THE SMR OP THE NORTH. W', U. JACOBY, I'ropriflor.] VOLUME 11. Z'jjLm (SjW ihsib sr@ffim T £, ruuLisnm KVHRY WEDNESDAY BY WM. 11. JACOBY, Dffiee on Mnin St.,srd Square ltclow Mnrket, TERMS Two Dollars per annum if paid Svithin six months from the time of subscrib ing: IWo dollars and fitly ots. if not paid with in the year. No subscription taken for a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, un less at the option of the editor. The terms of advertising wilt he as follows: One square, twelve lines, three times, SI 00 Every subsequent insertion 25 One square, three mouths, 3 00 One year, 8 00 From the New 1 ork Weekly. CHEER ITP.l T P. BY L. AI'UUSTUS JOKES. Cheer op 1 And struggle on though temp ests lower Around the path thy footsteps have to tread; Bow not before misfortune's mighty power, But with ambition proudly lift thy head ; Though disappointment blast thy brightest aim, Sink not —the darkness full soon will be past. Aim high if thou would'st win a noble name, And fortune kind may smile on thee at last. Cheer up ! though enemies around thee throng, , And peerless march upon, thy onward way ; Thou art yet young—thy form is stout and strong, Bo heed not what thy foes may rudely say; But first be sure you're walking the right track, And fix thine eyes on Fame's far dizzy bight, Then go ahead—no one can pull thee back, If thou art led by principles of right. Cheer up 1 Though others sink upon each side, A glorious fate may be awaiting thee; Men cannot tell until they oft have tried, What is their fate, or where their destiny. Then brother, onward—boldly breast the gale— This is a fast and a progressive age; Cheer up! Thou'sl read "there's no such word as fail;" Thy n#me may yet adorn Fame's bright est page. ACCOUNT OF TnE TRAIIEDY AT WASHINGTON. Sad Story of Domestic Affliction nntl Iliootly Revenge—The Legal Proceedings—Trinl of Mr. Sickles —Visits of his Father and his Mother-lii-Law. EF" The Washington correspondent of the New York Times, of the 28th tilt, describ ing the tragedy of Sunday last, says: During the "whole of the last session of Congress tho tall figure of Mr. Key was constantly to be seen in President's square, opposite Mr. Sickles' Washington residence; and Mrs. Sickles was constantly in his com pany at all places of public In the interval of the Congressional recess, Mr. Key made a short visit to New York, Kill without exciting any absolute suspicion of positive impropriety in the mind ol Mr. Sickles ; although other friends of the un happy lady, and among them her mother, repeatedly warned her of the fatal precipice on the brink of which she was permitting herself to trifle. It was hoped that the af fair would come to an end itself, and that one or both of the parties most nearly im plicated, would perceive the real drift of their conduct in time to avoid its almost in evitable consequences. But on the re assembling of Congress, and the return of Mrs. Sickles to Washing fon, Mr. Key's attentions, and the scandal ,consequent upon them, were revived with greater ardor than before. Mr. Key was a particularly noticeable man itt point of per sonal appearance ; tall, well-lormed, a much more athletic man than Mr. Sickles, and especially fond of exercise on horseback.— lie rode an iron grey horse; and scarcely a day has passed since the return ol Mrs. Sickles to the Capital, on which his tall fig ure, his while riding-cap, well-trimmed moustache, and iron-grey horse might ont have been seen two or three times in the course of the morning on the circuit of I'res dent's square, or at the door of Mr. Sickles' house, which stands quite alone on the north side of the square, and is a very con . spicuous building of white stucco. It was but on Tuesday last, (so swift and fearful a dream does the whole story seem.) that, on visiting Mrs. Sickles, Tuesday being her day of reception, I found Mr. Key there, his horse waiting for him at the door. The rooms were filled with a pleapant company; the soft Spring sunlight poured in at the open windows; and Mrs. Sickles herself, in all her almost girlish beauty, wearing a bou •qoet of erocusses, the firstlings of the year, seemed the very incarnation of Spring and youth, and the beautiful promise of lite.— What is the twilight; what the houso that then was the synonym of hospitality, the frank, and generous and easy ! In the early part of the week before last Mr. Bickles went on to New York. During htl absence the busy spies of Society ob served that the attendance of Mr. Key at his houscVfga even more unremitting than usu al. M* Sickles returned to Washington on the mofl|pg of the day of the Napier Ball, and from ttat time up to Friday last noth ing occured t<Wiak the matter of his wife's relations with Mr. Key more than ordinar ily prominent in j his mind. So far was ha from manifesting anything likeinordinate or tyrannical suspicion; that he allowed Mr. Key to escort Mrs. Siclcles. as uspal on Pennsylvania avenue, and I saw them, in company with Mr. Henry Wikoff, ot the theatre on Wednesday nidht. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Sickles entertained a largo parly at dinner. Over that "*y nd COUN'O'UM-' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9. 1859. brilliant company bow near and fearful a doom impended! On the next day (tho day before yesterday) Mr Sickles received from some enemy of mankind an anonymous letter, stating with precision so minute as to make suspicion imperative, that Mr. Key had rented a house on Fifteenth street above K street, from a negro woman, and that he was in the habit of meeting Mrs. Sickles there two or three limes a week, or oftener. The person and dress of Mrs. Sickles were accurately de scribed, and the usual time of the interview specified. Accompanied by a friend, Mr. Sickles wer.t to the house designated and found every statement of the anonymous j writer corroborated. Mr. Key had taken the house ; and he had constantly met there a i lady answering very closely in description i to Mrs. Sickles. Mr. Sickles still clung to the hope that the person who had stooped to the baseness of making such charges under the veil of se cresy,might have thoroughly deceived hirn, and that Mrs. Sickles was not the lady in question. He accordingly requested his friend Mr George Wool ridge, of New York, to watch the place from the window of a hou°e just opposite. On Saturday, no meeting took place, and the woman in charge seems to have stated jthat none had entered since Wednesday. On Saturday evening, Mr. Sickels, resolv ed no longer to play the spy upon his honor, determined to confront his wife directly with his terrible suspicions. At first Mrs Sickles strongly denied her guilt; hut on her bus dand's asking her whether, on Wednesday previous, she hand not entered the house on Fifteenth street, in a certain particular dress, and concealed by a hood, she cried out "1 am betrayed and lost!"' and swooned away. On recovering her senses, she ad mitted het guilt, and besought mercy and pardon. Mr. Sickles calmly said lie would not injure her, since lie believed her to be the victim of a scoundrel, but that lie had a right to a full confession. Two ladies in the house were sent for as witnesses, and in their presence, Mrs. Sickles mode a full con fession in writing, stating that her connection with Mr. Key had commenced in April last under Mr. Sickles' roof, but that Mr. Key had since hired the house in Fifteenth street, in which they had constantly met. Mrs. Sickles' confession was made in the midst of the bitterest contrition and misery.— Her husband simply asked her to give him back lier wedding ring, and desired her to write to her mother to come and take her from his house forever. Mrs. Sickles made no objections, admitting the justice of her punishment in the most affecting language. Iter mother will arrive *.o morrow to remove her Irom the fearful sceue of guilt, remorse and blood. Once having quitted the presence of his ife, Mr. Sickles gave away to the most terrible emotion, and passed the night in a state bordering on distraction—a feeling which was worked into madness this morn ing on seeing the cause of his misery, Mr. Key, with gay audacity pass opposite the window of Ins wife's room and waved iiis handkerchief—the usual signal for assigna tion. Asking Mr. Butterworth, who was at his house, to follow Key and engage him in conversation so that he would not get out of sight, he rushed up stairs for his pistols, and quickly following, found Butterworth and Key together, at the corner ol Sixteenth street, when the tragedy took place. On coming up, Sickles walked directly to Key, and said, "You have dishonored my bed and my family, you scoundrel—prepare to die!"—at the same time drawing his pis tol. Almost simultaneously Key placed his hand inside his vest and drawing what ap peared to be a pistol, but wnat was really an opera-glass, said, "You had better not shoot!" Sickles at once fired, Key at the same time throwing his glass at him. This shot only grazed Key, slightly raising the skin of his side, and he immediately leaped behind a tree to avoid another shot. Sickles follow ed, and Key, catching his arm, endeavored to prevent him from firing, but Sickles dis engaged himself, and firing again, shot Key in the upper part of the right thigh, close to the main artery. Fulling on his hip, and supporting him self with his hand, he cried. "Murder! don't shoot!" Sickles still following, firing again, with hia pistol close to Key, lite ball pass ing through the body below the breast. In the meantime the report of the pistol and Key's cries siartled those in the neigh borhood. Mr. Thomas Martin, a clerk in the Treasury Department, who happened at the moment to be leaving the Club, rush ed back, and calling out. "Key is murdered!" Mr. Doyle, Mr. Upshur and Mr. Tidball, who were in the Club at the time, proceeded hastily to the spot, when they found Sickles standing over the body of Key, with his pistol presented at his head, and which he tried twice to discharge, but which snapped both times—and Mr. Butterworth standing by composedly. On Mr. Doyle's touchiug Sickles on the shoulder, the latter at once desisted, and turning around, said "Gentlemen, this man, lias dishonored my bed !" Upon this he took Bulterworth's arm, and walking from the spot with the most perfect self-posses sion, proceeded to Attorney General Black's and delivered himself into custody. On Mr. Sickles' leaving, Messrs. Doyle, Tidball, Upshnr and Martin conveyed the body, which still held faint gasps of breath ing, to the parlor of the Club-house, when the Assistant Surgeon General was at once in attendance, but Key was beyond medi- cal skill. He breathed but twice after being . laid upon the floor. I When Martin and Upshur raised Key Irom ' the ground, the former inquired if he had anything to say. Key made no reply, and was evidently unconscious. In a few minutes the news spread over I the city, and the streets became thronged j with visitors to the scene of the terrible ; event, and groups were everywhere noiiced ; engaged in excited discussion about it. The Club House was speedily surrounded by an immense crowd, eager to view ihe body of the ill-fated Key. Many of the leading gen- ! tlemen of Washington drove up in their 1 carriages, and in about a quarter of an hour , the brother-in-law of the deceased, the Hon. Mr. Pendleton, of Ohio, arrived. At about 3 the Coroner's inquest was held ! in the parlor, where the body lay, when suf- ! ficent facts were elicited to show that de ceased was killed by Daniel E. Sickles, and j a verdict was reudM|d£fcordingly. The parties invotwrlff this sad story all | lived within the immediate circle of our j daily Washington life ; two, at least, of them being also as well known in New York as : l in the Federal Metropolis. Key was about 1 forty two years oi age, tall in stature, about j six feet, with an easy and fashionable air, j but by no means prepossessing in appear ance otherwise. His face had a sickly hue, j and he had been for some time suffering 1 from heart disease, or imagined he was, I which gave him a soured and discontented | look. Otherwise he was extremely popu lar, and those who knew him best said his I eccentricities of manner covered a very j kind and generous heart. His father, Fran cis S. Key, was the author of the National so rig, ihe "Star Spangled Banner." He was a widower, with four children. On his j marriage he narrowly escaped a duel with | Colonel May, who conceived that ho had unfairly ousted him from the affections of 1 the lady who became his wife, and who i was a beautiful and charming woman. 1 Mr. Sickles, the member for the Third District of New York, is a native of this city, and was originally a printer by occu pation. He is a man ol nearly forty years , of ago; of good presence and graceful man- I ners. As a member of the State Senate, as j well as in the House of Representatives, he j had made himself remarked by a quite un- ! usual coolness and self possession, which j gave him great advantage in debate, and I had acquired for liirn a well-deserved repu tation as a rising young leader of the Dem ocratic party. In 1853, Mr. Sickles was married to his wife, now ruined and heart broken, then a fresh from her school life. then us now i for something cspWwy soft, lovely and youthful in the type of her very peculiar beauty. She is of Italian origin, and pos sesses all the Italian lustre and depth of eye, united with a singular candor and deli cacy of featuro. Mr. Sickles had seen her grow up from childhood, and was attached to her with an almost idolatrous affection. Shortly after their marriage, Mr. Sickles was appointed Secretary of the American Legation at Lon don, in the household of Mr. Buchanan, and his beautiful bride won universal admira tion abroad, not more by her charms of person and her manner than by the gayety and innocent joyousness of her character.— On their return to America they resided for some time on the Bloomingdale Road, in a ' charming home overlooking the Hudson [ River; and, on his election to Congress, Mr. Sickles look his present house en President's ] squate. It faces directly the Club house to which was brought to-day the corpse of the j man who himself had slain all that made j the lite of that mansion, but a few days ' since so gay among the gayest, and so hos- ( pitable among the most hospitable, of the home of Washington. Mrs. Sickles may be 22, and lias two ; children. She is the daughter of Ragioli, the celebrated music teacher, of Fourteenth | street. Amid the general gloom which this j sad affair lias cast over the city, many a sorrowing thought is cast towards her j whose guilty surrender to the wiles of a villain has resulted so tragically, for she has been much liked, and those who have known her will griev.e sorely at the necessi ty of giving her up* as lost. Few women, are better calculated to win their way in ; polite society, or to contribute more to its i vivacity. Popular sympathy, as usual in such cas-; es, is almost unanimously with Mr. Sickles, tke provocation being deemed ample justi- 1 Citation for the deed,"and when the facts as I yet unknown come to be developed, this feeling will grow still stronger, and read a ; fearful lesson to those who may attempt j to invade the honor and happiness of anotlt-1 er's home. A few of Key's personal friends profess to disbelieve his conduct to have been ac tually criminal, and maintain that it was the result morely of inordinate personal vanity which led him to seek tno appear ance of being a lavorite with the in question. Their theory is utterly dissipated by the confessions ol the now heart-broken victim. When Mr. Sickles surrendered himself to Attorney-General Black he requested such to be made ol him as was prop er. The Attorney-General sent for a mag istrate, who, with the Chief of Police, came speedily. Soon after the Mayor arrived, announcing the death of Key, and Mr. Sick les was conducted in a carriage to the jail, where he now is, awaiting an examination. 1 called upon him this evening and found him surrounded by several colleagues and other sympathizing friends. He was evi- Truth nnd Right*—Got! and our Couutry. I ilontly laboring under strong mental excte / ment, and his haggard countenance present -1 ed marked evidence ol the effects of the fearful emotions which have harrowed his very soul during the last twenty four hours. | Nevertheless, his manner was calm and collected, with his nerves steady. Of course, I did not question him relative to the affair. He volunteered the remark, however, that it was unavoidable, and that he could, not have done otherwise. He added: "Satis fied as ] was of his guilt, we could not live together upon the same planet." The Hon. Robert J. Walker and Messrs. Carlisle and Itatcliff have been retained as his counsel. They will bring him before Judge Crawford to-morrow on a writ of habeas corpus, and move his discharge upon bail. There is little doubt that it will be allowed, and he he released Irom custody. The general opinion setAus to be that no Grand Jury will' ever ItHim Km. Key left no property. His family con nections it is understood are able, and will provide for his children. Some of Key's friends intimate threats of summery ven geance against Sickles if he appears in public where they can reach him. THE CORONER'S INQUEST. R. 11. Coolidge, Surgeon of United States army, the first witness examined, testified as lollows: I have made all the examina tion necessary, except a postmotlem exami nation. I was silting in my room to-day, at No. 320 H. street, and heardAhree succes sive pistol shots; I thought nothing of it till I saw persons running; seeing this move ment, I ran to this room—that is, in the Club House, where the inquest was held— and there I found Mr. Barton Key lying in the present position; lie was pulseless, and his heart had ceased to act, but he partially breathed twice; there notify mpdieal or surgical to be done for him; lie was dead; on examining the body, I found a pistol or gunshot wound in the upper or front part of the right thigh, near the main artery, and another wound of the same characteion the left side, between the false ribs, the ball having passed through the body, and made its appearance at a corresponding point on | the other side, remaining under tho skin: in ndditiorfto these two wounds, there is a slight' bruise on the right side ol the body, near the ninth rib; this was evidently from a pistol ball glancing; there is also a slight bruise on the middle finger of the left band; I believe his death was produced by these wounds. Dr R. K. Stowc examined the body with Dr. Coolidge. and testified in substance to the same effect, adding that cither wound was sufficient to produce death. Joseph L. Duroe testified as follows:—t was walking on the opposite side of Penn sylvania avenue, and heard ihe report ol a pistol; I turned quickly at the sound, and saw Mr. Key jump on cue side, saying something 1 did not hear; after he jumped on one side 1 saw Mr. Sickles raise his pis tol to fire a second time; as he raised his pistol Mr. Key grabbed him; they tussled for a while, and got off the pavement; Mr. Key followed him up for a short distance, apparently to prevent him from getting another shot; Mr. Sickles got Irom him, raised his pistol, and fired a second time; before he tired deceased shouted several times, "Don't shoot," they were then about twelve feet apart; after the second fire do ceased got behind a tree, as if to hold him self up; Mr. Sickles reached round the tree and fired a third lime; deceasedMieu fell; Mr Sickles then pavement and put the the muzzle of the pistol to de ceased's head and snapped it and burst the cap; it looked to be one of Colt's revolvers; 1 saw no weapon in Mr. Key's har.d; after Mr. Sickles snapped the cap he stood over deceased and appeared to throw something away; some one then took hold ol him and led him away, and I followed till he went to Attorney-General Black's, where be was afterwards arrested. Richard M. Downer sworn—While stand ing on the corner of New York avenue and Fifteenth street I heard the report of a pis tol; when I got to Sixteenth street 1 saw some one dodging, and then heard a third report; when I reached Mr. Key he was !y- I ing dead; Mr. Sickles was turning away; he had what looked like a Colt's lovolvor in his hand; I think Mr. Sickles said, "Is the damned rascal dead;" cannot say the exact words, but it was sonoetlting of this sort; 1 picked up a Derringer pistol near the scene. (This the witness presented and it appear ed to have been recently discharged.) Samuel F. Butterworth sworn—l was i standing at tho comer of Pennsylnania Ave- j nue and LaFayette Square, talking with Mr. | Key, at about two o'clock to-day; Mr. Sick- 1 les approached, and called Mr. Key by ' name, and said—"You scoundrel, you have ' dishonored my family;" he was about ten paces from Mr. Key. (Here Mr. Butter worth was asked by the jury if he was aware of att intendpd collision, and he refused to answer, saying that it was sufficient to state simply that Mr. Sickles shot Mr. Key, who fell dead ) He then said that, simultane ously with the first fire, Mr. Key attempted to draw something from his pocket, which I supposed to be a pistol; I afterwards found in the street an opera glass; Mr. Sickles fired three times. Mr. Butterworth gave his testimony apparently "to a reluctant tnannef. Edward Deiafield, of New York, and Francis Doyle testified in the main to the foregoing facts as to the shooting. VERDICT OF THE JURY. The verdict of the Coroner's jury was that Mr. Key came to his death by pistol balls fired by Daniol E. Sickles, whilst standing on the southeast corner of Uafayctte Square, the wounds therefrom causing his death in a few moments. ANTECIIKNTS OF MR. KEY. I Key, who was United States Attorney for ; the District of Columbia, was a nephew of ! Chief Justice Taney, about forty-two years of age, tail in stature—about six feet—with on easy and fashionable air, hut by no means prepossessing in appearance other wise. "His face had a sickly hue, and he j had been for some time suffering from I heart diseases, or imagined he was, which I gave him a soured and discontented look. Otherwise he was extremely popn'ar, and those who knew him best said his exeen tricities of manner covered a very kind and generous heart. His father, Francis S Key, was the author of the song, the 'Star-Spang led Banner.' He was a widower with four children. On his marriage he narrowly es caped a duel with Colonel May, who con ceived that the had unfairly ousted him from the affections of the lady who became his wife, who was a beautiful and charm ing woman." From Ilie Washington Evening Star, Feb 28. REMOVAL OF THE BODV. After the inquest was over, the friends of the deceased, about 9 o'clock, I'. M. caused the body to be removed to his own house on C street, between Third and Four-and-a -half streets. This morning, a post mortem examina tion took place on the body by Drs. Cool idge of the United States Army and Robert IC. Slowe, which lasted several hours, the result completely corroborating the state ments made by those gentlemen belore the Coronej- yesterday. The deceased leaves four interesting child ren—l.izze, Mary, James and Alice—whose ages vary from four to twelve years. THE ARRB-T. Mr. Sickles was arrested at JudgeFdaek's residence by officer J. H. Suit. When the officer made known his business, Mr. Sick les requested to be tnken to his residence on the west front of Lafayette Square, for the purpose of obtaining some papers &c. The officer permitted him to do so, com pa nying Ititn to his own door, and when arti-! ved there, officer Suit fearing that some fur ther violence was premeditated by his pris- I oner extracted of him a promise that he \ would do no violence to any person in his j house. He was then permitted to go to his i wife's room to obtain the papers which lie J desired to get possession of. In the mean- j time the greatest excitement prevailed with- j out, and a large crowd of persons collected j ir. front of Mr. Sickles' house. Shortly afterward Capt. Goddard, accom-; piptnd by the Mayor, arrived at the hours j and entered, and in a few minutes the officers ! with Mr. Sickles came out, entered hacks, j the Mayor, Marshall Seklen and Capt. God- ! dard accompanying Mr. Sickles in one car i liage, and Officer Suit and Mr. Butterworth ! following in another, and passed down II street in direction of the City Hall, a large crowd of men and boys following along the 1 side pavements and shouting. Opposite St. | John's Church Mr. Sickles put his head out i of the carriage window and smilingly re- | turned the salutation of a friend who stood on the corner, Mr. S. apparently being per-' fectly self-possessed. AT THE JAIL. Among others who saw Mr. Sickles after I arriving at the jail was Deputy Marshall; Phillips, who addressed him and regretted ! the circumstances in which he was placed ! Mr. S. replied that no one could regret the occurrence more than himself, but that after. learning what he had learned, the course < which he had taken wr.s the only one he could lake, and that Mr. Key and himself could not both live in the same world, j Capt. Goddard then had an examination of the case. The only evidence taken was I that of Mayor Berret, who testified to the death of Mr. Key, and Mr. Butterworth, who stated that just before the shooting he met Mr. Sickles on Pennsylvania avanue, a little east of the corner of Lafayette Square, and t.early opposite the State Department; 1 that he had a few words of conversation ' with Mr. Sickles, who left him as Mr. Key . came down Madison Place towards the State Department; that they met at the corner of Lafayette Square, when Mr. Key extended i his hand to Mr. Sickles, saying, "How are you?" Mr. Sickles, refused to take his 1 profferd hand saying, "You have dislion ' ered my home and my family," and ap ; plied to him some epithet. Mr. Key j put his hand to his side pocket, for the pur pose, as witness supposed, of drawing a weapon, and Mr. Sickles at the same time j put his hand into his pocket, from which he ! drew a pistol; as Mr. Key raised his hand ' to throw at Mr. Sickles the article ho took I from his pocket, (which was an opera glass, i Mr. Sickles fired his pistol and shot Mr. j Key ; the latter staggard a little back, but j soon made at Mr. Sickles, who stepping a | lew feet backward, fired a second shot into | Mr. Key's body.and Mr. Key reeled backto j wards Maynard's house,with one hand on the | railing and one knee on the pavement ex | claiming "you have shot me," and then cired murder." Sickles then fired a third shot into his body, and left him, after which Mr. Key was taken to the "Club House," near by, .where he expired in a few moments. On hearing the above evidence, Capt. God dard committed Sickles to jail for a further hearing. Should no habeas corpus for another hear ing, with a view to obtain bail for Mr. Sick les, be asked for to-day, Capt. Goddard will commit him fully without further hearing. It is understood that Mr. Sickles has en- ] gaged as counsel, David Paul Brown of Philadelphia, E. M. Stanton of Pittsburg, I Samuel Chilton and Daniel Ratcliffo of this ' city. WASHINGTON, March I. The following course has been resolved upon to-day, by the counsel of Mr Sickles, i in relation to the judicial proceedings grow ing out of the recent killing of Mr. Key': j Mr. Sickles having been committed on j Sunday, the father examination before the | committing magistrate will be waived for the I rea-ons that the Criminal Court commences i on Monday next, and being in confinement 1 be will be cntitled.witliout delay to an tm | mediate and final trial. The furtherexami i nation before a committing magistrate would j involve a long investigation into ths distres | sing circumstances, without any final result, and might procrastinate the period of get ting the case belore a jury. Numerous offers for bail have been pour ing in upon Mr. Sickles ever since he has been committed, but having voluntarily placed himself iu the hands of public justice he prefers patiently to remain until his act shall be finally pronounced upon by a jury of his country, after a full and complete hear ing of the case ; whilst this may subject him to some inconvenience,his own feelings and those of others involved, whom he is willing as far as possible to spare, will be saved the repeated discussion of the unhap py circumstances attending this case. The father of Mr. Sickles arrived Inst I night, and had a painful iuterview witli hi- j sou. The mother of Mrs. Sickles, nl-o visited him this morning, in company with Survey or Hart, and was so overcome by her feel ings as to faint. STATFMEAT OF MR. BUTTERWORTH. WASHINGTON, March I.—Mr. Butterworth has published a minute statement, so far as he isconnected with the occurance, in which he says,that when lie left Mr Sickles' house, he had no thought of meeting or seeing Mr. Key—his object being to see a Mr. Stewart. He had no arms with him, and did not know Sickles intended to take arms. He (Sickles) left the house after Mr. Butterworth, and | without any sugges'ton from Mr. B , came i toward the Club House. When Mr. Key saluted Mr. Butterworth, the latter did not know that Mr. Sickles was approaching, nor di<l he see him until he turned to leave Key. It is not true that he sought or detained Key, who first addressed Butterworth. FUNERAL OF MR. KEV. BALTIMORE, March J.—The body of Mr. Key was brought from Washington this af ternoon, and buried in the Presbyterian | ground in Green street, iu the same grave , with his wife. The funeral was attended by his friends from Washington and this ' city. The excitement occasioned by tho terri ble tragedy has not diminished to-day.— Large crowds have surrounded the prison where Mr. Sickles is confined, earnestly dis cussing the sad event. As facts are disclos ed indignation deepens against Key, the se ducer, and sympathy manifests itself with Sickles, the betrayed. It appears that it was on Thursday night that the anonymous letter reached Mr. Sickles, apprising him of his wife's treach ery. Simultaneously Key received a simi- j lar letter,warning birr, to desist from his pur suit of Mrs. Sickles. During Friday and Sat urday Sickles fully substantiated the truth of the charges made. In making her confession Mrs. Sickles de clared that Key succeeded some months since in seducing her to yield to repeated interviews by threats of exposure. In this I way intercourse was kept up. The negro woman who had charge of the house which Key had hired was confronted with Mrs. Sickles, and identified her as the lady who had accompanied Key. On Sunday morning Mr. Sickles, in spile ! of the occurrence which had taken place, | had calmly resolved upon divorco from Ins | wife, as staled, the sight ol Key in the square \ opposite, making the customary signals, itt | furated him to madness, and the bloody se | quel followed. | At nine o'clock last evening Mr. Sickles I was removed to his cell, where lie was | shortly after visited by Rev. Mr. Haley, who, ' I in a Christain spirit came to offer him con- I solution. Under the effect of his exhorta j lions Mr. Sickles gave way to his emotions, and implored him to visit his wretched wife, and let him know ol her condition. He did so, and found Mrs. Sickles in tho utmost agony of mind. On her knpes stio implor ed her husband's pardon, and besought him, he would save her from madness, to return the wedding ring which he had previously I torn from her hand. The Reverend gentleman executed tho commission, and carried back with him be sides a letter expressive of her despair. It was some time past midnight when the j Rev. Mr. Haley returned to the prison and communicated what lie had witnessed.— Under the advice of this gentleman Mr Sickles consented to give up the ring, and was furthermore induced to write loiters to his wife of the most affecting description. To-day Mr Sickles is in a stale ol complete mental prostration, and though throngs of persons have visited tho prison, ho has re lused to see any but a few of his most inti mate friends, with whom, however, he has been unable to converse. He paces the corridor of the prison in silent grief, fre quently pressing his head between his hands. He shrinks with dread from every allusion to the horrible event of yesterday. Mrs. Sickles is confined to her bed by se vere illness, and refuses to see any one whatever. The moment 6he is able she is f to leave Washington for her father's house. I Numerous rumors aro afloat concerning [Two Dollars per Annum. NUMBER 9- all the parties, having the effect to aggra vale the facts already painfully distressing, and many of Ihe reports are pure fiction.— N. Y. Herald, Feb. 28. WASHINGTON, Feb 28. —The dinner party at which Mr. Sickles received the anony mous note which informed him ofhis wife's dishonor was a representative dinner party, representative of Washington society, of which the strange contrasis and scandalous features will be fully brought out upon the trial, without doubt. 1 saw him (Sickles) in jail yesterday evening. Although superficially calm, for the most part, and courteous as usual, and even jocose, he appeared to be laboring under great excitement, which occasional ly broke through Ihe coverings of manner. lie seemed to me to feel the deed which he had just done as the discharge of a duty which he owed to society, rather than the outburst of afTectionate jealousy. "I could not live on the same globe with a man who had thus dishonored me," he said, more than once. He was still armed with a re volver, not having been searched by the jailer. And yet those who knew him and his wile, as children, speak of their attachment as dating from that period, and r.s having ■been true and strong ever since, upon his | part. As boy and girl they loved, and since j their marriage in 1852, not a cloud lias darkened their happiness until this man Key, last session, aroused the husband's suspicions, and was forbidden his house, although not till long after the intrigue had become the talk of Washington, and the woman had been warned by friends. llut Key did not desist from pursuing her, whom he, an accomplished libertine, a. man of fine presence and captivating ex terior, had marked for his own. He was seen with her on the avenue; at parlies, in the dining room of her husband's house, eating salad in the morning, Air. Sickles being away. At Mrs. Douglas' ball, three weeks ago, he made love to her in a distant corner of the crowded rooms, while Mr. Sickles was dancing with the widow, Mrs. Conard.— Previously to that time he had hired a poor negro hut in the fields some quarter of a mile from her house, towards the hack part of the city, and there she met him be tween twelve and one nearly every day. She would start out to do the family mark eting—that was the pretence. The mulat toes in the neighborhood of this Dido's Cave wondered to see two well-dressed people meeting under these circumstances and in this clandestine way, and it may have been through their agency that the un signed note which led to the homicide, was sent to the injured husband. The murderer's friends say that he had loved his wife for years; had lavished upon her, gratifying her least and her greatest desires as soon as they were known to him. On the other hand, it is said that Sickles did not love his wife in a way that entitled to chastity on her part, or to vengeance for its violation. Knowing, as you must know, how char itable women aro to one another, you will be surprised to learn that Mrs. Sickles meets with condemnation from her own sex. And, certainly, there are features iti her case from which one turns with disgust. She was capable, aftor proving false to her marriage vows, time and time again, of bo- I traying her paramour into what she must I have known would be bloody hands. ; But if it be true that Mr. Bulterworth wasin Mr. Sickles' house a few minutes before the encounter, and purposely detained Mr. Key upon the corner until the injured husband's arrival, he is most severely to be condemn ed, for he had not Mr. Sickles' provocation, and had hitherto been the friend of all par ties.—N. Y. Tribune, Feb. 28. THE Lmuoa SELLERS of Muscatine, lowa, got up a meeting at the Court House, one evening last week, as we learn from the lowa Journal, for the purpose of denouncing certain movements on the part of some of the citizens toward enforcing the liquor law. j The friends of the law rallied to the meet ing,as well as the friends of "free whiskey," and they so outnumbered and out maninuvr- I ed the latter, that the result ol the meeting 1 was an endorsement of the liquor law of the Slate, and a recommendation to the City- Council to see the law enforced. The get tors-up of the meeting were deeply morti fied at this result, so directly opposed to' what they had calculated on. FEMALE HIGHWAYMEN. —The I'eoria (III.) papers give an account of a man from Brim field, in that county, who, after selling his wheat, placed the proceeds in his boot for better security, and then started out for a walk. He was met by two porsons, who turned out to be girls in men's clothes, and invited to "smile" at a neighboring saloon, j where they were met, as the party states, by two "remarkable pretty girls." After drinking they proposed to see him home, which offer he accepted. He had not pro ceeded far when nil seized and gagged him and rifled his pockets of some small change, not finding the money in his boot. A SUIT for slander damages laid at 920.- 000, has been commenced in Cincinnati by Mr. Joshua Cook, against Market Master Crisman, lor the use fif improper language to Mrs. Cook and her. sister. The same plaintiff has brought suit against another party, also 920,000 dratages, for malicious prosecution. Cook's houso was searched for missing moneys, which were aftewards discovered in defendant's own premises.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers