jJShzl DEMOCRAT. - AMD BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, LEVI L. TATE, EDlTOJft. "TO HOLD AND TKIM THE TOR, Oil OF TilUTII AND WA.VE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." TERMS : 82 50 IN ADVANCE. VOL. 19. NO, 36. THE PHOENIX PECTORAL Till Curo Your Couch ?1 THE PHOFNIX rECTORAL; on, Compound vnH? op wild cheuuy u Nra j:ka snake iioot. Will Cure the Diseases of lha Such a Colds, Oroup, Asihoin, JJtoi ch.ii-i, Catit.''', Soro Throat, ilonrscnets, W"huo.'Pg Cough, &e. Its timely use will prevent rULMOXAHY CONSUMPTION". And cvn wli.-ro this f a rfiil iliifsur n fuilv dix;. "pro it will .tlur I more ifllef thin try ul'Mt mJi. line i i.Aw.r nci! a ., eiS'pe.-ik.r of ih IVniKy U n: Homef ttep'fsi-'.t itivc., .ty. "Till, roui'h rene riy ik no i U''i iv. ly uvi'. nnl 13 o,' tin nighm n . tu . ,,' -tii.i 11 inil , 1; 4 rut.-' qi.tilitcs lluvi" li : 11 Nit d by tl. iii.iuilf w itli Hi" niot (.fnlluiiii! rua'i.i.. It if cnr.uili) .111 1 ..illifulii prepared from Wil.i t'ln rrj llirk anil .-uirl.a mi-..,.. Knot iiy Dr. I.uvi Uber tiolit.r. it ri put ibte phym nn of I'iii.imivviI e, l'a , inn. m .0111 .y nea.iy an ,!r,ij,yi.ti and country (lute in .pitf.'' (j, 1 id.i.y. vt.!',nti;iati r entl cx-l.t'rgns of Pott., lorn .1, ciitiu'jii .1 In!, owe : roTTrow. In" J 1, 11, n. Tin. rrillil' 1 tliAtt Ii.ivi-uimI tin I'l ,x P. itnril In My family . nnil I rucini-i -lnl 11 tn 1 1..- jisil.Ii r a. Hid vry hot reiii"i y (it Ouch mnl !. tli.it I hnv; fit Mini 1'in- if my rlnliin'ii wa, latin v. una rnl , -if cu'ii;uimt!i v itli .1 t'io 1 v t.'iiul-,.n to, 1 u.ui 1 d. Knit 11 c ulil 11 't lui'K aim In utiii. 1 ,i m' ;i'ar I .0 .,ii.ti i-..: all nt h iliiiitiit r (total, I nri-cnr".! a holile i, it. I'lu- II dof rf'li v f tin! ililiir.iliv uf lirH.itti li-:. "i'l fi it? 1 !i- rliil-l I. 1 1 1.1. it nai fn irtii nl Itli- htilt ! II as nllllrt I j WUI lift f V family .I'n'd lnvi' it 1.1 tli if h 111..!. . 1" 1 Ui)s,iv. J.I' tfllnlll illiiJ'Ut, of N'i'W l!rpi ,uc!i. 1 nimty, I'u. 111 wrniiicM Iilu'ii.nlit 'r. nay.: -A fn ojyi incii I li" mill iwci 1I1 in nf your v ilun'ilu mtifli rwi.irily Hi try. ami rt'iil it cr i!i-'nl,an 1 tis it 1. u.,. Ij r.ll I m ill lik.- yi 1 1 1 j'-nil mc a ;'."m. o:' .1. "u.:i ni-"ir'i''s ci wp lvtli r i'Ml'11 11, in llnna.iy nth-t I hay.' ri tin- n iri. I ui'i .iif'-iit lor inau' uf i!f(. Ij-H i..ri'nr mi'tli ii;i itui 11.1, I ul uur. .'i iaito I, 1- i iiii-f Hi rn. 1 n 10,1 I a fu'i '.i.' ! k an 1 xtrntt from 11 li tl. r fmai IIImim T'i.b, ;-i' r ii.irl" -'.li. a, I'.. . "I imvi i.-n I II. c I'hi.vn I'i i 1 1, mi.! i' i.I it tn lio llm l-.t imijli i. 1. .1 ! 1 v. ' t. I; ia'..'! ill .1 li ri-" ri'i".v j ill lii.i.i h j 0..11T tli't I Invr ''vol lian in iu stiii't." '1 a- ('. I'J'l 1 l I' tl.l j IP", 11. In'! 1111:1 Ml llllll'll roufV dr .- ,. 11 1 ,. ,itli- t,iACl.i tiotu III,, I" 1 itnui v 1 f I,', J..i v .ii.av.'O. il II. lli'tl t.,i a, r ,, U'.' I'aid 'A' k to 111 jiuutiacr win, i n t vatiifi : ; ,itii It. jff 41 u r t 'n,t n ,' !im flii't'i.Ti cry fr it. I'rifv I till: 1 -I'l .. i.HM y ; I..1CJ ilitki (I.VI! Dot. I-All I , iiittti h r nply i, hi I'l.i.i .f iliseajc, i.ini'' lf, Ifir. t 1 I. - .,li it 'ii, J...lli;d 1.1. .'f. ,it i 1 nly t I.EVfeOUl.r.HOLTZER. M. !) , I'linnii iiii-, n, br si! Tr ii:t.t i"'! H'lf. fc;p, r. J'Jll I . 1 S ill'l.l.liWAV t, I JVllf'..V, Xo, 21 1 fiori'l mxill riri'i 1, 1 111 .ui- Iflll.t, i.tiu ' T. I' Wl'1,1 l A. I n , So, li.". IVil.kllll CttLft, .Vc.v otlt , lit a- rat V In' t'laic A;!''lilf, Hnl'l bi i: r l.l.T.'. .mil i; i:il U MOVI-.ll Dr'ii'. rm. liln ! fi.itr, rtiol 1 1 10 nrly cM'ry i!ru,-nit u:.u fo.nn-y ! 1 '. ,p.l 111 1 'oli'lnbl 1 i:ounU. V i - li vti n.iT' t i.liii:i.l nr ul.-irl-.ri p, r 1! 11 . lint Kv,, ll in in.'.!,, i.i" .-i 1,01 1 t III nt pat ) on n.r 1. i.h .lltll! .,".! it IU'!dlCOC. Iilll L till ul UHIM to nil..- CI llo jip'Mt. hi 11 1 Jni.f -l I; t;.-rii .UEAD1NCJ KAIL KO,,L Gumner An-angemcnt. July 20, ifcijo "rc5t Trun!. Linn l'V, Tli" Nsrlh "J mil Nonn Went f.r I'all-i li'lphn, Npw Vork, Ei'i'lin;. I'ntt.villc, l.i'li.iiion, li.'-ii.,,vn, Luton, .tu. '1 rain. I' av.' Ilarriilinri: tor In-n V irit. r.i lult'ov. . Al :itiii 7, -.". ,m. i : A. M.,an, 1 !.'. I' M . .,mwns at f.'i n rk V In mi M . i.n.l .i.tiii an, I III ;t.i I1. M. I li" iilj'.vi-i'.ir t witu .ntiilai 'i'lam mi Hi, IVini. ej Iv-t ni i itnl iionil. aiot rJlirpinir rani ai'i'ompany in.- a on an I f li X TmiiM n itlioui rli-ninf :.at- t ,t Ili-aJmi, IoiumUd, I'aina.pia, .lliitTn t ' 1 1 A.li' t't'l, I'iio' tirnvo, Allt'titnwn, .nnl I'luiaiM. fl'nil - l.i V M mi'l t la l .11, Moppinj .it li.li.iioro AO'' p,inrl,tl -1.1I1011. only. "Vay Tii.i'i". tiippm' ,11 all poi.r.t. at 7 '.'."i l ntt'l I'l 1 M It. lur-iiiic ; l,'.-at! Nn.v Vorn at SI A M I. ' on noon. an. lo r .l, I'liilailoiplii.t nl f.tH M ant! 3..1U I' M 1 it.viili .it 1- l.i A ,tl ."hi i'.ii V !,l : A-'l I .a! mo in , 1 ,111 1 u ."i n, urn ' .11 . 1, pi. 1 at .1 i.'i M uiul '.'.i.i t' . .tni. II, juing at I UJ 7 Hi and U.5 A M. I ni 1 f. ui I' Al. It it 'inf Acrnaininil.itio'i Trtln ; ' pav.i II'.-! lin a Co 1 A I ri'tiiitiiiif finin I !i,! , ,'lpjna .it 5 mi I M. '.,' ,,r.,i.i Lull Hot I 'ri.it:i- li-.ivu lltauiii' at'li.ti t.r.1 .U.MA II ami t 151 .M. fur Ljiliri.ta, l.ttlz, fol rc r.it.i rr. rvt: in nil, .ln; I.p tv.i N". w Voik at f (ID I' JI, Ptiila ! !lp!n i a Ij V M I'ntinvilln " 3.1 A M. Taina'ii.i7 .11 A II, ll.itii-l.uric j A Ma.i I Itciolin,' .11 I .UJ A .11 fir II rrrmliu ri;. 1,01111101 .itinn i;ii-irn r.'a.o. nr. 1001 .tail Uxnir. io.i Tirkt tn u ai t Irniti nil pouii., at rffiuc tl l;,-it 1 UnvaiiJii LhciitiLNi thruuii : U n.Hiiiil allnivd m li ula: j IN h O rou Tim I MMUTfXATU. USED WITHOUT DETE-'ITON. Tlify tin not l iti'ifcrt" Itli bjslni'ts purmiu, ami re ...ttly ill llrtinil. KOtiiAXGCoF mr.T 13 N-i:t:r.ss:iY. RELL3 SPECIFIC I'lLLd ar'' vrarr.inlcil In all faf, ron rue fPi.iiuv ami I'liiiMANPivr riinr. cr fr'rininal .VpRkiio, Ilrilliral mi l Vnsinil Uiiilnrs,-. i tili'-l. Hi-xu.it lii.va.", Uiii.niKi inii, linpili'iic. l ' -Hal hmi Ncriom Uilnlity aiiu iIiscjjl nf the Ulailtlt r ml KiJiinys. 'Ilioymii inljinci for malp or f.-malp. Mil nr ynui? and nr.; tin- omy ro In.lilu Kit ia m lor th'l luit of all div eiliaii.i ii: from YOU'I'IIFUL IN DISCU ET10N. In nil x 'nl H1.1n.PB, n llonnrrhpn, t'trictur', Glut, and in all L'rin i y and Knlnoy unnplnint. tin y nrtlikP n cliiirn. loin I H o.Mirr 1 1 lit oil hy lakini: n ilnalj hnx ; sinl f i mil four to six hoc. gcnvrnlly rll'i-cl armt. Hold in hnn rnntai tin-: Cn pill, priro Ono Pollnr, or nx li"xi, .''il''' Unliuri. ; al.n. In luigo liuxo. loin (IniHB four of Iho final! price Th'i'" l.tillars. " Pihito r,;n.l.irs to Hi ntn 11 M.V. n ut frcoon' ffcflpt of dirt' nvi'lnpi' and .tninp. Lr" H S'-'i Iho 11,.. 1 ill, nit nut lliiii ndviT lt;uet: lor rofcciito. a:n! if urn rmtmt proenro lh"ni afviHir (irufsi.l il., i..it i,u iinpiHoil on by any "ilur 7emedy, hul -n,:ioo 111 !"' I" i 'i'ii' ' l" I'10 I'"1' firirlor Dr. J. ERANjCoivuitinc Physician, lioiiu; 112 Hrojiltvay, N V. Who will ukr all ri.k If nr'ifrly diriitid! ai.'l yon fill rccuvo ihtnit iort paid, .tcurely tejltd (roni tli Lviyitiuii, by ri-turu mail. SOLD 11 V IJULCiUISTS OI'.NT.UAIJ.V. J)i;MA8UAHNr,H is CO., N'tw Vobk. Wlio'otale Ajcnti. July 13, 1S. R. THAYER M D HAVtvo thnnccil Ills resntcrt.e from Montrose, tn WHsiT PlTTi'TUN. I'lU' ttm county, wniil.1 ny iohi palinnn and all wi.hing ln prnfpnioHnl mini s, th l li"y ran n ' '.c-. I.ii.i.il tliu l.i.ttumfu pinm. ID AH mil. in llm vicinity Iho llailroau, utlfii did tn wuli ptuuiplucf a. April t, ISO'. F. 0. HARRISON, M. D. . . WOULD tf.poclfully infi)iiiillicclllr.i!n8ori.ooiiif- tiurg.anil viciuitv.tliallit) ciiiiliniin.lhc praillto ur Hf'lirVAV ...) SLitUElir. kt snllcila u slit. of public imtrnuage, Ornoi.oii Mam Btrtcl fn.1 ho'i." u!i th Cottr fV, Bloonisliurg BALTXAlOllE LOCK HOSPITAL Baltimore, Md, ESTAJiLISHED as n KEFUOE FROM QUAOKERY. T'ic Only 1'Imc ivlurc a Cure can be ob tain at. Dr. Johnson hns tliviovtrcil Iho most frtntn, Hpcfily, ami only nircrtital llrmcily In the Wmlil fnt Wi-aMicM if tlii! Ilatli nr I hiili, tfirictnn.'s AIIitHihi. nf ihi Klitnryf ami lll.iiiitcr, In iilniitnry llisrliarcri. Iiiiiicifiirj , (Ji m nl U lillily, .Vurtoin. t''v, In rpri'rla. I.aiifiiiir. l.un- lrits. fonfiuloii f 1 1lf.11. r,iliitiillnii nf llm lliait,Tni,lilliy. Ttiinlilltij. Iiitiitiff.il SJdit or (ilililini I'lri'iiti' nf llm llc.nl Tlirnr.t. N'lif, nr Vnm Is-llin.p Ti-rrililu IHninliri i.ri.inc rrrin tVllt.iry IIiiIhIh nf Yi.iiIIi ncn t nn l rr llt.iry piacliri's ihoip Intiil 1,1 tin lr ictlins 1I1.111 Ilia f'.Mii! (if ryri'iin In tin- Mnilain nf L'lisfPs, LliKliliii' tlnlr iiinst l.rillii.til liii,t ii 1 r untltiiati'ji.j, tcinltrmj; tiurrlue, .V.c.( tuiiiispilitc. YOUNU MEN INpcclMly, wlin liavn lifcniiin tlio vlrlltm of Solitary Vict'i IliaKltcii.lfiil ali i ilfnlr'allii- linbit liiiliaiiiii. ally jwui t tn an mil lint 'y trm f 1 li i-iimiikI s of Jonni; tni'ii of tli" liir.M l Aiiltti! tali lit. an, I liillllaiil ini'jlli'it, Im intRlit 1 llicnvi.c lime uiili'iin'jil li. truing si'ii. a't'H U'lli iIiij tliuriili r.-i t-f i lo'iiic mc rr watt, il" to cc ttnry the H 'w.i lyic, inny call v itli lull cunliiknce. MAUltAIGE. fe'trk'il prrrons, or y otni'j men conti mpl.-illn mar fine.', ,S,-!,'S 'tttitfi "f )'li str.il wrnkiicgi, uryanic uu l,il.iy.uc.,r:",li-V,bl"' .''' n , llu uliu i';"C nini.i 11 u Jff tlio cans of Pr J. may rrllnluUkU- t,lllll!o 1,1 -r "i t't'iitluman, anil t.oii!Uu.itlV itli "I'0'1 1,1 ' physician' GUv'.NIO vi;ai;m; ill tnci i.it' !i 1; irnl 1. '"' ri" vSr rt-Mnrnl, i In. t!iftn.'P.i'i;;niri' timi - Incii iimi luri lifK mli ctnltlu anil nrrhiet- Hnt. 'f il-l'--i tli-- " unity pai. Iij-iIib i tin, of liniii . ;.--r ("'I uta.-iic-c-s Wniiu- pi-r-uin art' too ,,pt in iiiii.'iill '"i"''. fioin not Ill-nil! mart! el t. ,ii,'i,fnl coil, "r,,ii. i" ll'iit may rn.ii,'. Km.-, f.lm tlial iiiiili rnaml II f ' l""11-"1' tuny tlnit tin r"T of pr"rn- tti-1, It lo-t roinii.r Iiy lli'mo f.illn 11, to 1 npropt . li..!. '- tli'111')' llm pru il'.'iit' in ml., b i' u 1 , r i , 1, t,." pli-.i.titf 01 lo'al. li'J- (.If.pliiii!. Hi,' I rin'.M anil u. "tnnl'vo tyinp- ll'iKOI l.o'.ll I, i.iy anil l.ilml lilirn. 1.'" Sy-'l''1" t" :u"K ili'r.iiij;i I, tin- 1 l.yjin.l ami laont,.1 fit 1 if '! Vi'.II'IIi'iI. I.IIMi of I'r '' I'atlM' hnwiT. ,V,irv '"t If"' la'tility, llyii"jiri. ! ,i;nt I'lou i.ftn' ll.-art, I .' -.ig.is 11 m, Co i.liiiitio"..! I) li 1 it . a U'.i.li'ix ot tit u rr.'"!" L'i,u'h, Ct.ii.'iiptloii. I'l-i'iy an I Dratli. 1)11. .MILS "T I.'.', Mi'mlit'r of tli" Itoj'til Coll'si' 01 fnrufnn, l.nnitnn, i:r.i,'iMti! from "it of tli-! tnnt cmim'tit t'illf--..- in tliu l.'niiL'l trlnii". ami tli pti',it''r part nf whoso lif" li.n i'l mi spi tit 111 t 0 It 1, . pi t,t 1 1 nt I, nnil, in, I'-iiIh, I'lu! i-ilt-tplii'i. a ml i'!uii tiiT'', lots 1'ir-t I il !niiii) nl tlio moitt n.tiini-lnni: i uri's tint vi ro rvt'r kiiii.vn ; many iron l,l'ilil!i riiieiiiE 111 tin.1 Iit'ii'l nail '-cS lnn ns'i't p fri-it tii'rvou$tt"fi , (it'tny al'rnt'"l at ml 'lmi fi"tiiiili li;i-!il'al,i,'is uit'i Iri po'iit lli'"lni'i!, titti'mltil t-ninu liiiii'ii ivitli tii-raii'ji.ii'tit of mill.!, v;re cartnl itiuni'iit uuly. TAKil I'AHTlrCLAr. N.iTICi: Itr J. -t'l'lri'.' ."'! ilinm! it lio Ittvu n'jiirctl tfirjii-i-ili'. I,v i.iipr"!)' r ii uu t-i im ttii,l "lit.i-y li tint., ul.tcli tni it'tM t'l'yantl 11 i.'il. i!iilii!iu''t!ii.'ai tor i.iiii t !i iMiit'.s. piiiiI.. . p cii'ty, or iirir.inyL'. In-eoaii -ii'i of -li 1 1 1 1,1 M-.nli.,! y itli-cli prniitirctl by 1 ailj uaii!'. ol oi.:h viz- 1 1 "iit.t.i nl lit- Ha:k itu.i l.ini'i, r.,im in ilir 1 1 I'lrini- s o! tfi,'!it, !. if Jin .-ul.ir Ciitin. I'.il-li-iti.u of ilnj limit Iiy H"i h. VctvoiK irraliil'ility. H'rniisKiiU'i.t of till! lllL'u-MVt ruill-lioil!!, (li'll'.'I'jl Il.'-lilllty, nip tiil.ti of '. 'io.i, .Vr. .Mi.rLi.v - I In' f'atfiil pITitH on ill" inlinl tin- much to 'n ore 'li'il l,".i. of !neiii"rv. t'otifiihUm of li!o H'pi'sv'i ,,t s j 1 1 Ihil I'i'-I niuti.:., Avi'r-lt'li to S.i.'i .S.-lfllijlrn-t l.nv.'uf SuiIuiIh, 'MllllilllyAc Iff iii-- ,, in I'VI H iftl iltr-'l 'riioii.:m.(. i.i' p,ir..iiix tif a'! ap.i ran nn'v (11 lii li 11 I. in.- ram. i fili, ir tlt'Cli.'in: li i.lili, lojiic il' 11 v. .;.-. !i 1 niiiitiy iv oali p.ilij. ihtv.,:i ami pii aciatfl, 1-r.v llt. a Mio-tilrir uppt'itr mcf al.uul lhi!u)9, C'juIi un.i .y(!i;ituiii. of Uoii.-i tnpunit. YOLXC5 AiEX w, Kivr ujur'''1 (iirtnsc'x iiy a ttain prnctirr.lu (U.tft-'-.l 1.1 tuiti al 11m, a ti-tlfiit."i!iMiLiy Icaniftl f runt c v ii cuiiimtMitii(i, ui- nt vthooi, tlio uUVrt-i of w hlr!i nr; nig. ill) kit uvea v.lh'M rt!.:i-:t, twin, il it-.t niri'tl mi ik r iitr.rrr.'ff'c imi sibli- in.l c'5tr-jyi Iil-Ui niHt-l an J bo l. til k'.i.I itinly jiamu.iiiii.iy. h".l .t pity ui'it n yii-jti' liiiui, ttit ,&i) of our cout-j ry. (lie pri uf iiit i.ir uu, rttil Uu vn.uoliu 1 frotn all pn.inii, itifl .'iijuyirii'iilH nt' III", by the tutuv iiCu tn' i.sni fnnii lif path r nature, itmi tn -Jul? oif in t. c nitiu i m I.aliit. iich pcrion miut, h..fLic on. inih;ir. MARRIAGE, rffiint that .1 nin 1 miml an J hotlv ni'i the nntt ntcr io 1 y f',Uiiit"t t 1 jir(nif;ij cniuiulu;il ti n i im-v h In iJicii, wiUm.'t tlx vf lite jniirni-y tJiritu'h l(fi tiecmues vumI) ( ,iL'riiun;n ; i(m: nrtmpi'ct lnurly tiarki-ns tn tni' fv. tin iiuinl Uccui.ii'tJ pli.tilmve.I v.itli ik'-p.'tir unit niii. I mi iho i.u't.ii'clii'lly tt -clli'ii Ui.it tin; u.f of ,iti-illuar ticcuitutt Ulif!!iteI with inir own. ()l)hry 7 South fiwhiivk Stnc ! 1 ft-hMul n.'c ij-iitiy fnun l'iiln..!nri' (.tu'ui, a fen ilnrri rout the comer. 1'ail uul to i.ltveiiu iiuiue iwiA nniit h-r. . - No IctfT? re'fivcl I'nh'f nostpiiJ athl con laihinj a ..imp In In ti&'U mi li" i'piy, iir-ui.s 1 1 mil. hli'Mihl -tut- nui una 'in! ;orti)ti ot a.U crtuo utt nl ilocnl)jtij,' cyi(iit':n Tht! I.citor' lliplouio IiittijT- in hit rflice. EnUot titmtiit uf the Pnss. Tli.-- inm.v thousainU ciiruil it thU cm rJ.Ii t-li unMit within .lln' latl tui.niy yi-itr. r.ii't Hi iiuihitiii in pnri.mt Mirtical op nitioi pi-rl r iii'ii, hy Or. JnhiM Ion. u inn fjci li t-ju it piMi-n i-f I'll i Sum it nil m.tny 'tln-r p''.prit nt'i'tf (i uti.li h 1-1: app-.ttf.t airiin .11. il .M'l.ll. ll fllli' ill.' hlll.!lL'. (llMl,ll,)i 111-, flillhllll" 11 4 (MiiU "man -l itiar.tctr nnl n:,'u;iMui!it , u a autH t.ii-iit guaranty l-i l.nt .illluU' I. SLl'l Jl'.iet'HA 'b'):'i April It'.V- ly 1 urel. Dill U P D E GRAFF'S il5: AND .'Ait IM'IMllAltY, '1,1 the F'-i'iar", Time lioor. from StrfK'' Ilotul vVILKHSBAHRE, PA. THIS INSI'LiTlON i-- tmw opnii-d nnil f, fiirnii,lii! 1 ill 'Iip moil ro-tlv flylo. Ilrci-l'tlou. I'm nt.' .111.1 Oti.ttti'!.' l!ooni arc Inrp, ronvonii'iit and well a.l.ipt.-.l. Tito fnruical i trtinont i-oiii.tiim tin, Anvkt c'll'Ttioii ul ni.t.-MiiiPiiiii in tins loiintry, and tfins ills I'ii illii,4 ill .'ti.tiiti' linn to uii'i I anv mnl 'i'l trj.'in n- in pneucu llu will opt'rul'J upon till llu.' variouj fi rnio i 1.1 MINI'.?., t'ntari'.it, ii.t'l'ioii o( 111.- I'up'l, Cr" Hi.'-, I'ior'ii, if llio Tfur Dncta, In crii ui of tip) i:y. lidit, l'l"r i.o ir.. lr. nd will Itoiit a. I loriaa offnn t. Ilyo t- t ntili'd I.id-t. Opncotios .ifl.ip rorni'ii, it'ol hrroliilinis . .f'-a.ps nf tin' l.yo to I'i'lhi'r Willi ail tin- diacust' to which tin Uyu I. sub in I. HI', M'NUSS Will iron! all tho iMjp.ikp rnmninii tn Hi.' msan. l.iHi liarti't Irom lln' ' iir, Nolsi'f In th" I ir l.'aiurrli, dilhciill) onioariui! tol il Ho I'm n uvpu.wIijio tliu llrniit i il, i lro) oil. Will iinti rl nil .nlifiii.il Dim aiifworlic ma lv "II th" puipo"s of ilio natural. IJISIiAHIl-i nl' Til 11 'I llllitA'l'. - All iliaua.ui com moo to tlif Tliroat mid Nn.o will b" iri an d Ill'.MlKAI. HllltlJ lilt V. lit) will oppriil.' upon C uti loct. Iiatr l.it, CI ft Pall.it' . i 'r-. Cuiir. r. l.ular- iriiil Toi l lis, r, Pla.iic ii, "r'ttiuiK by ln-a'ilis now ili i.li inli) di foriio'il partu and Oi iioral Purgi'ry ol w li.itt'viT rhaiin i"r it m ly proi 'iit. . III'.IIMA (or KIjI'TI'UI-: Mo will pi-rform "I.nbiin opi'ratton f.n 111" rvdiial (fonpli't") i urn of llt-rnln, il.is in iiioiii'i.tliili!llily a " if. it lori'.an l in m lie Willi littln or no pain, tun oliinuv Inn dri'il opnrati'ii upuuni loton tlior,' IM" I'Ol'll no in n t. II IIIIIIIK li"'."" I if. ' t i.iipinh.iiinu uf all li,'h '.vo fiihiiiutt.'d toll AUTin. al t,vii!. Wiiiiii'oit'iiuili itl l'.ysciv- iaijr 'lii'iii Iho iiiritluu ami ppro-i m of tll'i natural. 1 1 1 . - nro nifcrud with llio lo i-t imih- ili'.llt'UllllUlli.-, (l'ilt!i,)-T!!iri'ulili'snino disca'f if ro Kill V titrt'd. 'Ilioso .nil", rnij from it will d" wi I' ,l,Ur"i'p l' IJi-Art Vint Willit'f-IVirrP with a viow of -'111111111! up a piirmaiiPiit linlituto for tho truiiliuonl or Ui' IV, l.araod ll.ui'tu! Uumory. 'llio .vi-noitc ol moru iltau a .piattur nfa u ututy in llo-pit.il and Ri'tu'r al pra.tiii'.li 'ii"."f. will b" .. unn..'i.l guaranty to th.'.f who may ili"!,i1 to einploj liiiu, !)"' let". ir. H. 0. II 0 V E R. bOlvSEOrJ DENTIST. rirsl'nfTM'M.Yoir'rs liU tiroft sa St.V1. loii'tl for ,i -t in l!i I n'V'' nnil S 'nil''- ?. nifii of I'd .nm.btin: ami vv inny. ' TP i u,i i , .11 tint vnrio't. t iMrlilioiif in t'io lino of nr..t -..ioii. and if proi idi'ii ttillit''ol.ilCft improved P'thCl .. 7 t-UH: w nr w II I.jiii irrli'il on fnld. platina. .ilu r and rubbir bp e I 11 11 .J 111 .oriril oil L'lllil. I'lililint. .11, ' " "' - ,i,. ll a, il,., natmnl toitli i. n-r-il ututi- nuU hhek li-otti iiianuf irtured ar . ... ii. ii tm lli. rnrofallv mid tirinii'rlv alttllldl'tl nil I to. ltr,iik'iiro and olliiii tt lew Ooori above tbe Court i jj,,,,,,, .ante sidt, ' aBltrnfli.Jr:, Jun. S ! BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA I J''siu.j.xi'iiwiiiuiiajjttL 0LPJ13IA DEMOCRAT. " Our Conttlluttancuard 11 over! Our glorious Union hold It dear 1 Our Starry riajjforsako It never I The ptoud Oauca?olau our only peer! EDITHD DY tll'r I,. TATE, rKOPHlETOR. BLOOMSBURG: WWII I fi ft.' Saturday Morning. Nov. 4, 'G5. IIimc'CRaii, n fttiiiincr.t not lobo npi alleil. cnriuul fil or loiuproiiini il It knows no b.is"iiuss. It enwera to no danjiT, it oppresses no weakness. Dtstrucllve only of despotism ll i. iho aolo conservator of liberty, labor and prop-rty. It Is tlio sentiniciit nf freedom, of O'lual rinhlf, ol equal obligations .he law of nature p.'tvadln? the law of tliu laud-Allen. gUfi.wjirirfajfry'.TisgigaaxaxujzAi'j'jLji Religious IntelljGcncc. On the eleventh tlaj of tlio fusion ol the Episcopal C.'cneral Convuntitni, setting, the rutlioal destructionists, uuiler iho loud (if Horace Bintiey, jr , ropeatetl the experiment of iulroiluujtig politic-) into tlia proeoi'tlingi of the Home of D-puties. The obj"ct of Diiincy auJ his cliiuo of 'Loyal Leagues" wae, by iutroJucing and passing a rcsulut'ou on ilia subject ol s)a viy, lo prrvt iit the Union of the Churoh Nor th and SjuUi, which the christian course of the Homo of IjIsIiods had so Inifji'y inaugurated. The IIouso of Dep uties frutaincd fully it? previous action on the t-aua' eti'-jcct, and rijoiced the hearts cfchrittiuti "'ou every whore, by it: devotion to chri.ii,;? union and har mony, ati'1. iis ovonvholu.ii'r,' condemna tion of scliism.itical 1 ivmon u."d political pridMs. Tliu3 the CLurcIi elt-ars her skills of politic, and goes un Jut tray tiiuuiphuiit with iir.' napel. Mr. Biiiut'y t iftrcil the following reso lutions. fu'solvcd, That the addrcs. of sympa thy l'roni tliu Synod of iho Cui.tdi.ui Utiim li, liii-ly t-cut lo this Jnnvi'iitioii b the LInuse n! Iii5hos, with the cxpn-rsioti tM ti.eir gn-iit kp.ti'fiietion ihcroat, which raMionrurreil in ly thm noiiM.1. did mo-t i-cusonatdy ai-d truly i-spri's thc'tru-it that as tho oiioinal ciuso ot Itio separation be twejn djU'oreut pott. on - of our Church had now cca-icd to operate, the leclingi ot biothci ly iovii ahil naal in tupport of the fame hnllowed ptiiiciples which Innnevly umt.id all the in' miiera ol our Church in one body, would reassert their claim, and triumph over tin! external causes which had kept ua apurl." Rts"lccct, Tlmt rejoicing', as ws cordi ally do, at tlio future prospect of entire and unbroken union among all the portions of our Church, we derm it our duty to rcud'-r our devur, thank-giving to the Di vine H'-iid of the Church, for tho temovul of that great occis ion of national disen- .ion and tiaiiyi mi;iit, referred to by our Cauadiau fellow churchmen, to which wo feci, with thcit), tint our late trouble were duo llcolvei, That in the j'lilumcat of thii Ilutise, it i the duty of a body of , Chr'i ti.ui men which ha- ollVretl lid dcunutaa parncit prayers to Almighty 0olt lur a uru.tt tidiioiial hleobiuj, to roiiuCr its th nUnjivtng to Hun, wlicn th.it leasing has been (ineiou-ly nr.mtrd. HcsjIi:c(, That this House, having, by .oli'inu ro-oliition, ndopied at its se-sion in Uctober, ltiti-, pledged to tin1 National Government it.- ilevuot anil earnest pray ers 1 that U5 efforts might be guided by wi.-dmn and rcplsnislmd with strength, th.it they might bo crowned with ppsuriy and t'omplcto succji-s,'' whieh cffurls wer for tho ro-istublinlimont Jof tliH national au'hoii y ovr our whole country, and have now been crowned with success, it become our du ly to tender our thankc' civmg to Him, to whom that sucoes-i is due. Rev. Dr. Vinton seconded tho resolu tions. Judge Chambers objected to thalr re ception, The Chair decided that the question ol reception had precedence. Dr. Yiutou appealed from the decision. Rev. Mr. Hodges moved th.it the Chair he sust'iiocd. Hon, Mr. Fish cxpluiacd ihat the Chair wa? in error in hi parliamentary ruling It is tho inherent riht of a member to of. fer a resolution. If seconded, it is in tho possession of tho IIouso, Rev, Dr. Irado wai sorry to vote against the decision of the Chair, but tho rule ia very clear. Petitions and memo rials may bo objected lo, but not a reso lution. A protest U one thing, but a reso lution is anothor. Wc havo perfect control of any resolution offered to this House. Rot. Dr Vinton said the resolutions whieh wire offered tho other day, refer liiip to tho bamo question that was here preiciitod, ami which were laid mi tho ta ble, were not. acted upon. Thco resolu tions rcfiuc.tcd iho House of Dir-hop to iuiroducc into the thanksgiving i-ervice special thanks to God, and were of a char- odor cntirolv different from thosj now j ppndinc, though embodyinp; this -deft that, 'COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 18B5. in view of the fact that in I80'i this Homo and tho House of Uisliopn conjointly asked C!od to crown thf efforts of lha guvern t'lient with tpocdy anil coinplelo hucccss. i heso houses wuro now requested to rc urn thiwika to God by tho very spirit of that resolution ihen adopted. Ho desired to remove from tho Church tho stigma which would attach to her if sho forgot to thank God for tbu fulfillment of her pray crs. In referring to the mcssago whioh had been received from Cauada, the speaker was interrupted by Rev. Ed. Y. Higbeo, D. D., of New Yoik, who said : "I deny that thcro is speciGed any causo for tho gentleman's remarks." Ho added that that noble letter, received from Canatla, had not meddled with'our nfftirA Dr. Viuton continuod If it was con tended by those who would not voto for iho resolutions before tho House, that that letter did refer to shivery, then tberu was no cause for putting it under our feet. This House, in sos.-ion three years ago. had offered up a prayer to God that ho would cxiuml His authority, and bring our Souther brethren lo be of better mind He had do uu so ; and the Canadian Church had sent their congratulations Hon. Washington Iltiut, of Njw Vork, responded, and expressed his do'ire to enter hi moat solemn piotest ag.iinst tho att'.'mpt about to he niaUe to incorporate certain political theories and dogmas in ihe very prayers til tba Church. Slavery had beju abolished. But did the gentle man accept the fact and show any willing ness to repose under tho shade of the vic tory whioh tbMy achieved 1 If t-lavery Was tbe soln cause of the war, why was it that tbu questou was resurrected here in a council of the Church assembled for a f ir tliffen'.nt puipo"' f U-j hail no in icuiioJi i'l' ctiterino into any political dis-eu-aiou whatever .md he iiraytil that Gnu in'clit forbid that ho .slout I my one Word to distuib the hiu many of tho Clmroh ; but there wuro wide differences of opinion on thi- qiiPition. There were those who did not believe that slavery was the sole eau-e of our national trouble-; then; were those inside and outside the Convention who believed that the disscii.-ions and troubles which had distressed our country fur the last four years wero caused main ly by a spirit of scetio'ial st ife and tho determination of men in all portions of this country that there should be no peace, and that all harmony should be destroyed both in our national and religious coun cils. It was well known that there was a moral war in tho country for some years prior to the commencement of actual war. Gov. Hunt denied Ihe right ol any man to compel another to accept as implicit truth his piivate. theory as the cause o f the wur. Tin- return ot peice had biought w.th it the emancipation uf rlavcs, which was an incident resulting fiom the war Wheu wc returned thanks for peace the House certainly returned thanks for nil tho blcssiugs flowing from it, among which might be enumerated the abolition of sla very, if tint could really bo considered a blessing. He trusted it would prove s o; yet there we i d rjreat differences of opin ion as to tbe actual workings of this sys tem of emancipation, which had been brought about by firo and sword and do vastaiion. There were other agencies of social progres far more beuelicial in their operations. There were those who lojk ed upon tho social disruption of our coun try wiih great apprcbention as likely to result iu tbe destruction of a very consid erable! portion of tho African race. Rut tho speukcr bored the abrupt abolition of clavery, despite the appcarauco of things, would prove to be a blessing. Ho was opposed to the resolutions for mauy rea sons, anioug others that thry proposed no action, but were merely an abstraction that they were calculated lo destroy all harmony and keep alive the spirit of dis cord. He hoped that tho negro would not uga n bo introduced, now that slavery was a thiug of the past, but that the dead should bo let bury their dead. Moreover, tho hisotry of tlio late civil war was being written and the ablest minds of ihe coun try were engaged upon it, and would differ as widely in their conclusions as tho causo of it as did the historians of the civil war which terminated the career of the Roman Empire , and yet it was hero proposed iu a Church Convention, within six months after tho close of the war, to declare tho cau-o which produced it. Tho speaker, in concluding, moved to lay ' tho resolutions on iho table. Uev. l)r. Kortoot, i t Jiinectiont, sum that when eimilar rcolutimu wero before the Hotibo last week ami a voto was 'leing . tkfiu, bo had hoard tbe pxprcwion applied to dehgatcs who had voted in tho affirm utivc, the then pending resolutions upon the table, " Sir, you aro disloyal," but nliutovcr might bo the loyally of such men, his own was trn-fold greater. Tlio question boforo the IIouso wa not a question of loyalty, and ho who would tell tho nation through the reporters pres ent, that it was not a question of loyalty. He appealed to the delegate from Mary land as to nliotbor his loyalty had ever been found wanting. Judge Chambers "Thoro is not a ques tion about it sir." Tho speaker resumed. IIo had for years opposed secession, anil every other ism, IIv bad been driven from his home and college, but was told that if he would chaniro his political sentiments, ho could save both. He had refused and iu the foco of the enemy, and to their officers when a prisoner iu their hands, he had upheld his principles arid bided the issuo. He regroltod having been compelled to in troduce personal matters, but had dono so only for tho purposo of satisfying tho IIouso that ho was earnest in his loyalty, and would rather have disd than teen the rebellion succeed. He objected to tho whole proceedings, not on his own account but on behalf of many of his brethren, All over the land tho telegraph had car ried tho message that he was disloyal, but ho was not peaking for himself but for thoic brethren who had been notified that hostility awaited them at their homes. The speaker added, that ha had not heard a single resolution on the floor of the House whieh was not iu consonance with his principle ; but the Convention bad been c.tllod together for other purpose and there were many pcntleincn in the house who much preferred that tbeac mutter? fhould be let alnue. The Houie had this morning joined in the praising of God ; !,tt tvas this piMii-ing of God to result in dividing brethren ' Lot our loyalty bo known bv our individual acts. Let mat ters reit. Tho question was not as to the merits or demerits of tho resolution, but as to the expediency of their present con sideration, lie had made the.o few re marks iu behalf ol several clergymen who were iipprehousivc that their votes, when the question came to bo takeu, might te misunderstood. Rev Dr. Cummin?, o( III., slated that the resolutions obtained a statement whieh impugned the good faith of tho Ca nadiin Church. After somo further discussion, tho Dio cc30 of Ohio moved that the vole be taken by orders. Tho vote was so taken, and resulted as follows : Number cf dioceses voting bv clergy '-0, Ayes 18. Nays 0. Divided 0. Number of dioceos represented by Laitv SS. Aves 14. Nays G. Divid ed 2. Ho ihe motion to lay tho resolutions on be tablo was carried. Rev. Dr. Vinton aUed leave to enter upon the journal the protest of a lumber of members of tha House against the ac tion of tho House, ju.t taken, Leave wa, not granted. The following resolution was adopted : Jlcsolvcd, That tho orde.r of public wor ship provided by the Houjo of Bishops for its uc in St. Luke's Chuich, on Thanks giving day, (or the return of peace and the restoration of the unity of the Church, bo printed in the appendix to this Conven tion, if not printed in tho journal of the IIouso of Bi.-hos. Tho Convention then adjourned until 0 o'c'ock in the morning. In a reoeut speeoa in New York, John Vas Buuen, who, liko tho Duko cf JjuckinqiiaM, Has A miml so varied that lie sfcms tn bo Not one, but nil mankind's epitnmo, And in the courM! cf one revolvm: mnnn Is fiddler, statesman, rhemist and bulTjnn took ground iu favor of Andiikw John son as the next Democratic candidato for PrcsittVnt of tho Uniicd States. Mr Van Buiien has a right to naino any one lie pleases and to voto for him for Presi dent, put bo lias no power to designate tbo candidate of a party be has so often be trayed. aud wiih whom he has not acted in good faith for many years. If Mr. Johnson expects a nomination, ho will havo to give un earnest of repent anoe for many a misdeed, or else tho ghosts of Democrats, dragged to dungeons without crime and without law, will dog him at ovcry step. Tho candidato of the Democracy must not only be trua to tho principle- of the Constitution, but must othcrwiie havo a clean record, and his nomination mutt come fiom a different source hnn one whoc life has bocn thai of a political weather-cock. Mocic Turtle, Calliug a husband' tny dear' in puhlio, and 'you brate' iopriW. Select Poetiu The River. I iaw a river flown a mountain leap, 1 law lit waters tlirou(h a valley creep, I heard Its voice through happy meadow, ilnf. And then with glee through rocky passes ring 1 caught it flirting with n verdant plain, Then changing kisses with the wanton rain; I heard it whisper to a silly plant, 'Ihcn lift Its voice and to forest rant ; I saw it toss a'.wrcek upon Its crest. Then fold an infant to its swelling breast, I saw II romping o'er the frljht.ncd grass, Then ptoud and prim thro' pompous citlos pais' I saw It beckoning to the Sun nt noon. And then at nlclit caressing with the Moon ; I caught it winking ot the Evening Star, While glancing sidtloug at the Northern Hear. I saw it wed a stream of humble rouree. Then wed another then iho twain divorce Towed a third, and hurry In the iea, Not one alone, but all the fated throe, So have I seen hut let the moral go, It takes all lorti to inakn a world, rre knorr. And while some people like this river arc, Othcts are constant as the No rllicrn filar. Bond isnd Frce-and Free Bonds. Working men of America who made the law that you should toil all yom life to pay the billions of taxes heaped upon us 1 Why should tho poor men and women who havo given their earriugs their sons their relatives their blood, to subdue the rebeH'on now closed, not only pay for all the feast of blood, but support in idle ness tbe cowards who daro not light, fitid the rich men who hold bomb exempt by congressional but not constitutional enact meut from taxation j" Who niado the poor tbo laboring man, woman and child slaves to debt 1 Why bhould you pay any man for bc'mg rich 1 When this war began, Thomas Smith owned a farm. It was a good (arm ho sold it for twenty thousand dollars, and put the money in bauk. He was a " loy al" man that is, a man wiioisiu lavot Of abolitionism, Of mobs, Of military trials, Of arbitrary .arrests, Of falso imprisonments, Of a total disregard of tho Constitution for tho laws and for civil rights. During lbs roign of Lincoln, the above qualifications were tho test, of loyalty. Smith had a contract and mado a hundred thousand dollars, the ono half of which he divided among Generals, Senators, and Republican lobbyists. When tho war was over, Smith had seveuty-Gvo thous and dollars. He invested it in bonds ex empt from taxation, and receives every three months over sjven por cent interest, amounting to five thousand and nin:tj- teven dollars a year. Smith ia rich 'loyal, and a man of mt-aiu. lie wears nroauclotn, gels urunt, does as ho pleases, and no one daro ques tion him. Ho has seventy-five thousand dollars in government bonds IIo does not have a farthing of tax to pay his for tune is made. When this war begun Robert Jones owned a farm Vnrtli twenty thousand dol lars. IIo kept it went to war fought returned, lie found his farm taxed five thousand dollars by his stay-at-home noighbors to raisu bounty money to givo men to cznnpt them from the draft He finds his property taxed taxed taxed taxed 1 to raise nioiiuy to clear his loy al neighbors from war ! Ami Robert Jones learns that ho can not sell a cow, horse , crop of grain or hay , but it is taxed, IIo roust help build roads, bridges, school houses, jails churches, and pay tho current expenses of his town, county, city, state aud nation. He toils early and late. His wife sells eggs, but torcheese, poultry and the products of hir loom. His children wear coarso goods, sells berries, wild fruit and game from ll.o field, river or forest to help along. The best cow goes in tbo spring tho best horsi goes in tho fall to pay taxes. Thomas Smith has seveuty five thous. and dollars in government bonds, by a republican administration mado exempt from taxation. He lives at oaso, pays not a cent of taxes for auy purpose whatever, and then by law corapcllsRobert Jones to toil to pay taxes, nud work a few hours extra each week to pay him, .Smith, inter est money on his fortune besido. Look at this t Wo are talking to tho Robert Jono's of America now to tho laboring men ol our country, and not to tho upholders, who aro by a republioan bondocratto adminis tration protected in their wealth. Dcmoeraoy mada this nation what it win when tho war commenced a rich, happy and prosperous pcop. Dcmoeraoy farorid fqml luxation i eq'iitl rponiri'Utr VOLUME 29. Dcraoeroey laught law ond obediinw thereto, Republicanism has brought us war. It has fillsd tba earth with doad bodies. It has hallocked tbu land with grate. It has traniformed a nch and produing oountry into aland of ashes, broken hearts and desolation. it has rioted in extravagance and has heaped more taxes upon the pooplc of tbo United Status than was levied upon Amer ica, Franco, England nod Spain whon tho war began. It has by legislation withdrawn two thirds tho capital of the ciniro United States from taxation by borrowing tuonoy and giving tho government's notes or bonds for the same, and besides paying double tho interest foreign countries .pay. exempted the notes or bonds from taxa tion, and tho extravagance ol tho niosj wicked, rocklc.s, profligate and mischief working administration the country ever knew upon the laboring men of tho United States, Tho curss visited upon Egypt j tha on roe of lice, frogs, eto., was an evidonco of Divine love in comparison with tho curse of Republicanism ibis country ii now laborili2 under. Working men of America will yon hoed theso things ? Will you consent longer to follow tho cjoud whioh has" al. ready led you so far from peace and hap pincss I Will you endorso and support the power which takes you by the throat mocks at your prayers robs you of la bor toys with your liberties revels in your blood lives on your earning! and makes of tbe laboring men mudsills on which lo rear still higher an accursed and oppressive aristocracy. Let us demand our rights let us hava retrenchment reform law order and economy. Let us have equal taxation or repudiate the national debt, La Cotsc Democrat. &sf A tnulo in the United States tsr- vice is now called a "brevet horse. ' CST" What is tbo color of a cream f Yell-ho, of course I tta? A short sentence with a long end ing you be hangad ? The ladies greatly surpass tho best artillery, They carry balls a great deal too far. Ey- A women's griof is very short. If she loses her husband, she piaci only foe a scoond, HQr A drunkard loaning against a church railing, replied, in answer to a question from the sexton, that he didn'l exadly belong to that church, but he was leanifig that way. Cs3 A Western editor says it is moro blessed to have a friend set d you fifty speckled trout, that than to bo President of iho Unitedn States and die by usaasin ation. JEST Artemns Ward says : "I have ailers sustainod a good moral character, I was never a railroad director in my life.' CSS An exchange paper, in an ariclo on the state of tbe market has tbo follow ing : Pigs' tails. Thesj wero rather 6j hind but wc observe that they have ta ken a turn. BSy There- is a man in Connetiout who has such a hatred for every thing appor taining to monarchy that he won't wear crown in bis hat. ESJ Spriggins wants to know if doctors, by looking at tlio tongite of a wagon, can tell what nils it. Sy Speaking of a New York paper, a contcmpoary savs : "Too relig.ous to commit suicide, it has doubled its prios, and seeks a natural mode of exit to tha outer world.'1 rsS" A lady at Terra Haute, Ind., loit her "watorfaU" iu tbe street, and a littlo Scotch terrier siezed it and shook it vioous ly IIo probobly smelt a "rat" in it. C Negko Wit "How doy a charge. Massa Magistralc' to marry tee and miss Dinah!" "Why, Clem, I'll marry you lor two dollars." "Two dollars what do you obargo to marry white folks, massa V "Wo geceraly charge them firo dollar Clem." "Well ya marry us liko whits folks, and I giro ya five dollars, too." "Why, Clem, thatsa curious notion, but as you desire it. I'll marry you liko whito folks for five dollars1" Tho oeromony being over, and Gleiu and Dinah inado one, tho Magistrate aik cd for his fee Oh no, massa ya no comes op to rj gKJnKnt i,ok rio k'ss rtt bnri .''' "Get out oi' ui.' " . A: ' r 'ui njr'd fot nothing,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers