ADVERTISING RATES at. 1 mo. 3 mon. 6 ram, 1 yr. ) at) Square . . 1.30 1.75 3.50 6.30 12.00 Nvo Square. . 3.0) 3.50 6.311 9.110 14).00 Th ran btitlit roe . . 4.3 0 1.23 9.0) 17.00 2.5.00 SIX Square.), . . 11.50 17.16) 25.00 4.5.(1) Quarter Column . 13.60 21. 11) 40.00 163.00 11114 Column . . ' . at CO 40.00 60.01 110.09 0 as COIIIIIIII II U io:oo iin:oo wo:uo Profesnlenal (limb; 41.t.10 per Ilue year. A.ltelnistratOr's and Anditor'n Notices, 63.00. City 'Notices, 9J cook per line Int lo4ertlen, 15 cents per lan cool. subsequent luxertion. Too linen agate constitute a square. ROBERT IREDELL, Puutismin, =3 ((ftatbirtg Ito(' KW LL 6,-, WILSON ARE NOW REA fly with the rleheneand rarest styles! OVERCOATS ill COIMLICSS variety! ‘._, , ,„ nevods, unesnueres all flue Corttinge! Rlothes ! Klothes ! Klothes ! Klothes ! Haight of the fuehlou I Indeed you will be pleased, Looking nt the Loh of ,:legoot 'loth‘ 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Winter, gentlemen, whiter! Ise, snow, frost, and-so-forth ! Lowest prices for winter defences! S - afe against storm a n d snow! Mill! Now Is the time to icy In your winter clothes The cold Is great, But the rush is greater, From all parts of this State. And every other State. The best men come, to Buy w thelr Best clothes Vonderfully cheap, At the Great Brown Ball Roc 7KIIILL & WILSON Nils. 603 &-►>►►.; CI I ESTN ITT ST PHILADELPHIA CEEB Coal anb Lumber FROW, JUVIIIS dr CO., =1 ROUGH & WORKED ',WEBER, SASE DOORS AND BLINDS, I= XirOrders from the trade ~hulled ♦ FILIMILT. B. Otto. B. Y. OTTO. 0. M. WILL/11g. FILBERT, OTTO A: MILLER, I= LUMBER, WILLIAM PORT, PA DILL ON CANAL, WEST OF MAYNAItD STREET. OFFICE AT TILE MILL. W. F. CRANE, Amts... 4, nue 11147 ELLIS P. MOORE t, CO., LUMBER AtERCIIANTS, NO. 620 BEACH ST., =I 1111 CAR IWILDRIIH . , CABINET MAKKIVO & UNDERTAKEHR LUiiß!i R A fall it , ,Nortineut of 41.2,,aird MEER d:1{1I1'. idotlll NNW. ECM= Particular nttentlou paid to hhippin g• R EJI 0 V L ! SM ITII OSIUN'S COAL AND WOOD YARD I The above L'oal and Wood Yard has born removed to th v f aht ea.l °III.. Janina Bridge, Si)UTII SIDE. where tollb eouhtantlr kola a flaa and ull piapply of Egg, Stove Nut and Chestnut Coal, selected from It, heel Mille. Itt country.• 0 U It U 0 A L Id undo•r covvr—autl it to tilt• In toot of every o• t purchuno DRY AND SCREENED COAL • it Iro-d largn atock all klndB or good Wood eau/dually. on hand. find delivered to nil part. of the oily titthelovrent tnarket Price., BRANCH YAlt blanch yard I. kept at the Lehigh Valley Dopul,• known 08 the former yard af Letill mud Ileeker. • 44 - Tillti IS TliElilit/PLE'S COAL YAM/ilia Our Cuol In .elected from thr heel mitten In the Lehlift region, and knowing Otis to be the fort and that It trill 1f10• perfect cutlefactlep, there Ic no UPC In offering to ream the money. All we ark In a trint. (Went taken at Dust, lees hat NI.-11. FRANKLIN July Ilth CO. u, CONSUMERS, I,ooli TO YOUR INTEREST! I'. 11. STELTZ Hereby Inform.. the citizen., of Allentown, and the p lie In general, that ho M prepared to furulkh ell kind• o A L , Prom his well stocked Yard, formerly 11. Ruth & Co.'s, at the Lehigh Thiele, In the City of Allentown, where he will constantly beep on hamlet full supply of all kinds of Coal. at the very towel prices. Ills coal in nice and vlean, from the very beet min., and in quality anterior £n Any tittered In Allentown. will sell Coal by the CAR LOAD. at very small pro• fits, An be intend. to do bumblesa upon the principle of "Quick Sales nod Smell Profile." Give him a call, and upon comparing prices you can judge for YoUritelVes. Ile will deliver Coal upon cull to uny part of the City upon - orders bring left at the Yard, or Weituthelmer'e store P. 11. STELTZ. EINZB 17 OV A TREXLEIt & BROTHERS, L B Ell , Hereby aunounca to their Wanda and patron. that tilt./ has njuat ratuoyett from their uld .rand to their NEW YARD, near the corner of Tenthmid Hamilton sweets, formerly ...evied by Braums di Miller, ns a Limber Turd, where they W 111 constantly keep on hived 11. large sod heusoned idoek of , L U M B E R such t 4 klotlo of PINE, HEMLOCK, CIIFISTNUT, POPLAR, HIIIMILES PICKETS, LATHS, &c. o fart everythlog oouolly koPt by lb, Thankfuln of lumber nut to order at abort notice. Th Cre Pant wu grunt our (death., at w the politic In general, NV 111 glue tva a tall at Our :h. Yard, where \1'I• Will at. ....or heat elte...rata reader tr. ',Nal... halt Int legards quality and print, (opt 21'1.9 lIMEMEIZIZiaiI The nutlet...holed I. prepared to contract for Ittruhartnl .YASII, BLINDS, WINDOW -FRAMES, DOOR PRA MRS: SHUTTERS. And all klndx of bonding londdr •Agont fon , HOPE SLATE COMPANY'S LEVI'S' SLATE I=l CELEBRATED CUAT3IIIEIt PUM ord.. left at tho I.:AHLE HOTEL will n•raive prompt Pp.tottltt ittldrutot, 111ZIM BRA DIWIWN ANU.OTORK • . 1 PIANOS, • OM AND crwinDs. • 'FA Y 1.1)IL & FARLEY'S Anu E. P. NEEDHAM t SON'd OSCLY:s.;ti AND MELODEONS, 4 0 0 AND UPW•II.I.I. W3I. G. FISCIIER, Mg A RCHT;. " Itt II: I1 1 1 16. 11 11 .11 Ni. Ant 15 • ta rhiNdel nom VOL. XXIII Grocerico, Vrobioionft, &c THE BIGHT ruicr. TO BUY E=l 1• Iho place to buy •Il kluds of PROVISIONS, M=l ORANOES AND LEMONS POTATOES, SALT, Also, nil kinds of MPO It TED DRIED FRUIT, AAnAAuA NmiNNIIN DndDodD PEARS. PRUNES, RAISINS. CHERRIES, Am, Aiwa''e on hand R good amsortment of tho beet quality of GROCERIES of all dmicriptionii. Do nut lake the place. corner of Tenth and Hamilton, to buy good thlugn at reuxonablo Rug WO NEW GROEERY Provision Store! SAVE YOUR MONEY ! OUR MOTTO: TO PLEASE ALL! TROXELL e STINE, No. 73 East llimilton Street, Allentown, Pa., WOULD hereby Altoona re to the pnbile that they have just opened In the Grocery and Provision trade In connec tion with the Coufectlonery, Frail and Toy business here tofore carried on by the mentor partner of the firm, and hereby invite an inspection of ti ir goods and prices. Their stork of family onprolles Is [rely fresh, and en, braces everything nettally kept In ell regluatod em . ry Store, such ea Flour. Feed. , .ackers. Cheese, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spice., "llsuYt.,. , 31.11 aw... i Halt, II am, Beef, Lard. Pickles Sauce, soda, , Catsnit, Nutmeg., • Canned Fruit, . Starch, stove Poie.h, Penner, Alitnice, Dried Pratt, Salwratus t Corn Starch, Cinamou, Bice, ' Clove.. • Broome. Bucket., Ttytte, Cordage, Bru.hen. Candle., Hoag, Basket., Twine, Coal oil, Vinegar._ Blacking, Cedar Warr, Willow Ware Butler, Eggi, POtato., thw. din., Singer. Lemon.. Clinssware, rebut.. Cigars, Beans, Nutlet., Extracts, Ste. ENGLISH BAITOESL . • . CATHUPS,OUVROIL, • PURE PICKLED OLIVES,. • '. MUSTARDS, AND OTHER •'. , APPROVED RELISHES . :, • 2 • FOR THE TABLE, ALL OF WHICH MAY DE IMPLICITLY RELIED UPON FOR .THEIR PURITY MITZI .114 , C01111 MEAL. BUCKWHEAT VLOUIt, FEED atokortmout articlos wackily, kept In a first moo Grocery and Stare. CANDIES, TOYS, NUTS, FRUITS, &C. 111 COUNTRY. PRODUCE, IN CAM : OR TRADE. Sir-We study to please. mud hope. by strict ottentlou to tow'nevi ►ud eelling ►t low priers, to merit ► liberal share of public patrouaue. SIMON TROXF.I.I.. I ,1 NV 11.1.01. 1 (1H lIT 8T I NE. ouy 3.9 m H. A. STEEL, UPHOLSTERING, WINDOW SHADE & BEDDING, STORE, LNDOAV SHADES, ME= With fixture. complete. frairia.o3 • pair. up to SIS.M. WIIITE ROLLAND SHADES AT ALL PRICES. SHADES OF ANY STYLE AND COLOR MADE TO Olt BTORE SHADES MADE AND . LETTERED ALL. KINDS OF WINDOW DRAPERY PATENT MOSQUITO CANOPIES. GILT, ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT CORNICES. CURTAIN BANDS, TASSELS, CORD, /he. FURNITURE STRIPS CUT AND 3IADE. STAIR AND VESTIBULE RODS. RE•UPLIOLSTERED AND VARNISHED. Carpet.. and Manlove. old tand 1113‘1, made, altered and Pal &Dun. UPHOLSTERERS' MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT wiIoLEBALE A NEW THING. SILK FINISHED WINDOW SHADES art 13-ly I. E. W A LRAVEN, WILLIAM WIMUNI NO. 719 CHESTNUT STREET, Is uow - receivitor Pia Fall Popurtattooa, couslating Part or CURTAIN MATERIALS In Silk. Mobslr, Worsted, Linea and Cotton, embracing any novelllem, Lace Curtains 'Parini., St. nail. o I MottWiliam make. of new and original dealgat WINDOW . SHADES, by the thunnand ore tole one •t mourseturore' price« MIMI MABEE KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS 1 COFFER 1111.1. H, kc., at C.F. WOLF/MT/VS Ikon, N 0.36 East II rnlltuu Wert. mep 16.1 y for Pure Walsh this celebrated Po eollrely teetotal' durable mad relic. ble; equal to the good old•boblont wooden Pump, a cost less than hal money Leen/ ar so as to be non , slid lo constructl that any one CAI keep It In repair. EMI TX ONI ENTEA D. AND PRE-EN have compiled a full, concise and • com pieto statetneut, plainly printed, for the information of persons Intending to tette p a Homestead or Preemption In this portion of the West, u embracing lowa, Dakota and tiebraske—and other sections. It ex pealne how to proceed to deco ro 101 memo of llmh Funning Laud For Nothing, •I• mouths before you learn your, home, in this moot healthy citnin to in short it utalus lust such I.tructions are nettled by thoeo Wending to make a home and fortune ou the Free Lambs of the West. I will send one of these Irioted. Guides to any person sending me VI cent.. The nformation atone, which It given is wiirth to nay body. Men, who came here two and three p.m ago and took a fano, are to•day independent. TO YOU:. 0 MEN.—This country Is being crossed with tuteronx railroad, reaching (rout every direction to Sioux City, lows. Bin railroads will be completed to this city within one year. One is already in operation, connecting ...with Chicago before Hering, Railrad, and two more will he completed connecting us with Re tinue. and Melt reg. .1 Irect. Three more will he complet ed within a year, connecting us direct wilh hi. taut, thou. , Yankton, Dakota, nut Columbus, thrash., on I'. I' , Italiread, The Missouri River stem, 1. the Moun tain trade. Thus it will be sees that no section of country oilers such unprecedented advnittages for busloose. spec ulation/Ind tusking a fortune. For the country Is being populated otud towns and Oiled are being built, and for tunes made attn.{ be and ballot. Every man who takes a homestead now will have • railroad market at his owq door. And Ittlyenterprising young gum. With n -mall capital, can establish himself In • permit:lent and Paying dne bolss, If he select* the right location and right bneh of trade. Mph ra Woo years residence In the western country and a largo portion of the employed as a Mercantile Agent in this tawdry, hat made mu famill•r with all the branches of end the beat locations in this coun• try. Woe one dollar remitted to ins I will give truthful and definite answer* to sit questions on this subject, de• sired by spat persons. 'fell them the best piano to locate and what buclunce la overcrowded and what branch Is neglected. Address DANIEL MOTT decAly B. C. COlll, of Emigration, Biotin City, lowa • Wu. 11. ÜBIILIN Quakoriuw., Buck• Cu., Fs. sepB.ll E. FENSTERMACHER, =I &C., &C., At aosp intees, mucti an MGM I= AND They also offer the most approved ALSO, The higheat market price paid for Minbota) Sliabro. ling No. 10 North Ninth Street, I= = MASONIC HALL, CORNICES AND DECORATIONS MUSO VITO CANOPIES. Cluelug out •t reduced prlcce eqirbie Vrbiob Vatlitet. Mail 11 anb Stationern SCOOLARN, ATTENTION! PUPILS, PARENTS AND ALL OTHERS I=l BOOKS OR STATIONERY Are Invited to call at No. 35 Weal Hamilton Stroet, (Walk er. and old atando our doors bel Eighth Sreet. wh you • large f and complete ow stock of all t Ueda of ere School Books used In this county, at the lowest cash prices, A fall line of LATIN, °BEEK% OFIRMAN and FRENCH books f o r Colleges, Academies and Schools, always ou hand, at the lowest rates. A full assortment of Stationery, Illauk Books, Memo randums, Pocket Books, Comhs, Albums, Pictures, Ster eoscopes and Vies, Window Paper, Sc., sold itt the very lowest cash prices. w English and Berman pocket and family Bibles, Prayer nooks nnd Hymn Books. A large nod splendid stock of Miscellaneous Books IU 1 . 1 . 1/1111 and Poetry, nod Sunday School Books. All the re quisites fur Sunday Woods always on hand at Philadel• villa Prim. We urn cloning out our Mock of WALL PAPER at coot Agent for the nate of BRADBURY'S CELEBRATED PIAI'.ZOS Finnan glvo me • call o•Lnn you tvl.h to parchale.l E. MOSS, au 18.6m] 11 tou 81., boluw Eighth, Allintown, Pa. 1869. PHILADELPHIA. 1569. WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOURKE, PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES, ' SALES ROOMS, Cur. FOURTH mid MARK ET.Stm., PHILADELPHIA. Factory, Cur. Twenty•thlrd nud Sam,. Stn., NSW STYLES EVERY DAY, OF OCR OWN MAKE. oct 6.9 m Carpeto Cloth. FLOOR OIL norm, I=l IME2 I= RICH AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c S. C. 14 1 0 CT LK = CARPET IiUSINESS AT 19 S. SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA, (Between Market and Clio4nut Ste., With a full ameortnient of VELVET, BRUSSELS, THREE PLY, INURAIN and VENETIAN CARPETS, Oil Window Shad., hr., at reduced prices. 'en 15.1 y T HE CARPET AND OIL CLOTH EMPORIUM OF E. S 1-1111 . 1E1.1 & CO., NO'. 5 AN!) 7 \VEST HAMILTON ST, =3 REPLENISHED 1.01 Ite latent •arintle., mtylen and pattern.. "RICES REDUCED! Wu keep for sale all thu following popular waken BODY BRUSSELS, fo FRANK ENGLISH, 5 FRANK DIOELOR, 5 PRANK HARTFORD, ENGLISH TAPESTRY, CROSSLEY'S TAPESTRY, STODDART TAPESTRY SMITH TAPESTRY; HARTFORD & LOWELL, extra 3 ply, IMPERIAL, extra 3 ply, MEDIUM SUPERFINE, 3 ply, SMITH TAPESTRY INGRAIN, PIIILA. SUPERFINE do., PHILADELPHIA FINE INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA COMMON INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA WOOL INGRAIN, do. WINDOW SHADES •,5o CURTAINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, STYLE AND PRICE 113lumbing nub Gab ,ffixturrs. ;- • GAS FIXTLRES. ADDIS & ROBERTS, ,o . llrt . Wt. = NO. 136 WEST HAMILTON STREET, I=l OSOROE HAAS' NEW BUILDING). ALLENTOWN All kind+ of Gas Flxturem of the beta makers, Ilydralit , ydritullc Rams, Lift anti Force tutors. DEEP WELL PUMPS, Bath Tubm, Water Moneta Circulating Boller.. Nycolal attontlou glyou to putting up l'ortablo 6•A Works In lowa or country. All work warranted. apr 7-11 G AS FIXTURES AND KEROSENE LAMPS. A ORY•T VAILINTY qv NOW STUN,. MERIDIAN BURNER, Safest and Rent In the market. It given the {argent light of any burner made. COULTER, JONES S: CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. 702 ARCH ST.,' PHILADA. JeY•ll7 SQTRATTON'S PORTABLE AIR GAS MACHINE. PATENTED MARCH 3IST, 1538. 8.4 PR ROBB YB Y MAKING YOUR OWN GAS. THE CHEAPEST LIGHT IN USE. Stratton', Oa, Machine for Illuminating llotek, Private Itesidencex Storm Mills, etc.. to Almelo conatruction, concerns, all the material need In the manufacture of gam, '•nd la ern cheap am to bring It within the reach of all. It free from explonlows. tau be managed by any person, and produces a superior light to all others, at one•half the coat f ordinary burning gas. NO FIRE 18 APPLIED TO TIIE APPARATUS. It can be attached to ordinary atl4 pipes and fixtures, the ouly variation being in the enlargement of (ho burner jets. All party of the apparelen are made In the must thorough and workmanlike manner. Superiority over all machine, I, claimed In the following particular, : If Out, Cost of Countructkm. Second Ilitinduating Capam lip. Third, Compactuese and Simplicity. and cormequent inipemdbility of Inc getting out of order. Fourth. Etonutur In use of material. A machine capable of aupplyinc ten bunter% cost, S. Any further Information will be given and the working, of the machine explained by calling upon the agent for 'Lehigh county. , • C: W. STUDER, W•LN UT STREET, CORNER. OF PENN, (AROVIIIIIIIII.I.IIVII , I ALLENTOWN PA 932 MARKET STREET IS THE cheapest and Lest place to buy Choice Tobacco and Cigar* by the Luz. Monitor Navy, and Jones At Sonia Tobacco always on hand at low rates. Meet...lmam Pipes, Briar, French, and other styles ran he bad hero to suit cooturuers; either wholesale or retail. MilIN LEES, Wholesale and retail Jobbing Howie and Manufacturer of Cigars; 932 MARKET St. nor 17.11 .CANDY AND FRUIT. GEO. W JENKINS, I= col rhrr.r rJ r SUGAR, MOLASSES AN!) COCOANUT CANDY, I=l FRUITS, NUTS, FIRE WORKS, AND CIIRISTMAS GOODS 161 NORTH THIRD STREET, • PHILADELPHIA. dee lily ALLENTOWN, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1869 ~~~~~~~ SEASONABLE SPECIALTIES, BLUE AND COLORED DRESS BILKS, PLAIDS, POPLINS PLAISEY AND BROWIA SHAWLS, BLANKET SHAWLS WATER PROOF, FOR SUITS, WHITE AND COLORED ,BLANKETS, Embracing the most complete stock of Dry Goods at POPULAR LOW PRICES It will be to your interest to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. M. J. KRAMER, " OLD CORNER." En SEAMAN & TRAEGER, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, B ETHLEHEM BLACK Oros °rale SILKS. BLACK DRAB D'FRANCE SILKS. BLACK TAFFETA SILKS. The largest and cheapest neeortment of HILES we have over had thopleite uro of offering the SEAMAN 4: TRAEGER. CHO/Pti NEW STILES FA .%(Y SEAMAN A: TRAEGER FRENCH SILK POPLIN,MARBLE POP LING, PLAIN POPLINS. SEAMAN & TRAEGER. 116A0IC ALPACAS, lo all grades. from the lowes sulllberol to the finest Mohatrx. SEAMAN & TRAEGER. vo holt ED ALPACAS, nll PrkeN V. 7 SEAMAN A: TRAEGER DRESS GOODS In every variety of Plain and Fancy BLEACHED and UNLILSACIIRD SIIRATINGS and SHISTINGS In very lurgn annurtment CHECKS, TICKI MIS and DE:II3IS. SHAWLS. Largo am! exterotlve aimurtinerkl of BLACK TIIIIIET, BROCIIE mud PAISLEY. BLANKET, CHE• MLLE, NIMES'. to great variety of alto and colors. SEAMAN do TRAEGER. SVECIAL ATTENTION la rereated to our elegant and complete line of LADIEN DREBff TRIM m 'Nu H....datum in part of EU WON slid TASSELS, FRINDE, REAL, GUIPURE sod BRUSSEL LACE, GIMPS, ERAIDS,NE ll' STYLE FLUTED TRIA GING, ae. BUTTONS to gererul hundred differeut etylot. SEAMAN & TRAEGER. HOSIERY, GLOVES, UNDER CLOTH INO for LADIES', CHILDREN and GEN TLEMEN. WOOLEN YARNS, &c. SEAMAN & TRAEGER. SEAMAN & T ItAEGER. • ZEPHYR 11 ORSTED, GERMANTO IVN WOOL, CASHMERE YARNS, EMBROIDER ED WQRSTED WORK, and a full aseortment In that line. . BY MAIL we gond samples of any goods capable of bo lus by simple through the mall with prices attached to Oath piece. We find title to be a great couvenience to parties unable to personally visit us. SEAMAN & TRAEGER. V I T!: 1 1; ( . 1 0 t) . ( , 1ti u l p il a k . k a f ollK r u s ,% l,l l : : 4 :l7ii„, ll . lcely kr SEAMAN & TItAEGEIL CROCKERY, orerythlug required to Ih.t ttue forbou keeping M.P.. , SEAMAN & TRAEGER. Ti l bo 110 Bu er tkelm, Red .11 Woodruk W $. It; mekr All kluds of Couutry Produce takes ha uschaugr goods si the highest prices. SEAMAN & TRAEGER We aro endeavoring to alv.p a full line of every article o tiro way of DFy Gouda, Small Warty. Notion,. Oro eel". Crockery, Wooden ll'ore. and to fact eVerrlbing except llarpetei to Le found In a retail etore. SEAMAN & TRAEGEI MAIN STREET, CM NEW 1011011 NEW GOODS 1 FRIEDENSVILLE AHEAD! SHELLY AND W HITNEII, ha•lng purchased the FrWellsville store, have opened an entire new stuck of ■■oode which will be sold WI law as the lowest. NO USE 110 W TO GO TO THE CITY FOR ANY THING for you can grill there. 'DRESS GOODS. PHINTS, DELAINES, MUSLINS, IiIIEKTINGS of all grad count y. all prices. The finest stock of Groceries le the Hardware In its variety. China, Glase and Crockeryware a largo assurtmout. We have employed the a?rvlcea of a FIRST-CLASS CITY TAILOR, and as we have an extensive stuck of Clotho, Cam'lmeres and Vesting. all bought at the logiest wholesale prices, we am prepared to manufacture SUITS TO ORDER, In as good style and at as tow prices as they ma be bought for in Philadelphia. /1/TNEVir 000 DB RECEIVED =EMI 19rp Efootio REPPS, &C., &C., &C Respectfully, SEAMAN & TRAEGER =3 SEAMAN & TRAEGER SEAMAN & TRAEGER BETHLEHEM SHELLY & WHITNER L FRIBDENSVILLE, PA hug Sir Charles Evander's first week at Cable- " Excellent," exclaimed. Lady Carisbrook, colt, that Lily St. Aubyn was forgotten until "I am sure that I cannot do better than fol. Lady Carisbrook exclaimed: low such a capital example. Will you favor "We have some most agreeable neighbors, me with your company at my house to dinner Evander, to whom I shall feel delighted to in- tomorrow at seven, Sir Charles ?" troduce you. Among others I May mention " I shall be most happy." he said. the St. Aubyns." Lily St. Aubvn came up and•thy were "Of Hock 11111 ?" said Sir Charles. " Yes, separated ; but Lady Carisbrook had made I have met. them, and shall lie glad to yanew the engagement, calculating upon her hus the acquaintance. Lily lb a fine girl, and she 1 band's absence, without meaning any harm, assisted me to pass some time very pleasantly though she ought to have known that It was in Lonlon." wrong to do anything which she could not tell " W e will invite them to meet you at din., his lordship. ner, Sir Charles," exclaimed Lady Carisbrook. ' The greater part of the day was passed by " But you must not suppose that we have any her in buying flowers in Covent garden, and design upon your heart in bringing you in making preparations for a charming little din contact with the most lovely young lady in 'ler, such as would at once display her taste this part of the country." and the reeources of her establishment. Sir Charles Evander laughed and made an- In the afternoon she went to her bed-room steer: "I do not think lam so Impressionable to tau down and rest for an hour. She was as you seem to imagine, although I will own tired. It had been • quite late when she left myself susceptible of a woman's charms." Mrs. St. Aubyn's, loud not used to such hours, Presently Lord Carisbrook went to the she found it difficult to recover front the fa other coil of the room, and Evander had an ' tigue which they occasioned. opportunity of saying in a low totw: I To her surprise she was disturbed, as she "My heart is gone already, Lady ('aria- ! was about to close her eyes for a refreshing brook." sleep, by a knocking at the door. ' , lndeed I Since .when, may I ask ?" she "It is only I, Emily," said a voice, Which replied, with a slight elevation of the eyebrows. ' site recognized instantly. " Since I entered this house. Since I first I " Good gracious, my husband ! What beheld yon, Lady Carisbrook," he said, with I brings him back? Can lie suspect?". she be a 'glance of admiralion., grin, when her speculations were cut short by " Sir Charles," exclaimed her ladyship, in a ' the entrance of Lord Carisbrook, who caught ' tone of severe rebuke. "If you dare to repeat 1 her in his armsuand.kissed her tenderly, and such language to me, I shall instantly make , cried my husband acquainted 'with your conduct. 1 " Here I tun again, dearest, sooner than you You, a guest in his house, and to make such a expected. All, what ie lids? You do not speech to the wile of your host !" seem so pleased to see ale as I thought you Why not, when the hostess is pretty ?" ' would be ?" answered Evander, twirling his mustache. " You frightened Me. I was half asleep, Lady Carisbrook half rose, as if to call her and my nerves are a little weak. I was at' husband's attention, but he was looking over Mrs. St. Aubyn's last night till late," slit an. some books, and had his back turned toward swered, rubbing her eyes and sitting on the her. edge of the bed wrapped. as she was in the "If you wish to lose .your husband, by all capacious folds, of a pink dressing-gown. means promote a quarrel between us," said " But what brought you away from Caldecott Sir Charles, coolly. " Dueling is possible in in such a hurry ? t ' France, and I can fire a pistol with us much "A relative of mine—who made a fortune skill as lean use a sword." • in India, became eccentric and lived in Lon- She became passive under this threat, and don tinder another name—is dead, died yes again his large Instruous eyes were fixed upon derday In fact, and his solicitor has written to her, appearing to fathom the secret depths of me to say that he has left me the greater por the innermost recesses of her soul. lion of his wealth." Lady Carisbrook began to be afraid of this " There is wattling; very interesting about man,' but after hisTamillarity that evening she that," her ladyship said, • we have as much always avoided a conversation with him. money as we want already. Is that all that has •• A few days afterward Lord Carisbrook and brought you up in such a hurry ?—as for me Sir Charles Evander were out shooting to- I would not have gone across the street for gether near the confines of the 'estate. By such news." this side was the main road, and they sat "You have very strange ideas," replied down upon a bank to rest while the keepers Lord Carisbrook, with a tone of disappoint opened out a slight repast they had brought cent. " You were sorry at seeing me, and with them. now you don't care for the legacy," , Suddenly the noise of horses galloping "I do like people to be exact and consist ; rapidly along the road fell upon their ears ; cut. Your return has destroyed my projects with this was mingled the clatter of wheels of independence for a week. I Wag going and the cries of women, apparently in a dread- out to dinner to-night, and—" fug state of alarm. " What is to prevent you," interrupted Sir Charles Evander was up in a moment, Carisbrook. "I have engaged myself to the looking eagerly along the highway. solicitor and shall very likely stay late, talk- Presently he beheld a carriage drawn by ing over 'mutters with hint. I shall not be two fiery horses, over Which the terrified home till twelve certainly, so you can go coachman had lost all control, descending a where you like without paying the slightest I hill at a rapid puce. He was just able to per. attention to tae." , eeive that two ladies occupied the carriage, Imprinting another kiss upon her lips Lord I and then, without at moment's hesitation, lie Carisbrook took his departure, called a cab, ; raised his gun and shot one of the horses dead, drove•to his club, and told his friends of his thus bringing the carriage to a stand still. It good that'll'', and ordered dinner. turned out that the lady occupants of the .cr. Iler ladyship determined to be brave, and !e -1 liege were Mrs. St.. Aubyn 'and her daughter ceive Sir Charles Evander, though prudence Lily, who were at once conducted to Cable- dictated the adoption of a very different course. colt Hall by Evander and Lord Carisbrook, It happened that Sir Charles ',vas more comm. When they reached Caldecott Hall, the sideline. Ile belonged to the same' club as trashing girl whit Was hanging on Evander's Lord Carisbrook, an met him there in the Mil at once attracted Lady Carisbrook's no., afternoon. lice. , •How du ?" he said. .•I thought you a A pang shot through her heart. '', • hundred miles away in the country." j "What," she exclaimed to herself, "amt I "At Caldecott," replied his, lordship. " I jealous? Oh, it is absolutely necessary fur have only just returned. Business brought my peace of mind that that man should leave tae hack. It was a great pity. I never saw this house." finer weather for shooting." , The pleasant party at Caldecott Hall Was Sir Charles went to the writing-room. and soon broken up. The St. Aubyns returned wrote a letter to Emily, in which he said that I to town, and Sir Charles Evander growing he had met her husband, and hoped she i tired of the country and its amusements, mode would, under the circumstances, excuse him his excuse to Lord and Lady Carisbrook, and for breaking his engagement, as he had no also sought the gay metropolis. Iler ladyship WWI to meet Carisbrook, and he sincerely felt very (hull mid miserable when the young trusted that this evening alone was only a baronet took his departure. pleasure deferred. , She longed also to go to town, and soon In the hall he did not see Carisbrook, who , . made her husband acquainted with her wishes. was putting on his Mit, and he said to the por. Ile was so satisfied with his country home and ter distinctly in his lordship's hearing: , the sports he there enjoyed, that he combatted " Give this letter to a commissionaire, and let I the' resolution ; but in the end she gained her him take it to Lady Carisbrook's, Wilton . point. Caldecott was shut up, and the ser- Crescent." vans sent to lava, to a house which his lord- These words fell like a thunderbolt upon ' ship's agent had taken for them, in a fashion. his lordship, Who, half-stupitied, watched Sir • able part of the West Did. It Was in Wilton Ch odes re-enter the club. Ile was himself Crescent, and they were not tar iron' Hans going for a stroll round St.' James's Square, , . Place, where time St. Aubylis resided. in which Ids club was situated, to get an appe. Iler ladyship did not care much about them lite for dinner, and changing his mind. he . because she fancied that Sir Charles Evander put 'own his hat, and extending his hand to paid the lovely Idly too much attention ; but the porter, said : she was obliged to keep on friendly terms •• (live me that letter ; it's for my wife, and j with them, because they were invited every- I can deliver it. Mont probably Sir Charles where, and she would meet them at all goinl Evander did nut see are, or be would :.nn houses. • asked me to take charge of it." Sir Charles WILS Sommli made aware of Lady I The porter did as he was requested ; and ' Carisbrook's presence sn town, and helatighed Lord Carishrook, fuming like an angry lion, in his sleeve, for he knew enough of women went up stairs to the smoking-room to read lila and their characters to understand that as he •letter at Ilia !eisure, unobserved, and 'minter had gone away from her, she had followed I rupted. him. Its contents astounded him. They, in teed, • The gentlemen whom Lady Carisbrook I were (Ideal:114 to throw suspicion upon the met, and to whom she talked about Sir Charles, I conduct of any woman ' and if a matt had did not give Evander the best possible char- plunged a Imire into his heart, he would nut [lcier. They Were two frie/ImIS 01%1mi,, Captain have felt' more exquisite pain than lie did in Vavasour and Mr. Frederic Mordaunt, the tat- reading this compromising letter of Sir Charles ter of whom was constantly at the St. Aubyns, Eyander's. and at all places where he thought lie should "'Phis is terrible I" lie muttered, wiping meet Lily, and this conduct of his was nol at the perspiratidn, which Iliad gathered on his ' all surprising, for he loved her passionately, brow in great drops, away with his hand ' though she had not in any marked measure I "No wonder Emily wits not anxirms to see encouraged the preference which he exhibited me. This is how she enjoys her independ , for lien. owe. But the affair cannot rest here.. It Mr. .Mordaunt had taken a strong dislike t i 1 was, indeed, all unlucky day for ow when Sir Sir Charles Evander ever since lie first me •• •. Charles Evander crossed the threshold. Bit flow many wives are there in our broad him at flans place. 'she attitude which the I terly shall he repent his treachery, f mast land who pray earnestly, daily, " lead us not ' latter assumed toward Lily convinced the i kill that man, or lie shall kill me." The min. Into temptation !" They nuns be pure in heart Jealous mind of the lover that he was in love lino:Who' lit this powerful Atom . will Is• found and unblemished in reputation, but still the with her, and that she did not object to his l in the New Park Weekly, No. 7. which can tempter will sometimes come In spite of every - admiration. Mordaunt ' s affection for her was Ibe pareltawd limo all News Agents on and watch and ward. Let those WllO have heell SO Silleere that it' he could not win her himself, 1 after Tuesday. December Ifth. Specimen thus tempted read the trials and struggles die %visited to see her married to one who 1 copies sent free. The terms to mail subserilt of our heroine, and it will not only interest would InStirell er happiness, and . this. he felt ors are : Single copy, one year, $3; Pour them deeply, but render them stronger, purer, certain Sir Charles would not do. Ile °mild , conies ($2.:.0 each), $lO ; and Nine copies and better fitted to meet and conquer tempt'', say nothing to either Lily or her.mother, be. ' (mone'y all sent at on,•tinw), $2l). Getters-up tion, let it present itself' in whatever form it cause they would accuse him Of all interested ,of C 11111,4 Calm afterward add subscrihers. at may. : motive in villifying a man he had treated as Is 2 :d1 mwh. All letters must .111. directed to . , On a fine • day in the fall of the year, Lord ', his friend. . ~Street ..t: Smith. I'. O. Box No. 4ntln. N. .V . and Lady Carisbrook were seated under the ! To Lady Carisbrook, however, lie was not shade of a spreading beech tree, in the gardens ,so reticent. He told her his opinion of the attached to Caldecott Hall, which was the ! baronet, though there was no tinge of acrimony name of their ancestral abode. His lordship ,or malice in what he said. Ile spoke his mind was reading a letter he had received from his' freely, with the air of 011 e WllO was fearless of broths' . in London, and when be had Cola. . the consequences and knew that lie was utter. ' 10 ,,,, 0 , the ~, ,,, ,t ern (~,i,,,,,,,, lit' u.,,, nail. pleteml its perusal, he exclainnkl : I ing the truth. Lady Carisbrook had invited , ' " Hubert says in his letter, my dear, that this confidence ondhe part of Mr. Mord:Lunt, hieli is to connect Lake Su wrior with ' the root iv 1 , be has dispatched to us Sir Charles Eviteder, and Captain Vavasour, but when she had Min-lush lit Si. Paul, Is rttpldly growing ineize u young baronet of whom I have heard some- gained it she was displeased with them for ' and importanee, and doing Its hest to viten. ate thing. Ile is a friend of Hubert's, who knows ' running down one wham she liked, and min t i, plu4s H u h u that Wm, terra unkm i c far it lie the his mother very well, and lie wishes him to be ' one occasion said, with some asperity : . , new (Idea,. a the North wrest. The law,' re• kept for some time in the country, if possible, ' "If Sir Charles Evander is such its you de- , ports from rellaidm. swum , represent a romarlohle the delights of London are rapidly debtor- scribe hint to be, I wonder that you assoctate ... . ,W . nlizing him." 1 with him." degree mil m el peke and activity in this lively lit "I shall be glad to extend our hospitality , " For my part," replied Mr. Mordattut, "I the giant. In the last seven months, one hundred to any friend of your brother Hubert's, " an- , can answer that I have fir some time ceased , and eighty buildings have' been eemcd, Including swered Lady Carisbrook, who never contra. !to di) so. lam coldly civil whenever we Meet hotels, Goode's; shop, ,, , stores, private dwellings, dieted her husband in anything. : and he must know that I (I() not class him ' and railroad building+. Some of the, buildings • "The letter goes on to say,'' continued his among the number of my friends." are. or Imirce -lee owl costly count Magian. 'Piero lordship, "that his mother, Lady Evander, ! ." That mast be a great deprivation for Sir . tah, am ai , nu, Is au mender dentand for real t. • I I 1111 s wishes him to renew his acquaintance with the , Charles, Mr. •Mordaunt," said her ladyship. St. Aultyns,ewho live near us. Sir Charles , •• But I hope to meet you in a more thrgiving Ira , are selling freely In this wilderness of yester and Lily St. Aubyn met in town, and if a , humor at Mrs. St. Aubyn's reception to mor• day, at high Cash prleeS. The streets are being match could be• arranged betweeu them, it I row evening. I shall be glad to sic you both I graded, and sidewalks hid, and Duluth Is rapidly would Lc most desh able." : there, as I have so few friends in town. gath l er.t r late a foots a large population of hardy,. "We will do what We can," said her lady. , Carisbrook leaves London for a week to-mor- miimmil , ,etr , .m ay., enterprlshor people, who retail 10 be ship, favoring her husband with a sweet smile. ; row morning, to see alter his poor dogs and fully Impressed with the certainty of a most pins " 1 am sure we have been so happy during our , horses, about whom he frets so much." perous future for the plaee. wedded life, dearest Albert, Gunn'', need have , 'The party given by Mrs. St. Aubyn, to . , no compunction in inducing two young pen. , which her ladyship had alluded, %VIM merely a rite inspiratioo of Duluth is the important ran plc to unite themselves together." reception. Visitors dropped iwas they liked, road now MIIIIIIII4 across the broad State of Min+ After some further concersatlOn It WaS de- ! Went from group to group, chatting first with ne,samt, von fleeting Its trreut hiland nett with the cided that they would gladly receive Sir ; one, then with another,- and took their de- Mlssis,•lppl. II i .i. 'fs rand,. far the construction of Charles Evander as a guest, and do, all they I 'future, when it phased theta, without nuy i wii i d , minta „, t ,, I, „ kwy , i, Ideltirml to Plilliolel• could to make him forget the delights of the I ceremony. , , ' pama enterprise and capital, Is bettor wished to aim town b introduci to Ida notice the many I Lady arisbrook m ade her apeaauee abat , charms y of a country ng life. A week elapsed and Sir Charles Evander ar- , first Person she met on entering, utter having Midi ends with an energy that promises thc most rived at Caldecott Ilall. ' spoken to her amiable 110SteSS, WaS Sir Charles satisfactory rt,ults. Frolli St. Pala eatil ward. He was tali, handsome, well.made,'und had I Evander, wino she thought had never looked , even ty.eight miles will he mutinied by the 111,1 that Indescribable, easy, well-bred air, which ' handsomer. of January, at which time ,donut fourteen Mlles of 'can only be acquired from nuking in the best " This is kind 'of you," he exclaimed. to , e . e , as . tera emu! WIII also be Is running order. society. There ivas magic in his eyes, and "There Is no one worth speaking to here, and It Is interestmg to watch the growth of a We.t. • Lady Carisbrook had not been in his company I was getting awfully 'bored. May I inquire half-andiour, bethre she felt fascinated 'bylds , where Carisbrook is l'" -era town, enpevially When, an In thin ease, It !dode glance, and turning away with a shudder, " Did you not know that he had left town?" Ile tl'' dial which marks the progress of some lit said to herself : , she replied, showing her pearly teeth and dm- 'mensal improvement. The town and the . " That is indeed a man for a woman to love. , tering her huh "1 am quite alone. I mlO not railroad act and re-act upon each other, the build+ Ilow happy !Mould Miss St. Aubyn be with know what I shall do with myself." Mg Ilf the railroad bringing population and trade , such a suitor." `• I am acquainted with married women,' to the town, and the town supplying passengers Lord Carisbrook found the young baronet's' allSWered Sir Charles, twisting his nmstaelw, ; " who would not consideestach an occurrence and lova LI rune and general fuellltleem to time road. society as agreeable as did hie wife. Young as he Was, 11C had seen a greeit deal a calamity. 'Utley would he glail of a little Ili oho clout ,If Duluth, large calculations and •of the world, which had made him somewhat ' relief' from the presence oftheir lord and nwas- preparations are tieing, !amide for a great grain and ,of a cynic. In reality be_dazzled, rather that' ter.". , TUlt AMEILIV•X burn J0C61.1./L, — Otirma•class amiably, m mantulning at large double column pages devood is Farm. made a real impression on his friends, for , "That Is charming, " Kahl Lady Carisbrook. 1 1:: g ml; , 7 1i t , rt , t i t r lw , i, ittent:l,g'el:.:zot ra,.,s,,,lset(tia:,,t,amtlltsbilrgoted,gictinaine: lug and Stock areediug, eontainlog regular departments there was nothing genuine or sincere about ; eagerly. " You will tell nue what thosolailies ~.hilt , ~ , for the Practical Farmer, Dairyman, Stock Dreier. Wool him . the nowt; amid oltarrylog 1)1' llw olehtlUC Grower. and Poultry Keeper, fix . ste. 'Mounded with He turned everything into ridicule and I did, will you not ? Please do take hompas• and Mineral products of the shores of Lake Sups. auuseromm fine !Mirroring.. and hound in handsomely I 81011 111011 dad tell lie:" i laughed at everybody.. tinted covers: Farmers will and thin monthly a very eta. ~ :, cl el old In all the dePartteents of Farming end Stock . Lansurootr soon discovered that he as an " 11 , ith the greatest pleasure," re j o t ai ,d si r Thor urn occupying a large share ~f th e attention Joel It has a Veterinary Department under We . accomplished sportsman, and that theannuse- , Charles Evander. " I must premise, how- of the pioneers of Duluth. charge of ono of the shiest Professors la the United states who anawers" through the dont:rm., free ~I charge. all ' meals of the city had not rendered him litany ever, that my'huhes were not of the'sentimen. We shall note the scone' growth of this outer estigite; i t 'u tiollie l ie t i a l l'4, red •gi r n D o l vlrerg i atTgrt ," 4 ' way effeminate. , tat order. They did not look upon husbands r u ng com petitor fur the great business of the bar.. home and Callus Doctor / rm. 'They went out together on shooting exile- ', generally us an unqualified good, and they en- wr est , hoping that It may reallze'all the promi seg , We aro now prepared to offer the 4me rico It mock Jour. • • damns, and always came back wino' full bag, I jived their freedom by such innocent little nal is &free o(ft for coo year, toot/ ono tulacribera for that It Is now so boldly and hopefully maklug. renewal.) to Tua LnUtall Itrammai who shall aubscrihe sir Charles being en excellent shot, and thor- ! amusements as giving dinner parties to an ill- Immediately and pay in advent, MIN Is a rare opportu• . Dahill, In, in an Important sense, a colony 'o'f city which the Intelligent people of our section will no : oughly at home with dog and gun. I Winne friend or friends.. I have had such an doubt duly appreciate. Hand in your. •ultscrltalotts at • once nd wore The Riot k Journal free for a year. i , There were so many places on the estate to ' Invitation tnytielf ; a box at the theater has Minadelplita, and as stab we shall feel a Just pride Ili Its s uepeso.—Phlbutelphta Bulletin, 131h.' o nce ! e .oni ROBT. IRE:DELL JR., Allentenw. IN, go to, so much to see, and so much to do der- diversified the prommdings." , . Eirm Goobo. FRDAYS EER GOODS FOR t THE HOLI- • LEMAISTRE & ROSS, 212 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADA. A full line of Cents' Plain and Hemmed Handkerchiefs. An Auction lot of Cents' Colored Bordered. Now Style Corded. Hemstitched and Embroldeted. Ladle.' Plain. Hemstitched, Tucked, Corin], Einbrold ered, and Mourning, Handkerchiefs. Very choice. and in in e e r eVit o iti, Romanian, Tucked, and, Embroidered Randkerchlefe. Boy.' Colored Border, Ilematitched Linen. Embroidered Solo. Lace Seta, Real end imitation. Late Handkerchiefs in 111 styles, from SI cents up. Lace Collare Lace Tittle.. new and choice. Linen Cullum and Cuffs. Redid. a Choice lot of Real and I initatien Valencia and Thread Lace.. Plaid, Striped, Cambric, and Nninsnok \luxlios. t" Tucked Muslin for Minces' wenr. eel 0-'OO DRESS GOODS, CLOA KINGS, ETC QTTIETLA WE ARE SELLING OUR ENTIRE STOCK, INCLUDING A FINE DISPLAY OF WOOL ENS, CLOAKS. SHAWLS. eke.. AT THE VERY LOWEST HEDUCED PRICES OF THE DAY COOPER & CON ART) S. E. cox: 4TH & MARKET STS., GEOIIr=!IEMEI EIZI A. J. 'ANDER, JR., NO. 1302 CHESTNUT STREET, =EI DAN OPENED DIN NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Each a. ❑1 new idyl. of EMBROIDERIES, TOWEL-BACKS, FOOT RESTS, &c Abu), a full Iluu of HANDSOME PAPER PATTERNS, WORSTED, SILK, CHENILLE AND BRADS DRAWING ON CANVAS, MONOGR:I.3N, ETC., Done to order. Also, Branch House, 100 FULTON AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK dl-3m MILLIKEN'S, 1128 Cl - 114 1 ,8TN UT s' PHILADELPI ILA. LINENS FEE OUSE FURNISHING GOODS LARGEST LINEN STOCK IN THE CITY• OUR OWN IMPORTATIONS PRICES GREATLY REDUCED BEST IItISII LINENS, TABLE LINENS by ihr Tat TABLECLOTHS, nll /.1/•.* NAPKINS AND IMI" LIES, TONVELI NOS, itll H LINEN SEEN:WS evvry width, PILLOW CASINOS, nnd D1D1...1.111eu Handkerchief., Litt./ Laws.. Painbrles, N•ln•ery 4 , • , • &,'• MA:in . /I,IAL. or ..N1 ILIA KEN'S SH IRT )SUMS HEAT MARI, "V . BLANKETS Blankrtx rorlll4, Slugle . ll.l, Double and Nx trit Size hart Blankets, &c. FLANNELS.. Full Ituro of BALLAROVILLE,OILBERTS, SHAKER WELSH, SAXONY. SILK WARP. Ac. DOMESTIC MUSLINS, COTTON SIIEETINGS, WHITE GOODS, .lIELODKON A SI) TABLE Co VERS Prin. kept down to Ow lowegt polo' ,liZtzftr. l 2a•,',l%7,:ll`,l""'''''"d''''" . '" - GEORGE MILLI K EN. LINEN IMPORTER, 112 CHESTNUT STREET, BRANCH STORE, R2S ARCII STREET. umr S-I.lto T:sburational Mill: HILL" SELECT FAMILY L Bomtunto scliool. An English, Classical, Itlatheinatical, Scientific and Artistic Institution, :Yon YOUNG MEN AND VOYS! AT POTTSTOWN, 111ONTOOMERY POrNTY, PENNA. The Firvt Term or the Nineteenth Annual Seasion will commence on WEDNESDAY. the hth day or SEPTEMBER next: Pupils received Itany time. For Circulars ad dress YET. 01.0. F. Mll.LElt A. M., Principal. =I RRV. DRS.—Mettto, Schaeffer, Moan, Kraut's, Hellos, Mulslenburg, Shover. nutter, Stork, Penrod,Bomber ger, Wyle, Stem', blurphy, Crtllkohauk, ete. HONS.—Judge Ludlow, Leoisard Myers., M. Rusaell Thayer, Benj. M. Boyer, Jessob S. Toot, Riveter Clymer, Julio ele. ESQB.—J•uuso E. Caldwell, Jules., 1.. Cloglsoro, C. 8. D cure, T. C. Wood, honey llonereft, TllO/1. h oist., C. F. Norton, L. L. Hoop', 11.11 room Fry, Miller Jr Derr, Charles, Watituaeher, Jame's, Kent, haute,. St Co., etc. oust 18-ly TIT . J. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT VV SCAPULAR SHOULDER BRACE AND STRAP SUPPORTER No *trap* ender the army. Peeledlymfortable. nun tomically made. and I.ldhly beuelicial. co North 7th St., below Arch. Philadelphia. Trams.. Supporter... 6.l.tic Stockings. Crutch... ke. lowe+t I. tho city. Lady att. ud•ut. .C,FI A SPLENDID CHANCE, AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER, DON'T DELAY, SEND AT OINCE THE LEADING AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL =9 FREE FOR ONE YEAR Lcgat 1 oticeB. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby giYCLI that the undersigned has talcno out letters of adtntulotratlon In the Estate of John MoElthenny doemmed, Into of the Borough of Catosuuque, Loht couny; therefore peraoun who ore Indebted to sold tato, are requemted to mono payment within slx weeks from the date hereof, and such who have any Ingot elating against raid &nate will present them well authen. 'tented for mettletnent within the above specified time. dee 15-Ow Jolt N WILL I A MA, !dm' r, LIRON COMPANN.-THE .Jl-.4 ANNUAL ELECTION for Five Dlrectore of the Lehigh Iron Company to servo for the Pivoting year will lie held nt the Second National Bank of Allentown, 00 MONDAY, JANUARY 3.1 next, between the loom of one and two o'clock, I'. M. WM. II AINEY, dee 1541 Servehtrp. NoTicE.---NoTpuE IS lIEREISIV GIVEN that application boat been tondo to the Court of Common Plea. of Lehigh County for the incorporation of the " UNION SAVING AND BUILDING ASSOCIA TION." to be located In the City of Allentown, maid county. The object of cold Axsocint ion le to receive DM oy, by regulnr ntonthly inetnihnont. of one dollar for each Share held by Ito nientilors: and loaning the same ognin to the highent bidder among Ite Innulbore, according to the number of abaree such bidder may hold: and troneact nil other Imminent geuernlly done by such Aw.orintlou, ELIA!! Blair.. AIIN nit 11. WINT. F. ItglanicAs, W. J. /into. .111.8P11 E. DALLicc, And other„, .115.31 NOTICE OF lIEETING TO MAKE D tirrioN. S. A. E. Fetterolf nud Ws, .1. ii.therm trading I Common Ple .of Felbyrolf & Lehlgh County. I No. 1.14, Ju. Term, M. Ch.lee McCarty. 11.3 W, November 1, IND, Mr. purvey move. the Court for the appointennt of a Comeliest., to distribute the Droreede nt Shertre Sole In Ob., execution. ,Samo day the Court appoint-Winslow Wood Comedesiouer to make dietribution. From the Itororde, Test:—ESA lAS ItEll RIO, math y, tier Jun. hockey, DVPMY• The Commissioner above named trill attend to hie dollen nt No. 70 Eunt liniellion street, A llentown , Pa., on FRI DAY, DECEMBER al, laiD, at 10 o'clock A. M. dtT.:lt J. WINSLOW WOOD, Comoiltinionen TrXECUTOIRS' NOTICE.---NOTICE In herein,. given, that letters to,oantentury hey° been grunted to the uudersigued In the witute of John T. Match• ett, deceased, lute of the Borough of Catesauque, Lehigh county; therefore ell persons who know themselves to he Indebted to said estate, are requested to nuke pitymeut within six weeks franc the date hereof, end such who have any legal claim.. against said estate trill prevent them well authenticated for nettleinent within the Oleo,. speellled time. AMELIA MATCIIETT, JOSEPH MATC lIETT, JOHN BOYELL dcc 1.6 w Exerutora. VXECUTOILS' NOTICE.---NOTICE -. 12 - 4 in lierebY given Hatt tali itmleridgned have taken 011 1 bittern testamentary In the Enlist° of Cli Intim; Kistler, de ceased, lute of Lytin totrughip, Lehigh county; therefore all persons who are Indebted to gold Estate, are Demented to milk.) payment within nix WO,a from the date hereof, and such who knee any legal ;idling null Estate will present' them well untlientiented for gettlement thu arrive specified time SAMUEL 11. KISTLER, DAVID M. KISTLER, don 1-tise Affright lel rat go, NOTICE.—TILE 31ACILINGIE SAO'. Ing. Blink will iniiko appllenlinn at the next sen niuu of the Legiginture of Pentigylvania for the repeal of no much of the litsectionof the Oct incorporeting .aid bank a g pro v ideri "That nothing In this act contained shalt be no construed nil to confer on the - said corporation banking pri vibrator, or no no to exempt the sumo rola the operation of the lawn of this Continent, instills prolilbitiug the losun of bank notes or engagemente of credit in the na ture thereat' mid will uPtilY for genet:lll banking Privi leges under the ' , regent idyl., and title, ''Ti,,. Slarougle Savings Bank," with the present capititl *ADA), with privilege to lucre... the name to rileAlo,ooo, end be locitted in the City of Allentown. I)AVID SCH AL Peen') Wm'. C. I.I4:IITE,INVALLNEIL.CashIer. dul LECTION NO'rICE.---THE ANNU. Ili election for NINE Directors of the Seerool Nationnl Rank of Allentown will lie held at the Banking 00 TVESDAY, JANUARY 11111, 1670, between the hours of II o'clock, A. a., and I r. M der 11.110 NOTICE. - TiiE ALLI.ENTOIV NSA %.- Ino Ingthotlon will make applicationnt the:lent of selon If; the Legiglature Poingyi vault; for lire peal au much of the lot section of the eel incorpo rating th.alti inglitation an provides "That nothing lu thin act COOEOIII4I SI/ 311 ho no construed all 10 confer ;Gam the said corporittiou banking privileg., or MO an loeXelllpt the +lllllll from the operation of the lawn knot thin Cointriou wealth prohibiting the booting of bank notes or other en gagements of credit w thenature thereof:" and will aplii): for general banking privileges under the ',regent ntyle and title—the "Allentown Sarin. luglitatboi"—with 11,0 prenvot capital of $42.000. and right of further Increase to ClllO,OOO, null to be bolded In Allentown, Lehigh county. Sighed: WILLIAM 11. Aignr, ellAilLito 11. neon. Jot"! D. CIIItIATIAN Patina, F. E. SAMeni.O, Bess. J. 11/01EN11,11, linoltkin SAllunt.l JeltO•nin N Ara AN 1 . 1,11:11. N _ OTICE.---NO'rICE IS HEILEIrr GivEN that nppli,ntlou will Lemad, by dl6• 11ler signed to the lloveriler of l'enngy l,anilt for lettvrs 110Ivilt areatlag a eorporkktioal Walk 1110 1131101 111111 01y . 111 of Hie "51 I I lerstown Lorin und Saving Aggoeirtsion, to be ',r ented In die Borough of 31 1 I lergtowir, Lehigh 'oaatY• 'rho 011j.101 of gaid As...elation will be to receive osoney 011 de poglt nl regular rates of iuterent, to loon the game, Ills count note, lAN, &e.,111.1 to exerrlne general booking privilegir• hurler the banking lawn Of the Cuuttuouwpnlill. Tile +obi bank to 10,11 3 capital nlock alf 4 1',1 .D1V. WW I AO therily 1.. ierren , the .itine to rkAlo,(lod, to be divided Into 'haw- of liftY dollar, cent. innieg .1. F. M. Ludwig. Charli. !Gilmer, Benjamin J. Scholoyer, Gideon V. Egli., Franklin Shim., John Shiltert, lioratio T. licrith.. Sallolay, Jainen:4l 1211‘0,01% Maier. y 51;4'10 in, Alexander Single:oder. jyl2 I= EZI a n t rb . . WANTED. -"THREE 'IIIOENAND LOl.l.Altri Ilret•eletss security. Interest per cent. Inquire..t Tins OFFICE. jouulo.ll VVttil'ED.---A LOA. OF 911),00(1, r by tin Allentown School DbArlct. Fee particular• apply to the tunlerNigned. C M. 'RCN FI Crew. Boord Coo, J. ti.• Ut 1.1 INGER, Secretory. Ell • A GENT S. IV ANTE D. A GEN'I'S tl WANTED, kis tole3ll per month, male and Donate, to sell the crlebrated and 'original Common Sense Faintly P, wing Machine, improved tot perforted; it will heal, stftch, tuck, bind, braid and embroider inn most superior manner. Price only +l5. For simplicity and durability, it has no rival. 1)o not boy from ails lokrl lo . selling 111/1011111.14 under the same name as ours, unless 11111'111g rp .0 rtillente or. Ag.ry ogned byas they are worthless Cast Iron Machines. .For Circular• and Terms, oPPIY 11. CRAWFORD CO., oct 20.3 m 413 Chestnut Si,, ANOTHER FOOLISH WIFE! THE DUEL BY Loll WOMAN';-3 V ENG EA NCE! A HUSBAND SIUYF! ROBERT TREDELL, J'R., Plain anb lamb 2lob Printer, No. 4 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ELEGANT PRINTING' LATEST STY 1.F.13 • Stamped Checkc. Cards, Circulars. ?astir Books. Consll 7 tut,ms and By -Lams School Catalogues. 13111 Envelopes. Letter !leads Bulk of fooling, y Hulls. Tog,. and Shipping Cards, Posters of soy etc.. etc., Printed ot Short Notice. NO. 51. =I N (1.111C.1G1
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