Ely11.)0i 3 O (Atgistcy. TVIII. I / 1 11140 r.rnnr w•r.usr.wunr ROBERT IREDELL, JR TERMS', $2.00 A LEAR IN ADVANCE No paper discontinued until all nrearages are paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not ieceive their papers regularly, will confer a great favor upon us by ending word to this Mike. Subscribers about removing will please ,‘end ns their old address as well us the new. TifE ofry Removal The piallicatton office of the LEtitotr IBM/ has been removed to the Iteghiter Stationery Store, first floor, Mimilton Street, two doors above Sixth, In the building formerly occupied icy Young & Lentz Dividend The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company has declared the usual quarterly dividend of t!; per cent. 'ippointine I Miss Emma E. Geidner, on Saturday last, was appointed teacher of Secondary Female School, Second Section, in place of Miss Laura Bickley, resigned. Book Agent Wanted Wanted, a good reliable agent for the sale of one of the tno4 popnlar and at the Fame .thne most Valuable works ever published. Apply at the Rams Tan Book Store. Reduction in Priers London and American Toy Books and a number of fancy goods ran be bought at 11w TUG ISTEU store at reduced prices. Dealers supplied with paper at the lowest rules. Annual Election To-n Ale members of the Widows' and Orphans* Mutual Benefit Society arc requested toattend the annual election for officers, at Wm. 11. Deshler's office, between it§ and nine o'clock, this Wednes day evening. Outfiln for Counting papers of ever• kind, drafting materials, sta tionery for ladies, penknives, scissors, razors and pocket books can be found In variety at Ira,:lra Stationery Store. In buildinff formerly occupied by Young it d r. dllenfomn lugs an extensive china' and glassware estab• llehment where as great it variety and as low prices can be found as In the larger tithe. W. refer to the new store of Richard Walker, No. 40 West Hamilton kreet.—.4de. Poor Officers At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Poor held January Ist. the following appoint ments were made:—Steward, Thomas B. Fatist ; Physicians, Dr. William Ilerhst and Dr. G. W. M. &fplc vice Dr. hurt zel resigned; Solicitor, Ed ward Harvey; Treasurer, J. P. Joliet. Sole of Bank Stock At the sale of Allentown National Bank Stock of the estate of Wm. Fry, deed., held at the American Hotel on the first Instant, fifty shares were sold as follows:—ten shares to Edward Nuke for 160.25, ten at. 560, and ten 661.10 ; Willough by Trexler bought ten shares at 660, and ten at $60.25. Nor Hal aid Cup Flare. E. H. Mathews has opened a new hut and cop store at No. 23, North. Seventh street, near the old Allentown National Bank, where he is selling so cheap that everybody 12.1111 afford to buy a new hat and cap. Give him a call and be vatis fled.—dde. [dee 8-.lt* Strike at the Allentown Iron On Monday morning the workmen at the Allentown Iron Works were notified that a reduc tion of their wages would be made on and after that day. The announcement was not received with favor by the employes and the whole number, with very few exceptions, quit work. They de mand a continuance of the old wages. BllSi 11 eB3 Cli a ges Messrs. Keck, Weiler & Co., Tailors, have bought the lease of Foster's New York Store and will remove there on the first of April. Messrs. W. E. Mosser & Co., Leather Dealers, will ()um py Weiler A: Co.'s old store, and the Cen tral Express Co. will move to Mosser's building Mr. Foster will retire from business In this city, and will eventually Inmate somewhere in the West. Ha A 072 ir Prexen tat Ott the 27th of December, St. Jonn's day, Joseph E. Balliet, Esq., the retiring \V. M. of Bar ger Lodge', No. lin, A. Y. L. was preheuted with a *egalla by P. M. Jacob F. DUlinger, in behalf ; of thr Lodge. Mr. Milner made a presentation speech which was replied to in a happy manner by Mr. Daniel. The regalia is Very handsome, the Jewels being solid silver and the engraving being executed in the most beautiful style. night:, 4 Pythimg At it stated meeting of the Knights of Py thias, held on Friday evening, the following cali pers were elected for the ensuing: term :—W. A. J. Reinhard ; V. C., 0. Ucherroth ; 0., M. A. Trexler ; It. S., F. D. Bosse ; F. S., John Gram. ; I. 8.,.0. Stuber ; 0..8., John J. Male ; Trost,. Jacob 11. Scholl; Repre,eatative to . the Grand Lodge, John Hupp. Donnfrol. Peter Spang, a member of Coininon cil from the Sixth Ward, is n martyr to.Demo eratic principles. On Tuesday he was brought into Court charged with selling liquor on Sunday and, pleading guilty. was sentenced to ten days Impris onment in the County Jail. During his confines meat the Republicans will have II tunjority In the Common Council. Election of Open' At a Mated meeting of Jordan Division, No. SBO, Sons of Temperance, held Monday evening, December 27th, 180, the following officers were elected to serve the ensuing term :—\V. P., Milton R. Tingling; W. A., Chun. A. It. Woes; R. S., M. D. Forrest ; A. R. S., Dallas Siegfried ; F. S., Chas. S. Massey; T., J. T. Burdge ; C., A. J. Everetr; A. C., George Simpson ; 1. S., Henry Wleand ; 0. S., Edward Henry ; Chaplain, Benj. Lockman.. • A Splendid Piano Linderman & Son's Gold Medal Cycloid and Square Pianos rank among the finest. Instruments in the country. Their brilliancy and fullness of tone Is'uot surpassed by a concert gram! Plano at double the price. Moro instru ments of this celebrated make have been sold In Allentown, Lehigh and adjoining coent les than of any other manufacture. They can be used many years and not become airy, as most other pianos do, lu only a few years. Caine and examine them at C. F. Herrmann's Store, Seventh and Walnut streets.— gbh'. A liete Year's Presentatioig On Saturday IteV. J. W. Wood Was pre sented with n gold headed cane by the members of his Bible class. T. F. Emmons, Esq., made the presentation speech and Mr. Wood replied in some neat and appropriate remold:s. The affair wail a complete shrprine to the family of the pastor, and an hour was spent pleasantly In an Interchange of the cotnpllments of the season. We are pleased to PIT a move In this direction. Thu efforts of our Pastors for the Improvement of the young people are deserving of the warmest coinmendation and we hope to see them recogniz ed as gracefully and appropriately as in the above Instance. The Nth Building ARdoeiatiun The Union Saving and Building Association hue met with excellent 'serene. Upwards of seven 'hundred shares have already been taken, and the prospects are that the capital stock will be much further Increased. At the Meeting held In Alderman Mertz's office, on Monday evening, the following officers were elected:—President, Aurora Mosser ; Vice, President, A. H. Wint ; Treasurer, Joseph E. Balliet ; Directors, W. J. Grim, Amos Good, George Hans, U. L. Henze', C. L. ,Newhard, John Albright, Joshua &hour man, Henry J. Horn, Perry dAr s annemacher, John Bowen, Charles Dorney, L. J. Helfrich. inplallation of Officers At"n stated meeting of Bath Council, No. 73, Junior 0. U. A. M., held on Tuesday evening, January 4th, the following officers were inaulled for the ensuing quarter:—J. P. C., It. 11. Kuehl.' ler ; C., I'. M. Kern ; V. C., 11. It. Koch ; T., Jacob 11. Stechel ; F. S., R. M. Knauss ; R. S., Richard Whidons ; A. It. S., Robert Whitesell ; C., TI. I. Nave; W., Oliver Ranh ; I. S., Jacob Meyers ; 0. S., Elias Smith. Mortuary Record of Allentotru Mr. Daniel K. Trump, superintendent of the Allentown and Union Cemeteries, no well no of the old congregational 'grave yard, furnishes the following statistics In relation to the number of interments mode thereon Jointly for the yea r 1869, to wit : Ju1y........ \ ul4ust . Rapt em her January. bruary. March .. April May . . 10 I October... November 17 December 'fotal This as Compared with last year show, a de crease of 32—the interment, having numbered 202 for 11108. In 1007 the number was 171. It bi hut har.vto add, that it certain proportion of thoge burials are front the adjoining country tll , l rlet Recovery .of Stolrn Properly Mr. Kern's sleigh, which was stolen at the sante time C. A. Dorney's horse was stolen, hits turned up at Pottstown. On the next evening after the perpetration of the robbery a luau drove Into Pottstown with a horse arid sleigh and mak ing an excuse that business called hint to Norris town and that there was not sufficient snow to take the sleigh ;kW), left the loiter In eharge of a gentleznan and proceeded on horse back, proink ing to return for the sleigh. The man not appear ng and Mr. Danis of the Pottstown Ledger, reading an account of the robbery and the description of the horse fe. published In thD paper, suspicion was ,iroused that the animal and skigh had how stolen. Mr. Davis, therefore, cattle to Allentown last week and informed the parties. 11'e under stand Mr. Kern has gone to Polotown for the sleigh, but no further clue to the m hereabout of the horse has yet been obtain:rt. 1,E111(; I I C()IINTV (1)1:NTS N I t1"I' ERNI The Quarter Sessions of January Term. Nio, opened on Monday with only tiny-four indict ment, a large decrease front preceding terms. The firm administration of Judge LongaLer ha , had a great influence towards diminishing crime In this city. In concluding his able charge to the Grand July, among other things he called their attention to dealers In lottery' tickets and to the policy shops winch Infest our city, and directed them to procure evidence and investigate wherever they had any suspicion that such business was carried on. This Is very commendable on lip part of Judge Longalicr in taking an open stand against the increasing tendency to vice and immo rality In our midst, and will be gratifying news to the community. We earnestly hope he may con tinue iu the way lie has begun. Among the in dictments submitted to the Grand Jury were two of assault and battery with Intent to kill, one of arson, several of reselling prisoners from the eel tody of (Akers, petty larceny, selling liquor with out license, to minors, and on Sundays, the usual number of eases of fornication and bastardy, per mitting glutting, etc. Samuel Berger, or WlOlll - was selected Foreman of the Grand Jury. All the Judges on the bench. The following cases were disposed of up to the hour of going to preys t— v'ont. ugh. Nathan Wa 'belt C rge —l'. and It., On oath of Mary Stabler. Continued. f On, Og, Alfred Eir•COIOI rd. Charge—F. and 11., on oath of Maria Sehmoyer. Continued. Coin. net. Peter Reinstnith. Charee—De,er lion. Defendant upon bearing wit , . diseharged upon payment of cost,. • •• Coin. agt. Wil6oll Eichberger. Charge—Lar ceny. Defendant plead guilty to stealing a keg of gin front the freight ear of the North Penn Rail- Toad Company. Sentenced to sixty days. Com. ngt. Levi Buskirk. Charge—Arson, on oath of Edward Weaver. Defendant pleading guilty to the village of netting lire to an out-build ing contiguous to the dwelling of Edward Weaver, was sentenced to enjoy the ho6pititlitics of Sherlll Miller for the period of four years and foul months. lout. :wt. Henry Ku•tug. Charge—F. and 8., on oath of Eliza Keiper. Defendant pleading guilty received the usual sentence. ' Cont. ugt.E.erain Schantz. Charge—F. and it., on oath of ElMint SOyIIGT. COO( Commonwealth agt. George Frazer. Charge.— Arrault and battery on the perron or hie wire. Convicted and SClltelleCd GO day,. m. ngt. John Snyder. Charge —Selling liquor — on Sunday. Defendant plead guilty and I.4.lltelINA 11 , P:6' a fine Of SAO and cost,: and 10 ilnys imprisonment. Com. ton. tame. ('large—Sellint; liquor with out license. Defendant plead guilty. Wlls'RVll tenced to pay a line of $5O and cotta. . Coin. aut. Anion Heller. Charer—Selling liquor without license. Defendant plead guilty and wan lined $5O and costE. Cont. ant. Daniel OlDonnel. ('Marge-At•aa till and battery. Bill ignored by Grand Jury. Cum. tgt. John Snyder. Charge—Keeping a gallibling 11011 4 e. 11111 ignored by Grand Jnry. ('ant. agt. Jannis Charge—F. and ii. On trial. Coin. aut. Jos. \Vilale.. Cluttgr—Selling liquor without llcuuse. Doren.lant plead Was third kl:10 hod ctot:,.. Cotn. Werly. Charge—Selling liquor on Sunday. Defendant plead guilty and tiny n line 0r tio uud cots 10 days itnpri,onnient. Coni. ugt. Adolph Rothe. t barge-00 , 0'1Thu. Upon hearing Defendant was sentenced to I.y •ost 'of prosecut ion and !my the Finn of i: 1 1.50 per week fur the support of his wile. act. Charles Kuhn. Charge—F. and li.. on oath of Mary Ann Surly. Continued. Com. agi. %Vto. Scohel. Charge—A•suult and attery. Fined one dollar and cad=. Cam. art. manic. Sante charge. Defendant dead guilty. Sam, smarm, agt. same. Charge—Aggravaird joisatilt ud battery, on oath of Amanda George. thi endant plead guilty and was sentenced to pay a ne of one dollar and vosts, and undergo impris nment for the period of six month.. I'IIE =9 to In violin strings, Niolins, guitars, dates, etc., or any other article belonging to tnu+leal In atrinnents, cut be bought cheaper than anywhere else. at MiP , ie Store, Allentown. Pa.—Adr. =9 sheet music, instructors, blank books, musk paper and cards at C.F. Ili,rrmann't , )tine Store Alleinown. —Ade. 111= :\ single reed .5 octave organ at TOO. A double reed organ with L tdopA, at $l3O. A powerful organ with 7 elope at SltiO, nt C. F. Herr niann',,,eorner of 7th and Walnut.—Ad, ItEPORT ON STATE SUPERFNIENDI:NT . 01" CON M=EM We have received from E. J. Young, Esq., County Soperint,odc'ot. the above minted report. The total number of school districts lu Lehigh k 22, and the nundicr of schools 210, a gain of seven over last year. The Klan& of the county are rep resented to be in a prosperous condition. = The fair of the Ga rm an Epsilon Society at Millersto wa, on New Year's evelaug, was in every respect a grand affair. The attendance, not withstanding the unfavorable weather, was very good.' The exhibition was very extensive and every depart uteut•presented a grand display. The Fair Will be continued on Friday evening, uud Saturday afternoon and evening, Jan. 1111 and Nth. The proceeds will be' used lo Increase the li b rary Of the Society. = As the lust down passenger train on the North PennbylVanitt thillroad, on Sunday evening, was approaching Hatfield, the engin'eer discovered a tree which had been blown across the track by the gale. The operation of blowing dMvu brakes, reversing and sanding was the work ofn moment, and as the brakemen were all at their posts the train was stopped In time to escape any other seas 'titian than n gentle bump. The vigilance of the engineer. In this ease. savi.d many n life. LEHIGH REGIS THE =I Seals and preeses for societies, corpornthms, etc:, can be procured at the 111:ONTEll itore at city At a meeting of Porter Lodge, A. V. M., No. 284 hell at Catasanqua on the gith nit., the - following official; were elected to c•crre the ensuing year:—W. M., Charles Corwin ; S. W., William IL Alney ; J. W., Henry Sowder; Treasurer, 1)011101 Yoder; Secretary, Wm. 11. Laub:lel. trinisported over the Lehigh 4",nlley. I{ailrorid for the ‘reek ending I)e.r. "27:. 1'939, rev:par:A will: same time la.( year: Total Wyoming " Hazleton •` Upper Lehigh... " Beaver Meadow '• Mahanoy' ‘• Ma itch Chunk. pram' Total Same lima 1868 Increase. DeerCaqo =I Judge Laubach lias purchased the propt.rly of Dr. J. P. Scholl, 'ou Market st rert, Bethlehem for *14,500. The Judge Intends tnahinq hi., finnn home there. Mrs. Susan I.lchtenwallner sold a Louis ala lot situated on flordon s Creel to Frodtn - lelt for i 1175.00. F. Sharwooll sold a 114111.0 and 11.1 t 111 III . '" ..11 1.10 , 1111 4 i1,1 Fifth, I.oi. Itev. Samtil Ile—, of 11,11, .61 lu .1..11, yookor4, of south iktidoi,o, 10 “orv , ~ f Li* Improvenionl.c ul * , 19.1 INT 11,1,.. ,nli Ind i In I,ower tm,11.1,11,. Ind wo • nu rlc"Whet' ICY Will. •. 11,1111e1 11. E. 11„ 1. Janie, .11.1 in F. 111 1 ,, Pan clear and burl 4..111i1l aerei, tit per of Gi friini Mr. K. 111.0,1, I 1.11111• I ' l,ll /..^ 1 11 ' 1— ' 11 farm, S:tnitivl K. \vitioti,o,hy ei t ,'I In mid hmn.hip, nt PcO:r, 11t.i41,11,00z Sa L',01ille111:111 , Ohl Ilt•W lit)11 , t• 1111 1.,t on the north-weg eorner In ner street-, to Solomon 11..yer. of \VIII' n 111 Pm: ,hip, fur 517,1i0U. ifrury 41. schw;lll/..,r 1. laud, comprising 70 :tor,. , ilnot.• Mu mingle township, 11,11 111 . 1 1 1111t1,,V1111 1 .111 K :Nasser, fur 015,5111). 'lle tine re-ideate or Olivt.t. A. Ititter..leet,e., corner of Fifth and Ilamilton rt,t , , pldilje bale 011 :Slmul,,y of 11,1 torch:. 101:.1a is Al. bright, for ?''l.9UO. We an• U110,1111..1 that several parties are about pureht,int.; lot , nu tilt Fifth street front iir•uld lot, aith ❑ l'loll' t.fereta tug residence: , thereon. A tine cottage property belonging to Ill' 'A" estate, situate on Front street, in the First Ward, was sold to John H. Oliver, Esq., for iS4,sOO. A tract of laud, belonging to the same estate comprising . 3 acres and perches, sit irate in Ilil tersville, was sold to J. leash Reichard, of Ou Rittersville hotel, for $S:10. .Sheritt Nillier, on the gigh, sold the property o Edward MeGettigen, on, Front street. Sixth wea to ilon. John D. Stiles, for 5:2,01:i. The executor., of Jacob Egae, dec'd,oll4' day I, week sold at public sale a brlal, house and lot be longing to said estate, nitnntr on II:1111'11011 Stl'eol, near Fourth, to !qrs. Sarah Begs, John Albright, Euq., sold a brid, house on Nintl Areet, between Turner Mitt Churn', to Stllloll Kern, of North Whitehall. for it 13,0,19. Mr. George Istria. jeweler, So ld the Lu.iue~ NSiNud in his or ellpalley. 1111111ittoll street, lieu th. to Thom:, Barber, for :Slo,ouo. E=II . The case of Saeger against 11m Lehigh ley Railroad Company was tried at Doylestown. un THeßilly, ‘Vecinesday and Thursday of Wed: before last: The ease was transferred f coin Le high to Itueks by Act of Assembly. The follow ing particulars of the trial are condensed from the liucks County IntOigincer action was brought to recover datuagts for the destruction is) lire of plaintiff's barn . by one of the locommiN es running on defendant's road. I lon..lohn D. Stiles. of the Lehigh county bar, and N. C. James. Esq.. appeared for the plaintiff. Henry Green, Esq., of Easton, Robert E. Wright, of Lehigh manly. and George Lear. Esq.. appeared for the c o mp a ny. Thu amount claimed by pl.lllloir WA, seven 111011- I.llld dollars. The barn was hunte.l under the FA- lowing circumstances : flit the morffing of Sept. 27th, 1267, the engine " Cherokee" left Easton. with a light f - cight train, bound west. The train arrived at faun's station and laid over for the passenger train. The passenger era in was delayed for some runic, and the frelujit train wa , di rented to move on to Slatington utheasi ~r the delayed train. The usual speed of the height train was fifteen nudes an hour, but after leaving Laury's they ran at the rate of twenty or twenty-live mile , an hoar, in order to keep ahead of the pa—meager train.. Shortly after leaving Laury's station the railroad runs In close proximity to .the barn :qr. Saeger. It was alleged, that pwing to the increased speed and n dcleetive spark catcher. large quantities of sparks tier,. Hunted from the smoke-stack of the engine. These sparks, from whatever cause originating, Ignited the era-' suit material along the road at inter Val, and falling opposite plffintitre barn. tire Was Conlinu nicatra to et raW sod chair in the ham yard. the yard the tire speedily spread to the barn it sell'. consuming it entirely. It contained a large quasi ; thy of h,y, grain and implements of husluanslry. The plaintiff had a 141011 time before put evissusiv.s repairs on his barn. It was ilffy-slx feet ,'tug and some thirty feet wide. The plairffitt claimed that the tire caused by the negligence of the cnm pally In not providing a spark arrester fir the "Cherokee" on the day of the disaster. 'fur-,lac and Wednesday were taken up with the sxa mina lion of witnesses. Thursday was deroted to Ihe summing up by counsel. Two corn,-.1 -puke must each side—each attorney occupying hoar. The examination of wdnesses was thorough and exhaustive. Messrs. minims and Stiles argued Oh plaintiff's ease; Messrs. Lear and Grisen spoke lot the defendant. The speeches of tffise gentlemen Were pollited and earneit. No ease tried in this county has been eonlested More vigeruuslc. Th Court charged rinhatantially that to ret Urn LL ver diet against the 'defendants the jury 'must thud tha t he tire wmiS cau,eml by the negligence of the eOlll pang ; that they had nut exercised the rare widel a prudent man ordinarily employs in his business. If they had exercised lids enie and diligence they I were not liable. If tlai plaintiff had shown con tributary negligence in the management of hi. property. then defendants were not liable. 'flu fferendant, , Were hound Under the law to provide good and sufficient ',Park arrester,. It was rot the jury to determine it helper the engine •• Cher., kee" had ' , rich an arreAter when plaintiff' , bait was fired. They were the sole judges of the fact I under the evidence. The jury rere in deliberatio .; live hours, and at eleven o'clock Thursday nigh ' they returned a Verdiet 5,115.90 In favor of I h Much sympathy was felt for the plain till, unit the verdict was received %vitt. evident sa Isfmtetion by the spectators who attended the trim; Upon the rendition of the Verdict Mr. Lear moVe s for a new trial, the reason for sueh trial to I/ - riled fu the rroffionotary's office. , Th, ing Star, a one coot daily pub. 11,hed at Restlim; by C. I). Elliott and A. C.lSucli. waits!, Is a spicy sheet, and though small, con tnlus about as much information n 4 nay of it , larger entempora ries. One Easton paper says rents have fallen forty per reht.'lll that borough, and annther says they haven't. is correct I As the New Year is always all .C . C,1,i011 for nothing good regolutinne„ would It not he well for our friendu throughout the county to reeoive to Fend us items during the present year. They lure ulwaye welesune gifts. We havy frequent complaints from our tMv n ent,,eri hers that they do not always receive their papers. Sometimes, we know, It hi the fault of our carrier, but we fear It Is oftener the fault of newspaper thieves. Reading is a growing city. lier citizens will sums claim, fur her commercial advantages. We we by the Star that n elentabont is being con'- structed there for the Schuylkill waters. It Is to be used for pleasure parties, wI7I carry nee hun dred passengers and wilt cart $lOOO. I=l =I For Vor 10,1:23 16 37,13011 00 14.16`i SI,•IIi:1 19 7,463 11 10,1113 01 3,806 10 264159 19 06 00 122 13 39,619 04 150.348 c: .130,764 02 146.922 1 10,508 02 .ll.leo 00 MEM I= I= TEE, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDA John Russell Young will not be editor of the Philadelphia Post, as was reported lie would • be by a number or our cotemporarles. William Trexler \Vill sell n number or build Ine., lota at ..Intinroelt Station, nn the Ifith of. Jan The weather of the last few weeks has not only been tton,willy mild In temperature for this Edison of the yearobut It has also been unusually gloomy. .lltogether It I; of no henellt to anybody but the doctor-. .11 promise; better, however, fot the future. While 'natty of our more fortunate exelitut re are being well paid for recommending their ich renders to invest hi Western Ifitilroadrove are not hat tin oar opinions biassed by any per- We can therefore rpeak upon the smhjeet wit Imut hying influenced by prthuliee, and WC connect Capital . lSlS (0 but them iiinLe, and in vest their money where t her rut keep an eye upon it. Ttore a rt‘ many -ale and remunerative ye—intents In this comity. Money d, as mnell needed here as anywhere (dee, and it is spevidlly imported to real e,tate holdcrs to keep their money at home and thus a (id to the wealth of the County and to the value of their own property. "Ch , . of 111 v ettrrency recoil. itirml, that all ilot, or the of fifty au :National html;:r City, he refa- , reunited ef fort, :Ire !Wing inaile to pat the rote, itt ,itettl.l - tcbich Nv. no st,len .111110 tilll'• Bach. `.la. -ay,. hati , :* (l'l,lll forty-iiitlit to fifty cont. 0 pound, 110: Thr al,o gives it as op!ni..ll that r I, nut Iron!' liwre 01311 liacell enn :1 . 11.4, biii wt. 'lupe Ill' ,11.111 ure. r ti. lime %\ lam the r.trtuci, of Le high e.,may nl tit.•ii a pli o. EirM=l , titlay, aumtry 11th Ileetttr Ltiaeltletelt anti , ses-tttr NV. NV. Sett ,eizt.At lie cigar ittatittf.tetorit , tif Stephen E. Retell:tett, at 11. Eert,,tvo, anti A. T. 11111,ntatt, in Lower r. int mt. Ate tt vittltttiott of the Internal Itevettito . ()1) th.• I)ec,tithor `2:111, the re-i -. 1,1••• t r r, u.t.t..r, iu Ivittiztm, towit-hip, Nort I , affipt I .1111ty, tr t < 4, 1.010 ,114 . ,-11. I iu ~ • I 1, 1 11:2:, of „ti, On thr r.,11.,‘,- hoz d ; ‘). (tine Ihet;tl,l, of En-ton, cm turrd two melt , urp ,, E,l to he the otrondert-. after ;1 heotior 11, y MC • 1 . 1 . 1 , 111:111f(0 . 1( 0 jail. :•hipm.ut. 'ou,l th or-, Vs WWI LIII Dogii , h. the lir•t. latter 11:111 hrcn L'lllpti/Sed in WilliV.lll% t„ • such i p,:toul boarle,l conic time in Rotors hots- , .. the stolen proper- ty, with thy i•xeeption of 0110 wAtoli,-wit , rveovel . - cd. Hay Fold in littstriii tor $2ll leer hill. the liicliest price reactiodfor some Otne. g..lllll•ilien lOrStOil Made Calk cm t I . : 1C- i, :1111•1 . Ihe New rttek Is..t.ltitat,— ' That i- they :sot tight they coaltlti't call any (inull 1111 V, 1 . ,r Ili Th, llcadin, Railroad ntinotinces 11 iTIIII.IIIIIIIIIII divi della of lire pot'ly;1 1 41 . 101 uud /I fter Jnuu 111, l'raol: I hi of the I.)enmentt, a,l,:ed for a whey, and Ills friend, gave him a handsome gold tvatch and clwiu for a Uhri-iinits present. 'l • he Allentown Ilailroad is ill be opened for travel from Topton to Kutztown, on tent Monday. On New Pelt's tlay• tbe good mance of our citizens Ala. Ott ton severe lest by cult, flout the untolterle , .. paper earriers or Our city. 'l • bc Iletilleltem Tiito. says that lion. I 11. (toutolie, !Me Sole St. valor their district, in tend, to .4o to Europe for the seventeenth time early in January. Ile t 7 ‘ poet remain about MIMI Thel.'cicil 11,11,N ILtilrowl Cowin uy 11,1ve 11:11-g•••1 01,1111 fifty 111,11-I,roliv,tnen, .‘so. Thu NIPS a Mulamberg township farmer ploughed tip ',nuance on the 2. , t1, ult.. norncthing IleVci . berm . , 'ward of by farmers :action of entuary. • Phu We ,tern Union Telegniph openitol , in invst Board uf••i•radc lilt Allentonn wont, Inv nil. , of nu tiuc•... in -owe of -t -ern paper:: I find thu organization of Boards of 'I . ratio Iu nltnotit ~very totru Of :toy iniportatietl`, •.t hilt; 1., our Inv et. toll institutions hart. exi:.tt a for pert•=, anti have burn ronnitlerel, be our 1110,L 111V1 , i1111119, 101 iticlirpen,litle t ur t ,o4 or ,t4l.iirotertion uguitt.q loss from doubt fu; urcan,r-.a, 1..11 of the e t,dndan and diver ill,. it. . .\ lieffrinn located i‘t a buflicient e front our conttncrcial marts, havito4 ~11 the 11,0:111 , of Iran-port:A . ll.n in every nit,: lion Mat can tie Led, anti doing:l great i•r than nap Other 111,11, the ca-tern part of this State, ineintlinvc a con , i , ler.iYe amount, or ~cholcxu to tr.lo, th, can not SOUR . Illealls br tivviceil tat the bontlit and protection of our It-ine, torn It is t Ow tir: same •al II 1111111).er of 1,„,;„,, r lit -4 crt dilor i, dilly' an aro of hi, tli,titility or tli-inellitttlion to p;uV 1.1.. It i- ttl-o 1 , 31011 that a 4iccr.ilc ~1 I1;-iut-n is .11.0 , purity ItreVery pi te • litre.• for loin.; lot4int-4 1 , etellsit t e tulle the . el . llllellt null 1011111111 illtereolir, of hough they hoeil!;:isred iu ditl , l•-. tut ,l r.lnrhre OI trad,, col hale no taller NH a good or,,t 01-11 it the imrtitt , concerned. hat) consideration tlicftwordladvanta gi our iisitite city, the advent:tea s itilitrded in the t•. tip, or ~.hication, the 'num use Iron tvorlis now is upiraliou. and the facility for the estab lishment ,111,1 suceefsful operation of others, [lee opening. and 14 - whoio,lle houses in our mid-t. nod the ifillniv kimine,6 mill from of her plary nr are ...arcin-aping that Vibe 1.11,he.,- roil Of 'thin eollllllllllily taro ttlive to their in n•rrft , and iffirrovc thele 011,11 unity, they may rrurr a lail.re bran of the trade 1101 . 111 of is. 1111101 S, hick flow petits to and New York ; and in toiler to bring :thoul so it +ll'3 ) /10 St I (`.311( there C. 1,1 1.0 MI better intern- (let hied than the es taiiiishment (If a or Trade in this city, olt•n !Iv' emninunity inert once tt movie nir a, 0111.11 ns they may determine, to floltheinte fun the vs rinns Interests of (redo amt. finance, to r how !test to Invest capital so as to lie bath pr.aitable to the calkL - 111st and liciteticial to the btl fryer, to adopt Inca:sures of protection for tilt to keep on file papers and periodicals relating tit did : arta branches of trade, and trans act all such other Itii , ine=s :is may he conducive to their benefit. • TO OW. thl're t. , 1•111 ., IO be I/0 question butt :O/O1 :Ili pi galliz:ttion tcuuld facilitate bth,1111,,, fatuil 101'17,' and liar11301117A; LI1111•relit 1111 , 111eSs Ilitercsts nod brill::: into clo,to t more otitivahlo utrn cottatted iu the ,tine porsuli. II only roiltaito, for tome of 0111 1 leading mer t•II:iill, to lOU the ball i n umtiuu 111111 then: 1 , . ill 11,1,011 ichc It ,1i0111(1 1101 conllmit• to roll. Shall it lloyo hut limn! 1 Lehigh County S lay School In ' felligence. \\ . t. tt ill Nvelt .,, llie ton plnco In this der:winch nmy hen, of Sunday School from :Lily alu evcry part of the county. l'ahior,, mupt.rintend ruin ond lt'auticl> nrr requc-led to contribute mat ter of Sninlay School Importance. All continunl cm ion- , fionlil lir tolttr , etl to The'llorreq)otcling Scerclary, I.obbzll County Shutlay School A,..o4:ttioc, Post (Mice box lltll, llonlown HINTS To INFANT-CLASS TEACHERS 'Mont In lant.cla, teaehern will admit that their elu-• In an act itrary n, t of little . flk—in fart,. a set of little tyrintn. Orienthag. when you Wind before them yon feel that you are very much at their mercy. .You aro there, and tieing there. must ..erve. mid guide. nntl rule them in tome way, or lone your ; control lien' them altogether. You um-t atiord profitable Instruction, and you lintel keep down noiey demouqratlon, to nay nothigg or the annoy:ince of henuliordination. As one who him had charge of some very unruly children In it' lufant•school, I would Ulm to make n buggestlon or two, taught me dearly bought experience. In the grst place, carry all your llttle class fully and frcely.tu the Throne of Grave. " Without Inc ye eau dp.uothlng." Having done that, do not atop there. God helps those who help therh felvee. T - , not expect that by asking hint to give you wisdom in teaching, ho will fill your mind from his store-house without your making a single effort., or giving the lesson it further thought. Prepare filly for your Mak. Little children In general are not so eager for the truth no to sit like statues while you are hunting up something for them next. It is to them apparently time lost, anti the evil one is ever ready to help them fill up the vacancy. Carry, enough material with you, as you would suppose ought to serve you for three lessons at least, and you will find that you have Just about enough for she. Much of it perhaps you will not use r but it will not be wasted ; It will ahswer for some other time. Often the original subject is tartlet] by a little incident, and to go back to your prepared course is often so difficult and inappropriate that It is best not to attempt it. Prepare as many simple questions to ask than as possible, also responses, catechisms, &r. If the children have something to do, they feel that they " have a part and lot in the nuttier." This helps to secure their attention :Intl attendance. Keep your brain worked up to its full vigor. Make It it repository of shark hymns, interesting anecdotes, illustrations, &e. By having a full store-house to draw upon. you can coot rol them, when otherwisr , they will eontrol Do not keep them sitting mm•wtlnu; ten minutes t any one time without change, Or some varying of the exercise. They are a nervous little set, and those nerves must he aceommudatol. Otherwise your earn and pains will he Mst. Should you have rontething very thrilling or interoding to re late, do not break lu ap•n the narrative, unless they ingot to show signs of restlessness ; but as soot; as you have ended, relieve their overstrained nerves at once by rising. If you are fearful of their losing the impression made, you can go hack to it by a few questions, after singitur a verse of a hymn. 1111,:eaiire ends, ohject-teachini, &v.. are groat helps, where one can avail themselves or those opportunities : but a well stored mind. aided lo; the _race of God : lea thing that will never fall you. A. E. W. AN ALLENTONIA.N ABROAD Foopro , ts ( ! r* Iliplievolution— Letter from Siflet•plo , t .Viimber L. CAMBRIDUE, Nov. 10,18(39. [This you will notice I, dated Nov. 10th., 1869. S drophel was unfortunate enough to he deprived of the Ilse of his right hand and this accounts for the delay in not ,001Ier finishing and forwarding to The view from Bunker Bill monument.' I cut short my last letter owing to its length, when about to describe the towns and pla ties its seen from the Himr remaining windows. vie a "North,' 'West," and "booth."--1 said in my last that the roam in the top was about ten feet square. Having paid closer attention to this point, I shota Judge it to be about "eight feet Instead of ten feet—that is On the inside. The (calls or this room, as gen crony is the ease, are considerably defaced owing to the cuttings and seratebings of persons muni tions to immortalize in some Way or other their mimes. I open [lie iron shutter above whirls the word appears and littlicatts the direction or that point. welt, it not for'iltese guides, a great many \Minors would lie Molting up the Charles river for the ocean, admire Charlestown for Boston, aud be turned round generally. It seems Incredulous . that ••Borth'' is just where the guide says, for ac cording to that direction. South being the oppo site of North, and Allentown lying southwest of Boston, to we eye it sel.lll, the reverse, but taking it fir granted that I am wrong, I am willing no to let it lie :aid question Prank, as to the names •oh' the pl.•tco+. Lyon, choisoa, a n d Malden, lie inottetii *tidy before u, and the streets tool promi nent buildings are easily distinguished. Lynn, sonic three or four perhaps live or six miles ”ir a great sins' manufacturing town. Some of our Allentown interehatm buy herr extensively. It is oft tl.e ease 111:11 the leather instil at this place IV.Oi t:oou•' at our tanneries in Allentown. Not withstanding this, t h ey ••pin shoes much cheaper than we can at home. Slit C , :arc Ind mole here, they tire put up. IVlptt is not done by machinery, the women do. .Ind it k really won derful how itch' and precise the work is done. All the line track here In the "shoe line — Is made by 'machine. The people here are unanimous in Ike opinion that machine work it cal, better than hand sewed. I see no reason wby it should not wear to, well. here in the East they pride them selves in using good stock and the best of materi al. Walden and Cliel,a contain many line resi ' deuces and are situated very prettily. On my rigid Is the Chelsea bridge, leading, from Charles town to At the right of the bridge on a slopo,,tand- lance which is the S. Marine llospit Front Oil- window' - the West, the heatairill West" lie , herOrt• a,, Cast your eye to the foot of the monument and Charlestown lies immedi ately below you. The State Penitentiary stands prominent. Glance further and the Charles liver. East Cambridge with its village of chimneys. Cdunbridge. Port Cdinbritige. Brighton,. lotitut Auburn ,111,1 itinunierable hich Ink•ro Set I;-. are in NIL,. Ity close observation I can di.tingui.litheplare known ns Fort WaShing on, saute three unites distant, which I wrote about in my 14.4 letter. Looluiug directly across Charles river the city of l'ambridgc In In full view. I anti University, its prominent buildings can he distinguished. ytustitit Auburn observatory ean be seen. Mount Auburn, the finest cemetery . Di :ill New England, and by many considered nu line as any in the world, is situated about twenty minute.' walk front the 'dmire. It Waft COllBO - Styleitiller :Nth, IhBl. Its area Is about Drive that of Boston (. I tunitnops. The first body depo.itod in this cemetery was that of llunnah Adams, died lice. 15, 1531, aged 76. When tire atmosphere is "remarkably intre - the Kearsarge and Whitt.' tra?untains can he seen, , a 3, the guide book. The monument bring limed north 1 of lie-tan, us a matter of course Boston tics south or it. has many epithets given it. Sporting papers call it the - link. - Illlsinee,eallA it the "City of Notions. - Monthly magazines handle it as - the Liternry Emporium of the West car \Vorld, - arid the Alderman at Milmier par ty speak. of it as - the letropolis New Eng . ' Jana. - A 1,11 1.11-it apt .to sea "It . - the thirlitlest hole I irer got into." The approprlatothe— of the, names I Will not tlkplite Inor attempt to contirin. It ., Indian name wan .Sli . twlnlit..arterwartl , Called hi 111°1110;1in. It re eeiVed it- present nature in honor of ('elicit, So emigruted from Boston in Engiand. It was incorporated :117 a city in It's popu lation is Ithout one blinked aria severity thousand. Now that Charlestown i-tautescd it 11111,1 evened two hundred thollsaild. There are over Ile , ,paper, and magazines printed In, the city. our hundred anti twenty charily and liter- :vv societies. Eight hundred streets :Ind one hun dred and sixteen wharves. The streets. most of them very narrow, flow by city ordinanee, are belie.; widened. It may ,rein remarkable, but it neverthelese, is a fact, they move three and „lour story brick building, granite front, liftion feet back, :11111 never business for 10 I hour. thinoc, s ir, 1, but a Feb months ago a narrow, crowded street, now one or the widest in the city. All these thint!• are not 0 . 1 . 11 With the "naked eye" from the monument, viz historical facts and de• ecriptlon. I have glv'en them In these letters, In order to neittinint the readers with cnrh facts ns one would Bite to know lu couneetion with - them and it' by these hasty tiller, some of ' pill are inter cmsl and gain some information the object of them is reached. I L . :111111n but add my feelings of gratefulness to the liberal people of New Eng- =I Enid, and I believe all who have vkited this spot, join with toe in priti.int; them for• their liberality anti pat rioti.in, wit alone toward till, object, lint for any for the nation'. honor or the ..f her fallen ,on. .1 Dead.—The Chrititlllll3 Morning raper of Philadelphia contained n notice of what_ tre think is without exceptiffiyille beglldoY TIM of the reason. It ,can the gift of Armond steam power printer, on Hudson street, Philadelphia, of a policy of Life Insurance to each of his employes In the American Life Insarance Company of Phil adelphia. Such nets of generosity iu trying times like these are the best evidence of good feeling bet never the,employer and his workmen, and more than that, for it shows thoyMr. Do Armond has the welfare Of the inmilles'Of lift employes at least during the ochre year. We know such a gift trill be better appreciated than any' other and moray remembered. If any of our renders would make a similar gift to •their employes tve.hhould be happy to record their 'generosity, and We can as sure them that no Gompauy . is better to arrange It with than the American Life of Philadelphia, of which lie. Wm. J. Itnalle la Agent. =EI IRE= I T OT I ( , JANUARY 5, Cheap papers at the Register Book and Station- cry 81.0 re Gamer; at Ina Ws Book and Stationery Store Fine nen-knives and razorti at Iredell'a Book and Stationery Store. BUSINESS NOT f( )ES °tier a Million Barna of Phallic Pectoral have Leon mold, awl nll who have unell II buy 11 agolo. Premature gray hair and buldnevt may lte pre vented by the itac of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ite.• newer. a harinleas preparation. which I. endaraed by the higher, chemical and medical anthotliy, Orerenang.—For real service and comfort, there In nothing like a good overcoat. Nothing helpm nn no well to defy th• cold and storm. of winter. and nothing is no great a inotection toour health. Wanittnaker & Brown have •• spread thetaselves" on their overcoat, thin non. and offer 0 rich voriily of glorlou•ly warn, overeon to ai very low iirico, Let Common Sew,. Deehle. —What Is the rational noolo of procedure in caves of general debility and ner•owt prostration' Does not rotten tell it, that judicious etint• illation is reyaireiri Toroe,' to violent purgation in such rate I. elietird an it would be to blued a starving man. Yet it i• alone every day. l'es, this stupid and unphiltvoiphical practice Is continned in the teeth of the eel . 6 " - f Iliad PhYeleal Weak tn. , . with nil the necvolts dlstorbances that accompany It. in more certainly and rapidly relieved by Ibistetter'a Stomach Bitter. than by any other medicine at present known. It is true that geoo,ol debility is oftott attendoil with torpidity or irregu larity of the bowel, 11114 OA! this Nyllloolll MUM nut he overooke.i. wino the discharge .1 the Waste muter ..f the syr,..oi isl,llo.lliPli or regulated, Its 1 . 1%/01 . Ines, he ro,rtrihd . The fluter-. do both. Tio.) , combine aperient and anti-bitiotteWith extraordinary tonic pow - er. liven while from the bowels. they ion• and invigorate those organ.. 'Through tho 140111.11. upon which the great vegetable epacifie oat. tlirectly.it gives a healthy and permanent impettm to every enfeebled (interim, healthy is facilitated. the faltering circulation regulated. the blood reinforced with a newlte• 1 . 1,,,1pri of the :alimentary principle, the nervet braced. and all the dormant Poster. •al the ..Yalmtt rotmeil loco healthy action: not wpammollenily. 114 WOlllll Le the rare it a mete stintalant were admirals Peril, bait fora continu ance. It is in this war that 'inch extraordinary change. wrought in the condition of the feeble. emaciated and nervonta invalids lay the u•,•-of this Mundorfol correcilve, alt.-cativo and tonic. rollIt11.111K1•111 , decide bet wren buch 0 preparation and a prostrating cathartic topple mente.l by it Polsowitt• esti ingent like eirs divine or gni- serolid, Sall 1?lotnon, Bkin and remal. Wurrrrldrd eortd.—Srete,diniouitil:— Towavlire, Lehigh Co., wet. 11, DinS. l• w lilt a grateful feeling that 1 feel nide to make the following statement for the benefit of those who are bluffer ing from sire hula and other Chronic Diseaaen. My wife had Lrrn suffering for Ntweral yearn from tumora or awelling. on lo•r mock whirl after a lime would gather and dOwharge matter, leaving a tanning p.ore, She had beefs treated fir more than a your by meal eminent phyid ruin,. w ilheet receiving any pormalienthenofit, herd...row howorlior, Inc--', until .hr had five of there running aore, w . h e r ad a k, vole, I vmploy•J Dr. 11. 11. Longaker, under wirodi treatment she commenced to Improve very fast, the erre. , en her neck 1. , lwid, nod oil her unpleasant and dia• afirecalde `Ytortout.. gradually to di•rppear, until her health was teol•wed. w Inch won io about (oar month, 1 feel per lenity justifiwt, aft, luly inn Ivied the treatment of other phy,iwan• itl recommending all thus whoare.olfer. lug nom Scrofula or Chronic Dimdeem to Or. Lougatter for medical lrnnlmrnl, with u firm belief that they will he not honed. ami rnred therehy, as my wife Iran her.. JAMES EARNER. Dr. 11. D. 1nc. , ... her ~,thee in eu the Eent chit , of ninth atreet, lourvecn ilamiltdu dud Walnut. Allentown. - rpOOWNERS AND THOSE HAY'. INit CHARGE OF HORSES AND CATTLE. Du. rEux 11. MATCHKES' PRUSSIAN T.INI 'AI ENT. MIR proved Its goat healing nod eeothoot tlualitle. In the TO11114111•. Srottche, limbo,. Oldie and Clink, motored by 1111` harnee, Foot Ret In Sheep. tiarttet or Swelled I'd• der in Cattle. Rlntionation. ttulaey. Nail In the Foot. Ar. Put up In Pint 13 Mk, Price 31;01. For Salo by nil re,1)1.0111.1.. ggie and k Store•eepery throughout the country. Wll.ll Dru k 0.00 by JAMES O. WELLS. N E. Cur. Niollt on,l Spring Darden Phllnd'•. E'er , nle by I. 11All IFF S. tt.. Fact Hantilton Allentown. ginaneial illy Commercial I= I= 1 ,1, 1 1.,.`1,",•••• 13111M12=1231 rat= Wheat po tv I 4 .10 pelilUg 510 • • Corn Meal. •' 3 00 •• • Itu(1 , 1. Hain, • E.f , . 1 el . 4.7.11 114.1.,P1,. 1111 , 11.•1 4 • 0 • • 11r'..,7 11tp.11 , 1 3 00 .• " .51,1 •• itlarriagrz LEWIS—II ERTZOG.—On the Ist inst., by the Rev. Richard Walker, Mr. Reese Lewis to .M lee Jane Ilertzog, both of Alburtis. TA IT—MATCRET.—On the 23,1 of December, at the house of the bride's mother, by the Rev. John J. Jour, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Mr. James Tait to Miss Emma C. Mat diet, all of catagauqua. DECII—KTCHLINE.—On the 30th of Decem ber, by the 11ev. George M. Lazarus, of Quaker town, at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. C. Wilson Dech to Miss Annie E. Kichline, both of this city. CLYMER—TROX EL.—On the same day, by the same, Mr. Christiou F. Clymer to Miss !O dom Troxel, both of Quakertown. ALTIIOUSE—N ENV II ARD.—On the tlsth olio lit the house of the bride's parents, by thellev. J. F. Vale , . Mr.4leorue D. Althouse, of Philadelphia, to Nlis, AM, J., eldest daughter of Capt. E. It. NVW11:11,1, of this city. I.I.'('IS—STEUKEI..—On the VA ult., by the Itev..l. S. Sands, Mr. Benjamin G. Imet, to Miss R ose st i . o h o t, both of titleeite. DREISBACII—:MOYER.L . On the 24th ult., by the Rev. C. 11. Baiter, Mr. John Dreishach to Miss Sarah Moyer, both of ibis HEILM AN—lt EINII ARD.—On the sante day, by the sane, Mr. J. Henry Hellman to Mies • Ella J. Reinhard, both of this city. SCHREINER—RIERY.—On the 'Nth Mi., by the Rev. J. Dulls, Mr. Casper Schreiner• of this city, to Miss Ellen Biery, of Stettersville. LYNN—HUNSICKER.—On the same day, by the same, Mr. Michael Lynn, of Allentown, to Miss Rebecca Huoslelter. of Heidelberg tow onhil. PFLEUGER—YOUNDT.—On the Patti!' day, by the Rev. Joshua Yeager, Mr. Oliver P. Ptlenuer, of this city, to Miss Hattie M. Yottudt, of South Whitehall. THExum—mosEit.—on the . 2ritit ult., by the same, Mr. CI, ries 'l'rexler. of Hanover. to Mks Eliz:theilt Moser. of Itittersvillc. W EItSTEIt—CONSTANTINE.-011 tile Ist of he Henry H. Pearson. Mr. William Icstei• to Miss .lane I'oo4l - MERTz—LEIREN:WERGEII.—On tle '250 ult., by the Rev. A. J. G. Dube, !%tr. Jeremiah Mew/. of Lougovatnp, to Mies Ikttle Ltibensiu.r ger. of >t a tat a wily. Dratlts lIAMERSLY.—At Catarattqua, on the 2d inst., Charles Edward. Infant. lion of It. (lay Ilanier,ly, lived 4 months. thi, city, on December hithntithl Steeled, aced :it, year,. months and 6 day,. hErLEn.—hi this city, on the ad inst., Eliza A., , of George Heider, :wed 51 years. KNEPLEV.—In tiniteon' township, on the Ist Inst., John lineplev, aged about 05 years. ' :44'110C11.—On Eriday morning, the 24th ult., suddenly, in this elty, itenhen tiehoeh, aged 54 years. II Nli.E.—Ott the 94th tilt., In this city, John 11. Ilatilie, aged 21 year:, 2 11101101 , 11111 d 2S days. Tltt ).XE1.1..-011 the 25th ult.. in South White hall, Tilghman 11. Troxell. aged 55 years. Xclu abbrrtiscrinnts nF 01.11) ALLIENTIIPWN CIEINA iiI.An , WA 1:E , T01:1; rne. .uisen or ALL comi.rriTioN. fifteen) ear. ex perienel. Mud mea on to buy not only for t avid 101 l 'luring the 11 • {1 ,, n , and times of most advantage. Proorietor to offer good. 11l lower price. than the a wit hu 'dug these advantages• 1 return MY AinuTe thaol, to the people of tills 'lit awl Lehigh and vnaoties for appreciating theta farts by their conetently lurreit,ing patronage. Seem... Rating varlet.. elilarge• ntritts oar stare, tine last of which but recently com pleted. give. te. now about twenty...int hundred feet of shelving sue foot wide. Nearly half a mile of shelving twelve inches wide. well Illie,l with nom!, beelike large ottantititta ell the tioar. It la Vt - ry es ideal thereat,' no two Mi... in line colintY Put together have idtch it stock us this or the trade requiring It. It in therefere the interent of all to call and examltie the good. and prices at this store be. foie lot) Mu ebiesrhore. The proprietor tieing fully coo: Primo of his advantagis, will not outlier any honorable clrottuetancespertult au) 11 , 4,011 to untlerhell him lit these vett, ,Sttrit 11011)(41.y hepropittiled by those having no knot, lean , of the loti.lnces, and may nuil bragadocia and bombast a convenient article , to hide their thilleinnele. hi' other rosisset, 101 l it Will nehtear the luspeCtintl Ora dis cerning Public. .101 good. aro of the latest and moat it. proved pattern., toll' litany salt/ issittiringallons! an,•n• tire renewal of stock two or Oat, times annually. thus preventing the possibility of old stock on hand. A. lam now stilling till' preparatory to retire from active busluese, greeter luditeetneuts than boretofiire are offered in the wire of gods to nil lotyers.at the China Store, .17 E. 11• M• Ilion St.. nearly oppioilte the tierllitu Reformed Church. ran :ell T. C."lt ERNAIIEN. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY rout • . MAKING 7AIONEY. CABINET ORGANS; SEWING MACHINES, AND PRANG'S SPLENDID CIIROMOS, Aronrered for getting entw! , rlipore for the ALLENTOWN LEDGER, Ono of the HEST PAPERS In the Stale • Sipnlo employment is PROFVFADLE: : Addy.. " LEIKIER OFFICE." Allentown; PA. iisartnnni for sp.nl tnen nnry, nnelovlnn nlnnln for Poot litnittr 870. Nebo abbcrtionnentz. SECURITY AGAINST LOSS DT BURGLARY, FIRE OR ACCIDENT THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, NEW FIDE AND BURGLAR-PROOF BUILDIND I= THE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY CANT VI IMBIE unsistamm lobo R'el.G, St'when A. Caldwell Charley 3larelyeter. Oeurge F. Tyler. !leery C. Oilmen. Presiileto—N. U. UROWNE. Vice Prexidout—CLAßENCE 11. CLARE. Svcretury and Troonrer—ROßT. PATTERSON. Asal4tont Socretnry—JAMES W. II AZLEUII.•BST The. ComP3UY have pro• 1.1,1 to tlo•ir now }NUM.( and. Vattlts alotolutv totettrity vgaittO hots hy VIRE, IllOth. LARY. or ACCIDENT. sad .. RECEIVE SECURITIrv. AND VALVAIIIEt. ON DEPOit. IT UNDER CiI'ARANTEE. Upon the following ratty. for one year or 1... oei Government and all other Coupon Seeuri. ties, or those traneferablo by delivel y.. sl,oo toe $l.. Gorerntnent and all other Securities real, bored and negotiable only by undorse 'mlt Geld Coln or 11.11lom. Silver Coln or Ilnlliou Silver or Gold Pinto, under seal on own er's ...Monte of value. sod rob- .obiset to adjustment for bola low.dry. Drool, 3tortga4ri. snit -Valuable MtPoi' itchcciillYi•who: of nn tizod valtio.,l a year oach..or ;t., r,u n gto Lot . Theiie latter. when ilolua•lteil In tin boo,. urt charvol accorilitor to balk. upon a In.ri. of to•-n onit.te. ' IY. Ye•.r. nil int rre,l w II 1 , whro 11..•ir0 , 1. ,n/lif ' , dig. OW ow n ,, r, p, con'. Tim Company off, r for RENT, dm I. excluOvely bottling the key. ttAFES INSIDE THE IIIIRDLAR•PROO? VAULTS. At rot., varyi.g trim lits g to to s7L , e. eh per annum, nr,ra Depomlti Or Money itruoi Veil 00 Which Inlerroti nllotrotl; 2 to - cent. on r.lll Depotoln. parablo by clinck 10 - .oglo. and 4 Prr crust. on porn , . payable of 10 day. [wilt,. Traveler,' Letter. of Credit fnendthett, avail:o4e in all Thi. Company I. al.o antherited to act it. Executor., Administrator.. and fluarilian.. to receive and execute Int...if every de•crlpllon frioa the courts, corporation., or individual, • • • • N li. BROWNE. President. ROBERT PATTERSON, mod Tree, VIM" • READING ROAD. Wog.F.Arri. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, DECErsIBEH '27, 1869 (treat 'Crank 1.100 from the North and North-West for I , lol o delphia. New York. Reading. Pottk•ille. Talim.p4, A•hiand. Shamokin. I.ciamoll, Allentown. Ea.ton. Lph ratn. I.itir. Lane:rider. Columbia. to. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now Yriel, a, flio, • at 3.35, 8.19 a. m. , 12 110 aeon, and 2 05 p. cu.. counerilim with similar train , on Pennsylvania Itailroad, 1111,1 arrin mg tit New York at 12.1.5 talon, 3.40. 0.50 end 1010 p. in. respect • tyyly, sleeping Cllrs accompany the 0.30 P. 111. and 19.20 noon train, without chang . e. Returning: leas, Now 1 ork itt 9.19 n. m.. 12.10110,n nud 5001. In. Phllatlrlph la al 8.15 n. ur. and 3 :to p. in. 00.1.- Ing Ears accompany the 9.001. M. and 5 90 p. 1/1. 00.4 from New York without change. Laity.. Harrisburg for Reading,Pott4v Tatia:ll,.. Mlllol , Viik, A.lllllnd. Sharnokin. Vino mid Philadelphia at B.loa. 10.. 2.91 and 4 10 P.m.. so ping at Lebanon and principal way station , : 1111'1. lit train connecting for Philadelphia. Pottoville anti l'lum bin only. For Helmylkill Haven mid Auburn, via schitylk 111 alld SUMlnPilanll6 Railroad lea, Hari ie. burg at :1.40 p. In. Way Pamenger Train leaves Philadelphians 7.30 0 connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad. re turning from Reading al ti. 351 stopping at all Station, Lela, Pottsville at 5.40 and 9.10 a in and 2..45 p in. 11.•10. don at 9 30a In. Shaniokin at 5.40 and 10.4011111, Ashland at fur m 7.145 P h a iladelphia in anti 12.3 i noi nodoNew n, TaYor k. maqua at 9.21 11 In ,41.1 '2.20 P • Leave Pott4ville via Schuylkill and 511,111.11111. ft 11.11. road at S:10 a in for Harrisburg. auil 1450 a mfor Pine= grove and Tremont. Reading Accointnotintion Train leaves Pottsville at 5.40 a in. Reading at 7.300 tn. arei Ong at Philadelphia at 10.151 ain Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.45 PM• priesing Rending at 7.411 p ill, arriving at 1 ott0v111• at 9.30. Pottittown Accommodation Train leave.. Pottstowu at 4.45 a m, returning, leaved Philadelphia at &Rip ra. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.15 n m and 7.151 In,. for Ephrata, LIR. Laticaslirr. Columbia, ho. Perkartnen Railroad RAM.. leave Perkiot J nciipp Male in., 0.03 and 5. '3O II ; roturning, leave Schwenk. Mlle at train in, 12.15 noun, and 4.1.5 11 01. eonnecting xlmilar on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Rallmad trail. leave Pottstown RP! , s nt and 020 p tn. returning leave Mount Pk:ream at 7111 and 11.25 a in, connecting with xlmilar train. on heeding 11.11. Ehestar Valley Railroad Tririne lean° Bridgepart at ~ .4 ) and 2.0.53'016.02 p m, ramming, blare 0 0 , 0 i 0 at 0.110 u nt, 12.40 noon and 5.15 p m, raunaellug with ,int• lar trains on Reading Railroad. .*lO ro ',fling . I 'Li paying Om Sunday, leave New York at 5.00 p to, l'hiladolphia nt 8.00 a al anti 8.15 p nt (the S in) a in train running 0.15 to Reading). leave Pottsville ut 8.00 a m, Ilurrixiiiirit it 5.y5 u, and .4.10 pm. and Reading ut 7.1 A m arid lOUS p for Ilarrlsbnrg. 7.T1 m for New York, and at 9.41) aat and 2.5 p m for PhiludelPhia. Commutation, Mileage. 5014013. School anti Ezeurelon Tickets, to and front nil pointn, nt reduced ruten. Baggage ,hocked through; lac poundsallowed each Pansonger. (1 A. NICOLI.S. jllll3-ly lirarre d Nefprrintrtsde of. 1-1 2 17 E: s RiALf la already rile. ..limited by our bailing physicians.. m tonic and a nutrieut. IEiIIIiCIALLY A DAPPED To I. DI Ku), smith the ;rood satisfactory Thi,11,1,14, Is exieunively timid tvloire all mpleltuoi. 'lgnores and idee are dierarded. a• It differ.. front all other malt prevail, ;funs. being ALMOST FRE:t: I. ROA! ALCOHOL. ;old therefore neither Intoxication nor irritating; ah it contain.. NuIt6NI:TIMM:NT THAN roirrEit. ALE. Olt 1 WNW:WEST BEEIL TARRANT & CO., NEW YORK, MEM rgal NrotiCCs A DM I isTitvrou.s veii flint hikon liiiii•r+ itillill111.11•Llom hi tiiii iir I,lmill county ;I ,erinevlvoi to imiki• 111,11 ,1101111 •IX e. 401 from ha,' tiny nn ul within Ow turn.. .11.11:i WI 1.1.1.%Mi, 41#'1114•e.---NoTicE IS iiEliF:lll' GIVEN that appllontlon I, b inotlo to tlo' Coto t of Gonna. Plow. of 10.1.01 County (i Ow ;c0...T A - v[lot, of the " ENI.tN SAVING AN I) II I'l 1.11 ING A•,111 lA. TION, — I. he ho•nt.st itt the ol ,to,‘ 11, County. The "1 , 0 , 1 ot .1k ol I , roq.•IV.• vv. by t . euttlar onedolltit . Atm° hot , ' liv ii. toonthot-; tho ,11111 . to tho big 11.01 bhlilet .11.1011 C 11% ni5 . ..“1”,. 1.1 the utimber ot hhhler to ..y h , 0.1 ittol it ou• o •• thet loo•lttehs yosiorall dot, 1.1 ..ttch ELIA , . 31 ritft, Mist s 11. NV,. F. Iteist.s ,s. W. .1. list ‘1 .1 ,1,1:1'1E 1101.1 h Anil othor ECUTOIII4' itlynn, that li , ttorA lei , tionontsty lin roloo•t. nrtintrol in Ow ...tot.. or John3lt.o .i i ett, deremo.d, Into of the ll. , roua. gh e3.,111.01.1, r.inntY i there row 01l who , k now tl'eni-01, 1,.• to raid 4 , knito. '..c0n...te.1 v. , make Par.... , within .ix iiiwks Iron, On. tin , lint...ot i and ouch lr !who v,. kn y k uninot 0.41,1.• Will ore.,nt 11/vllll,ll nittliontlrnnol 1"..r iettl...i..nt , within theidols , orwrithol th M 00. .1 ELIA Err. FAT, tilt. litiw - 1 - 4 13kout - rotes• N41,114%.---NoTicE Is hereby given that the ataler•ignial have takiia latter , ry in the E!.tal , . or I'll INli:111 Kf.tlrr, de - ceased. late of Lynn bow county; thertib. n. nil per... who ore indebted 1.r...0il Liitate, are reilinei.leit ta make pa yineut Ithin ‘v.i..kit from the dal!. Who have any legal Haan willpi...tost theta N, Alithentai.ibid f.. 1 the 51.-eillal unle .AN11 , 1,1, M. KISTI.EII. it AVi It M. It 1.,11.1.i1t. SEM V 11 h o C E Lnk. - Ti mt a l k e 31i l icato t I t F. neSxAt sA. • n ugß a egiala tnie of leatayl, an a s or • the roPeol ofeo much of the tat unction of the act lincorporphus said bank as provide', ' , That nothing In thi. act contained shall be so con.trued as to confer WI tire Said cornoDition banking privileges, or soassail. the •atne from the operation of lire taws of Ibis rotninoitivealth pooh &inns the la•ne ot batik notes or eliglitletneat` ot er , dit tlo• Oa' lure' hereof:" and will milli)* tor gu'n.t. l hemol• leiter' under the preownt at) le and Lai, ••Tho Sav lugs Bank, — with the swear:it capital ol lth p lie lucnl•.d rivileFe tolucrease the sumo to VA1.014.. .1111 iu the, lly or Allentown. DAVI SVII.IIJ., Pres't. %N . C. I. W. 1":.•,111 I.ENTOIN N Si Ingr Itirtltution will make appliretbot nt the nest sr..sten of tip, Legirlature of romp-) It num for the repent of ko 1,11.11 01 thr 101 the net 1nt . .9 , 199.• ruling the til.linktittition o• trot nit, "'I kit nettling In thin tint contain...l rhnli reortrneil nr b. Couler 01014.1 rot nitration lotuk lug •.9 tee... 119 0i the mime front the °per:mutt el the lauv. ot tlor t'''11101: n.. wealth prohibiting the Inning of bank note. et . other en gago•tiletitri 4 , lcreklit in the num, thereof' for general banking privilege. 911.19. r the prokent etyie ntel tl •• Allentort n boring. Inetltutton --, lth prerent enpitni of 914.12.t0kt. nod tight of further Inererke 9, fittlktkrt. mid to tie 19.r0b0l nl .kliettio, 11, 1,1.109 0•.•11411 Signed: W 11.11,04 11. AINI V. 1 . 11/11i1.,11. 111 • H. Jolts D. 11 . 11.1:0, F. E. ir.rwert.o, 11A.11 NO, 11. le 70.111 NATII4N,Prrrh. NTOTII'r IitITICE IN lIEItEBY ‘; iv EN th.t .pplichtlon will 100 mode byjhe wad, to Ow liovertior l'eun..)lv.titia for latter. Wile.' ereatlug ta)ri/ratiou with the mime matl.lylo of 110. "Mtllerstown 1,1111 aw . l Saving A.. Hallow to he lo cated iti the Borough of .11111twalowu, l.rh lgh amiuty. The uhjeel Of •1114 Ans,1:111011 will he to receive illonry en a 1..• plait nt regular rot. or inler,t, r. linlll the Obil 10 r'..11.1/0e prlvtlegea under thr ['nuking I.tin. of Il.v1 . 0111111.11W1•111111 Th.' rid hank t.. capital work of 400,11 , 0, mich thoilty to ingroo..• the alone to lo share. or fifty dollar,. earl, Jaloo. Woilor, .1. C. 31. uldtrt rt. George Lochs lu, . Churl... Skint., lion ja ntln J. hrlino.).r. I. 1.1.0 n F. 1.:101 , 1, Franklin Shlnior, John :MA Wert, Horatio'kW., • William flalitho'. JIAIII , tqIIIIIIIR.IT. Anthollr 1....1111.1 Aluzander :lino...rel. -• • " WANTEII).--TilltEE TI101'SANI) I:OI.I.ARS ..0 Jr 11• 11 , •• ,e , l rity. 1t.r...1 7 ver cent. 1.,k0 ire u t 'NHS OFFIr . Jane 9.ti , _ WANTED. ---..t LOAN OF 0110.00 a by the Allentown Scheel Inetrlet. For partlettler. apply to the nudectlgned. C M. ItItNIC, Pretd. Beard ree. .1. S. I , ll.l.lMitilt, Seeretnry. • 122131 VIIVOLIALSAILE OF REAL ESTATE. A.. Will be eold a Public Sale on SATCIIIIAY. the 11th day 'of JAN CARY. A. O. 1t,70; a t I o'eineir I', AL. on t h,,,,,, n . Nee, all that certain ntewatuge and lot of grout , ' nallille on the sonth aide of Walnut street. between Eighth and Ninth Create, lw the City of Allentown. bounded on the Weal hy Burrow.ln Ilarlaeher. Inn on the Neat by lot late of 0, W. containing aunt on said Walnut street 3) feet and In depth 110 feet to an alley. The improvement/I thereon consist of a fil e t 'TWO.STOl UIIICK ItWELLIN111101:8“, tY) foot front by :CI deep. with Back ilulltling II by Is feet, and Pralue I lions, It being property lately held lu trust for Cutha• rine Swenk, deceased. Cooditiona wade aortae and ettendenne given Olt the day of sale by ' NICHARI. D. ElitillllAND, -' den 22-91 rt'o•lre. K 1,000,090 El= =9 Alezandnr Henry .").) per I 0) 1221 Per I 00 r I, ,ok I ( ,r 11=11== = = Eaantrb Dru eciabo THE "BEE HIVE" POPULAR DRY GOODS STORE, .1. W. PROCTOR & CO., NO. 920 ( 'IT ESTNT"r STREET, I=l N (()ODS CONSTANTLY RECEIVINO PRICES , NAIR,. IN PI,AIN FIGURES \V I 'l'l DEVIATIuN gar .Salc anb tiro Let FFORRENT....SEVERAL CONVEX!. rut root" situated In a favorable location. Some of them milked for law yore offices or business occupations. Apply 111 the ofece of TILE LEIIIOII REGISTER, Allen• lowa. 420 ISERIAL LOTS FOR SALE...— The undereignedoffer for sale 430 new Come. tart tote Immediately ntliolnlng the Colo. Cemotary. on Tenth erred. The 10,e will t o rold by ettbeeription, and Immediately after the whole number ate diepoxed of they will be award• ed by lot In the name mnnner as lo the organization of the Onion a...elation. Mate or plans of the premiums ran be peen at our office. my 12 0001) & 111.111 E. To LET. -A REASONABLE LEASE will he given on the Earton Slate Quarry,aitriated to Plainfield towuship, Northampton county, Pa., hoar Stackertown. It couslain of number one gat-vein, blue, ~ever.judimr Mute, fully equal to the well-known Chap man Sloth, With a good water power and a frill rigging of pompiug 101,1 hg mhins. Per e°. mdesirouppotoully thi t A n kind ac will e Well,. coo ins thr s them. o r ,0,1 slily a. li , uli n Roth, Sthekerthwn I'. 0. 'O. 45, 1,. SCIIRRIIIER, Prefildent "CIOUR HUNDRED FARMS FOR /..2 SALE, ranging In price from IS to ES' per acre, accord In improvements, location hr. Good toll, genial climate, and near market', Thioni marine lira situated in, Virginia Maryland, home in ho immediain vicinity of Waelh• Mgt. and °there from 91 to:in mile,. distant from the Cap. Ital. Add res or call on J. D. GA NG \VERSA:Ai Maxenchu ceps AN,IIOO near Hixth street Waohington, D. C. AIDE ONE-DOLLAR STORE OUT. nIX E. —A lora.. tootorttocnt of floe French Good. for rook, ontbniclng Devks; Work, GIOVC, llREldkerchlef Rod llrecci no lidsits, In great variety; 111 k Fenn, Leather Boar, Pocket Boolot; Porton, Lava. Bohemian and China Vomits nod Or000tono; Umbrella., Jewelry, &c., for One Dollar and loon. Cull clot examine for yourselves. 11. DIXON, X. 815. EIOOTII Street, hotweeu :Warhol. and thontoot snot Ride, Phlladeiphis. un 24;:tro REVIVAL I I The onbseribere hnehtlt loomed O. "Old Hope Coal Yard." would respectfully announce to the citizen• of Alloot.mu and tb• public le f I. thet.theY bere inet COAL Crri,.tftiftlf of Stove, Rig, BUCK NTAIN MI h 3. " Met trues • • . • . . Order+ left with A. A. Huber, Slegor k tI oltenetel u, at the E:aule Holel. Hope Rolling Mlil, or the Y•rd, will be !mended 1 ,, in a, BUSINESS like mall , ()Mere rot .%)al Ile the ear Clod at .hors .•011 It the low•et =9 BALED HA l• I= I, kV. KIYONS & (10 I= /1•1/.11,1t wrest, roruut tor I..bleb Vail. .y 83.1104.1 I= EIEM=I Clothing The Real Excr Hencc end ing le n.° only secret of o BEM r— lo ..p.E--REEcT 4'k or , • 'I I. U. it it I exatnithed b , 111 , 1P siippilati •• ill; in .1 tritinikilig, , •••11111 I in, Ile, h• • •, I •• ..? xr if le b,. 1.1 ,. .• plit hit° olock. EOM eact gold 111 11.1 , .11.1111,1 n 1vi Jr wlegal 110101111 g U. re. 1.. .‘ or all the rep. tatlone It I thßt nor 1.. •••Ininil Inlay .• r m o. • ••• Inwer Uit, any Invite, 14 /siri.nipnrl•nn of FIE ,ND WINTER Or 1869 We have made the GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET Numberless Garments, . Endless Variety, 4 • Choicest Selections, _Goods to 'Wear Well, Standard Styles, Latest Fashions; New Furnishing Goods. Pe- I , llr art. marlird at Low Pitt I lasi! Wert. k,ll•lminte • art roles last year. •I:OsTonA - pEPARTMENT AND " IMPARTMENT FOR BOYS' AND MB' TM •• well prapartol to Ova utlsfactlon. New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dispatch, A Fincr Line of Goods than ever, School Clothes,' -‘ •'• Sunday Clothes, Many New Sfyies, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. :11.1 LAZMIT IN TIII ITATI, !. E. car. 611 f & kHXLI STS:, tabkra:nloggthwrbolo (Market to HZ:. • PHILADELPHIA. WANAMAKER & BROWN, P.. R. K. DOXAIvIIKT -ly =RI oi head)• •.Ithot are roch ok lii whet $4...t. on I oto .1.: ilottr wolit oontfott with
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers