COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. 11 Onr Cnnttlttttlon attard It evor t Onr clorloua Union hold It doar ! Our r-Urry Flap, fotaakc it novel! The proud Gancttalan-Acnr only peorl EDITF.D BY LHVT I,. TATE. PKOPIUETOB. BLOOMSBURG : Saturday Morning, Ocl.. 20, '65. IUJC TTTaTiTfiTiTrTTr""' J PiMotnicv, u itntlmetitncl tabu appalled, corrupt. ed or compromised It knows no baseneia, It rower, to no danger, It oppresses no weakness. Destructive only of detpotlun H 1, the solo conservator or liberty, labor and property. It la tko sentiment of freedom, of 1ual tlghta, of equal obligations ilie law of nature pervading the law of the land Allen, SOT The Editor has teen absent tho pi ii week, We hovo u new Carrier this week anil il any of our town subsorihets should bo omitted they will plcaso report at this office. In Johnstown tho town in which Cols Linton and Oampbsll rctidc Col. Linton ran ahead of his collcaguo 19 vote?, and Col. Campbell ran bihitul his collcaguo 32 votes ; Col Linton's gain was, therefore, 41 Totes. In Campbell's own ward Linton ran ahead of his ticket and Campbell bo hind his ticket. tZ2r Tho New York papers report the appearanco of Cholera at Brooklyn. Vig orous sanitary measures aro lulkcd of, as they have been over since its outbreak in the East, and nothing really done. Should not every town and village in the country at oloo clean up the streets and alleys, and burn decaying vegetablu market, and put the country in state of as complete puriGcation as possiblo. The battle fields of the South are also fruitful of causes of sickuess.4 Cleanliness is akin to godliness. A. M. l'At.MER. of New York, who was imprisoned fn Fort Lafayette for seven months, from Jan. 7, 18G4, has lately re ceived a letter from Gen. Dix " exonera ting him from all censure." Ho was art rested tor fraud, on information ol Gov. eromet-t officials. Dix is satisfied that no case could bo made out against him. Pal mer repeatedly asked to bo tried, but njj attention was given his petitions. It is but poor satisfaction to a man to havo his j character olearcd up after he has suflored tho punishment for having a bad one CQ?- The other day Presidont Johnson gave a bit of advice to a regiment of ne- r.. o ff them than to the radicals. Ho said : "It' pil!n: n , j , . . , Phillipr, Douglass, and the lesser should be tho duty of every patriot, and,,- m. , ... , , , . ii i ,r . I'ghK Th! pulpitis also censured for every one who calls himself a Christian,'. . . . ,. ' , . , ,. I.?,-.;.;. ; i not ignoring the cause of Christ aud hitn to remember that with the ImnmaUon of . , ,. , . . crucified for not entering moro heartily the w tr his tcsentmcnts should cease, that . . ,. . , . J - , ,, , . T . oto political contjst in favor of nogro- anerv fedinss should subside, and that .... every man should become calm and iron i I, r , T. guil, and be prepared for tchit is before him. " Do you seo the point Mr. Dunn t tSr Tho N. Y. Observer, & religious ' paper says it is painful to observe papera ! now opposing tho measures of the Govern ment, which formerly made support of the Government a test of loyalty. It certain ly is a painful truth, but the Observer should be patient ; tho .Democracy are whipping them in and may eventually bo ablo to make them mend thoir manners and perform their duty. r- The Episcopal General Convention j This spirit of tho evil one, has so firm which met in Philadelphia, in the early ly taken hold of tho radioal mind, that it part of Ootsbor and is still in session, has ( appears right in their sight to " glorv in made lor itself a record which will forever ' being called not only Abolitionists," but resound to the creditj tho harmony, and ( Amalgamationist.' " Everv New-Eng-peace of the church. In ?pito of the per- ( and Stale, says tho writer of tho article sistant efforts of Horace Binney Jr., Dr. ' in qUettioB, is committed to this doctrine, Howe, Dr. Vinton, and a few other radi. I and a doctrine that will soon bocomo the cala, with whom politics was moro impor- soheinc of tho rpublican party throughout tant than religion ; ho convention as cften the land. Tho Idea that this is a white as tho point was raised, quietly voted nun's government, is also scouted at as down all political allusions, and put its iuf.-mous, as at was with the libtral senti Kcal of condemnation upon all political mmt$ of the age. jiricoio uiiu nil iiuuiuai fji rtiuuiug. limn ing of a secular or political character will 'appear upon its journal ; and tho great Bishop of PcntBylvania, in words of, bnrning eloquence and power, exposed tho differonoo between a Alinistor who preach-1 cdtho Gospel, and ono who preached about slavery, or national political, or sen- nation topics. lo view of this action of tho united wis- dom and piety of the Church, how oon- tomptible appears the little clique of schis-' raaties who would mir Us.harmony, pre '"""""""Jl F"-- vut itsjoyful ro.union, and doslroy its' ancient organization-bow utterly insig- I nificant abashed and ashamed must they I foel, who followed tho world, tho flesh, tho devil and tbe niggor, upon tbo plea of vital """uo )" HaJ 01 ue,r oariIB 00Jcl' tho raaohinations of mon- Human weak piety and consoienco standing before 1 'lvation of tho negro, lo all tbo sooial ncss was never better illustrated than ot their rfepectivo communities, tebuked by ; ad PoIltl0al rli5bls according to tho An-' tbo fcudden oheok tho buoyant Loagucrs thcir Biehop, aud condemned by ibo con- ( sidered and re-considered action of tho Grand council of tho Churoh. ; rnu W..l.l ...-..r': ? . . J - '.I . ' . "b -i-- tbe xo i oric ir.ouue says mat the JJon. Truman Claike.peremptorily ordered Gov Furpoot,of Virtinia, to leavo his office 1 -rr.-i at tbo Treasury, tne other day, for utter- ing disloyal language.1' Tho Governor ' iog. Wo firmly believo that tho sober iad eaid : ''Wo people of the South will ( eCond thought of tbe people will yet tri- never submit to being taked to pay tho llrnph, that they aro not prepared to bo "r .'VoVa Of "on lC XJnor li I' rd ,,bB0 WL , nLvJZ; QOmnor,cUGod1ntbarulpit,pretoud.Bg.oactasem. inn iojbi presence. 4nssador of Christ, when their whole GorsPlerponHonrfo-ntrtho effort! k tbs nt of tempers! inMitu- t9b1 IbIcp ,i.. 3 B' s ti'w " Conneotiout Bull Run.' Under the above caDtlon. wo CODV an! n JwohLVof ih 11 130 UOmuluS UI 1110 ; Iiditoriil nrticla from nkv.kltnl. A ,1 ,m n 1 n 12th. It is a rcma Isidcring tho source . -- t Wo wore not nrennrod. howr-upr. tn find I.u.. i. .....J" ,'. . ... vujU ,f,.u. :uBw OJnyi3Cagoni.u000u- test advocal nc tha ainaltMmat ou thoorv. a(og with it. other budget of P.! dogmas and calling upon the church of. its adont on tounlto w th the rad oa re- . .... !.. .... .... as, uiiiai taw, .or tnu o. now fnrnTl,! !.,,. .mmi n,.r .mi.iin t.nnVa '1M. , and Journal, of Oct. 1. ' ,..,,... i. .t. routca' "r' Vin," Pged I.U word -tuhlo nr.,.li,niinn -;---" -I ) that, so far as ho wns . nnoernod, no moro to " S ";iB ,e,?n? ,oilh 11,0 r:1 joy fcl! 'y 11 rclf 'c w irom wuion it ennui's. i rtlln ,i n r it.n . , . . , . 7 . 'ganization too much at hoart to hoiaru its whole tenor ol tho article h as unchristian, . M fc tbl.f m.tin)Ct in its tone as it ufato in its ';'. reao,utlonB. But their hopes were dissi- rt.i. ... it. i .-. e do not nusrcprcioi.t tho writer, ho says in unmistakablo larguago NEGRO 11LOOD ACHIEVED THE VICTORY ovcr Southern traitors. Whito men, whoso sons havo fallen on the field of hattlo, whose mangled forms aro beforo yourcyes uu juu rMu BUUU a uuoiurauon wunoui feeling tho blood curdle in your veins 1 Can you, who served in tho ranks, and fought to bring pcaco to our distraoted country, listen to such words without feel ing that a deep and damning ttnin rests upon the publishers of such a vilo slander, oven if the journal profescs to bo the ChristiajCs Advocate ? Wives and moth ers, can you refrain from denouncing tho author and publishers of such an articlo as perjured villian, base hypocrites, and wholosalo liars ? Sons and daughters, whoso fathers rost beneath the battle ments of Rtcbmond, and Petenburg, of Chaileston and Vicksburg, whose lives wcro laid down as a saorafico upon the aliar of their country, cad you keep silent I No, novor, Tho united voices of these representative classes will not ceaso day or night until their services iu tho national conflict arc vindicated, until .their record is truly insoribed upon tho page of histo ry. Tho white soldier carried off" the palm, bis valor and courage oompol!.d the proad and stubborn foe to giro way, it was not negro blood and daring, notwithstang the declaration of Phillips and tho Christian's Advocate. Tho writer in question desires the negro admitted into to all tho rights of citizenship, made equal with all tho rules and regulations of government. Thou fol lows words of rcproaoh against tho Con necticut cleotors for not'maklng tho "land of steady habits" ring before the vote was 'taken With tho Blannmtpp nf Humnor IV utir8ge. When we reonll the fact that tbo ministers ol Christ in New-England, with few exceptions, havo for years made religion a secondary matter; her pulpit rinEing with thrilling eloquence in behalf . lDierefii oent upon uissolu lion or subjugation, this censure means 'something. In solemn strains, these white-washed divines have looked heaven ward and called upon God to infuse a fpirit of disquietude among the peoplo, until the land would burn against all who did not consider our " Constitution a league with doath aud a covenant with hell' Friends of a true Democracy, aro you . rroinrr (n aoll vnne lilef U!,. A n iouslanatioal element ? Arc you goin-r l0 giTe up wUhout a 8trugg,e a Uarranteed bv your fatber,B j If 6rSt Bt ease and suffer tbo wHa ra?. of R bigoted pulpUi backed by a b, ,e( ,owork out ,be b a,ready announcod upon ,he prograrnrnc. If ba)f itj acts are oa,ttd outi jf balf Ug cbomC8 , tnW ffUh ,be people, good bye to our . republican justitutions. Tha eiU. laslll....lU. I. ! . ' 1 iwprcj, natcU tU tbo rwost obnozioita raaioal ccn- ",!'' brcatblDS oly ono idea from bo- ,K""'b . l'uu ,,B' war uPon i,u Wu i .1 . CJ B . ' Freemen of Columbia, wo again ask, are you prepared for such an innovation upon ifhrtftrrfniiiftlniii? A M ,.. J , ai50ara too dooinnes of Jefferson and Douglass, of Jackson and Clay, of Wob - aler and Marcy : if not oven th ranks of ., ,... . those who diner to tbo Consiinninii. bold - jDg all its requirements as saored'and bind- .Ul. u030 , j)a,ca on Tncfday last-tbo day by tho aro so deeply enlisted in behalf of tho 1 way ,d been set asido by the Convention African, makes bold to declare that NE- as ono 0f ti10 thanksgiving to God over the GRO VALOR CARRIED OFF THE return of peace. Mr. Binnoy arose dUr PALM in tho lato contest for national lifo. ing one of those momentary pauses that Religious Intelligence. mi f i. .! .i 'ic Lplaoopal Uonvonllon was Ihrown !.,, .i,,, ,,, .neteo r.1 en. nil,. -J - w , w a u v vt. v saw w w, a, 1.1 VI IllfjUvIl J mu. i . i .... r ...... iu,B tJuo"lon "a oocu Tor uln,n""y dUpossdofat another session, and it was I , , r .. t . i w. m,ukon , lhcr mcn, T, b-t , . , ............ . i ? . ' iinniiM, uav inuurrur. mar, unnsi x. t;o.. ' Ot l(!.Dg obutchactl of tbfl alr4ighMaccd BC1100. had tho interest of that .reitor.1 '. GCncralty follows tho vote upon eomo im- norUnt question, and read what proved to Mm Ihr, nirrr. hidd,, nndrr dnnl of ,,n- I necessary vorbiagc. Wo havo said that , tho resolutions wore wordy thoy in fact acknowledged a little of everything, and j mere was mucu set lortu to give maiiKs lor, i but wo felt more than thankful to hear Mr. Binuey wind up tho harangue, and discovered that no one had been hurt. Yc must iniorm tho readers wny our ap prehensions were aroused. On Mr. Bin noy's taking tho floor, and produoing his yard and more of manuscript, tho rcpor- terof the New York Independent, sapient youth with considerable moro brass than brains, clapped his hands with an idiotic expression of joy, and oxolaimcd, ''Now comes tho fun." These church rowdies designato disturbing the peace in a relig ious council, 'fun.' It has proved aserious kind of enjoyment to all who havo per mitted this perplexing question to once en gage their atteutiou. Well, as tho New York Independent man ssys, tho fun com menced. Dr. V nton, of New York, sec onded the resolutions in a speech of abil ity, and withal eloquent. Gov. Hunt, of Now York.replicd to it in a statement-like effort, and made apparent the sophistries it covered, a well as the irregularities of tho whole proceedings. Governor Hnut's spceoh was listened to with attention, and hs went over tbo whole ground with a minuteness that was remarkable. He tpnkc also upon the merits of the case, and dwelt feelingly upon things as they now exist. Dr. Korfoot followed him 'in a ppecch admirably suited to tha occasion' Ho re lated in no braggart spirit what bo liad suffered at the hands of our late enemies. Ho told how he had been a p isoner in their hands, and how even then he had upheld his principles. In a voice of deep carnestuoss, he said : "My loyalty is ten times greater than that of any man who boasts of his upon this floor.'' He allud ed also to tho wrong committed in intro ducing such resolutions, and ol thca-alic. ions spirit evinocd in it by creating hos tility for men wboso love for the Church would not permit their violating their con science in voting for what was intended as buncombe. If the crowd who had bocn hanging around tho doors of the Convention inati- gating those incendiary movements, had possessed tho spirit of a dog, they would have sneaked away after such an expose.-, But no. their ambition was lo rnuish ilml Church at whose altar thoy had solemn'y SU'nrll tn Bnr.n nil ntr TT nn1n U:1. ii :..,i.. ,1.1... .... . "li suw oiaHimiv lUIIDl ut (jlUUUUB lUUj smiled at tho good Doolor's homo thrusts. What was concord, love or charity to thorn ! i V n ll fi onrtrt itit-tlialio1 ri ijuiuusu, . m . i.i I Jtu iuu jjuiuiuc uianiti iuu ivt'liuo lean they would havo permutod tho disruption I , T n , , 1 r,, , , , , ., , ,. , .candidate, L, D. Shoemaker, received of tbe church. Wc honestly beliovo they 1 r ' , Cl , ' , , , ..i.i iln, t, , . , , 1 0,550 votes, and Stanley Woodward, would not have hesitated to have hewn1 r, , ' down .he Temple of God itself, had ul DBmoort( 0,100 S .cowing a m.jonty for , i j . ., .... , ohoemakfr of 150 votia. been a hindrance to tho cxeoution of their plans. They have dictated malign abuse of J mcn of the same beliof as themselves they haw soatterod tho same broadcast over tho land, and grinned cxultingly over the ruin it promises. Theto men are pro. ftuors ihey arc wont to prato to us about ui.uritj auu wusi dwihiiuhi v,ur.8iianiiy, tne Utlc niggor8 dow Soulb) bavc enlir(J.. or what tome of them stylo' ,y forgoUcu thcir own precious brats. tal party. These earnest laborers in tbo vineyard have not charity sufficient to' Tub toploftical Lanccster Examiner allow even a reasonable difference of opin. reads tho N. Y. Tribune out of tho ''loy ion. It matters not what the Soripturos ' al" party for sayiog that tho light majori may say thoy have a more conclusive ar tics in Ohio and Pennsylvania were g'iment in the League's orders. Tha lat- cd by tho " speeches of Cox and Mr. Ccs ter is tbe higher law lo obey its man- sna's unnecessary esiays.'' riatpfl itinv rimh noil mnll tinnllfica r.1 ens- ' ' "' r ' ion BDlj oiroumstances. The League or- dairis ljut; bappiljr. tliore is a God who j overrules, and this esse, manifo.-tcd ' Himself, and showed how insignificant are rccoived on tho vote being takon on Mr. Bioney's resolutions of Tuesday last, It was hoped by the fanatical crowd , I. . il.- 1... it. ..I.. t.t ' .ub p.ucu.ior tun ..he o. quiet, tbe mabrity would cave; they presumed ,, , mo, li.oeuuiou ' their principles wore like their own, con-1 vcuient : but- oh ! how mistaken. The! , . 1 Utile arm who nrorod mi into to tha Church und Christ, muoh preferred quiet, but tbey were none tho less determined to! pursue the right. The disorganizes fan-1 oicd they had frightened tho majority into the,r VieWS' ' tbe MBB Mj ' the Chief Magistrate of the nation had : undergone for'months just such bullying. J They werorolved, and when the vote , . . ., , , cmf, U ersi es drciaiTe as thai taken a week provious, The . hurch again upheld i. -. . i its sacred oharactor, umI ihoso who Bought 'us soorcu oiiaracior, um.i inoso wnu sougiik ,0 deBecrat9 t W01p .(UoomfcilcJ and , I ... ... ... lhohu.1 two raid. l,a rmv shamo left. ' "in " " ';,, .v ,T':r ,.. ""7 nevcr 8 " nk tuclr oonstitu- As far J . I- o; cerned, wo can assure tho Oonventionthat 'it do ucterin nation oi tuo upiaoonai ..... . . . .. ... ....... i . . V ' . .. r. . ices at tuo next couvutiiiou witn uctier anu holier men -William W'o'uh and.Dr. Hare excepted. Wo admire pertinacity of purpose, but not when it is engaged in a diabolical cru sade. Wo can appreciate a reasonable cnthusiuMu, when the object sought ii worthy of that exertion ; but we abhor tho let loose in tho convention last week by men who seek lather to gratify their prejudiocs than servo their God. Tho most of those engaged in it were emigrants from tho land of muscular Christianity that land where it was once fashionablo to ! i mob D5shopB, and -where tho Saviour ol mcu jg jeDOuneed as being an imposter. I mm i nd wber Qod.. ,rut, is I mocwd ud where all ...0 i....a eni,ratcd . it) bc have bccn cast 00 c ,0 Bnnov (bu world. Sunday Mercury. Col. W. II. Davis. Llko n true sol dier Col. Davifi) ono of thestandard bear rers in the late politioal passago at arms, resigns himself to defeat with dignity aud philosophic stoicism. He fays, in the last isBUo of tbe Doylcstown Democrat : " Our Defkat. Wu were defeated last Tuesday week fgr Auditor General of the State, and by tho verdict of the people our competitor, Goneral Hartrunft, of Montgomery county has been chosen to administer the duties of that office for I the next three jenn, Had tho Democrat i .... .i i.i mijaitj lurucu uui un iuuy ruuuiu u'vc done, tho result would have been different, But we have no fault to find with any one. We bow with great cheerfulncs to the vcr - diet of the people, and personally, we hln. n,!l,,r ln,r.hrn nr.r rprrnt tn dU- tutb ns in our retirement as a private cil - izon. We did not seek tho nomination, nor did-we sot our heart upon suciesi. We were willing to carry tho banner of our party in the coutcst, and defeat is a Bhoulu think not. II those ongaged In fate that that has met good and true every j u,u"uu JUU ura lo " where si ceo the world began. Theio is! A negro iu tbo employ of the Govern nothing to repine at. In the future as in j mol,t at theeamp or the Oih US. Caval the past, we will be f.iuud fighting in tho !rJ last wt'ek oomtnitlcd a rape upon (lie ranks of tho party endeavoring to give ' daughter of a citizen of Fed-rick. M. D . aupromaoy tojthose great andconservativo ; a liltlb K''1 of elcv,'n rn" IIe was ar principles that will jet save the country. Wo return our thanks to tho pa.ty for the confidence rcpocd in us aud to our poll'.- ical friends for the tvupport they gave" us at t'ne polls." 1 U F. list of English holders of Confed- 0 crat Cotton Lond.i. which wai nublished ' 1 in this country, and declared by the shod dy organs to have bcen furniabed by ono of the departments at Washington, is do - olared by the English press .0 bo bo. us, Quit a number of prominent Englishmen, I . .1. . I! a. 1 v,au!C ..amr arc ou tuo im. uavo oeuiea, through tho newspapers, that they Leld ay 01 8aifl bonus, T , ; Duncan, for Sena- .. .. tor, in tho Adams and Franklin distriot, over McConaughy, is conceded. Duncan's majority in Adams was 91 McConaushys majority in Franklin was 57, Mr. Dun can's majority is, therefore, 34, which 1 n" . . .1 i... . l. r . m; . ...... I uuuuun uc uuuuicu u) tuu iuw luiuicr vuies 1 vet to come in. T , T T:-t.!.. .1.- 1 1. . a I JunQE Wrioht, of Boston, says lhat out of 32,704 children in that city, under cftoen yoara of ag0) 1)800 are annua,y in 80mo way disposed of as criminals. So it tcems tbat lbc s . f . ,..,. vvbilo attending lo the moral training of , . ... ... This is where " liepublioamsm is go- ing iu Ohio : Majority in 1803-101,000; in 1801-60,000 ; in 1805-28,000! Hur- rah for General Retrogrado I It is stated tbat Sir F. Bruce lias arked ) of Mr. Seward an exnlanation of thavari-l ous Fenian movomenis taking place in tbo itj,j Q,,. P&fr Wnnilnll Pl.sllino nra ' 'I'lin Ha. ( b,ioan party doo8 Dot PxUt Tbere js I ' . ir)eolre -,V. oser the countrv in its ,vin ,.,,. ,nnnlrv in , I ah ' Z 'T , " J " V? " " " tTouuuu ir ncuv, u, Jt The Pittsburg Gazette aoccpts the i mut of the -Peiinsjlvania election (.as decisive upon ibo ppiot" of negro suffrage and says it "may fairly claim that Pcnn- h8 decid"3d 8ga',D,t tb M 0f Southern States, unless manhood ef. frag0 is first conoeded and seoured." That is what ,l (he shoddy organs will " shoiily say The Georgia State Convention, - - Wl, graphic Correspondence Cincinnati,! - r mi rt l a rwi u iviimiiiii;i m sua . " . Commercial. MlM.EDQYIl.tjK, GA., Oct, 21rt Several mouther having been clcotid to tho Georgia Convention, who wcro oxolud cd from tho amnesty, Governor Johnson ' wroto to the Profidcnt, and rcociv.ed tho following telegram : Washington, Oct., 18th, 1805. Governor J. JounboN Your letter of tho 7th was received. Send a list of the mcnibors cleoled to tho Convention, in order that pardons mny be issued, and the Amnesty oath may be obtained by tho members. Sigucd W. HUNTER, Acting Secretary. Thirty-four members arc alroady olect cd,vho reqiiito pardon, and they aro tho ablest men elected. Stale News Items. Tut; Reverend" Becoher hai taken the stump It is good , for him that ho docs not believe in a material hell. The shoddies of Ohio aro congratulate ing tbtimsclvcs that they have lost only seventy-two thousand votes this year. It U rumored that arms and amunition have been lauded on the Donegal coast, Ireland. Mr. Gla'z s uiaj irity for State Senator in the Cumberland and York district is 2,753. Gov. CuiutN has appointed Colonel Gideon Clark to the position of Mostcr Warden of the port of Philadelphia. Numerous arrests of Fenians arc tak ing pluco in Ireland. Tub remaiuing eight regiments of the Michigan volunleorj will bo metered out before December 1ft. Captain Roimir Irwin, formerly of I Wcstcbeiter, P..., has li'-eu elected l'rcs ! idcot ol the Baltimore and Ohio ll iil- .q( , , ! T,rE scntuDC0 of ,bl! ' D,onstrr P&mc'" , ""'S- Gl!U- ' A' Pino-wbo was tried I Iast w,tJtcr Kentucky, ha- jU'' l'CCD promulgated. Ho . ScnlCUC- cd t0 lo reprimanded the President, I lb,s 1)33 bcen "'"i' . SomB 1 D"cr tUw duM' ! ,r "a11 ,hc vvorId'a a won and women merely playors, ' where s ro tho au .!! J I . . e . ' rcslt:(1 auu luruuU 0Vcr 10 ll,c Clv" author- lIC9, j i Tjik. " Giikat" fc'oi.AH F.cipsf. Tho1 , eclipse wbioh w.ts to havo been seen Ind j clear weather prevaded, was totally ob- I scuted by the heavy cloudj. Hud fair ' .1 . , 1 , ., , . . weather occurca it would havi; been wor- ., r , , , , . in! thy of notice, be.-idcs being a remarkablo 1 curt0jUv. lNo olh(Jr ,,.,, eu)i of tbc ' ,8U0 bo vWb,0 jn , Unhcd SutM ; UDi, A mo u .fl7fi tberc wil, , b(J inothc ajd hilU lfJ00 r a(c(, y. ,na wiu ,)(! , ft . , d fe . ' f t, limited ncriod of two hour. ami ! thirty-scvon mTriutus. - - - : NCW) SlbUClliSCillClltSTt.l -..vvkiujuimnv, . Lost TOST about the 1st of October in-taUt. i a Prnmlsary Note given to me by John Kelrhncr 1 dated September 87 leCii for rT , .' , Uuo uuuured Dollar, navablo one vcar AFTIIll DvVn. The nublic are nerehv r.niiinned not m.rrhi.n Hi,. saiu ;uiu, as iuu payment iiicre.oiuas neen sionpeu . AUKAIIAM IIILI,. C( litre twp.,Oct. i9, ISSi. Est ray. ClAMEtothfi roidonco of tho tinder J signed, residing in Scott tnniiship, Columbia co,, on or about theStUor iQorSrptiinber latt a WHITE HOG, weighing about FO pounds, and about 7 months old. Fhe nwner Is requested to come forward, prove prop, erty, pay charges, and take him away or he will be (lis posed of according to law, DANIEL SNYDER. Oct, 2' ieas.-3w,3t Ml. C, B, Brockway, A IT 7 Qi S3 E V & If u IL & W,Pcnsious,cVo.,colIected. Special attention paid lo miners ariairg underthe In ten al Kovenu6 l.aiv, !E7" OFFICU Fourth door below Aiaencan Hotel, ill.OOMdnUUG, Fa Oct. !S, iPiiS Administiator's Notice. Estate of Jacob Jlouis, deceased. T ETTERS of administration on the I J Ustate of Jacob llnats. late i.f Heaver Iwn.dee'd. have been granted by the Iteglater ofColnmblaao., to the undersigned I nil persons having claims against Hie estate of the decedent are requested tn present them tn the uiftlersighed, without. dcli.y, and all persons In debted to make payment forthwith ANDItRW SIIUHAN, Heaver township, Columbia co, CIIAItLKB IKIAFS. Union twp., Schuylkill county, Administrators. Oct, 21, lodS -Ow 33' Estrav. . "lame to the premisos of tbo undersigned j "Oreaiding in Sutarloaf twp., on at about llulstof I 8cptenibr Ian, a RED BULL, e left liar. Sunnoscd K with a slit In Ihe left Ear, Supposed to be one tear old L",..V,'?i. J!:''''!:0 ' The.owneri rixiueatedto come forward, 1 I I'.'ivc prupeii, j.aj mug, miu iiinu UIU1 away Or 1 w" " uiapo.eaoi according to law. ' At tw.p nnr n 'iJJlttAO JVJUrj, Oct.SI.I8IU-.lw$lS0 , 7 . I New Barber Shop. ' HTHE nndersigncd .respectfully informs ! A . hJ"an.' onedT bu,, asd the Mkn"- IV EW lUllBER SlIOP iJL &bgnUM,. " iVe "1" Pll t WiVmvVrnv .luorjj i AouiiM.1 lUt, , Fioemibitr, r.i lies, Y. Observer A WB,.K,Y ncumoud axd beculaii Ntwapiper for (he Family and the f Iresldt, will ao on enter on lit FORTY-roonrn vkah. of publication, True to Tho Ohurch.thc Constitution & the Union II la Ckkulatnil to eillfy and pleaio both OLD AND YOUNG All iw .uli.rrlSrra onlna ua III adrance f'i! IPCS 1 shall have tliclr names Immediately entered and the. Observer sUII be sunt lomnu ( Until the first of January, Gratis t Pubicrlbn toon, at lln fr'e pspiri will coHuaiiHic where the name, are entered. Sainplo copies to an.'nitJrosi, free. f Terms SU 00 a year in advance. SIDNEY E. MORSE, Jn. It Co , H7 Park Row, New York. Oct, 31, 180.1, Its, IRON CITY COMMCitClAL" COL-' LEGE. NO NATIONAL TKI.I'.UIIAHI INSTITUTK. K, W, Jkxkiks, ) J.O, cImitii A, M., I rrinrlplas. Altx. L'onuY, ) First Colleee Ilultdl ne. Comer 1'cnn and Hi, t'l.ilr.Sls . Second " ' Odd Fellows' llulldlni;, 2th ril,, Third " N(. SPalid HI. I.'lalr Street. AUltlVAI. FOR THE WF.KK KNDINCI 8UPT, 3U, '(.5 I'. Hatrerly. Oramplnn Itlll, ClcnrfielJ, l'a JS .Monro. Worth, Mercer co, l'a J W (ieuthrlmcr. Falrvlew, Eriu co, Fa J rllllt, l.nwer t1! Clair, Allegheny cn Fa J W I.flrflgh, Allen, Cuinbmlaiid co, Fa N E '.'.'Icier, 1'itl.b iru', Ft N Snyder, lllrniiiuln I, Alk'dieny co, Fa ' J It Farkcr. I.lndcnville, AalabnU co, U A O Sliir(s, ' J II Kennedy, Jr Manchester,' Fn. J N McMccn, .McCal istervlllr, Jmil it.t C". Fa M Fower, Malta, Morgan co, U Jas Fower1 " 1. 1.L-iter, Mniufii lil, llklil.iml, Co. 0 H P Kerr, OsttegOtJioruifo co. Ind li C Uelline, W i IK I ueLvi rt;, Altug -nly ro, I'.i J A Forler New Unstle. I.uwrencv Co, Fa It F Murisoii, Ferry. villc. Jtinluta Co. Fu VV F llooi, Tciiiperuucet III, Alli'nlicny co. Fa 1 (it) Find ley, N Wilmington, I.jw.Cu, Fa It Sniiih, Fillsburg, Fa U F I.ue, l'jtlerson, Fa.ica co. N J 'I'M Wutaon,, Wliuiiiiiliin,, Fa (J I. Stewart, lluiillllfiluM, Hunt. to. Fa J II Lewis, l'beiialmri;, C.iinbrla co, F.i A IIojIhUIc, Fliiitstuiiu, .llk'eany C.f, At I For terms and InlAriiutioii cuncernliit; Ilia i.'oIloso, addresh, Jlnkis, r'Mini tt i'iivur; l'ittl'Ui(!. l'.l. on si, l r,j. iNEu oTOOK OF Groceries; &, Provisions JUST received ut Kunyou's Provi-ion STURU. a larse assortment nf tilinci.ltlO N'D I'KOVI.-'KJNi'.rimsirlliii: ol all the necesaries of life - beiieln for Cah and will lie sold to defy rinuiielltioii. Hold anil I'fiiinlry Menhatili.. v mild do well to lull anil exumiiie Slock and FruMsinii. before pur- ihasiui; elsewhere. Ainm.'st the slock ma, lie I'liiiid Sl'GAIt.f.ul all grades. Mui.ASSIl.S and r.Vltt'1'S from Lie loet price to the beil grad, Grain &Grouud Coffee, of all qualme?, Navy, Plug, Twist, Fiuo cut Cnewing i Smoking Tobaco, Young llyMin, Im perial, Gunpowder nud Oolong Tf:i ("'lioi'fii'.CraekiM's.Fiuu Sali,Vpndeu A Willow Ware, Matches, and Cigars. Canard Fruit of all hinds. C O X V K T I X A BE I K , llllll'.n FUCIT. .No. I & !.' FISH h) Hie lla.r.l, "lie half or one futtith or one ei-htli b rrtl. Ilenii z. Coal nil. A:e., ice. all of uhlch mil b. sold ni thi losi'.i ninrketprl-ie. Illooinsbiirj. Hcf 11. Iiil. FURS. FURS. W'hulei'dt and Ho.ail. FURS, Cimtl.KS OAKFOitl) A so.. I' II I. A II K I. I' ll-l V lla - mm op. 'iieil Hi. ir ami ( P o lid sto k of I.AIU. & I'l'd C.M'.V CU..I.MI-. .HCIfn. 1.1 ITS. iii.UVC.-i, V Hi) HDOIV. Also Hie finest assorlni. in of 1' MTV 11.11 Huh..!. CAI'.-, .MUFFI.Illih. and C I.i IV US evi.i helor" ..tiered by Ilium alluf nlncli a e u.iir.iol.'i tn h a. tepiu sent' d. Shipping Furs Bought. Oct. 51. l-i:.',-3m sii) nnf)A YEAR ) VVUtl fti5-M,.nci T.h.l , " v ntiKu iifcui'i';ir iu I riilf nit, t'jfhit r, mil 'J7ei!i;mr ol 3 t-.i'tK ii Urf.' iti-i ctrt-ul-tr. ri mi I'r t with f a i n p I c h . Anlth-L-ss lliu .mcric.iti Tool VVnnrk. printitil'l. Veriunnt (Kt -Ii Jftio,-:im. lllf- LEATHER !!! HE u'lder-igned bco leave to inform t leir friends and the oulilie, thai thev keen un linnd and oiler fir sale, al III' .M.iili.-mi 'r.iuneiv. near two milm 'orlh ol Jer. t) town, Coliimbia county. Fa,,. 'ill kinds of I Xi E A T H e n t Whirh Ihevwlll sellut m.itk't prices, nr'etrli.iiig'lor "'l'h ","! '"''".r," l',,,""7 " ''' '"I"'" T-'- ned. w Inch ill prove uiii.t duran e and warrant tla r best ware. We will scU hj Hie Side, piece or IUU cl , to suit purchasers. JACOII A. SWISHER i CO. Madiou I.iumiry, ) laiiii-ou r.innvry. , ... .... Aug. I J. HM. jJ5iiiU. Dbsolitlioa ol fl.'ai'liiei'Aliii. i"VJOTICE is hereby given, Ihot ibis parJ-- ' X l ueifllip 'lately subMsltng between James McMnrh andfJeorge llechel nf Catawissa, l.'nliiinbU county Feuii.i. uu.ler the rlrm of J. s McNinch i. Ci' w as ilis.olved on Ilia "Jiilli day nf September, A l, leM, by in ii t ;i I enscut. All debts oivm; lo ihi said paifrslnp are to be received by stid James S, McNiiiih, anil all dcmiinils on the said partnership, are to be presented to said McN'iiicli lr payment. J.S..VUNINCII. UF.O, limitl.. . Cnluissa, Oct. H. Idi.S. . ' Canned Fruit. 200 Dozen Cans of Fruit, just receiver)' and (or sale, ulwholesae und retail, at , Runyon'a Provision Store. Illonnis'biirg.Oct H 1 r!tV. wm. 0. iiarcis, i:, n. fkalf., u. n. uuuu:v. ' WM 0. 11 AUG IS & CO. .No 130 Boulli Second Sl below Clieslnoi, I'ila, Manufacturers of Varnishes aud Dry. Ing Japans and dealers in Whito Lend, Znr, Oil,, Futty, Oakum, Painter's Colors and 'tools Hum ing and l.ubiicating Coal Oils, Hentiiis, Naptha, &.c . Cy inniieemenls to dealers. ! Sep, lMi3-ly, ! Flaxseed Wanted. I C1ASH will bo paid lor any quantity of. FI.AXSCIIl) at RUNYONS STORE, , innomtuurg. aept. lb, 1:0a. Ai'cana Watch. Au Elcg.inl Xoxflly in Watches. The rasoa nf this watch aro a new lieoii,. ... posed of several dilfarent metal, combined, rolled" tntri'thpr inn' nlHiitumi.t . '. . . .. r is carat gold, called akcim. They are u, uLu" lifut a solid gold and are afforded a. one.ciehth the .Act I'liu , n.,a u... I Ir ,. . 1 ..... ..... . ......uuii iii, oesigueu uihi ara cn. graved in tbe exact style of the celebrated tluld l,mt , ing Levers, and so eiacl on imitation of gold as to .i well know., i jffl'?!V1,f"ll"h,,",l1 b ' rne and are ... Mr lnl.1. , h, t'" ' " . . let. fancv rnrVH.I briHno. .li.... V... , I1"'- ' alVnd skelVil, n and b"-" " " """" i" an Hunting t;mc and nf three i'i. ....... ...,.... .... .. i ; "U,"S ir i.uiiium A casu nf sit ...... .,,. u) .uui, v, t.sprcsa ior ftva, , reaJlly .ell fur ,h,ee tin.tbel,' w.r'w."i V, 1," porta very superior finished and elegant wi th which we can sell for J3U each or 5I5S per case ol'-Fi one senl in a,u, r. . '.K "'m ' .." ' ,iuoinij i.ases aim lor I.auies and Cents. We a-e solo agent, for this IVairh l n, it Slates and none aro genuine which do not bear our) faiVhfuiirrulhned':' AddreV.. r"""1"" Altf'AVA li 4rrii No OI Fulton St., Neu VorklKly, luipo'rler, & Dealer, in ol every description. ifs -""km"?" ,0 y If r,) w "evau"!! 4. Co. on nil r BLANKS 1 ULAN ICS!! Of crurv rloanriiil.nii . In. ...i. . rjinc jy Gold ,00i, ,0JC 1B67 slvo 1 to 75,000!! $2 1 f2 1 1 $2 ! I f Two Dollars ! ! Manufacturerft' A genta 1 ! OL'H NEW MODE. One of our GOLD or .SILVER Watch la, or Silver Tea Sets lor ii, ns I clow rtuitd. Due nC our tefi'.ela or one place of oat Hl 1 or SI1, ter-ware li worllfa buihel Wtheclfeap'ilatfar Jeinii We bave adopted the fullimiug innde ol1 1 i s t r i h u t i o n , by lab! t'fTi.OOD articles ofvalu-l 1 OUR NEW MODli ! - The nrllcle. of gno Is ar.' numb'-rcil from inn up t T2.UUDI 'J7.SI10 con.lstliiK of Pianos, Mcliidcius. IJ.,1 and Silver Watches. Sewing Machlnes.Tea and Tal.i Sets, Snlld Hiler Ten mid Table Spoons and FotK itcetc.i nud the o her 37S;ia nrlkls m talual, Jewell", Work and T.illut I'm 'a Fholojr.lpli Album Opinf.ii'cSilvcr Watrlier.nnd faucv im In sr. . vuri'ty. ,i UOJ not Ires liuiiabcr.-al from one 1 1 75,1 are prl.ited nud put into sealed envrlnpes and w mixed, anil oneof these Is taken out mid sent tut person sending tn in 25 tents tu cover i tpenae of po, nf", rorrespiiiiileiice, etc.. n,l the nrlicl" of cm r if spouilliiB with Dm number mi Ilie ii'ilc! will t sent t" Ihe holder nf tho ,., ma lumicul.ilily (If h t, sires to pnrcli.iae Ih'i nrtklo,) un Ilie receipt oftvr dollars. For Instance : If th, nuiubsr on tli- m,tlt sTnt to you .hoiil.l . Suo, un.l u Fial a. i r Diaiu.ind S"l or Cold Wnlch should be numb 'red S'l l It 111 be Is ou I'ur i!. and ao on for every nitlele In our Iniut 7."i 000 nrtltlcs. Sj "After roc-ivliu an articli.lf It do.'s nnt plcn i.i,)uu ran return It, uud tour uom.'y HIIAl.t, IX nnTUUNF.I)." 'twenty live cents must be tint to pay oprn. of pa.tnye. correspondence, etc, cn one notice lleiuember, Unit whatever article eorre"pnn. wiih t ne uumber mi )our nollce, )ou call have II br pain; Tu Ui llnrs for It, tv be titer H be worth 3IUU , jmj.) And It Is for our Interest lo ileal fairly, mid e'il on out fini! uilulos, us II Klvu-iii.idUi..e 1) till p ibli and th'tcby lucrentes iwr s.iles, Try Our JNevv ModclJ Cpnu receipt of 'A cents, ojilch pays for ce,re,,., d.ui'o. (lO.lnKe. lie, ur send ,.ue itoi,'.e, I'pou reri Ipt nf SI liieli pays lo, correspond!" . P', &.C.. wr send six ii'ittces, Upon lleieipt of S3. p.iysfor correspumltiiti. postage, A.C.. wu seHil til notices, on I fiu; pre.'i.i a I ui d al u i Iks s than Sl,ri. as a sample of our p,fM. Upon receipt ol flH. which nays I n correapiHi l.n'r post nr .etc. e mil lend I5U nollcts. iJ it jUi n SII.VF.Il W t'lCll.hy r. lulu in II- AUUNTS WAS1i;n. rieinl fiirnur ril'iihrt Agum aiinwed urge o-.,b coniinisHion, by wliioii ihey can make lake 8U wuily. AddriM plainly, Rr-.EIJ ,: BR jTHFsK. Salcrrorn 31 Libeiiy M. til II. Wi llil 31 1 Ne 1 "ty ?ii. A. si DAVIS & CO., i a 11. a del r n i.i, Matiuf.ti'tun rs of Rail ir-iul Track, Hay Coal an i Cattle PLATFORM AND COL'NTKl! '1F EVE Ft Y r.xS- LVl'.lt Y Si ALE 11 a .'i Oidi-rs prnmptly filled, '.jiply (n R. H. EATON. .oln Agont, Bi ru ii t-., .1. K. EYCU, h'tuomstmrg, Pi, July 16o." iJiiio. 10 Tllfci MUSICAL PUBLIC T' 'HE eub-eribi r. it) eare h tiraeli" I'i mti Foile l.miifixlu,r.'r. of V.n, York i v has p.'rioa euth luctited i this sPLtiott. and , respeiluilly sulictt ortli:i. I'.r Tl'NIiNG, REPAIRING. A.M R.V. 1ILATINC PIANO KORTKJ AND MELODEONS The -ubnuiiber i Uo tho muuufn'tui cr'a Agent fur ("Inifk n ing f. Son's, 1 1 nab tc Bi o's, Liiide.iinM Snu', Williiim II. Bradbury 'a, Edward BioimG Id's, Wf Donald & Co s PIANO FORTES. A Ml Cartwirl k Neodhaiu'e. i.nd Pelnulicl's Melodeons and Ilarmoniumn. Anil U U fiiaiCs Pipe CIICI1CII ORU.WS. JAMES McUO.VALl tulctvnilniig, May ill, l-'3. 1 1865. PillLADELIMUA IBO.1). WALL PAPERS. uowm.i. a. m'H.ihu, FAI'KH IIANOIVC a'lit tvf.vnovv siiAiny, North East Corner Fourth anl Marksi Sireeth, 1'hiuuelphia. . II.-. Tw. lis in Store, n 'a. ire art.W I.IM.N and Oil, SIIAOE Cpl. Ifi, I5ii5-S mes, THE PRIVATE MEIIK ,11, AlMhrJI, (Exelu.-ivfly for Ladies,) An intalualdf I trails.: nf I0O pugss, l,y SR. JOHN ttARYSy, pabllshed foi the benefit ot l ae. On leccipl of 1 i:v CUNTS, it will be soul postrnJ in a icqled cuvilopu, to all ho apply for it Address I11 J. ItKAi, Kiox 5070, iUIlmadw,). "i July IS, liCi. COLUMBIA Insurance Com pan v COLL.MBIA, LANCASTER Co. I' Caflh Oftnltrtl Ar. Aata OOP " I'" ' ""l V v.v.w,- , IvilAllTlill ll.KI r, II Al Directors : Johu W. Stoary , John I'cr.Jti i Win, Fatipn, AiiidsS. Oi',n M. S, Shiiiiion, Geo Voiml Jl H. F. F.berleiu, II, (! Muniti Udmond Speniiff. a.mos s (;iu:f,n rren ? oiaimaser ' VZVtSm N Mclimi,?! i ' I lcllmM' UEOVOIJNC. Jr Hecrr'ia.v M. S. SIIUJIAN, Trcaur" iy. as reasnnslde r.ti's II , ..... w . (, ,..w WUU.UB,, B,t, ,,U.Q III.V'.' I It I 1 1 1 " I ,1,1.,,, . U ill l, pmi.i.l.hl In !... ('n..l.. ....I ...J ji. ii vjtj;w j'su, ageni, livaph Iluvtii, I'i June If), IMS. ULANK BOOKS & STATION!' "J JlJappldlo.Halll(,, Meicuauta ,nd Cvunlj Ol? -7 nf the. ben malerin) Ordtrs (,y mull prompil) tnuded lo u. . ti;hii ' ,'-) .w, suic ui nut omue, .Matrli , 13 th aal Kmc rlreru "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers