mm TO EVEfIY SENSIBLE WOMAN. wranr Muunai wrom nr HEALTH. *4 VOBBnn of dolloM* In Vllllw to dl.i-loM the pectt Vmr ailment* lncWent w her ■<, even to * most Intimate r i"!idmHomrv I* Implanted by nature, and neither should nor nerd ho •objected to tho nolo shock* inevitable In making known to tho other sex thbsa Ailnlbnts belonging exeTnslvely to tho feu;ale. JAxoopMn extreme i-uses, her Kcusiliveiuir-* pill aacri* -ftMlier health rather than her delicacy. r ' The consequences are aeHouN, lamentable, and life long. Thus what nt first oould have bean easily remedied, •or perhaps bettor still. not incurred, become* a compli cation of diseases, not only wliihiy thg health of Clio mother, and embittering her days by sttkucss and suf fering, but entailing broken constitutions upon her ••hlraron, and embarrassing. if not distressing, the boat* noaa and pecuniary prospects of the husband. Lei every *on*i bio woman TAKE WARNING IN TIME, Cue thousands havo done) by the bitter experience and sufferings of other*, of the dreadful COIUK uaencee she entails upon herself and those endeared to her, by her ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health aa connected with the inarriago state, tho violation of which etttall* disease, suffering, and misery. llow many are sutlering from obstructions or Irregu larities peculiar to tho female system, which under mine the health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical ad vice I How many suffer from prtAaimua uteri (falling ot the womb), or fnmtjfrur albua (weakness, debility, Jtc.)l How many are In constant agony for many months pre •fdlng confinement I llow many have difficulty If not dangerous deliveries, and alow and uncertain recovcrleal To the question, how are those to be prevented 1 what shall be done t the answer is simple. Let every woman ascertain for herself, without vio lence to her delicacy, tho nature aud diameter of the ailment (to which she as a female is subject), the causes from which It may arise, and tho proper remedies for Its enre and future prevention. This she can do by possessing n little volume (already possessed by thousands), WiiWU TELLS E I'ER Y WOMAN WHAT IS THE MATTER, AND TELLS HER WHA TTO DO 9'OR IT, in simple rut chaste words, and such as she can un lorstiuui. ; Tlili Httlo volume Is entitlod THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, rßorassoa or DISRASRB or WOMEN. One Hundredth Edition (600,000) 13IO., pp. 350. [ON FINK TAPIR, EXTRA BINDING, $1.00.] A standard work of established reputation, found claaaed in the CntuWnc* of the great Trade Bales in New York, Philadelphia, nrd other cities, and sold by ♦he principal booksellers In the United Slates. It was urst published In 1847, slnee which time FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have sold, of which there were upward* of OtfE lIILNDRfiDTIIOrs.AXD SENT BY MAIL attesting tho high estimation in which it Is held as THE OR'L Y RELIABLE , popular medical BOOK FOR KVERY FEMALE, "the author having devoted, and still <b-votes, his exclu siv* attention to the treatment of complaints peculiar to 'WB femnJcs, in respect to which ho is yearly consulted by thotftMuids, both in pernon and by letter. Here every woman can discover, by comparing her own *ymptom with those described, tho nature, ehnrue- causes of, and the proper remedies for her com- The wife about necomlng a mother has often need of Instruction and ndvlco of tho utmost importance to her future health, will find such Instruction nnd advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm, as all tbe peculiarities inci dent to her situation ere described. It I* of course impracticable to convey fully the va rious subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly Intended for the married or those coition,plating uutr risge. Tho revelations oontained in its pages have proved a blowing to thousands, as tie Innumerable let ters received by the author (which ho Is pormltied by tho writor* to publbh) will attest. Extract qf a ktter/rom a gentleman m Dayton, Ohio. _ , PAXTON, May 1, 1847. Dr. A. M. Afuuriceati: "My wife ha* been perceptibly sinking for *omo three yoorsor more, in consequence or her great anguish and suffering some months before and during confinement; every successive one more and more debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in imminent danger, and Which was on the lust ocoas" JJ j4**p:iml of. I *upi*>*od that this state of thli>ga was fuevitahlo, and n•signed myself to mert the worst. At this time (now about two months), I heard your book highly spoken of, as con tidning snmo matters reaching my case. On its receipt und perusal, I cannot express to you the relief It nfTonliNl my distressed mind, and the Joy its page* Imparted to m>- wife, ou learning that the great discovery of M. M Jsesomenux provided a remedy. It OJVTKMI a prospect to mo which I little ouaeelved was p**ibl\ No \ ecu niary consideration cou ever repay tho obligations I am under to you, fbr having been the means of Imparting to w the matters contained in " The Married Woman a Private Medical Oominion." But for tills, ere another year would have passed over my head, In all human probability my wile would have been In her grave and my children IcA motherless." In consequence of the universal popularity of the work, as evideiioed by its extraordinary pale, various im positions hero been attempted, HS well on booksellers as *n tho public, by Imitations of title page, spurious edi tions, and surreptitious Infringements of copyright, und other devices and deceptions, it lias been foundtieccvanry tberefbra TO CAUTION THE PUDUIC to I>uy no book mile*# t?,;> v.cuilm "Dr. a. M. Macmi rmAV, 129 Liberty Street. N. Y I- on (mihl the entry In Uto Clerk# Office on the luck of) the tl.le ]Kurc: ami buy only of respectable and in movable (baltr*, or Mend by roall, and addri** to Dr. A. M. JJ.iuiiotui. PPfP of Opo Dollar "THE MAFRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPAQ'ION" la ent (mailed fret) to any part of the United Stater, the Oaxxadas, and Pritish Province*. All Letters rr.uat be root-paid, and addreuod to Dr. A. M. MAURICE A r J, bo* 1224. New-Yoii City. Publishing Office No. 120 liberty Street. New-York. Jjgenls in Penntylvania. T. B. Peterson, J. M. Mon & Bro , and T. Cowpetlhail, Philadelphia—Mrs. Cynthia Williams, Honesdale— Wentz & Stark, Car bondale—E. Flint. Williamsport—S. Turk, Wilkesbarre—S. Leader, Hanover—B. Hall, Pitlston—J. S. Nickson and A. K. McClore, Chambersburg—4A Benner, Suraneytown— Joseph Swartz-JjUiomsburg— G. W. Earle, Waynesboro—JTO. Cornelius, New Berlin— •G. D. Main, Mainsburg— Potter & McMann, Bellfonte—H. A. Lance, Reading. July 26, 1855.—6 m. Trne I Trasses ! Trusses! O. H. NEEDLES, TRUSS AND BRACE ESTABI.ISHMENT, s. w. COR. or 12IH AMI RACE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTER of fine French Truss es, combining extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured palients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below :—Sending number of inches round ihe hips, and stal ing side affected. Cost of Single Truss, (2, to, $4, 85, Double, 85,16, 88, and 10. Instructions as la wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Ban ning'e Improved Patent Body Brace, for the •cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest ex panders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with etoop shoulders and weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suepeutoriee, Syr inges—male and female. Ladies' rooms, with lady attendants August 2, 1855. AKD LIVERY STABLE. 3w2fo S£3o LPopofcuaviassso TVOW runs anew omnibus between Blooms- A* burg and the Railroad Depot, which will take passengers from and to any of the residences of the town, or the American House and Forks Hotel; anil he will also furnish conveyances to all travellers who may wish lo go into any pari of ihe county. The omnibus will leave Bloomsbcrg twice daily at 104 o'clock A. M., and at 34 o'clock He bas also a large livery stable connected with the omnibus line, from which he can accommodate the public, with conveyances for travelling, pleasure excursions or busi ness. Bloomtburg, April 24, 1856 ly. Registration Certificates For the use of clergymen, justices, physi ians and other persons in registering marria ges and deaths as renuired by the new Ac Assembly, ean be bad at the office of the Star of the North." THIBET BHAWLS with tilk fringe, a fine lot just received and for sale by A C. MENSCH. MUSLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and good print* forcents hist received by A. G. MENSCH. Grand Gift Enterprise AND CONCERTS. 60,000 GIFTS VALUED AT $60,000. Ticket* $1 each. E. ITNANG Announce* that ha has projected a series of GIFT CONCERTS, lo the patrons of which he will distribute by lot 60,Q00 valuable sifts or premiums. The concerts will be (riven at sueh towns where a sufficient .lumber of the pntrons of fbp enterprise reside. Tb times and places will be announced in subsequent bills. Eacb ticket will entitle the holder lo two admis sions to tbe concerts, snd one of the follow ing prizes or premiums : > One three story Brick Hotel in Bloomsburg, opposite the Court-bouse, now occupied by Ex-Sheriff Biilmyer, valued at 810,000 One large two-story brick dwelling-bouse,lot and out-buildings, on Main Street of Bloomsburg 5,000 Onetwosforf brick dwelling house and lot on Main Street of Bloomsburg 4,800 One two story brick dwelling bouse and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 3,000 due two story fiame dwelling house and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 2,000 One two story frame dwelling bouse and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 1,800 Two two Blory brick dwelling houses on Centre street of Bloomsburg, each 1,600 One two story frame dwelling house and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg I 6f>o One two story frame dwelling house and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 1,000 Eight corner lots on Centre street of Blooms nurg, each #450 8,600 Six middle lots on Centre street of Blooms burg, eacb #4OO 2,409 Two buggies, each #2OO 400 Two buggies, each SIBO 360 Two buggies, each #l7O 340 Ten Gold patent lever watches, #IOO 1,000 Twenty Gold detached iever watches, each #6O 1,200 Twenty Gold cylinder escapement watches, each #SO 1,000 15 Gold lepins watches, each #SO 750 50 Silver [ever watches, each #25 1,250 50 double barrel shot guns, each #2O 1,000 10 " " " #l6 160 10 Rifles, each #l4 140 10 Allen's revolvess, each #l2 120 10 Colt s revolvers, each #2O 200 20 paits pistols each #2 40 1000 Gold pencils, each S3 3,000 1000 Silver pencils and pen holders, each #2 2,000 2000 Gold pens, each #1 2 000 30000 Engravings each 25c 7,500 25 745 Pieces of tylusic 3,099 The money received for the sale of the tickets will be paid over to John K. Grolz. to be deposited by him in the Bank of Dan ville, to the credit of the projector, for the securiiy of tho ticket holders. When the tickets are all sold notice will be given in the public prints for the ticket holders to meet at some designated time and place, lo choose a Committee who shall dis tribute the gifts as the shareholders shall de termine. REFERF.NCF.S as lo the above property: William Snyder, Robert F. Clark Esq., R. B. Menagb, R. W. Weaver Esq., or Rob ert B. Arthur, Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, Pa. All orders for tickets must be addressed, post-paid, money enclosed, to E." Unangst, Bloomsburg, Columbia county Pa., and the tickets will be promptly forwarded to any address. Mr- C. F. Knapp will act as general cor responding agent at Bloomsburg for the pro pretor. The distribution will lake place on the 25th day of December, 1855, or sooner if the lick, e'a arc all si Id. The ticket holders in each county shell select one person on the 2tat dny of Octet rr to distribute the gifts as the ticket noldcrs shall direct. The committee will aelect suih place as will be most convenient. E. UNANGST. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22, 1854.—6 re. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. rivHE subscriber respectfully invites the at- A tentionof dealers and others, to hie large and well "elected stock of Leather and Find ing", which is kept constantly fresh by repeated drafts upon tt tranufacturers of this country and of Eurcy and which is made up in part of the following articles, via :—The beat Ouk and Red Sole ; Slaughter. Skirting and Uamag. od do.; Harness, Bridie, Band and Welt Leath er; Thong and Lacing do. - Wax Upper. 800 l Grain, llutf and Split do.; City Slaug, Salted and Collar do. j City, Country, French and Patent Calf Skins ; Boot Leg Moroccos, Buck Skins, Pad skins,Chamois,and Moroccos; Bindings and Linings of almost every descrip tion ; Shoe Thread, Patent Thread, Silk, Boot Cord, Lace, end Silk and Union Galloons; Black end Colored English Lasting, Worsted Uppers,and Crimped Fronts and footings; Awls Tacks, Needles, Eyelet and Crimping Machines and Eyelets; Steel, Iron, Copper and Zinc Nails, Files, llasps, Knives; Rubbers, Pegs, Bristles; and Boot Web; Hammers, Boot and Shoe Trees, Lasts, Crimps, Clamps, Handles, Gum, Color, Cod Liver and Tanners Oil; Shoe Tools and Currier's Tool" ol all kinda, ready for uae, be sides many other articles not enumerated above, all of which will be selc at the lowest market rates, by • JOHN WHIT E, Importer and Dealer, 407 Market Street, Above 13th, Philadelphia. GREENWOOD SEMINARY MILLVILLE. COLUMBIA CO.. PA. For Youlh ol' both Sexes. Will. BVItUEhs, PRINCIPAL. THIS Institution which has been In suc cessful operation for several yeaia has recently been enlarged to give better accom modations for boarders aod increased facili ties for Tuition, &c. Each quarter of the School year consists of eleven weeks, and the next session will commence on the 13th of August, but pu pils will he taken at any season. Ic addition to the constant attsntion of ths I Principal, the services of art experienced | teacher have been procured, fnstrnution will be given in all the English branches usually taught, and also in Latin. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy will be illustrated by appropriate apparatus and ac cess given to a Library and the use of Math ematical instruments. Books and Statioue ry will be provided for all who desire. SfffilfcECSSo TUITION, $3.50, $4 and $4.50 per quarter, graded by the course of stlidy. Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, iic., $24 per quarter, one-hall payable quartetly in advance. EVFor further particulars address the prin cipal. Millville, July 0, 1855. AOTICR XXTHEREAS letters of Administration were rv title day granted to the under signed, by the Register of Wills ol Columbia county, upon the estate of Edwin Holmes, late of Fishmgoreek township, deceased; aji persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the earns to present them wiihounte lay. MART HOLMES, * Administratrix. Fishingcreek, Nov. 26, 1755—6w. ■"RON STEEL, and every kind of Hart watef or sale by McKELVY, NEAL&Co Philad'a. mad Sending R. K. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.-1855.- The Great Northern *ml Western U. S. Mail Routes. Speed inereated and fare reduced. Little Schuylkill, Cetlawisea, Sunbury and Erie, Williamsport and Elmira Railroad. Through to Buffalo, in 16 hours. " Niagara Fells, ' 16 " " Detroit, ' 24 " " Chicago, ' 34 " " St. Louis. ' 43 " CF Tirket Office-—N. VV. corner Sixth and Chestnut streets, and Philadelphia and Read ing R. R. Depot, corner of Broad and Ninth streets. On and after Monday, May 7th, Three Pas senger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad of Broad and Vine streets, daily, (Sunday's excepted,) as follows: DAY EXPRESS- G A. M. Stopping at Phonnixvilla and Reading only. Connecting with the Cattawissa, Williams port, and Erie, and Williamsport and Elmira Railroad; arriving at Elmira at 4 o'clock P. M., connecting with New York and Erie and Buffalo; and from thence, via. Steamers on Lake Erie, or on Lake Shore Railroad, to Cleveland, Toledo, Monroe, Sandusky and Detroit. AIo, with Elmira, Canandaigua with New York Central Railroad, East and West, snd at Suspension Bridge with the Great Western and Michigan Central Railroad for Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and all points in Canada and Western Stales. Only one change of Baggage between Phil adelphia and Canada or the Lakes. DAY EXPRESS—Breakfast at Port Clin ton and Dinner at Williamsport. NIGHT EXPRESS—Tea at Port Clinton. Passengers purchasing Ticketa by this Line have the privilege of stopping at any of tbe above poiota, and resuming their seats at pleasure. Fare from Philadelphia to Tamaqua, • - 82 95 Cattawissa, . 4 35 Rupert, ... 4 40 Danville, 4 60 Milton, • - 5 15 Wiil'.vnsporl, . . 5 90 F.lmira, - 7 00 ■ Jefferson, - - 7 65 Slarkey, . 7 95 I'enn Yan, - 8 00 Gorham, - - 8 00 i Geneva via. Gorham, . • 8 00 " Steamer J. Arndt, . 8 00 Canandaigua, • 8 00 Honeoye Falls, ... 8 50 Caledonia, 8 8 f Le Roy, ... 8 Balavia, - - 9 00 Rochester. .... 8 60 BufTalo, via. N. Y. and E., and Buffalo and N. Y. City, ... JO Buffalo, via. Tonawanda, - to Niagara Falls, via. Elmira, Canandai gua & Niagara Falls 11. R. - 10 " " via. Buffalo, 10 00 Suspension Bridge, • - 10 00 Cleveland, ' - - U 70 Toledo, - 14 75 Cincinnati, • • 16 00 Detroit, via. Rail, - - - - 16 00 " Buff. & Lake, • 16 00 Chicago, via. Great Western & Mich igan Central R. R. - . 20 00 Chicago, via. Buffalo and Lake Shore Mich. Southern R. R., - - 20 00 Chicago, via. Buff., Lake and Mich. Central R. R. - • 20 00 Rock Island, ... 25 00 E. T. HUBBELL, Ticket and Freight Agent, N. VV. cornei Sixth and Chestnut sis. G. A. NICOI.LS, Superintendent Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. T. KCKISSOCK, Superintendent Cattawissa, Williamsport and Erie Railroad. HCNRT COFFIN, Superintendent Williams port and Elmira Railroad. July 19, 1855—tf. S?IEW IN iiLoonsßirno. EPHRAIM ARMSTRONG U AS taken charge ol a new marble works A A at the corner of Main and Market St., Bloomsburg, where the publio can be served with , Every kind of IVlarblc Work, • executed in the best style of the Art, and at t the lowest living prices. Thankful for past favors, Mr. Armstrong will execute all ordets that may be left with him for Tomb-stones, Tombs, Monuments, Door and Window Silts, steps of marble or sandstone, Mar.lles, or any thing else in the department of marble masonry. The stock on hand and engaged consists oflhe best ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE; und LETTERING will be done in English or German. E. ARMSTRONG. Bloomsburr, Feb. 1, 1855. Dr. FRANCIS C. HARRISON, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he has commenced the practice of Medicine and Surgery lhere;and rolicits ashare of public pa tronage. He can always be found at the Ex t change Hotel opposite the Court House. Bloomsburg, March, Ist, '55. _____ - Fritz, Hendry & Co., ' No. 29 NORTH 3d ST., PHILADELPHIA, MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS, CURRIERS & IMPORTERS OF FRENCH CAI.F-SKINS, and dealers in Red and Oak 5f,.J Lit Tin 1.71 Feb 6, 1855. I—y. WETf ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS I 111 H AITI W- THORNTON HAS JUST received and opened a new and splendid assortment of For Pall and Winter, at his store on Main street below Market, to which he invites the attention of the public. His assortment will compare in price and quality with any to be found on this side of Philadelphia, and includes mmyf Cs^GDCE>sßos3n QUEEN SIT Mi E, HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, HhTS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. He has on hand every desirable and fash ionable style of Cloths, plain and fancy cas simere's LADIES' DRESS GOODB, MERINOS. COBURG CLOTHS, CASHMERES, SHAWLS, SILKS, DELAINS. GINGHAMS PRINTS, and every article of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, SHEETINGS TICKINGS, CHECKS, ETC. His slock is telling fast, and will be re plenished every few weeks, for his motto is "small profit* and quick sale*." Call and see our good*. We oharge noth ing for showing theta, and will always lake country produce in pay at the market prices. Bloomrburg, Oct. 16, 1856. DRAW ER GOODS, Spotted Swiss, Bog Jaconet! Mull, Cambric, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Muslin just reneivS ed at the Store of A. C. MENSCH Business Directory. < BioOftrtwfc- pr ~~ HIBAH W, TRORNTDN. ~VT ERCHANT.—SIore on thgEouth side of Ltjl Main Street, second square below Mar ket DAVID LOWENBERG, STORE, on Main etreet, two doors above the 'American House." SIMON DBEIFUSS, & Co. STORE in the 'Exchange Block,' opposite the Court hoose. A. J. EVANS. lE® ERCHANT.—Store on the upper part ■"* of Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Chnrch. 8. C. KlllVb, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE.-Wareroom in Shive's Block, on Main Street. A. M. RUPERT," TINNER AND STOVE DEALER Shop on South side of Main street, be low Market. R. W- WEAVER, * ATTORNEY AT LAw—otfice on the first floor of the "Star" Building, on Main street. BHAHPLKBB h MELICK, Founders ani> machinests. Build ings on the alley between the "Exchange and "American House." bar nareT rupe r I sA I DOR —Shop on the South Side of Main J- Street, first square below Market. A. C. MENBCH, ~ MERCHANT. —Store North West corner of Main and Market S'reets. BIRAM C. ROWER, cjURGEON DENTIST.—Office near the Academy on Third Slreet. BTKELVF, NEAL& 10., [lf ERCHANTS.—Northeast corner of Main ■*-"* and Market streets. 80ARPLESS & MELICK, [MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN ITI STOVES, TINWARE &c—Establish ment on Main street, next ouilding above he Court-house. IIENU ¥ Zlff P 'PI SGEK, CLOCK and WATCHMAKER, south side of Main street, above the Railroad. EvfAy kind of disorder in jewelled or oth er newly invented Escapements failhfull re paired. 'PVRDON'B DIGEST. A NY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur -'■chase a cony of Purdon's Digest, can be accommodated bv applying at he this ofFre ' bzohawSß HOTEL = AND R.R. OMNIBUS LINE. UftHE undersigned respectfully informs his -1- friends and the public that he lias taken THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, IN BLOOMSBURG, located on Main Street, directly opposite the Court House, which has been thoroughly re paired and improved, where be is prepared to accommodate his customers with good fare and to general satisfaction. He has also in connection with the EX CHANGE HOTEL, an ecellent £&a£lda<x 0 running regularly several times per day, to and from the Depot on the arrival of the Cars, by which passengars will he pleasant ly conveyed to the Depot Station, or taken from and returned to their residences, it de sired. He will always be hsppy to entertain and accommodate his friends to the ut most of bis abilities. JOHN SNYDER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 20, 1855. SAVING FUND OF THE U. 8. Insurance, Annuity & Trust Co. S. E. cor. of Third & Chestnut Sts., PHIL'A. CAPITAL 250,000. MONEY is received on deposit daily.— The amount deposited is entered in a Deposit Book and given to the Depositor, or if prelerred, a certificate will be given. All sums, large and small, are received, and the amount paid back ou demand, with out notice. Interest is paid at the rate of floe per cent., commencing from thd day of deposit, and ceasing fourteen days previous to the with drawal of the money. On the first day of January, in each year, the interest of each deposit is gjpid to the depositor, or added to the principal, as he may prefer. The Company have now upwards of 3,- 500 depositors in the City of Philadelphia alone. Any additional information will be given by addressing the Treasurer. DIRECTORS: S. R. Crawford, l'res'l. Wm. D. Godwin, 1,. Johnson Vice Pres't. Paul B. GoddarJ, A. W. Thompson, George MoHenry, Benj. W. Tingley, James Devereux, Jacob L. Florance, Guatavus English. PLINY FJSK, Secretary \ Treasurer. J. C. OEHLSCHLAGER, Teller tf Interpreter. September 6,1855.—1y. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE op FALL & WINTER GOODS. AC. MENSCH has just received a new ' and complete assortment of seasona ble goods which he offers for sale at the old stand upon the best of bargains. From his FULL FEW STOCK he can supply every reasonable want of his customers and the public. He has received a variety ol new style dress goods, and every thing to'make up a complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hoi loware, Drugs, Fish, Salt, Coal, Plaster, Iron, Nails, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ac., &c. In short, every thing usually kept in coun try Stores, to which he invites the public generally: BP* Cash, Lumber, Old Iron, and Coun try Produce taken in exchange for Goods, at the highest market price. A. C. MENSCH. Bloomsburg, Oct. 4, 1855. TO BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS. THE undersigned is prepared to undertake and finish in the best workmanlike style all work in the department of BKJGJ2LA7IHG. lie will personally superintend the work, and find a sufficient number of good hands for whom he will be responsible to do all work he undertakes at the shortest notice. Work will be done to order either by contrael or by time. GORDON R. GOFF. Bloomsburg, May 30, 1856. Justices of the Peace 4ND CONSTABLES can find all kind of h anks desirable for their use,m proper form at the office of the STAR or THE NORTH. PnninPiiiiw ii'ni iiTaayiim in THE POCKET SsSHBSi OS, EVKRY OH* m o** PHTvtCIAM. ®h at nd r e d Engravings, showing Diseases end Mel formetions of the human System in every Shape kni form. To which is added e Treatise on the Diseases of Femslea, being effthe highest impOitsnce to mar ried -people, or those con templating man lege. By WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. Let r.o father be aehemed the present a copy of the Aesculapius to hie child. It mey save him from en eerly grave. Let no yoongman or woman enter into the secret obligations of mar ried life without reading tbo Pocke Aesculapius Let no one suffer from a hacknied Cough Pai D in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings and the whole train of Despeptlc sensations' and given up by their physicians, be another moment without consulting the AESCULA PIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thou sands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. Any person sending twenty five cents, en closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail,or five copies willbe sent for one dollar. Address, Dr. W. Young, No. /5S Spruce street, Philadelphia.' Postpaid. P No 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Sep. let, 1854-Iy. v F. H. SMITH PORT MONNaIE, POCKET BOOK, AND Dressing Case OTanufhe.turer N. IV. cor. of 4<A and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA, A LWAYS on hand a large acd varied as **■ sortmem of Porl Mormaies, Work Boxes, Pocaei Books, Cabas, Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags, Note Holders, Backgammon Boards, Port Folios, Chess Men, [Books lor table Qpeks, Pocket Memorandum Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, &o. Also, a general assortment of English, French and German fancy goods. Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Whole sale, Second and Third Floors. F. H. SMITH, N. W. cor. Fourth & Chestnut Sts., Phila. o S~~ 0n ihe of *•> a Superior Gold Pen will be sent to any part of the U. States, by mall: describing pen, thus, medi um, haru, or soft. Philadelphia, April 5, 1855. 1-y. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! HHARPLESS 4- MELICK XT AVE opened a new Stove and Tinware -*■-* Establishment, on Main street one door above the Court-house, where they are pre pared to furnish goods in their line such as Tin. Sheet Iron, Hollow Ware, Brass Kettles, Cast Iron Sinks, Frying Pans, Stove Pipes, all kinds of Tin Wars, Broom Wire 4"C., it extremely low Prices. Jlmong their variety of aoox STOVES, may he found the Home Air Tight, William Penn, Globe, Coal Mountain, Miners' Choice i Van Leer's Kitchen Comfort, Double Oven, I the celebrated Raub Cooking Stove for coai t or wood, and others, too numerous to men- < tion. Also Parlor Grates, Office and Parlor Stoves, in great variety. Tin Roofing, Gutters, Lead- ' ers, and all kinds of work made to order, at ' the shortest notice. ' Repairing of all kinds attended to. Bloomsburg, April 27th 1854.—tf. NOTICE! I IVOTICE is hereby given that the unJer signed citizens of Bloomsburg Columbia county Pennsylvania, will apply to the next Legislature for a Charier for a Bank to be located at Bloornsborg, to be called the BLOOMSBURG BANK" with banking priv iliges of issue, discount and deposit, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. Daniel Snyder; YVm. Robison, L. B. Rupert, J. Ramsey, We. Snyder, R. B. Arthur, G. Mendenhall, Epbraim P. Lutz, A. J. Sloan, Joseph Sharpless, Lloyd Paxton, Wm. Sloan, Geo. Weaver, S. Mendenhall, Bloomsburg, June 20, 1855.—6 m. Original Novel by N. P. Willis. Till. HOME JOURNAL FOR 1850. NEW AND BRILLIANT SERIES. On ths fifth of January next, the first num ber of the NEW SERIES FOR 1856, of this well-known FAMILY NEWSPAPER wili be issued, with new type and new attractions ; the principal one is of the kind which has been proved, by bath American and Euro pean periodicals, to be the most acceptable and popular, vizA Novel in Serial Num bers. The title is " PAUL FANE; OR, PARTS OF A LIFE ELSE UNTOLD. A NOVEL," BY N. P. WILLIS. In addition to this new feature, a series of original sketches, songs and ballads by G. P. Morris, and an original novelette, in verse, founded upon fact, called The Story of a Star," by J. M. Field, are among (be induce ments for new subscribers to commence with the first number of the year. Besides the contributions and labor of the Editors, the Home Journal will contain the Foreign atiu' Domestic Correspondence of a large list of contributors—"!'? B °/ '&• European Magazines—the selection* 01 most interesting publications of the day—the brief novels—the piquant stories—the spark liug wit and amusing anecdote—the news and gossip of the Parisian pipers—the per sonal sketches of public characters—the stir ring scenes of the world we live in—the | chronicle of the news for ladies-the fashions tbe faots and outlines of news—the pick of English information—the wit, humor and pa thos of the times—the essays on life, litera ture, society and morals, and the usual vari ety of careful ohojsings from the wilderness of English periodical literature, criticism, poetry, etc. We need not remind our read ers that we have also one or two unsurpass ed correspondents in ths fashionable society of Fern- York, who will give us early news ot every new feature and style of elegance a mong the leaders of the gay world. TERMS —For one copy, #2 ; for three cop ies, 86—or one copy for three years, 85—al ways in advance. Subscribe without delay. Address MORRIS & WILLIS, Editors and Proprietors, Engravings for Newspapers ana magazines. THE subscriber has several thousand en gravings of various subjects and sizes, suita ble for illustrating newspapers and maga zines. He offers the use of them for taking casta or printing, to the editorial fraternity on very moderate terma. Address, JOHN FROST, Mareh 29,1805. PutLAoairHiA THE GREAT NATURAL REMEDY mn • Indigestion and Dyspepsia. 3. HOUGHTON'S tuvMiißi" PEPSIN,'fbo frne Diges- IlLlullll riva Fluid, tfr Gastric Juice, b I still holds the 'first place a l AinwiMi O mon 8 all tbe'various reme dies Tor these painful and de sttruetrve complaints. It is Nature's own spe cifio for an onhealthy stomach. No art of man can equal its curative powers; and no sufferer from Indigestion k Dyspepsia should fail to try it. Agents supplied at No. 11, N. EIGHTH St., PHILADELPHIA. OP" So Id by E. P. Lutz, and J. R. Mover. Msicb 29, 1855. ' BOLLARD, PREMIER ARTIBTE IN HAIR, 177 * Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, In ven tor of the Celebrated Gossamer Ventila ting Wig and Ealslic Band Troupees. Instruc tions to enable Ladies and Gentlemen to measure their own heads with accuracy. For Wig). j ncA „. No. 1 The round of the bead. 2 From forehead over the head to neck. 3 From ear to ear over the top. 4 From ear to ear around the forehead. Toupees If Scalps. Inches. No. I From forehead to back as far as bald. 2 Over forehead, as far as required. v 3 Over the crown of the head. R. Doliard has always ready for sale a splendid stock of Gentlemen's Wigs, half Wigs, Frizots, Braids, Corlr, etc., beautifully manufactured, and as cheap ae any estab lishment in the Union. Doliard,s Herbanian Extract, or Lurlrous Hair Tonic, prepared from South American herbs and roots, (be most successful article ever produced for preserving the hair from falling out or changing color, restoring and preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant stale. Among other reasons why Dollard'a Hair Cutting Saloon maintains its immense popularity, is the fact that his tonic 1e ap plied to every head of hair cut at his estab lishment; consequently, it is kept in belter preservation than under any other known ap plication. It being thus praotically tested by thousands, offers the greatest guaranty of its efficacy. Sold wholesale and retail at his old estab lishment, 177 Chestnut Street, opposite the State House. R. Doliard has at last discovered the ne plus ultra of HAIR DYE; and announces it for sale, with perfeot confidence in its sur passing every thing of the kind now in use It colors tho hair either black or brown, as may be desired, and is used without any in jury to the hair or skin, either by stain or otherwise, can be washed off ten minutes after application, without detracting from its efficacy. Persons visiting the oily are in vited to give him a call. Letters addressed to R. Doliard, 177 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, will receive attention. Philadelphia, Oct. 12ih, 1854—1y. SPRING- & SHAMIR GOODS CHEAP! A. J. EVAftS IXAVING purcliaseu tbe interest of Mr. Appleman in the new store nearly op posite the Episcopal Church, has received a new assortment of Spring and Summer go ods which he ofiera to old customers and new at GREAT BARGAINS. Among his ladies' dress goods are silks berages. chintzes, debaizes, lawns, gin-bams' poplins &c. He has ° ' GENTLEMEN'S' DRESS GOODS such as fine black and brown French cloths black Doeskin and fancy Cassimers, satin and fancy Vestings, black & Italian fancy Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves; &c. HATS AND CAPS. A large assortment of Men's and Boys' hats and caps, embracing every style and quality. Also, a large and varied assortment of Parasols ctnd Ribbons. DOMESTICS.— BIeached & unbleached Muslin, Checks, Tickings, Jeans, Drills, Ta ble-diape., Bagging, Toweling, Table-lin ens, &c. BOOTS If SHOES. —A large assottment of Men's, Women's & Children's Boots and Shoes, Jenny Lind & buskin Shoes at very GROCERIES.— A large assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Teas, &c., &c. Ready made clothing, spring fashion. EB" The highest price always paid for grain or county produce of aoy kind. Bloomsburg, April 26, 1855. J-^n.cßacg>t-y-g-vcytT)r>'nrtmgg Cabinet Ware Rooms, S. C. SHITE RESPECTFULLY invitee the attention of of the Public to hie exteneive assort ment of Cabinet Furnitnre and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort ment of Fashionable Fnrnltne. Which ie equal in style and finish to that of Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as late prices. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from 825 to 860. Divans, Loun ges, Walnut acd Mahogany Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashus. cheffeniern, whatnots and comodes and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common washstands, dress-tables, corner cupboards, solas, dining and bieakfast ta bles, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs, ia the largest in this section of the country. He will also keep • a good assort ment of looking-glasses with fancy gilt and common frames. He will also furnish spring mattresses fitted to any sized bedstead,which are superior for durability and comfort ,!o bed in use. Bloomsburg, Aprii oiu 1854. tf, { CD tmsy <o*a@3 sopoaiop, E. 0. EOW33K, SUMSQN T> ESPECTFULLY offers hi* CTfflUfa ■■■*' professional service* (o Ladies and Gentlemen of Bloomsburg and vioinity. He is preparedlo attend to all the various operations in Den tistry, and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as uatural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. Of Office near the Academy. Bloomsburg, Nov. 20, 1861. rasas AjunTAii Muslin Obtain, Brage Detain, Cham brage, Calico, Muslin, Ladies' Black & Fancy Gaters, Boots and Shoes, Iron, Steel, Nails, Fish, Coffee, Sngar, Tea, Jtc., &o. A. C. MENSCH. August 21, '65. ~STONE COAL, FOR CASH, (or sale at the Can si v or in town at the store of Oct. 11, '66. A.J.EVANS COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION I SECOND YEAR. A ARRANGEMENTS for the second Annual Collection of tbis new end popular Insti tution for the diffusion of Literature and Art, bare been made on the roost extensive scale. Among the works already engaged is the far-famed "GENOA CRUCIFIX," , which originally coet Ten Thousand Dollars. In forming the new Collection, the diffu sion of works of American Art, and the en- A couragement of American genius, have not 4 been overlooked. Commissions have been issued to many of the most distinguished American Artists, who will contribute some of their finest productions. Among them are three Marble Busts, executed by the grettest living Sculptor,—Hiram Powers GEORGE WASHINGTON, The Father of his Conntry; BENJAMIN FRANKLIk The Philosopher: DANIEL WEBSTER, The Statesman. A special sgent has visited Europe and made careful and judicious seleotions of foreign wor< of Art, both in Bronze and Marble Statuary and Choice Paintings. The whole forming a large and valuable collection of Pailßings and Statuary, to be distributed free among the members of the . Association for the second rear. Teras of Membership. The payment of three dollars constitutes any one a member of this Association, and entitles him to either one of the following Magazines for one year, and also a ticket in the distribution of the Statuary and Paintings. The Literature issued to subscribers con sists of the following Monthly Magazines Harper's, Putnam's, Knickerbocker, Black wood's, Graham's, Godey's Lady's Book, and Household Words. . Persons taking five memberships are en titled to any five of the Magazines for one 8 10 nx in the distribution. 1 he nett proceeds derived from the sale of memberships, are devoted to the purchase of works of Art for the hnsuing yeary The Advaalages Secured by becoming a member of this Association, Ist. All persons receive full value of their subscription at the atari, in the shape of ster ling Magazine Literature. 2d. Each member is contributing towards purchasing choice Works of Art; which are to be distributed among ibenuejyesj and are at the same time encouraging ike Artists of the country, disbursing thousandrer dollars through its agency. Persona in remitting ( fof roember - ijP,„ p ' B,,se 8 1 * 8 lheir P*l office address in lull, stating the month they vWshtbaMaa awes to commence, and have the letter re gistered at the PosrOffice to pwvent loss; on the receipt of which, axartificate of member ship, logetner with the Magazine desired will be forwarded;* any part of the coun try. . /' ' I Those who pttachree Magazines at Books stores, will observe Ihift byloiqjng this Asso ciation, ihey receive the "Magazine and free I icltet in the annual distribution, all at tbe same price tbef *ngw payfor the Magazine alone. - ♦ Beautifully illustrated calaloauea, giving full descriptions, sent free on application. For Membership, address. _ C. L. DERBY. Actuary, C.A. A. At either of the principal offices—' "Knickerbocker* Magazine" office, 348 I2 a . u .r a> ' New Yo,k ; of r Western Office, 166 Water street, Sandnaky, Ohio, *** Subscriptions received by Robert F. Clark. Esq., flonorsry Secretary, Blooms, burg, Pa. h 1 . ■ Nov 14,'65—if. vw £u f 4KS jaa TO THE FASIIONAIrtse ATID TIHE undersigned, having just received the , Pa '' B at"! New York Fashions, would again beg leave to inform bis numer ous friends and all tbe world about Blaomg. burg, that he is now better prepared than ev er to accommodate any one with the neatest easiest and best fitting sails of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but he will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. His shop is at the old stand, (i o o well known to need fuither notice) where h may at all times be found, sealed upon tbe bench of repentance, steadily drawing out the thread of affliction, hopeing it may in the end prove advantageous to him and his customers He would also advise bis friends to bear in mind that poor, afflicted tailors must live, or they can't be expected to work. Therefore, Wheat, Rye Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH will come mighty handy from those who are back-standing on hte book. ? e " 1 ® mber ; gentlemen, that in all cases the laborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsburg, April 14th, 1853. MOSS & BROTHER, No. 12 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, EEP a complete assortment of SCHOOL. MISCELLANEOUS and MEDICAL BOOKS, Blank and Memorandum Books, Writing Letter and wrapping papers, fine Pocket Cutlery, &c., to which they invite the attention of country merchants and others. The prices and quality will compare favora bly with any other House. Having an ex tensive bindery under their immediate su perintendence, they are prepared to furniah either ready-made, or ruled to particular pat tern, Blank account Booka of every eize and description, suited for Banks, Insurance Companies ' and County Court Records, tho quality o which is warranted both as regards paper and binding. They employ none but the best workmen and use first class materials. f Orders from a distance will receive piriicc!:: :!!;n.!ion. Masonic tiud Odd Fellows' Regalia aud Publications for indiviu2ftls> members and Lodges, the most extensive asaortmont to be found in the United Slates. Philadelphia, March 39, 1855-6 m. CURE YOUR COUGH, BY THE USE OF Killer's Syrup of Tar, WILD CHERRY, and WOOD NAPHTHA A SLIGHT COLD, accidentally acquired, through neglect or improper treatment, may result in that worst of all diseases, con sumption, therefore be advised in time, and procure at once a bottle of this valuable pre paration. It is pleasant to the taste, and ha* no narcotic in its composition, and can be taken with perfect safely. The wide spread reputation which this preparation has obtained at a cough modi* 4 cine, is a sure guarantee of its usefulness irr all diseases of the throat and lungs, and all who use it will be certain to obtain relief.— i hot sale by aH the storekeepers in this, and adjoining counties, and wholesale by the proprietor. I. L. RITTER, No 7 South Front st., Philadelphia Jan. 28, 1885. BLANKS! BLANKSf! BLANKS!! DEEDS. SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPfENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, paper and desirable forms, fo> sal* at the office of theSu ro ftheNortfi/' i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers