SUB-TREASURY BILL. "The following is. the Hill as it' passed lio. Senate on the ?Sth ult. , The billys passed, is in the following wordsr - (hA BILL to imposo additional duties, a? depositaries, upon certain public affiecrs, lo appoint receivers general or public money, and to regulate the safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of tho public moneys of the United States. t .JJeit enacted by the Senate and Home ef Representatives of the United Slates oJrneriea in Congress assembled, Tliat there shall be prepared and provided, with in' the new Treasury building now erecting at the seat of Government, .suitablo and convenient rooms for tho uso of the Treasur er of the United States, his Assistants and clerks; and sufficienrdnd secure fire proof vaults and sates, lor the keeping or tho pub lic monies in the possession and under the immediate control of the said Trcasuror; which said 1091ns, vaults, aud safes, are hereby constituted and declared" to bo, the Treasury of the United stales. "And the said Treasury of. the United States shall keep all the publirfitioneys. wjiicji shall come to his hands in the Treasury of tiio United States, as hereby constituted,, until the same ate drawn therefrom according to law. 8$cS And Jc it further enacted, That , the Mint of the United States, in the city of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, and the Branch Mint, in tho city of Now Orleans, in tho Stato of Louisiana, and the vaults and the safes thereof, 'respectively, hall be places of dopositc and safe-keeping of the public moneys at those points re spectively; and tho Treasurer of the said Mintan'd'TJranch Mint respectively, for the time being, s'hall have the custody and caio of all public mdne'ys deposited within the same, and shall perfonn all the duties re- quired to be perfoimed by them, in refer ' ence to the receipt, safe-keeping, transfer, " and disbursements of all1 such moneys, ac cording to the provisions hereinafter con tained. Sec. 3. Andbe it further enacted, That there sliall be prepared and provided, with- ' in the custom-houses now erecting in tho city of New'York, fn the Slate of New t York, and in the city of Boston, in the State -of Massachusetts, suitablo and ' convenient fcooms for the use of the receiver's general ' of public moneys, hereinafter directed to be appointed at those places respectively; and sufficient and secure fire-proof vaults and safes for tho keeping of the public moneys colfceted -.and deposited with them, respe'e t lively; and the receivers general of public money, from lirne tbTime appointed at those points, shall hava "the custody and care of the said rooms, vault3 & safes respectively, and of all the public moneys deposited within the same, and shall perform all the duties required to be performed by them, in reference to the receipt, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of all such mo neys, according to the provisions of this act. , Sec 4. Andbe it further enacted, That "there shall be erected, prepared, and provid ed, at the expense of the United Slates, at the city of Charleston, in the State of South Carolina, and at the city of St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, offices, with suitable "and convenient rooms for tho use of the re ceivers general of public money hereinafter directed to 'be 'appointed at the the places above named; and sufficient and secure tire proof vaults and safes for the keepiner of the public money collected and deposited at those points respectively; and the said re ceivers general, from limp to time appoin 'ifd'a't those places, shall have the custody and care of the said offices, vaults, and safes so to be erected, prepared, and provided, 'and of all the public moneys deposited "within the same, and shall perform all the 'duties required to be performed by them, in reference to the receipt, safc-keeninir. transfer, and disbursement of all such mo neys, according to the provisions hereinaf ter contained. Sec 5. And be it further enacted, That me rrcsiuem snau nominate, anil, by ami vilh the advice and consent of the Senate appoint four officers, to be denominated receivers general of public money," which said officers shall hold their respective ofli- ces for the term of four years unless sooner tcmovca mereirora; one ot which shall be Seated at tho city of New York, in the .State of New York; one other of which shall .1)0 located at tho city of Boston, in the State of Massachusetts; one other of which shall be located at tho city of Charleston, in the Stato of South Carolina: and the re maining one of which shall be located at the city of St. Louis, iii tho State of Mis souri; and all of which jsajd officers shall give bonds to the United Stales, with sure ties, according to the provisions hereinafter Contained, for the faithful discharge of the duties of their respective offices, . Sec 0. And be it further enacted That the treasurer of the United States, Ihe Trea surer of the Mint, of the United States, the Troasnrers, aud those acting as such, of 'tho various Branch Mints already erected and now erecting, all collectors of the cus toms, all receivers general of public mo ney F;airttceiVejs; of public moneva at the several laricl' ttinces, ancj all postmasters, ex cept as wjictfiriafier particularly provided Io and they -are hereby, required to keep eafely, without loaning orusing.all the pub lic money collected by them,' or otherwise at any lime placed in their posspsaion and custody, till the same is ordered by the pro per department or officer of the Govern JDttM to be transfered or paid outt and wlieu such orders Tor transfer or payment are re ceived, faittjifully and promptly to make tho same as directed, and to do and per form all other duties as fiscal agents of tho Government, which may bo imposed by this or any other acts of Congress, or by any regulation of the Treasury Department, mado in conformity to law; "and also to do and perform all acts and duties required by law, or by direction of any of tho Execu tive Departments of tho' Government, ns agents for paying pensions, or for making any other disbursements which cither of tho heads of those departments may bo requir ed by law l6 make, and which arc of a character to 1)0 made by tho depositaries hereby constituted, consistently with the olhdr official duties imposed upon them. Sec 7. And be iifurthcr enacted, That tho treasurer of the UnilccJ States, the Trcasuror of tho Mint of the United States, the Treasurer of ttin Min.otivr Orleans, and tho rcecivors general of public money hereinbefore directed to be appoint cd, shall, respectively, give bonds to the United Suites, in such form, and for such amounts, as sliall bo directed by the Secrc- -Tit., nv . - . J . . wij uiiuc ireasury, oyaiul with the ad vice and consent of tin? Prpsulmi, ,. tics to tho satisfaction of tho Solicitor of tiio Ireasury: and shall, from limo to time, renew, strengthen, nml innrv.n ,,;, m,.;i bonds, as tho Secretary of the Treasury. ,wiu uiu i-uusuiuui me rresiuent, may di rect: anv law in refornn cial, bonds of any ofthoiaid officers to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec 8. And be it further eiineti Tim, It Shall be tllO dlltV orthn Rrrrntnrv nftV.n Treasury, at as catlv a day as possible af- mi, (.uooujju a, una aull lo require irom the several dcnositnrW I and whose official borids aro iiot"hsrciubc- lorc provided for, to execute bonds new and suitable in their terms to meet thenow and increased duties imposed upon them respec tively by this act, and with sureties, iii tiunis such as shall seem reasonable and safe to tllC Solicitor of tlie Trfinenrv 'nml (Vnm limo to time require such bonds to" be renewed i ? i . . . . anu increaseu in amount ana strengthed by new Sureties, to ineetrmv iiinrprisinirrnQrinii. sibility which may grow out of accumula tions oi money iinue nanus ot tho ueposita- rv. Or OUt of anv Other dntvnr rnsnonsihili. iy arising under this or any other law ofJ vjongress. Sec 9. And be it further ennrterl. fTlmi I all collectors and receivers of public money, oi every onaractor. and description, within the District of Columbia, shall, as frequent ly as they may be directed by the Secreta ry of the Treasury so to do, pay over to' tho freasurer of the United States at thej Ij-casury thereof, all public, moneys collec ted by them or in their hands; that all sucli collectors and receivers of public moneys ' within the cities of Philadelphia and New Orleans, shall, upon .the same direction, nav i it. ri .. ... . t ovur w wo ircasurers oi tne Mints in their respective cities, at the said mints, all pub lic moneys collected by them, or in their hands; and that all such collectors atul re ceivers ofpublic moneys within the cities of NOW York. Boston. Chfirlnalnn. nnrl Si Louis, shall, upon the same direction, pay noy in their respective cities, at their offi ces respectively, all the public moneys col lected by them, or in their hands, to be safely kept, by the said re'opeclive deposita ries, until otherwise disposed of according lo law; and it shall be the duty of tli'c said Secretary to direct such payments, by tho said collectors and receivers, at all the said places, at least as often as once in each month, and as much more frequently, in all cases, as ho, in his discretion, may think proper. ( Sec 10. And be it further enacted, That it shall bo lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury to transfer tho moneys in the hands of any depositary hereby constituted, to the Treasury of the UniipirStntps: m ilm Mint at Philadelphia: to the Branch M i ii t nt New Orieans; or to the offices of cither of me receivers general ot public moneys, by this.act directed to be armointml: to Up. tlmrn safely kept , according to tho provisions of mis aci, aim aiso to transtor moneys , in the hands of any one depositary constituted by this act to any other depositary constituted by tho same, at his discretion, and ai the safety of the public monoys. and thoconve nienco of tho public service, shall seem to him to require. And for the purpose of ji.iiiitiu-j uii uiu jhiuiiu iiccDiiui, ii snau 1)0 lawful for the Treasurer of the Urjiled States to draw upon any of the said depositaries, as he may think most conducive to the public interests, or to tho convenience of the public creditors, or both. Sec 11. Andbe it farther enacted, That the moneys in tho hand.; care, and custody of any of the depositaries constituted by this act, shall bo considcred.and held a3 de posited to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States, and shall bo at all times, subject to his draft, whether mado for trans fer or disbursement, in tho same manner as though thosatd moneys were actually in tho Treasury Department of all moneys receiv ed and paid by him at such time8 and in Riicli foim, as shall bo directed by the Sec retary of the Treasury. Sec 12. And H it further tnacttd That whenever public moneys shall accumulate in the hands of any depositary constituted by this act, other than the Treasurer of the United States, the Treasurer of tho Mint of the United Stales, tho Trcasuror of tho Branch Mint at Now Orleans, and the re ceivers general of pnblic nwney, to an aniount beyond thvlgecnred by the bpivd of the officer, or tth'ielt the Secretary oflhb tfea euryshall, far any cause consider unsafe, tr it shall not bo desirable io transfer the moneys so accumulated to any other depositary, lt shall he lawful for tho said Secretary to di rect the said moneys, or any portion there of, to be specially deposited in such bank of tho Stale, or Teritory, wherein tho deposi tary Who b to mako tho deposito is located, as he, tho said Spcrotary, shall select and name: Provided, The bank so selected will nreo to roceivc and keep tho moneys depo sited with it upon tho terms and conditions in tho nextj section of this act prescribed . Sec 13. Andbe iifurthcr enacted, That the special deposites Of tho public monoys authorized by. the last proecding section of this act to bo banks, sliall be made Upon the following terms and conditions, and upon no oilier, namely. . - . t First. All suifh deposites sliall be strictly special'dnposhes; and the banks holding them shall be"prohibitcd, in tho most effec tual manner, from making any use of.the moneys deposited, by way of loans, dis counts, or in any other 'manner, or for any other purpose whatsoever; and to secure the fufilment of this condition the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized, in his discretion, to furnish tho banks selected as deposito banks with safes for the keeping of the pub lic moneys exclusively, and under the joint control of tiio bank and some dislgnatnd of ficer of the Government, or to adopt such other guards' as ho shall prefdr. Second. Nothing but gold or silver or sucli notesiUiIls, or paper, issued under tho authority of the United States, as may bo directed by law to be received in payment of tho public dues, shall be offered for depo sito, or received by the banks as adeposite, underlie, nrovisipns of this net. Third. All deposites.shall be 'passed, up on the books of the bank, to the credit of the depositary making, the same; but no moneys deposited in pursuance of this act shall be withdrawn without the express or der of tho Secretary of the Treasury for the payment; drafts of the Treasur er of the United States, or orders or war rants of the Secretary of tho Treasury, for ordinary transfer or disbursefnent, shall be mailc upon any bank selected as a djposite batik under; this act. Fourth. A commission, such as' shall be agreed upon between the Secretary o the Treasury and tho bank, not in any case to exceed one eighth of one per centum upon mo moneys ueposneu witn it, shall be al lowed and paid by the United States, in full satisfaction of all' claims on the part of the hank for trouble and risic crowinrr out of the 'receipt, safe keeping, and repayment of the special oeposncs nerem authorized to be made; all accounts for commissions to be audited and paid at tho Treasury of the Uni- leu oiaics. Sec. Ii. Andbe it further enacted, That in casein) bank within the Stato or Territo ry wherein the depositary, directed to mako deposites, is located, will consent to receive the moneys of tho Government upon special deposito, according to the foregoing condi tions and regulations, then it sliall be law ful for tho Secretary of the Treasury to se lect in an adjoining State, or Ter ritory, such as may be most convenient for thu officer to mako deposites, and the pub lic service; and in case no convenient bank of either character can be found willin" to receive stiSh deposites upon the terms pro posed1, tlie Secretary may, transfer the same to -flie Treasury of tho United States, to the Mint, br Brnnch Mints, or to the offi ces of olthqi of the receivers general of pub lie nioney, as shall bo most convenient to the depositary from whom the money is to be transferred, or to the wants of tho public service jn, referance to disbursements. Si;c 15. And be it further enacled,TUat the Secretary of the Treasury 'uball be, and ho is hereby, authorized to cause examina tions to be made of tho bcolpi, accounts, and money on hand of tho several depositaries constituted by this act and for. that purpose to appoint special agents, as occasion may require, with such compensation as be mav think reasonable, to be fixed and declared at the lime of each appointment, which said examinations, in ail cases where the sum on hand usually exceeds three-fourths of the amount of the officer's bond, shall not bo mado less frequently ihau once in each year, and as much moro.frequently, in those and all oilier cases, .as the Secretary in his dis cretion, shall direct. The agents selected to make: these examinations shall bo instruc ted to examine as well tlie book's, accounts, and returns of the officer, as the money on hand, and the manner of it being kept, to the end that uniformity and accuracy in the accounts, as well as safety to the public moneys, niay bo secured tiiercby- Secj jp And be it further enacted. That in addition to tho examinations provided for in the last preceding section, and as. a fur ther grtard over tho public moneys, it shall bo the tluty of each naval officer anil sur veyor, as a check upon tho receiver general of public monoys, or collector el" tho cus toms, of their respective districts; of each register of a land offico, as a .check upon Iho receiver of his land ofacc; and of the director and stiperintondatit of each Mini and" Branch .Mint when sepcrato offices, as a check upon tho Treasurers, respectively, of tle,saidMint, or tho persons acting as such, at tho close of each quarter of the year, and much more frequently aa they shall bo directed by the Secretary of the Treasury to do so, to examine the books, accounts, returns, and money on huud, of the weaker general of public money, col IecWfRceivers ofland offices, Treasurers, iDtl tl ilfirsons netinf 4 fcivh. Ahil in mukn n full. llCcliralD. ife f:iithfnl rntum in tltn 'Prone. urers, nnd persons outing ns such, and to i t .ii . ... inaive a iuii, accurate, anu laitlijul return to the Treasury Department of their condi tion: Sec. 17. Andbe it further tnnr,! 'Pi,, tho said officers respectively, whoso duty u ia itiuuu uy una aci io receive, Keep, and disburse tho public moneys, as tho fiscal agents of the Government, may be allowed any necessary additional expences for clerks fire-proof chests, or vaults, or other neces sary expenses of safn keeping, transfering and disbUrsingsaid moneys: all such expen ses of every character to "bo first expressly authorized by the Secretary of tho Treasu ry, whose discretions upon all the above subjects, by way of regulation and other wise, aio to be strictly lollowcd by all the said officers: Provided, That the whole number of clerks to bo appointed by virtue of this section of this act, shall not exceed ten, and that tho aggregate compensations of the wholu nunihnr r!i:iII nni nv,,,! n:nl.t thousand dollars, nor shall tho compensa- iivu ui -ii "lit w--ij, ou ajijiuuilL'U, excecu eight hundred dollars per annum. Sr.c, 1 8. And be it further enacted, That tho Secretary of the Treasury shall with as much nronintituuo ss'tlio cnnvnnSniirn ndim public business -find .tho safely af the public lunus win pcniiii, wiinuraw ino balances rcmainm? with tho present dcnn&itnrins nf- tho public moneys, and confine the safe keeping, translcr, and disbursement of those moneys to the depositaries established hv this aqt br.c 19. Andbe it further enacted, That all marshals, district attorneys, and others, having public mpnoy to pay. to die United States, aud all patentees, wishing tn m:. payment for patents to be issued, may pay all such moneys to the Trcasuror of 'life llhitnil Rlnt'S. -it llui 'IVm.,,,,, ,n ,t... 1 . iktuuir, iu nit; surer of either of tho Mints, ii; Philadelphia or new wnuuns, io eiiner ol tlie receivers irencral of nublic innnnv. nr in itr.)i depositary constituted byMiis act as shall be' designated by the Secretary of the Treasu ry in.other parts of the United States, (o receive such payments, and give receipts or i-cruucaius oi ueposito tlicrelore. SEC. 20. And be it further ennfli.,1 'l'!.-. all officers charged by this act with hc safe- iveeiiiiig, iransicr, anu disbursement of tho public moneys, arc hereby required to keep an acctlratB cnlrir nf o..,.!. cum ,,i and of the kind of money' in which it is re- cciycu, anu pi each payment or transfer, and of tho kind of which it is made ; and that if any one of the said officers shall convert to his own use, in any way whatever, or shall uso bv 4way of invest ment in any I disc, or shall loan, with or without interest, l'oruon ci the public moneys intrusted lo him for safe-keeping, disbursement, trans fer prfor any other purpose, every such act shsll be deemed and adjudged to bo an cinbazzelmcut of so much of tho said mo neys, as shall he thus taken, converted, in vested, used or loaned, which i3 hereby de clared to be 'a IikxIi miHilnmfnn,r. nml , officer or person' ennvictrfd thereof before any court of tho United Sintcs nf rnmnntnni jurisdiction, shall bo sciitonedd in i ment for a term of not less tliau two. nor more then five years, and to a fine equal to the amount of the money embezzled. Src 31. And be if furher entiel.l Plmi 'until the rooms, offices, vaults, and safes. directed by the first four sections of this net to bo constructed and prepared for the use of tho Treasurer of the ITnitpil .Sinn it,.. Treasurers of the Mints at Philadelphia and New Orleans, and the re'ceivcls gcnqrnl of puone money at JNcw York, Uoston Charles ton, and St. Louis, can be constructed and prepared for use, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of tho Treasury to procure suita ble rooms for offices for those officers at tiicir respective locations, and Jp contract with such banks incoporations, or individ uals, as'may be willing to contract for such ,use of their vaults and safes as may be re quired for the safe-keeping of tho public moneys in the charge and custody of those officers respectively, tho expense to be paid by the United States, Sec. 22. And bA it further enacted, That it shall not bo lawful for. tho Secreta ry of tho Treasury to mako or continue in force, any general order, which shall yrcato anv difference btwecn ihn imn.i... of revenue, as to the funds or medium of payment, in which debts or dues accruing to the United States may be paid. . Src. 23. And be it further enacted, That it shall bo tho duty of the Secretary of the Treasury ,lo issuo and publish regulations to enforco tho speedy presentation 0r nil Government drafts for payment at tho place where payable, and to prescribo tho timo, according to tho different distances of thb depositaries from .the seat of Government, within which all drafts upon them, respec tively, shall bo presented for paymont; and, in default of &uch representation, to direct any other modo and place of payment which he may deem proper. , Sep. 24. And beitfurlurenaclcd,Thnl tho receivera general of public moneys di rected by this aqt to bo appointed, shall re ceive respectively, tho following salarieii per annum, td be paid quarter yearly, at the Treasury of the United States, to wil: thb receiver general of public money at New Yoik shall be paid a salary of three limits and dollars per annum; tho" receiver general of public inouoy at Boston shall h paid a salary of two thousand five hundred dollars por annum ; the receiver general of public riionoy at Charleston shall be paid a salray of two thousand five hundred dollars pe, annum; and the reqeiver general of tmblie money nt St. Louis shall1 be paid a salary Of tWO thousand fivn tinmt,! ,l1l.. . 3 ..... Junius per annum; and these salaries, respectively dlinll tin 5n full Cnr tUn r.,,!... ".!. . . A; v swucua ui jiic respec tive officers ; nor shall cither of thcin be per mitted to charge, or receive, any coinmis fiion, pay, or perquisite, for any official ser vice, of any character or description what soovor; and the making of any such charm or tho receipt of any such compensation, is hereby declared to bo a misdemeanor, for whiqli-'thc officer convicted tlrtucof, before any coi;rt of tho United Slates of compe tent jurisdiction, shall bo subject to punish, ment by -fine or imprisonment, or both, at tho discretion of the court before which tho olTcnce shall be triciU Sec. 25. And he it farther enacted, That the Treasurer of the United Stales -be, and is hereby, authorized lo-reco'ivo aufci Treasury, fc atsuch olhcr points as I;o rosy designate, payments in advance for public lands, tho payments so made, in all case?, to bo evidenced by the receipt of the saidTreas urcr of tho United Slates; which receipts Ko given shall bo current at the several land offices of the United States, as cash, at any public or private salo of lands, in the same manner hs the currciley authorized bylaw to bo received in payment 'for tho public lands. Provided, however, That the re ccipts given by the Treasurer of the United States, pufsuant to the authority conferred in this scctioil. shall hot bo nogotiable or ransferriiblo, by delivery, or assignment, or in any other manner whatsoever, but shall, in all cascsybo presented in payment for lands by or'fArthe person to whom the re ceipt was given, as shown upon its face. Sec. 20. Ajd be it further enacted, That for the purchaSfe of sites, and for the con strnctiort oftliFofficed of he receivers gen eral of public money, by this act directed, to bo erected at Charleston, South Carolina, and at St. Louis, MUsouri, there sliall bo and hereby is, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in "the Treasury notolhcr .wise appropriated, the sum pf.ten thousand dollars, to bo cxponded under the direction of tho Secretary of the Treasury, who is hereby required to adopt plans for the said offices, and the' Vaults and safes connected tiicrewith, and to cause the sanio-to be con structed nnd prepared for use with as little delay as shall bo consistent with the public interests, and, tho convenient location and se curity of the buildings to be erected: Vo vidtd, however, That if tho Secretary of tho 1 rcasury shall find, upon inquiry and examination, that suitable rooms for the nsc ol the receiver general at Charleston can be obtained in the custom house now owned by the United States at that place, and that secure vaults and safea,can be constructed in thai building fpr-lho sufc-kdeping of the public, money,, then he shall cause such rooms prepared and fitted up, and such vaults nnd nafes to bo constructed in the custom-houso at Charleston, and no inde pendent office shall be there erected. S:c.27. And be it fufthtr enacted, Thrtt for tlo payment of tho expenses authorized by. this act, other than those herein before provided for, a sufficient sum of money be, and tho same is hereby, appropriated, to bo pajd out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. The following ludicrous, though somewhat alrtrinin adventure hap pened lo a gentleman in the course of a late visit to the celebrated Calhedral of St. Paul, London. In his investiga tion of the several curiosities of (he place, he arrived at the turret which contains the tmtchincry of tho clock. Here (he dial-platq is accessible, .. and on its inside is a, small square aperture, for the convenience of the persons shifting the hands of the clock. Our friend being of a decidedly inquisitive disposition, and particularly fond of thrusting himself into every strange and out-of-llic-wrty corner; immediate ly popped his head through the invit ing opening, lie was instantly ab sorbed in the enjoyment ot the View his elevated situation niTordcd him, his position iii reference lo the hands of the clock never costing him n thought, when, guillotine-like, down comes tile ponderous, bar .vlpch con stitutes the larger hand: right over his devoted head. j gentle nnd grad ual pressure on the 'spine toon gave himajunl of the predicament in which he stood. But the organ of philo-pro-genitivenoss being very strikingly de veloped, it was too late. ' To draw, his head out was impossible, and it beenme an unavoidable fixture, while the powerful and steady motion of the machinery was scarcely at all impeded. Decapitation in its most lineerincr and shock! lff fnrm mnef lmifn been inevitable, had not thp bell rin ger in thd exercise of his duty at that moment arrived. He instantly peqeciv-. cd how.. matters stood, and with thrj ijuiuiuieus qi uiougiu stopped the ma chinery. Tho bar was gloved up by means ofleyern, nntj'the'tcrriflci' and astonished man m It is said ho has ever since been very alii, if I II t11fil t?.. 1 I iV-.l - B.ijr x,, in. uoiuij; lu IICUII Oil tllC J1CT- pendiculnr, and gives nn involuntary shudder when in looking out of a win- mw i.iivu. iy uci-Kieui;, loijenes tlie frame. Greenock Advertiser. lit iV v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers