(1)t Rd(lnr ruld PropriOtar. HOLIT. IHISDELL, J. ALLENTOWN, PA., DECEMBER 22, 1860 NEWSPAPERS FREE OF POSTAGE The repeal' of the franking privilege is warmly urged by Postmaster General Cress well, and In this he will be warmly seconded by the people. Ile says that the expense to the Department for carrying the free mall matter amounts to over five millions of dollars per annum, certainly a very expensive luxury to be paid for by the whole people for the benefit, or we should say for the gratification, of at few. The objections to the repeal are many nail WV cannot expect Congressmen to give up their privilege without some little struggle in their own behalf, and their strong est argument is that the public documents are thereby furnished readily to the people, !mil a great mass of valuAble imbrination thus (Mins ed. Everybody knows thnt no one, except he be a favorite at the Congiessman front his District, can get any public documents, nail those to whom they are sent out of compli ment seldom rend a word in them. There are people who are glad to get hold or them, mid if they have to pay only the postage on them it is as .great a favor as they can reasonably expect. Nr. Cresswell crushes this defence of the system. tvlien he says : "—, that If it be the mare,. of Congress t• give Information to the people, a far more tell ing expedient may be resorted to. An unburdened 1 pressonanaged and direeted by private enterprise, ens do more than Congress to enlighten the masses. I Better far that the franking privilege should be abolished, and that all newspapers sent to regular and bona fide subscribers train is known Mike of publication should be carried free, without regard to weight, throughout the United States, as now throughout the county wherein printed and pub lished. The receipts of the Department for the last year from "newspapers and pamphlets" • amounted to SiIS,SB2.:IO. This portion of Its re ceipts the Department can forego, provided It can be protected against the frauds, more than three times the amount. Inseparable from the franking privilege." DR. SCIDEPI•E'S The Supreme Court having allowed an nG !wailer in the above ease, Governor Geary has recalled the death warrant. We trust that the matter may now be decided on its merits, and that, hereafter, the friends of the prisoner will be more discreet in their efflirts. It would have been.natural that the first effort of this unfortunate man would have been to obtain a respite, and yet the wordy Dittman, who ap pears to ni trshal the Doctor's forces, demands Liberty or Death. In his speeelles and state ments he is flatly contradicted by the District Attorney, who tried the ease. We fear that Dittman is injuring his client. Probably Inn was only trying to make capital for himself in the beer'snloons of Philadelphia, for certain it is that his arguments, wanting truth and decency, do not timid favor with the Governor or Attorney General. Governor Geary's statement shows that theoludge and Jury, who tried the case, saw uo reason why the law should nut be carried into effect and that the clamor for pardon comes from a few who base their demands rather upon their nation ality, than the merits of the ease. ,:sody, Dec . I I.—sl:NArt , ..—Tlle Joint resoitt r,nn of therthio 1,1;1,111ton-refueling the tineenth comditutional amendment was presented. A was introdtteed to im•rease mill steamship - , n i1,111.1W1,11 1111, I'll II ei Stoles andritinn and Japan, The decease or Win. Pill Pessenden was t heat announced, mid after the usual eulogies and remlutlona of regret the Senate adjourned. loess:,—A along the resolutions offered and re '.:red, was ~111. Instructing the Committee of Ways and Means to Inquire Into the expediency ~f the Maces of eolleetors, assessors, of the Internal Revenue Department. A number of bills Were 101 Mit Ileell and a ppropri- oleic referred. .1 report front the agent of the Tro,,sitry Departnamt in Allll,ltll WIN prevented ',dative to the two fur-sent-bearlng islands, giv ing it plan by widen 11 Is supposed Mall million dollars 11 year 01111 he malls by the fioveritinctit, A 11110411g° was received from the President, an nouncing that he had slimed the pont Mal diva ! 'dilly hill. The House then went into Committee of Mu Whole. Pending the diseussion of the 1,01 , 01 H 11l 11, a I 111,88/0/1 . tens received from the sonatemtinotoiring its pniervviings relative!o the late Senator Fessentlett. The usual eulogies and resolutions Were 111 . 01111 U Heed and lift,ed. lIIINE,D.t I , I h.,•. bill to pro mote and eneottrage the International Exhibition .tti Eveque.T. was reported from committee and laid aside. (A ' all the Generals in the Army. none have 'ch a t part nn h 0 111 ,, ,1L10 relating to achieved a more enviable reputation than rlutlnu cent sill leer. unit 111 ,1 nn, It muse Joint U . 11. Thomas. Ile was universally be- re.:dutioll providing r,,r_a recess fronl the 'mod loved by his troops, and upon more titan one until the .1111 pros., wan eonetirred In. A bill au occasion his gallantry saved the day. In the wards 17❑' ,tlUPdr Mrs of I'r t't•lrme. SOtall, the people honored hint as much for 1:0W1 2 1,. cad i reforr ay . 0.1 to the Judi l elary i Committee. Iris gentlemanly qualities, LIS his soldierly tta ntotion, the revolution against alloa lug the abilities. At the close ofthe over, lie refused I statnish gunboats to depari front the Pulled the proposed gift of a house or a large sum ofg‘%." else to inn aufuatrd money. In 186.1 he saved Nashville from de- The sen „ to r i te,, w ent It I exeeutdvesesl I , and structiori by defeating Hood, whose army was soon after adjourned. never united afterwards. In commemoration I 101'SE.—Ily 1.1 I 11111 I elellSellt illl,ll 111IIII• IMO of this, the Legislature of Tennessee voted him a gold medal and had his portrait painted adopted ashing Informationas to the paynient of to hang in the State library, A blackguard, I Ure rescu e d for the . capture of .1 'II Davis. A TeSle by the mane of Hinkle. of Hardin. made a in: ion Was 111,0/ 111.10}Weil VII II I Ilg 01 1 Illo l s , v 4 c ii r , ett , t , r ,: s i . . P to the lower branch of the I.egis- rece •for Int ore last week, to :all the portrait, which .o.tt ft to Alllerlell II elllll Illeteir. A nutither of pelt. proposition, we are glad to state, failed by a dons tool memorial , ' w ee '' large Majority. General Thomas having heard """'""g ii".".""' bill in ''''' "I"..e" i of this, has offered to refund the money paid " I wit t ‘ 1 ‘ 1 . :1 e " t i o: for the painting and says he will return the I.lt 1 DAP, Dee, 17.—Si N A Ille soul Iti Ile gold medal. The Legislature ought to expel hit! to regolide huslltig 01 0,11 11 telel4l . l l Ilinkle, nr nt least vote him an a... ...hi,x was disenssed it bill Was I 1111 . 011 104 , 1 WWI ISII the 1 . 1101 101 ILI PrlVllege, std to Prllr iii postage statopsana stomped envelop s for olllsts correspondence: the session teas mainly taken to wii!t the dkettsvion Inn Ihrl{4.l . llliSi rurilum II \oils not lit Se,loll. liErvmArtoN received its death • blow in the National House of Representatives on Thursday last. Mr..\lungen, of Ohio, opened the debate on 11w President's Message, and delivered an argument in favor of repudiating the National debt. Mr. Mungtai is a Demo crat and thought he knew W hat his party wanted. Ile has heard much of Pendleton and the Pendleton theory, and was confident that Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and New York would heel: hint. So he had a right to think, judging Irons the record of his party and its leaders. But no sooner does he conclude his speech than Messrs. Brooks, Wood, Woodward, Randall and others earn estly protest that they are in thvor of paying the National debt, and that retittdiat but is dis honesty. So much for the late elections. They have taught these men what the people of the Country think, upon the subject, and already we sec the good results. Poor Mon gen had no one bat .l ones, of Kentucky, to stand ln• him, and he stated that probably he would not favor Mungen's schemys, The re sult of the debate was that the House, by a vote ofl23yeas tot nay (Jones, of Kentucky) passed the following resolution :—"Asolred, That 11w proposition. direct or indirect, to re pudiate any portion or the debt of the United States, is unworthy of the honor anti good name ortlW Nation, and that this House, with out regard to party, hereby sets its seal of condemnation on any and all such proposi tions." Mungen didn't have anything more to say upon the subject. SOME of the wide awake OnTespondents of the papers, have discovered that the 'Spanish gundioats are not yet out of danger, and that in fact, before long, they will all be sent to the bottom of the deep, by the " Tritimpli," late "Atlanta," which formidable vessel was pur- chased by the Ilaytien government, and which it is said, has beep transferred to the Cubans. 'Ulm days of sensations are not over and we may yet be regaled by the news or th,. second spank!, Armada coining to grief. Senator Carpenter ninde a forcible speech in the United States Senate last week, upon the subject of belligerent rights iitld endeavored to prove that the Government was in duty bound to prevent the sailing of the flotilla, but all his rhetoric and eloquence could not stand against Mr. Sumner's facts and the President's forcible reason why we must keep hands ME Many of our kind-hearted statesmen would make us the guardians of all dissatisfied communities without coupting the costs and difficulties,. .Mit. Cirri, the Democratic member from Serbs county, introduced n resolution in the llonse of Representatives "Instructing the Committee on Ways and )leans to inquire into the expediency of abolishing the offices of collectors, assessor,: and other agents of the Internal Revenue Department, and of appor tioning the amoundof tax to he required lobe raised from domestic sources among the sev eral States, in proportion to their population." The remedy is as had as the disease. It would cost as much, and require as many officers to execute the law as at present. If this Is a Vow at dishonest nfficials in lierics county, Mr. Getz Is being ably seconded by the United States District Court at Philadelphia. The decisions madein the cases against Alexander and More[ prove conclusively that somebody has been defrauding the Government. " LEHIGH MUST DO BETTER." Win. B. Reed has come to grief. Ills cred. Itors would like to know where he is end how to get their money back. His household goods and library have Iron sold nt public sale by the sheriff. This is the same Reed who was Minister to Chinn under Buchanan,-always leading Democrat, counsel for Jeff Davis, chief of traitors, and now—? His fall from grace is lamented by his friends, especially those who trusted him. The name Is n bad one. Theie was n Reed in the Revolutionary army who had a bad name, and William B. was his grandson. Ile got hi•: bad traits by descent'. THE accounts of lion. John NV. Forney, as Clerk of the Senate, have been finally closed. During 31r. Pot ney's term of office, onc aids subordinates violated the trust reposed in him and for This his superior lout to suffer. Senator Cameron stated that the matter had been properly arranged and that he withdrew the objections formerly made, having 1111 W to acknowledge that so far from Col. I' racy having done wrong. he had been the subject of the wron; doing of his confidential ' , cert.- tary. .1 vottE(.4 itimt., Milo. United States Supreme Court, Lae tendered his resignation, to take effect Eebrunry 1, 1870, and non.' E. 31. Stanton has been appointed to succeed him. Judge Hoar has been appointed to the vacancy - already existing, and Judge Strong has been tendered the position of At torney-091mill and has written a letter of ac ceptance. No loiter selection could have been made, and we are proud of having been of the first to suggest his name. E. IL )loom:. Esq., the West Chester Repubti , a p, has been recommended by Sena tors Cameron and t-;cott for the position of Naval Appraiser, made vacant by the resigna tion of Dr. Worthington. No better-appoint ment could be made and no man found more worthy, but, Major, couldn't some of the other counties be helped a little ? CONGRESS LlTEmem —Putting Its hest foot forward, us the custom Is on the eve of the note year, flue Allanhe 16stti4, a monthly for January which we nutty truly call retuarkahle. Its Otter feature Is Mr. Lowell's poent. We should like this poem to he at 1011,1 two hundred years old, in order to he able to ,ay ill we feel lu praiSe of it ; for the ellitrl to estub- Itch the greatness of silty new poem must to the prophet's, the :oust dangerous and most thankless Mike. But as It is not ouly hot twit handfed rears old, but Is nay Of the mast recent things in literature. we must content ourselves with averring-that It I, the noble,' pieta which Mr. Lowell tilt- yet written. And this perhaps, after all, Is saving etiollgh to Volatile:id it to the best taste and,apprcehltion. Mr. Whittier minty Is butes the slow '• Nanhanght theDencon.” : Dr. Vol u tes has a sounet nu " Nearing the Snow Line"—it welcome to slut age. T. W. Parsons gracefully apostrophizes "11 Gnido Rospigliosl." An extract Is given from Mr. Bryant's forthcoming translation of Homer, "The Descent of Neptune to ahl the Greeks." • This - is :in array of poetical contributiOns which no other magazine In Ameri ca can rival. Among the prose articles there is botts variety and distinguished merit. Col. T. W. Illgglnson's essay on " Americanlvm lit Literit- Dire" Is. an admirable remonstrance against the Imitation of English models by liters and Jour ualista of the United Suttee, and a plea for tint more rigorous literary lilt which, now that Ila literary class has • been brought into sympathy with the popular heart; Ile believes is SOOll to be devel oped. •• The greatest trans-Atlantic successes." he says, "which Allll.llOlll novelists have yet at tained—those won by Cooper anti Mrs. Stowe— have come through a daring Americanism of subs Jeet, which introdueed In each case a new figure to the European world—first the Indian, then the negro. Whatever the merit of tine work, it was plainly the theme which etiquercti. Such excesses are not easily to be repeated, for they are based on temporary situations, never to recur. lint, they prepare the way for higher triumphs toile Iron by profounder treatment—the introduction into literature, not of Heir tribes alone, but of ale American spirit. To analyze combincitions of clumteter that only .111'111100111U life producer, to portray dramatic situations that belong ton clearer social atmosphere—this is the higher A mericanisin. Of course, to cope with such themes in such a spirit Is less easy than to nieseribe II foray or a tournament, or to multiply Ind; lnitely such still life pictures as the stereotyped English or French society affords . ; but the thing, when once done, is incotnparably nobler. it may Inc rent pries. before it is done—no matter, It will be done, anti wills it will come a similar advance aloof: the Whole line of literary labor, like the elevation wider' we have seen lu the whole quality of scientific. witch lu Americ.i Within the past twenty years." Bay ard Taylor's new story, "Joseph and his Friend," opens promiSltt si•• with a well-drawn contrast be. tween the social refinements of town and country. Mr. Henry James discusses the - woman question with reference especially to Bushnell, Epee Sargent, and President Woolsey. Gen. Francis A„ Walher,answers the question "What to do with the Surplus" of revenue which we are certain, to have at the end .f the next year. Ile does not approve of ieducing the debt too rapidly, but would rather use op a part of our surplus, revenue In reducing intermit revenue taxes and lowering the tariff. Of the other articles we eon only men tion Professor Goldwin Smith's lecture on "The Study of History," originally prepared for Cornell University, and Mr. Howell's sentimental Journey "By Horse Car to Boston."—X. Y. TrOmar. EHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, AVET)N.V.SDAY, DECE)I#EII,;-12 THF 4 , A I cCA RTHY The several parts of this Invention, in them selves, contain but slight elements of novelty, yet the combination of these parts, which Is covered by the pat eat, constitutes, In our opinion, an important and useful improvement, and nun whichlue before It it large field In which It may be advantageously and economically applied. Our artist has so well. delineated the machine that It will be at once un derstood by all familita• with lire engines. It Is a combination of the wcll known and extensively toted endless apron horse power machine situ a Puree primp. tint reel for It hose • the fore pump and reel being pi s'ed nt the front, us shown.• he pump Is driven by a era motion eel rutted hy a pat of bevel gears, the sestina and delivery hose being coupled underneath the barrel of the pump, or In any other convenient po ,dilint the relative posi tion of the parts not being material to the daunts ol• the Inventor. 'rite whole is placed and fixed on a suitable truck, and the weight of the entire ap paratus Including trued: may, It is thought brought within 2,500 pounds. A folding buck, when let down as shown in the engraving, forms a bridge whereby the horses mount to the endless apron. The engine is drawn by horses to the place of conllagratlon, and It ready to operate as soon as the horses can be un hitched front the carriage and list upon the end less apron described. For rural towns and the suburbs of large cities, this engine possesses many advantages, coining, as it does, between the hand engine and the ex- Pensive steam flre•engitte. Its lightness enables it to be rapidly drawn to a lire, and the cost of fuel Is awed. Its cost is much less than a steam lire engine, and Its working efficiency may be matl3 much greater than that of a hand einOtte us the number of horses Is not limited to two, but tlu•ee or four n o n• be used in machines of large capacity, It thus has, In proportion to the working power of the horses, the advantages of Neaut tire.engine, without the defects of hand engines, not the least of wnich is the generally admitted demoralizing tendency of volunteer fire-company organizations upon the yunth who for the most part compose them. Extra hose-carts are not needed. The machine may be placed In charge of some respon sible person In small towns, and when required two or three men may effectually operate It. Where the water has to be raised only a short dis tance through the suction pipe It Is claimed that two horses will, through two hundred feet of hose, throw a three-quarter-inch 111 to a Light of front sixty to seventy feet. We think this machine peculiarly adapted to the wants of far-western towns. In such eases It might be placed in the care of the postmaster, merchant, or other responsible party centrally lo cated, and would be an important safeguard against those disastrous conflagrations which have so frequently ravaged our border settlements. Patented, through the Scientific American Patent Agency, Nov. 2, 1869. For further Infor mation concerning rights, etc., address John C. McCarthy, patentee, 131 Barrow street, New York. —Troop. hare Leen tout to LoiolotiWrry to guard attains( it popular diettirbance. — , The rumor re,,pecting the cloning of the Suez Canal untrmtworthy. —The Emperor of France has been 111 attain, but Is better.' —Gen. Cavitila, a prominent Cuban leader, has entered the city of.Clenfuegos, and captured con siderable supplies. —The Lonqun to a pro posal for reopening the Alabama negotiations it Witediington. —The President has withdrawn the 'name of George 11. Yearn:tit for the Eighth Judicial Dis trict, and substituted that of S. 1.. Withy.of —An armed inoli attacked a Revenue officer In South Carolina, recaptured tw•o ❑licit stills, and threatens further trouble. —Daniel McFarland has been indicted by the Grand Jury for the murder of Albert D. Richard- 'rue Spanish can-boats left New York rot Sun- ' day, at 10 , , o'elock, and stilled down the bay, led by the Pizarro. At the foot of Twelfth street, one of the Canoneras ran luto the pier, smashing her guards and a swill .boat hanging at the davits.l Shealfterward came to anchor °frilly Ilattery,where she trot,' hies. The balance of the fleet proceeded without mishap to the lower hay, a here, they trill await the arrival of aiiother mam of-war. tni an attack from Cubans Is feared. A report was in circulation that an attempt Would be made to waylay the flotilla outside, and that the object was to obtain possession of two or more of the Ve,“..lS, and endeavor to ripple ns many of the others us possible. /'he 1,11 , ..1 . -111 the Ilegixtee 11.11, and Skilitln cry Store Think i t / If you ate under thirty years of age and in the habit of smoking, by economizing to the ❑mount of only our segar a day, you can pay the premium ou a policy of two thousand dol lars in the AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 01' PHILADELPHIA. The Ameri can Lila Insurance Company of Philadelphia is a company reliable and well managed. Dr. Wm. J. bin is the Agent. (7t.,(1 SraNt..—The poet seabon has leecH room pro.lo 0111• Int farmers all over the laud. While bn,•ito••• he. liven dull in tho nlo4 hin.lnete non ha, been oppre,e,ti need etaberra•eed, the (roil and grata crop. have been abundunt beyond nnoi-ure, and It Inone a+ though our country n hook, are lie have all the money rho. Winter. I r •... w ..err them 'that they ran fluel no hen, way of +piooling a sioull pert of their spare retch lieu putting it into rt elm of tine new alothen (non the great clothing n.tublo.linient of Witnitnialier & Ilrotyn, !le ma crivol by imitations of lall's Vegetable Elrllinn Ir Itenctvcr; roll tar 1611'...nlarcopt no nth,. 0,11/10, at Ireclell':; Boob' and Stationery Store pen-linlves and raznrWat Irolell's Book and Stailottery Store. Irooh/ pin have contlnunl elwerridn,, and Itopphoo., your mi6l. 1 . 411111t1 . 111t1/1 . 1 . ! 3on Lary your how , It r.ollototl With ll 000• in.. or joy %Odell coo rope , only trim the trill gotten up .tolle of lovely woolen In her be..j •—•—•—? 'l'lltol Ttnn.t Ira eont , bleront Iho iToinati'n rotolort. And yut tottnln't tloluottl on her fur the Inttitinit ot uII lb., hot - n' cloth., When Ton can boy cloth, for tho u• good. u• ;tml aeon, Itocnnit W I b•tt:. tottl, Otto, II im n nw m intlint that notch 101 l uu T our tt thir ,%111 .1 I, ell to 1.1 t. thrir Ith ‘,11 , 11 Illy u 33 1.3 1411113313•11333333 33. 1, 33) 3 1 3 ,1 r 31 , 4133 , ) 333. 113 1.1101% . 13.-.3 10 , 31;133g..(31», 31.. )331 13.,3•133313 3. TM= 'OW 10/11/ 15 t'lol . lll 1:1 till! bent 111111 clieapeet rough inedlelno in Ow 111. II IS II 1 0 (0111 I4IS WM 114.1011 to the puti..illiti th.. 101111. tin.. tiro II I thi• o/ie mluhlrr comfortable i Uur friend:, of the rhu rrhe. in ills , will do rc will to realetuller, tint...4llw yvar, 111:11 /101.n1) . preach the ao•Pel r0ad . ..11.41.1y If his cl , uhe. are exceedingly There in hilly a inure accent:Ode luTeent for it totr riernY -111,111 at any 44....0.0n of the year, 101 l particularly 'the pre.— cat Onto a full null of c10i1e.4,4, ju...t at till- time, a fall 4.101 ,unlit to Include a ...ulodantial ovrreoat. rr. , 11111/1. al.undonre of clothinc and of 4 , :c4.11.4ul anti varied material for clothing, which 'nal< it ILL ti.+o:Y 11.1,1 to 111,V , 4.ii Jul.!, the Ides occurs 4.f 4...tunten.l4 lug to all our Pietal. w ho want sults either for their lulu. ister, Pie theno.l y es, or for their hop., to wake ,4 et rand to N. ' .. 0.43 and ertiCheklauf 4.trect, 44 .1 4 , 4 , 41,,.y vl,ll l'heUreat Amimil.--llostellven United State,. Almanac for IR;th for dlo•lribut graitz,throuili - out the United Stales and all civilized countries of the We-t• 1 ileini•pherm is ill he puhlkheil ahem the first of January, and ail who stash to tintlersland the Ira, hO +ophyy of health should read and pottier the to Inable sugg.,ll.lll• Il rolkt.ll.. In nddillrn to an admirable tatt•d lout treatise tat the Cal.ed, 10,0111011 and cure of it gteal s t.filitatases. it embrace. it large amonut of inf. .1 int ittloil interesting to tho na•rchunt,the mechanic, the miller, the farmer, the planter, awl profesitional 1111111: and the raleulatletts have been made for !inch meridians nail la tit NM , as are most suitable for It correet anti v,iirreholt.ivo NATIOSAI. CALI:ND/M. 'rho nature, ils.‘•, and extruortlinuty STOMACH BITTERS, the slaph.,eule and alterative of more than half the Chrictlan world, are fully • set forth lit Its pages, mulch aro pictorial illutdrailous, valuablo recipes for lila household awl farm, humorous anecdotes, nut other lut•tructive and musing reading Miller, original Sind ;elected. Among eo Annuals to .ppear WlllllllO opotiltir Of the Tenr, tide will he one of the to., tmernt, and lliam Ac hrid for 11,. °eking, Rood for copies to the (lettered Manufastory, et Pltt.bargh, Pe.,or to the nearext - dealor In HOSTYTT STOMACH IIITTKIIH. These DlTTilliti are sold In every city,town and village, and ties oxtrocively need throe ch. ant the entire rivilifed world. NEVI'S l'lrE7ll!.i CITY NOTICES nt•siNEss NoTicEs ii/ rilleillll,lll it 11:1 , iml)11 . 1 • 11 111,11114 i that II .1,11 C , . 11 . • ,unrL •11.. f,ll : I. a to,‘ 11.. r.• 0,111 f..l .my & NV!, var 111,1 . 1, y 111,11. 111 , ..1 . Iva th..1.1...•1,••••nt . ..urag.• 111, 1it.11.1. , 11,.. C.. buy C1.,,,1.. all Ili, tn., 11, , awl pi...portion 0.01'11111) their things a 10111.1. &. WII •\". 1.. ...II a !boy 11. , , kno,,. AV.. ,111.111'1 11.. It .1n; MO Mare 1.. In)', Aln ••• ue null all our rdn‘l , l, cdutiuudli) Id Borunitr. Irlinnovergrd that :tll.l nnylonly rdu•nldo , trip r. inn)* urrdu , 1111i1• , 11•11il 1 . 1,111 Ow Gut 1110,15 11,1, tilt 11n• purr xr "rant, Salt Rhetria. intrroieltol rt , l,4l.—,volvAitnollial. 3ALI+III . IIV TOWN 1,1.1 i all 111•1. It I. Willi a gralvinl fooling that I I. of ablo 1,, make tho foldDring statement for the bonollt tilos.• trim aro •utfor. lug from firrufula. and other lniriptpie My win. ball been sulfating for soyetal o:,r- Dom Dmo. or swellings oa her irk which nftor a Dna , trollll gather and thorbargo mailer, leas nig n rinallba oto. :Ono had been beamed for more III:111 a yr.tr by .....t ,• rat to without roroining any permanent bonotll, hord,ease bocoming tt orse, until .ho bad five of D 0.... 'tinning aoro, on her neck, WllOll I employed Dr. 11. I/. le.ngaor, undor tvl ..... tri•alla.•llt tI,, C. 1111111,110.11 to ,1111 , , , , y fast. the sot, on hor net It to heal, and all hoe unploa•sat nn,l 111 , ngrrruldr ,yllllll.llll, gradually to dl•appoar, until hor health tva.J.,toted, which ma. iu about foot in...t.1•. I fool porferlly justified, after having hied Die treat mold of other I , lo, , iiintla ht rocommentling all those ttlno are sillier , lug 1n,.,,, Scrofula or tibronic Dliantmos to Dr. Lunuakor for medical trtattment, with n firm bolief that that trill betat• Istird, benolltaal and eared thereby• o lay a, if. , 11, Leon. Elligued,j .IA If. D. I,oligittel' , i• oil th , Ea,t .1,10 01 Sixtl 1rrt....0n Hamill.. and A? I( r! i I ('n! OR 111(;Toelrea 111•nan „IW!':": 7 s'o nt 'l Ojron re.. ttental,l;alle • ' 4 4 OW BROWN'S rrlrrvrrrs BROKICH AP I Pl/41.. ' nh • 11l Iplnt invn . rll•ll, - rtve Itndant I In, .I±lll.llA, AIM!, ;11(iC Mj01111.11jj",VJ"""." ""'" • SING MO and P11t1.14 • spEAKERs them to clear and etretsgthen the votre!, Owing to the good reptilittion and ~i to of the many wort/tit. Of WI rig, 'III o. 11 . 1101 lin I !Ur I•1Ithiol :I. •nre to Ont.\ IS Ito' -111IQWN.'B 131tOXC'IIIAI. Titoyl lES BOLD E r 1:111,111•Iyi, I 'r ..!:• W: A-A , rr. .57.3.•,000 • 175,000 11EN. ! -I3OYS ! • TO , ,ATTEND TILE GREAT DAILY ./ • i.Ciothing Sal(ls (11,. , ~•, 111-i.Ns 11 &, (X)., TOIV lIA L 1,, 518 31.1nKET sTitEET, 11 - 4 f-troy behrech mid r,4 St,. l'.•‘_ ‘ . ..11r time 0 111 tod 1. , e-ted. IVe eoneae ••• I.t 11.:111 In• Mt, ill„. OE riLICS! FIRS! I FIrItSI!! 1 , 1” ell FS. ra orl Tin. Sil.•ctihor, G. .1 Nal th .t.0..011/1 1 . 1111,1.1..1• 1013. b1q,1,1 3larket Stroot., r....pertlullv ut.1.11., that ht. ha. 1111. Inrgo•t 811.1 uonoral :,•• 011 11 , 011 d :111 Fin. in ill.. Unclog thcni tay•olf of Ow Ua.t 111/.1 , . 11/.1. Bay 5 / 1 1,11., Squltral. &o All .0 ‘v Inch lio t. tottnufncturing tlll4l [1 . 11111111111., in tho nua lon , / nulalgo,l :old chottp F in.. :11.•....ccifally invited to call azta tlicun —Asc. ith ro lietter lind clicapor artic:o c...1...1../light locri• far the Country 31crrIninn. ,r 11l tutu It to clout navantuvo to suit I.l.faro laying lit iltolr •lork of .101 IN I)AVIS, 5I ,Yee.h,l It . LADIES' FANCV FE ICK .I()11.N. PAltElitA 71S Altull S'lr . 01 :0, ..z %dal.. oi th.. Muck, .1... t .4 ItRiA 7111 loul 4th St., South Slrlr• I'IIII,AI/171,PM A. 1 ~. r 1 1mp..0..... M1.....1....1.....r ...I...'''‘ 1.11.1, Raul... ina111.....1,1n qualtlv .11 (l , . 1 "...-....,. ; k.k:. , :1.Y rrlIS 1,11 l LAI0111:6 . A; 1 . 1111.1r1t1,r , •. r'i.:.{. - . 7.-..... WV, 11. ;1 - .1 . , 41 1.,...F. , ' n t:d ta ' r ‘ . l .a.W. j .l. ° l.7. d . s " y 4 'l ''. ic*EMPO It 11 1 31, 1.1:il ‘ l ' ; ' ,l l' V ill ' : . • lillpiilluil a vl•r 1.11 .. an . •.• •• ' , ~, splendld ao•••••11111,1 l i ; • --;''''.. t 111• ditlvreni 1.11111-.',...'Fukr . from dent hanob.,ln littrope and baye bad then. Iliad up I.) the un,.l s4llliul ivorktoon, I would ro•per111.11 Invite Iny friend) of Loh . ilt 11111 i 1111j11( . 1.111 amine Illy vory loop. and beautiful tobut...nut it Flint Fur, for Ladies and Children. I yin deternlined t. hell 11l ii. low price) ti) any other re.poetable lionse in illy. All rites NV...ranted. inbdepretentatb.... to el' . JOHN FAxra x.t, ..et 119.113.1.d01da [COMMUNIIIATION.I FURS! FURS! CHEAP D 41:00D • Whet, thr•ro• art. .11 ninny nu Store., th.•l.• sr. Ho. I'ltltodolithlti It Irrtuiu , • where to boy. Timm. S‘htl %.•r•Vil 1,. OW (.runt qualities of Furs, however, know where to 00,00 the,. rt ;et,. of this paper, .N 1 Ito net lii iti lii,c. grades of Fun. lye would ad, i•e• them to nu eAalpli-littlent of the hest 0000101 i.., th , ) purrhtt, with thti grottiest riollitlettes, told sittli.fltit that they aro liete•-tly dealt with. We k te. or mete eliable'ntote auto (hunt of .le-sr.. JoSEPII ItOSF:NIIAr3I:k CO., :c,;. being their 111. W Ittraliton, where Lit • in, renlitient tient their lolly ex1.1 . r11 . 111, in the Fur lo:tine . , that pet tety• ran get geed Fur- Mill the syyt lb eel their 1n0n,.), 'their Store Is iltot • cutro of uttraetion on at count .1 the uttyl light In tt Melt they shuts e,lf all their toed, Ari • the Su/yet/out they tie nn bef xbienn. 104 , The nltl4l fashituuthie Furs thk 2.1.1151/11 Wilt Lis thy Sable, Lind this I. the mutt tyrsleraltl For, and thy lint I , theta in vitryuk style and qualitie s. and hotick.. ty •1111 oil ; anti .ittro 0 lady does nut NI kit te 11111 n ~, I t.t .1 Fur. it I. very ~.,,milli to I n Nyill'ltl lie 1/1111'11,0 000,1 Fur, To thy y flurnr in and dull tte,y. etyl elygstue linkh al 011 their Furs stilllt oil reptt) It 01.11 tu this e•• tal.ll.llnwitt, 111111 1111 their Fur. are wart tinted ut a ll On A Minh Sable net coot. 1/ . 0111 110:010 4.13,0nJ ,11111. 5..1) rare dark ;win bring a little filcher ; hat treat Fri to trill hay an exeolletit dark •ot, tel floe , , at- 1.1.1 a 1.10 (ruin eight to Ilftneu year,. 'Then there 1 , the Ilnilhon Hay Sable, the Sihoriun nniiir• rel, Royal Ermine, (lerman Fitch nun Chita:Win :my La • llood,and other hick 111111 lied For. in ...I'. I..ms s Itvitwinber Of JoqliPlll 11.%1 . 31 : 1 / 4 I'o, ttnd Ilir nchther 310 Arch St:col, between :als 1.1,1 s,th nouth PhIlaWA M=i=l • Q 1" 0 IL T E N. n Ay TO sioNT tat EV A (MAN II 11,111 MATCH .111 naua 0 If 11. , 11.1• F.IIITII 31 , 1.NTEItEY, 111.:11/iS Co., I.A. '1111'1:S1).11, DEc. 01l hick Li large hog sr ill ha .lagglitered, egt) pound.. b.% 11 In IFI• tor all .), 11.• lll,lPlaca al iii Wier/Mog :mil ..lagglitarltigi sr 11l ha /lima lit la , li o'clock taw, . Ake, at the aiwne ti mid place h ill come oil a ;MAN lt Fox crlAsli. to which occnalon II loran of ;wort a llk good d„ g. ore Invite,' to ;mewl, n. b• 11 illative Ik, ioe,ollli• 1b...1111er or it fox. But 31 corer i• Leh,; it I. again, the world. Thia I. :1 1 . 10,. "I'portutilly, tho lux Ch... otol do; alitlighterlog of the 31;wronii;111 tlg Win All VOW.. alf :11 tho I li, Ware ,lail the, The Meg eon be aeeit at the pohllr how.. of Smith & Cron Aro or .ix ;lay. liehire the alautilaerluir take. place, awl prevloll% to 111111 it Call ito sect. hi. the bonne Of l'alisavell Welder, Wino iho .wkwr of hair and WllO4O 11 , 1iii.110 4 WV etio.liotctl; of n train Monterey. Mr, Posauwell 'blur is sled the owner of the fox; by Idr good skill he ainurtittote. dee 1.1.31 SMI'III AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS msell I Weit NTRD. 675 to yano per tonna) , male and' female, h celebrated oud orlglnul Coalition Setoct. Family Hewing Blachloe. Improved uod perfected It will Item, fell, stitrb,.tock, bind, braidnud embroider In a moat duperior mangier. Price only 1113. VOr simplicity and urability, It bar no rival. Do not buy from tip parties selling machines nude, the same name as core unless having n certificate of Agency signed by ni, ur they ore worthless Cast iron Machines. y or Wrens For Circulars and Term., sliml U. c**.wront)* Co. 413 Chestnut Di., Philail'a, pp, MIME jlOtiCC, VEdET.\III.I.: IL\ HENE\VF:II IT .."ILI. ItESTOIIE Wt.\ 'I'C) ITS = 101 l iz.•ap Ow hair Irani falling 'aal. rlaaa-o• Ilia ,alp and amka. the 11.iir -att. la-trous I silk u. Is n Nrlentlid V. HALL & co., Na%lHitt, N. 11.. Pr•gori,..lA ERRORS OF YOUTIL—A ,zentleman who ' sulfured for year. from Nerv.ms Prema- Decay (Did all the etfec‘s ipf.youtlilinl Indiscretion, 11, for the anke of euthirlng humanity, send free to all le nerd it, the recipe and threello a inahiug the slut . remedy by NVIIIVII he Was cured. Satre( ers wlshlug Co oil( liy the advert)ser's experiiiiiiie eau sio by ad- Itiperfeet confidence, .101 IN It. (ill DEN, No. 42( edar St. New Volk. • '• TO CONSI: VI , ,S. —The mire . rOser, having been restored to health In it fete week.. Ity try mittolle rentelly, after having ...for.' yearn ill: a -torero lung ttlfertion, and that ,I read tli.eame, Con. minion. IN nushot. to 11111ke k notrll I. 111. , felloNr .11 tforttett 1.11101111, of cure. To all It Ito tle.tre it, he It'll] •ottl a ropy the pre.crlinlon toed (free .If charge). tvlth Ow direr - ON for preparing tont nabot the sante, Nvltirh they trill I i it sure clue for Con.tonpilott, A.tlinta, Ilronchiti., Ste. te only object the odvertiner In .ending the Prencrlp to I. to benefit the afflicted, nod spread Infornnttion 1111 . 11111.1 , 11re1V1 , 111'111,1111AI/1, los , . every Oferer trill Icy his remedy, a. It ro.t them nothing .1 y n host., wl.hinn the pre.erlption will p10t... 111111rf , II. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Willhonchurn, Kings Go., N. Y. 4 0 to 4 44 rt rt R et 4w,to is 0 4 to •0 •t .4 0 .0 .0 0 .0 .0 .0 0 „0 • . i • • • • Tit THE WORKINU CLASS.—We ore now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment itt twine, the tt hole of the time or for tlw spare 111 . 0111,1 i, Bushings new, light and profitable. Persons of sex easlly earn front .kW. lo .10 1., evening. and Itrendistionol stun by devoting their whole time to the business. !toys slid girls oars nearly its finch ow man. That all WIIO rile this Itoti c re p lend tho r oildress, and test die b.lllefls, We TM% oniesralle etl To sack on a.' [ll , t well mot ioned, We will xelid id to pay for the trogble of writing. Fall partlcalsrs, a volunble sample, which will do to commence work on, and it copy of 7. p x hiterarY 1 . 01111,4111i011 —our of the largest and best news• Papers published—all sent free by moll. header, If Yon wont pertnituent, profitable ark, soldress E. C. A LEN Cu., ArIiCHTA, der 1.:110 GoLD wArcnEs =NE! THE ONLY GENUINE ffioLDE (m 1,1) WATCIII.:, .11.1NLIFAC7U1IE.11 TILE 0110/111; IVA Cu. Are all of best make, lionliay Cofirom, 11'000tolo,1 not In to ro ; look like line (lob!, nail are EQUAL to the bear (11111) NvATuit ES is make anti ankh; teith the Poll Jr weird Ile htelectl mut al In n Of. E de, Fh, v and aloe. 4 , 15 earil l . 'Elie Double Extra 'reflood, Solid nrol.le (told, A N. , . 1, Fall Jeweled Le zero, at +4l earl,. . Seat by EgitreNs anywh6 ere it Rhin the [initial State., AT rorI.AaWIIOI.I,SAI.Y. 1.111 , •,, payable let delivery. No :tIONEIC IS 11E141'1 'LED IN ,t ANVE, only ritikiactery assurance that the order is °Mail In good faith. Any package allay be opened and examined before paid tor, by pn y ing the Lx press charges only. Perlailla r n order by mall With, bY sending teetaiy Itt advance, in a Registered 1..11er, and the goods Rill tin Rent as n Registered Package. po•lnii.l. at en , risk. I\Al/ENT SENDING 11)11 six ‘V.PYCIIES. WILL REV 51 11': AN EXTRA NV ATl'll FREE—tiA RI \li sEp. EN 0 1.1 W ATl'll Frill bat, tilt SEVEN 'id , ' WATCH ID. , roll 01'20. A 1.,0 El.Efi ANT 01:01DR GOLD CHAINS', of 1at....1 and most costly styles, for Ladles' and Oentlenten's 11 ear, Dem In to 4i Inches lettg, at prices of 4. 44, +nand -eat with watelt al 1.1.4,1 Wh01. , a14. prices. oar Watch., are all made' of Die DEN I'INE SOLID ti111,11)11 IJULD. REFlorb , aro all pertoctlY rclDiletcd nad oilsnren. and 111 , :ilt NTELII by the , C WWI/ to Arrit el I i , g rind not tnrollsh. State the kind, -Ile and price el walrh and order only of THE OROII)E WATCH CO., Pult.ol Street. New York =OM I=l NI EN. Ruling oath and EitrlY Maialinod.NN ith II I.l' for Ils.•••inin,z and tinf.rtnnmtv Sollt 111,01110 d lett, envelope, ..r Addro,o4, \V.IIII , ASSOII.\ 'NON. 11.. 31:13 . I _-; THE ONLY RELIABLE CORE FOR tt.'" BYS.BEI'SI.% IS THE KNOWN WORLD. • . . It I .• It I: 11 .INII . III , AN 1)1,1:PAIA PI 1.1,1111 a ChircTsit C. 01.1.51. I Pu.iticr Rua Infallible euro tor dy,,i.oloan ILL Its nuolt aggravated 10in1, mot uo ;rumor of how long laandlng• They ueuvlrato tho 50..54.1 al 10 of lorribl.. and exlermilialo 11, root and bralich, forevor. Thoy a ,rI n go l d. sit fferlng than tougu.. ran 1011. They ate Doted for rut lug rite too,' desporoto and bolo. Irus core, m boo every kooNvo 111,1. WI to ultord No form or olyrpop•la or Indigestion can ri•nkt etrdtil: DR. vasiukirrs PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL It le the vital principle of the I.Lae Tree. obtained by a peculiar proress thediWillatien of the tar, by whirl. it+ highest medical propertied are retained It InvigorateA the dlgerti•e ergati+ nnd re+teres the itlilletite• Il st renlnli• is 11... debilitated system. It notifies and mulch., the blood, nod expel. (rent the sy-tm.t the corruption which srroftilo breeds en the lungs. It I.ll.,auleux the mucus or phlegm which steps the 1 , 11.. , 1“ . . , or the hung.. It. healing principle act. upon the Irritated turbans of the lunge and threat, penetrating to each diseased part, re lieving pain and subduing Inflammation. It 1. the retell of yearn t 4 study and experiment, and it Is offered to the .tnict,d with p..+ltive ...ranee of It. power to ears Iho 'following tlineii.en. if the pallent ims not too 1.,11g delayed a resort to the IIIeLLIN of cure:— pi 1.1 e t ( 11, ho r ei tiff Bron , hili, Liver i.o.splithdl, Blind Coo: /h. , A medical oxpert,laoldlng houtirablo cidleglatii diplomat, devote. Itl. entire Unit , to tin exyminntion of pytteutc tit the paler parlors. A..ail:tied with him tar three enn.illt, lug phyaltiluto. of acknowledged eminence, trho....rrt ire. are given to the public HIM! OF no* 411.11,,Mnit y I. offered by thi other in.titiithin iu tine count: y. turn tram any part of the coutitry, wilting ad c will he promptly and gratuitously rriipianleil Where con. ,meat, remittance,. mhonlil take the .hobo of DRAFT OR POST•OFFICR. ORDERS Price of Wlallart '2. A 1114,111111 llyria.p.la tl a Sax, Soul by uuIt MI rovelpl of prier. Niro of Wlnharl's Troo Tar Cordial, 60.50 u honk, or $ll par darn'. Soul by os urr... All 1701111111111t1,11i.oux should ho addroloual 1.. Q. C. %NISH ART, NI. D., No. 212 N. Second 01., Ph ilial,ll.llla M3EI DEAFNEr,S, BLINDNESS AND CA w TARIM treat.l with Oa 11[m..1 unmere., by J. L IRA.Ac4, M. D. and Profnunor of Diirerrym ofthe limn and Knr: Of, xweinit in in Me Medical V° Oge of Pen n syl roniii,ll Iyr orit expert. ore, (formerly. , .ydon, Hol land,/ No. i'l3 Arch stroot, l'ltllltdolphin. 'o, , tittioniul% eon 100 i.vou ut hi. °nice. The ino.lical futotity uto in. it. 441 t.. icronouiny their patient, it , lit. Into I,,,,i , cret• lii lON Priii'lko. Artilkitil i•yl., iii•crietlm itlimit vaiii. :Co Oiling. for Ul4llllllllllllOll. inn 27-1 y... SCITENK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, SEA • WEED TONIC end 31rordreke will cure Cone r option, Liver Complaint, and lryapepain, If takee cording to directions. They are ell Owen to be taken et the rr• t role. , They cleanse tilt ate melt, relax the liver, cod put It to work: then the apperlto heroines cowl: the rood amt 11111 k. good Hoed: the Jut ient begin' , to w in the alsolinell metier rip,ns in the horga. and th thro e patient tilt grew s the dl seas end gel , ‘ , ..1 I. Thin Is the only Way togun,cuueumptlou To throwe three hietlli.lll.... Dr. 3. 11, ischook, ot nice.. Lis unrivalled soccer... to the Irealliirlit of pul monary consumption. Tr` Pultwonie rilreno loot 1.111 matter In the !lingo, 111,1 Oro throw, It elf by ante's ) expectoration. 1 , 11 . When the phlooutil or Illat ler In ripe. a allght rough will throw It it, end the patient lino rent gal Om lunge begin tollenl. To do this, the roeirWred Tonle and illandrake fills must 100 freely treed to clear.° the stormarli and liver, ao, that the Polnionir ' , omit, awl the rood trill !flake good bh.oil. Nhoolrake till , act noon the liver, removing aII olootractroors, reht% the thicl• Of the gull-bladder. Ow bile atoll. freely, and the liver n. neon relie•ed; the .bolo torn show trliat the Pala can dot 11.1 li 1 lig Ina. over boon invented except calomel lit deadly poison which la very It, tine Utile.. With great rare), that will unl.wk the grill - bladder and ' , tart the of the liver like soli oat, 31.1 It tb toiler Complaint la our , of the moot lootoltivol ro . livik SeaWeeil w gentle .11111 11 1110 and elle, stile, and the alkali to the seawe ed, It !rich this prepura ;ionls melte of, assists the svelter:li to throVroill the gastric nice to diosolve the food with the Polmoonle l.)•ritp, awl It inade tali good blood wiles) ft•tilikehlalloli or /...11rilig nu ,tottiorli. - Th e re,,,,01 why phynicilin, 110 tiot t . ,•11 , 11)111,... then it, they ti y 1,1 ,1,1 too ilitlrli; nig h t gillair the corral', to aloopehillo, to atop night nWerits, liertie awl I.) no dolt.; they de the Whole dlliter.li v.. 1...,er., 1..4'1.1. tip the nertel 1.,11., awl eVelillIall) 1 lie pal bs awl die,. Irr ,elwrik. In Lin treatment,o,low. root try„ atop a rugh, night oweata, .hills or fever. Until', r,• the o they sr ill all owl, "))wooer own itreord. No oar s. a tre cured of l'ollirlat It 1, Ir yopepol. Catarrh, Coo ker. l'lcriatrod Throat, unless the hi er and atiorrar•h are made hr: s illy II „ cunorimptlon, g len cents.. ihe home In seine ay xi,. tl either wher, Iwo/whorl or 1n.:0r...1.0... of in limitation end decay.... In anvil ca. ~. what moot be done it re ohly the 1 bat :ire tviratorg, but it la the who'd body. Th....loin:son sail liver hay° hoot their pow er•to make Wood out of food. /sow the only cirri., is to 1. .mh0 :when k throne w hick Will bring up a how o the the roathort a 111 begin too want hood, It b ,11 d 1 )easily nod owl,. good blood: then the patient In doh, and us sown us the Ludy begin. to h. heal 111.. mot the patient gets Ilrriiy and ell. Th, I'. the "lily 1, ~y Ie cure rol,tl (1011. ben 1 love I. tie mug dioerme, and only Liver Complaint and Dropoporlir, Shlrenk • rs &Inwood Toole and Mandrake Pills are anniciont Without the ['laureate Syrup. • Tithe the Mandrake rail. In tin Moyer° perfectly sonnies, Dr. Seheuk, who lots enjoyed Unlnterrupted health for ninny yours pent,. mud not, weighs 43 pounds, wart wasted away ton mere skolrlett. In the Very lasi ateife Pulin h nary Comouroption, bin physicians ItitYlliZ Pirrituntreedir ' io lip tool 10r:odor:rood hito to lilt fete. Ile st us cured loy the u forrearrid medicines, and alone hic recovery ninny thronoronla similarly untitled have used Dr. Scheid: l a prep• et:throw. with the same remarkable enemas. mull dl rroet ions aceetniorny each, make it not absolutely neeesoary to per. holfUlly hoe Dr. Schenk, unload , the patient'. with their lunge soothed, and tor this par ,use he. is profo.o,lollally 11 his Onleo, Philadelphia, every Surday, where all lottery fur advice twist be eddresacil. burlatt profes• „i„rphi ir at. Nu,. advice Bond Street, New k„ every other Threader, and at iito, liumivpr Street, Bullion, ay cry other h olueeday. lie gives advice free, hot ror the,- ught eklllll 1.1 lota WI llt hit RONPIl11:1111, filo price le &I 011. 0111 re 1.41.111 4 . .11 oily !rota A. M. to 3P. M. • MEE 1 , n r 1O -Iy' itilMl SHAWL BUYERS, ATTENTION ! THE UREATEST JOB OE THE SEASON! NEVER AS LOW' IN PRICE SINCE THE GREAT PANIC OF 1857.. JITST RECEIVED o large lot uf 72-14.11'LAIDatol (IRE? MIXED I3LANI(EI' SIIA 1V LS. which aro tiLAroirrEnisa PRICES. AIKO, gr.?tt .101/ In FI.AI`INEIA both lu PLAIN, ORM TWILLED and PLAID for lIIIEET[No. A few ',Oran for you to Wite. Oreyln•llled ut YS centn, cold lust year at , 3l and " 31 ' t 9 and 40 cent, Pltldr t cunt, at 27 and " 35 • • •• 5U • • Al.O, Plaid 4.4 Flanuol. Inoue made for Akin, at An cont ,, , sold Innt year at 65 and 70 cents. BEST STANDARD SHEETING, 15 CTS. • ♦NIITIINR LOT CIF TRIZ BEST' PRINTS, AT 121.4 CENTS A TARR 9urft:6. Black Penver, -01 . 10 g :ail, , a m i„t I. co • • • ==! and ex:12;111w prier, 16,,pertroill M. .1. KRAMER'S CORNER STORE, OPPONITP: THE EAGLE HOTEL dee T II E DRY GOODS STORE HDIXON, No. 21 N. EIGHTH NT • PhllAdislphlit. PRICES TO AM THE TIMES. RICA FANCY AND TOILET GOODS. . . A magnificent assortment, unsurpassed for variety, ele gance of style, or moderatiou in price. Fine French Flowers for Jardiniers, rich Bohemian and find China Toilet Sets Vases, P B arisian unts and Statuette., gilt mounted Card Receivers nod Flower-boldors, tiohe• mina Glass, China, Lava, Patina Marble, Bronze and Wit Ornaments. Rich Park and Vienna Fans, fine seta Vulcanite and French Jewelry, Cigar and Tobacco Boxes and fielders, Writing Borten; Wove, Handkerchief and Work Doges. Dressing Canes, Tablets, Paper Cutters. SILK, BINGHAM AND ALPACA UMBRELLAS, With a thousand other articles, owl/racing all that new or desirable for bridal, birthday or holiday present superior in quality and moderate . In price, 11. DIXON, No. 21 H. h1(1112 II Street, between Mock mud Chentuut, east side, Philadelphia. no 2.1.310 31/01 . C10. VIE POPULAR SUMMER RESORT The beautiful and bladed grounds "of tide hotel have boon kited up especially fur the accommodation of excur sion parties. THE TABLE of the hotel is supplied with the choicest luxuries and the must tempting manta and vegetable.. Everything in season always cooked in the beet manner and served In the must Inviting style. THE SLEEPING APARTMENS are cotamoillorm and well ventilated, end are ample tar the act , of goons who may idiot. to reniain over night, or take board lug by the week or fur the season. Special arrungementa made with excursion particle. For further Information add,. WILLIAM KUNTZ, . WIA • sluit.gtoo P. 0., Pa for Salt anb ao La. . . • . -• F OR RENT....-SEVERAL CONVENI. eut rooms, situated la a favorable location. Berne of thou. Aulaid for law yin . t oiliest or butane...occupation. Apply nl the office of THE LEHIGH REGISTER, Allyn town, 42n BURIAL LOTS FOR SALE.--- The undersigned offer (or pule 4 new Come tory loin immediately adjoining the Union Ceinetary, on Tenth street. • • i The luta wi ll be aold by eubeerlytlon, and lamedlately after the whole number ate dlepoßed of they will be award ed by lot In the same manner us In the organization of the Union Amulet/Won. l'ltttm or plena of the premium. can be 1101!In at our uthee. non (1001) St RUHR. T O LET.—A REASONABLE LEASE will lie given on the Etude. Slate Quarry, militated In I'lnln Geld towmilifP, Northampton county. Pa., near Stackertown. It modals of number one flat•veln, blue, never-fadlugplatet, fully equal to the well•known Chap man Slate, with a good water power and a full rigging of pumping and hoisting machine., Pomona &virtus of an opportunity of thin hind will please examine for theta• Ketone, nod apply to Itimbett Ruch Stitekertuwn P. 0. tour 3,',11 ii. 1.. SCII ii El ll Ell, Prexldent 'WOUR HUNDRED FAR MS FOR A.: SALE, ranging in price fromdlS to ..50 pOr arra, accord to Improvements. location Am ood cell, genial climate, and near markets. These furnot are situated in Virginia pad Al•ryland, come in the Imunallut• vicinity of Wash la Con and others from 'JIM AO mama distant (ruin the Cap. ital. !Wrenn or call on J. D. 0 A NOWEilliciti Alassachu.. slots A Venni. near Sixth street 117.111110 m, D. C. filllE ONE-DOLLAR STORE OUT- I. DONE. —A large assortment of Our 'French Goods for Slouch, embracing Lemke; Work. Gilter. Ilmlkenhief and Dre,ning Boxes, In grpal varlrty; Mar Tan., Loather Bags, Pocket Book.: Parlan, Lnva, Bohemian and China Vases nud Ornaments& Umbrellas, Jewelry, die., for Our Dollar and Call mid examine for yourselves. 11. DIXON, Au, 210 t. MOUTH Street, between 31arkm nod CI eao Ode, l'hilndelphla. uo 24.301 R . M. ROBINSON As CO.. to Wm. O. MiLtior.) X ANUI , VCRSIMiIIt. Or MILITARY, CHURCH, SOCIETY, THEATRICAL 000 ES, FLAGS, RAN. NERS, BADGES,. ETC. NO. 131 NORTH THIRD STREET, , PIIILADELPIIIA. • d..a I.ly TONS. TOSS. AND FANCT GOODS. A MUSEUM OF NOVELTIES • • ' . TO DRLItt TI!R J(IVENILES. LEON IHRSH' S. BAZAAR FOR THE PALE OF TOYS AND FANCY (100014, OF GERMAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND ANIFIRICAN MANUFACTCHE, N( ), 812 'ITESTNITr STREET, I'HILADELCHIA • t`Yl'th"'hl'7`X"ti"'''' of To" *ndVoctortowi,litofoT. a r t itn , y amfrr s alon t of i gne Irefully good - s now-fon ax short of reliril4,e:0)111111!1*1/Ni'tL srl`vuirtjui Vu l r o poll and examine for IloonKolver.. Ily golpg st onc e yoq hnte on unbroken .s.ortztieut selpet from, sod 11•1014 the “11110).11e of Mn oyerorowded Ytoro M 1 t MA; I MO. Berl l. No. Sl2Ultosloul +OM, CBOOKS JEST RE cEivED.. Th, Story of tt Ilya Boy. by T. 11.Alitrich. Stinford mid Merton, Evenings , nt HUMP, .IStsop's Fttblrr and Bugg. "wily .kobinion, writtim it word., or nuo kyllable." Pltetsont Pagra'and Mat PH up., IW'ntt'r Divine my! Mul.i SOllO. haud.oluely bound nod pntragely Illurtrated,vllll hotly executed nuirrav• .• //WWII to Promo for l'hcblyen, by WI. iMirimuid. Middy • . Nunuy /burg. Ch I neap( Marge, Taut Harding, Oil the Wing. z . • Belabor LVt, Ton. Truth and law, O.OICII Jewels, May Bay, Pleasure and My Birthday, ehrhaiiirte Tales, runny Nojiphiyil, irmsp, ll,a ng Pistieruaga, The TWO rotonr: Hare'• Ncrt. /1.0 Womb, nick Jr. a PUS and Frith' DR. J. 11. SCIIENK, 15 N. 6th SI., Phi P, 10 rg olio 'S WEA TWEEDS AND JEANS, lIIIIIIMI POPULAR .1. W. PROCTOR, NO. 920 ('I ESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW GOODS MNSTANTLY TIECETVINO PRICES FAIR, IN PLAIN FIGURES, ITLIM7T DEVIATION mass THE SLATE EXCHANGE HOyL, WALNUTPORT, LEHIGH Co. WILLIAM KUNTZ, PROPRIETOR )0.000 of .INI) .4..IIkFIC.AN TOY BUOVic for the little ono•, at IREDELI.,II DOOR AND STATION, ERE STORE, Hamilton •lreel, two tlontt oboys SlEib, , 1869. FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE At Alloitown WILL 13E (11,()SIA1,1) AB tiny ou 'Friday, December 10th, hi order TO lIARK DOWN PRICES Of all Fall autl NVluter stock then renialulng nil baud, preparatory to • GREAT CLOsi NG orr SALE sir s. , coc.% A,, = , We don't propose to curry over a dollar's fan and whiter geod, if we eau help It GOLD IS FALLING, and goods; we believe, will he cheaper next Winter than they arc this. We propose to sacrifice upon our oods now rather.thau.lose the interest of the money invested In them, and then have to do It next g Winter. This sale will eelipse nnythlug of the hind ever seen in Pennsylvania. Many goods will he sold ~~~J SA.TURDAY, DECEMPER Bright and early, ;Ind prigmred fur it great rash. Daring this .le, which Is to twit 30 days Best Merrimac Prints ' 10c., our former price t rye. Fine and heat/ Brown Sheeting, yard wide, 10c., our fotiner price lye. Extra quality Canton Flannel, 131 tic., our former mice Plc. Best Paper Mastitis, all colors, 10e., our former price 1!2 , ,e. Elegant Plaid Poplins we Will close at 40c., our former price 50e. All wool real French Empress Cloths, 70c., our former price 4:1.00. Superb quality of French Merino 00c., our former price sl.2:i. Good qualities in French Merino 70e, our former price tisc. All other kinds of goods greatly reduced, ineludlng great bargains In Alpacas, Chess Poplins, Colored and Black Silks, Cussimeres and Flannels, Illankcis and Marseilles Sprinds, Broelsa Shawls and Carpets, &e., &e., &c. Come noel, take a look at the crowd even If you that want any goods. 19 EAST RAllllll'o\ Mammoth "ale! HUNDRED THOUSAND $400,000.00 DOLLARS' WORTH FOUR FALL .AND WINTER CLOTIIING, AT SUCU NueEs. AS SHALL INSURE AN MEDIAT IM WEDNESDAY MORNING; DECEAI nit 1, 1869, AT HALF-PAST EVE O'CLOCK, THERE WILL BE COMMENCED, AT THE GREAT OAK-WALL BUILDINGS ••; . TX,..17T1. AND - MARK ET STREETS, GRAND CLOTHING SALE, (lit EAT EX P1(1'1'011'8 5A1.1.: held there one ye.:tr ;Igo At which the People well Remember they secured the REST BARGAINS IN CLOTHING THAT THEY HAVE EVER MADE IN THEIR LIVES THIS IS TIII: STATE I MENI' OF OUR CASI. Anticipating, as did all Merchants, an unusually brisk trade, we invested EIGHT HUN • DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($800,000) in the Purchase and Manufacture of Clothing. Our Sales have exceeded last year's, but have fallen far short o 1• our enlenlntions—amonntlng, to the present time, for Fall Trade, to about Leaving. us Four Hundred Thousand Dollars' worth of Garments of every de.yriptiom suits blis to all classes, made up with tho utmost care, of the very finest Materials, NOT ONE DCD,LAR'S WORTH OF WHICH are we willing to' carry over as Old Stock into nextyeitr. Hence we are determined _L^A:CI.J=I.A.N SW=Ml=' getti n • g hack what 3lency we can, so as to he in good condition to continence the next Seu de without Incumbrance. Or We offer, then, " 4 OUR ENTIRE STOCK At Priceti an Low as these prevailing at the Great Sale last Fall, BRINGING SOME OF OUR PRICES FAR BELOW THE COST OF MANUFAITURING 1 1100 - orEncovirs,inade lit most Fashionable Styles, of all kinds of Beavers, Chinchillas, • • ' " 'Tricots, dc. 4,000 SKITS, Coate Punts and Vests of the saute inaterial;linsiness, Dress, Traveling, " ladle pcindble" Sults Szc. 0,000 COATS, Chesterfields mid Backs, Morning and Lounging Coats, Frock - and Drees Coats,itc. t5„ . 0943 of d aV materials , tl and cut on every approved style, Narrow and "Nobb o,oo9: VESTIS• Velvet . ."tists, Fa " Plain ncy-Ca°6usligerae) C om f or t a b l e. ('loth Vests, double •r blitgle breasted.. high orhtrcr cut. ME BESIDES ALL THIS, WE WILL, FOR 20 DAYS, D10021.7174L1 CAW!' SALES IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMEN7' DEDUCTING • . 15 PER CENT. FROM THE PACE OP EACH BILL, 20 /='!e.4. CENT. ON ALL PUIWIL:IB , E ! 9 IN MR FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. TOUTM' AND CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Thle Department has been n Specially with us tide year. We hare had manufactured the Largest and Best Assortment of Row' Clot Mug to be found In the elty;all of which Is now ,for cafe at OREATLY REDUCED PRICES. A RARE OPPORTVN [TY TO ) FIT ol 7r THE ( 'IIII,DREN Wednesday, December Ist, Store will bo ckponedearly;and closed late. About [SEVENTY-FIVE SALESMEN will belt' attend anoe. Prompt and polite attention will be given to all. No enspoper will be unsupplied, if any Rea Almada Accommodation of Prices will induce Ititit to buy. - • • WANAMAXER & BROWN, S E. CUR. SIXTH AND MARKET STS,, PHILA, WILL UI MADE 1'44 4,VN .k 1 sToll WI LL ltE-I)PEX \VE \VIM, h'El.l A I.I.ENT()WN, P:\ ~ AZ,E MI To bo in Every Respect it Duplicate of the '5400,000,00, AT ALL HAZARDS, TO MAKE OF ALL THIS cLoTurN(; TEM SALE. COMMENCES OAK-HALL BUILDINGS, {OT 11., ST R EET,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers