J THE COLUMBIA M1IOCMT. I have iworn upon the Atfar of God, genial hostility to ery form of Tyranny over the Blind of Man." Thomas Jefferson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGHAM. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1838. Number 51. V oluitte I. t Receipts & Expenditures. HUGH McWILLIAMS, Esq. Treasurer in nccount with the County of Columbia, from the first day of January, until tho 31st day of December, A. D. 1837, both, days inclusive.1 R, DOLLS. CTS. To cash received of the several collectors during 1st quarter $2,200 52 do' do 2d 2,777 58i do do 3d 1,001 27 do , do 4th, 1,981 88 8507 2G$ Balance in favor of the Trans' urrer.wiih what may be com ing from the State as per centage, '1.763 C7d 10,330 03 We, tho undersigned, Commissioners of aboye accounts,' compared tlieni with the Witness our hands this 14th day of EXPENDITURES of the County of Commissioners on titc J reasurer tnererj, uurmg ine year one uivuauuu tigm hun dred and. thirty-seven. DOLLS. CTS. 183 24 1,4 1 25 93 00 l00 91 401 f)0 195 5o 117 94 234 5b 50 03 Assessors wages, Jurors wages and mileage, Constables attending Court, Constables making returns to quarter sessions, Commissioners & Clerk's wa ges, Viewers of Roads and Bridges, State costs, Elections General, Contingent Expenses, Printing and Stationary, Bridge building and repairing, 349 2,800 70, 124 Carried up, SO 17 224 Wn. the undersigned Auditors dulv elected to settle and adjust tho accounts of the County of Columbia, do certify that we J 1 . . n report a balance against tno uounty 01 sixlv-seven anu one nan cents. ' Witness our hands this 14th day. of February, A. D. 1838 . Wk. the undersigned Auditors, do find Jury fees, wo also find Sheriff Reed yet pCrlaSlrep0rt3- ' . i '' ' ' We, tho'undersigned Auditors of the Ceunty ofColumbia, do report that we find due the County from John Fruit and Hugh McWilliams, late Treasuiers for tho years 1832 -33-34-35 ahd'3G, the sum of five hundred and fifty-two dnlllars, after the liquidation of the State tax, the sum of two hundred - , A Statement showing the balances due year Collectors Names . John Lazarus, Henry H. Fritz, John Ruckle, Peter Simonton, Thomas Mendenhall, Daniel Welliver, Jeremiah Hughes, Isaac Loidy, Jacob Shultz, John Brown, senr. Thos. Mooiehcad, John Freas, David Phillips Archibald Henrle, John Fulton, John Rishel, Mf Jerermiah Welliver, Philip Kcstler, f Christian Shuman, Ezra Eves, Townships. Fishing Creek, Sugarloaf, Mount pleasant, Liberty, Greenwood, Madison, Roaring Creek, Hemlock, Cattawissa, Milllin, Derry, Briar Creek, Mahoning, Bloom, Limcstnno Mahoning, Madison, Mount Pleasant, Mifflin, Greenwood, Derry, Cattawissa, Briar Creek, Mahoniug, Derry, Mjfllin, John Rishcl, -John Davis, David Remley, Michael Sanders, John Moyer, Peter Nungesspry ijqoThoso marked thus have B v I RON, Just received, and for salo at Jcw&cUwprtoroof POLLS. CTS. 7,775 93 70 19 4,293 45 192 30 10,330 93 the County of Columbia, have examined the vouchers, and nnu mem correct anujusi. February, A. 1). 1838 IDDINGS BARKLEY, COR. CLACKNER, JOSEPH BRORST, Commissioners. Columbia as par the order issued by the POLLS. CTS Amount brought up ' Education of the Poor ' Auditors Wages, Prothonotary and Clerk of the Quarter Sessions, . Coroners Fees, Jailor and Sheriff's Fees, Court Cryer, Wolf and Fox and Fox Scalps, 0,017 22 240 514 15 00 81 20 51 00 279 39 01 75 70 19 0,822 87 have examined the foregoing accounts, and do I . I , 1 ' " ... .1 .1-11 1 seventeen iiunurcu anu sixiy-uiruu uuuara aim PETER KLINE, IE, ) E. V jLITS, J JOHN DIDDLE Auditors. GEO: II. WII SheiifT Salmon accountable for twelve dollars accountable for thirty-nine dollars Jury fees, as PETER KLINE, JOHN DIDDLE, J. Auditors. GEO: II. WILLITS, J and twenty-two dollars and ninety-lour cents JOHN DIDDLE, I q u GEO : II. WILLITS, $ 'imtlor3' from the several Collectors at the end of the laui. Git. By cash paid on Commission ers orders, Fox Scalps, Balance due per last report, Treasurers Commissions, . Years, Amt,of dupli'ts. Amt. paid: ' ' B'alanccdue, 1837, 108 38 20 72i 171 054 (' 05 18 50 09 155 18 205 73 54 50 211 23 424 54 01 ,00 303 54 428 '23 95 874 332 354 432 50 130 324 302 114 " 510 43 172 50 340 93 090 82 100 03 090 79 I 885 45 115 22 770 13 015 01 225 00 390 01 070 08 248 124 421 954 935 93 00 00 875 03 I 1,000 90 212 00 788 40 M 900 02 245 00 715 02 463 87 308 50" 85 37 1830 1,359 50 87.1 47 388 03 583 40 258 89' 324 35 301 44 319 00 42 44 " 793 39 253 50 539 89 " 572 55 437 00 135 55 001 27 714 00 187 27 " 1177 32 031 70 245 50 " 1250 20 S00 70 300 50 18,35 1400 28 1153 28 247 00 901 52 325)151 575 30 439 08 353 28 80 40 amount of taxea due, 8,057 33 since paid. the fTUlt CAPS, just recciv JL1 now cheap stow of UK CAPS, just received, and fcr sale at the NOTICE IjL persons indebted to tho subscriber by bond note, or book account, or otherwise, arc rc luested to call and settle the same before the first day of April, next. He is determined to have old matters justly arranged; anu inose wno neglect at tending: to tills notice may rely on strict legal pro ceedings for the purposes of settlement. There is no mistake. DANIEL SNYDER. Bloomsburg, January 0, 1838. 37-tf ALLERSHAMP'S Cough Sirup and Family fins, lor sale at Tobias's Health Emporium. Mead's Anti-Dyspeptic or Stomach Pills, jOU indigestion, or sour Stomach, on hand, and ior saie at lobias1 Health Emporium. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1838. 38-4t AND esa EXCHANGE. The Subscriber ERY respectfully informs his friends and the public, that no has always on hand, at his Li- cry iatablc in Uloomsliurg, for the purposes of Hlrs ... e ' Horses. Sulkies, 3S, WAGONS, AND SLEIGHS. GIGS, which he will feel gratified to keep in rcadiiicss for the accommodation ot customers. Personal application can be made at his residence, when every means will be used to render entire sat isfaction of those who may give him a call. NOAH S. PRENTIS Bloomsburg, November 4, 1837. .va'h aoons. Cheaper than cheap ! f Mllllj su:3criucr would respectfully announco B to ihe people of Bloomsburg and vicinity. & to tho public in general, that ho has just returned a second time from tho city, and is opening out his purchase, which, together with his former stock comprises a neat and general assortment of DRY GOODS, Consisting in part of an assortment of Cloths, Cassimcres, Satlinelts, Merinos Merino Shawls $ Handkerchiifs, Dress $ Bonnet Silks and Trimmings, Ginghams, Calicoes, Linnens, Muslins, Vestings, Stocks, Hosiery, be ALSO, An extensive assortment of Hardware, Hollow-ware, China, Glass Queensware, Crockery, Groceries and Liquors, Oils, rumts, ball, Iis'i, at, All of which ho offers for sale at his store room in Bloomoburg, on Main-street, directly opposite tha Pnj, nfflrv wllnrA ,lin nnlilm nrn rpanprtfnllir invitnil to call and see for themselves, as he intends selling his goods htul a httlo cheaper than any yet offered to the public, for cash or country produce. UfcUKUE W HAVE It. Bloomsburg, Dec. 30, 1837. Dr. Freeman's Indian Specific, inn - 7 ...... .f 1 1 . 1 iujb kuu juutliuiuil aim Vlliu ui iiuua,. luuijurt, i Asthmas, consumptions, snitt lur- of blond. and all disorders ot tho breast and lungs, loo sale at ho Drug store of tho subscriber, in Bloomsburg. 1). S. lobiasi Rawant's Tonic Mixture, o R Vegetable Vermifuge, a lasting cure for the l ever and Ague, on nana ana lor sale by D. S. Tobias. Look at This. SPIRITS, for renewing and cleansing Ladies St Gentlemen's wearing apparrcl, and rcstorcing them to their original colour and brightness. This axcellcnt Renovator noyer fails, no matter with what article the garment may bo stained. It removes all grease from tho collars of coats, spots and stains caused by lime, paints, tar, oil, d'e, ice. for sala at J obiars Health Emporium. Bloomsburg, January !7, 1838, 40 3t WANTED. ABO Y that can come well recommend ed, from 12 to 15 years of ace, capa- "'e of attending to horses and waiton custo mers at tho har, will find employment and get liberal wages by calling on Daniel Gross, Bloomsburg, March 3, 1838. 45 tf 2S" "VJlARRELS of Lake Salt, and a large ffl JL3 quantity of Ground Alum Salt, just received, and for eale at the cheap sture (if J. T. Musselman, Co, CHEESE I-CHEESE I ! 1600 POUNDS of CHEESE just received from New York. It is a prime lot, and will bo sold by wholesale or retail nt the store of C. B. FISUER. March 10, 1838. TANNING- BUSINESS. THE suliscribewould respectfully inform the pullic that he' has taken his son WILLIAM SNYDER into co-partnership in his Tannery, and that tho business will hereafter be conducted under the firm of Daniel & William Snyder, at tho old established stand in Illoomsburg. Daniel Snyder. Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf F good quality, and for sale at tho lowest prl ces. always on hand at the old established Tannery, adjoining Snyder's Hotel. Tho subscri here would respectfully solicit a continuance of the liberal customs heretofore enjoyed by the scnio: partner. Daniel Snyder, William Snyder. Bloomsburg, January C, 1838. 37-tf PROCLAMATION. HEREAS, the honorable ELLIS LEWIS President of tho Courts of Oyer and I er miner and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter and Orphan's Court, in the eighth Judicial District, composed of the counties of IS orthumberlanu.union Columbia and Lycoming : and the Hon. William MoxToojtniir and Lt.ox.tiu RUpeiit, Esquires, associate Judges in Columbia county, hae issued their precept bearing date the lath day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and to mc directed for holding1 A Court of Oyer and Terminer and G n- eal Jail JJelivcry, General (Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas, and Orphan's Court, IN DANWLLE.in tho county of Columbia, on the third M inday of April next, (being the 16th day; and to continue ono week. NO J WE 19 therefure hereby given to the Cor oner, the Justices of the Pence, and Constables of the said County of Columbia, that they be then and thcro in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon of said day, withthcir records, mquisitioni. and other remembrances to do those things whicl. to their offices appertain to he done. And those who arc bound by recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that arc or may be in the iail of said cotnity of Columbia, arc to be then and there to pro ecuto against them as shall ba just. Jurors aro requested to bo punctual iu their attendance, a- grecably to their notices. Dated at Danville, the 10th day of February, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and thirty-eight, and in the 63d year of the independence of the United States of Amer ica. WILLIAM KITCHEN, Sheriff". Sheriff's Office, Danville, ? Feb. 10, 1838. 5 42 6t NEW GOODS. MUCH CHEAPER THAN EVER! The Subscriber Would beg leave to announce to tho. neo- .ple ol Illoomsburg and vicinity, that .he has j"st received a splendid assortment of sea' sonabic DRY GOODS, Consisting of every variety of Cloths, Casimeres and Satlinelts ; Flanneh, awl Canton Flanneh, of evry colour; Mack, Brawn and Green M rinos, of every shade and rjuality ; and in fact a full assortment of Drawer $ Common Goods, among which are an extensive supply of (Groceries & Liquors, China, Glass and Queens-H are, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Sperm. Refined and Common Limp Oil, Hardware, Castings, & Ii'On? men's and women's boots, shoes & surrERS, together with every variety of merchrtndie which oan meet the wants or please the fancy all which he will dispose of at the Ipwcst prices. Ho returns Ills acknowledgments to cus tomers for their very liberal support, and with a tirm determination to please through attention to business, he solicits a continu ance of their calls atd custom. rrt All kinds of country produce will be taken in exchange fpr goods. Bloomsburg, Pec. IC, 1837. J. T. ITffiisscImnii, & Co, OULD again announce to their customers, and Iho public, that they have jost re ceived another fresh supply of MERCHANDIZE, embracing every variety of Dry Goods, Groceries Liquors, Hardware, &c. which they intend to sell at the most reduced prices at their new and cheap storo in Bloomsburg. They invite a call from those who wunt choice articles at almost wl prieee. Doeoabar 9i J80T, Register Notice. To all legatees, creditors, and other persons in terested in tbo estates of the. respective dece dents, that tho administration accounts' o the said estates have been filed in the office 6f the' Register' oi tnc county oi Columbia, and will bo' presented for confirmation' and allow anco to the Oroharis Court, to be held at Danville, in and for the county aforesaid, on Tuesday, the 17th day of April next, at 3 o'clock, P, M. 1st. I he account of John Ebner, administrator of the cstato of Conrad Ebncr, late of Dcrrv townshiu. deceased. 3d. The supplementary account of Peter Oman. executor of tho last will and tcsU'mcnt of James Grimes, late of Mount Pleasant township, deceas cd. 3d. The account of Sarah Shloyer, lato Sarah. Hauck, admin istratlx, with the will annexed, of Ste phen Hauck, late of Roaring Creek township, de ceased. 4th. Tho account of Samuel Melick, admmistra. tor of the estate of John Staufl'cr, late of Mt. Pleas-: ant township, deceased. 5th. 'Ihe account of Fredrick Hosier, adminis trator of tho estato of Joseph Houslcr, late of Mifflin' township, deceased. , ' 6th. The account of Abraham Wolf and Chris tian Wolf, administrators of the estate of Catharine w olf, late of Mifflin township, deceased. 7th. The account of Henry Lantz, Esq. execu tor of the last will and testament of Abraham Foll- mcr, lale of Limestone township, deceased. 8th. The supplementary account of William Barber, administrator of the estate of John' Smith,' lato of Madison township, deceased. 9th. Tho account of John McRcynolde, Esq. administrator of the estate of William Strajsvbridge,' late of Deny township, deceased. lUth. 1 lie account of Thomas Adams and John Ginglcs, executors of the last will and testament of. Thomas Adams, late of Madison twonship', deccast cd. 11th. The account of Ezra S. Hayhurst, execu tor of the last will and testament of William Osman, lato of Catawissa township, deceased. l.tli, I he account of jjzra a. Hayhurst, admin istrator of the estato of John Drumheler, late of Catawissa township, deceased. 13th. Tho account of Ezra S. Hayhurst, admin istrator of the estate of Joseph' Retz, latp of Cata wissa township deceased. 14th. The account of Joseph Hayhurst, execu tor of the last will and testament of Samuel Hart man, late of Catawissa township deceased. 1 fHli. The account of Samuel Harman, executor, of tho last will and testament of Cornelious Rey nolds, late of Mifilin township, deceased. ALLEX'R. BEST, Register. Register!) Office, Danville, ? March 31st, 183S. 5 DISSOLUTION Ol PAIITNEKSIIIP. THE Partnership heretofore existing under tha firm of TREGO, THOMAS & Co. was dis-' solved by mutual consent on the fifth of March, 1838. The business will be continued by 'the suln scriber. Lloyd Thomas. March 24, 1838. 48 3tq FOR SALS- A good COOKING STOVE, and a small Stone Poal Stove, besides several articles of Furni turo'which are inconvenient to remove any distance. They will bo sold at a sacrifice. Apply to the Ed' itor of tho " Columbia Democrat." March 24, 1638. Look at This ! I ALL persons indebted to tho subscriber either by Note prBqok Accpunt, pre vious to this date, will oblige him by making payment beforo the first day of A prilnext. After that date the collection of such demands will bo attended with Costs. There will bo no mistake in this, notice. O, B. FISHER. Bloomsburg, March 10, 1838. Swim's Vermifuge, N invaluable family medicine for worms, dya cntary, bowel complaints, cholic, cholera morbus, vomiting, pains or weakness in tho stom ach, loss of appetite, fever and ague, &c, kept at Tobias's Health Emporium. Swaim's Panacea, ffp ENOWNED throughout the whole world for JtQ its efficacious qualities as a family medicine, constantly on hand, and for salo at the Drugstore of D, S. Tqbias. OFFICE OF THE DEM0CMT, Next poou tq Roihson'b Staob OrriCE TERMS : The COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT will he published every Saturday morning, at Tlf'O DOLLARS per annum, payabl. half yearly in advance, or Two Dollarr Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year No subscription will be taken for a shorten period than six months; nor any diseons tinuance permitted, until all arrearage are discharged, AD VER TI SEME NTS not exeeedin g a square will be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nsertion, C3A liberal discount made In those who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on bwinw tnwt be post paid.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers