iw t M 111 I H AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. "TO HOLD AND TKIM THE TOUCH OP TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'HIl TUB DARKENED EARTH." TERMS: $2 50 IN ADVANCE. VOL. 19. NO. 34. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PElVN'A,, SATURDAY", OCTOBER 21, 1565. VOLUME 29, TUB PHOENIX PUCTORAI. Will Cure Your Cough rilK PHOENIX P KOTO R AL i or.. foiipittvii rtvnop or wii.n ciirury & ncs i;ka snaki: poop, Will Cure the Diseases of the Kuril iis Colds, Coughs. Group. Asthma, Btoi, chilli, C-itatrh, So'ro Tliioal, lliiar('tic'.-s, Wliunpitig Cough, &e. I's timely use vilprcvetit 1'lMiMOXAIiY CONSHMl'l JON. Ait t'cii u h'T1 til ti f nrlitl ili-i nv m f 1 1 1 y t. ((. n,Mi it mil itll'T I nlM ill in any miicr iiiuili. tllM'. J I.jiwn nrf fl lz. rvyifiikpr of tin IVnnytv.inh Itnuu nf lt prt ti.t.tllvi'i', .t : "Tins cniiirh tvuw :- in now uxt'tiKiv ty UM'il.iiiitt ii m im Inch m aim. lu tht' rntniiiiuniy, il c ur.iti v '(untiti" li.n luir tt;t'ii t it il Uy tlUHI-.-illiI U llll Hi" KH'M LT.llIU ill!! ri'tll'll. II h t.irmiUIy ami ckllifulv r'Mrt-ti from iht riicriy Hulk i;ml M'lii k:i mium- Knot hy Dr. l.'-vi Ubrr lntl!7. r. a rrMil:ifM p!iyiri,iii nf riiu' iiixvilfc, IM . ih.I ik Mil. I l.j n:if! all tlrtii -t and cuuhtry aturu t ttr " It t frn-ij , v PiMmm-Iut niul i-x ' ur.( nf liti. 1 s ti c rtiHi'-. n i fnllnwn I'm I'T-1 ov, . tri" J in, 3, Till ririlil Hint I li.iv.' iu.mI tin I'liiieim lVct"r;il in inr rfinni iiinl t ft't'Mtnr.iihl it ft Hi- (! it tin -t it -t r-'in-'iiy dr Ci.Mi!!i fiii-l CoUls that li,iy turUfi-it i'ii" nf my thillim u m ;ikmi wild ti olti, jn-fMiii-tni'l with. i ( fo-ipy (.niitli,.it ti.iil.inili'LMl, licit i en'ilti i ! I. ilk .ni'l lir .Uli" liittnf hear.! mi nmh . til .li.tn tl..- lioi ii i k I'wtMiiil. I tirutir'(! a tit.tilt- 1 U i n thf" ,luf rt-M -v - tin- ilillinitiy ( tr M i hit. ()ti i', ! tin' I'tl'i Iriil t.xt'ii mil' i'iMit,,i .(tin Uu itt- i iiltjil n.ll Uvi r tfuiitlV Imi'h ll.'UI' II 111 III II ll'MIH'. I) I 1(1 . J. t, Hnnili. itriii,.it. vC V' W llnji.., lu t itiiiit) , t'a . in vitliii','' Ur i Hum It lif.t't . i-iiy. : 'A li'w d.iyrt -nice I ln.uyliU v t il - in I ) "iir iltia'.tu i otiuli r 'Ui''tH to irv. uni! Il.hl it irv ntnl.atl I fin it 19 llt .ir Ii (itl 4. nit I wmi.i kt- .ni ti U.I iiiu afiiHt (if il. tttir in tin 1 iif iH t'K Iti It.-r i.tiit it Unit t It. ic au titltt r I It tv.- 111 lit t irv. I .mi aii'tit tur (mini: it tii. ItMthf i.rt:ir t-ixifiti (.(i.iri.llt-iis. Iut inula -c,ii- ti (m nuliiy til' lllil JJO.l 'I Hf ful-u" tin i';tn t tnitt front i li-tt-T ttmn IHrnm 1.il'4. tin nln'.t, iiftii l Hit-luwii, 1 .'i : ! Unw tni'tl tui- i liiL'itix inr.il. ntnl riit'l It tuln Mw (ti rifi!h iu dit 1 ne 1 tdi 1 . 1 1 itKilM ih .1 hi u it 1 fail) 8,i(u th.tu 1'iiy uilit-r Hi ii I li'ivi- t-vi. ii.i'l in 111 v -.turu." I It. pi Mpr ii I'tr il' th 1 t ii ' -jti 1 1 c t tt Ii is fit in 11 eh ronn III in t 1 11- urtiin ! t-i.urr- irtiti, thu toliiociiy I Uitn)Uii lt s h. liuv f 11--tl it. ill it (in itHUH'i ui:i . t'to fi it u to 11 v putt Ii.i.t m li if 11 it -dti-n i wiili I'll' 1 1 11 to jiii'ic-nnt in ui'tt ih it iliiltli't'ii rry for it.- r.1. uiuu'i av 1 . i:s i ; i.aau .iith- t'.vi: DOI.LA.I hi mi mi lir 1 f- r I'M'y out- diff nf tlii a if j, n:niifl It IOm- nf III ' 'J'lir0ll .111-1 l.ltiUa'tl t j Vt '..ir. .1 .miI i.y J.EVJ (JlJMllIOl.THKR. M. D . I'liuiiiisvillf , V.i. f. t ' Ii'- '.11 ti. .'! I .m.l fl 't. k i-vtti. JOIINpi'I'HV llnl.l ihv s ,v(iHVI'i;V, Vn. :,1 J.iwlh .-i'.1! Hir.M'i, I liil.lil I ttt :i . .'mil p. r. tvi.l.i tt ' n. Hi I'Miiklin Slr.iut, Wu . .tt CltUT.lt W llll l-JtlltL' Ills .. i If IS V i.l. I. 1111. 1 i; VI It t MOVCIt llriis. II. l.ur. .'in. 1 b) il nrly wry ilrii';.i-l ui.i olllll' ! 4 "k.'.'Ii 'I III I .ill Uikt I .'.Hint. v II 41 r',fct t'xtiz'ns t ft.Mi Ifi'f)) r it.ic ....I U '.'t' 11.1.. iii...1!! nit- n iibl 1 til ai 1 1 1 j on i.ll vv 11I1 Mini nth r ut. -.il. iiu It t Gun I ..I uu.:'.' lo m'O il lit.' rj. ni .tr il. J.i.i. '! It-i V fai J ENDING HAIL HO D. I uraaier A it a n g c 111 c n t . Jor.v "JO. Ifc'J.'i 'vent Tnsnk L'uw 'oiii Tlt IN qj t ti I .111.1 V- illi Wot Mr riiil i.li Ij.hi Vm t'.irk. IS. 11. Int.'. I'.i'i .i ill . I. ' Ii iimii. Ml 'mi mi. t'.ii.ln. i..:. rL.tu-. I. .ivj ll.im 'Itiiri! t'ur -u V'.irK. iii. lull. in ,M .1 1111 .,11.1 1 IA . .M..au.l 1 I'j I' M . nrrn in; a! N "A V' 1 ul In ii. .! . .111 1 mi .111 1 I'l 3.1 I". 11. I It.' .il.ui'i' . 1.1.1." I w .1.. m mi I tr Tr.tliliJ mi i It 1 1 'tlil M'l .'un-i.i 1.14.1. .ii-il .l.'i'iiui J 1 .'if at r'uiiijwini tl' H II I i I P .f 4 K if.'ill'l Ulllj...'t 1'UE.fii' 1 l.tr KihIiiij;. -.-ll wl'.' I i.iri'.rtji, V.ti.'rii nil.'. .iifil..ii.l, I'm' (Iri'ii'. Alh 11 l.iiv 11. 1111. 1 ri.aiiLl. ilil.ial " l.i A W .mil ii P M, -I ..im; at K.'ll..nul' an l.tuii'i .il "I iliutiH i'il V.i I rain, aii.npliij: .it all i..hi - M mi.i to I' it Ki'inliiv. la ic N.'.i i.ik at !i A M l-.MM iiouu. aixl r. I' .11, l'Iiilutii'i.i 1.1 rtl eJM M anil a 'in I' .M iiniM-ill." ul p' l.i M .111.1 P M ; i-li a.iml .11 ii.lu II aii. I I i HO i.i in '!' iii.,i.ii.i .1 :i .. 1.1 .mil J li I' M .nail Ueailinc at I do ; Xi an. I I il. 4i A M.J KStiM 0 U3 P .M. I -1 'itun Ai . .jtlilil.'c i'ri IV I11 1 ravtf Ui Ii ig a ( 'II A. M 1 l.irn 1 1112 trnwl PL i4..il Iplit 1 .it .'Mill I' It. (.'0I11. nl'i 1 II. ul tloa I 'I'rnii . 'iivf li.'aini" ut I'fl And I0..5.V1 M aril .1 ii P .M. lor l.'U,,iia, l.nii. Col Biaiiil ft It s'ih i'j.') ; l.iuvi' S.w orknt fc.U1 l JI, Plnl.i liclphm I A P M t'.itli-v-lttn .'3'iA W . 'I an...i.i '( U A ;i IUrMi.ti.irafi 1.5 A ,M am! Iti'itiliuB al I.UO A .M f.it J,iin,:i ii I'.M.'iiiii'aii'Hi Mil'?.i2 S.a.. , 1 i.vit ami Psnir. inM 'I'ir'.i'ln o an I from all .niiit", .11 1. i!uo rl t;at-i. Xajg.iHf itoM'ku.l thloujli , 0 1111.I1. allo'.wil Hai II l'a...uii;. r. . . ! M uI.I.S. I . I .N K 1 1. ." L'J'll IH I r.NUEXt lirn liu;. Pa Jllj' 11, !Sii5. " ULAD NEWS" 1 tut Tin: cNi-ouie vu l rsi'.D wiruoiiT J,BTt; ituN. liny iln ut uiiurf.ru "I'll UtiUt-t,.- immmts, ami an rjitfily in action. no tiiANGr. or imu r ts m:uLs r,v. mir.L's spbcifm; imlis are wairaiitcii in nil en". run mil sn;i:iiv and pi:t!M ami.vp uiti: ir t mi ii.-i I Wi-akin-is, 1'n iUral ami v.uin.n iicn.irt'r, (tlH.'t. .Sexual I11.W.IMIM. CiilinuiloiM. I ti. t n in', r.tiil. Hal ah.l Ni'tioil.-i IMnlil unit ilimax a n ilia l.l.i t.U'r anil Ki.tii'-) 'I'hey nr.' ailiptrit f..r nialo or f' in it.', i til or ymmg nnil nit I lie only itlu.lilc hiiuu H fur the mrc uf all ills i.utii.aii.111 liuiu Y 0 U Tll KU h I N D ISCK IITION. In all P' iial Ilium-". ri !"iiorrlif, ?lrictur. Kirn, ami in all Uiiim y ami Knlii-y 1 oiiiplaiiiln. llu-y iiilliko .1 ili.irm. lii'liu in I'Mii'iiniiid hy laklnj! 11 niitl.1 1" ; ami fimii I'""' b"e SKUH'iHy e'ftrt " li'iilii in hnx,' conlaiiiirij to irniu. nii On) Di.llnr. r ix hfifii, Put- Dollar. ; aUo. In lar"5 Imul., cum amine four !' Ihe unaM I neo Tli'fu Dullam. f Pnvalu I'lrrulara tu lii'inlrii ' M mv. win frcu oil ji-Cfifl nf ilin. tfl I'lmU'ini ..inUUi"l'- V II '"i H" il Hi" tl Pill- nut Him m'V'T -ti.t'inpiil lor iif.-ii'Wf, .. ' 1 il i oil cm not irocure ilium i.r nair i!ni(!Si.l. 'I" imt iiii"ie.l r.n hy any "H" r roiiifdy, hut 11VI1. ." Hit iii'oo'y Ul a h'lti'r t" l''' to 1. lor. .Dr. J. BYRzVN.Coii-uUiiig Pbyaiciatt, lioi suit.. 412 iiinaiitt-ay, . Who will latin all ink if propcily iliruttt-il ; niul )ou uill riTtiii'lheui rniel pain. Boturfly M-iiluil (rum ul trvatinu. hy riiurn mail. fcOl.DP.V DIlUUtilKfa (il'.M'.UAI.I.V ItKMASIiAKNKfl icCO. New- Vhhk. Wliuiu.alu AttliU. July 13, IfJi.". R. TII AYEa& M D H AVI MS thanpcil ItU iuituen irmu .u.m -.. W'UBT PITl'n'PO.N, l.uzt riic ti.ui.ly. would aj tn hi. pation. ami .ill wi.lnns In. priilt-j.ioHal kt-rvi- l-s. II. t th. y can mlrlrt-.. him at tlio la.t nauicil p . cu. All call. Hi thu vitiuily uf tlio llailrnau. iittuii-ili-il to Willi pruinptnu.a. April lehi. " V, 0. HARRISON, M. D. WOlll.I) rf iprtlfiilly Inform the rlllzrim nf lllooni.. Iiunt.iiiiii viciiiit.lhathu cwitinuBiiHio prutli.o uf .llKWPWK W.VJ SUMMIT. ,nienlidtihart'ofiiitill'-p'"'iiu' ,.,.,. flrriii!. mi Main ftrt'ut, In I liuu.e htluw Uu Lour nine, flluniiiklniij,' I tUinjr :i, Ir-W- if BALTIMOKE LOCK HOSPITAL lialtimorc, Aid, BSTADl.lSllBD as a RE FUG K FROM QUAOKERiT. The Only Plate u furc n Cure caw be ob laitii'l. Dr. Jnltiiaoii has discovered tho most (Vtlniii. HicdlV, niul nnly rin-rtitnl llr-niPily In the Worlrl Inr Wi-nl.tiPfii of tin Hark nf l.lmux, Strlctutin Alti'Ctlnn. of Ihn Klilnry 11 tut UlnililiT, Involimtnty Dlsihaiiti . Impnti'itc) , (iunir.il D'liillty, Nervoni. ni'n, I'l l"'l"i'i. Iaiiimior. l.nw .'firil., Confusion of l.lia. ttil. Itation nl Hit lliait.Tiiiilillty, 1 rciiililliiB, llliiinr-fii.it Siulitor (ll,lillnc'. Iilfiasf nf tin; IJuaU 'I'hroat. Niifi-, nr Unui'ln llio.r; Trrrlhln Iilsorderi. ittlslnt: from Pnlliar) llnlill nf Vnulli-ar-cri't ami H'lUary ptncticfK mof fatal to the Ir vlitlnu tiinn tiiu nous of p rem to tin-Jlatiiii-ri of I'll tes, Mliditiiie ilii-ir iiiiii-i tiiilll.int linpc it niilii li'.tttnim, rcnji ring inarrltijt, .c. lniitisilil.;. YOUxN'G MEN PspniBlly. wlio liavi- In cnnie Him vlrlltnt of Folllnry Vit". that .If nill'iil anil iluHtfuiilvt. h.-ililt liti h tin tin. nil) MM'i'pn la. 11 ii iiiillnii'ly urat 1 IhoiiMinJii nf Jniing 1111 n of Ih" innM t-xiillt'it ttilciit. nmt IimIII.im inti-llett, v lio miiitii tilln-rii Ifo liato "iitriiiin.il li'tt-niiifr Hen tiii'ti With ilin 1 tin ti .Ih r h of tto'iur mu or wakuil tote taiy ilia II viiii; lyn-, may 1. -ill nh full loniliUiicu. MARRA1GH. V .irrlil prTitnnn. nr ytnitijuon rniil'iiiilat Inr; nnr rl I;"'- Itt'iiij', iiw;uf nf Men I wi iikin'is, oryanit- tlu .hility, ili'foniiiilt-, fn'tM!ilv tnrvil. (It- u ho imii f IiIiiihi'U iimtcr iliu raro nf Or J. may ri liu joimly iiiiiilitt' hi Iih honor a n t:'iitUiii;iii t anil ( iwin.ielltly li'ty npntl lli.t hklll .-if .1 I'!')'.' Mil oitdAMi; ni;AKM'rf in int'i'iati'l tJtirnl and full vlpir riMtornl. Inn ilMnMni: nil", t turn- w Inrli ii'inl-Ti llf" inif t'lalilf ntnl mm ri.nt' i n j-viMf i th pfMi illy mi. l) ill-1 I tun of i ii-fM r in.lulirMiri - Vimihu pi-r-noli- me luti a 1 1 to ininhill 1 xipi'" ffnni imt Iicin ovri' 'f 'In1 ilit'iill'nl riiiifi"Uiiifi't" th.it limy I'livin-. tt , w ho Uat until rtt m.i the nhj.'t t w ill prcliMid In laity Dial thr pnuiT nt proi-n' n I i n i lni mioui r hy I In Hf totliiiL! ihtn hiipriipor hiihiio ihau hy tin; pru iliMit ' lti'f.iil.!t It mit tii riv il 0 tin1 1 liaur'' nl h'-al' Icy ilt'-iMi-i.' tin tii. i1 - runts ami itctnn live pyinp IniMttt hoih lnhly aii't hinnl arii' Tin1 H) uti'iu hr 1 tuiti'f ilftauirt'it, 1I1 phyiral ami miittnt fniutiniit w filf., tn',1, Uo-m 1 I IV'K n ntivti pt-r, NfrvoiiP I rri titinlitv, I' cp f.-f 1. I' ilpti ition nf th llt-art, Inig'M ti t'ni) -.unit I l hility, a W.utmn nl tliu I'rame Ctjliylt, I'i.II-Ii 1, j. 'I 11, Ih 1 ay an I ). th MlmiiIilt nr iho It yal t'nllcirt' n Hnryniis, hnnilnu, lit nlihiti' froto n i.l ill-- niu'-t iMiilm .it i 'oIli'Ki'rt in 111 I'mti'il M.iIm I th.- i:n'.,tt r p.irt of whiw lilV b.M'ii tpi-nl In t 1 liit-pil.ttM ot tiOii'lttn, I'.irifi, IMiila 1!' lplittt, ami im re, h.t 1 15'! tfl mmikj nl thi inurt tut.iMi-liiiiK ' 11 r ili.il wt iu ir knovMi ; many trnu hl t wnli ricnu' hi tliu litMiit ami i.irn uIhmi ng'cpp iftral Hcrvoiixiii'?, hcini; alarnifiJ at mhIi! ii i-..ii n d - h.i!if iloi-s uith Ir'tpi. nt hlii"lihtu, (iltr-tith il fOitiu tniii'-t mill ih r-iiifiui'-in uf inui.l. Wi-re t nri-d iiiiiui'iii ulily. TKR I'A'iTKJin-AR NOTICH Or J fulilri'""" all Ih'iii'ulm Imvp injufi'il thiMii. (ti Ivt hv nnr'p-r (mlntm ihu nnil Holiun-y ImuiU, wlmli ruin h..lh h.nly .iml inlml n nfu i tt iIilmii (or i-itii. r hiiMiii'rr, -tmly. c -cit ty. nr mar.iayu I'lii'M nru itjnm nf th t .m.l ,nnl iin'lant li.-tl'y fircrt- pro In (.ril hy i aily hnhltf ot .inth. vi.: fakiiffs nf tli- It.n k ami I, huh. faniK m in- llta.t. t 1 1 1 u i f ol Hi3'ht, l" nl .Mu cnl.ir '' 'i. r.ilpilalioii n tin; "'"it. ltyp''pi'- Ni'M'"! Irratithilily, I) rani'nnMit if tin Ins. kHu I'lii'tiiHU, (kmii i at Ufltilii), iyinp Iniu. f 1" i. - i.-ij ti. n. Ar. Mt'NT.ii.' v. ii f-arlnl I'llVrtu nti ill" mimlnrp imirli (. h' liri-llhi-t T.'VP fit ItPMIlHIti t oIlllIMwl) IthMr. 1 p on-ii of pinlr., T.mI I m 1 1 -. 1 1 1 1 1 h , Av-r-nm tu Sim t- iy. S.'ll- I'inini-t, lin'u nl r1 Uml' , Tiniiitiiy.&c in- until. .if tii' vi f pro.lmvil. 'I htii.ni'lt of por..iM n' nil apr iati imv jmlu1 u h.n i - il Utc nf Ho ir ih Imliu li-'ahh. I f 1 1 tf tVn ir luiir, h iiinimi! wt-ak i .ik-. ucrvnti an- n ati:H'"l. iiivint! .i -in ;tii.tr appt'uratti-. .iimut lh- '-, l'i.iU ii'i-l f apt uu . tii t,mi-1 inpimn. i'Ul'XU .MEN vl;n I. ut-ii jiirt"' lln-nis.-'M-s h a r -lam priirlito.ln iialitifl in ulii-,1 al.iii..', a tiaiiil In-'t i.-nily li ani"il Irmn i nl ui.i'i'.-iiii'iii.or at silni'ii. Hi.- i-lli I'M of wlntli nr nichily t'lt i-vii w In-n tiitl""i. a ml if n-il "'ir.'.l r-.n th n itarii.i.'.. i..iiii!.ll.l" amt tit-lri.ji liollt nilll.l nil. I imiiv. fjti.iitil ai'ply iiiiiiii.'tiiat'ily. ti t. rtt i. mu" in. ir a inniiL' mail. Ill" lie ii" of nnr fi.'in ry. Iliu Hiai! ol lti iiar-nii'. !i'n !" -iuili;h"'l froni all pr.ifpi-iti a. ul "ii.i ini'iii" or in", "j m-' im.-- .ii"ii"" of iln'l iltti!! Iroin ill" paill of natnr" I in. null! Hit; in ii--iiiiu -unl liul.it . t'uih p"ruiii unlet lltflllt I'O II lllplltllll .MARRlAtiE, ri-fli'.t that a mii'.m! nun. I alia ho.ll ai-i th n:nl m-ii ....l ....ii.iitt.Ni i jtioinoti- (-..i i.i.l.l.tt h.'li'l'lii' i in a..l iwih....t ii.,.." Hi" i.iiirio i lltroiti'li lit" li"i-ijliii- a w.'irv jlsiiiiiSi'i- ; t'i" .ni'i.-i hoiiily i!aii..-n-i ! Ho. Vi.'M, lb" inJIItl kf'.'iiti' a ll.nl-nv.'.l mill of i-.mi ai. t uii.-.i MU IU" lui'tdnciiiim n in i ii'in in." in", ii 'i' .in.t uf auotlmr Liiri.iiii-6 I.Utit.-il nh 0111 onii. Soilti't. I IC'luu U SlilLt, I .ti haml iili s nil- fr.iai Italiiiuort. irwt, nfow 'l'."r ri'lu th" tonitr. fall hi I iu tiiw-in iiaiiit- ami mini '" 'f v u-uu ippi-iti.l i-nl" ui-li li.l niul enn , ., t.i ., to In- it-", I mi iliu i.iily. IcMi-im iiuliiu :i'inl.l tal" at.iaiiiUuJ'ilpoiliui. of ailyeril.t iiii'iu ilu.i iiIuiik 'ni't"io 11m tn.i mi's lliplinno hini;iii I.m nifir-'. Endoi h mod ol lliv J'nM: The ni.iliv lliii..iiiil itTi-'l.wt Iln. i-,ta'..Jiai(-nt viitliin Uu- la-l twenty "iir . ati'l la; loiiii.-nnn uu i ., I, t' I Jl. ..I ratl'illr I't-Il'lr'""'!. hy IT. JuIIm. i... iutii,-.,l hV Ihf l.....:r ol Uu Hun ami Inuuy t'Ui' r naiipi". ui'tin- ol vmio.'i Ii i." apji.'.irc.l jai.i ami iiilaiii h In'" Ih' i'lihlli.. I.".i'i"- In- rl'iiHiiiiK 'I ..I'liHi'iiian '.I .Ion nl-r ami n"'ii-iUiluy. i i u.n Lit nt auaiaiity to thu aiiliat'ti. .spin -a is -iy D Ti U P D E GRAFF'S i.Vli AM. i-Ait Fl.iliiAUY, (ln the Square. Thrni I'w-"- from Htr He's Hoii l WIL1LB3EAKRS, PA. 'SlllS IN'S'l UTION i ii"v opt'ra'd mid S . .. I ... il.r, i.in.t ....HV illle ItlTt'lillOlt, 2. t...,,j n.,r, ii.uiilioiiiiit ar" lt ,ionv"iii"iil ami V..-II a.laptfil. 'Iliu ouiuitul ..iili,i"iil i-Milailte I Hj lint tlfotltiiliui. ol iiui.ttii" um in an. - Hot-Inn ftitiilliti "HI uiai.li- nun I" Hint -my ''"' 'i.-rS"i. i'-i.iiia.t..c II.' will opcral" upon all III" llt fmni-of lit.tMIM.rrt. Cal.iia-I. Oiilaoll ot ,1,, i'.ipil. t.'ro.- l-v", Plo.urr of tin- 'l".r Illicit.. In- u-'iii a I f. ., ol 'r, . I!)" :ra.i.H".i I...I. Op-ie.'t " ..fill, ronton, niil jVroHlniii. iIim iim-h of llus l.ye t i-j.-ilier with all II in-an-s to whiih Uu I-)" l "" "lit! I'NIS -Will tf . .-it nil Hi" iltH.-ri rninitinii to the ora.tn iL. liar2"ii li"ui tha Par, Nomt In Hi" ar I'ma rl, .lil'iculty of huaiint; lo.al Ih. nw lltal, ",t,.tu,l. Will ui.irt ' '' '"' aiikWi-rlni! m-arly all Um .iirpo" u( t natural. Ulf HAhl HP 'PHI! 'I ll" VP All .llM'Uua KHil- no at in Uf Tlir.1.11 ami m-hu win " ii"....-. titlNCItAI. t-l'P,lli:i: ... . ....... i . . i -t it i1 will op.'r.U" ni""' ,l nti. uu. ... i - .1,., uW I iiiiio,., i allium, i.iuar' L'".i rPt.'lllils. " na'ii: "t" ""i""' " , V, , .prv ol 11,'t.l, into ii"fi.rniH.I ni' .nnl li.-nt-ial fturs' rj 01 wh.itiivur ciiarai l"r it liuv pfi JCitt. VuilNIA (or UUPTUIt.M- II" HI P- rfn nil !. ' op.'ialiou tor th it..lual ' "inph't") rurrf of '"'"J; ,t u is uii'iiiiiriional.ly a pt-iloi l .'..i.i. an l '" ' , lull- or in. iiain. uu. ofiiiany Inn npi-rat.-tl up" i llo.l-iii Ihi i" Ii i It a u" lainu. ii ii.iv"-: lilt l iliu .. it VI' t'lV' . I . .. ln. h..V. rtl II llllltil ..' " A It I II It.' At. It V IIH."- WillliiM'il aililklal l-iyj"- ina Hn in Hi" inoliun ami (xpr""-!''!! or tni- naunai' Tin V ur" inat'lti J with tlio l a-l pain. .,,.... HOIullltltulD.U'lli s.; - t in. iro.ihlf emtio .r-. lily ntreil. Tlmtu suffurint: Ironut wilU"l t"."1":. .. H-.IL....1-..... will, a iow of Dr i n it1 urau V....0 r" "' "u, " ....LHt nt btiiltliiis '"P imtmaneiit lii.titutc Lu thu irtaimtii or ll u t yu. Itarai'.JGunt'ralSurtfury. Thu , nit- than a .iiartur of a CMilur) in Ilotpitai aiid.KC iir ....... ... i ... M.ii U-iciit t'uaraiilo to tliu.i' wliti' may i il't.powd to cinplny liliu, Mu? II. JeOI tr. TINWARE & STOVK SHOP. r.,., i ...,,...,.,,t trull.' .urnrniahlH nlil fricn " . v. '.t " , ; n, : . r.i,...,.d n bwuwn "ni.-ri'ti ... thu iiliov'nrstabli..linii'iil amllhii tonroril wlU liuL'uttci hotniiihiitiiil hy linn" ii "s.iumnly. .... . ...... i .....i .iil..rk tor ala. tlio ura f. in: It I. J'l.l tutri.vii - - - . Wb ct unit inoat i-jtunfUu iin.rtinpit or I " " " fj ... , , r .. a ....... i..vn.t.i....,t in... iliiti market. Ilin niick cniui.t of a r utiplut. imiiirtinent pt hi- lnit Cook ni! unit par or ttovi i- III Hi" iiiarm i. ...i j..... i'i i. ..( ........ l,.r.i..iinn. Oven nnil Mil Rl"t ..... ... v..;I --. fin rUovi-s , Katliutnrs, CyliuJar ftove.,i.an iryu n . HAeht sinve. Camion r!tuoa, JLc 4tc. Btovoplpo I u ,waru tnnstaiitly on liaiul niul niaimfactured to onli'r. XX UiihIs .rr"i-'lriiiB "lone abti mil mi ultort nnti-e, Tliopationnltuof old frimub ami nvillnlly .itillrilad . A.MHUlWli. Uloum uuif XgvuiitVVI J ' ll.ll. tl Select IDoctni. The Toast. It wni a gay and fe.tlvc urenc, And sentiment and notigi Willi all Ilia wild hilarity Which to audi scenes tii'long. Hunt; through thr lordly, srulptur'd halli; And many arlately knlrfht Looked down from glided, pictured walls, All clad In armor bright ml when the brimming cup wa qtnlfud To loveliness divine, Hath gallant heart noma fair one pledged High In the sparkling wine. All stately 'inldjett and mirth 'J he bur. Is of revelry There stood a fair and high-born youth, Thu f!owcr o( chlval -y. Ills mill was dwelling with the past j Hi memories were stirred lly Liveliest visions. On his lips tie vered one sacred wurd. Aloof, lie stnnj-ln reverie With graci fill absent air I Till, by contrails n'uscd tu initio And pledge "ludjc fairo." Ilu st.irti'd-raiseil Ills goblet high "I .1 ri ii k to oiii'," said he, "U'litittu ttatiit- is grf.veu o.l my heait III fitiiitot inuinory ; "Whose love, niori- constant, tetitlerir, Antl lonur heru li.itli dwelt Than Hit- deep p unions pledged tn-ulght .lort- nxed, more keenly tell. "I would not name, lu rartlui. mood, A love so holy, trim - Put give to her thu tevurejicu And honor that is due 1 Cp rnsr- carh (tiict -'The natrtc wc crave, uf one you plaiu so liigh I" P.arh tri'iiititliig hand whiles sought his blade. And Hashed euch cngry eye "Is there a love, while time shall last. More holy than another!" Iln paused 'Hit- rev'rettcu hnwo 1 hisheatl "I pledge to thee my mother 1" tTAJ--tij. ...t nrarMuwnrarMutia...i'i.i.ii. iiijitrwra "Proceed with thy Elephant." In Columbiana county, Ohio, residua an tild ftllow iTttuwucil lor his belliirc rent dis- positioUjWho is gent-rally known as friend yhavcy. lJ.titt and lirt'd a Quaker, h-j was long fitice read out, nf nieetin ou ai-uouut of his quarrelsome proputtsitlos, hut lie sull purtinaciou-ly clings to the plain clothes ami the plain language: of his car licr dajs, pnbsihly as a ptoti'ction agaitt-jt the wr.tth wh eh he id continually provok iug hy hirt ovet bearing and irritating de meanor, lie i.i the owner of tho crosest dog in the Lcigliborhotid, tho most trouble- pome, brt-ai'h ateers,Ac , aud is coutinually iu hot water with some ol his neighbjrs in C(insi:qiiUL-e of the depi t'datious committed by his unruly live block. A few weeks since Van Amburg'fj Mttitigcrio, traveling through Columbian i, was o diged to piss his rcMtltiic:. A little belorc daylight, Nacb, the keoper of thu clephani 'l ippoo Saib, a- he was passing over tbu road with his i-h'phattt, disrovcrcd this psetido Qua ker seated upon a fence upon the road side, watching a bull ihich be had turnwd out upon the road, aud which was pawing, billowing and throwiu" up a tremendous du't generally, lu fact; troin the fury of the animal's demonstrations, oun would really have tukcu him tor one of the tden IicjI breed that hutted a looomoMve off a btidgo " 1 ako that bull out of the way !" uliont. t-d Na.-h, as he approached. "Proceed witn thy elephant," was the reply. lf you don't take that bull avriy be will get hurt, 1 couttuutd Nash, approach ing, wliilu tho bull redoubled his belliger ent demonstrations, 'MJou't tiouble thyself about tho bull, but proctcJed with thy elephant," retorted Friend Shavey, rubbing hi Tiundj with delight ut the pto.-ptict of an approaching Mrimmago, the old fellow having great confidence in the invincibility nl his bull, which was really the terror of tho whole country arouud. Tippoo Sail) came ou with his ttnosutli, jdninblinggait; thu bull lowereiHiif head and made a cliarga directly upou the elc pbaut. Old Tippoo, without even paus ing in his march, gave his cow catohcr a sweep, catching the bull ou the 6tdc,crush- inn iu hit ribs with hi enormous turku, and then ruined him aDuu' "itfty tcci in r ----- - , the air, tho bull btriking o j his head as he i l.:.. . I.:.. .....1 t.'illinrr camouowu, uraautU;; tin ii -a him iuetautlv. ii'ui afraid your bull has bent nts iicck a little." bLouted Naeh, na Im pas-d " "Bent the devil," cried old Sliavey.with a troubled look at his defunct bull ; "thy elephant is too hefty for my breast, but thee will not uiako so much out of tho op eration as thco supposes. 1 was going to take my family to thy flmw, but I'll ecu thco and thy show blowcd to blares be fore) I im ono step, and now thee may pro- oced with thy elephant and be d d, please i" tho "please" being added as Shavoy took a ttocoud look at the propor tion.! of tho ttalwartl clopbaut-kccpor. The Negro Race in Virginia m, .its ...... -r- it The Condition 'iheir Present and Future. From the Itichmond Whig, pt We find tho following statement iu tho Columbus (Ga ) Sun, a paper every, wny entitled to credit: ''The rxtcrmmatiou of tho negro rnco is already bogiuing. A gentlcttian.tclls m nf one Who left her old cabin and entne hero with her four children to seek work, whon lor tuotubs there has not been work and money enough iu Columbus for half .l. l -. rti. ... .. . ,.e I. t ue tiegrcss, mil wan- II Mnr In nit in tniltn Ititllr lirit n mtrltt Iml I near Girard, and in a short time three of the children died aud were hurried in tho hushes near by. Another woman, who eamo hero, and weut altcrward to the country but not to the old place, has lost two out of three ohi t rcn in a week. Nerr. loot was tho causo of both deaths. These arc not rare cases. In all the towns they are rapitlly dying. "One oflho bfcsiingt attend ng upon freedom is the neglect of children by their mothers. A lady told us of a hired tie- gross who let the lot and her babe for over thirty hours, and feeling insulted when i-kcd why the had lcft.rcpliod, 'the fiswir clnldrcu the less work, " ritcro are many examples of tho eamo kind to bo found in Virginia. Not many days at;o, in an adjoining county, iu the neighborhood of certain coal mines, where tho population is unusually lan-c for tho country, wc passed a u.-luo woman sittirtr. on the side of tho road, with a child wrap- pea up in (Hit cloak, lyin. on tue croutnl ........ . . by her side. Wc inquired of her whether the child im sick, or was mcrMv asleen. She replied that it was dead I It had been ill, it appears for some time with tho 1 whooDimr cotii!h. aud haviur? crown ranid- " a 1 mother luid brought iu Irom l.cr residence three or f ur miles off to a physician who resided in the neighborhood. Jt died be fore she readied the end of her journey In the same neighborhood, where tho ne grocs are vury jhiek'y settled, the same dhoitst! (whooping cough) ii prevailing to an alarming ilegtoo among the childiun, whom it eweeps oil' with ruthless severi ty. In "two hotiiM. or rithor cabins, it oar- ritd away seven, a few weeks since, in the ana.-nnf tw, or thr.e d.u-. Nor is thU at all wonderful, when we consider bow par- ' ti-nltirlvthW d.sease rmuircs care and ,,.(-.l,i.-. ,,! haw nrone ui'nro women nr nlnuist ivithout cscontioa. to uei'lect tl...Sr n.liiltlrPi,. To show ho'.v nrovalcnt l,U l.itt,-.' ,li..noSiti.m is amoiitr them, it mH he mentioned iliut in the srnu noich- borhood. but a week before the death 0f ..i.ii.i.-.-., :,t nrtitit riwi'inrr. tlii.ro i""" ...."."" "- - -- tr- were present a number of ihcm with their ln.,.1 mid Ion.? drawn whoons 'I'lta crea- hires appeared lo bo totally ignorant or regardless of, not only the danger lo tho hildrcn bv the pxnosurcbut the criminal impropriety of reading the onmplaiut by nnrrvinr.ll.nm. wh o abor ft!? under t.lUtO ,!. .uirl.t f D lar.-e crowd. Thcv regard- ed the batniziitg as a frolic, and, wi,h D C3 hecdless folly, determined to enjoy it, never onre thinking of the oouscqueuce?, either to themselves or others. 1 hese are but examples of a despotion on the part of negio mothers which all who aro ac quainted with tho race know to bo almost universal. There is hardly ouo among them in ono hundred, who will deny her- self auv coveted gratification to insure tho lifo of hrr child. If a whole class of mothers can bo so regardless of the lives o( iheir own off- spring, what aro wo to expect in the oase nf adult negroes ! 01 all bad uursiug,tlie nursing of otto negro by anothor is the worst. Thev care but utile lor oaoh oth- cr, and It is a matter of indifference lo pursos are depleted they put up their braco oaeh, whether th t oilier lives or dies. In jets, necklaces aud watch s as wagers. their state of slavery, under tho stringent Some of the fomouino gamesters loso heav pressure of the strictest authority, they find tho dospcrato shifts no allusion never could bo brought to attentl to mo sick. How is it to bo now, when every man is at liberty to watch or not, just as bo may thiuk proper ! Tho negro sick enough to require continual watching and nur'ing will assuredly dio,uuless tin ttavo a constitution stronger than any hereto- fore known to tho medical faculty. . Proper food und plenty of it, warm clothing in winter, comfortablo lodgings and a proper supply ol fuel, are necessary to proservo the health in winter. 1 hese things can only bo procured oy lauor, uu less the person seeking tticra no ncu enough to procuro thorn without, Theso things, thcroforo, tho negro win ucvci pro euro, if wo aro to judgo from what wo aro witnessing every day and from what wu constantly hear. Tljo negro has no con ception of tho responsibility of his present position He conct ivt tlmt tbo abolition olj&laverv u nutbiup mora than a permit from tho highest authority in tho land to he otttiroly idle all tho rest of his Itfo. IIo has nnl tho faintest idea that it is nocefsa ry for him to work hard in order to cam ! a living. An exemplification of this fact came under our observation a shot t time sinco. A gentleman in an ndojintng couu tyJ?cmpoyed sixty hands to cut wood for a railroad. The prieo was very high,and fjradualod according to tlioxv fiVi per- lormance ofctoh laborer. J ho wood was old field ninn. ofwhinli n whitn u-nndamnt, w01l(j ,,avo cagi, cu, 0(Jrd and fl ha,f i .. ''""' TIlis i,1,crcsliS ParlJ a""g' 0(1 c-ati"7 fourteen cords a month. Al the cud of that time they were paid off and every man nf them (except three) quitted work and t off Ilichmond t0 fl j ' 1 thoir monoy. One of them having been asked how many cords ho had been in the habit ol cutting when ho was a slave, re- plied forty. Upon being asked why ho did not cut as many now that ho was free' and receiving a high piico for his labor his answer was, "There is no use of being free if I have to work as hard as I did when I was a slave." There ppokc the wuoic negro race, anil mat is tncir ooneen tinn uf freedom, If such be tho iact, in must bo admitted that they are acting up 10 lueir uiea witu wontiertui consistency i,r01u all quarters we near complaints ol 1110 pertinacity with whicu they rctuso to d auything more than tho merest modi- cum 01 a uaS 8 lauor' 'in... . .. f, .. i ii.i """J s" UUk "i"'u ",u la,m ul V'B'"- ul mnc 0 010CK ln ,uost ""tances tauo aatur aa' cnt,rc lor !1 uo''"ay "'lien cugagau i" laoor, use a spauo or a uoc as i.,i . , i daintily as though thoy burnt their fingers. 11 13 lu"u uvlul;ul .1 .ii i. .i . tng auuve an worn cise,tiie iniisi eonsiaut an" "Drcm.uing tauor.cannoi oo tuirusicu to suoh laborers as these for auy long space of time, unless wo wish to sco the whole State of Virginia become a wilder ncsv. Wc have spoken, heretofore, of those who do some work. Of these aro compar atively precious l'ev." For tho first time in tho history of the world at least since the destruction of the Jewish Common wcalth-thc entire laboring population of a gat wH country has been taking a holiday ol five a-onths duration. (Jo to statioa 00 an' railroad lcadiDB t0 In - . 1 . . .t 1. .1 ttioliinotio, ai any sinta in tue wech, anu w'l 600 DCPr0 won,an and ncGro Incn hJ wailiS lllta!;t; t.lietiain. Wait utltil tbu trJ'"1 ani ve' auJ ou Wl11 Cd(1 il Urowncd by tho same description of per,- a11 bouud ou pJewurc cspeditious, all inteul upon gratifying their passions tor hocouiotiou and novelty of every descrip . , .... ye tiou, and not otic traveling in searou ot employment. Iow, as money is nccoBsa- ry to iccurc tho proper attendance in sick ness.anu tlio means tu snsiaining inu uscii, I s. i ir 'i. tf anu as incse pcopte cnuuoi, ouiaiu mouuy except by work.what is to become of them tuo uppro..U,tiua w.utu. . shudder to think of it. We arc convinced I. , . , that tlte present generat.on cannot no in- dueed to labor, aud our only rosourcc to encourage immigration, that wo may ob tain white labor. "4&- - Lady Gamblers in New York. In ono of my recont letters I spoko of gambling as one of tho vices of our fash- iunablc women, and I have since learned that it is practiced in certain modi-h quar- tcrs far more lhan I had supposed. ln Fifth" Avenue and Fourteenth aud '1 wen- ty-third streets, there aro often parties of Uios, from whioh the opposite sex aro sternly excluded, where the tair gamesters play until daylight for largo btakeij and it DOt uuftequcntly happens than whon their t0 their wurdrubes to wbieli tuey arc put to conceal their losses and replace thorn, muat he fearfully demoralizing. A young woman, tho daughter of ono of our most opulent citizeus, was pointed out to rao in t10 Park, as a notorious gamblor, by one 0f her own sex, who inWrmed mo sho had parted with nearly 5100,000 since she weut h0 Saratoga, in Ju'y, and made hor doting papa boliovo sho had expauded the sum in dns and charily. Tho young woman in qU3e,tion is very pretty, not more than twenty; aud no ono regarding nor pa'o, spiritual faeo, her soft blue eyes, and gen- tl0 and reserved manuer, would iiuagiuo - 6U0i,ad f.tllcu a victim to ouo ot the most dangerous of vioes jy, y. Correspondence Cincinnati Gazette r; A inlin.l in IlL.l nil individual when probpetous it fiuds friend, every XVhcVC A Clerical Villian. Il becomos our unpleasant duly lo re cord another sceno in tho deruoalizing drama of pulpit politics. A Methodist clergyman named Crisman, stationed in Linton twp., is the wolf in snoop's cloth ing, who lias been devouring tho lambs of his flock. IIo was a rabid Abolitionist in the pulpit nnd out of it, and his lying ser mons had became so offensive as to drivo away tcveral of his congregation. IIo had not been long in tho neighborhood be loro ho planned the ruin of a wifo of a member of his church and sought every pretest to be in her company. IIo look special pains to advocate tho war, and to justify all its immortalities, especially the violations of law, when it forbid tho ac complishment of what ho termed "tho right." Having weakened tho sanctity of law in the conscience ol his victim, he in stilled into her mind the dootrines of tho "free lovers," and cited her to tho evil practices of tho ancients. In this way ho corrupted her sense of delicacy, morality and virtue. After a whilo ho pretended to have-a disease in tho throat, so that he oould not preach, and got another clorgy- man to fill his appointments. Then he went to tho bouse of the unsuspecting mem ber of his churoh, to help in harvest, but did not work much in tho field ho olung around tho house helped milk the cows, and did light work. His conduct soon caused whisperings in tho neighborhood, and culminated in an elopement he de serted a wifo and several children, and she a fond and too indulgent husband bringing shame aud misery upon two fam ilies, and scandal upon tho church. How often need the press warn tho people against tho wiles of those infidel fiends, Abolition preachers ? Whenever a preacher begins to talk politics at the fireside, in his pray ers, in his sermons, tho woman should egg him from their doors, and men drag him from the pulpit. They aro false teachers tho wolves in sheep's clothing, against whom the Riblo so often and bo plainly warns tho church. "Coshocton (Ohio) Democrat " Homicide A man by tho natno of Carey ,living in Greenfield had on his place a small peach orchard which had suffered by the depredations of persons unknown. On Friday evening last, Carey .sent his son, a buy of seventeen years, oat to the orchard, telling him to taks tho gun, and it said directed him to shoot any trespas ser. Tho boy on approaching tho peach trees saw something dark moving among tbem, and at once fired; lie then returned to the house saying'Fathcr I fetched him this limo sure. Caroy instantly went to the orchard and approached the trees near enough to sco an inanimate object on tho ground He then ran over to a neigh bor's, a Mr. Snyder, whom he addressed, saying, "My hoy has ehot something among tho peach trees, and-1 am afraid it is your son. cnyucr said "it could not bo, lor his son had justgono down to turn iu the cows." Tho men, however, pro ceeded to the spot, where they found tho body of young Snyder, picrrcd throngli the brest by three buckshot. The scene that ensued, bcggais description. The Carey's wero lodged in j.til ou Sunday. Young Snyder was twenty-one yosrs old. Aortli Branch Democrat, Sermons. The castotn of taking a text as tho basis of a sermon is said to havo originated about tho time of Ezra, who, accompanied by tcvoral Levitcs in a publio congregation of men aud women, acendod tho pulpit, opened the book of law, and after address ing a prayer to tho Diety, to whinh tbo people aid " Anion," read tho law of God disiiuot'y, gave tho sense aud caused them to nudci stand the reading. Previous to the time of Ezra (-157 years B. C1) the patri archs delivered in publio assemblies either prophesies or moral instruction forlhe ed ification of tho people, and it was not un til ,hc return of tho Jows from tho baby Io nian captivity, during which time they had almost lost the language in whioh tho Pentateuch was written, that it becamo nocossary to explain as well as to road the Sotiptures to them a practice adopted by Ezra, nnd since universally follon'cd1 In latter times, (Actsxv.31.) the book of Moses was read in the synagouge every Sabbath day. To this habit our Savior conformed, and in the synagouge, ono Sahbth dav. road a nassaca from tho prophet Isaiah, then closing tho book, ro turned it to tho priest, and proached from tho lest. 1 - - . 1 - ; " llul woan a tight boot h likely o iinmuiimiu" mt'if Builroad Accident. tIST or THE VICTIMS. llAurtisiiuito, Pa.. Oct. I i, 18CS. An accidont happened to tho express train Roing oast, between hero and Las caster, this afternoon. Four cars wcro thrown from tho traok, lilight persons wore killed," and two slightly injured. The only ono of tho dead recognized up lo this time is tho wife of i. 1 Rarr, Esq , of Pitttiburg. The accidont was occasion ed by a broken rail. Lancasteu, Pa., Oct. 15, 1606. Tho following is a list of the killed by tho accident yesterday on the Pennsylva nia Railroad near t lii 3 plaoc Mrs. Burr, wifo of James P. Rarr, of Pittsburg. Sarah Willot, of Now Cumberland, Pa. Col. Rutler and wifo of Leweston, Pa. W. II. Butler, clerk in tho Surveyor General's ofBco of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Uretla or Getta of Milwaukle. Ono lady, unknown. Two girls, 10 and 1C years old, un known. Tho bodies of those identified hayo.bocu sent homo to their friend.'. Nequo Testimony. In a caso where several nogrocs wore charged with gamb ling, ono of the parly was called upon to testify what ho knew of the matter. Thoro were five others besides himself, and ho swore that four of tho five were guilty ,but pointing to his friend said it o was not. His friend was immediately placed upon tho witucss stand and convicted tho former witness. Goinrr out of the court room the first witness remarked that he didnt care a damn for the fins and punishment, but after he Imd sworo to a damn lie to dear his friend, that friend turned right round and convicted him. Eeliab'o witness, in deed. Macon Journal. CSy ''There's a difference in time, you know, between this country and Europe," said a gentleman in New York to a new-. Iy ariivcd Irishman. "For instance, your friends at Cork aro in bed and fast asleep by this time, while wo hero aro enjoying ourselves in tho early evening," "That'a always tho way," exclaimed Pat. "Ire land nivor got justico yit. tiSf" A man in geltiug out of an omni bus, a few days sinco, made uso of two rows of knees as panisters to steady him self, at which tho ladies took offense, and one cried aloud, "IIo is a perfeot savage!" "True," said a wag, inside, "ho belongs to the Paw-knco tribe-." Cs3 Young lady composed somo verses for tho Herkimor Gazette, headed "Dew Drops from Freshly blown Roses." The printer's devil printed it, ''Freshly blown Noses." A persons character depends a good deal upon bringing up. For instanoo, a man who has becu brought up by the po lice, seldom turns nut respectable. fi&y Wo may silonty observe thing wo need not speak of ; in this way wo learn many a profitable Icsou without the cost of impudoncc. CQfDon't beat yuur carpets, poor dnmu things a: all ovents,U's cowardly to strike them when they're down. If they deservo pnniihment call in a polioctiian and let him tako them up. E3"As a razor is best whetted in oil 30 wit is best sharpened by poliincss. Tlio ack ot edge in both is discoverable- from tho offence or pain thoy give. SyA young top about stalling down to New Orleans, proposed to purchase a life preserver. "Oh, you'll not want it,' suggested the clerk, "bugs of wind don't Eiuk " A country editor, living on tho line of a railroad applied for a pass for himself and added, "please embrace ray wifo. Inn Superintendent re turned a pass to tbo ed itor, but declined tho proposed honor. Cay'Sammy, my dear boy, vhat oro you crying for ?' Bill hpvo tho 'bible at me, and hit mo on tho head.' ' Well, you .are the firt person in my family on whom the Btblo lias made tho slightest impression.' t2yA mother, admonishing her son, told him ho should never defer till to-morrow what ho oould do to-dtiy. Tho littlo fellow replied, 'Tlieu, mother, let's cat tho maindor of Iho plum pudding to night. Mock Tunlo "my dour" ut pu'i.- JUIVftl" (illin,T a husband ..ti I y u hrtitp" ir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers