STAR OF THE NORTH. ■ ■ 11 jI.J.. |J'J. =3=T >. w. WEAVSB, EDITOR. i . a, 1 , 1 'i ■ , j'4—i Bloomsburg, Thursday, Dep. 87, 1890. THE HOLIDAY SEASON Is thawing op the hearts and sentiments 6f Ihe "sona of men" of all ages—yps, and Of the daughters of women ditto. It is a little eMlliag to the thin' ekirt outside, but it warms up the frozen cruet of selfishness and wide within. The youngglve vent to the hilarity and glowing gaiety of youth, and the old grow youi.g again as each new year begins t fresh life. The old year has had its share of joy and •orrow, and the new one comes lined with a silver cloud to many. The inside reflects light and happiness, and to some this will not wear ihtongh. To others the silver lining will be thin and frail gossamer, and ere the mid-day of the year the background of dark ness will be only too plain and heavy to the . heart. Let not the spirit and mood give to it 1 u darker hue il it must come. And now we wish to all a "Happy New YEAR," and a* the good-will of the reason goes round With your hear all full of wisdom And your heart as full ol love— With a cheerful, happy spirit. And a hope to look above— Bless the kind and wise All-Father Of the beautiful and good, Who hath kept your heart from sorrow, And ha'h furnished joy and food. Determine that the New Year Shall be belter than the old— That your griefs shall all be shorter And your joys be olt'net told. And think bow but a little word Will, if 'tis kindly given, Fall on Ihe heart, as on the flower Falls the gentle dew ol heaven. Or as opon a glassy stream The moonbeams lightly dance; Or maiden's beaming love-lit eyes The loving heart entrance. For a very little pebble Thrown in the stream of Time May turn it, and may turn a lite To virtue or to orime. NEW COUNTIES. We publish in this number, extrscts from the constitutions of various States, limiting legislative power in the creation of new coun ties. They are all of comparatively recent adoption io the constitutional history of the Slates, aod proves the general existence of abuse against which it is necessary to guard Division questions spring up continually in our own State, to the disturbance of com munitiee and of the regular action of politi. cal parties; and have, beyond all question, -a most pernicious effect upon legislation.— In view of this, and of tbe fact that the Slate is already divided into over sixty counties, there ought to be some limitation urftm the power of creating them. By such provision the purity of legislation and the peace, and <we think the real interests also, of the peo ple, would be consulted and subserved. We beve, to induce a movement in this direc tion, (be example of other Stales and the ex perience of our own. We advocate, therefore, a constitutional - amendment that shall prevent the erection of any new county, unless by a vols of the county ot counties from which it is taken . In other words, that no county shall be divi ded without its assent to the measure. This, jir some other similar provision, would be iwise and timely, and would doubtless be ap proved by the people if submitted to tbeir decision. A Heeded Movement. Two years ago, Rev. WARREN BOSTON, of Boston, who is devoting himself to the cause of Dontetlio Education, proposed, through uewspapers and circulars, to the people of his own State, that there should be meetings during tbe more leisure season, to discuss questions appertaining to Family Discipline, and to the relation of speaker*, others made effective addresses who had never spoken in public before, and Istent talent was unex pectedly brought ont. Tbe young manifest ed peculiar interest, and were stimulated to new efforts for Improvement. The teletion of the home to the school, and of the school to the community, wee better understood, ar.d the cause of peblio education wis ad vanced. Ladies eeut in communications both instructive end entertaining, to be read on the occasions, showing that through simi lar opportunity, female talent in every town might be elicited, and put to noble nee. Now that tbe long evening! have again come, why shall not this most useful move ment be carried, at once, widely beyond the State where it started I Auaious patents, earnest teacbere, public-spirited men and wo men! think, confer, co-operate, persevere, and it ie done. A 9600 BIBLE. Io the booketore of T. B. Peterson, Phila delphia, is now exhibited a magnificent Bi ble, which ie perhaps the best finished in the world, lor its pries ie 9500. Mr. Peterson is among the most enterprising of publishers.— He baa lately published a complete and fine edition of Diokena' works, which are adver tised iu another column of our paper. A Hoax. Tbe reportsslWsuicide of Misa ELI/A JANE FORNWALD, in Philadelphia, and the romantic letter pretended to have been found, turn out to be a hoax. Her friends want to the city fromCattawissa last week, and were agreea bly surprised to find her alive and well. Or Otm CARHISR ( Yorick ) baa procured a New Year's Address disouseiug subjects sea sonable, patriotic, matapbyaical, historical) and miscellaneous, which bo consider* first rate and a little to apart. He will be around to our patron* and the people with it on next Tuesday for a harvest of quarters snd sprink ling of small change. ST The friend* of education in Lyeoming county have determined to atari a Normal School for the education of teachers, ft is to be in connection with a Model School of the primary scholars in and around Mußoy,where t|ip School is to be hmeted. Mr. Fuller's Po-icton on Nebraska. From the proceedings of' Congress on Wednesday of la* l wook, w# elipihc follow ing paragraphs of internal: Mr. Whitney submitted a resolution thai the House proceed <o elect a speaker bjr Lai- The motion wan 'laid on the table —yeae 313, nays 7. Mr. Cadwallader congratulated the oour.try upon this vote. It was a condemnation of the secret principle relied on by the Know- Nothings. Mr. Fuller Of Pennsylvania, explained hi a position, opposing the further agitation of the slavery question. II he had been hers tho last Congress, he Would have oppoaed all territorial legislation, but ha would not vole for the restoration of the Missouri line, and would admit Kansas with orwiit>, m ,| g . Ve £' He would leave th si „ ,{* peo T ° dd L 6i Pa., said, if he had before an n this, he would htive suffered his right ..and to wither before voting for Mr. Fuller. This Mr. Todd it the Chairman of the Know Nothing Stale Central Committee of Pennsylvania, and his name appeared as such to iho circular of thefuaioniata who nom inated Mr. Nicholson last fall. „ But it will be news to some of the noisy Know-Nothings of this district to find Mr. Poller now occupying the same position up on the Nebraska question With Col. Wright. It is a surrender of Mr. Fuller to the doctrine of "popnlar sovereignty" whioh does more honor to the integrity and political character of bis late Democratic antagonist, than an election to Congress could Lave gained him. Col. Wright and the true Democrats of this district have good reason to be more proud ol ihM surrender, and this vindication of their cause than if they had_elected their candi date to Congress. Men may be defeated by the clamor or passion of the moment, but principles live forever. Mr. Fuller last fall seeretly bid for both abolition and national votes; while his competitor openly and manfully avowed his principles with an evident consciousness of rectitude that defied a reply, and command ed the respect of both political Iriends and foes. Mr. Fuller now to his disgrace tells his Free Soil apd anti-Nebraska brawlers in this district that he was not in earnest when he bid for their votes. If he does this with out a sense of mortification and self abase ment he is much to be pitied. It is plain that no honest man need envy bis position in Congress. A lew Seasonable Jukes. In this srason of Holiday merriment e few good jests from Washington city will be rel ished, even among politics and news. One ws give fresh from the mouth. While the voting for Speaker was going on the other day, a member who had been musing or dreaming in his seat for seme time, had to be "nudged" by his culleague to roue and vote. After doing so, he said to his neighbor: "You see, I was just thinking that I saw General Jackson stalking around a.nong these fellows arid calling out 'no Banks, by the Eter nal !"' We eopy two which are seasonable. Hon. George S. Houston, of Alabama, is a jolly wag, as good natured as he is honest and sensible. The other day after several votes for Speaker had been taken, without effeot, Houston ctossed the Representative Hall to (he seal of the member from the Utica dis trict, when the following dialogue ensued : Mr. Houston—Matteson, don't you know how to make a Speaker! Mr. Matteson—No, do you t Mr. Houston—Well, I can tell you. Mr. Matteson—For Heaven's sake do, then Houston. Mr. Houston—Why, let the Banks suspendl [An explosion occurred just here.] When yoor laugh is out over that speci men of pure wit, here'e another "good one." Our host of Guy'a National Hotel ia thought by some to bear a striking personal resem blance to General Cass— kcto striking yon may judge when lam done. A stranger who supposed he knew mine host very well, pot up at the National the other night. Since '.his hooss has become the crack hotel at the Capital it is quite full all the time, and the new comer wae i eoes-arily for the first night, sent to the upper floor to sleep. Coming down stairs in the morning, a little cross, he met General Case [wha has a fine suit of roojns here] in the hall, stepped up to him, and in language more forcible and rapid than elegant said: "Mr. Guy. I'll be il I'll stand it! You've put me at the top of the house ! I must Lave a room somewhere low er down." General Cass, —interposing, and nervously, —Sir, you are mistaken in the person you address.! urn General Cast, of Michigan. Stranger,—confusedly,— Beg yoilr pardon, General Case—thought it was my old friend Guy. Beg a thousand pardons, Sir. All a mistake, I assure you, Sir. Tbe General paseed out of the building, but soon returned, end as luck would have it, tbe stranger met him at full faoe again, but in another position. This time he was sure he had mine host, for the Senator from Michi gan he knew had just gone out. So the Stran ger stepped boldly up, slapped the General heartily and familiarly on the shoulder, ex claiming: "By heavens, Guy, I've got a rich eell to relate. I met old Cats up stairs, just no, thought it was you, and began cur sing him about my room. Gen. Casv, —with emphasis,—Well! young man. you'vs met old Cass again! Stranger sloped, and hasn't been heard of eiuce. * W* We have received from Mr. A. H. Jo celyn, the popular Map Publisher of N. Y., another of bis large illustrations of the East ern War. It is a mup of North Sebastopol, and the conflagration of South. It presents a good ilhmration of the attack ar.d fearful struggle within the Redan—the capture of the Malakoff, and other scenes connected with Ihe war. It is 86 by 38 inches m size, and colored. Price 85 oenle. Or The legislature will commence its ses sion on next Tuesday wbioh will be New Year's Day. Mr. BUCIALIW will leave for Harrisburg to-day. ty Ten poor men can sleep tranquilly up oo a mat; but two kings are not able to live t pesos in a quarter ef the world. Mil I.J DIVISION OP COUNTIES. T%* ConUUutim tf Nme York, amended 1846, provides in Art. 8, Seo. 6, that "every county heretofore ettabliebed and separately organized, except the county of Hamilton, shall alwaye be entitled- to one member of (he Assembly, and no new county aball be hereafter erected unless fta population shall entitle it to a member.'' The Comtilulion cf Virginia, emended 1851, provides Art. 4, Sec. 8, clauso 38, that "No new county shall be formed with an area lese than six hundred square miles; nor shall the county or counties from which it is formed be reduced below that area; nor shall any county having a white population less than five thousand be deprived of more than one fifth of such population; nor ahail a county having a larger white population be reduced below four thousand. The Constitutionoflenneute, 1834, provides Art. 10, Sec. 4, "New counties may be estab lished by the legislature, to consist ol not less than tbree hundred and fifty square miles, and which shall contain a population of four hundred and fifty qualified voters. No line of such county shall approach the court bouse of any old county lrom which it may be ta ken nearer than twelve miles, No part of a county shall be taken to form a new county or a part thereof, without the consent of a majority of the qualified voters in such part taken ofT. And in all cases where an old county may be reduced for the purpose of forming a new one, the seat of Justice in said old county shall not be removed without the concurrence of both branches of the legisla ture, nor shall said old county be reduced to less than six hundred and twenty-five square miles." The Constitution of Ohio. 1851, declare) Art. 2, Sec. 30, ''No new county shall contain Iras than four hundred square miles of territory, nor shall any county be reduced below that amount; and all laws creating new counties, changing county lines, or moving county seata, shall, before taking effect, be submit ted to the electors of the several counties to be affected thereby, at the next general elec tion after the passage thereof, and be adopt ed by a majority of all the electors voting at such election, in each of said counties; but any oounly now or hereafter containing one hunJred thousand inhabitants may be divi ded whenever a majority of the voters resi ding in each of the proposed divisions shall approve of the law passed for that purpose; but no town or city within the same shall be divided, cor shall either of the divisions con tain less than twenty thousand inhabitants.' 1 The Constitution of Indiana, 1851, declares Art. 15, Sec. 7, "No county shall be reduced to an aiea less than four hundred square miles; nor shall any county under that area be fur ther reduced." The Constitution of Louisiana, 1852 provides Title 1, Art. 8, "No new parish shall be crea ted with a territory less than six hundred and twenty-five square miles, nor with a popula tion less than the full number entitling it to a representative, nor when the creation of such new parish would leave any other par ish without the said extent of territory and amount of population.!! The Comtitution of Mississippi, provides Art. 7. Sec. 17, "No new county shall be estab lished by the legislature, which shall reduce the county or counties, or either ol them from which it may be taken, to less contents 'than five hundred and seventy-six square miles; nor shall any new county be laid off less con tents. The Constitution of Illinois. 1847, declares Art. 7, Seo. 1, "No new comity shall be form ed or established by the general assembly, which will reduce the county or counties, or either of them, from whioh it shall be taken, to less contents than four hundred square miles; nor shall any coouiy be formed of less contents; nor shall any line thereof pass within lets than ten miles of any oounty seat of the county or counties proposed to be divi ded." Seo. 2. "No county fhall be divided or have any post stricken submitting the question to a vote of ibe peo ple of the county, nor unless a majority of all the legal voters of the county, voting on the question shall vote for the same." Sec. 3. "All territory which has been or may be stricken off, by legislative enactment, from any organized county or counties for the purpose of formings new county, and which shall remain unorganized after t',e prri-jd provided for such organization, '.ball be and remain a part of the county or jounties from which il was originally taken, for all purpo ses of county and State government, until otherwise provided by law." Sec. 4. "There shall be no territory strick en Irom unless a majority of the voters living in such territory ehali petition for such division; and no territory ehali be added to any county without tbe consent ot a majority of the voters of the county to which it is proposed to be added," Sec. 5. "No county seat shall be removed until the point to which it is proposed to be removed shall be fixed by law, and a ma jority of the voter* of tbe county shall have voted in favor of its removal to such point" Tie Constitution of dtubisna, adopted 1818, provides Art. 9, See. 16, "No new county shall be established by the general assembly which shall reduce the county or counties or either of them, from which it shall be taken, to a leaa content than nine hundred squate miles; nor shall any county be laid of less contents. 'l'hs Constitution of Missouri provides Art. 3, Sec. 41, "No county now established by law, shall ever be reduced by the establish ment of new counties, or otherwise, to lass than twenty miles square: nor shall any ooun ty hereafter be established which shall con lain less than five hundred square miles." The Constitution of Michigan, 1850, provides Art. 10, Sec. 3, "No organized county eball ever be reduced by the organization of new counties to lesa than sixteen townships, as surveyed by the United Steles, unless in pur suance ol law, a majority of electors residing in eaoh county to be affected thereby shall so decide." Ihs Constitution of Arkansas, 1836, provides Art 4, See. 29, that "No county now estab lished by law shall ever be redaoed, by the establishment of any new oounty or counties, to le* ton nine handled square miles, nor tq a leu population than ha ratio of represen tation in tb# louse of representatives; nor shall any county hereafter established which shall contain less than rtlno hundred square miles, (except Washingtori county, which may be reduced Id six hundred Squaromiles), or a less population than would entitle such county to a member in the honse of repre sentatives. The Contfituiion qf Texas, adopted 1848, Art. 7, Sec. 34. "The legislature shall at tha firf session thereof and. may at any sobse qoenl session, establish new comities for the convenience of the inhabitants of such new county or counties. Provided, that no new county shall be established, which shall re duce the county or counties or either of them; from which it shall be taken, to a less area than nine hundred square miles, (except the oounty of Bowie), unless by consent of two thirds of the iegislsture; nor shall any coun ty be laid off of less contents." The CorutiMion of fPj£<m.nn, 1848, Art. 18, Sec. 7, "No county with an area of ninuhun. dred square miles or Isss, shell be divided, or have any part stricken therefrom, without submitting tbe question to a vole of the peo ple of the oounty, nor unlets a majority of all tha legal voters of the county voting on the question shell vote for the tame." THC AMIRICSN MODB of manufacturing small fire arms has been adopted in England, from plans obtained bere by Britieh officer*. The machinery, such as ie used at Harper's Ferry, has been built here, and persons con nected with the manufacturing establishments in this country have been employed to su perintend it. The machinery has cost over 8100,000. The new government armory of England, into whioh this machinery and ita new operations era IO be introduced, is lo cated at Enfield Lock, nine utiles north of London, h is intended, ultimately, to em ploy eight hundred operatives, and turn out five hundred muskets daily. Twenty-five thousand rifles for tbe British government are now being manufactured at Wiudtor, Vermont, and Hartford, Conn. OP* A Convention nf lost Baggage Agents has been held in New York, nearly all the principal railroads of the country being rep resented. These agents sre persons employ ed by railroad companies to trace up lost or stolen baggage. These conventions are to compare memoranda, each agent bringing a list of all unclaimed baggage and freight in the hands of bis employers, and also a list of claims and applications for lost baggage, to gether with description* of tbe properly.— These conventions have been found of great value, seldom failing to result in finding lof ty or fifty pieces of valuable property. They also save the railroad companies from many fraudulent claims by parties pretending to have lost valuable baggage. THE TROUBLE OVER. —According to the latest accounts from Kansas, the late blood ies* war is over, the "border roffians" and the "Yankee squatters" have fraternized, end agreed to mind their own business in future, snd allow the government to execute the laws. This is a very sensible conclusion Good sense is characteristic of the mess ol onr countrymen, though the sptri' of inde pendence is so high, that their first impulse is to resist any appearance of wrong by force of arma tyThe opening of tha Sunbury and Erie Railroad, says the Bunbury American, be tween Sunbury and Northumberland,did not take place on tbe 18lb, as was stated in some of the papers it would - be. The time fixed for the opening of the road was the 24th inst.—at which time, if nothing occurs, tbe road will be completed. The road will be opened on tbe 2bth intl. Ex-Governor Bigler, the President, and others from the city will be present on the occasion. W A Military State Convention is to be held at Harrisburg on the third Monday of January, to advocate some amendment of our militia laws. Ths Harrisborg Stale Pa per says of it: "The object in view it the improvement of the volunteer system, to accomplish which it is proposed to obtain the enactment of a law providing that companies hereafter or ganized shall consist of at least vixty, rank and file; fixing the militia fine at two dol lars; the payment of all militia expenses from the fund thus raised in each county; provid ng penalties for evading assesament of ma ilia tax; a cerlifioUa of membership in a volunteer company to entitle tbe holder to <> credit of two dollars en bis Slate tax." Tux PENNSTLVSKUN.—This old Democrat ic paper will be published on a double sheet after the first of January. The iucrease of advertising is assigned as the reason for this change; and we sincerely congratulate the proprietor on such a substantial judication of prosperity. His unremitting exertions io be half of liberal principles and in opposition < to narrow-minded proscription, have not fail ed to attract the admiration, the sympathy and support of all true Democrats. FALLING M LOVE —No more falling in love after Ibis. We are all to be pitched into it, willing or unwilling. Prof. Rondout baa be trayed the secret. He leaohes you how to make anybody lova you that you wish. He furnishes in his curious book, " The Bliss of Marriage," the entire key to the mystery. If you want a lady, she must become yours. If yoo need a husband, pick out one you can lova. Read Rondout and the mailer is set tled. The book is advertised in our paper to-day. Cf A. K. McClurc has resigned the office of Superintendent ol the Stale Printing.— There are a large number ol applieants be sieging the Governor for the appointment The vacancy bas not yet been supplied. The Grand Jury of Lycoming County, at tbe last court', recommended the erection of a new Prison,on the plan of thai at York, at the estimated expense of $13,000. (7 The ooal business of the Sohuylkill Navigation this season, rsaohas t, 104,164 tons against 007,354 last year, an increase of nearly SOO,OOO ton*. OUK NKfV. YORK COSBnruMMIIFB. Ifw Ynax.Deo. S3, 1138. MA. EDITOR There is nothing mnob stirring bet* at jplee ent. Evan the prolonged failure of Coegren* to elect a speaker basut length ceased to be exciting; and the news of the attack of the Hoo. W. Smith of Virginia upon the editor of the Washington Star did net create the slightest feeling of interest in a city like this, where much more sanguinary affrays are of daily ocourrence. Insurance Companies are casing in, bare, esery day or two. The latest explosion of that class of swindles is that of the Henry j Clay Fire Insnraace Company. The Presi dent and other officers are to be tried for per jury, and of course wiH be acquitted ; for jus lice in New York is quite as much an article of barter ae flour. It would be better to com pare it with otto oi roses; for it is an expen sise luxury, and can only be enjoyed by the riob. Yes, justice in the city of New York is either unoerlein, polluted, or eo expensise as to be entirely beyond the reach of the poor and the uninfluential. I am no growler. I like New York as a residence better than any other oily I hase Used ill; but I would not hesitate to etake my life against a dollar, that there ie aot a oity in Christendom, whose public functionaries, as a body, are eo bare facedly renal and corrupt, and so incredibly ignorant and sulgar, as are thoee of the oity of New Yotk. A few short-sighted people imagine that our Bench would be more pore if judges were appointed, ae of old, instead of being elected, as they now are; but a mo ments reflection iu the right direction will not fail to consince any man of tha fallacy of such reasoning. The oity was mis-gov erntd when many of the officers new tlscl ise were filled by appointment; and it is be oanse it was so mis-gosemed, and because tnsttsrs grew worse and worse so fearfully fast, by an abase T the appointing power, that the people were induced to elect their judges, and sea how that would work. Of one thing they felt quite confident— they ooold not make a ohange for the worse. I will concede that there may base bean elected, here and there, a more vulgar black guard than would hare been appointed ; but, after all, an educated and refined aooandrel it the worst and most dangerous of scoundrels. I am not a politician, in the usual accepta tion of that word. I was Aever t a primary meeting, or a caucus, in my life—if I had been living in a quiet village, it might have been otherwise—but I watch pretty closely the application and practical working of prin ciples ; and the result of my observation and reflection, in one direction is, that the soon er every office is made elective, the belter, and that the incompetency of public officers does not result from the unfitness of thepeo pie to choose them, but from the fact that, vinua'ly, the people do net ehnose them.—- This infernal primary- -election system—these atrocious Philadelphia and Baltimore Con ventions —this plaoing, by designing, eel fish, wire-working politicians, of only two men before three hundred or throe million! of vo ters, according to the office to be filled, and telling tbeee hundreds; or millions, as the esse may be, that they most choose one of tha two, either a Whig or, Heaven tave the mark! a Democrat—all this kind of humbug saddles upon ths community, as judicial, leg islative, and executive officer*, knavei and fools, to whom the enemies of popular gov ernment point, as the result of the elective franchise. When a large home fails, or its premieea are destroyed bv fire, we often bear that sev eral hundred people are thrown out of em ployment. I never fully reeliied the fact that the happiness of a very large number of people could depend eo absolutely upon the success of one man, until one day last week, when certain duties that I had to perform made me somewhat familiar with the busi ness of one of our 'merchant priooes, David Devlin. Mr. Devlin is the head and founder of the bouse of D. Devlin & Co., the first clothing bouse in the world, and which gives direct employment to over three thou sand men and women ; and many ol these having families, it is estimated that not lesa than ten thousand persona depend upon hit success for their daily bread. Here, then, ia one firm doing a business equal to that of a small city, or a flourishing manufacturing vil lage. Their beat deaoriptionaof ready-made woik are out in a style quite as fashionable, ar.d the wotkmanship on them ia quite as good, aa if made to order for a private indi vidual. A few years ago no New York gen tlemen ever thought of buying a good gar ment ready-made, for the reason that there were none suob; hot Mr. Devlin, aeeing thia want iu the market, immediate'y hired the best cullers and workmen that London, Paris and New Yort could furnish, and add ed to his Mock a class of ready-made goods, suob as be had never seen before. The con sequence ia that he has succeedad. Men of taste now buy ready-made clothing;and Mr. Devlin's sales, last year, are said to hava amounted to over $3,000,000 ! H A triend posted up in fiuauoial matters and finanoial men, pointed out to ma, the other day, at the dining-table of the principal ho tel of this city, the Metropolitan, twenty-two urea from different parts of the Union, each of whom is known in Wsll-street to be worth more than half a million of dollars I I could not really discover anything remarkable a bout those old fogies—a doaen of whom may be seen on any day at the Metropolitan, aa my Wall street friend informs ma—except a certain air of quiet confidence which my owu visage wears about once in five year*, when a hoy cornea into my office with a pair of new boots or pantaloons, and a bill, with orders to "collect 1: or bring back the goods," and I happen to have the needful in ray pocket. It is really a pleasant sensation that one experiences on being able to pay a bill in that off-handed way. I oan't exactly de scribe tbe sensation, as I have only experi enced it three times sine® I have been "con nected with tbe Press," and the last time was several yearn ago. Try it, onoe, and sea how it goes. The Committee appointed by the last Slate Legislature to investigate and report npon tbe administration of orimioal law in this city, ia still pursuing its labor*. Nothing will oome iof h, however. Reform iq the administration of ilio tor it not so n.uch needed at reform , of the taw itself—of ilia entire criminal code. It has often (track me as a little singular that the most palpable ezamplea of heavenly lore, and of worfdly as well av dirioe wisdom, set as by the Father in bia'Cteations, and by the Son in bis recorded sayings, ste entirely lost sight of by the fraroers of laws. There is a sentence in the Lord's Prayer that shows the clear-sightedness and worldly-wisdom of its framer, quite as mncb as the loringness and loreableness in bis nature. "Lead us not in to temptation," said tne Great Teacher. Hu manity wants and will have, sooner or later, political and social systems with "Lead us not into temptation" for their motto, and baaed upon the idea that tbe learning, and time and labor, now devoted to the contriving of new modes of punishing men, must be employed in making it to their jnterest to be good and orderly. But I mast stop philosophizing, which I do like, and plunge inloeveryday su pertlcialities, which I don't like, but must take a hand in, or poor devil that I am— starve. t'HIL'A. MARKET?. FLOOR AND MEAL.—The flour market is dull, 88.25 being the offering for shipping brands without finding buyers. Sales of family Flour at $8.50 a 9 per barrel. Tbe in quiry from retailers and 'bakers it freely met at 89 to $lO. for extra and fancy brand*. Rye Flour has declined and is dull at $5.37), and Pennsylvania Meal at $4. GRAlN.—There is a short sopply of wheat, and the market is inactive. Last sales of small lots of Southern and Penna. red, $1.85 a 1.90, and 1.95 as 2 for while in etore.— Rye is still dull; sales at $1.20 per bushel. Corn la firmer Sales of old yellow at 89c a 90, and new yellow at from 75 to 78. Oats are dull at 41 a 420 per buahel, lor Delaware, and 42c for Pennsylvania. WBIBEET ia steady—sales of bbls. at 39 cents, and 38c for bhds. DEATH ASD.VANITT. The St. Louis Herald •ays some of th* fashionable ladies of that place, owing to en excess of vanity, in order to give tone and permanency to their com plexion, or, as they say, "to improve their complexion," are in the habit of taking arse nie in small dose*. Within the past week two ladiea of that city, members of wealthy families, and ladies of fashion, have died very suddenly. Their nearest friends and telativeasay that tbay were "arsenic eat ers," bnt in order to guard against scandal, the real oauas of their death has not been made pubiic. However, those same persons do not hesitate to say privately, thai an over dote of arsenic was the real banse of their death. Vanity must* indeed be an almost | uncontrolabla passion with persona who, to gratify it, wilt hazard their very existence. The Grand Jury of Schuylkill couoly have recommended that the Commissioners bean thorixed to appropriate the sum of two hund red dollars oot of the funds of the County, to purchase a Law Library for Ihe use of the Court and Bar, said library lo be located un der protection from duet within the Court Honse, on condition that the bar will appro priate a like torn. flow The Sub- Jreasury Works. —The Boa lon Post says:—lt is said that Mr. Guthrie has effected all the transport of specie neces sary for the operations of the Government during the past year, not only without ex pense to hi* department, but under arrange menta which have yielded a proJU of 910,- 000! What an outcry was made against the sub-treasury on account of the immenae ex pense the "carting of specie would coet!" W We continue to receive startling and exciting news from Kansas. Most of it, however, is greatly exaggerated. There is much excitement there, afo various outrages have been committed, but apprehend noth ing like oivil war in the full sense of the phraee. The N. Y. Tribune says, GEORGE LAW (pent 910,000 to carry New York State for (be Know Nolhings at the late election. The Argus says, if he has so muoh spare cash, he bad better come to Easton and aettle the washer-woman's bill be forgot to pay, when he left here a few years ago. BRITISH RECRUITING IN GERMAN T. -The Brit ish Consul (Curtis,) who was convictsd of violating the neutrality laws of Ptussia, and was sentenoed to three months' imprison ment, has bad his senlenoe doubled by the superior oourt; and bis secretary, Kray, who had previously escaped, has now been caught and sentenoed. •<#' A certain newspaper in Cleveland, 0-, having advertised that tbey would send a copy of their paper gratis for one years to a person who woold send them a club of ten, received the ten-spot of ctubs from a young conotry lady. Dm HOT PRESENT HIS CREDENTIALS.— Patker H. French has left Washington for New York without essaying to hold official communica tion with the State Department. He proba bly discovered it was no use presenting him self in his diplomatic character. W James Bock, the young man in Lafay ette, Ohio, who laid a two hundred dollar wager ibat he could husk and crib one hun dred bushels ot corn in ten hours won the bet. He busked one hundred and eighteen bushels in nine bouts and twenty-four min utes. tar Mississippi will have only one Sena tor in Congresa during the present session, the Legislature having adjourned without electing a second ooe. vr It is announced that Robert Schuyler, the fioaucier of New Haven Railroad mem ory, died on the IStb of November at Nice, in Italy, of a broken spirit. IV A couple were married in Greenbosb, N. Y., last week whose united ages were one hundred and siaty-lwo years. Whether they got the consent ol their parents is r.ot known. Of Money is defined to be a composition for taking Mains out of character. B* p. FORTNER, Auctioneer/ WILL SELL On the Ist day of Jaonary, at the residence of Peter Blank, in Union, ashuylkill ceonty, a large lot of-farming stock, fco. (hi the Sd day Of January in Rotringorsek Columbia bounty, tbe farm of Peter Bodine. On the 3d of Janoary, at the late residence of Joseph Geiger, in Montour township, Col. county, all the stock, hay, grain, Ac. On the sth tlay of January a lot of land in Franklin township, Columbia'cotnty, lite the estate of Joseph C. Cleaver, dec'd. fT" Persons who desire the services of tg- P. FORTNBR as Auctioneer will do well to engage him before adveuising the dais of their sale. Hollouay't Pith, the moat celebrated reme dy in the Union for the cure of diseases of the Liver and Stomach.—Edmund Algay, of Coopetstown, New York, was for the pe riod of nineteen years a complete misery to himself and a burden to his friends, be suf fered so severely and continuously from liv er complaint, and a disordered stomach, that he was constantly .for weeks Ipgetherconfiuei to his bed, the doctors did him no goo.!, and he therefore left off consulting them. Nine weeks ago he commenced using Ilolioway's Pills, and bis wife called last week at the sloro of Professor Holloway, to acknowledge most gratefully that her husband is quite cur ed. Professor H. hopesthst the tbousiod oth ers in the Union who have been benefited will row come forward. GP EVERT READER will please notioe the advertisement headed "7b Pereonsout of Em ployment," ami send for a full descriptive Cat alogue of all our Illustrated Works. To the unitiated in the great art of selling books, we would say that we present a scheme for money making which is Isr belter than ell the gold mines of California and Australia. Any person wishing to embark in the en terprise, will risk little by sending to Mr* Publisher, $25, for which he will receive sim ple copies of the various works, (at whole sale prices) carefully boxed, insured, and directed, affording a very liberal per centags to the Agent fur his trouble. With these be will soou be able to ascertain (he most salea ble, and order accordingly, Address, (post paid.) ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, 18a William Street, New York. IMPORTANT TO FBMALES—DR. CHBESEMANA' PILLS.— -The combinations of ingredient* in these Pills, is the resnlt of a long end ex tensive practice; thty are mild in their oper. slior, and certain in restoring naluee to its proper channel. In evary instance have the Pills proved success! ul. The Pills inTaria bly open those obstructions to which females ere liable, and bring nature into its proper channel, whereby haalh is restored, and the pale and deadly countenance changed to a healthy one, No female can enjoy good health unless she is egulai ; and whenever an obstruction takes place, whether from ex poaure, cold, or any other cajse, the general health immediately begins to dec! ine, and the want of such a remedy has beor. t he cause of so many consumptions among young female. To ladies whose hoalth will not permit an in crease of their family, these Pills will prose a valuable acquisition, as they will prevent pregnancy. Headache, pain in the aid# pal pitation of the heait, loathing of food, and disturbed sleeD do most alwavs arise from tba inl erruplion of nature; and whenever that is the case, the Pills will invariably remedy all these evils, Nor are they less efficacious in the cure of Leucorrhoea, commonly called the "Whites," These Pills should never be ts. ken during preg nancy, as they would be aure to cause a W aranted to be purelv Vegetable, and free from anything injurious to life or health. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. These Pills art put up in square flat boxes. Perons residing where there are no ageney established, by enclosing One Duller in s let ter postpaid to Dr. 0, L. Cheeseuian, No. JBT Blacker street, New York City, can have them aent to their respective addresses by return of majl. IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES Dr. GEISSNER'S Celebrated Menstrual Pill* have been long and widely known as invari ably certain in removing any stoppage, irreg ularity, or suppression of the menses. In the female hospitals in Vienna, Pari*, and Berlin, they have entirely superseded the use of all other remedies; because, where a curei* attainable by medicinal agencies, they are certain of success. Their astonish ing efficacy would be almost incredible, if not vouched for by indubitable testimony, in numerous instances producing returns of Ike monthly period after all hope had been aban doned. In every case, from whatever cause the ob struction may arise, as also to prevent preg nancy where the health will not admit ot in crease of family, they are always efficient; for which reason they must not be used du ring pregnancy, though always mild, healthy, safe and certain in their effects. Married ladies will find particular instruc tions in the directions, in which are stated the various symptoms by which the cause of the suppression may be determined. Price, One Dollar per Box, containing ex plicit directions. Eoob box will be signed by Dr R. G. Geiaa ner. Principal Office, 1274 Liberty Street, New York City. Responsible agents will be appointed for their sale as soon as practicable. In the mean time, all orders are to be addressed to Dr. R. G. Geisaner, 1274 Liberty Street. New York City, or to box 2456 N. Y. Post Office, and a box will be sent by return mail, as tbey are put op in sealed envelopes, and can be sent with the strictest privacy to any part of the United States. CAUTION TO LAMES. As various not only ineffective but injuri ous oorapounds purporting to be " female Pills," under all kinds of names as " Iron Pills," "Silver Pills," "Golden Pills," " Peri odical Pills," &c. are attempted lobe palmed off upon the credulous or unwary, it is only necessary for ladies to be on their guard against the attempted imposition, and in all casea where there is no authorized agent lor the sale of Dr. Geissner's Menstrual Pills," to order direct from bira by mail, by return of which a box will be sent. [29— ly Agent)— Geo. Ross, Lebanon; E. T. Mil ler, York: S. Alleman, Harrisbnrg; D. R. Jones & Co., Harrisbnrg ; C. Weigley, MiU baoh. On Thursday evening last, December 20th, by Rev. E. A. Sharretls, Mr. JOHN PuasaL to Miss HENRIBTA KUHM, both of this place. In Berwick, on Thursday last, by Rev. I. Bahl, Mr. JOSEPH RUGGLES, and Miss AMELIA LOISA YOUNG, Orange twp. Col. eo. Justices of the Peace AND CONSTABLES can find all kind of aL hanks desirable for their use,in proper form at Iks office of the STAR or THE NORTH. DRAWER GOODS, Spotted Swiss. Bog Jaoouett Mull, Cambrio, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawps, sale Bard Muslin just reoeiir! Ed at the Store of A. C. MENSCH ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For sale M the cheap store pf A. J. EVANS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers