THE 0M 9I1MA MUOtRAT. I liavo sworn upon tho Altar of God, stomal lioitlllly to story form of Tyranny ovr tho Blind of Man." -Thomas Jaffarion. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM". Volume I. RliOOMSRUR'G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, FA. SATURBAY, MARCH 31, 1838o Number 49. fficeipts &Expeiaditwipe HUGH McWlLLIAMS, Esq. Ticasurcr in .thcftuayofJaWry, until the 31st day If5; DOLLS. CTS. To cash received of '.the several collectors during 1st quarter $2,20(5 52 "do" do 2d 2,777 584 27 88 do do do xlo 3d '4th 1,G01 1,081 balance in favor of ho TreaV urrcr,vith what may be com ing from the State as per centage, --..,.-.. '85G7 20i 1.7G3 G7i 10,330 93 - We', tho undersigned, iComniissioncrs of i-t...'- i- 1 .1.-.-. ...lil.t.- . auuvc iicpuuuia, mimparuu, iiiciu wiiu uiu voucners, iinu nun mem correct ami just. .Vilness.our hands this 14th day of February, A!' D.1838. "' ID DINGS BARKLEY', t , , - COR. CLAOKNEIt, ' ' 'JOSEPH BRORST,. , , Commissioners. fyBMM- 1 1 n3EMw ootjwm iiui mm 1 1 ! ! will I EXPENDITURES of the County of Commissioners onthe Treasurer thereof, during t(ieyaar one thqusand eight. hun dred and thirty-seven: " ' v ' ' . M ,,t ;- DOLLS. 183 1,419 .93 CTS. 24 25 00 Assessors wages, Jurors wages and mileage, Constables attending Court, , Constables making returns to qiiarter sessions, 100 04 Commissioners & Clerk's wa- ' t ges, 401 50 "Viewers of Roads and Bridges, 195 00 : State costs, , 117 04 Elections General, " 234 50' Contingent Expenses', . 5G 03 Printing and Stationary", 349 70 Bridge .buildingand repairing', 2,866 12i Carried up1, $0017 22i We, the undersigned Auditors Uuly ele'ct'od to settle nrfd'adjust'tKe accounts, of tlic 'County of Columbia, do certify that wc report a balanco against the County of sixty-seven and one halt cents. Witness our hands this 14th day of February, A. D. 1838. PETER KLINE, ") JOHN BIDDLE, i Auditors. GEO : II. WILL1TS, J , Wii, 'the undersigned-Auditors; do find Sheriff Salmon accountable for twelve dollars Jury fees, we also find Sheriff Reed yet accountable for thirty-nine dollars Jury fees, as ' . We, tho undersigned Auditors of the the County from John I'ruit anil llugn Mc -33-34-35 and 36, the sum of five hundred and fifty-two dolllars, after tiio liquidation of the State tax, the'silm of two hundred and twenty-two dollars and ninety-four cents. , V ' . . TrillA! nmnrp - ' " .IVJ11H UlUULlLl, . I. ,', A Statement ffioiving the, balances due from the year 1837. Collectors Names;- Townships; Years, Amt.of ilupli'ls, 1 Ami. paid! ' , i. Fishing Creek, 18371 .$198 38 , 20 72 Sugarloaf, ' 205 18 .. 00 .09 Mount, pleasant, " 205 73. . 54 00 Liberty, " 424 54 01, 00 Greenwood, 428 23 95 87 i Madisqri, ' " 432 50 130 32 Roaring Creek,. " 519 ,4Q 172 50 Hemlock, ' GOO 82 100 03 Cattawissa, ' 885 45 115 22. Mifllin, G15 01 225 00 Perry, 070 ,08 248 12i Briar Creek, " 035 03 00 00 Mahoning, " 1,000 00 212 00 Blriom, " 060 0? 245 00 Limestone " 453 87 3G8 50 Mahoning, 1830 1,359 50 871 47 Madison, ( 583 40 28 80 Mount Pleasant, 301 44 319 00 Mifllin;- - " 793 30 253 50 Greenwood, 572 55 437 00 Derry, 001 27 714 00 Qattawissa, ' 1177 32 031 70 Briar Creek ',' 1250 20 890 70 Mahoning, 1835 M,00 28 1153 28 Derry, " 001 52 325 15j Mifllin, " 430 08 353 28 John Lazarus, , , Henry II. FritZj John Ruckle, Peter Simonton, Thomas Mendenhall, Daniel Wcllivcr, Jeremiah Hughes, Isaac Loidy, Jacob Shultz, John Brown, serir. Thos. Moorehead, John Freas, David Phillips, ( Archibald He'nrib"; Johrf F,ulton, John Rishel, Jerermiah Wolliver,' hilin Kestlcr, Christian ShUman,' Ezra Eves,' John RisheJ," John Davis, David Rcmley,, Michael Sanders, John Moyer, retcr Nungesserj Total jQThose marked thus have B Alt IRON Just rcived, and for salt at now & cheap More 01 J, T. Itosetnttrt, If Ctb, . 1 i W account with tho County of Columbia, from of DbceUSber, A. D. 1837, both days in- ' CR. ' ,' DOLLS. CTS. By cash paid on Commission-' ers orders,''' ' "j 1 ' ' Fox Scalps, " ' , " ' ' balance (hie per last report', Treasurers CommiisibiiY',,!"1 w r no 7,775 03 70 10 4,293 "102 45 30 tnmnMMM .. 1 10,330 93 the Coun'tv of Columbia, Have examined the ' u.l'1? 1 it - ' 11 ' l ;.!. Columbia, as. ,nor, the order, issued by, the DOLLS. CTS. 0,017 22i Amount brought up Education ol the Poor Auditors Wages, 1 ' , Prothonotary and .Clerk of the Quarter Sessions, Coroners' Fees, ' ' Jailor and Sheriff's Fees, Court Cryer, WolfaUd Fox:antl Fox Scalps', !' li,:- ' 240 514 15 00 81 20 54 GO 279 39 01 75 70 19 G.822 87 have examined the foregoing accountsand do seventeen hundred and sixty-three dollars and PETER KLINE, ") ' JOHN BIDDLE, I Auditors. GEO: H. WILL1TS, County of Columbia, do report that we find due Williams, late J rea 'reasutors .for the years 1832 Auditors. GEO; H. WILL1TS, 5 '.everal. Cplect6rs at the end of the Balance due, 171 G5i 155 18 211 23 303 54 332 35 .102 Hi 310 GOO 770 03 79 13 390 01 421 95 875 788 715 03 49 02 37 85 388 324 42 03 55 44 530 89 135 55 27 187 245 50 50 00 300 247 575 30 80 40 amount of taxes due since paid. 0,00 In T3750R CAPS, just received, and fcr sale at ths H ' nrw cfc eiiip stou of J. T. Mtfsselmari) ot NOTICE. LTj persona indebted to tlic subscriber by bond I noic, or oook account, or otherwise, aro rc quested to call and settle the same before the first day vf April, next. He is determined to have old matters justly arranged; and thoso. who neglect at- no mistake. . DANIEL SNYDER. Bloomsburg, January G, 1838. 37-tf WALLERSIIAMP'S Cough Sirup and Family y pmgj ferMS' Tobias's' Health Emporium. Clovfcr-Seecl. USIIELS OF CLOVERSEED of a superior oualitv. iutt re ceived, and lorsalo at the riew and cheap storo o J. T. MUSSELMAN, & Co. Bloomsburg, Feb. 3, 1838. Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic or Stomach Pills, JTSOll indigestion, or sour Stomach, on hand, and 1 Mr si) A nt Tobias Ifcalth Emnoriam. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1838. 38-4 1 AND EXCHANGE. The SulscriJcr "ttTERY respectfully informs his friends and th'r f publie, that ho has always on han i, at his Li very (Stable m liloomtburg, for tlie purposes of Hir or mcnangc, a variety ol Horses, Sulkies, GIGS, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. which he wijl feel gratified to keep in rcadiuess for tho accommodation of customers'. Personal application can be made athisresidencc, When ovcry means. will bo used to render entire sat isfaction of those who may give him a call NOAH S. PRENTIS. Bloomsburg, November 4, ,1837. jvnw goouh. Cheaper than cheap ! THE subscriber would respectfully announce to I ho people of Bloomsburg and vicinity, & to tho public in general, that ho has just returned a second time from tho city, and is opening out his I comprises a neat and general assortmcntof purchase, 'which, together with Ins former stock DRY GOODS, Consisting in part of an assortment of Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Satlinetts, Merinos, Merino Shawls Handkerchufs, Dress Sonnet Silks and Trimmings, t Ginghams, Calicoes, Linnens, Muslins, Veslings, Stocks, Hosier), fye. . ALSO, An extensive atsortnicnt of Hardware, Hollow-ware, China, Glass, $ Quecnswarc, Crockery, Groceries and Liquors, Oils. Paints. Salt;'Fish. &c. All of which ho offers for sale at his store room in Hl"isbine. on. Main-street, directly opposite the ) JTxjbKyxtA to call mid sco for thcinscues, as he intends selling hU pnnifa Klill n liMn rhrnnpr tln nni- vt nirrl his goods still a littlo cheaper than any yet offered loiuu puuuc, tor casn or country prouuee. . UEOKGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Dec. 30, 18U7. Dr. Freeman's Indian Specific, PjjOR tho prevention and cpro of colds, coughs. IP Asthmas, consumptions, spittinc of blood. and all disordcrs of the breast and lungs, for sale at no Drug store of the subscriber, in Bloomsburg. J). S. Jobias. fiflivant's Tonic Mixture, R Yrgetable Vermifuge, a lasting euro for the 1 over and Ague, on hand and for sale by I). i. Jobtas. Look at. This. NPIRITS, for renewing and cleansing Ladies & 3 Gentlemen's wearing apparrcl, and rcstorcing them to their original colour and brightness. This axcdlcnt Renovator never fails, no matter with what article tho garment may bo stained. It removes all groasa from tho collars of coats, spots and 6tains causcu uy ume, paints, tnr, oil, &c. c. for salo at 1 obtai i s Health Emporium. Illoomsburg, January 37,-1838, 40 3t WANTED. DOY that can come well repommemt fmm 1Q in IK if0ra nrrn nn'nn. U1c qf attending to horses and wait on custo mers at the bar, will lindi employment and goi nucrui wages Dy calling on Daniel Gross. Bloomsburg, March 3, 1838. 45 tf I ZTN Wt ATHJPTT U nrT J. CI 1 1 Zam jn fiuanlitv of Ground Alum Salt iust received, and for salo at tlic cheap storo of J. J . Mttsselmun, y Co. JOB PHIWTI1TG , Ncaty executed at the Democrat offite. TANNING BUSINESS. HE subscriber Would respectfully inform the j - jftVDEIt into co-partnership in his Tannery, and that tho business will hereafter bo conducted Undor putino mat no has taken bis son WILLIAM tho firm of Daniel &. established stand in D William Snydor, at th old I . Moomsbutg, Daniel Snyder. Bloomtburg, .January 0,1838. . 37-tf ,V good quality, and for sato at the lowest' prl- f cc9. always on hand at the old established Tannery, adjoining Snyder's Hotel. Tho subscri bers would respectfully solicit a continuanco of the liberal customs hiretofiire enjoyed by tho senior partner. JJamcl Snyder, William Snyder. Bloonuburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf PROCLAMATION. HERE AS. tho honorable ELLIS LEWIS President of tlie Courts of Oyer and Ttr-1 miner and General Jail Delivery, Coutt of Quarter cessions of the Peace, and uourt of Common l'lea3, .and Orphan's Court, in the eighth Judicial District, composed of tUe counties ot IS orUiumuerianu. u nion, Columbia and Lycoming; and tho lion. Willi ax i MoKTUOMGnx and Lkosauu Rui-kbt, Esquires, I UaaVvlulU J UULIvS III VUlUlliUiU iuu.i.T, .o.u t...i ; v: iinnl ;,i t ' nnZd I 111 J VIA U WUA muuuui... I and thirty-eight, and to mo directed, for holding directed lor Iioluinir I Jl Court of Oyer and Terminer and G'h- eal Jail JJelivcry, uencrai quarter Sessions"o'f"thc''"PeaTe, Common '' Picas, and Orphan's Court IN DANMLLE, in the county of Columbia, on the third Mlnday of April next, (being the 16th day) and to continue one, week. NUTWV is there ore Hereby River i 10 me cor oner, the Justices of the Peaco. 'and Constables of thn said Couiitv of Columbia, thatthey be then and there in the lr proper persons, at ten o ciock, in me forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisition, and other remembrances to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who arc bound by recognizances to prosecute acainst tho prisoners that are or may bo in the jail of said county of Columbia, aretobe then and there to meiecute acainst them as shall he nisi, jurors aro requested to be punctual in their attendance, a grecably to their notices. ' Dated at Danville, the 19th "day of February, in tho year of our Lord one, thousand eight hun dred and .tliirty-cighf, and ip tho C3d year of the independence of the Uni'ad States of Amer ica. WILLIAM KITCHEN, ShtrW- Sheriff's Office, Danville, Feb. 10,1838. 42 Ot , NEW COOPS. MUCH CHEAP ERhTHJIN EVER I The SuliHcrifocr Would beg leavo to announce to the peo ple of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he has just received a splendid assortment of sea sonable DRY GOODS, Consisting of cyery variety off Cloths, Cassimcrcs and Aaltinclls ; jblanncls, and Canton Flunnels, of gvrry colour; Jllack, Brown and Green Mirinos,of every shade and (juality ; and in fact a' full assortment of Drawer Common Goods, among which are an extensive supply of Groceries & Liquors, China, Glass and Queens-Ware, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CEDA3. WARE, Sperm. Refined and Common Limp Oil, Hardware, Castings, & Iron, men's and womsn's , BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS, together with every variety of merchandize which can meet tho wants or please the fancy all which he will dispose of at the lowest prices. He returns his acknowledgments to cus tomcrs for their very liberal support, and with a firm determination to please through attention o business, ho solicits a continu ance of their calls and custom. (Tj All kinds of country product will be taken in exchange for goods. C. D. FISHER. Bloomsburg, Dec. 10,1837. J. T. MiissscIinaiB, it Co. OULD again announce to their customers, and tho public, that they haTe jcbt' re ceived another fresh supply of MERCHANDIZE!, embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Groceries Liquors, Hardware, &c. which they intend to soil at the most reduced prices at their new and cheap 1 storo in IJloomsburu. They invito n call Irons I those who vfttstquee articles atarnert cett prices, Dscemtsr 9, 188T. AT THE RUPERT & BARTOJT, (Successors to E. II. Biggs,) RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public, that they have pur- chased from b. 11. Biggs his interest in the store formerly kept by him, and that they have just received an extensive and splen out assortment ol Pall & Winter Goods, which t,hcy aro now opening for the exa mination and accommodation of Customers, at the New Store House, just constructed by Mr. Biggs, and opposite tp Mr. Robi sons stage office. Their assortment is not only very extensive, but carefully elected to answer tlie uemands ol the neighbour- hood: and altliouirli tlievwish not to adver- ;., ..:. prices, vei thp.v fnrl rnnfitlcnl lhnt . . l. J : J'crthan any store in Bloomsburg. fp1, t I -I nuw oiuuji iiua uuuji ijuruiiaacu purchased at the manufacturers' eslablishment3, at the very lowest prices, and consists of DP.T GOODS, ' SUCH A3 , ' Blue,,Black, llrown, Invisible Grttn, and Fancy coloured Cloths, Cassimeres and Salthictts ; Silks, Merinos, Gin'qhams, and Calicoes ; Lumens and Muslins ; Veslings, Slocks, LADIES' BONNETS, Q m ( E- W S3 O P5 In fine, they have every thing which n cessity or fancy may desire from a yard of tape to the linest article in Dry Uoods, and from a needle to a stove in Hardware. Their stock of - HARDWARE, IRON China, Glass, Q,UEENSWAIU3 : d-roceries &. Liquors: Oik, Salt and Fish, Hollow-ware, 5-c. ij-c. $-c cj-c. is more extensive and better selected thin tho same articles in any of the neigh bouring stores. r I hose vyjio wish new, cheap, and tood articles of Merchandize, should call at ,th 'Bloomsburg Arcade" either before or af terexaming elsewhere, and make their pur chases. ' ' , All kinds of Country Produce 'taken in payment at the highest market pricis. Bloomsburg, Nov. 18, 1837. Swaim's Vermifuge, N invaluablesmily medicine tax worms, dy , entary, borel complabts, cholic. cbolers nioibus, vomiting, pains or weakness in the stom ach, loss Of appetite, fever and ague, ttctkept iV Tobias's Health Emporium Swaim's Panacea, t "HTQ ENOWNED throughout the.whole world fot Ja& its efficacious qualities as a family medicins, constantly on hand, and for salo at tlie Drogetore ot D. S. Tobias. OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, Next poor to Romson's Staob Or tips The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will be published every Saturday morning, at TWO DOLLARS per annum, payabh half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription will he taken for a sltorhr pcriqd than six jnonths; nor any discon tinuance permitted, uniil ail arrearages are discharged. AD VER TISEMENTS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insortifmr, and Twenty-fme cents for every subse quent nsertton. CJA liberal dheovrt made to those who advertise by the t4& LETTERS, tfttrcssli on 6VAv, be post paid.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers