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Pettkngiel & Co., Advertising Agents, No. 119 Nassau Street, New York, and 10 Slate Street, Boston, are authorized to receive and receipt for advertisements and subscription to ihis paper. 10LLS AT BEACU HAVEN. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, J litach Haven, Dec. let, 1855. J R. W. WEAVER, F,BQ.: Dear Sir,—' The amount of 9' Toll collected at this Office during the month of Nov. 1855, i 526.372 94 Amount per last raport, 206,239 53 Total (Fiscal year) 5232 612 47 Same period in 1854, 214,216 50 Increase this year 51R.395 97 Respecllully yours, _PETER ENT, Collector. PUBLIC SALE Of Real Estate ! HPHE subscriber will offer at public sale ■* upon the premise* on SATURDAY the sth day uf January next, at 1 o'clock iu the afternoon, his UP uSCw OQ in Mountpleaaant township, Columbia Co., adjoining lands of Godfrey Melick, Andrew Melick, Robert Montgomery, and others, now occupied by Jacob Geist, containing about Two Hundred and Fifty-five Acres, of which about 100 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There are on the premises Three Dwelling Houses, A saw-mill, a barn, and a good water power upon Little Fishingcreek. Also at the sme time and place a WOOD- T LOT, adjoining lands of Godfrey Melick, Ad am Stroud, sen., containing about 11 acres. He will alao offer at public sale upon the premises on Saturday the 12th day of Janua ry, at 1 o'clock, P. M. A TOWN LOT, on which ia a frame dwelling house, in Hop kinsville, lately occupied by Jacob Graver. Terms made known on the days of sale by ADAM STROUP, Jr. Hemlock, Dec. 21, 1855. THE BEST ARE THE canrr nvC\ g> asBOPu,, EMPLOY the BEST TEACHERS and nse the BEST BOOKS in vonr schools and yonr children will learn more in six months than in three yeara vilh inferior ones, and you will SA VE TIME AND MONEY BY IT. SAHDER's NEW are Ibe best Readers. WERSTER's are the best Dictionaries. GREENLEAF'S SERIES ARK THE BEST ARITHMETICS. PELTON'S IS THE BEST SYSTEM OF ,ww Splendid Outline Nlaps. WILSON'S ARE THE BEST SERIES OF LA M iFm W OKKS ON V Barnes, Publishers, Booksellers If Stationers, 33 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. October 11, 1856. —3m. To School Teachers. As the time of the County Superintendent will now for some lime to come be occupied in visiting the different schools of the county, those teachers who did not meet him at the times and places appointed in the several diatricta, can now meet him at hia office in 0 Bloomsburg on any Saturday afternoon for examination; but no examinatioaa can take place at any other time, nor can teachers de pend upon meeting him in town at any other time. R. W. WEAVER, County Superintendent. Bloomaburg, Nov. 22, 1865. FANCY GOODS, of every description and , i variety, new styles, and fresh from New York and Philadelphia, for sale at the oheap store M'KELVY, NKAL k CO IRON STEEL, and every kind of Hatu waref or sale by McKELVY, NEALfcCo " " osi.FL3 pIOXENS' The best t kbit Popular in the We rid TEN DIFFERENT EDITIONS. No' Library can be complete without a set of " these Works. Reprinted from the last London editttions and Published by T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut Street, iutLIDkLPIIIA. <(T>F.T£RSON'S" is the ouly complete end X uniform edition of Charles Dickens' Works published in America , they are re printed from the original London edition, and are now the only edition published in this country. No library, either public or private can be complete without having it in a com plete set of this, the greatest ol all living au thors. Every family should possess a set of one of the editions. The cheap edition is complete in Twelve Volumes, paper cover; either or all of which can be had separately. Price Fiftv cents each. Bleak House Price SO cenls. David Copperfield 50 " Nicholas Nickelby 50 " Pickwick Papers 50 " Dombey and Son 50 " ' Martin Chozzlewit 50 " Barnaby Rudge 50 " " Old Curiosity shop 50 " Sketches bv "Boz," 50 " Oliver Twist 50 " Christmas Stories and Pictures from Italy. Containing it-Christ mas Carol, The Chimes, Cricket on the Hearth, Battle of Life, Haun ted Mao, The Ghost's Bargain, &c. 50 " Dickens' New Stories. Con taining The Seven Poor Travelers, Nine New Stories by the Christ mas Fire, Hard Times, Lizzie Leigh, The Miner's Daughters, Fortune Wildred, &c. 50 " A complete set of the above will be sold or sent to any one to any place, free of postage, for Five Dollars. Complete Library Edition. In five very large octavo volumes, with a Portrait on Steel, of Cbarlea Dickens, con taining the same reading matter as the Illus trated Edition, and comprising over four thou sand very large double columned pages, handsomely printed, and Douod in various styles. Vol. 1 contains Pickwick Papers and Old Curiosity Shop. " 2 do OliverTwistjSketchesby 'Boz' and Baruaby Rudge. " 3 do Nicholas Nickelby and Mar tin Chozzlewit. " 4 do David Coppeifield Dombey & Son, and Christmas stories. '' 5 do Bleak House, and Dickens' New Stories. Price of Complete set. Bound in black cloth, full gil' back Price $7 50 " " scarlet cloth, extra, 8 50 •i " library Sheep, 9 00 " " hull turkey mc. i o, II 00 ' " hall calf, anliqu. 15 00 Illustrated Edition in 12 Vols. This edition is ptin'ed on very thick and fine white paper, and is profusely illustrated, with all the or-ginal illustrations by Cruik shatik. Alfred Cowquill, Phiz, etc., (rotn the original London edition, on copper, steel.and wood. Each Volume contains a novel com plete, and may be had in complete sets, beau lifully bound in cloth, for Eighteen Dollars a set, or any volume will be cold separately, as follows: Bleak House, Price 81 50 Pickwick Papers, 1 60 Old Curiosity Shop, 1 50 Oliver Twist, I 50 Sketches by "Box," 1 50 Bainaby Rudge, I 50 Nicholas Nickelby, 1 50 Martin Chuzzlewit, 1 50 David Copperfield, . 1 50 Doinbey and Son, 1 50 Christmas Stories. 7 different ones, 150 Dickens' New Stories, 1 50 Price of full end complete set of the ll hisitated Edition, hound in 12 Vols., in black cloth, gilt back, 18 00 '< " " " Library 6heop 24 00 " " " " 4 Turkey mor. 27 00 " " " 4 calf, antique, 36 00 All subsequent works by Clias. Dick ens will be issued in uniform style with the above. Copies of any one, or any set, of either edi tion of the above works will be sent to any person, to any pa't of the United Slates, fret of postage, on their remitting the price ol the edition ihey may wish, to the publisher in a letter post-paid. Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut street, Pbrlad'a. To whom all orders must be directed. Booksellers, News Agents, and all others, will ba supplied at very low rates. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE ! IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ol Columbia county, on MONDAY, the 31st day of DECEMBER next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, John Kie fer, Administrator, &c., ol Jacob Gearhart, late of Maine twp., in said county, deceased, will sxpose 1o sale by publio vendue upon the premises, a certain plantation and <e>jt Ltoiaad[l 8 situate in Maine township, Columbia couu ly, adjoining land of John Gearhart on the East, Isaac Yttter and Rudolph Shuman on the South, Daniel Fenstermaoher on the West, and John Nnss on the North, contain ing about ONE HUNDRED AND FOR Tf-l HO ACRES, upon which are erec ted a log Dwelling House a good EB-AEwSSaS. H3A\m£y, and other out-buildings. There are also on the premises valuable FRUIT TREES, Ap ple, Peach, &c., and an excellent spring of water near the dwelling Late the estate of said decased, situate in the township of Maine and county aforesaid. Conditions of sale.— The share of the widow to wit, the one-third part ol the purchase mouey to remain in the hands of the purchas er during her life, the interest thereof to be annually and regularly paid to her by the purchaser; and the principal to the heirs after her death; two hundred dollars to be paid down, one hall of the two-thirds (deducing amount paid on day of sale) on the Ist day of April next, and the balance on the first day of April, A. D., 1857, the last payment to hear Interest. JOHN KIEFER, By order of the Court. Administrator JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Maine twp., Deo. 4, 1855—is. BY BOAT DE FORTO! SECOND ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS I AT A. C MENSCH S CHEAP CORNER: OF Cloths, Caseimeres, Sslinelts, Kentucky Jeans, Muslins, cotton and wool Flan nels, all wool Detain, Brage Delain, Cham bray, Silks satina, Long and Single Shawls, Calicoes, bill, Caps, Boots and Shoes of all sizes, Groceries, HsrdwarS, Iron, Steel, Nails, bus., ko.) in fact everything lo make np a fall and complete assortment. Come and see- ALSO: BUCKWHEAT AND WHEAT FLOUR, Corn and Rye Chop constantly on hand and for sale for oasb. Bloomsburg, Nov. 28, 1865—4 m. WHO WAlfs TO BE MAIEIED! npir at er p>ve-m*mm. The moet extra ordinary book of the 191 A Century I TITO BLISS OF MARRIAGE' The way to the Alter. Matrimony made easy; OR, HOW TO WIN A LOVER. One volume of'iSi) pages, 32m0. Price One Dollar. 500,000 copies already issued. Thirteenth edition ready. Printed on the fin est paper, and illustrated in the finest style of art. *' Love roles the court, the camp the grove. For Love is Heaven, and Heaven is Love.' So sang the Bard ; yet thousands pine For love—of life the light divine— Who, did tbey know some gentle charm, The hearts ol those they love 10 warm, Might live, might die, in bliss Supreme, Possessing all ol.which they dream. The road to Wedlock would you know 1 Delay not, but to HONDOUT go. Time flies, and from his gloomy wings A shadow falls on living things; Then seize the moments as tbev pass, Ere fall the last sands through the glasa; At least the present is your own, While all the future is unknown. A happy marriage man or maid Can now secure by BONDOUT'S aid. CONTENTS: It teaches how to make ladies or gentle men win the devoted affeotiona of at many of the opposite sex as their hearts may desire. And the plan is simple, yet so captivating that all may be married irrespective of age, appearance or position: and it can be arran ged with auch ease and delicacy, that detec tion is impossible. It teaohes how to make love. It teaches every eye to form a beauty of its own. It teaches how to act when fascinated by a lady. ft teaches how to make the wrinkled face smooth. It teaches you the kind of a wife to select to render home happy. It gives advice to the lover who has been once trnly aceepted ; and ia rejected alter wards ttirough the intetfe:ence of iriends. It gives a remedy for unreqniied love. It gives yon instructions lor beautifying the person. How to have a handsome face hands. How to remove tan and freckles. A lecture on love, or a Private Advice to Mar ried Ladies and Gentlemen. This is decidedly the most faScina'ing. in teresting arid renlly useful and praclical work on 'Courtship, Matrimony, and the duties and delights of Married Life, that has ever been issued from the American press. The artifi cial social system, which in so many instan ces prevents a union of hearts, and sacrifice to conventionalism the happiness and even the lives of thousands of the young and hope ful ol both sexes, is thoroughly analyzed and exposed. Every one who contemplates mar riage, and wishes for an infallible guide in the selection of a partner for life, should pur chase this great text book of connubial feli city. No one will ever regret the price paid for such an invaluable secret. Bills ol any of the specie-paying bunks in the United States or Canada* received at par. Gold dust can be sent from California. All that is necessary foryou to do isto write a letter in as tew words as possible, inclosing ONE DOLLAR, and write the name, with the Post office, County, and State, and direct to PROFESSOR RONDOUT. Publisher and Author. No. 82 Forty-Sixth St., N. Y. BE WITT & DAVENPORT, 162 Nassau Street, are the wholesale agents. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOYMENT. The best Books for Agents! Send for a few copies and try them among your friends. ROBERT SEARS Publishes the following popular illustrated works, and for the sale of which he desires an active agent in every county of the U. S. A small capital ofs2o or $25 only is required. The most Elegant and Useful Volume of the year. SEARS' GREAT WORK ON RUSSIA Just published, an illustrated description ol the Russian Empire. Being a physical and Politicul History of it* Governments and Pro vinces, Productions, Resources, imperial Government, Commerce, Literature, Educa tional Means, Religion, People, Manners, Cu-toms, Antiquities, &c., &c., from the latest and most authentic sources. Embel lished with about 200 engravings, and Maps of European and Asiatic Russia. The wboia complete in one large octavo volume of about 700 pages, elegantly and substantially bound. Retail price $3. Person* wishing to act as agents and do a safe business, can send for a specimen vol., and a Subscription Book (price of both $3.25, sent free of postage,) and oblair, from one to two hundred subscribers, to be delivered at a certain time to be agreed on, say in thirty or forty days from the time signing. Also, a deeply interesting volume, entitled "THE REMARKABLE ADVENTURES OF CELEBRATED PERSONS," embracing the Romantic Incidents and Adventurers in the Lives of Sovereigns, Statesmen, Generals, Princes, Warriors, Travellers, Adventurers, Voyagers, &c., eminent in the history of En rope and America, including Sketches of over filly celebraied heroic characters. Beautiful ly illustrated with numerous engravings. 1 vol. 400 pages, royal 12mo. clolh, gilt. Price $1 25. m. New Pictorial Histoiy qf China and India— comprising a description of those countries and their inhabitants,—embracing the His torical Events, Government, Religion, Edu cation, Language, Literature, Arts, Manu factures, Productions, CommeVee, and Man nets anu Customs of the People, from the earliest period of authentic record to the present time: Illustrated with two hundred engraving*. <OO pages large octavo. Price $2.50. IV. New Pictorial Family Instructor, or Digest of General Knowledge —Comprising a com' plete eircle of useful and entertaining infor mation. Designed for Families, Schools and Libraries. 600 pp. octavo. Price $2.50. Pictorial History of the American Devolution. —A book lor every family in the Union I It contains an account of the early history of the Country, Constitution of the United States, a Chronological Index, &c. Several hundred Engravings. Price $2.00 With a varietv of ether Pictorial Worki, of such a moral and religious influence, that while good men may safely engage in their circulation, they will confer a public benefit, and receive a fair compeneation for their la bor. OT To men of enterprise and tact, this business offers an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. OT Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circu lar containing full particulars, with " Direc tioukto persons disposed to act as Agents," together with terms on which they will be furnished, by addressing the subscriber, post paid. ROBERT SEARS, PUBLISHER. 181 William Btreet, New York. XT SEND EOR OWE COPT.—Single copies of the above worke will be oarefuily enveloped in atout paper, and forwarded at onr risk and expense to any poat office in the United States on the receipt of the retail prices. STILL CREATE!ATTRACTIONS t GODEY'S LADY'S SOOK 1 ap®ap nrrv-SEooND vor,.! THE PIONEER MAGAZINE ! Especially devoted to the wants Of Ike Ladies of America. ■ t Where this Magazine is (aken in * honte, no other Te wanted, as it comprises all that could be obtained by taking three other Mag azines. New Feature* for 1886. A new and very interesting story story will be commenced in Jannafy, by Marion Har land, author of."Alone,"and "HiddenTath," two novels that have'created an immense sensation in the literary world. Also— Misa Virginia-F. Townsend will commence in the Febtuary number a Novelette, which we know will strongly interest ihe readers of the "Book." I Stories by so English Authoress. How to make Wax Flower* and Fruits— With engravings. The Nurse and the Nursery. How to make a Bonnet. Troubles of an English Housekeeper. The art of sketching flowers from Nature. With engravings.—To be copied by the learner on paper to be colored. Maternal connsela to a Daughter.—De signed to aid her in the care of her health, the improvement of her mind, and the culti vation of her heart. New style of illuminating windows and lamp shades, with engravings. Poetry and history of Finger Rings, illus traied; Shells for the Ladies, and where they come from, with engravings. Modelling in Leather with engravings. This is only giving an idea of our Inten tions for 1858 —New design* of interest to the ladies are springing no everyday; we shall avail ourselves ol everything thai can interest them. In fact, "Godey'a Lady's Book," will possess the interest of any other three magazines. In addition to the above will be continued in each No. Godev's splendid steel engravings. One hundred pages of reading. Godey'echallenge Fashion Plates. In this as in every other department, we defy rivalry or imitation. Embroidery patterns. Any quantity of them are given monthly. Model Collages. Dress making with diagrams to cut by. Dress patterns —Infant's and Children* Dresses—All kind of Crochet and Netting Wotk—Cloak*, Mantelets, Talmas, Collars, Cherfiisetts, Under Sleeves, Borineis, Win dow Curtains, Broderio Anglaise Slippers, Caps, Cloaks. Evening Dresses, fancy Arti cles, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing, Robes for Night and Morning. Carriage Dresses, Bridal Dresses, Wrea'hs, Mantillas, Walking Dres ses, Riding Habits, Boy's Clothing, Capes and Cloaks of Fnr in season. Crochet arid Netting Work printed in colors. Dialling Lessons lot Youth—looo designs, Music, S3 worth is given every year; the Nurse and the Nursery, with full instruc tions; Godey's invaluable Recipes upon every subject. We would advise all who intend to sub-' scribe to send in their orders soon, for it we do not make duplicate stereotype plates, it will be difficult to supply the demand. We expect our list for 1856 will reach 100,000 copies. The best plan for subscribing is to send your money direct to the publisher Those who send large amounts had better send drafts but notes will answer if drafts cannot be procured. Letters had better be regisieted—it only costs five cents extra, and their safe reception is ensured. Terms—Cash in Advance. One copy 1 year, S3. Two comes 1 year, S5. Three copies 1 year, S6. Five copies 1 year and an exira copy to the person sending.the club making six copies flO Eight copies one year, and an exira copy to the person sending Ihe club, making 9 cop ies, sls. Eleven copies 1 year, and an ex- Ira copy to the person sending the club ma king 12 copies, S2O. Ey The above Terms cannot be deviated from, no mailer bow many are ordered. Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Maga zine both 1 year for $4 50. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine both 1 year for $3 50. The money must be all sent at one lime for any of the Clubs. ty Additions of one or more to clubs are received at club prices. ISF" A Specimen or Specimens will be sent direct to any Postmaster making the request. ry We can always supply back numbers for the year, as the work is stsreolyped. Subscribers in the British Provinces, wbo send fur clubs, mutt remit 36 cents extra on every subscriber, to pay the American post age to the lines. Address L. A. GODEY, No. 113 Chestnut Street. Philnd'a. FANNY FEICN'S 1,000,000 abipiks 8 A NEW BOOK COMING. WE have the pleasure of announcing that we have in press, ami shall publish about the first oWOecember, a new work of fiction entitled <eaAlß2£a A ROMANCE--BY FANNY FERN. The Inst work, and first continuous tale of of this brilliant and fascinating authoress, 1 Huth Hull," achieved a success unexam pled irt the annals of letters, lit the language of a leading periodical, it "created a more profound sensation than any which has been issued during a quarter of a century." But it is unnecessary to allude to the merits of "Ruth Hall." Judging from the number of copies of it we have sold, we judge that every body in the U. States has read it. As respects the work we have now in press, ROSE CLARK, we can only say that we regard it aa, in every respect, a giealer, better work ; and ate confident it wilt not only sustain, but even increase the reputation of its distinguish ed authoress We have reasons lor think ing "Rose Clark" will makes greater sensa tion than did "Ruth Hall." It will form an elegant 12 mo. volume of over 400 pages, Price $1.25, on receipt of which nopies will be sent by mail, pott paid. It will be for sale by all booksellers. Any nswspsper giving the advertisement three insertions, and sending us a copy of paper, with advertisement marked, will re ceive an advauce copy of ths work, by mail post-paid. Published by MASON BROTHERS, Nov. 22. '55. New York. She riflT Sale. DY virtue ol a lesiatum writ of venditioni " exponas from the Common Pleas of Dau phin cuumy there will be anld at the Court house in Bloomsburg or Saturday the 12th day of January next, at 1 o'clock P. M. the followihg real estate, vist: All that certain tract of land, situate in Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and descri bed as follows, to wit: On 'he North by lands of John Fullmer, en the East by land ol Bel les' heirs, on the South by lands of John Ike ler, and on the Went by lands John Kline, Reuben Gibbens and Thomas Gibbens, con taining one hundred acres be the same more or less, whereon is erected a one and a half story log bbnse and a frame barn, with the appurtenancea as the property of John Koons. STEPHEN H. MILLER, SHERIFF'S OFFICE \ , LVR Bloomsburg, Dec. 18, '65.) ' Fancy Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Writing sand, tie an be found at the cheap Book store of JOSEPH BWARTZ, To Those Wanting Cheap Clothing! sxx<&Z3SLiaaa^T > \r, jr*rcn <£* CSKE>, HAVE just received and opened their stock of merchandise for Fall and 'Winter sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment now offered in Having paid great attention to Ihe selection of their entire stock, as to pripe and quality, they Battel themselves ihEt they can oompete with the cheapest. and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. Wo hare all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of tha People. A very large lot of ladies dress ooods, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bases, poplins, parametls clolhsi mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian tTollis, Ginghams, Calicoes, fce. WHITE GOODS Of ALL KINDS, Sldvee. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs. Bouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edging*, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbone. and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds of SHAWLS, brocks, Bay Stale, Waterville, blaok silk, cashmere, Emb'roder ed, &c. Also a very large assortment bf cloths, casAimers, sattinetts, veatiirgs, tweeds: jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS } SIZES FOR MEN WOMANf CHILDREN We have a large assortmen*. ot Hals and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Qneensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil clothe, mats rugs, baskets, fcc. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings, drillings. Ac., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing else where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prioea arid Will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Kloomsburg, Oolober 28, 185 S. SB3aaaaaaa LEiapa&aLFmsass cfie <23CE> HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Fall and Winter Clothing I In the Exchange Block next to Swartz's Book Store. They have on band a large and full assortment of FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, G UM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about. Of Pant's and Vests they have every color of the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey striped and falffy ; Vests of satin, silk, bufl, casimere, roarseilles, linen and worsted of all fasb ionable culaand colore ; Working Pants and bpva clothing. Also fine while, figured and atriped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties Scarfs, all kinda of geritle mau'e dress goods ; Hats, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and They have Uudersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigalelt", Gloves, Mitts, Ladle.?'* be*d-ba? Handkerchiefs, &c., hic. Also Jewelry and Notions, each as Kingi, Breast oins ancl Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Portmonies, Spectacles Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeons ' tar Remember the cheap'store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house Bloorasburg, Oct. 4, 1855. S. DRKIFUSB, & Co. 1855 New Fall and Winter Goods! 1855 DA7ID LOVrBSTBffiRa VNVITES attentidn to his stock of cheap and fashionale violhing at hi* storeou Mirk-t *- street, two doors above the "American House," where he has A full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including IFikSIHHKESyASM ©ISIfiSS gox. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colore shawls ancf fancy articles VB! " S ' l8 ' CraVa "' 8l0cl "' collars > handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders N B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to tcsar, and most of it is of home manufac- Bloomsburg, Sept. 20th 1855-3 m. A. H. JOCELYN'S < ATALOLIiE of POPULAR MAPS AND Illustrated Sheet Publications, Wiih General Descriptions, Prices, &c. 7J'HKSE publications are invarialy colored, *■ arid all the same size, (26 by 32 inches.) and o( one retail price,—2s cenls each. FOIC CASH ONLY. 1 St.—Mirror of the City of Sfbastopol, and Map of the Crimea and Black Sea THIS is the only authentic view civen, showing the exact position of all the loriifica tions, with correct name and number of guns in each, and giving a full description ol the city, its public buildings, harbors, &c. Also, map ol the Crimea, showing the military po sition of the Allied forces surrounding Sebas topol; man of the Black Sea, containing dis tances Irom Constantinople, and statistical Information relative to the popula'ion of Eu rope and its principal cities. Also, views of the hurricane on the Black Sea. the Battle of Inkermann, &e. Wholesale Price to Agents, $7 per huudred. 2d Sheet. —Map of North America, Uni ted States and Cuba. Showing the routes to California, New Or leans, Cuba, and many other large places; extent and population of United Slates, Mex ico, British America, Russian and Central America and Cuba; population of cities; por traits of Washington. Jefferson, La Fayette, Jackson, Webster, Clay, and Calhoun—men who will never be forgotten. Wholesale price to Agents, S9 per hundred, 3d Sheet.—The Illustrated Life of Christ. Containing eleven large and apleudid En gravings designed by Gilbert, the great Eng lish Artist. Subject as follows : The Adora tion of the Shepherds—The Fligh* into Egypt! —Jesus in tf.o Midst of the Doctors—Jesus Subject to his Parents—the Baptism--Our Lord in the House of Martha and Mary— Lord raising the Widow's Son—Jesus Christ Blessing lipid Children—The Crucifixion— 1 the Kesurreclion—Our Saviour. Wholesale price to Agents, $9 per hundred. 4th Seeet.—A Great National Chart.— The Constitution of the United State* and declaration of Independence. With portraits and Biographies ol all the the Presidents, end Seals of every State and Territory in the Union. Wholesale price to Agents, (9 per hundred. N. B.—No citizen should be without Ihis Sheei, and Foreigners whu would understand the American people, their niineipies and government, should have acopv without de lay. 6th Sheet.—Jnst Published, Latest Maps nnd Views of the Eastern war, from the moat authentic sources, Scbastopol, Crimea, Black, Baltic and AzofTSeas. Showing the present position of the Allied forces, Small Map of Europe, giving the routes and distances from l-cndon and Paris to the Crimea, Cronsladl, and many oiher places; Number of vessels in the Baltic Fleet; Army and Navy of the world: Views of the Hurricane on the Black Ssa, Battle of Inker mann, Constantinople; Population of Europe and its principal Cities; Immense Supply of War Munitions to the French Army, &e. Id r No person should be without this Sheet It contains on a large scale ?5e best maps, plans and views of places that are causing so much ezcilement throughout the world; also, a small map of Europe for reference to their positions, Sic. Wholesale price $9 per hund red. 6th Sheet—Mirror of Cronstadl, Sebas topol, Great Redan, Mamelon and Ma lakoff Towers, Map of the Crimea and Baltij Sea, with portruite of the Prin cipal Crowned Head*, alao, Russian, French, English and Turkish Officers. This is the only authentic view given of Cronatadt, showing the exact position and correct name of all the Fortifications, with number of guna in each. A new plan of Se baatopol, Southeast view, showing the Great Redan, Mamelon and Malakoff Towers drawn on the spot—also, giving the number of Allied Forces in the Crimea, Baltic See, &c. Wholesale price to Agent*, 99 per hun dred. A. H. JOCELYN, Publisher of Illustrated Maps, Popular Sheet*, Ac., &o. SO Fulton SL, (i up stairs,) N. Fork. PEItRV St, EUETVt S. W. COR. or 4TH & RACE ST., PHILADELPHIA IIOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS PUB-' l isbers and Blank Book Manufaclurers P. A E. have constantly on hand an assort ment of Imported and American Books and Stationery of the finest quality, which can be supplied AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT in the City. Having™ EXTENSIVE BINDERY connected with our business we are enabled to turniah BLANK BOOKS either from the shelves or made to order at the lowest manu facturer's prices. Persona wishing lo purchase in Philadel phia will find H to their advantage to give us a call before making their selections. All orders by mail promptly attended to Sept. 20, 1855 —6m. Wood's Ornamental Iron Works, Ridge Avenue. Philadelphia. THE attention of the inhabitant! of Penn- \ •ylvenii ere invited to the extensive Menufac. ' tory and Wererooms of the subscriber, who is prepared to furninh at tbe shortest notice, Iron Roiling of every description, fr Cemeteries public end private buildings, also Verandahs' fountains. Chairs, Neilees, Lions, Doge and other ornamental iron works of decorative char- I acte'. Purchasers may reiy'on having all ar ticles carefully boxed and shipped to their dee. tination. A book of designs will l>e furnished to those wishing to make selections. ROBERT WOOD, Ridgt Avenue, below Spring Garden St A S PHILADELPHIA. September 27, 1856. HiWAisilra) STOVE' ; Eatnbliftlinient. rpHR UNDERBIUNED, respectful!, in . I forme, his old friends and customers, lha t he has purchased his brothel's interest in the above establishment, and the concern will here after be conducted by himself exclusively. He hue just received end offeia for sale the £fl largest end most extensive assortment inent of EANCY BTOVEB everiutro duceJ into this market. Stovepipe and Tinware coustently on hind and manufactured to order. All kinds of re pairing done, aa usual, on short notice. The patronage of old friencs and new out* turners is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT. Bloomsburg Jen. 18, 1853. 61-lf Arthur's Patent Self-Sealing Cads. For Freterping Freeh Fruit, 'i'omatoee <fre.. by tirrmelical Sealing. csns. which ore sealed by the house- A keepers without the aid of a tinner, and open easily with tut injury to the can, are rapidly coming into ganeral use. Full directions for putting up fruit accompanying the cans, and the work il so easily performed, thet by their use. every family mav have firsh fruit and tomatoes on their tables all winter, at summer prices. PRICES.—Pint Cant 82.00; quart 82.50: Half-gallon 83.50; thiee quarts 84.25; gallons 85.00 per doxen. The different sixes neat, in order lo secure economy in transportation.— Country Hlorekrepeis will find this new article one of ready tale. Manufactured and sola by ARTHUR, BURNHAM & CO. No. 60 South Tenth St., Philadelphia. July 28, 1855 —3m. THOMAS BUTLER, No. 7 South Seventh Street. PHILADELPHIA ; Manufacturer ol strong Tinware, Copper, Tin and Zino Bathing Tubs, Bathing Pans, and every kind of batniog apparatus. Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention given lo ordered work, and goods carefully Ibrwpjeed oo orders. Philadelphia, August 17th. 1884. XXTHEATLEY'S ARCH STREET THEAT " TRE. Areh Street, above Sixth, PhU'a. THE STAR COMPANY, Composed of the first Artists in the world, and exceeding in Strength end Talent any Draroatio combina tion heretofore offered to the Theories! Pub lio, will appear EVERY NIGHT in Comedy, Tregedv, Serio-Comio Drama, Vaudevlllee, Musics! Burletlas. &c., &c. [ OT When visiting tbe oily, go there. I Oct 2—tf. i in —ggWBK Let as J&easoa Together* 50LL0WA7S -PXIrLfl. WHY ARE WE SICK? It has been" the lot of the human race to he weighed down by disease and suffeiing. ,H<H~ Stay's Piils ire specially adapted to the reliyf of the Weak, tho Nervous, thfe Delicate, and the Infirm, of all eiltnea, ages, sexes, and con stitutions. Professor Holloway personally so* per nteods the manufacture of his medicines in the United States, and offers them to a freeagd enlightened people, as tbo best remedy the world ever so * for the removal of disease. These Pill* Purify the Blood. These famous Pills are expressly combined to operate on the stomach, the liver, the kidi\ey, the iungo, the skin, and the bowels, correcting any derangement in their functions, purifying the blood, tho very fountain ot life, and thus citf ring disease in all its forms. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints. Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills. It has been proved in all parts of the world, that nothing has been found equal to them in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspep sia, and stomach complaints generally. Thev soon give a healthy lone to these organs, how ever much deranged, and when >ll other means have failed. General Debility. 11l Health. Many of the most despotic Governments have opened their Custom Bouses to ths intro duction of these Pills, that they may become the medicine of the masses. Learned Colirges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ev e. known for persons of delicate health, or w|)ere the system has been impaired, as its invigora ting properties never fail to afford relief. Female Complaiitts, No Female, young or old, should be wilhoa this celebrated mvdxine. It is correct and re u l,lO monthly courses at all periods, acting in many C*aes like a chaim. It ia also the best and safest medicine that can be given to chil dren of at! ogee, and for any complaint: coose. ** quently no family shoulu be without it. Hollowhy'e Pills are the best remedy known.in the world for the following Diseases. Asthma Diarrhma Bowel Complaint! Dropsy Coughs Debility Colds Fever and Ague Chest Diseases Female Complaints Costiveness Headache Dyspepsia Indigestion ... Influenza Inflammation Inward Weakness I-iver Complaints Lowness of Spirits Piles Stone and Gravel Secondary Symplons Venereal Affections Worms, of all kinds Sold at the Manufactories of Prof. Hoi.t.o way, 80 Maiden Lane, New-York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Drag gists and Dealers of Medicines throughout the United Stales, and the civilized world, ia boxes, at 25 cents, 62! cents, and Si each. ty There is a considerable saving by ta king the largpr size. N. B. Directions for the guidance ol pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each Box 100,000 COPIES! Steamboat iJi?asters on the Weetern H'atere, and Steamboat Directory. TIHE undersigned have now in coorae of preparation a new Steamboat Directory, which will be iaaueti in October nejt, the hook will contain over two hundred pagea il. lustrated in the best atyle, and neatly bound in a durable manner. It will be one of the 'moat interesting booka ever published, and will lie a book that will be interesting to all classes of peoplo. The Steamboat Directory will contain a complete list and description of all the Steamboats now afloat in the Western and Southern waters. The length, model, speed, power and tonnage of each boar, where and by whom built, the name of,the boat, with the trade she has in. Also, "the names' of Captains and officers, her age, ike. The Directory will contain a History of Steamboats and Stearaboaling on the Western waters, since the application of steam: also, a sketch of the brst boat built for the Ohio River, with the name of the builder, ciflßmatider and own., er, The River Directory will contain a list ami description of all the ttteamboal Disasters that have occurred on the Western and South em waters, beautifully illustrated, with a list of all those who have perished by thei, burn ing, sinking and exploding, on the western and southern waters. The Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio, Mississippi, Mis souri, Illinois, Arkansas, White, Red, Ousehits Yaxoo, and other rivers, with the towns snd* cities Isid down, with correct distances; also many other River' wid Commercial items of intere* to the people at largo. The book will contain the carde of the varkme U. S. Mail Boats, with the trade they ore in, Ac. The Directory will also contain a complete liet of all the reiponaible Steamboat Licensed Offi cers, their places of residence, Ac. Ac., the new steamboat law, its IClJU tremens, with comments, showing wherein it benefits the in competent officer, and iojurea the competent officer, Ac. he., and all the important 0, 8 Supreme Conri steamboat decisions up u date; the Kates and important Commereilt Privileges, Bills of Lading, important decis ions ol the various U. S. Courts in regard to freights Lost and Damaged, Ac. Ac., with many other things of interest. The Directory will be illustrated in the beet style, and printed in tbe beat manner. The author has for six years bean gathering together all the facta and items in regard to the numerous steamboat disasters on 'he Western and Southern waieis, and now intends pub lishing litem in book form. The price of the wurk will be put it the low enm of One Dollar Ten thousand coplea will be issued for tho boatmen; ell others desirous of subscribing will have to do so st once, ae none will be' printed unless ordered in advance, This work it destined to have a circulation of over eight thousand copies, as the publishers are receiv. ing large numbers of subscribers, per mail, from all parts of the country, daily. Some of the oldest bdalmen, as well as most scientific men of the times, are contributors to the Steamboat Directory. The Directory will be issued in October, and will lie an ornament to the parlor as well as steamboat. By remitting One Dollar, post paid, you will receive a copy of the above work. All communications and letters should be addressed to JAB. T. LLOYD S, CO. Post Office Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. July 18, 1855. Fresh Arrival! A NfeW lot of cheap muslins ami prtnld **■ just received by railroad and for sale by A. C. MENSCH. THIBET SHAWLS with Silk fringe, a fine lot just received and for sale by A C. MENSCH. MUSLINS t yard wide for 8 cents, and good prints for 8| cants just reoeiwi KP A. . M^SCg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers