H I '-g---: II DEMOC AND BLOOM&BURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. "TO HOLD AND TRIM TflK TORCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER TUB DARKENED EARTH." TERMS : $2 50 IN ADVANCE. VOL. 19.--NO, ,35. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNT V, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 18(35. VOLUME 29. vjiilWiBr)t.iLtlWuW'inttlrjM4Bwi RAT, THI PHOENIX PECTORAL ill Cuic Your CVngli THE PII9KNLX PECTORAL: J ',u I uiiuivili, OR, .............. . .. COMPOUND SVRt-r or WILD CHERRY fa NTB- EKA SNAKE ROOT. ti-:ii m .i n r .i Hill (Jure the DlSOasCS (It lllC wJTROAlP AMI? 3(r ITS G WAAVAV fc 4 ? 4 M M M A Burh as Colds, Coughs. Croup. Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore Throat, FloarsCUC.-S, Whooping (jOUgh, iVc. , ... ItS'tltncI) U30 Will prevent nt-r .rv n v iinMiniMm r,-v I'll IjMUi Al 1 CONbUMPI ION, And even whro thla r.-a rfi.l dl.ea.o I. fully dcvel. oped It will afford more u lief than any other w,.-di I Lawrence Cetr., rj-Spc.ikr of th Pennsylvania I House of llunre.eiitativc.. .uv. "Thi, entn-li reo... ly I. nmv extensively ued,and la of the highest value to th rninmiiiiliy, its rurat.VB qualities having been li-lt'il by lhnii-aiid with the mn.t n r.U 1 1 y i nc remit. It I. earelully and skillfully prepared from v ilJ Cherry Uark and Pclitka Hn ie Knot by Dr. Levi Ober holtter, a reputable phyiirian of I'hncnixviljc, I'a , nd i. .old by neaily all druggi.t. and country store keeper. ." D. P. Crosby, ri-Pnitmattcr and ex. Purges of Poll., eerlifie.a. follows I'oTT.Towt, lifPS Jan. 3. Thi. eertllie. that t have m-d thr I'lintnix IVclotnl In my family, mid I rtcrmivirnd n to the puhlie a. the ery hot remedy for fuurh and t'o'd. that I have er tiled tine of my children waa lakui wniin nj, accoinpaiilcd with a Croupy L'nugh.to bad, indeed, that it could n it talk and breathe lm Ing heard mi Riiii'.h .aid ahutit the I hoeulx I'irtntal, I nroiiircd a hlil of It, The fir.t ilo.n relieves the dillicully ol tr'atraiug, and befure tbefhlldhad tu ten oiiC'I'niirth nf the butt e it mitiril) urll Lvrrv finiily ahn'd have it Hi their hou.e. I). I' l Itu.-iliv. J. C. tfiTiith. driigiUt, of N'etv Hope, Muck, tuuntv. Ta.. Ill wrillne to lir Qlii'ihultrgr. av "A fe oay. lnce I bounht livn di ztnoi ynur v ilualilu cou(i , .y all gone ul.l l,ke you to .end IIIC l urn., of It. I rioeiir n irr. onu mm 11 very Kiiou.iiu e. 11 m eur 'Your medfrine. give, b .lt r viti.f.u Hun thin nnv other 1 have In the store, 1 nut ncut l"r aome of the Riit popular cough pitparMious, but j mir. n em. to Ve doing the no.t good. Tnc following in an cxtrai ' from a letter ironi llir.m Till., merchant, ntnr l'oitttiwu, I'a "I have tried the Plircnix Perioral, and find it to be the ,e.t cough medicine extant. It meets with a inure read) sale than any oilier thul I have, ever h id 111 my .tore." 'the proprietor of this medicine hi. much eonfe lence in it. curHtivc ).oweii) Irout the te.tiinou) of thouiand. wlio have un.'d it. tint lue iur y win h Paid hack to iny puichaser vho i. m.t .iti-ti . v 1 1 li Us eir.ci.. It I. en pleasant Ui 'ake that rhiidrin pn fu it PriCH I IIIltTV-r'i VI. 1 KM M , uiig.i ilnttl, . flK IKILLAK It U intended for only one tl... f di,e,t'e.t name 1, those uf the Tlirmt ainl Lone. itf Prepired only by LEVI OliliUHOLTZER, M. P . rtciniivillfl, Pa. foM hv all OrtisuutP nml 9t-rr kpe(.cf . Kortb Biith rfuet. I'litlail Iphin, .inj F. C. V('KII.9 U f n,, n. ! 15 r'rmklin titrrft, Sen ork Clennai VIio'mbI A? nts. oM bv E. V Ul.'TZ anl I.VKR Jf MOVUR Unvj wlt, i.Ui 'U.-li'iri;, ami by im nrly t ety flruom oml (jr.try kt'irakcepiT in 0l mbU cn'Jnty. tn4 Ihi- intHrtnt! ,n tint i I Ii nt . .n t.fl' it ill. 1 4in o:htr iM?iiciMu. bi't ktiiiii jt ouvt to qin: -f Hit tie 0r it. Junu lU. lfcf-3,- Cm READING RAIL ROAD. Summer Arrangement. July ao, 1 yrt.j (" rrat Trunk Line From The Nnrib . 7 and North west for I'Mlnlelpriia New Vork. Beading. Pnttsvill't, Leliinnn, rMlenton, l'.i.ton, .tr Trains leave llarnburg for N,n V'otk, a. folhiw. At a (in. 7, '-i and 4.13 A. M.. and I is I' ,M arriving ni Net Y"rk at la 00 A. M . un I ...On and in. 10 l. M. I'hs ahovecnniiert with similar Train, on the I'enu. sjlvanta Hail Koad, and tflei ping Cars accouipaii) th 3.IK) and H.t5 a. M Train without ilrmc" l.ave tor Ktaltilg Pott vllle. T,iiii.vuh, Miner, villc, A.lila'id. i'lii" fio, . 'l. olo a, and PhiMdi.1 p'naulb.la A M and P M, topping at Kebinoo avl prilicil til etalion. outy. Wnv Trai'if. stopritiig nt pour, at 7 'Ji A l and . lu P M. Returning, Leave ,ev ork at 0 A .tl t.Ot noon, an. I ri I' l, Pinl.tdeiphi i at " no l nod 1. Jo I' M . ii.tt.Mll-i at MA I M nnd -.'.-.'.j P M : h land at I'.Ut V M ,i".l l'J :' o. T i, m-i , i m 3 15 M vna 2 ii P M and fteadlug lit I On T ..5 and III t.S A M, 1 JBnw Oi P M. Uwading Accomuio'iatioii Train : t eav.a Rendlug a r II) A ,M nturnliK from l'hilai-lphia at 5 uo P .11. (oiiiioi,t Kail itond 'rriiiu. biave li.-adioy at It") and to. A M a:iu ISV M tot I., li.-.il.,. l.uii. Col uaibta aic , , , .,.,011, AC , i.rnvi i-,.v oi(,u c.u',1 , ill- j... . . o ,. , i.i. n i.tll'lll, I. I ,'l.lOtllV,lil',.u,l' lU.il.ljjr. M. llarri.eiireh I.1 A Hand iteadioj all. da -A M for llairi.burg. I tumui'i auon ,ni"ag. rea-o . rr u,-,, n'i .Ion Tickets 'o and from all iimnt-. ut reduced ras.enger. luggage cltecKed thruugh , su poiinu. anowiu e.iro A. Ml. DLLS, (iPNtK.t. euriat.MtoDiir FeadiDg, I'a July I'l, Ie65. GLAD NEWS FOtt Till! L'NFORTCN A PH. t'SED WITHOUT DHTK-'ITON. Tb.y do not Interfere with business pursuits, end are r-e.dy in artlnu. NO CHANGE OF IMCT IS Nr.CCS3flV. HELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS . . ,, ClliergCUCie. ill H.ruic ,,.;.,,. - - are warranted In all ca.es, vllr,u, forms of IlLISDNLtfrS, L'ntarnct, Oceluon ol FOR THE SPEEDY AND PERMANENT rt'ur. OF , ,10 Pupil, Cro. Lyes, Closure of Hid Tear Ducta, In Pemlnal Weakness. Urethral and Vnjinal Dl-rhnrges, vcr,iou of the Ky.-lld, Pterygium ti, c. And iu nUrt, Hcmal Dissa.e., Einmis.ion., luipHonce, den- , ,ri.jt ail forms of .Sure., Eye Crannied l.idn, "l1""' ' e Ital ad Nervous llebilny and diseases of tlio Dladder 0f the Cornen, and Scrofulous illi-a-e. o the l.)e 10. and Kidneys. They am adapted for male nr female, old nr young and are the only reliable know u for the cure of all ills ea.c.aiifin; from , vrvii'i'UL'lTr I vnici-in Wl'in V XOUIIIBUL DISCRLIION. In all Beiual Diseases, as Cotiorrhca, ritrlctuM, filcet, and in all Urina y and Kidney eontplaint., they wl like a charm. Relief Is eincrlenicd by taking a iugle box , aud fmm four lo ait bojes generally effect 'tWIdinboies containing fO pills, pric Ono Dollar, r.iil''e., Fivo Dollars, also, in large boges, con- r . t -r .... ii n-hu, linll.,.. tatnlog lour 01 siumi imto 4. ,,u,,u,v, ' Private Cireulura to flentlerren om-t. sent free on .receipt of dirertcd envelope and (tamp. Cr- If yi t''i th the Pill., cut out this ndver llsemeiit for reference, aud if you cannot procuro tliein uf four druggi.t, do not be linpo.ed on by any other remedy; but rncluse the uniuey in a litter to the pro eirirtor. Dr. J. BYRAN,.Oonu1tiue Physician, lloiJO'9. 4)2 llroadway, N V. Who will take all risk if properly directed ; and ou mil receive llieni po.t paid, securely scaled from ob Mrvaliun, by return mail. bOjll UY DIWlJIiltlTfi GENEltAM.Y. DEMASliAUNEa A: C').. New Yosk. Who'e.ale Agents. Joly 13, 1564, R. TliAYEJ?, M D il"VE8T I'lXTaTOS, Lutcruo county, would say I A VUG chan red his restdch. from Montrn.e, to Abls ilations and all wisning nis proiessionai srv.. As. th it they can address him at tho la.tnamed place O- All calls In the vicinity of the Ilallrnaa. atten ded to with promptness. April 8. tobS. 1? n HinniSflM. M. T. WOULD respectfully inform tliecttlzenaofBlijonK. bgrMd vlcini r'' ( MniciJfE JiYD simar.Rr. ...oHtlt.aroofpu miirl Main Btrisi X.t home hslo ths tour ..?Bkn",,' ' fl' " X'1" k,loi '"l01' rsttutry V I'iS tl ' BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL Unliiinoro, Md. j LIS I'ARLtSHHD ns n lil-JFi'G K FROM 1 QUAk'EllY T'ir Only I'ltvc ulicic n due can be ob tained. 1 1 r Johnson linn disr-nt ...mrl ttm mnl Certain. Speedy, mid only Effectual Itrmccly In Hip World for Weakne.s of the Ilarkor Limbs, Ptrlcturcs Affection, uf the Kidncya nnd llladdcr, Involuntary Dl.thargvj, Impotent), General Debility, Nervous. I ncs. Unprpsla, Languor. Low s-plrits. Confitslnnof I Palpitation of Ihc llenrt, Timidity, Trembling, dimness .if Bight or ruddiness, Disease or tlio Ilcml j Thtnat. Nmn, or Itowcls-lhosc Terrtblu Disorder! i arising Iron. (Solitary Habits of Youth-sreut and ' solitary practices more fatal to their victim! than the , riyreni to the Mariner, of Ul.s.cs. bllsliting I J,1. ' " YOUNCJ MEN ' r My. who have become the victim, of Solitary Vice, that drnidful and destructive habit which uiinu- . ally sweeps tnati uiilltiit'ly cravo thousands of young 'menolthc inol c-xallcii Inlint. and hillllmit Intellect, : wln mlJt ntherw i.e have enttnnccil ll.tening Hen. i n'es with 'lie thundrra of domiciled, or wak.-d lore- staey the living lyic, may call llli full confidrncc, j MRRIGK Married persons, or young men contemplating mar- rlase, being uwnru of nhy.lrnl weakne... orcanie du blllty, ilefiiruiille', .pcedily rurvd. lie ho p!ncc. hiiimelfunrier the cjio of I)r J. may riltgoul eonfldo In hi. honor n. a gentleman, and confidently rely upon hi. .kill a. 11 phyririair OUHAXIC WKAKMlfS ni niedl.itrl) Cured and full vigor re.inrd. 7 hi. dl.lrci.l'ig ull'crllou w Inch lendvr. life ml erable and mnrri.igo iinpnible I, the penalty pal, hy Hie t ii tliui of impi.ipor inilulgeuce Voiius per .on. are too apt to commit cx(c.e from not being oware of the drculful cnnHequetieeH that limy ensile. Xotv, who that undernninl the .utijett will pretend to tuny that the power of proem nti 11 in lo,t rooner b tho.c fulling into improper Inbit. thiin by tho pru dent ! Ilc.id,. b'lng deprived o me plearurc otluiil ley tff.pring. the nio,t .erious and ile.trnclivc .yinp. hin.ot both bidy and mind an.e. The Hy.teni be. ciuue. deranged, lh" pl.jMrnl and 1111.11t.1l fuuctlnna wemened. l,o. of Pr'K-reelivc poner. Nervous I rri lability, Ilytpi'pvi.i. Palpitation of tin Heart, lurfiges tion, Comrtitiitioenl Debility, a Waling id the Triune Cough. t'nuMiniptlnu. Iern and Heath. III!. JdllNn'I'DS, ,,n,i,cr f 11, lli.yul College ol cinrgcnna, London, . -. .1 - . 1 ,, ..1. 1.. ... . . - 'i, "f . l!!.! tt,.- r.VlVr n'.ri cVr ll,V.u ! bffn ppt in t c lioHiitiairi of I.ontlun, I'.irU, I'ti it n tti Iphtn. nixl rUi'tt hrr, I. as cilcitoil i-mnu nl tin; ittopt nt.toni-lini i ur.-s thai wt r uvcr known, mtiny trou hl-( uitti rii'i'ini! tn Ilic li'Mil ami t-ors ulim a.lcrp (jrrtal ner nim.ss, bi'im; ulartncrl iu nutliU'ii nuundn linttfulMi in, Willi frt't'iciit Lhuliliif. aitcmtid sumo iiiMc u till 'liT'-iiiguimi of nutiJ, 'ure ctircil iuiuicnl-nti-ly. TAIvH rAr'ri( I'J.AR NOTKT.. rr. i. ntlMrtM alt ltin(tm h.ive iiiiurr J Hhmit ! mIvk hy itiipri'pfr imlulgi-nui .nut (oliin,,y liabilK, wtiicd nit ft I'utk btnly nixl miiul, untitting ttuin far fii Jut iMipiin)., bluily. s'-nely, nr iiMrrincu I tit'n me until ! of th ' w -lit nnil nirlnnthr Uy clTeclf 1 ru turt'i! hy t'firty liubllH of niilh, vi. Ui.tkiMfcHof ill ll'ick .ma I.imlis. t'iiiM.4 in thu Hi uit, Iltnuco vt iM, l.i'n if MiiTuUir Fniwi, l'.ilitrtli"ti the I lli .irt in MriH, NervoiM irr.iMlnliiy. Drrftuscnu'iit t 'if ttii M iiftiv' t-'iMicliiitiH, (ii-imnil Oi'Iiihl)'. by in p ! 10HI4 nf dxii'iiliiptinii, Arc. ' MtsrAt i.y I In ffitrfiil :lPcu (hi ihc iniii'l nn' mucb i to In (!rcHlt'.l. .ntH f.t iiitifiiir. ('uiit'usiuti f I' Iifcns, IpiCbti'iii nf ri i , V. I t.'innjin;, Ami -ion hi ! Hfuict). rtlf-lniru-l, l.w: if ho uinlf, 'rnnulily,A:c i in noint' ! itn"i v pro'J'icf.t. I 'I lintji..iinln uf pnr-suii o' jiM !(' (.in now JuiIp w I'nt t tin' r.iu-M nf iliir lt' Ihkma h 'ftlth. Iiultifi iheit pgitr. b t'MiiiiHtr weak pate, m r mik utnl nciatcil, baih)f ii fiiigntrir nppfuriini'? about the f -':, cough ) HlplOillti Ol bitllr.ll IllpllOU Vlll'N'li .VlKV tin Live n jured ihi ni'eive. hy a r.'tntii practice. in dulged In win u alone, n habit t're.'i ii-i.il learned trom j ewl companion 01 nt i.hooi, the elTerte of whn.li are ' nightly I' ll, even wln-n nileep, ninl, if nut cure, I ren. dir. tuarriaee nnpniiiile mid dclroyn both hniid and body, .houid apply .uiin-jilialely. I v hat a pny ihai a ymiMg man. Hie hepe of our conn 1 r. the ptiili- of in. par-lit". h"ul ' he .natiln-d from 1 all i-riinpeei. and enjoyment- ol III.-, by ton ronae I 'infill e i, f iievlainig trom iho palh "f nature, anil in- UUIg ltl' III II II ,.tll M'lfl I IIIIIM I inn, ,-in.,i. u, btlull cual llll.ltltl MAR RlAilH, relict Hi jt a eounl mind an 1 body ar'- Hie mot neces sary re-iuiMtes t . piumite cuiiiiuliial happiness In deed, without thi-Bi- tl ji.unie) through life become, nwe'iiy pilitninase , the pro-peel hourly darkeni to lh" view, the lilllld h Colli, a -llld.uved with di'.plll and tilled h Mil the iiii latieliolli r- fl'-i'tloii that the h ip-ptii--.. of aii' tlin t-i-Li,iiies l.li-!itt- with "ur own, "cf, 1 Sottlt IrwlciLk Stnc, 1 1 ft band ndr gnmg from llelilmnre -treel. a fe doori rem tli" con. er. l'.".H m t tu o'i'ervi-name and niiiii ''if- S" liter, lei-.-ncil inile po'tp n 1 nnd con iHiuing a t inip ti I - it-oil ,oi iti-i n ply, I ei,ou (will 111; .hnulit .lute nje and eetid portion of advcitiso. in. lit d"t ei Hong y.il too' T!ie I o, to,', liiploiiio hang- in hn i-fW". LililOi ,t m-.nl Ol IhC I'rtM, Th- manv thoub iud. rured at tt,n . ittblmhin; lit ij...:.. , oTli acts iiro from a lctlor of all Al witnin lh- la.ttwinl) vi ar-, and tho nam, rniu in. lowtnjj "'i" " "'n imui ui ' , . ... ., i.i,... .,,1 niirrl, a uDerallun; ner oroiml. UV Dr. John. t r r . e I ... t ,. .. to". io,,eil hy tin npoitan "f .hi bun and mail) and Lxrur. aud ..gum b fore Hie pnhlic, he.ides hi .tamlnig a ucd l;ut- ' gentleman of character aud le.pou.iljiliiy. u a .ut.i- ,. ii,,., mil., ,., ni t in- ol w nUi tlo.c ap icaren again t.ent gunrnuiy i" m io,in-.-. Hkin Disentail SpctdUy Cured. Aprn :i, i.t'ii.- iy DUiUP DE GRAFF'S KYE AXl) HAU LKKLMHAItV, (On the Si'inrr. Three ltoors from Hicele'a Hotel WILKESBARRE, PA. 'IMIIS INSTUT10N is now opened and I Private and Oocraltng P.ooms arc large, convenient mid I well adapted. Tho rturgical iiparliiieut contains the I flm-it collection of mft.-tnnents in this country, and thu. ins faculties will enable him to meet any and all ll .. .11 n. ill, no 11 I l ie I furnished in the most co.lly style, deception 1 Bcther with ail the diseases to wiiicu me ijo i Meet. . ..... ..,.... DP. M'NES:) Will treat all the di.ca.oj com i ion , to the organ. Discharges from the nr. Vnses r I.'. tar Catarrh, difliculty of hcaring.tolal ilejlues. even w Here n,.1)rum destroyed. Will insert an n.tlhual one atihw erinir nearly a i inc (imii-i-i-s o, m. ,-, tny?..;.;tiia ..i -rill- TlllliiAT All diseases com- uir-l.nr. ..... ' '",'- . . . '"(lENEIIAI. tSUUrJUltV lie will operate upon Club e. iiw i . n r-i-ri i't.iinie.'1'uiiinis. Caucers, l.ntar ' .L , Vn-a will l,n IreHleil god Te'ncils. .r. Plastic opernlion. by le-allhB new ; tlc.lt into deformed parts, and (.eneral Surtery ot whatever character it may present. HERNIA (or RUPTURE V- He will perforji operation for the rsdlcal (complete) euro of ii "I.autus Hernia lilts IS iiiin.ursiinui7 l" ' , ",a nnnuio little or no pain. Out ofiiuuy hut.dred operated upoum Ito.ton there ha been on laliiires.il navina i"--""-pcrfut approbation of all wlmh-.v- .iihmiited oil ARTIFIOM. CVB3.-WIII Insert artificial Eyes glv- . ... . .. .......... -...I nf , lie nillliml.- ing them th" motion and eipree. mo ot me uu.uiu, llEMURRIIOIDsl, (Piles,)-TliiHroublcsome disease is readily cured, Thosu suflVrin; from it wllldowil ......1 ...Itl. tl,., ... ii.dll ie lo call .... .. .....V..I.U. ..ii ,iith a view of building up n permanent Institute for the treatment nf i ... i , , irai'i.i Rninir&IHiirBcrv. Tho experience nf more than a .piartcr of a century m Hospital and tonir 1 al practice, hu hopes, will be nuficicut guarantee t" 1 these who may oe disposed to employ him, I M ) II, leC4..-tr. TINWARE k STOVE SHOP. THE undcr.lgned respectfully inlorms his old friend and customers, that ho lias purchased his irVoihers merest in tho abovo establishment, nndlho concern wils lv.rrjftcr be conducted hy hlnuclf rirlusively, . He has lust received and Hirers lor sale, the larg, rt'tij est and inflbl extensive assortment of FANCY ' H ,e. ,f f ...... ln,.A.Iti A mm thi- innrkel. 'O V E ti ever introduced into mis luaract. His stock wn.irta or a complete assortment I V51C Ills St- i he test Cfiokw; ! aebestuooKinganupannrsioye-.n. er with move rixtures ot every .11 r.iioi".. ' norCtoves, r.diator, CyHndar tit oven, Cast Iron Air- stoves. Cannon Btoves, &e. te. wovepipe nnd 1 -liiwaro constantly on hand and manufactured to order, m xind of repairing .lone, as usual, on short notu-e. -ma patronage of old fr bauds and lw cuslomars te , .OTyUc.u-i AM RUPERT Ploennhut: Novemi'Cr Jd 1'"' tf Select flJoctrn. Autumn Lenvcs, Plmity fall tin Autumn leave., Changed from grcon to gr iy. r.mlilriuntlc of our. elves, fading thus away. Woomlng to ilielr Icmlttneit. Inheriting decay i Hopeful age nnd v-rdant leare. Tadln; llius awa)'. In their fulness, In tholr prim. , In their color, gay, Hastening home to mother earth, Withering away, Fleeting mortals, wlth'rlng leate.. On earth ne'er meant to .lay, Hulling, dying, dun returning, Thu. they rails away. A Light and Shade.' Like to the sparkling wave 'I hat .porllvo play. Where glancing sunbeam, lava In mimic seas. So bounds tho spirit when their rage The angry elements assuage, And golden hus at eve pre. ago A glorious nioirow. Like to the flower that droop. Under the blight; Like lo the frame Hut ttnop. 'Neath age's weight. Bo falls the spirit when Heaven denies The one rich gift we dearest prize. And disappointment gloom, our skie. With clonds of sorrow. Important Proclamation Prom inent Rebels Paroled. Executive Office, Washinoton, October II, lSOfl. Whereas, Tho following natnctl per. sona, to wit : John A Cimpell, of Ala baini ; John II Regan, of Texas ; Alex under II, Slppbons, of Geurgi.i; George A j Trrriliolin, ol South Carolina j and C! arlos Clark, of Mississippi, lately en- gaged in rebellion ngiiust tie United I States Uovernmcnt, who are now in close custody, have mado their submission to the authority of tho United States, and havo applied to tho Prefidcnt for pardon under Ms proclamation ; aud, Wiieiieas, The attthoiity ol iho Fede ral tiovernment is sufficiently restored in aforesaid Stales to admit of the tnlargo tni'iil of said pcrt-ons from cloio cu-tody. It is ordered that they l)d relea.ed on giving their respective paroles to appear at .iuch time stml jiIhoo as tho President may designate, to answer any chargd that bo uriy tlirert, to be preferred against thctn, and also, that they will respectively j always help the cau'cofGod, It makes it abide, until further order, in tho places ' friends hold ; it wins them supporters. Tho herein designate d, antl not depart there- Christians and patriots of Connecticut from : John A- Campcll, in the S'atc of would have been citiboldr n:d agoiu t their Alabama ; Jolnn. Regan in tho State of1 own miserehlo prejudices had they bravely Texas ; Alexander II. Stephens, in the 1 opened thoir mouths for this great princi State of (Jeorgia ; George W Tronholm, I pic. They set a seal upon their lipt. in the Slate of South Carolina ; and ! Thev shrunk from the tatinl of ''amalm- Charlo. Clark , in the Siato of .Mississippi ; tud if the President should grant his par don to any of said persons, such persons p.iroli-tl will bo disch nged. (Signed) Amirew Johnson. I'rccidont. Du.iriiucTivu in Alavam.v. Tho fol abaun lwvycr to a friund in ll.trri.iburg 'Our negro population is in a Gx a d a pretty considerable one at that1 The men, for tho most purl, roaming about in the exercise of iheir new found liberty ,do ing but little, and that little, bad; tho women and childron suffering and some rwith the darkest prospects ahead. In the wisdom of Providence it has been deemed right that wo havo this year, throughout nearly all tho South, as far as I know,- an almo t total failure of the crops. In this couuty many estimate that thero has not been enough of corn raised to supply the pcoplo with bread, much less to fatten their pork or keep alive their stouk. Rut few of tho negroes worked, and they but part ally. They havo no supp ics, and how they are to live until " green cum'' or blackberry time next year God only knows. Thousands unqestiouably will and must die, of actual starvation. Their old roasters cribs and smnko hoii.es are either empty or olosed against them. In i CaSlinR 3D0UI IU lUV IUIUU W.JV Ik uaj uecu b j . ... , . decreed by Providence that this fearful fata await? (bis unhappy class, I can think of but one solution of tho inyetety. May it not bo done to give their northern phil- authropio kindred or, perhaps, more cor rectly speaking, negropliiet an opportu nity lo exhibit Ihoir love for " tho poor negro?" If so thoy bad better hurry, or lhey will bo as the world's obarity too gen erally is, too late. I havo found an empty cabin on tho mountain (or a temporary rtfugo ; have to walk to my offico in town, six ., , . .. . . ..,, 1 1 nil miles, and baok, twice a week. I havo nrofess ona services 1 - e-- s- -- 1 . nf,nC(, WM deolaretL" ' S1DC0 peactt was tieoidten. - - 537-A child with three tODgUfli . .. " bsou bom in f'oulls.iid, Connecticut Bull Run. From the Christian Advocate nnd Jiutnat, orgai M Ii. Chuich.J It is as wo feared. Ilaman'nm, ruml and a recreant republicanism havo cast thie ttalo back into tinful casto,from whiob her legislature sought to deliver her By a largo majority alio roftuod, a week ago last Monday, to adopt an amendment to her Constitution making intelligence, not color, tho basis of tho franchise. She han summoned her fellow citizens of this buo to tho field, Sho has arrayed them in her uniform and her arms. Sho has mado them fight for tho salvation of our common country ; and now, when their blood has achieved the victory, she inso lently rofuscs them tho first sign and soal of manhood the ballot. And this Udono by men who havo bitterly opposed the war who have Fought by open and covert moans tbo dismemberment and enslave ment of tho whole land, who arc false to our religion and our principles. With them have been leagued the master spirits of evil that have dono muoh tomako their state a by-word in the nation. Rut neith er of these could sutteeded hail thi Church and tho party of the Union been faithful. Connecticut ought to havo been a ll.imc of Gre for tbs last sixty days. The best speakers in tho land ought to havo lifted the people by their fervor and theirbreadth of toul. Sumner and Wilsun, Wade and !vrlly, Reecher and Tilton, Hatfield and Andrnw, Dnuglos rind Philips, with hun dreds of lesser lights, should havo blazed tliroagh all the state. The ministers should have made their pulpits ring with the jrent duty of giving tho Declaration its desired completion iD their 6tato, and starting tho naiiun on tho tiew road which God calls it to walk in. Suoh a zeal would have abashed the enemies of this true demoeraoy. They could not havo brought their force in tqual strongth in to the coofliot They could not have do bated, harillv havo declared their opposi tion, for, as Frederic Douglass fays, when one attempts to give rca-on for a predju dice i t'icy compered beoau'o thoy per suaded tho friends of impartial suffrage to adopt their tactic. Silence iti this case was f.ir from golden ; it was tho basest cotintiiifc'u, Discussion is always tho great alicy of the truth. Diseu'sion will malionist," thoy would not boldly take their negro brother by tho hand, and to day they arc defeated and imminent peril of dis.olution. Their enemy has learned their weak side. Uo is (lushed with suc cess, lie will press his victory, if possi ble, lo tbo complete subjugation of the state to his policy aud his policy and his representatives. But the iujury she has dono her own people and the principles of national ex istence within her own limits is tho disas ters of this defeat. Sho has made every rubel heart leap for joy. They cau say, and with truth, "Our cause is uflcr all . radically that of tbo North. Tbuy dis franchise the negro i we dehumanize him. They refuso to recognlre him as a man ) wo recoguizu him as a boast. Wo logi cally carry out their principle. For tho Riblo declares man to bo free, and that all other creatures arc subject to him They say the negro is not ono with them selves. We say ho is thcrrjovc our inferi or, our chattel, over whom wc exercise rightful dominion." Not speculations alone, but rebellious exultations does this crimo cause, but it imperils the whole work ol reconstruction. With what faco 'can Connecticut reftuo South Carolina admission to tbo Union I She has a Constitution like her own. Her beam is like Connecticut's mote, of tho very samo timber, and of tho very samo size. (,This isawhito man's government." sho infamously says ; and Councclicut moro inlamousiy (,tor sno sins against lar ..... .... . -. .... creater light) responds Amen ! Tho ma jority of the citizens of Mississippi and South Cirolina aro disfranchised by this sin of a Puritan commonwealth. It 6up ports the West in tlieir Iniquitous preju - ilioo. and casts tbo party of Union aud .liberty into peril, if not into destruction. ! tho thumb, and Ins always been regarded j l''J!fr" , '7 Oliver H M er? D -This godless prejudice deserves suoh tli. ! as the most hideous and horiible instruuiint n ' "'T 4 vino punishment. Wc may bo thankful If il. rlnn not hrinrr vet heavier vialu of 1 1 o ' ... ,l upon us. It inav breed anolb- I . . . er war ana yot ureal onarcuy ; so jeaiouo t . . rs j ... ., . A .g tlje q0(j of bea vo wl, ,t,oo e . . , ban who falsify their professions and ir-al his ... , children with dettfon How can this fate bo now averted! By instant faithfulness in tho Church. She limit cast this beam from her eyo if sho would Call upon tbo slato to do llko ser vico. Sho must abolish this satanio pre. judioo from her heart and her lilc, 3ho must ccaso to loath and dissociato men on account of tho color. She must gtvo her brcthorn of the despised huo her cordial fellowship ; in her churches, her schools her counting-rooms, must thoy move freely and unnoticed. To this work she must gird herself. Tho defeat of truth is no reason for des pair or discouragement. God is with her ; sho shall not bo moved ; God shall help her, and that right early Tho beginning of all hor viotories is defeat j Hunker Hill nnd Bull Run teach us that lesson.Christ'a crucifixion is its infinito illustration. 'And I, if I ho lifted up, will draw all men unto me.1' Tho negio is to-day crucified in Connecticut, in Washington, in all tho land, He shall draw all men unto him, The lovers of man and of God in that state will sco that this is no loDgcr an ideal , but tho most living reality. They are a l.trgo body of-nainest Christian men. Let tin m not rest till lhey are u majority anil this stain is wiped from their state. Let (hf m cast away tho unmanly fear of reproach and all the epitaphs into which those taunts oonsumato themselves even that which most people yet hesitato to face "Amal gamation.'' Aud as Mr. Garrison, thirty years ago, when a word equally abomin able was hurled at him, thouted back, " I am an abolitionists j I glory in the mice; ' so will they say if that word is the embod- j iracnt of tho unity, aud brotherhood of man, " I am an amatgamationist ; I glo ry in the-name !'' In that sense of the word God wa9 tbo first amalgamationist, as he was the first abolitionist. Ashe de clares " I am tlio Lord thy God, that brought thee out ofthc house of bondage ;-' so ho dcclai es that bo made of ono blood all nations of men. Five states in Now England are true to his principlo to-day. Massachusetts admitts men of this origin to her conventions and conferences ; she will soon to her halls of legislation and to her pulpits ; aud all the land, aficr due chastisement, shall follow licr footsteps lo the height of true demoeraoy and true Christianity. II. - Attempted Escape of Dr. Mudd The Thumb Screw. Tho following account of the attemlcd es cape of Dr. Mudd is f rora the New York Tribune of ta-it week : ''wo have obtainetl from an officer of tho steamer Thomas A. Scott, the full particulars of Dr. Mudd's altcmtcd escapCjilifieriDg in many accounts from the particulars hitherto published The prisoners at the Torlugas are allowed tho liberty of tho island, oxcept oa iho day ol a vessel,s departure. At night they are expected to sleep in tho fort. The night previous to tho return of the 1 . A Scott, Dr. Mudd slept out&idc the fort in a abed, nnd the next morning ho quietly walked on board tho steamer, disapeaicd into the lowest deck, aud sent a fireman for Quartermaster IColly. This wus the last that was scon of him. Soon after be was missed at the fort, and an officer and squad scut down to search the vuasel. Un the very bottom of tho vessel lay a plat form resting on two cross beams : tho offi cer thrust bis sword under ono sido, and tho colored soldier inserted a bayouel un der the other. The roar of pain that im mediately ruso told that both sword and bayonet bad reached their mark ; tho platform was raised, and Dr. Mudd arose and returned to his Hi'tus cf a captive prisoner. He was immediately brought tn tho fort, and thumb-screws was applied to him, and under the pressure of pain he acknowledged that Kslly, with whom he had formod an acquaintance within a few days, had agreed lo help him to escape, on tho promise of reoeiving Mudd.s gold watch. Kelly was thero upon marched to j AfcC) nb f JaraC!j iM'ji,r0V) ah . George , countryman replied, " ' Tis very like tho fort, a drum-head courtmartial held, y Smith, ab ly you may, for I am sowing hemp. and ho was scnlonced to six years' impris- Lancaster It W Shenk, ab Charles I -7 1 t t, oninent and hard labor in Torlugas. The Den.HH, ab ; D.ty Wood, ab i John Mj A Jf n came into a pnnt.ng office to veesel then sailed without Mudd or Kelly, SteI,7B"'"b T . M -, , beB,:8 "twW" 'a id , f . 1. u- i- . Lebanon Jacob Meily, nb ' we like to road the newspapers very mucb the papers woro forwarded to ashnigton , .-NoU,, We.ser. D ; James F I bnt . Ilcihll0r. aro , ... 5 . lor confirmation." The introduction of 1 Kline, D bnt our ..e.shl.ors aro all loo 8Dgy ,0 I tliumn-serew torture is one 01 tno uiau uar - ' baritiei of tho dark ages, revived by Ab 1 olitionisin. It has not been used in any , civilized country sinoo tho Spanish Inqui- - sit ion, or tho days of tho persecution 1 the bcottisli covenantors. 1110 tiiumn- '; eorew is a machine which gradually crushes ol torturo ever invon'.ed. Alter being ex ecrattd and banished from tho most fauat ioaland cmcl nations of the old world, it is revived in tho United States by tho agents of tho "God and humanity party " to torturo prisoners, Is there 110 limit lo the hideous allrecitics cf Abolitionism ? The State Legislature. SENATE. I Philmlctphui, Jcre NichoU A. i Jacob 13 lvicgewfiy, A 0 M Donovan, D. i Georga Connoll A V. Chester, hcluwueati'l Mont Eomenj W Wortington, A. j Horaoo Royor, A. VI. Bucks 0 P James, D. VII. Lehigh ami Northampton Gcorgn B, Shall, D. VII I. ZJcrl-i-IIeistcr Olymer, D LY. 6'cyAi7--William M Randall, 1). X. Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Waijnell B Bear sire, I). XI. Bradford, Susquehanna and Wyoming George Lsndoa, A. ATI, Luzerne h D Shoema ker, A. XIII Potter, Tioga, M' Kean and Clinton Warren Cowles, A. XIV. Lycoming, Union and Smder John Walls, D. XV. KortiumberandIontour C olumbia and Sul'ivu7i David B iMontgomcry.D. XVI. Dauphin and Lebanon I) I' leming, A XVII. Lancaster Beuj Champ, , neys, A. J 01 JJuDip,A XVIII York and CilmhstiandA Hcistand Glalz, D. XIX Adams nnd Prankin Culvin M Duncan, D. XX. komeisel, Bedtnrd and Fu'ton Geo W House holder, A. XXI. Ul'tir Huntingdon, Nif- Hi it Titwinfn tnni Pti-lj L W Hall A. Kirk ' Haines; A. ' XXII. Cambrii. Indiana and Jiff'rrson Harry White. ! XX HL CtKtrflell, Clarion, Ctm- eion, Forrest and III!: William A Wallaoo, D XXIV. Westmoreland, Fayette und Green John Latta, D. XXV. Abrghrny,1 L Graham, A. : Thos J liigham, A. XXVI. U'ushiiigloii and Heaver William Hopkins, D AAV li. lsowrence, liutler ami Arm dip ; tho ten-pin of a man who bad set up- vvurr. nY0nS!?1 A Bnv,ni.fX- right a day, grows as courtly as a M.da XX VIII Mcrcer.Venangoand War . r , ,. . 3-,,,'n,nmn, ITnno. A. rlu for "ou "Homer nods" at times: the XXIX. Cawford and Eric.-M B Lowry, A UECAPII.ULAT ION. Abolition 20 Demoorats. 13 Abolition majority. ...7 House of Representatives. Adams Philip S llotick, ab Allegheny Alfred Slack, ab ; John P Glass, ab ; G Y M'Kec, ab j II R Her ron, ab ; J D Datiks, ab David Shaffer, ab Annstiong Frank Meohling, ab Berks Frodfrich Hirmcr, I) ; Henry B Rhodes, D ; John Missimcr, D Blair Joseph G Adlum, tb Bradfyrdand Hulliv m Lorenzo Grin nel.ob ; G Wavne Kinney, :b Bucks Luther Calvin, D ; F W Head man, D Cambria Cyrus L Pershing, D Carbon and Monroe Allen Crait', D Centre Frederick Kurtz, D Chester Nathan JJSbarpless nb ; N A Pennybacker, ab ; W BWaddell, ah Clarion and J'ffcrsonW W Barr, D Clearfield Elk and Ibricsl Dr R C Early, I 1) Clinton, Qamei on and M'Kian EB Eldred, D Columbia nnd Montour W II Jacoby, D Crawford J C 8turdeTant, ab ; Geo 11 Remus, ab Cumberland Philip Lang, D Dauphin Henry B Hoffman, ab ; Dr J Seller , ab Delaware Ell wood Tyson, ab FricB B M'Creary, ab 0 S Wood ward, ab i'liiczc-Clmrle E Boyle, D Greene Themos Kosc,D Huntingdon, Mifflin aud Juniata Kphrain Raker, ab ; James ,M Brown, ab Indiana ana ft estmnretnndti 11 Al - r. nitrite .uiuuii uiwij. u , nauici j- 1 1 ... 4.i r-..t 11. - , aoyucn, 11 , uavio n noon u n u Wiugard, nb j Dr Laac Riithrock.nb Mercer, Lawrence and Uutkr Josiau ol i ,M'phcrrin,ab ; Ssmucl M'Kmlcy.ab .John II iVegley, ab ; Henry Pilluw, nb 1 Montgamry Dr A D M.irkloy, D T D Rirriiialon. 1) Northumberland Charles W D. Thorp, Perry and Franklin V S Stumbaugh, ab ; George A Shuman, ub Philadelphia -Georco W Gcbao, &b W II Ruddimnn, ab ; Samuel Josephs, r; Win W Watt, nb i .Tnscnh T Thomais. ub , James Preeboru. ab 1 Jai tiiber,b James N Knrns', ab , George A Quig'cy D ; Elisha W Davis, nb 5 P D Slerner,ab Alexander Adair, ab ; James Donnelly Yok Jftmes Cameron, DA SLaw- renoc, u, I V V"01 i George Da Haven, jJr ab; D.ivid A Wallaoo, lib j Edward J G e' ftJ, 't.-1" NI?,rkA' ab T, , Schuidkill-X)t K Uobinon, D ; John M Cropland, D ; Peter J Collins, D Homered, Hertford and Fulton Muses A Ross, ab ( D B Armstrong, ab Siirjiertrniri any Wyoming 3 T Cameron, ab 5 Peter M Ostcrhout, ob Tioga and Potter Dr Wra T Hum phred, s-.b 5 John S Mann, ab Venango and (f'arren William L Wbann, ab ; II Allen, ab IVusfiiugton apd leaver Jamea II Kelly, ab ; Joseph B Welsh, ab J MS Quay, ab K'aynt and PtkeW'm N Nefson , D nCCAriTCLATtON. Dem. Abol Senate -. 13 -20 Houso 31 CO 47 80 Abolition mrjority on joint ballot, 30. Night in a Railroad Car. B. P. Taylor has been taking a railroad ride, and having failed, perhaps to enjoy the ride, enjoys himself In describing what bo saw. The following glimpse at his com- pauious as they appeared when night raid "sleep," will bu appreciated by all who have "been thoro." I came near forgetting that your old frieuds were all on tho train; ! the woman who plumps down iutoyour seat and regards you with thankless and superbilious eyebrows, as if you were some body and that had blundered into breath- om w'tD0Ul 'eavo i and tho man who dona B'3 est garmonts to travel in 5 mounts tbo tratu as clerical as black broadcloth can raaive inl aco- icavcs ;t with ,be o(jk9 of a dusty miller. Aud the nigbt scents aro as eurioas cs ever. Whiffs ol boots and smothering gusts of mu-k, patchouli, to baoco, cheese and feet that could never bo fit to "walk on Eton's htll''without a wado and wash iu the Jordau, aro leaded. As the night wears on, tho fellotf who always 'ails to be funny flickers out like a penny & wUh Uttle S'g. 'hat bad been rip- puug use running water, "wean, washy" and everlasting iutermits,grows interesting and falls asleep ; men mako letter Z's of themselves, shut up liko pocket knifen, roll up like porcupines, diverge liko Y's ; trim and sharply women lurablx to pieces and in little heaUs of distinguishable gar ments upon tho seat?, the'red and dissipat ed lamps wink sleepily and hazily at you, and t he clattcr-tc-clank of tho irou wheeli hammer out the long, dull Jtrlp of darkness. Then come that mensgcric of respiration that men havo agreed to call snoring , you have barks, snorts, snuffs, oud growls j one creaks like a rusty hinge another paji-. liku an ougiuc, cr whines like a spank-lror is forever bloviug out candlee. By aud by the oar svindows turn rebel-gray, for a day is beginirjg to dawn. Did you ever see a woman hatch ed out! Now is tho golden opportunity. Ledn if that is the lady'a natno we road of whose doublo yolked egg gavo ui Castor Pollux if I haven't forgotten aR about it was hardly more wonderful. Yonder bundle of skirls, shawl and cloaks, as shapeless as a grist, begins l.o stir i first peeps out a pair of feet, then a pair of hands, then a fair and taDgled head ; at last emerges a fomslc shape j oDd Era is hatched before your eyes, and tbe world is better for a waking woman. EST A countryman waa sowing his ground when two smart fellow? riding that way, one of them called to him with an insoleot air, "Well, honest follow," said he, " 'tis your buisnoss to now, but wc, reap tbe fruits of yonr labor-" To which t.'Mau oim- An ixoha'nge papr says : "Parllen who have been in tho habit of stealing the editor's tvood, will ploaso fako tho knots that our devil can't split !" A farmer who married rt long doso and peaked chin, says he produces tine, gar by simply gotfmg his wifo to look in tho cider barrel. Tin; husband who devoured his wife with kibses, found afterwards that she did agreed with him, Dundhkauy suon the only partinctha ever trouM-iil him nns lh? 1 amor of Ibis ; ' s'i hair
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers