COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. 11 Our Constitutionguard, U ever I Our glorious Unionhold It deaf ! Our Mamr rUgforaa)ie It never! Tha proncl Oanoattlan our only pcert EDITED BY LBVt U TATE, PROPRIETOR, BLOOMSBURG : Baturday Morning, Nov. 4, S. ,.r i Democracy, a tenllment not to be applied, coriujit-1 i ot compromised 11 knows no baseness, It cuivcta tone danger, l oPp,e,.c. no weaKno... nestrtictive only of deepotlsm It Is tho solo conservator of liberty, I labor and property. It l tho sentiment of freedom, of i Maal tlchU.orcialoH tt on.-.ho law of nature pervading tho law of Ihe land-Autx. t-r..-...i.nin i mi 1 1 i i i i m iiimajttMUUduaMi , The County Commissioners, Joiin l'.l Fowler, Eq., was on Monday last, in-' ducted into office, as a member of the , ,, , , . . . Board of Commissioners. L.quiro Fow ( lor Is a good man aud tvill beyond doubt, make an efficient member, lie lias ootli the democracy and qualifications for tho J purpoie. The Board, as now organized, , r v. . , ' n oonsistsof Taos J. Vandbrsuoe, Prcsi- nun, alien jiann, anu .ioun . jtow i.un. xney are au mreo acung JU5lI0B3 of tlio Pcaoe, and thorough-going business' men, ana nu impart uonesij ana cincien- oy into tho Board. Roiiu McIIenry, Esq., after having served the last threo vears. to ircueral ccptanco, has retired from tho Board.- ' . , iun. Mciiraur maao an excellent wm- raiuaioner, and leaves, on retiring from his trust, a olean and proud record. Ho is , ono of tho innocent men and publia offi cors of Columbia county, whom the abo lition cowardly Lincoln Administration last year kid-napped and for several loug months confined in Fort Mifflin, Thoy tried to take his life and nearly accom plished their hellish designs, but ho sur vives his dirty persecutors. His memory will be honored whilst theirs will be damn, ed. Ciias. T. Huston & Co., having effectod a union of the Democrat and Ga aetto offices at Williauisport, now publish an excellent democratic paper there, mix der the old uamo of tho I.ycominq Ga IKTTS. One democratio paper is only necessary, as tbo organ of the parly, in Williamsport, and will give efficiency to the ' ui execration will settle upon tliat man s organization in Lycoming county. Tho'Dame if.'' fiJia11 ?crifice us as J.ii policy . .. i, .. , now evidently aims to do. Why, if I Gazette u the paper andjongniay it wave. werQ ft whl,e aftcr lhh Death of Hon. Charles Miner. Hon. Charles Miner, the venerable Historian of Wyoming, former Member of Cougros.i, 1 .,,?- P At T 1.. - J nna suitor oi tno uuzcrno i-eueraiist, The Glaaner, True American, and vil lage Record, died at the ltetroat, in I T.nTrnn rniitilv. nn Thnrarliio (if List " w J ' J " . wees, m iuo oua jear ui uio me ' Miner, was a gentleman and foholar. His j life was varied and eveutful,and bis namo : will bo held in grateful remembrance, J A Skunk, ot what is commonly known as the Pole-Cat, was captured by ono of our citizens on Monday last, in Blooinsburg. Tho animal had a steel-trap attached to ono of its legs. Ms a very maty animal, of the carnivorous kind, and it is supposed to bo one of the party lately in conferenco here in the Republic can office, in convention wilh Dootor? John and Brower. Public Discussion in Nito Jersey Judge llyorson, md Hon .0. Chauncey Burr, are engaged in a public political dis cussion in Now Jersey. Mr. Ryerson is tho champion of Abolitionism, and Mr. Burr, the wheel horse of tho Now Jersey Democracy. Judge Ryerson, if wo are not groatly deceived, will get a most un merciful excoriation at the hand of bis wily opponent. IST The soldiers' vote on the Repre entativo Ticket in Columbia county, run a tie. On the county ticket tho Abs. havo a majority of two or three in the soldier vote from this oounty. And yet, these "soldiers' votes," cost the Tax-p3yers, ono hundred dollars each 1 r. T. ,, : Tuesday. Col. Tate was seen sneaking! sccno ol tho "bollion, m no way has this up "Court Houso Alley" and kept out of .been more providentially and conspicuous sight all day ! 2 Poor old Levi ! j ly presented than in tbo way the peo Smut Machine. v0 havo bcen savcd from tho ourg(J o This is the first intimation wo Lad, that federal domination." Dr. Brower was in town, and if wo were eccn passing up tho Court-IIouso Alloy," we were only going in tho usual way, to nr nlaeo of business. Suoh utterances i illy become such a pair of pitiful pup?, as , Dr. John and Dr. Broiuer, both of whom we have heretofore denounced, and now, again, publicly denounce, as "liars, scoun drels and oowardi I" I YZT Col. Levi L. Tate, tho veteran editor of tho Columbia Democal was in Wilkes Barre last week. Tho arduousla bori of his calling and the accumulation of years seem to mako no impression upon the Colonel, either in his poraonal appear ance or his activity of body or mind ho is Tfhat might bo termed a salamander Demoorat, and. is to tho Abolitionists of Columbia county what the famous "swamp angel" was to their co-laburcrs in treason at Charleston during tho war, a source of constant terror. Ho fires hot shot. Luzerne Union. JST Tho 'top of morning" to you, friend Hinns, for that ooraplimeut. j I- Hon. James L. Orr, has been! oleottd Governor of South Carolina, Gen. ' Wade Hampton was bis opponent. South Carolina is a sovereign State, pledged to Law, the Union and the Constitution. Happy Family. D'nintereatcil pcoplo, who viow tlio an tioa of tlio radicals, maj well exclaim, with cutting Irony, " Ilow they love one auotbor 1" Tlio bottom Laving wholly fallen out from thoir old platform, they are no longer attached by a common bond of sympathy, but tho malignant spirit of virtupcration remains, and consequently thoy arc as likoly to fix their fangs upon friandd as foes. Witness tho otidonoo Wendell Phillips, in his reeont address at Boston, denounced General Banks as a vagrant mountebank" and then turning ,U(, prcsiflcnt of the United States, r , ' Charged that the Chief magislrato of the na.jon wa9 sutjcct f(Jr jmpcaoh r it IDOnt, as folleTTS '. Now my clinrgo against tho President, 'bat ho baa debauched tho'moral sense tho loJl S'a ! on this question. My chargo against tho President of the United g. . , , , . . fiilenccJ lhn Renu,,. lioan party on this question, and if it wero possible, consistently with tbo na tur0 of ur government, now is the time , i . .i u !.. r.t i l - such -' i' J ,a magistrate should bo lmceashed IIo,0 of Representatives. bv the Nor flW lbo pa(lorof pijm0uth Ohuroh Q thot(J venomous Bhalt4. Mr phijiDS Saj,j . rfj,c sjavo power jiko tbc fl0rp(JDt the old lccand of Laocoon, has encircled and crushed tho life out of tbo ltcpubli ac-.can party, and out of Plymouth Church P"'pit. (Laughter and applause) Yes,; 'respect tho impulses of that gallant apos Uo of ibertyj Ionrj Ward jjeeober. But that spceoh of his is ono of tho most dis mal signs of the times, , Tho Imhpmient newspaper in like manner, turns upon its old assooiato edi tor thus : Mr. Bccchcr's language now sounds more like the Democratio resolutions of New Jersey than the good old ring of Plymouth Church boll. In happy accord is the New York Anti Slavery Standai d of Octobor 28, which says : We regard his sermon last Sunday as ono of the most effeotive blows cvor dealt at the anti-slavery cause. The negro lecturer, Frderick Douglass, thinks President Johnson is worse than Booth or Jefferson Davi. He said, in a leoturc delivered a fow day ago, in Boston: Wo abhor very properly Jefferson Davis and iiootb, but a deeper and more dread- Diuen to my bones to looU a blaeu man :n thejace and deny him the right of suffiago Among tho radical editors wholo col umns arc wasted in mulual crimination. li'or instance Thurlow Weed, who con trols the columns ot the Now York Times, ,,,,.. i,;, rtn,n,iVnn,. ,,0 mu,0 i no mistake oi ivounstamm (who is Tho mistake of Kohnstamm (who now at aing King) was in not connecting with tho Evening Post before commencing ueprcaations upon mo government. And tho Post editor has no better opin ion of " T, V." All this is disgraceful j and were there not more stability in our democratio form of government than it has over had credit for, these fellows would drive tho country into anarchy bo fore another Presidential election. Providential Dispensation. John Van. Buren, in a recent speech, oalL attention to tho following facts : "No Demoorat ever died in the Presidential chair. It is a very curious fact that du ring the last sixiy-five yesrs only threo federalist presidents havo been elected Generals Harrison, Taylor and Mr. Lin coln. Eaoh one of these died in tho pres idential office, and tho vice president who succeeded to the office in each caso was a Democrat. So that, during tho whole of , these sixtyMlve yeats Democratio princi - ple havobcenjn tho ascendency. I won-! der that tome of these clerical ltepubli - oans who look for tho Cugcr of God in everything, do not see what a providen- tial dispensation it is. No Democratio President has ever died in office, and no Federalist President over lived out his term in it, showing the watchful care of Providence over the United States. From 1 1 . .1 fir.., mm tUn tn , , n 1.1 ' b"" 'uu tnuiuiwu iu tuu jasi, j Tlie Rebellion in Jamaica, ! Great Brittan.not yet recovered from tho . sIlooL of tt thrertened rebellion in Ireland, mut cow confront the reality in Jamaica. Wc publish to-day, says tho New York World, the startling information that tho negroes in tho Western District of the island arc in open and organized revolt. A i in San Domingo and wherever else tho ' African cloment has come into armed con- fliot with tho whito, the savago instincts ol the inierior aro, in this caso also, illus trated by deeds of barbarity at tho recital of which the blood curdles with horror. Tho experiment of emancipation in Ja maica goes from bad to worso ; but to our own country this insurrection may have its good uses if it bo regarded as a losson and a warning, jg- Stanton has ordered tho full offioial report of the Wirzo" trial" to be publish od in Morris Rebellion Record, Taint any uso it won't savo his character. HSf It is exceedingly strango that the shoddy press should oall General Slooum a ''cotton theil," Bnd yet talk of Ben, tlullpr ai a "hero," I A telegram from Fortress Monroe brings us tho clad tidings that this gentleman was certainly toleascd from imprisonment on Tuesday, and had left that place for ltiohmond. Upon this happy ovont wo oongratulatc not only him, but all those who cherish tho inostimablo rights which aro guaranteed to Amorican citlzons by tho Constitution, but which liavo most unfortunatoly been too frequently denied to them during theso bat fow years. But why docs tho President hesitate I Why docs ho not throw open the doors of ' . - - . that fortress still wider, and givo freedom under paiolo, if not absolutely, to Mr. Davis and Mr. Clay I For retaining tho latter in duranco there is not, there never has been, any dcaent prctaxt, and Presi dent Johnson not only docs violence to the feelings ol tho pcoplo and to tho princi ples of common justice by holding that high-tcned gentleman in confinement, but ho is affixing to his .own character a stig ma which ho will Hind difficult to remove. We dislike to find fault with the Presi dent at the very limo that wo arc praising him, but wo never think of tho cruel treat ment whioli has been so ungenerously In flicted upon Clement 0. Clay, without feeling our wholo naturo rebel against tho greivous wrong which has been done to him, and to tho honor of our country by the undeserved and unmanly persecution to which ho has been subjected, when himself exhibiting a sublimo oonfidenoe. not onlv in his own innocence, but in the good faith of the Government. New Yo)k Acu't. Loyalty" Begins to Pay. About a year ago the " loyal" Repub licans of Greene County, Wisconsin, un dertook to demonstrate their excessive loyalty by maltreating a man named Stc vens whosj political sentiments did not accoid with theirs. Mr. Stevens lately look it into his head to givo this loyalty a test, and brought a suit for that purpose before tho United States Court sitting at Mihvaukio. The result was that ho re covered against the defendants tho round sum of 55,000 The PasrtsyvANiA Elections. The Ilarrisburg Falriot gives a tablo of the offioial and reported majorities (or Audi- General, which foot up as follows; For llartranft, Abolitionist, 18,853 25,709 For Davis, Democrat, Estimated Abolition majority 21,020 TnB State Leoislaturh, It is believed, will btand as follows Dan. Ab. Scnato Houso 13 85 48 21) 00 80 39. Abolition majority on joint ballot, An Important Decision. In tho U. S. Circuit Court, in session at Rutland, Va., Judge Smallcy ruled the act of Con gress making tho authority of tho Presi dent a defenco againil suits brought for search, arrest or imprisonment, was ille gal, and that tho act affords no protection to officers carrying out tho P. esidonts i orders. He also ruled thut martial law ! not having boen declared in Vormont, civil law remained in full force, and Lo ' was not subordinate to military authority. A Certain Cure son. Chills and Fe ver "Ab soon at the chill makes itaap pearanco take a small doso of Calomel, and after it operates two or three limes take a small dose of Castor Oil. The next morning commence taking the medicina as prescribed, viz : one ounce of Peruvin liark, pulverized ; half ounce of Cream of Tarter : one-fourth ouueo of Cloves, which ! must bo ground fine, and mix all together and put into a bottle, and pour about half ja pint of wine, brandy or whisky into it, I and shako the botilo woll before using. Take a small wine glaBS full three times a day before meals. For children, half a wino glass at a doso." Cam. J. D. Laciab, lato of tho Mauch Chunk Gazette, has suspended tho publication of that paper, and removed his printing office to Reading, having formed a copartnership with Mesers. K. 11 Uauch & Son, the enterprising publishers of tho Evening Record, Solid Votino. Monroo county must bo the Paradiso of Democrats. The fol lowing aro a few samples of tho way hor people voted at tho lato election : Cool baugh township, 50 for Davis, 0 for llart ranft ; Eldrcn township, 137 for Davis, none for Hartranlt ; Middlo Smithfiold township, 213 for Davis, 10 for Hartranft. Heavy Yield of Potatoes, Mr. Da vid Palsgrovo, of Robeson 'township, Berks county, raised this year, from two bushel of seed potatees, over ono hundred bushel oil tho samo sort, And at the samo rato must havo paid hotter than auy otbor crop. . - Day Wood, Esq , ono of tho members elect to tho Houso of Representatives, from Lancestor oounty, and a member of the last Legislature, died of typhoid fo ver on the 20th inst,, at hit residence in Fulton township. A special eleotiin will bonocessary, to fill tho vacancy, November Elections. Eleolions take plaoo on tho 7th of November in tho fol lowing States : Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York, New Jersey and Massachu setts ; all save New York electing Governors. John Mitchell. Tho Malloo of tho Serpent. Our neighbor says ! Tho Loid pre airn n Irnm lhn Innm.fnrod livnnriia . SCrVO US irom tUO janui-iacoa Iiyooriis. Called COppcrllCftd soldiers, alluding tO n. n't .'...1 t.I.,7 vapium iruuft.wuy, nuu auurou nun I Unmcreifully at Thompson's Hall OH OVO- .1.. - , .1.. An, WHll ina lin anu en. lop ten nnver hoaru a' more scathing drossiog than our neighbor was tho rccepient of on that occasion, llul tho Captain wasted his ammunition, Wc all know that such political stipenda rics aro paid by tho abolition party to abuso ovory ono who will not tow tho knee to their ebony idol. Honcc it don't matter to them bow brave, how devoted, how patriotiotbo soldier is, no matter if 1 I I .M.i-.l V ..(. he has been mutilated by tho enemy's balls and ihclls, and suffered years in the eorvico, if ho docs not admit that a negro is better than a white man ho is immedi ately assailed by tbeso " poiitioal huck sters" and denouncod as' mercilessly as though ho had never drawn a sword in defence of his country. Bat tho pigmy of the Amerioan cannot offcot tho stand- ing oi euuer uoi. uavis or vopt. wroulv , way. Their record is on filo m tbo ohives of this Government, and all , SUeh malicious attacks as our neighbor mattes, aro but tho hissing of the venomous ser pent which crawls and Btings at tho feet of thoso that crosses its path, unablo from its naturo ever to reach a higher altitude. Danville Intelligencer, Slate News Items Efforts aro being mado to havo Col. Moscby brought to trial for guerrilla out rages. Tho whito caulkers, joinors, and oar pentcrs in tho Baltimore shipyards havo refused to work beoautc negroes are cm ployed. The President hs issued a proclama tion appointing the first Thursday in De cember a day of national thanksgiving' The'provost martial court-), organized in behalf of tho Freedom's Bureau in Loui siana, have been abolished. The Georgia Stato Convention has abolished slavery, with a reservation in regard to futuro claim for compensation. The President has mado a communication to the convention, making the repudiation of tho rebel debt a test of loyally. Attornoy General Cochrane is about to jtuuip fur tho Democracy in New York. General Canby has forbidden the military to interfere, except to suppress disturbance, in tho Louisiana election. General Hallcck has been directed ... -j . . to muster out all the volunteer troops on tho Pacific coust. An order has been issued for the diioharge of four Kentuoky oolorod regi ments Tho Treasury Department last week chartered seven national banks. A counterfeit fifty dollar greenback is in circulation in New York Tho recent gales havo caused much damageon our coaBf Several shipwrecks have been reported. Goueral Graut is in favor of muster ing out all volunteer generals who have not been disabled in service- General Kirby Smith has been in formed ho can returu from Cuba to tho United States on parole. The organization of tho onlored mi litia in Charleston, St 0., has been forbid- den by Gun. Djnnett, to avoid oollision with tho whites. It is said that tho muster out of the Veteran Reserves will certainly take placo before tbo meeting of Congress Tbo privates of the HcKcrvea wish to bo mus tered out while the officers do not. The Secretary of war has decided Up0n the portions who aro to receivo tho reward lor cabturiDg Uooin. lie tieeis ion mast bo approved by tho President be fore promulgation. Tho Tribune reports 10,000 blaoka in tho District of Columbia, and groat personal distress, Here is a picture of the sufferings of those people : " 27ie most frightful mortality exists, as many us 80 coffins per week being jur nish'ed by te Quarter mister's Depart ment, most of which, ure for children. It is the opinion of physicians practising amoii! them, and of other closo observ- crs, mat tnree-iourins oi tucio ennaren dio from neglect and want. In the fami .. .. .-. -I"., ly of a soldier, who lost lus Uto in battle, five out of'tho ton children havo died since March, 1S05, from tho above oauscs. In aunther three out of seven children of a soldier drafted in Dceombcr last, have starved to death in the last three weeks. Stopped The Penna. Iron Company havo stopped work in tho now Puddling Mill. Tho hands have bcen discharged and many of them havo left to seek work elsewhere. Tlio reason for the stoppage, -we havo heard stated, is on account of the sudden riso in tho price of pig iron. Rail road bars not having gone up proportion ably in price, it won't pay to buy tho former article and work it into rails Official Vote for Representative, Jacobv, D. Eckman, R. Columbia, 2009 1C83 Montour, 1100 841 Soldiers' vote,G 0 Jacody's in ajority , 1771. MARRIAGES. On the SUd, of Oct., at tbo rosidence of tbo bride a father, Hudson Owen, Efq,, by Hov. M. P. Uroothwaito, IMr. Jebome S, Walcott, and Bliss Hattie J. Owen, of Berwick. At Town nill, Oct., 25th, 1805, bj T V. W,1...H, M- 1?ncnen,nir xvui, iiuinnuiiu, j.- t,.tni,,ui. liAcii ack, ol l.spy, Columbia co., to Mias Lucy P. Hamuson, of 'Fairraont, Lu zerne county. On tbo 20th, of Oct., 1605, by the Rev Wm. J. Eytr, Emandus Khodes, to Miis MeiiIiAcina Tboxul both of Lo oust towiibbip, ('oluinbia county. DEATHS. On Sunday rveniDg, October 22d,near Shiokehinoy, lizumo county, Mr Wm. J. Kheamku, 0(4 tl about 48 years, Iu Coalswonh, ICanawah oo, Ya. on tbo 22nd Seuipieinbor,SAMUEL Benedict, formerly oi rmsion. jjuzerns oo,, ri , Aiasviuo uu,, H1IOU 07 y(ar, 3 ut.oibi nnd a day.. Jft) 3Vi)DCtUSCUtCUt0 1 , . . w- , 1 S7!cfmV wauaj . . . .. ... trayeu IfOtn IU0 rcslucnco 01 t II 0 UOUCt- KJ lined, In Klihlntcreek townihlp, Columbia Co., about me middle pari or Aiicmi, a " "-""-i Two yean old lait Spring. Any per. on glvlnc In formation concerning hii whereabout! will bo liber ally rewarded. r.,.,it.ivr. riihlntcreeklwp.,Noy.4, '05-3W. 81 Su Lost, ON Saturday last, between tho resi dence of the underlined, In Centra towniblp, near Slonytown, . A PASS BOOK, Containing a pronilaty Nolo fur 8140. eijned by Mr.Seldlc. A II betal reward will bo paid for ino re. turn ofinoBook and Note. Nov. S, '05-31. 8150 PUIS JL1C OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE I IN pnrsuanoc of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on ctiirdav November 10, luoo, All0oWofktn, the forenoon. Andrew t'reveling and Al 10 O ciorn in ,ua twitiiuwii . .-... ....-....., lHaniuel llenr. executors of A rchhald Henry late of ( UrailgC iwp,, in Bum cunnir. un,ui ..... rublle Vci.duc. on the preinlies, a certain nieaiungc , tenement and tract of land situate In the townihin or Orange, adjoining lands of John Mecnrgle and John .. . . ?. ' - ' .u- II. 1. 11. Mniitftmi.v find Dr. I). W. Muntfomery nnd IICrriK l "1 ' " ..--".!"" v.j llnit'a h.l.. nn the cast. Jeremiah llacenbuch Geo. Iltider nnd Peter Mcllick on tho south and Dan. let Vandorallco ahd Wir. Del"ng oil tho weat. Containing 239 Acres, more or less, on which are erected a good TWO.STOKY DWELLING HOUSE!, Frame Barn, Wagon Shed, nnd out. building, nn eicellenl Spring of Water near the door. . J litre Is al.o on the west end of said property a ono uud a half story FRAME I)VlU.I.INO HOUSE and a good Dank llarn, and a spring of water conveni ent t" the fame, a large part of the preailies is clear ed, on which I a n UOt)D .IPPf.E ORCHARD. The uncleared pall Is well timbered, I.ate tlio Datale of said deccated, hituatu Inthetwp, ofOrange and county aforesaid JHPSU C'Ol.r.MAN. The abovo property will be sold on reasanablo term! and will be divided Into two farms, If ueccasary to suit purcha.ers. ANWtF.W CIII'.VEM.VG. ) HAMULI. IIKNUY, ) " Nov. 4, ltOi.-ta US .11 1 li Y ill E T ror. Ueltirucd Soldiers and All Others. AGENTS WANTED. Grtut Sale of Jewtln ami Silvencaie, Tho Arrandalc Great Gift Distribution. Our Agents are muting from Five to Thirty Dollars per day, and we stll need mure l.nle invoices Imoi Luropj have swelled our olnck to over Ono .Million llollurk. A splendid assortment ol Wotchc. KIukh, Ladles' uud Oautlciuncu's Jewelry of all kind., oftnc must fnsliiunatils patterns, selling at SI each. Send V5 cents fur a certificate and you will see nhal your ore entitled to j or $1 for iTve certillcnles, or S3 for thirty, or send n 3 cent Ktamp tor our terms to Agouti winch aro of the must libcml kind. N'on is your time I ARRANDAI.U ic CO. No. ID7 llioadway, New Vork, Nov. 4, 16W-8U 3iu II A, S. SPLENDID BARGAINS 1 All Sure of their Money's Worth. W. FORSYTH 6t CO. 33 and 41 Ann Street, N. V. (late il aud 14 Nassau Street), oiler for aale the following magnificent List of H'alcltcs, fliaius, Jewelry, Kic. Bv" UACII Alt'IlCLU ONE DOLLAR! -CI And not to bo paid for till you know v. hat you are to get. 2S0 Gold it Sliver Watches, from 8ISUUlo$!3f) 00 caclt. 201 Ladles' Gold Watches, 3.1 BO each. SOO Ladies' k Cents' Silver natcbes, 13.00 each 5,0(1.) Vest, Neik & tiuard l.'li.iiiil", $5 00 to 13.00 each. G.OOOUnld Uuud llMcelcta. 3 0 ' to 111.00 each 0,01)0 I'lnin. Unused, Wedding rings '.' 50 to 500 each. 5,000 California Diamond I'm. mid Kings, 3 ODto 0 00 each. 10.000 sets Ladies' Jewelry. 5 00 to IS OUeacli 10.000 Gold I'cus, Silver Mounted Hauler, 400 to SOOe.uh. 10 000 Gold I'cns, Silver Cases and l'encils. 4 00 to C CO each. Together with Kibbon Slides, llosnui Sruds, Sleeves lluttuni, Gold Pencils, Uelt duckies. Ilroochca, Gold Thimbles, Uar drotia. Children's Loops, Maauuic Tins and liinga, Seul Kings, Scarf Tins, Watch Keys. Also u variety of Silve Ware, embracing Goblets, Cups, Castors, Tea and Tablo Spoons, Sc., from S3 to 50. '1 ho articles in this atock are ot the ntatcat and most f.i.hiour.ble styles. Corlitlcatcs of all the vari ous articles are put ill scaled envelopes aud mixed, thus giving all a fair cliauco, and eut liv mail, as or dered ; mid no lhn receipt of the certificate it ia at your option to send O.VI! DOLL Wl and taku the ar tide named in it, or not ; or auy other article iu our list of o'l'ial taluc. Certifficates and Premiums. Single Certificate, t5 cents ; ftvo Certificates, gl ; eleven, $1 i twenty.fivo wilh premium of Gold IVn, 33,7.'i; filly with premium of Gold Pencil and Pen.SIO; one hundred with premium of Silver Watch, 520 ; two hundred wilh premium of Gold Watch, S'M. Certilh eate money enclosed with order. Uvery letter, from wliulever saurcc, promptly anaivcred. Goods sent by mail, carefully packed. All articles not satisfactory can be relumed and exchanged, or the money refunded If wished. Thousands of dollars' worth of Watchoi sold to our customers during tlio paat year. AGENTS wanted everywhere. Send 23 eeuta for Certificate and Circular. AdJrcas, W PORSYTIl U CO.. 30 und 41 Ann Street, New York, Nor. 4, 'l35-3ni. $10 8 ,Y1 . T Agla. BARGAINS ! JBAKGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO BUY Fall and Winter GO TO freasy's Store, in Light Street, Pa. Who Keep all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, C All PETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hants, Lard, Tobacco, sgars, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, &o. In addition to ourlarge stock of Dry Goods, we have i a luico and full assortment of Heady Mode Clothine I lornifii anu I oys wear iiici we !re uetermincu 10 ' sell cheaper tniin can ee noueiit elsewhere. Can and ell cheaper than can be bought eliewliere, see. and Judge for yourselves ID They atao keep a fine uaaortme nt of DRUGi" and MUUlGlNKS, tn supply the absence of a regelar Drug Btorc in Light Btrcct, which will be carefully com pounded and suitably directed for the accomudation of their customers. II. W. CREASY, & Co. Light Street, Nov. 4, 18(35. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Jacob IJoals, deceased. T UTTERS of administration on tha iJ Kslate of Jacob lloats, late f Beaver twp.dee'd, lmvc bcen granted by tbo Ucgleler of Colrimbia co., to theunderalgned; all persons having claims against the estate of the decedent are requested to present them tn the underilched, withont delay, and all persons ln deb ted to cuke payment forthwith. ANDItllW HIIUMAN, Heaver township, Columbia co. CM Allien IIOAI'S, Unloa two., Hchuylkill county, i i .!:!. . ort, ii.imi-6 SHERIFF'S SALES. Ty vlrtuo of nevorat writs of vonditionl JO etponai and Levari Faclat, to ma directed, la out of the Conrt of Common Pleas of Columbia eounty, will ho eiposcd to public- sale, at the OUUKT IIODfli:, In liloomshiirg, on MONDAY'. TUB 4TII OF DnC'EMIIKIt 18113, at I o'clock In the afternoon ofiald day, the following real estate to wit I I A certain tract or lot of ground allunta In Oreen wnn.l inwh.hln. Columbia co.. coiitntnlriff TEN ACRElJ mure or ien bounded ae follow i adjoining landt of Jacob Oerradilnaae Hewitt, William Mather, andoth' era. whereon ore trcctod a (Iilit Mill, a Htnry and a tmlf Traiue lluuie, and two Htablei, with the appur tenances. ALSO, Onenthtr lot of eround, situate In tin cnuntr and towmhlp afotetald, containing TWO ACRES and twenty two nercho more or leu, adjoining landi of widow Conner, Jacob Qerrar aud othere, with the appuitenancei, ALSO, One other lot of (round eltuatn In the eounty and towmhlp afu.'eiahl, containing ONI! AC HE more or Ip.i. aillolnlnu landi of Jo.rnh It. Palton .llcnrr Stout, P.ohralni Parkt and ethnra. whereon are erected a jtury nnd a half I'ramn Dwelling Home, and Frame citable, with the appurtcnancct, ALSO, A lot of round altuate In tho vlllaco of Kohraburc, Greenwood towmhlp, containing ONE FOURTH Ol AN Al.UU more or Icea, bounded by land late of the defendant and othera, with the appurtenance. ALSO, One other lot altuate In the village of Rohriburg, en ., and towmhlp ufortaelil, containing I'OUTV TWO I'CtlC'll Eg, adjoining hnda of C. & I). U, Mcketa, whereon are erected a atnry and a half dwelling bona an., rmiilM fttnhll. ll'ilh Ol0 tint! f, It tlAPCC . . HHH --,r ALSO One other lot of ground situate In tho lllre of Rohr.burg, knoHii as the burnt lot," containing FOR. .j.y pntCUEU, more or less, bounded on Ihe . . .. .. ... .... ... i... ....... w CBl .'lulll Illl'l'l Ull HIV 1IUI.UU w. wh the eait by lut ntu or Jninc, Lemon, on ins aouia oy lot of Frances Hoc, With the appurtenances. ALSO, One other lot situate In the village of llohrrburg, c., and ton nlil p alorcsald, containing tnrrily-oua and one truth nerches. be same more or leal. Aillniuc lands I of llobertstout, and othera, whereon are erected a ' atory and a half IraiiiD Iiuubo nod frame stable, with i tuo ALSO, Ono other tract of land situate, part in rrahklin township l.comlug county, and part In Madison tow ii. hip, Columbia county, containing one hundred and ten acres and one hundred and forty perches more or lew. adjoining lauds of John Fox, Margaret Mont gomer; t act, I'lulip Voung and others, whereon are erected u Iraine dwelling house and frame bar", ith the nppurUnaiices. Suiied. taken In execution aud to ba aolJ aa tno prop'ity of tt'll.on Agjf. ALSO, The fullo ing described real estate altunls In the townilup of Scull, in the county or Columbia, the Oral pirt thereof containing Filty Acres anu nine pgrchea of l.nJ, more or le, Dntinueu anu oescriotnas lunus . 1 nn ,h. htf ImMiI llf VvtCt ellML' Olid JOllll llllt , On 1 the .-nuth hy land ol tfniiiuel Mnlllck, on the Ea't by public road leauing Irum Street to Oriing, villo, ' ami on the we.t by laud of J, U hits und others, wline I on ore erected u Fumuce, a (iriat Mill, n slury frunis dwelling house, a frame barn, fivuuiie ttory uwclliiig ' Iiouscs and a atuble i Tliosiiiuid Ih-rcof also lu the sai.ltp. or neon, eiint'iiiilni.. Heentet ll litres and four oercll e,, strict I uiediure, bounded and described n lollus : On the ' riurlh by land of J"lm hite, on the eaet by land .f Manual I. Iletlle, I Thu Third thureof .ituat'j In the t"iin.lil. f Mount i pieu.niit. county afor a.ud, containing four acres and sUty six perihup. more or l,vs, b unded on Hie tmrth by laud of John While, on tUe suulh b land of John WhlU.nutlie eo-l by laud of I'eter hchug aud John ' White, on the ea.t by of Jnhii White The FourUi Iherenf bi'ins jll that two story Fiame Store nnd More lloua. and lut of gruuml. situate la l.ight Street, county ufoieeuid. liourided on thera.t b) publlr roau lending from l.ight Slrcitto Orange, il'e, no the west by l it nd lute of ri.iuiiivl l llt ille, on Ihe north by an alley nnd and on the south by a lot now or Lite of Win. Shannon, ttrnl 1 nartes r-hauiiMU, being lul iNo. J m liie plan oi uie vninKe ol l.ignl rtlreei. i The Fifth being all that cert a t is lul of ground .iluule tn !.,lit ;4lr...l nfor..,!,!. rnut ilnh, . I...I rriml ' letl front autt one huuilrea and lift) IV-et lu deplb :,nd No. 4 in the ot a.tid Light street, buuiuled on tlio east by jojU liuuiug iroui Light sireel liiOrangcqillt-, on me wrvt by land tile (if Matin tl Mettle, un thr south by hii alley and on llio nuitti ly lmid now tir iu. of titiu j Jolinuii, having erected whereon a two lrjr Kranif Uilliiif lluufct, uuu two story frame tjt)lo, ith Bpllrt lUUCUrJ. Auin'ri taken in ciccutfon and to bj fuli at the irt'ierty ul oauiaul U Uctllu. ALSO, All that certain trad "r piece of land aitnalo In JackiAu iwp., Columbia ciuul, conlaiuing TlKTY AI.'aHS and allowanca, biuimlt'd and tlfarib'd aa follows, in wit : on the north by lands of Wil.on It'b crta nnd Silat .Mclli'iiry, uu i tic aouih by Ian tl ot Isaac is nnd t.'en llutlt'iiinii, on the eua't by lands of Sam ui' I Huberts anil Udwerd .McIIenry and on thr uel by land of HjiuUfl Huberts, whereon ale erected a one and a half story franij dwelling huuio, a lug stable, wjtli th appurtcn inces. SrUed, taken iu , i,cilti'iii and to bi lo'.J as tho pruperly of John ltoberls, ALSO, A CTlnht tract or piece f tnml vitinlf in I-icutl tiiwnehip C I , cu., cnnt.'iiiiintr three liumlrvtl und fifty nrp'h in f 'ft; "r Icsfl, rtoninled and degcrihed n foUa Ou tin' wet hy land of Juhu Hitler. nJ otlirn. mi the norlli hy Und of .Mr. Jlileo, un the rant by Und nf Unti. Kreit-ht'r and uiIhts, un tho Month bj lundri of J'mio-lit-tti Honjiland, w Jicreon i urcct-'d a t'Jitrionl Pur iiftcc, to. 1 1 Iioup, m.iv mill, tftfire hoiuc, six ilwftlinc hoUdfi. barn nnd suhlc. a larire barn ind dwtl- hii tin ik.' on another part of mid far"), with thr Ap purl diancf .Seizrd, tnktn in rifcntlon and to bo nfld m the properiy of rtatnucl II. lJuimcr. ALSO, ,P th.vt cttnm iiicfisiiiicf. tfiicment and tract of land m L'Kiml twp , Columbln Co .bounded and dr. tcrihed as follows, layuinlnc at a white vaK tru curiu'r. thence along land of Jacob Idler and K rut. ! north three q'l triei degrees cjt, eifihly five pfrrhf to a t'ine, thence ulont; land of Benjamin tinner, cast thirty four pe relic to a Rtone. thence b laud of I Frederick Hclilce c;utn three (jitter deereeb it, I pcvfiity eight ) reli" and live teiithsto .t Monu, from j thf nee along lund of Harah Leu, twenty nine decrees, v.cfit thirty Fit peri'lHi inn' eight teiithu to a pot. 1 thence oloim land of Jacob Idler, north lift) nine and ohc quarter deyreea wi-bt to an apple tree, from thence . miutli scs tigbt prrchei ti. the lare of b R iming, coiiinit'iiig twenty (ivo acre and forty one perehcM, 5lnct ineaoure. , Seized, taken In rxecutlcn and to be mid as tin 1 property ofLuflei Williauin, ALSO, A certain iract or pifoo or of lat.d, fit- uaie in l'inc town.hip Oolimbia county, cmtainius twenty one acrte more or It's, of iiuimprnvt'd laud bounded and desciibed as foil iws. to wit : Un ihe south by hinds of Jteed and Masters, ou the weat by lands of' itunynii un Un nolh by lauds nf Kn.atiuel llogait, I and ou the east by lauds of Jacob Cham jerlin. I ScUi'd, taken in elocution and to bu sold as the , Property of William Cbamberlin, ! SAML'i:i. SNVDEH, Bheriire Office, ( Sheriff, nioom.burg Novemlier 4, I ri;.'. . j O S T 1" OST about tbc liit of October irntant. I . a 1'romlaary Note, clven to me by John Kelehner dated Septembor 27, lstii, for Ono IlunrJrcil IJollars. nrtvab o one Vear Th.nuMir..,h,al...7.n said Note, as the payment there nfhas been stopped . .IUH.UI.A.1 lilt, I,, Centre twp.. Oct S!3, ISG3. Est ray a CAME to the rosidenei? of the under lcnrd,realdir in Sctt townahip, Columbia CO.. on or about theeHhor lUofrieptimber lait a WII1TE IIOO, weighing about EO pounds, and about "months old. I'heowner s requested to come forward prove prop erty, pay charges, and lake him away or ho will bu dis posed of according to law. DANIEL SNYDER. Oct, 28, IEC5.-3w,8t 40, C, B, Brockway, A IT IT tn 53 OS V - a A w Honnticslack-payJ'oDeious.iVooollectod. Special attention paid tn matien arialrg undertho In terral Roveiiue Law. !C7" OFFlCCFourlh door bolow American Hotel, HI.OOMelDUnG, Tl Oct.M, 6M. Estray. Came to the premises of the undorcigned reaiding in Sugar loaf Iwp., on or about the lat of September last, a RED BULL, with a alit la Ihe left Ear, Supposed to be one tear old laat spring, The owner ia requested to come forward, prove property pay charges, and take him away or will be disposed of according lo law. ALINAS COLE. Oct.?!, IBM -.1w H SO mOME BBANOAU, PHOTOGRAPHE , Skylight Picture Gallery. IN THE EXCHANGE DLOCK, BLOOMSBURG, PA f aptenibir t, U63-f '' BUSINESS COLLEGE N E. Cor. Tenth and Olicatnut Streew PHILADELPHIA. Tho moat complete and thoroughly appointed lias neasnr Commercial Culleite In Ihe country, Tho only one lu the city a Legislative Charter, and the only mm m tlte Utiilod ritutes author lied to coufer Degrees. ofMirit Dlaplomaa awarded to graduates in Ihe I'ouiuinreinl Oourao under It eat porate seal by authority of law. Conducted by gcutlciui'ii of liberal education and extern Ivo cxpiirlcnco In business, and alTordiug une qualled advantages for the thoioagh theoretical and piactlcal education ofyoung men ror tha various dav ties and employ uicnls of buslnrsa life. TIII'.OIIY ANU PRACTlCi: COM0INEB by a system of ACTUAL 1IUSINCSH TRAINING original and pre-eminently practical, giving Ihe ata. dent lu the shnrlcat lime a romp Icte Insight into U science ornccounta, arranged mi l published by th proprietor of thla Institution exclusively for his own use, saving one half the ordlnury labor of the atudant and fhltip him a complete kuo ledge of tha uraitlM of the beat accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE EMCUAOKS Doohlcesping, Commercial Arithmetic, Pen. manaltip, liusinci'a Cnrrorpondetiae, Cotniiicrcial Law, Lectures on Uusitjeas Affairs, Uommor o'al Outonis, Forms, and Actual busi ness Practice. KPKCIAI. URANCIir.3 Jljlbrm aJ tAa J7lAr Mathtmcliu, FKintfi Kpif, Of aminisj j'l ninaninip, mt .m 9. Uttutv Ceunlrrsil .Verity, ftiifinulii,,- .e. tayfif, .Vmf iilun atiS TtUg rophinff TELCORAFIIINU. The nrranietnents tor Telegraphing are far mora a4. vnnce of any tiling of the kiuu 1 ver oHcred to tha puh lie. A regular Tele raph Line Is connected with the Institution wi'li twenty branch olhcea In various parta of the fly, where public busi lien is tranaactad, ami in which the studcuta of lhi Institution are po,. untied to practice. No regular ulnee practice ran bt had in nnv other achool or instruction in t'ie couutry, without which no one can obtain u poaitioii aa a prso. Ural operator. Vouug men are cautioned agalualthi deceptive reprraenlations of thoau who. without auy such f.icllitKa, pretend to t ach ralegrphiug, I'AT.toN KliU. Tlila Institution la now enjoying the largeat palto. trouag, ever belaiwcd upon auy Commercial school In the Slate. Over flvu huulrei students were In aitna. dance the first year, and over aevt.ii hundred dutiug the past year. The beat cln-, of students lusy Inva riabl) be found hero, and oil us associations are first Cllb. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONB. This liiatltuuou Is located in the moat central part of the city. intl its act oinmoiiatioiis, ror oxisni, ola gance nd coiiveriience. nie unurpa'scd All it: routna have been (It ted up In t!ii very oesl .lle wlih uuaiNEss orrtuust on cuuntino houhu. 'ixi.r.or.Ai'U ornci:. nrATioXAiiv TURe, sD a aaoiLsa nt.M! t)F DI'.I'OSIT AND ISr'Ut!. auppli-d with finely engraved lilh igraphlc notas ae4 as circulating uieditiin Intho l rp j t tinuii I of AUtsi Uu.intes. TO YIJRf nhu dislra the very b si facilities for a I'tactiCAl I diu'ntion !r Ilibiii'SS, ve gtiarsn tec a course of Instruction no nli r aisa squalled, whi'.n tho reputation uud 'I n4li g of Iks lii.liiutluii itiuoug, as men make Ha sndurat- meiit the beat pa.i poit to aurtena nnd a,lval'lirwut. A.I cunteiuplslilig entering en) 1 nmiii. rclll I'olUg , , ar iuviteti to seutl lur nn 11.1.1..11 i.u CIHL'ULAK AND OAI'aLOGUK coutaiuinz complele inierior views of lhn Cnllsio, nnd lull pailirulara of the sourao of lustiul!i,u tonus, ie. I FAIKuliNHl. A. tl . Pr.U.l. v. si.vuni. Mpcclal l'snihr nnd .lupt of l.n.e B'i.lni.. Not. 4, liHi- lorn Court Proclamation 1 f Tf IIERUAH, th,- llos. William F.i weil, I'reaiduM j luilt'e of the Court ol Over ami T'rminrr nnd Utr, eral Jail Delnery. Court of Uu.irlrr fca.ioin of th" I'cace aud Court nf Common rloa. uud's Court. Hi the iCth JiidUial Dislrkl composed ol ihecuuutiis of C,ilumlii.i,ullitau and Wyoming, ami Hi.' Hon. John ; l'K")'uoldsJcrjtephru llaldy.Aaaot'ial'.'JuJcsof I'oluu.. bia county, have issut'd thi-lr prrccpl, tirartigdat th- 1, day of May iu the year of our l.ur.l on thouaiU eiglt hundred ami aixry live and to me dirctlt'o fur holiu a Court of Dyer und Ttriuiner and Gent-rat JaiI dellTeiy, Cfurrnl tiu'itttrr Susaitms of the IVncc, ('oinnion t'ltsa J an 1 Orphan's Court, in lllounisburg, In the couuty of ' Columbia on tli lirnl Monday, .b.iug the .th dayj tf : Dee. uext, li roiitinue one wet-k. ! NotiLe is hfrchy given, to the Coroner, the Juatica of the IVace und Constables of the a,iil county of Col. i un.bia that thMV bt' llnMi and llitre in uirir pronrr sor. sons ot IU o'clock in the forenoon of said tlay with .bsir I records, in'iuiMli'ins and tlhrr reinrmbruiHe lo Jo those llungs Inch tn their oltif. utptrtaiu to bf t'otnv i those that ar bound by ut'ognizaucc, to prusnuw , di:.iiul Ihe piisuners that ar or mnv b in the Jail of said count) of Columbia lo be thro and tbfru lo pro,. elite them as sh-tll be just. Jurors arc ruiuestetl to La ' punctual in lien iilicinl.ince. .igrfcably to lliir notice.. , t i li.ttt'd at lllooinsburg, the : 0 1 li day of IM. ! I.. B. (in the year el our Lord cue thousand cisbt i r .v ) hundred uud sixl)onr. and iu Ihi clgbi) I ninth y,ar of the ludtpeu.ltucrof Ihe liiiilid Maws i of AmericL. ( Cop asvc I its. CohvomwkaLiu. , MA.Ml.'Ul., tllieriiJ Oloomabur, Nor. leoo. Uiand Juiors fur Dec Turn. ISiJG. nenlun -William Appleinan. -.ntephcu .Michael. Hor. llcrwirk - I'.iul KirLein.ull. Heater J ihu blicutr. I cnlrw - John J IJazcubuch llumlock -Molina. Appleuian Hatld Arnatfij, Keutii'U Uogait Jacks u-Jno Millciiry, Jr., Cllshi liobblaa. Iiiji Derr. Montour I. lovd I'aaion, Xamurl (ligrr .Maui. on l.liaha n llarlina.1, Allen tVataoa Maine John A Mm nun Orango .M I llayliur.l. John Megarsal. bcnti-'l'hna W Udgar, Jacob Knlir, Jasob Cloaasa, Sugarloaf liavol l.eia, dttnurl Tritx Ttavtcx Juiu6 for Dec. Term, 13135. Heaver-Andrew Shuniau, John Shiiman. Hrntoii I'hilio till u III lit n I lluiall, Abriham Teaai llriurcierk Henry Dietlerick i.ioum-iiury uni. Calswissa-i.asper Khan, Jon Civar. Centre Pfitr Ueloug, liao Low, ri;a;iai Uert I Henry s-liatUr. l'oii)iiglialli P R W'ohKorih. I Franklin Jease Mfiiath, Jarks'.n tltravnr. j Fiahingrreek-Charlri Aah, tSaiiiAal Voal. I Grceimouii niuanuel Conner. Ilobeit It.bafiaC ! Joi ill Kline , J n 0 l.rggoil, W'm I'.yt. , llcuilock -Jacob Harris, Ucubeu II Guild, i J'irkat,u llery hurlcman . tf..,ol A ....... Ill.n. lt'.,.l.v n, ,.,,, ... ji...'.,l ' ; ,Miniiour--llaui. I Kashuer, John Hlotieilc. I Maiim-Uanicl .Vuss. 2!alisoH tVm Kreamer. McIIen.y. CoKl.llUt oeiiaa, rauiuel r.vercti I Kuaniigcreck Jnliu C Meyera, Teter Oeaiuart. i joaian iiuoufs Rauiuni tiaucR Sugailual -I'hilin ll'si, Georse Monre. Seoit W'm liarri.on, I'.has Kruin. Wm M Est. List orCaiisi'S lur Scpl.Ttrm ISO'.V Llijah ilc.Murtrie Eniiorsco of Aarou W'olfvs Cbii tian Wolf S Jacob Harris va I'eter Jaenby, 3 1' Stoker, v. Wm ikuler. t Jacob Bucks IUr. vi Jrs.e Duck. 3 Jonas I a irniger jr va Uminuai Aahtoai, U Hugh Mcliey nobis vs I'm r olipnllit 7 Amos v Creamer Howell, e Amoj W' Ciea.uer is Enoch Huwell. 9 Jac b bhuinau re Calm iss (Uilroad Cootpnor. lu il 1' lUigtiird vs Ceo I'utirr.on, tl l, II Geo A llernug vs I'eter Miller IV! Aaron Klooui vs Keuben Siller 13 John .Michael J.. vs John Jlichael, ar. 14 Commonwealth of I'uniu nl the Itelatioa Of Dims 11 hline et al va Weiloy llowman u al 15 Jacob ItLinlty vs it 11 Co 1(1 ll'.'iijaiiiiu W'ertmaii va .ti A IVilliami 17 Adam Uieterich v .leremrah Ji,coiy le Sttpheii Ualdy va Callauis.a Willlaonport &. i:ri. It 11 Co 19 llacluel .Morgan by her next fried Will II Iloig laud vs Ilkhard .Morgan St) Win Lougenberger e Jaa. McAlarny C'r "I Con l.ongtnbergur dee'd, vs Hugh W WcdSef noljs ct ol, 51 W'm L l.ance va Harmon Crcvcling. i!J W'm I. Lance va I hos Crcveling ct u 23 It il li li . P.ulguel it, Co, va Levi Kulz. '41 Anna llarhura l)eigninillur, vs llcury Delghralllat S5 Adminislrutioraol JoaepU I'ajton, dee'd va Wat L Lauce. 51 Hemlock twp., v F.haa Ilii'teriek. 18G5. PHILADELPHIA 1065. WALL PAPERS, HOWKLL it UOUUKC. ITlaniilitcturcra ol' FAFEIl HANGINGS and W'JfJDOW SHADES, North East Oornur Fourth and Markat Streets, PnittADECPUiA. N. I). Always In Store, a 'argo Stock of LI.VU.V aud OIL SHAPES. Sept, 16, 18M-3 rues. "DOCKET DIAHIES.PHOTOGRAPU 'X ALHUMfl at ALUUM FIOrurtES, -aolllag my low rrleaa fer catrt W G. PEBBV.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers