulsions He then called in some neighbor women, stating that his wife was subject to convul sions and he would go for the doctor, but instead of going he got on the cars and went to Columbus, where he was arrested. His wife recovered sufficiently to give a short account of the transaction. BAD SELECTION OF A HYMN. —Ministers are not always careful in adapting hymns to occasions. A correspondent of the Presby terian says that at the funeral of a late pas tor nl a church in New England, the offici ating minister gave out to he sung as the concluding hymn, "Not all the blood of beasts;" ami as the remains of the deceased pastor were carried down the aisle the nf dieted congregation reached ihe expressive lines: "Believing, we rejoice To see the curse removed." Horace Greeley, in speaking of the extra ordinary success of the New York Ledg, er. and the way it has been advertised gives the the following advice to business men:—"Business men in our day have three cardinal elements: 1. The article off ered must he well worth tho money; 2. It must he adapted to the needs and the tastes of the million ; 3. It must he so advertised lliiil they are made fully aware of its exist ence ; and 4. It must he sold forcash down, and nothing short. Based on these founda tions business may succeed even in these dull, hard times." At the President's last levee Mrs. James Gordon Bennet occupied the same room with Mr. Buchanan, and by his directon, the crowd were presented to her as well as to Miss Lane. At one time, says the Post's correspondent, it was difficult Ui tell wheth er the reception was Mrs. Beimel's or Mr Buchanan's. The two occupied a sofa to gether in the reception room lor about three quarters of an hour, tho President himself introducing his friends to Mrs. Bsnuet. The latter was attired after tho latest French style, and was decked with jewels in abun dance, and held in her hand a choice hoquet, "put up in an unique manner." THE proprietors of the Iron Mountain in Missouri have succeeded in smelting the ore from the mountain with the raw bitu minous coal that is mined in the vicinity of St. Louis. The experiment is pronounced to he eminently successful. The question will now he whether ore shall be transpor ted to the coal and the furnaces erected in the vicinity of St. Louis, or the coal carried to the iron, and the furnaces be built and the labor employed at the mountain. VETO OF THE AGRICULTURAL COLLRCE BILL —The President on Saturday returned to Congress, with his veto, the bill which had been passed, granting about 6,000.000 acres of land to the Slates, according to represen tation, for the purpose of establishing and sustaining agricultural colleges, &c. In a message of some length, he states his objec tions to tho hill, which aie mostly of a con stitutional character. William Smith O'Brien, one of the most consistent and honorable of the Irish rebels of 1848, arrived at Now York in the steam ship Prince Albert, February 25th.—He proposes to make the tour of the United States, not for a personal diplay, but to be come accquuinted with the country and the character oi its institutions and people. SHOULD an extra session of Congress take place, it will probably be called for June, and special elections would have to be held in all tho Southern Slates, hut those which have already held.them—Florida, Arkansas, Missouri and South Carolina, and Virginia, which elect* in May. The President's message would have to go to Oregon by the sth of March, or that State would he unre presented. The Dcmocram Parly. It is n notable fact, says the- Juniata Kvz inter, that those who'have opposed the poli cy and priheiples of the Democratic pa'ty, have over predicted its speedy decay and downfall, l'rophet after prophet had arisen, and seer after seer has fallen, in the same glorious work of lorptelling the destruction ot that parv, which has survived the reso lutions and nourished amid the downfall of all other factions that have stood in its path. Changes it must have uiideriono, since its mea-tires have been modified to suit tha changed exigences of the country, and to adopt itself to thu wants ot new Sta'e and Territories and to the extending area ot the country. But it yet stands the same in the great princip'es which it advocates a'>d' maintains, that it did in the days ol Jeffer son, anil during the career of Jackson. Its polar star is the'constitution—the end it aims at, the glory and permanent welfare of the whole country. All the wurJs that are said about its disintegration and its downfall, are but the vaticinations of its enemies, open or secict. These vaticinations are of the same hue and character that they have | ever been, and were there no such hopes | for the enemies of Democracy to feed on, i die spirit that animates all thsir political | schemes would expire and they would j have nothing to excite and stimulate tl.era |to action. It is bui a slender reed whereon : to lean, and it would he a cruel task to de j prive them of the one passion of their lives j —the desire for the destruction of their | dreadful foes. Let them enjoy, in peace, | die one little consolation that animates and keeps them alive. Let them live by it, feed on it, warm from it; and receive their who'e strength from the poor comfort which thoy nourish and cherish so sedulously, for like all the prophets that have gone before I them, they are doomed to a bitter disap- I pointment. Another Sickles Tragedy —The Rochester U"Wn unci Advertiser , of Friday, lias tha following: At Batavia this, David Curry, an Irishman, shot John Foster; an Englishman, Ilis wife hud been keeping house for Foster some time, and Curry re quested her :o come home. She refused. They quarreled last night. Foster and two other men Curry badly. Foster was shot above the abdomen, the ball passing through his body, and lodging in a fence post. Foster died in afew hours afterwards. Foster was passing on the opposite side of the street Irom Curry's house, and on hit way to work, lie was about 30 years of age. and a laborer. Curry was immediate ly arres'ed and committed to jail. There it considerable excitement in llatavia iu r- gard to it. A I.ADY in New York lately appeared at a fancy ball as -'Poverty and Riches." The costume was divided through the center, from head to foot, and face and hands made to match with the costume. One half of the person of this lady was dressed in the richest silks and laces, the other'represenl ing the most extreme poverty, with shocking down about the worn shoe, and lace which gave apparent evidence of a cruel husband. Doc Ton DIXON says the use of oil would decrease the victims of consumption nine tenths Doctor Hooker also says, without (at meat, sooner or later, the body is al most certain to show the eflecis of defi cient calorification. Young persons who will eat plentifully of fat meat will never die of consumption. TIIK Princess, from Vicksburgh to' New Orleans, on Sunday morning Feb.27th uit., burst her boiler and then took fire and burned to the water at Conrad's Point near Baton Rough, La. 01 the four hundred passengers on board at the time, only two hundred are known to be survivors. Of the number a large proportion were ladies. The boat and cargo a total loss. A new female order, called "Little Sis ters of the Poor," spreads in France with un common rapidity. Their object is to estab lish homes for poor old men and women, and to nurse them. Though founded only a few ye irs ago, (the foundress, formerly a female servant, still lives,) they have at present some fifty houses. THE borough Council of Pottsvllle made an appropriation of twenty dollars reoently, to pay the expenses of a borer to go to Har risburg and assist in passing a bill in which the town was interested. This, we believe, says the Reading Gazette, is the first in stance on record id a town corporation open ly sanctioning the boring system. TOBONTO, C. W., March 4. Fleming, formerly a telegraph operator, and O'Leary, were executed to day Both of the parties made a confession. Fleming attributed the crime for which he was convicted ta the keeping of had company and the habit of drink. Every exertion was made to obtain reprieve in his case. MESSRS. HON. R. KELLER, Senate ; JACK SON and OAKKS, H. R., hare our sincere thanks for complimentary favors. Their labors at liarrisburg are fast drawing to a close. They have been good and failhtul members ; such that the district may well feel proud of; and in all their doings they have had an eye single upon tho interest* of their constituents. A COUNTRY girl, coming from the field, was told by her cousin that she "looked as fresh as a daisy kissed with dew." "Wen," said she, "it wasn't any body by '.hat name hut ii was Harry Jones that kissed me. '1 told him every one in the village woulrf find it out." A resolution has passed the j£luse of Representatives of this State tjjMourn on the 16th inst. This, hoWjr7 will he of no avail without the concurrence of the Senate, which is not afoll probable. A Bnptist church hm been organized at Beach Haven, LuzCrne county, composed ot members converted under the labors of Rev. J. R. Shanafelt, of Berwick. •ST Ban •"rancisco, Cab, has every Sun day night English, French, and Germas theatres in full blast.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers