THE STAR OF THE NORTH M. Q. JACOBY, Proprietor.] VOLUME 11. <3)1? If lIIIS RVBLMBED KVEKY WBONKSDAY HT WM. 11. JACOB Y, Office on Main St., 3rd Square below Market, TERMS : —Two Dollars per annum if paid Within six months from the lime of subscrib- j ■ing: two dollars and filly cts. if not paid with- ! in the year. No subscription taken lor a less period than six months; no discontinuance I permitted until all arrearages are paid, un- j 'ess at the option of the editor. The leime if Olivertiling will he as fallows : I tine square, twelve lines, three tiroes, SI 00 | Every subsequent insertion, 25 i Une square, three months 3 00 One year, 8 no ; iOtigntiU Roclrn. For Ihe Sar rf Ihe North. j Three sisters were sitting beneath a green j oak, And happy as happy could be, While Mary the eldest, with (lowers so gay, ' Was twining a wreath for the three. | "Now Annie, dear sister, that hud in your j hand I will lake, and inv task Will be done." j No, no, exclaimed Annie, you must not have < that, For then, alas ! I shall have none. Sut when Maty had twined it along with the rest, And the lovely wreath held up to view, Bee how sweetly it looks with the roses, my girl, While it still belongs, Annie, to you. Then the tears that were streaming adown the fair cheek, Were dried by the innocent'child. "'Oh ! I never wi Ibe quite s selfish again." j And she kissed her kind sister and smiled. Year* passed, and Annie a woman had ! grown, A sweet baby reposed on her breast, With pleasure "she thought ot the years that had flown, She waa happy, her love had been blest. Death came, and her treasure was hid from her sight, (The Savior had need of the child,) Though the heart of the mother was heavy and sad, She arose from her sorrow and smiled. " Tis a treasure I've laid up in Heaven," she saul, "And God, in his infinite 1 love, Will help us our sorrows with patience to bear, And at lust reunite us above." LILLIAN. Dudhorn, Feb. 1859. The Sea at brent Depths. Popular ideas with regard to sinking of bodies in the sea, have heretofore been vague; for the reason, perhaps, that the laws which govern this descent, and which are derived from well known laws of fluids, bave never been fully defined in their ap plication to the depths of the ocean. Some imagine that ships which founder at sea sink to a certain depth, and there float about until brekeu to pieces, or thrown up on some bank beneath the sea; and, in deed, a certain writer in England has pub lished a book sustaining this absurd notion. Others, again, believe that the bouvaiit force of the water at great depths is enor j mous, and due to the whole pressure of the column of water above, and that all bodies which are lighter than water at the surface, will, if sunk to ihe bottom and detached ! from the sinker, shoot upward with a great 1 velocity; or in other words, that the densi- | \J of the water increases directly with the i depth. These views are erroneous. It is i true that pressure increases with the depth, j to the amount of fifteen pounds upon every . square inch for every thirty-four feet in f depth; but the density is not thereby sensi- j lily increased, owing to the ii.compressibili- | tyof the water; so that neither the buoyant ! force, nor the resistance to the motion of any body, are sensibly iucreaseU from the • surface to the bottom .At thedeptli of three hundred fathoms, for instance, the pressure 1 upon a square inch is nearly eight thousand pounds, but the column of eighteen thou- I sand feet of water is only shortened about sixty feet; the density is thus Dut slightly i increased ; but the effect of this enormous ; pressure upon compressible bodies, as air, wood, fee., is to condense them into a small er bulk, by which they may he rendered heavier than water, and will sink of their own weight. A piece of wood cannot float at the bottom of the sea, but a very slight extraneous force will bring it to the surface. —Sillinum't Journal STATE'S EVJDKKCE —A story is told of Ceotge White, a notorious thief in Worces ter county, Mass. He waa once arrainged for horse stealing. It was supposed he was connected with an extensive gang, which was laying contributions upon all the sta bles round about. Many inducements were held 00l to White to reveal his associates, bat he maintained a dogged silence. An assurance from the Court was at last obtain ed.that he should bn upon which he made oajb to reveal all he knew of his accomplices'. The Jury was accordingly suffered to bring in a verdict ol " not guilty," when he premised revelations. " I shall be faithful to my word," said he ; ' under stand, then, that the Devil is the only ac complice I ever had. We have been a great while in partuership—-you have ac quitted me, nod you may hang him if you cau catch him." * AM editor announces, in the following terms, that he had suspended specie pay ments If any man wants to see stars, and appreciate one of the uses of which birickbat* may be perverted, let bim ap proach our vicinity with an accounr|jl||,' P. S.—We keep a pile of bricks iiitour sanctum and carry ono in our hat." BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY. MARC EI 185!). A Bcnntiful Sketch. I We select llie following beautiful picture J from a recently published address of Rich j ard V. Cook, Esq., of Columbia, Texas, on ihe Education and Influence of women.— !We seldom stumble upon so well expressed i an idea of woman's true mission: i " I fancy a young maniust emerging from i the bright elysium ot youth, and commen cing the journey of life. Honest, noble, and 1 gifted, the broad world to his warm hopes ' is the future scene of affluence, fame and! happiness. Under his active energies, bu siness pros|rers, and as a consequence, I friends come about him. Ere long he meets i a sensible and simple girl, who wins his heart, and who loves and trusts him in re- I turn. He doesn't stop to ask what the world ■ will say about the match in case he marries ' her. Not he. The world is kicked out of | doors, and the man determines 10 be the ar- | chitect of his own happiness, lie doesn't | stop to enquire Vvhelher the girl's father is ! rich in lands and slaves and coin, but he marries her for that most honest and philo- | sophic of all reasons—because he lours her I 1 He builds his home itt some quiet spot' where green trees wave their summer glo ries, and where bright sunbeams fall. Here 1 is the Mecca of his heart, towards which he turns with more than Eastern adoration. Here is a green island in the sea life, where rude winds never assail, and storms never come ! Here, from the troubles and cares of existence, he finds solace in the society of her who is gentle without weakness, and sensible without vanity. Friends may betray him, and foes may oppress, but when towards home his weary fe'otsleps turn, and there beams upon him golden smdes of welcome, the clouds lift from his soul—the bruised heart is restored, and the strong man made whole. I see a man fall in adversity. Creditors seize his property, poverty stares him in the face and he is avoided on all hands us a ruined bank rupt. When he sees all go—friends, credit and property—griefstricken, and penniless, he seeks his humble home. Now does his wife desert him 100 ? Nay, verily. When the world abandons and persecutes the man, she draws closer to his side, and her affection is all the warmer because the evil days have come upon him. The moral ex- j cellences of her soul rise superior to the dis- I asters of fortune. And when she sees the man sit mournful and disconsolate, Them sistocles by the Household of God's Adnte thus, here is the task to comfort and console. She reminds him that misfortune has often overtaken the wisest and the best; that all is never lost while health and hope sur vive ; that she is still near to love, to help and encourage him. The man listens, his courage rallies, and the shadows flee from his heart; armed once more, he enters the arena of life. Industry and energy restore him to competency; fortune smiles upon him, friends return and— ' Joy mounts exulting on triumphant wings.' i Again the scene shills. I see the stretched weak and wasted on a bed of sickness. The anxious wife anticipates ev ery want and necessity, fcsolily her foot falls upon the carpel, and gentl) her hand presses the fevered brow ol the sufferer.— : Though the pale face gives token of her own weariness and suffering, yet through j the long watches of each returning night her vigils are kept beside the loved one's couch. At last disease beleaguers the for | tress of life; and the physician solemnly l wa'tis his patient that death is approaching. | He feels it 100 ; and the last words of love 1 and trust are addressed to her who is weep . ing beside his dying bed. And, in truth the last hour hath come. I imagine it is a ! fit time to depart; for the golden sun him self has died upon the evening's fair liori j zon, and rosy clouds bear him to his grave behind the western hills. Around lite couch I of the dying man, weeping friends and j kinsmen stand ; while the minister slowly j reads the holy words of promise: I Ham the Resurrection and the Life; ho ! that believeth >u me, shall never die.'— Slowly the clock marks the passing mo ments, and silently the sick man's breath is ebbing away. Slowly the cold waters are rolling through the gateways of life. Ami now, as the death damp is on the victim's brow, and the neart throbs its last pulsa tions. the glazed eye opens and turns in one full, farewell glance of affection upon the trembling weeper who bends over him ; | and ere the spirit departs forever, the an j gels hear the pale wife whisper—H 11 meet I thee—l Jl meet thee in Heaven !'" | | TRYING TO FIND THE JURY —Northampton ! County Juries are not generally composed 'of the most intelligent citizens We have oftentimes been provoked to smile at their proceedings, and have once or twice within a few years past, felt like blushing at their stupidity. The last humorous incident we have heard, is related of a juryman sum moned to attend the present term. He ap peared and answered to his name on the first day of court, but was subsequently missing, whenever a jury was selected for the trial ol a cause. When the officer came to settle with the jurymen, the "absentee" made his appearance among the rest It was thought by the officer that, as he had not performed any duty, by reason of his absence, he was not entitled to any pay ; but his objections to paying him were dis missed by the p'ea of the delinquent jury man, but he had ''been in town all week, and was huiUm'Jbr the jury but couldn't find 'em."—Cataeauqua Herald. , WISDOM is better without an inheritance, inheritance without wisdom. Poverty Essential to (iueeess. 1 If there is anything in the world which a young man ought to he more grateful for than another, it is the poverty which launch es us in life under very great disadvantages ' Poverty is one of the Lest tests of human quality. A triumph over it is like graduat ing with honors at Oxford or Cambridge.— It demonstrates mental stamina It is a I cetiflcale of worthy labor faithfully perform- I ed. A young man who cannot stand this j test is not good for anything. He can never rise to affluence or station. A young man who cannot leel his determination strength | ened as the yoke of poverty presses u'pon | him, and iiis energy rise with every difficul- ' I <y which poverty throws in his way, had | ( belter enter the lists with the champions of i self reliance. " Poverty makes more than it niins. It : i ruins only those who are destitute of ster-I I ling energy of character; while it makes j the fortunes of multitudes whom wealth | I would have ruined. I Now, if any young man with a good lor- j j tune, and in the possession of that which 1 is commonly culled an excellent opening j j in life, reads this paper, let him be warned j in time. His advantages may be anything but what they seem ; they may turn out to i be the bane of his life; the full pocket on | the long run may be beaten by the empty I purse, for money will never make a man. I and never did in the whole course of the j world's history, j No, yobng man, if you are poor, thank j Heaven and lake courage. You have Ihe . prospect ot making your own. way in the world. If yon had plenty of money, ten j chances to one it would spoil you for all J useful purposes. Do you lack education ? ' Have you enjoyed but little schooling? Re member that education does not consist in j the multitude ol things Which a man pos- j sesses. What can you do?—that is the | question which settles the matter for you. i Do you know your business? Do you know j men, anl how to deal with them? Has your miod by any means whatsoever, re- : ceived that discipline which gives to its ac- j tion power and facility ? If so, then you : are more of a man, and ten times better | educated than the youth who has graduated at college, but who knows nothing of the practical business ot life. And as to wealth there are few men in the world less than j thirty years of age. and unmarried Who can ■ afford to be rich. One of the greatest bene- 1 fits to be reaped from great financial disas ters is the saving of a large crop of young ' men. They are taught that they must help j themselves—they get energy of character, i and personal enterprise, and industry, in | place of a foolish dependence on the wealth j which their fathers or grandfathers have ac cumulated belore them ; they are matte to work, and work gives to their character that nobility and manhood which are not to be obtained without it. | in regard to the choice of a profession, eiery young man must consult his own in clination. If you adopt a trade or profes sion, do not he persuaded to resign it, un less you are perfectly satisfied that you are not adapted to it. Advice of all sorts you are certain to receive; but if you follow it, arid it leads you into a profession that starves you, those who gave you the advice j never feel bound to give you any money ; You have to take care of yourself in this j world, and you had best choose your own | way of doing it; always remember that it is i not your trade or profession which makes you respectable, but that respectability de pends on the manner in which you dis charge the duties tlevolitig upon you. Manhood, and profession or handicraft, are entirely different things. God makes men, and men make lawyers, doctors, car penters, brick-layers, all the trades or occu pations of life. The offices of men may be more or less important, and of higher or lower quality, but manhood is nobler than any, and distinct from all. A profession or trade is r.ol the end of life ; it is an in6tru rneut taken into our hands by which to gain a livelihood. Thoroughly acquired and assiduously followed, a trade is still to be held at arms' length. It should not oc cupy the whole of his attention. So far from it, it should be regarded only as a I means lor the development of manhood The first object of living is to obtain true manhood, the cultivation of every power of the soul, and every high spiritual quali ty. Trade is beneath the man," and should be kept there. With this idea in your tnind, look around you and see how almost every body has missed the true aim of life. They have not striven to be men, but to be law yers. doctors, tradesmen or mechanics— \ they have missed the chief end of life, and i though they may become influential in their profession, they have failed to make the right use of their existence. Elihu Burritt cultivated the manhood that was in him until his trade and his black smith's shop ceased to be useful to him, and he could get a living iu a more conge nial way. It is not necessary that you should bq a "learned blacksmith," but, it is necessary that you should be superior to your occu pation, and that to attain manhood be the great end of your struggle with the jvorld. FAILURE— The attempt to deepen the channel of the Mississippi at the mouth by closing some ol the outle's, at an expense of hundreds ot thousands of dollars, is a failure. The bar was never worse than row. A considerable fleet of vessels lie at that point, unable to get in or out of tho | river, and many of thorn hard aground. Truth au:l Right 1 nil o*% 01 f onrtry. Facts About tbe Body. There are about 200 bones in the human body, exclusive of the teeth. These bones are comprised of animal and earthly tmter ials. the lormer predominating in youth and the latter in old age, rendering the bones brittle. The most important of these bones is the spine, which is composed of 24smal' bones, called the vertebrs, one on top of the other, curiously hooked together and fasten ed by elastic ligaments, forming a pillar by which the human body is supported. The bones are moved by the muscles of which there are more than 500. The red meat or beef, the fat being excluded, is the muscular fabric of the ox. There are two sets of muscles, one to draw the bones one way, and an other to itrirvLd*% heck again cannot better describe thcAnust les than by comparing them to fine elastic thread bound up iu their cases of skin. Many muscles terminate in tendons, which are stout cords, such as may he seen traversing tl*e back oi the hand, just without the skin, and which can be observed to move when the hand is opened or shut. Every motion we make even the involuntary one of breath ing, is performed through the agency of muscles In adults there are about fifteen quarts of blood each weighing about two pounds.— This blood is of two kinds, arterial and ven ous. The first is the pure blood, as it leaves the heart to nourish the frame, and is of a bright vermillion color. Tho last is the blood as it runs to the heart loaded with the impurities of the body, to be refined, and is of a purple hue. Every pulsation of the heart sends out two ounces of arterial blood and as there are Irnm itPlo <0 beats in a minute, a hogshead of blood passes through the heart every hour. In fevers the pulsa tions are accelerated and consequently death ensues if the fever is not checked. The stomach is a boiler, if we may use such a figure, which drives tho human en gine. Two scis of muscles, crossing each other, turn the foo l over and over, churning it up in the gastric juice till it has beOn re duced to the consistency of thin paste This process requires from two to four hours. Emerging from the stomach the food en ters the small intestines, where it is mixed with the bile and pancreatic juice, and con verted into chyle. These small intestines are twenty-four feet long, and closely pack ed of course, and surrounded through their whole length with small tubes which are like sockets, and drawing off the chyle, empty into a large tube named ihe thoraic duel, which runs up the back tnd discharges the contents into the jugularvein, whence it passes to the heatt to assistin forming the arterial blood. The lungs are two bags connected with the open air by the windpipe, which branches into innumerable small lubes, all over the inside of the lungs, each terminating in a minute air cell. The outer surface of these air cells is full of small cipillaries, infinite ly small veins a thin rnetnbrame only divid ing the air from the tlood. The impure portion of venous blood is carbonic acid, which, having a stonger af finity for air than for blood, pisses through this membrane to a gaseous stale, combines with the air in the air cells, and is expelled with the next respiration. Meantime the oxygen of the air unites With-the blood and becomes purified; then passing into the heart being mixed with chyle, it is forced through the body as life-givirig and arterial blood. 'I ho skin serve* nn important purposes in j carrying off impurities of the system. It is I traversed with capillaries which contains more blood in the aggregate than all the oth er capillaries of the body. It is also perfor ated with countless perspiration tubes, the united length of which amounts to 28 miles, and which drains away from three to four pounds of waste matter every twenty-four hours or five-eights of all the body dischar ges. 1 he nerves are another curious feature of the animal economy. They are however but little understood. They act as feelers to tell the wants of the body, and also as conductors to will the muscles to act. They j branch out from the brain- and spine over the whole frame in infinitely fine fibres like branches or twigs to trees. WHETTING A RAZOR.—A young fop who had just begun 10 shave tor a beard stepped into a barber shop, and Hfter a grand swag ger, desired to be shaved. The barber went through the usual move ment and the sprig jumped up with a flour ish, exclaiming: "My foin fellow, what is your charge 1" "Oh, no charge, " replied the barber. "No charge I How's that 1" "Why, I'm ulways thankful that I can get a soft piece of calf skin to sharpen my razor on. " WIVES AND TROUBLE.— An eastern editor says that a man in New York got himself into trouble by marrying two wives. A westren editor replies by assuring his cotemporary that a good many men in that section have done the same by marry ing one. A northern editor retorts that quite • num ber ol his acquaintances fouud trouble by barely promising to marry, without going I any further. j A southern editor says that he was both | ered by simply being found in company with another man's wife. "WHAT queer things men make for mon ey," as the old woman said when she saw j a monkey. Fiom Ihe American Republican. I THE FARMER. * J BT I. PRICE. He sits beside his lighted health As only they, the honest can, The nOble farmer, in his ease, A happy and contented man. The bright fire makes a cheerful blaze ; And long he sits in solemn joy; I'erhaps he thinks upon the past, And dreams Of When he was a boy. Or chance he prays in silent words. And humbly thanks his God for bread, Or mourns the wofnl fate of him Who hath not where to lay his head. He is not selfish, weak and mean, But gives as nature freely gives; These is a livihg. well Ire knows, * And some to spare, for all that lives. Though not a learned, classic man— He was denied litis recompense— Yet in his heart, truth welling throbs ; His mind is stored with common sense. Schools taught him little, Nature much— Ah, happy they, who heed the rod When it is lifted for our good, And dealt, sagaciously, by God. He early learned the pomp and pride— The vanity, which men display— And, with the consciousness of truth, He turned his face another way. Thus he escaped the snares of death, The snares too late that many see ; The dying words of dying men Proclaim the mandate : Learn to be ! With willing heart and willing hand, He labored hard and labored long; He prospered, as the honest must. Who heed the right and scoruthe wrong. A"d, whilst the winter, keen and cold, Sits darkly brooding on the earth. With smiling wife and children 'round, He may enjoy his peace ard hearth. In fancy he may hear the birds, Above the rattle of the storm. That sang and whistled in the fields When summer ÜBhered in the morn. The pleasant songs of harvest, sting By stalwart, brave, and hnne s t men, With ringing scythe and sickle bright, May glad his spirit once again. He hears them all, the joyous tunes; He sees again the loaded wain That bore the last sheeves to the barn, And just escaped the welcome rain. What halloed thoughts his bosom swell. As visions, such as these appear; Tbonghlsbreathingthanks to him who rules The seasons of the varied year. Look on him. thott ambitions man. With health and plenty happ'ly crowned: Vain aspirations lead to vice; in duty, only, peace is found. Look on him ; mark Ihe contrast well: Thy blasted health anil shattered frame, j The phantom thou has vainly sought, | tn melancholy words, explain. i Oh. would the fickle world but turn From pomp, and show and pride: in- ! sooth. It might be then that fallen man Would learn religion's simple truth. And snch as this meek farmer man, J Might fill all stations, high anil low : I And Earth's green bosom know no more j The sail and sick'ntng cries of woe. > Preserve It. Few readers can be aware, nntii they have j had occasion to test the fact how much la-1 bor or research is often saved by such a ta- j ble as the following: 1607—Virginia settled by tbe English. i 1614—New York settled by the Dutch. j 1616—N.Hampshireseltleil by Puritans. J 1620—Massachusetts settled by Puritans, j 1624—New Jersey settled by the Dutch, j 1627—Delaware settled by the Sweeiles ; and Fins. 1635—Maryland settled by the Irish Calh- ' olics. 1636—Connecticut settled by the Puritans. 1636—Rhofee Island settled by Roger Williams. 1650—North Garolina settled by the Eng- ! fish. 1670 —South Carolina settled by the Ilu guenots. 1682—Pennsylvania settled by William ] ! Penn. 1732—Georgia settled by Gen. Oglethorpe, j 1791—Vermont admitted into the Union. | 1792—Kentucky admitted into the Union. | 1796—Tennessee admitted into the Union. 1 1802—Ohio admitted into the Union. j 1811—Louisiana admitted into the Union, j 1816—Indiana admitted into the Union ! 1817 —Mississippi admitted into the Union. 1818—Illinois admitted into the Union. 1819—Alabama admitted into the Union. I 1820 —Maine admitted into the Union. 1821—Missouri admitted into the Union. | 1836—Michgau admitted into trie Union. 1836—Arkansas admitted into the Union. 1845 Florida admitted into the Union. 1845—Texas admitted into the Union. 1846—Iowa admitted into the Uuion. 1848—Wisconsin admitted into the Union. 1850—California admitted into the Union. 1 1858— Minnesota admitted into the Union. 1859—Oregon admitted into the Uuion. "WHAT prolessiou does your brother fol low LOW, Julius?" "Why, Sam, he am larin' to bo a wocal ist in Now York." "Whar is he studyin,' Julius?" "In de : cad'my at Sing Sing " MR. JENKINS complained in the evening that the turkey she had eaten at Thanksgiv ing, did not set we/I / Probably, said Jenkins, "it was not a hen lurlcey /" He got a glass of water in his face. "That motion is out of order," as the chairman of a political meeting said when I he saw a ruffian raising his arm to throw a I rotten egg. A Murder Revealed by a Dream. A miraculous discovery ot a horrible mur der is related by a Belgian journal of n re- Cent date, of which wo make a summary: Two brothers, jews, set out from (Syek with a view of placing their two daughters at a boarding school in the town ol Grosswar dein. During the night of their absence the youngest daughter, aged ten, who WIAS lelt at home, woke up her mother suddenly during the night and crying bitterly declar ed that she saw her father arid uncle and all being murdered. The mother, for sonio time took no notice of the chihls declaration but a she persisted and would not be paci fied, she began to be alatmcd "herself, the next morning took the child before (be May or of the town to whom sho declared hr dream stating at tlio same time that the murderers were two men livingin the neigh borhood. Whom sho deliberately pointed out and further added that the murder was committed at the"entrance of the forest on the road lo Grosswardein. The Mayor after receiving this revelation thought it prudent to make inquiry alter the Iwo neighbors indicated by the child, when singularly enough they were discovered to be absent from home This suspicious cir cumstance induced the Mayor to dispatch some officers to the forest alluded lo by the child, who discovered the horrible spectacle of five bodies extended on the ground, which were those of the two brothers, the two daughters and the driver of the vehicle in which they all took their departure. The corpses appeared to have all been set on fire, so as to destroy their identity and the vehicle was nowhere discovered. This hor rrible tragedy led the officers to examine the whole neighborhood when they fortu nately pounced Upon the two neighbors at a fair not far distant as they were in the very act of changing some notes on which some spots of blood were visible. On being seized they immediately confessed their crime, and on the chihls dream being revealed to them acknowledged the finger of Providence displayed in their Capture This wonderful dream on the part of the child and its fulfilment excited an immense sensation ir. the neighborhood. FRIGHTFUL MURDER. —The' Newcastle (Ind)Courier says that a private letter to a gentleman of that place from Jaspercounty, lowa, relates a horrible murder perpetrated by a man named Harvey Cqpeland, recent ly, on his wife. After killing her. it is said, he cut her head off, Tipped np her body, and cut off her legs! The head he threw on a neighbor's straw stack, and concealed the body in the stable. He then put on some of his Clothing, went to the stable and hung himself with a rope from die ratters. He anil his victim were both buried the next day. Copelatul was an Indianian, from Henry or Wayne county, and bis wife has a number of respectable relatives iu Henry county. RAILROAD MATRIMONIAL SALUTE—A pop ular railroad man got married a few days ago, and in passing a prominent point on the road, on his wedding tour, his employ ees determined on giving him and his fair bride a salute. Ten or twelve locomotives were brought up, standing on switch at the dopot, and as the train bearing the happy pair passed by, Ihe whistle on each locomo tive was made to give a simultaneous blast, the like of which was never heard ia that vicinity before. SOME FUN loving fellows in Newcastle, Pa., recently started a society there which purported to be a lodge of the Sons of Malta. One of the initialed, however, exposed the whole concetti. He states that after being initiated, he signed what was represented as the Constitution of the Order, but which turned out lo be nothing more nor less than an order far a keg of beer, upon one ot the town brewers. The club bud been indulg ing in lager, at the expense of the new members for several weeks, but since the "blow" they have fallen through. A RUNAWAY couple frotr. Cleveland Ohio, j have been overhauled in Cincinnati. The man is a married personage, answering to the namuof Robert llolloy,Sexton of a Clove- j laud Church, and the fulher of a large lam- j ily of children. The partner in his elope- i meet is one Rebecca Rttguer, formerly a do | mestic iu a Cleveland boarding house. The | deserted wife, Mrs. Holiey, consented to I receive her runaway husband buck, while I the damsel was taken into custody by her; father. THE NEW BEDFORD (Mass.) Kereury says that a gentleman iu a neighboring town, who was struck with apoplexy u few days since, was to have been buried on Friday last. The appearance of the corpse was, however, so lifelike and natural, that the funeral services were deferred, warmth still remaining in the body. THE SPRINGFIELD CORRESPONDENT of a Chi cago paper says that the honors of a seat iu the Illinois Legislature have grown to be ex ceedingly irksome to a majority of the mem bers. They are now working for a dollar a day, and boarding themselves'at sl4 a week. A few are sick, physically, and all are home sick. CHILDHOOD is like a mirror, catching and reflecting images around it. Remember that an impious or profane thought uttered by a parent may operate on the young heart like a careless spray of wat er thrown upon polished steel, staining with rust that no after scouring can efface [Two Hoilars per Annum. NUMBER 8. Valuable.of a Belle in Specie. "Arond her snowy brow were set two thousand dollars; such would have been the answer of any jeweler to the 'What are thOso diamonds worth'" With the gentle undulation of hec bosom there rose and fell exactly one hundred and fifty dollars The sum bore tho guise of a broach of gold and enamel. Her fairy form was by a slip of lilac satin, and this was overlaid by three hundred dollars more in two skirts ot while lace. Tastefully down each side of the latter were five dollars, which so many bows of purple ribbon had come to The lower margin of the three hundred dollars skirts were edged with eleven addi tional half eagles—the value of some eight yards of silver fringe, a quarter Of a yard in depth. Her taper waifch taking zohS and clasp together, is calculated to be confined by at least one hundred and fifty dollars. Her delicately moulded arms, the gloves of spotless kid being added to the gold brace let which encircles the little wrist, may be said to have been adorned with one huu dred and ten dollars and seventy-five cents, and putting the silk and satin at the lowest figures, I should say she wore three dollars and fifty cents on her leet. Thus, altogeth er, was this thing of light, this Creature of loveliness, arrayed from top to toe, exclu sive ol little sundries, in two thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars and tweu ty-five cents." SHUN AFFECTION —There is nothing more beautiful in the young than simplicity of character. It is honest frank and attractive. How different is affection. They use at the satne time originality. The affected are never natural. And have crushed it out, buried it from sight, utterly, lie yourself then, young friend! To attempt to be any body else is worse than folly. It i 3 an im possibility to attain it. It is contemptible to try ! But suppose you ctfti ld succeed in imitating the greatest man that ever figured in history, would that make you any greater? By no means. You would always suffer in comparison with the imitated one, and be thought only as the shaddow of a substance —the echo of a real sound—the counterfeit of a pure coin ! Dr. Johnson aptly compar ed the heartless Imitator—for such is he who affects the character ol another—to the Em press of Russia, when she did the freakish thing of erecting a palace of ice. It was splendid and conspicuous while it lasted.— But tne sun soon melted it, and caused its attractions to dissolve into common water, while the humblest stone cottages of her subjects stood firm and unmarred ! Let the fabric of your character, though never so humble, be at least real. Avoid affecting the character of another, however great.— Be yourself and not somebody else. Shun affectation. A Youst; DEMOSTHENES —RusseII & Ala jor's ox-train, on the Utah trail, has a young Demosthenes among its teamsters, Highi Hawkins. Scarcely twenty, six feet high in his stockings, and a giant in strength, h addressed a political gathering at Minneap olis last summer, in "a stream of impetuous and vigorous eloquence," say the Gateltt, " such as we have seldom listened to. He produced an impression which will not Boon be forgotten by those who heard him. The day following he was seen and heard brack ing his whip in our streets, getting his oxen ready for a trip across lite plains to Utah." He has driven a team ol oxen twice to Cal ifornia and back, and once to Utah and back. A LOUUKH in one of our hotels was com plaining bitterly to the Irish porter of his want of sleep. "Sure," said l'at, with a merry twinkle in his eyes, "your not the worst off far. There are some of our oldest lodgers who have never closed their eyes at night, since they luk up their quarters here!' "Indeed !" exclaimed the stranger in sur prise. "I was not aware of the fact, l'ray, : who are they?" "J/tcicrf bugs I" was the I reply. | REV William Tilbury, miuisler of a CONS j gregation at Marion, lowa, has been sua ' pettded from the ministerial oflice lor gross misconduct, such as a theft of a five dollar bill from one ol his parishioners! buying lumber and refusing to pay for it; selling two or three dollars' worth of stockings and I mittens, the manufacture of a poor widow woman, and defrauding her out of the mon ey, &c. A LAWYER once jocosely asked a board ing house keeper the following question : "Air. —, if a man gives you SSOO to keep for him, and he dies, what do you no? Do you pray for him?" "No, sir," he replied, "I pray"for another like him.'' LIFE is what we make it. Let Us Call back images of joy and gladness, rather than those of grief and care. The latter may f ome time be our guest to sup and dine, hut let them never be permitted to lodge witb us, MANT minds keep tavern ; they entertain every thought that chances to come along ; like the promise of the old road-signs, they make welcome man and beast. Five EXECUTIONS have, within six months, taken place by lynch law, in Pike county, Illinois. The last was of two brothers nam ed Crysop, who were swung up on one tree. All desperadoes. A MOTHER, admonishing her son, told him he should never defer till to morrow what he could do to day. The little fellow re plied, "Then, mother, let's eat the remain der of the plum pudding to night
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers