. Ebt Ttinqh Accotv. ruuLloilEb EvElo HOBERT IREDEI,I., Timms, 1.2.00 A. 44 YEAR IN ADVANCE. No paper discoutinued until all arearage , are paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this °Nee. Subscribers about removing will idea,e send us their old address as well as the new. E CITY R e MON' al 'rite publientitin Miley of tlw Li ti wit 1{1:o -isTrit hag been removed to the Register Stationery Store, first floor, 'Hamilton Street, two doors above Sixth, hi the building formerly occupied Yomm k Lent? Dtlapd Owing to a seriotts neeklent in our taller the issuing of tin 11t:oom•t:tt wa4 eonshterahly tn layeti. Chrilitalas Celebratiun Jordan Union Sunday School will celebrate Christmas on the evening of the Inst. Friend, of the school and others are cordially invited to MEE ; , '(,le of Bank c(urk One hundred and one shares of Allentow n National Bank stock will be sold at mildly ,ale at the American Hotel, on Satunlay;,launary 1-t. See advertisement. Too Late for l'oblirotioo 'like communication of .1. S. 11. upon a very important matter NVIIK received too late ter publi cation this lveelt. It shall receive our attention and support in our next Book :Igen! Minted Wanted, 0 good reliable agent for the sole of one of the most popular and at the ,11110 thee 111051 valuable works ever pohlWled. the REOISTEII Book Store. The Nem Butilding There arc a limited number of share 6 in I he Union Saving and Building A,..,oeiatlon that have not been sold, that eon be üb,cribed for by apply ing to Elias Mertz, Hamilton shove Eisht h. Oreyits fur Cuientihg 1l nr..ra paper,: of every kind, drafting materials, sta tionery for tattles, penknives, -rib-ors, razors and pocket books can be found in variety at !retielt's Stationery Store, In building formerly occupied by Young t Lentz.—Atle. Leg Broken While the children of the Filth Ward School were playing, on Monday afternoon, a lad named John Schaffer, not of Andrew Schaffer, land hls leg broken by Lila sled conning in contact with that of another boy. Virottorril htt.v an extensive china and glassware estab lishment where as great a variety and ng low prices enn be found ns In the larger cities. IV. refer to the new store of Richard Wnlher, No. 40 West ihnnllton street.—Ade. New Hat (id Cap E. It. Mathews has opened a new hat and cap store at No. 23, North Seventh street, near the old Allentown National Saul:, where lie in selling so cheap that everybody call afford to buy a new hat and cap. Give him a roll amlhe satis ❑c,l.—Aar Religbm ObotePvil litY IT eh Extensive preparations nre bring made in the Reformed, Lutheran, Episcopal and, tyc sup pose, In the Catholic churehe,, to have a proper observance of Christmas Day. In the prme,tent churches sunned the Sahhath School Children are undergoing an extra coarse of instruction is psalm singing and the services on that day will he very Interesting. The churches will have the as.aal decoration of evergreens. Loan.. .cold At it meeting of the Allen IluiMing told Loan Association held lust NVeduesday evening, lir the Sixth Ward, ten loans were sold at the fol lowing premiums, to wit : Two ni ;-In. live at $l7. and three at S5l per loan. At a meeting of the Penn Loan A•iiciat ion held on I%londity evening at Reinter's Ilall, nine shares were sold, three at *.:)1). live at :111,1 ~Ile 60.50 premium-. la (he Cold Wroth, advances every one feels no inclination to in dulge to a glass of good ale. To get really n good article drink none but \Vise's. Wise is the name that has hecome popular wit t all who delight in a social glass, and we are pleased to learn that his ale Is so well patronized, even by persons liV log at remote points of the county. Thu, is it ever that home made manufactures by honest deal ing meet their own reward by meriting success. Muhlehborry At a meeting of the Doan' of Trustces tt Muhlenburg College. held at the airy of thou. It E. Wright, Rev. D. W. Henkel, of Stroudsburg Monroe eonnty, 'With appointed agent to take it charge the permanent endowment of the College Mr. Ilenkel In represented as an intiefatigahl worker, and as he has always. met with stereo' we have every reason to believe that Mithlenhar will also he sueeessfal. .\ Hell Zl , llllVti, kill Ilan. till ( . 111 . 1,1111:1, rte. • lil.Nl:i dr r \ ir. ii )111.1.1i:li , ttitt N .\ bolter till aii hilt wore stolen !rout the , .5 grand fair and h•-tival in In lie liclti ,in mar, - leading t;; l ' ogel a. Shirer ' - In -.hop mi NI, 3 ei d , splendid new I Lill. hi Miller-toa maiii the. NVYillli .dirt' l Cruilil,. el eilim • of Nen . I'i : tic ', Dyy. a tol all Ille Flltlitalta TI„. Ati,.„,,,„„ NA,,,,,,t thud: 1„,i,1, t l , „„. tttatt.,y i•vehihit• h0.i.., it,. dale. - .11, :mil tilt utiai electi o n ,litittht,r I WI, hetn . een the Maw, .t. the l''''' ' ' ' ' ' ' l- I'l he "Pr ill ' i I" the I'll'llit of the A ialliina Elti•llita leiOty a that place. rhe •wri: pi u. In. ;nal - 2 p. in. 1),,,,10 U' 1),,,,11,,1. it ii,,, sixth Iv , tr a . has .1 . 1,,,ri1l airt Etney artiri, ir.n 7 l ,,, rn 1., ~,,,r ~1 heeti committed to 1,,,;-;;;; is ti m.„,,,, ;if ~,,,,,,,, , ;;i n . preparation fir mouth , . and N. iiC litalerstaidl, for aris-ing 10, family% . large and attractive. compri , ing the noial knicl,- , : kivick , a aimilar hazaart. tin 111-0 Inc-,etalrett l'il,ter, proprit . lor of the NV)) . Y,11 . 1t Pity i ' , . ' T .. , .. Mamma"- . . I try Cia;,l , shire of .5 Hemmen, ha. ..tamed a Iltill- linen, '''' f '''''''" w " l- '• .'". . ' - ' vnons Ir-n'inni and ile'orvillg ,excels, illli i ~i ' 1 1 1 , stidre, on Broad Street, Bethlehem. will be liheralliz patronized. The tioial mirth ' John Trambower \ViIS arrested in Allentown . ' proyolsing aeemnpaniments of :melt li•-iival, -moll and taken to Philadelphia. charged with forcing as the grah-bag, pia-allies, hi--lug peel, cyti - y the name itt W. M. Allen on a check for S' o r, lly obi fa , liitin of proclaimiu , ale, from fortune teller.a:c., will he on hand 11, We are hi g , , iorinto. anot ner newitaittire in connection t aere the ,arcet conic' , I- 'till maintained hi Allentiiii . n. , ;; id, will 1,, an s n, oo gift enterprise. the prizes to but the ''Sle i' "'"`l° novel by' "'tug the """"1" be of a varied and ii,eftil character. and the Ind:- language ouly. et , to be .-01,1 at :40 cents each. The lottery trill ' ,Pile Heading Ibt . iiroad us, , isse exclusion , be dr:111 . 11 duritcy the Fair. a , -timid, the liliht•ltit lintel' ,111 the imilii line anil all it , branch,. hi- are ~,,, , i. eluding the Sant Pennsylvania, gent from the 21th - • of liceetnlicr, to . the 3d.of .lannary. _ st:tv it.til.no.tit... The Lehigh Sacitgerbtabl, as.istc;l Its the Where there i: , intich smoke there mn,t be Germania Singing Stalely ~r Lit.t. , l. 1111,1 OW .11- 1 , 01110 Ilre, and a great deal of muilla• in helllg raked lemon:, Cornet Band, will tilt, a eantitiet in Ilte v,, , ~ ~,,,,. e,,,,t„ , lit the w es t, ki,t Aii,,alawa. .. Court litztte, on the e‘aiing of Deeetiiher 11l 4. New Yorkers have di,covere.l that their only rear Last dveck :51 1 . . C. A. I/tirney dvent to lir Matt i We,tWaliti lien nll . OllOl this city. NO Mattel' 104,11111 g ti here. he bind hell' informed, lila stolen where they go to Allentown I- bound to be the Mir, and the thief uould ' lsii,„ latent. Upon ;ark- , point at which ill railroad , front New York to the Nal or Mr. thalley titer,', the ,mien property wits NV, , t tuni,l encape from the mountaiiis. It fornin iiscertaincil to belong to Jame, De P iller- "i (ti -v part of the 'went air line. When the l'ort Clinton titiviiship, Berl., totally. and 'l l optini Road 1, taimpleted and in extended to The practice a ',egging is carried to suchtil 'te ull I a t tattl,ali IllllllSt he ti,11 . 110 Oily, we will hate an extent in this city that ti l in,giiing I, one ..ith.. a route watch 110 other railroad can compete with lwayie,t nixe , upon generous inhaled Po o P le • hi point of time. as the Iliffer , lice In tattooer can We are appealed t o tit. all ,tilei for roler• men• ha he tirerettlllo , by lie la-le•I running miginen., .are ohject , ii . lileli be , peati for themselves their that non Ito con,tructial. character. and there are 0tia.,,,, which at be,t,, Then. another road, 14,1011 1;111 save eiglitceu tie con but doubt their worthiness. There t.- the mile- hetlVeoll this, city and New . York. is, being aid., of a brave ,uldier, carrying letter , of re- Itathletl tlll . ollgll. it shots at NeNvarld and IS to collallelltaltal. app . :11111g for money to hell; her cons: the 1)0111),:ire tit \ !Ilford, thence running tip on lice tray. There 1, the traveling iire,,repair,- Duri n creek to thi, place. . The eost of rile man. whit %sant , throe dollar , :111 110111' for wool:- • road, itieluding graduation, saper,true(ure, iron ing, or. if pill Ettlll,o to pity -awl{ Witv, :1,1:- you ' i i ,,,. 0, , t rill ii i i itii.ooo,(oo, tint' i.)1,11ta1.11t10 litlit if y,,ilt , ill allita a Mall to gin from you, door, him- bean alio, nil for iaiiiipuirtit. The road ha , been gry anti whether yell ‘1,11 . t clue kiln a ipiarter tit ~.:,, meted f, , the tthe ,., limit-. ett a °tie s et ,. vet ,onie a1p..., TI ,r, T. lite stamen, l'i - 1 110 `lye 11 ill, El s tall 111t,1:1112, Ridge to SIIIIIIIIII, IS aliallt In i' v erY l i 'a illle • i l l, ' lili- tin dd . ' to ler , tont ire completed. The road I, more favorable for freight , are •= 1, " 1 or h --11 I . " -HI , ..r. ,- In ff... her till "r mud tip. et' thall any other between here and New 1 . ; , , , , ; ~ , , , B". ' ''' ' ''''''''' '' ''''' l''''''' In. vi of a ' 111..' " ` d ;iN York. They have no u r.oe agaitint trade exceed , who iii-i-t , upon showing 10 , 1.1.1..0ti. ,ear-; anti I Idg fait) feet to the mile and 110 eurv.iture exece.l - man without 1- y en or even I l leci , lo Put them , ing six. degree , . The roail is built muter the BIII , PIeSR NI fi »geg. . - i 11l I :111,1 the trinity tVitli aix small children, the charter of the Pasnalo Valley and Pioparld Rail- Messrs. Kline & Itt;cli hare .s.thl their chitin ' ldddi -1 not a ye.tr old ; ;nni thc proil,lonal tramp. road, nail application trill be made. for permission mud utwennivare ;yore. No. 4 . NVi.,l lin iiillion , till ol l l i illiiil l t 4 to Y our `P li l dl l illil, Who; under to bridge the lielaiyare . anil extend the road to Al street, In B. R. Fogleman. Mr. Fogleman nill such licart - tialdill l 4\ ..igill..li, eau keep hi , Ill ii llYY lenlown. continue the 1i1t:4111,3a, ttritthtetiatti S. I'. Newhard. , anti, :it the 'aim; time, not do-, hi, h i .,,,, , ~, ~,„ Another road, Irony lottiit Clare through aloe und during last Wert: the stock tilt very greatly out , ltle world I 'nu , thin 1 . ; a litil , ama.. Far ii-town, and thence 113 . an easy route to Eat-tint, Is increased hy purehtiscs made la l'hilatlelphia. I . ',Ater would it be if oar poor law, tined no twire :at rBrtiog eon-Minable attention. .1t a meeting Their friends are assured that their stileli of elilna ; a, headily an they mot - ;10 Ifiliat could accomplish , held at 51orriatntwn, the other evening, great en- Ware, Ile/glllll and Bahellllllll glaSSWare, rte., Will the total abolishment of this walking tilt-cry' front tllll,lllhM was, manlfe , ted over the project„ mid be maintained us large us any other In this eliy. the street: and)syyc lit from having our money line: Kw:peels are that SlOO,OOO, the amount asked Mr. Edwin Clump, of the firm of sloaserdV. Camp, , , peat ill dram 1;1101, by' drunken vii-iralit,.; while for from tile Lids cii: i) f ithit place, will he ruined has sold Inci Interest In the foundry ~,,,1 mac.hia, I h i.ue-1 poor told needy are loft alone to unfree witbont tiny difficulty. TliL;',:mtithto titt,T, nit : sllOll to Messrs. Benjamin Boil; and Charles Italie.i or have the backs of [lie philantliroplt , turneil ready 8800,1100 pledged to the road ; froth other An Saturday evening the retiring member was i "P o " them ill ,cream. " Ila n- " f II "' ' 11""'; Their o b )° ,11 "` l'"h" will "I'" he Alle"- Tresentetl by the employes with a itautbom , l'alle. , i Pr , r ;_es , lonal Legg. - . 1 , ;own . is' . . • Lytherwo ,•11,14 1 / 1 11r fur 1t370 We have received at the hands 4,1 K. Brobst, a copy ut tin Lutheran Church Alma sac, for 1810, published-in accordanee tt ith special request or the l'consylvania S c rod. 114 sides all the usual almanac calculations, It cull tains'a multitude of articles of. religious interest a list of Lutheran institutions, a clerical regisit embracing the names and re,tidenees of all th Lutheran ministers in the United Stales, Lutlwra Synods In America, a list of Lutheran nubile. Bons, etc. It in published by Bev. S. K. Brols. Allentown. ('omplirncne , ry I'rrxrAhr/i,.0 One day last week, during the absence of l'rest. Hotford In Philadelphia, the young ladles of the Allentown Female College prepared a feast, and upon the return of the President ushered hint Into the hall selected for the occasion, and pre sented him with a gold headed cane bearing the inscription,'' Presented to Rev. W. It. Milford by his pupils, Member 25th, 18fin." The presenta tion speech was made by Miss Lichtenwalner and responded to In fitting terms by the recipient. after which the collation was partaken a. 4 Splendid Pio no Llnderman & Son's Gold Medal Cycloid and Square Pianos rank, among the finest Instruments in the country. 'their lirlillancy and fullness of tone in not surpassed by a concert grand piano at double the price. More Instru ments of thin celebrated make have been sold In Allentown, Lehigh and adjoining counties than of any other manufacture. They can be u,ed many yearn and not become airy, as mii.l other piano, do, In only a few yearn. Conte and examine them at C. F. Herrmann's Store, Seventh and Within Mu r' Motel' Un Wedneethty some thin' broke into the Eagle Hotel stable, gaining entrtive by m retailing Millie pad look. and stole therefrom a valuable mare belonging to Mr. Will. .51eger, one oftln hotel proprietOrs. Early the next morning the mare made her uppearanee by walking into the stable yard, much to the pleasure of Mr. Sieger. As the animal Is a very wiciuu, 1/11C, and 11,104011 S not Ilking'lhe minim:ly she was ht. It is supposed else broke loose front the thief a n d roomed tither right NI owner.—Net".. The novelette printed on our ,upplement n eapltni story and those wls, read It kill he Ltlily entertained. It Nt ill he otutinited In our Ain! 1 , 11,0 w Cot $ S. .1. Itoover, a resident or this agent for the Engle Seale IVor orPhiladelphia, left Al lentown In the - .2:10 I. St. train, on Friday last, ar - parently In good health and when the train ar rived at Part. w,i,binoon hr nay seized with a sudden nitadi e 1 :111 4 , 1 11 111 4 1111111,11:11 p deat h. At Ilse ntinttal election for officers of Ilarger V. NI.: held at Nto‘onie AllentoNvn, nu NVeflne-:lay evening. 111 folloiving ollieer. were elected to ,erve for III!. ensuitiv. NI:,0111p vim e"tutwereine neNI V. M.—Bro. George Eranilti 11".—Bro. E. B. Young'. .1. IV.-111 . 41. Jamos B. Ttcw,ler. 'rregv..—Bro. Aaron 'Pros ell. Sue.-11n.. Ednimltl I). tawall The following oilkors »;cre vleutel sit nulled meetitit; the LehhAl Lodge. No. :;91*., .1. Y. NI.. 1101t1 II 'l'r.•sl.•rtotrn. ;Ili, co m ity• Tile,:lay. :—IV. NI.. 11. 11.. I lartzull ; F. W. 11, 11. Fogel': .1. W. Slmon Kerr ; \\*. 11. ti•rrclnry• Jame.. I). Schell. ider;,,tl Arunwieht., ns>.•eaurnt for Intrrnal Kronur for • Vith I)i , triot of Pcon,ylvanio, fol the month of =9 le.zach.A. ruceii.N Or. i-1.'120.87 tiOnteco:kllll cit:ars T0ta1F..,!4,0111.91. A —..t....t11.•tit by ettabli.— 1. , .t .C.t. \t .ti._. lit ry. licuit,tt, letzacit, t,:rt , .... ret`elitt -.. t I u ' ..'1.1 , 1....'l if.!2,745.115 t , .1.:te0• and eitar-.. ...... -1, - 115.9'2. 1:1,:;76.71 fcrmenteLl ligli.N. ..... ... fiS7.3s '2:39.00 C-,i1191l• 101 . .`:uCrluln•l . . .... , " . 2.1,010.91 1 . ..,1111,11.• for Not 0n 1 vr.19; , ........ I':.:i'J.Ul \ • ILrrc'l nn hicrea, ill OW rtil of laNzllioll above eXilitill ,pc:ll.. welt fel ellieleeey ettervy of the pre,ent IG it tilt l'lt pc). Ne.rt Weel, According to custom no paper will he is- Sited from this Mike next week. This is done to allow our hands a chance to enjoy Christmas week. There may be much said in condemnation of this practice, there is certainly lunch that can be said In its favor. We issue with this number a sup plement which, we hope, will la sonic measure compensate for the loss of one number of tlwlltm- ISTER. The Rory it contains will he found' well worthy of perusal. For 1870 we shall endeavor to bring every effort to bear to make the REGISTER more readable than ever before. As its financial condition continue , to improve we shall feel warranted in increasing our expenditures for the Intnellt of our readers. Nye contemplate, however, no enlargement, though our cohnus are now overcrowded with advertise ments. An Ihue REGISTER hemmed inure and more appreciated as an advertising medium, we shall increase our.rati•s fur advertising and thus Induce advertisers to make known their particular siivel shies in a smaller cotnpas,. Thk plan will result advantageously to both re: vh •r an advertkor : the reader will have more that i. o i lers-link to peril, and the papi•r will he more carefully read. inelud ing the Of blisillt`,S Our pro-perity duriny thr pa=t year Ls= Ililly luallyd our tloy,-, of Ir friend-. -l v toruito; out iir-A-Plas , wort: ;out `, It crew wan hi- nioncy's worth, we have !Milt 111 , a large Job printing Ivitere here tofore comparatively nothing had brio done. We have no way of :t:wertaining the exltet :Inn dint of miverti.ing done in the 10'J:it'll:it during but Ire e , tiniate that the amount charged on Our book, during l ltU will treld.. that of the previou. year. Our in”de uvory gratifying iii•rea,e during the.year and tome have every rett,on to believe it will be further added to during the cooling year. ha, hero 1,k%l with a Wry lleaVy iperra , l of rspcudi re. Vc ,0111,1 1100 hope tu. Make the ItEtil,Tl:l{ 111,1% without. incurring IIeNV UN1,'11,L . ,. •ar ago we loci]: up the eitiaciatcd frame n orl. of payrr. :mil it riquirril not (slily a large itutotti'll • money. I.ltl 1 drul of labor, tituttlitt 11111 to impart to it the 0111 Slhic•h til riiitritetcrizvil it iii forint r 51513,.. i,stie ty a paper a Lich. to ,:ty the haul. era are not hawed of, and ,Bich roco.tnized at home and woad a- ono of ILr 1,10-t We caili,l chive ‘‘ill14)111 a 1,, uur urcr-valitvd tcho have ,toted from Lilt 11ps be -1114111 11, 1111i1 acts of Throw:sherd the clitire county mt. have latty tv;mil friethl,tthl hearty ,Ilititorter , ttllHt tented ill our -tlict•ttit-. and they ltVer haVe large place allitti,tl lo them lit Ilit• of the editor of the ItEld , rt:it. It is :1 dela (hot et S. ,The r knot- of t 100 o . ry a-on cr a rc . ditlictill to rot,ty. tort ter alty;ty , hold the JUu for ciermin;rl ion to di.char,r it to 1 1„. 0,,,, 1'kii,,a,•114,i., 1,11111 fnrui•Lrd tcilh all Ihr illilli . ol . lllllooo 0011001 . 1111 , 4 Ilu- I'Ulihel'l. and ;kr, 15•i11, Inadr In ivrri.l rip ; () ~• , :l il7/ Jf r.awß i MEE 1'3.7 :',10.50 !!1).:25 ,G. s , 16.00 57.r.11 129.01 7,:a I.;;0 BEBE 1/i~nlhu~~ 'liYe it bail Ili \\ lilt.' _ _____ - - • •• • -- - • . . • , • I , I, Eli I( 31 II It FA ;- - ISTER, A_ 1 , 11.M 1 O WN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER . 22, 1_869. Tu Our ?'al, m Our Job Punting Department anti our thr4i -0., Office WILL NOT lir. during 'holiday Those who wish maul: done will lind us to do it promptly and 511 the Imve:t rote, nt which it ran be tillor.lea, 11 persons desiring to settle their aueolitit , ',III arentillnodated 10 n soli-torture manner. norl I;:xtate Change, )Ir. .1. Zitonteriittut sold it house im.l lot situ ate at FiUlt and Litalea 1.1 J. It. \VBIII, for f'2.170. .Il,illll Gl,l'lllllll 11111:11:0.C11, ou S:1111111:ly hl , l, at public sato, the frame lion,e and lot of Catlmrlne Cl.•ulcr, tlit ii. till Linden ,t eel above Sixth, for *l1.1"50 Win..l. Craig, of Catasauqua, purchased from Wm. F. Yaeger a farm of :12 aereti. situate on the Weaverevllle road. about one mile foul ('at.•trnu qua, for $BOOO. Win. J. Craig sold to \V..I. Clark a frame house and lot in Cat:team - ma, for 81100. E (:( )l `NTY I= Ut I n violin strings, violins, guitars, flutes, etc., or any other nrtiele belonging to musical in :trunients, eon he bought cheaper than anywhere else, nt C. F. .Nlt,if• , I=l Iht l'ritlay In , h a man namua \\'w. of shoi.Low, the charge of having thrt•att•twd to 1.111 Mr. Lull IC r:weu vtl,l lII= Ott Saturday 13,4, .loreinialt Sloan.:i rt•sithait of South Eo.I n, a . 01111 0 , ,,,, i un i Lehigh run ot or onol la,toutly lallrll Nvhile at wort: het a Bethlehem and rreeman-hurt;. Ili, remain. \ter,. conveyed to lii- home. - Ile tin. about e year, of a 1110 fltmily ram-i-lin2 . of hi , titl'r and In umurn hi- =I '1 . 1u.• stone part or tin. North l'iunt Iron Works, built under contrlet by >lr r Matchett or wa, (.01111.1r.tea lag The -tank ;Ina m•,k-t -. and the hot :me :014 ,tone, me I- nl-c, the et,:ine• Th e 1 ,, b ; iron 1 • ,011. The eumain bring rot-- marl rapidly and Iln• ill hr Ilnkhell in June or July. I= The Fogelsville Sunday School Till hold ils yearly l'ltri,dna , Fe-tival in the church nt (lint phtee on the °relate.; nr Second al II n'eloelt. ,•ntoriain mtnt will coobi,t 14 . ,he(tion inw.ic to be t.niez by the ,11001, be- ide , minibci . of di,ni,"=ll"• npreopli:lte to the ne e,inll null or the ino , t intert,llntt eletnteter, will he d e livered he the Hillard. The telblie is in- N it c.o.'. =I 'Phone persons Ivho contemplate furnishing their lion,: during 1570, can find no better place to hay carpolitos, oil cloth., etc., than lit 'I down, C. Lippiacott',. N0.:f04 North Second et rect, Phil adelphia! They It'll Illid it greatly to heir mlyan tar to !rive hint n call, especially if they do not feel sa rein tritstitoz entirely to their own.indginftt, a, every repre.entatin •of i 1 r. Lippincott eau he relied 11p011. 11= 1,0. those )VllO are puce Col:Men road tho nreiiinc: chapter , or ,tort' hea rine: the nhovo caption in annthc•rp:irt of .oor 14 one of the most original and tit the Done time most tal,mbingly interesting romance- o f Modern time=. 'rue Characters:Lint incidents Sevin real, and the plot of the story so Ingeniously woven that the retailer Is Nein:areal at thin very commnce ment and rein:Linn SO to the end. \Cr :111ri, our rvader% I.e all menu.: to road tho '413‘..1 =I ChnrleS Jones, formerly Len employee in the ItroisTint office, has started a new paper called til , "Weekly Ilecorder, — in the netiri,hint , ..hurntfh Conshohocken. The paler irllly look , tell. 1.111 i. t'ort' nnerestinv 1111/11' 1.1,% ilttcte,t3 it c. 1.1,11,,. lht 31,,11,1,ty. the tint Norri,to,t, lb,alol , i+ t6o editor and proprietor. It tli,play, mnount of eiturvy, out orpri,e %, ill make it tat... • Rol:1111Z\ AT 1 . 11,1:NI X VII,I.!. P,kii . D.4s elf the 120nm . .41t o =II r, 11.'111114z of Dyeenilwr I. 1'69, :old 1111 . ILtin.ll,l oil tiv.• hutitlro.l U. S. 1,11,1. 114111 huthir.',l trt.l.l 55,411 h..- sviOl ellolll.. t,v.) volvot .03..titily of alit I,.‘KOK STOCK 01. sheet music, instructors, blank books, music paper and cards at C.F. Tlerrmann's Musle Store Allentown. —Ada. SE.tI.S ANT) I'ItISSEK Seals and presses for societies, corporations, etc., can he procured REGISTER store at city prices. (11EA1` ItI.OIL A single reed 5 octave organ at $9O. A double reed organ with 5 stop+, at $lBO. .1 powerful organ with 7 stops at $lBO, at C. F. llerr earner of 7th and Waltint.—Ads. A RAILROAD SMASH-VI t ht 111,hxy evening, about 11 o'clock, a coal train ott the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, ran the track a short 'distance this side of Penn Raven. Alm! twenty Cairo were smashed up, a majority of these being piled in a promiscnonK heap. Three men were buried In the wreck. ED AN ODE MINI. Mr. Ilerman Yeager Ilan opened an iron bed on - his property, about n tulle front Centre Valley, which Is sold to be on the best vein of ore In Lehigh county. We understand Mr. Yeager will !sake a fortune out of It. W congratulate him on his good fortune. FESTIN'AI: IN I,,IGELSVII.I.I. A grand musical vitt ertainment will he his ell ill the new School House, at keigelsville, ou the evening of New Year's day, by the Fogels. sills, Zion's and Riegel's church choirs. tinder the leadership of Prot'. 14. I'. Dorablager. .1 splendid st ring band be present. Admission tree. 'l'ho+r wishing to enjoy a rare treat , should iIL • tilt hand on the °erasion. I=l The old Moravian Church at Ennui , is hatid,ffinely decorated with everzreens by the young people of the congregation, and Chrihttnas will he celebrated in the old Style. On Christmas eve c ercises will be performed by the children, consisting of dialogne.t, sloging, etc., prepared by the pastor. music Is also in rehearsal by the orchei4ra. 111.1CSALE OF A BUSINESS STAND Solomon Itorncy will sell at public sale, on at one o'clock, p. in., lil, coach . ..tanking i-tahli , liment anti :t lion, and lot, kith engine lot- attached. in Sietter,.‘ ille, South Whitehall towmhip. titatul i+ an excellent one for Misf ile— of any Liicl end offers Great Inducement- for parelc,cr, There al:m:1111,V , /blek.-1111111.1101 , Jame- N. Yen:rec..% uctloncer. =9 Between 1 and 9 o'clock, yesterday after. noon, it man mimed Crier, eonductor on a eoal train on the North Penn railroad, slipped on'and under one of the ears, nod had both legs crushed. one ahovc and one, below the knee. The train ww, an empty one coming front Philadelphia. The :accident happyned near what is known as "Shanty Hill," South Bethlehem. Amputation was performed. Thy unfortunate man has since died.— I/WM,. Timex, nth inst. =I A stranger was arrested in Newtown, on Saturday Lint, by the constable of the place, and taken before G. A. Jenks, Esq., on. account of having some resemblance to a man described by the Mayor of Newark, N.J., for WHOM he offered it reward of MO, but on referring to the proclama tion he wits described as having "turn up nose," but as the stranger was fortunate in havinga turn doivn nose. lie was relieved front all suspicion and treated ton night's lodging in the town house.— Boris rowdy Intelligrneer. • A German was arrested in this city also, on sus picion of icing the man whom the authorities of Newark are after, but upon the parties coming to Allentown to identify him tiny pronounced hint the wiling man," and Ile was released. COAT. AND NAVIGATION COMPANY The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company have sufficient surplus totake a divideud of four per cent. in January, if it is deemed prudent ; and had It not been for the very heavy loss of business and expenses caused by the dlsastrous freshet of the rah of October : they would have ten per cent. For the future, however, the prospects are iamb ; the Company now lets twillelent ears to 10.000 to,— or w,uk, Ina are a little eltort of motive power. They have two ant:Neil now on the way up, and willopen the Spring trade with ten mare new engine, and 4,000 more ears * than they had tact Spring. The repairs to the C:111111 alone, np to January I,t, will amount io one hundred thousand dollar.•—•/..:rehmiu, I= It has -eldont been our lot to exionine It more eleg.it :c,sortnient of choice fancy artielea foul t Ind 114)W 011 eNIIII4IIIOII 11101 hold at 11. Dixon',, N. gl, South Eighth etreet, Philadelphia. Ills ”toel< emnpri,es n tine di,play of Purim) Lint tad 111:11110 01 . 11111110111», V114)C44, Jardiniere, toilet limey thorinometers, bisqiie figures, cigar case, and holder-, urnainca ko Lark gammon boards, dominoes, :Irv:Nati In ‘i-11 the city, by all 111,11, van all Nr. Dixon. a. they eatinnt fall to Intl at ~.I:o,ll,lititelit many artiele, not to be found 11,11.111 1 3. T the lovatinn, No. 21 South Eighth -treet. between 1111 . 1:0 anti Clo—itott st tilt 111.• =I (hi New Yeur'g Jut there will be a great ,ale of 1101,(,, cagges tilt Laructh ut erfilteti Hatt!, 111 Millerstown. It 6 a :rare opportunity Mr those who wish to 'my good htock. A rattle tar a bear will laic place at the same time, whlcit is likrlt to nit, rise to :i rood deal of sport. On Thursday, December 30th, there is to be a grand hog match at Smith A: croWs, Monterey, Berk- Outlay. There will be a gnessing box operas!. At the sanic time it fax 'elms., will take place.... The animal its walled by Mr. Welder, and the occasion will create great excitement In that neighborhood. On Thurskty, Dee. 301 h, a great bog matelt I. to come. elf at the polite house of James Schwa, berger, at 'Whitehall Station. The porker is of mammoth proportions, supposed to weight :.00 pounds, ! old Judges of weight are already crowd ing the prize box with their" stamps. — On New Years Day IL great rattle Int a splendid spotted horse is to come offal the public house of David Peter. Persons desiring To go lit the oue hone circa, Ints.iness should he nn W11(1111)41 try lair luck. • Iffe= .\ (krill:Ill night school has hven opeileil ul Stvii,Ville, 110 , t.ollllty. The Tiwittob Enzpoeiont stivi•t that apitliett- I j o u trill lit• made at the next session of the New Jersey Legislature fir authority to eon-tract a railroad from Rocky 11111 to the Delaware river at Lambertville. This we presume menus the exten sion of the Rocky Hill Railroad to the river In gnestlon, a project quite feasible. and one which w ill lie of derided advantage to that keetlon of country Appileatlini will also be made for a rail road from rivoitowtoo to the Delaware river, with privilege to build a hrldge over that +Treat❑ :IN tOOll its lilt' assent of Pennsylvania I, obtained. This is understood to lie an extension of the South Branch road, so no to afford another mute to Phil adelphia, in the interest of the new Jersey Central. 'Nile PollsvilleVoitemti published a horrible n w o .,,bout the 1;1,Inuilllii: or a whole family named "Roach, — a few days ago, by an Irish servant girl. It created a great seitit ion. It turned out that the Roaches were ettek-roar/tes, andt the girl was found guilty of Justillable '• bugleitic." The Quakertown ➢adrpeiolelf, whose career was eat oil' untimely by the Sheriff two tar three wse b s sin , has b r oi l born again under the title of the li,'ei' Mirror. New material. hits been pro f cured, land it presents a good appearanue. Eph raim L. Cope and Hubert 1., Cola' are the twoprie tors, and R. 1.. Cope :anal St ephett T. Kirk editors. Both di the editors now reside in Doylekown, mid both are lawyers. Mr. Kirk is also County Super intendent. The paper Is to be devoted to polities, literature. home ilitlin , and news. As to polities, the publishers declare their faith 111 t.' DenaeNry," promising to sustain its 'lloll . 'loes and in eXpOne the errors and da11114121, Of 0111,041114 lloetrimcs.— Bo.•kx ro. hitettitotrer. The Ikthlebent Iron Co. has given notice that a reduction of from ten . to fifteen per rent. ill lie made in the wage, of their employe, on I he of January. • John J. Roth, the noted horse thief, who from Easton Jail, about three innuOs it , zw itt,,V wit, recitultireil In 11,111 a. broke Jail 111411111 Wit 6,llunlay eight. There will be u ball qt H. L. :111pulples, Nt.•ehool., oa 111 , oh Ikmnplber AIM. ANOTllini HORROR IN , COAL . MINING-11011FIER WALLOWED UV AND 'rflE occuwarre KILLED OR itenNEn A distressing calamity occurred at Stockton about two miles thin side of linzelton, on rtotti r tiny morning last, nbout 5 o'clock. A coal mlne eared In, tilling the abaft Lind tunnebwlth etmr -111008 masses of enrth and completely untying Oro large houses, with all their 111111111i1 , 11, a n d 'clink.. ing:np the entranced° the mine. 'As the houses were erualted and broken, the fire to the stoves 01111 moan leafed to the anthers and the tlnmes eawooloql the whole mow:, horning In death t Immo of the vletlins whn hful. ❑ot been 1:111A outright. The Beetle• WILR otiolerriblo to heitoitl Alarm Isitreakt among the the neighbors, and fur nthire and goods lvere r011101:1211, as It wit,. not known how soon t heir names might share the fate of (hove who bat the night before had rot trod to sloop, with not n thought of 111010 impending doom. It Is ',portal thel4• were 401111' lIIInI'C4 In the Mines St the time end these, it IS ',Moved, wer, (•11111, Icilled or Kulfiwatell. Ten Ilvem are k.etwn to have been lost, and It Is feared °them have also perished. It adds another !terror to the chapter of mining accidents which have or eorreil lu that region within thepast few months. John Cooper, who resides at Stoekton, left there 9.101 later Me 0 ,tirrenve anti brought her hild-ren to the restilenee ea her Olther, Ur. Tllgh uuul Martin, ill tills city, on Saturday evening! Stiln wllsll.lo4llalll by rOlll.O 01111 that her house wits lu nn danger, and she therefore_ made no pre- liana lon to leave, but soon after the ininerit Warn ed tier of ihr situation, and upon examination nhc dlsruvr•red that the rear and front Ivan:: were entekr•d :Intl titatiltere ovldr•ntlr danger in remaining longer In the house. The nelglshont rolltiered curry nsnisinin•r In I,llloVing The Ilazenon Iln, companies wereon and did good service, but they Nvere tunable to sl4vo the burning buildings mid their occulmili,,. tonlorstnnil the mines, which are known ns t lie East Sugar Loaf, are owtivtl by Messrs. Lin dernmn Skeet . , shnd were formerly owned by 1.1 Packer. We hope It luny he the anal of NOIIIO st•vvry legislatioti at Ilarrisharg regulating tutu int; uperatietts. I Ite disasters which have earned the Woad or Inman livings and cast so murk misery anti mourning Ilium our fe•1Iow have been the re9ult nreeunem which the LIII!IIIM= wor,u than criminal neglect, and we hope our Legislature, lu Justive to the v111%1'104 of our State, will so regulate the distance .from the surface at which mining can I.e carried on, that we shall hover hear In . 1 he future of such a calsca Hy as the ithove The follou•Ing additional particulars nre from a ollttpatelt dated the !Silt:—Stockton Is it lag.. situated on the Ilitzelton branch of the Le high Valley .Railroad, two talk, distant from llazellon. It enntaltim many very neatly built howtes and other buildings, the Company's. stores :aid the hotel !wing lite prittelpsl _structures. 'rho Company employs aboul 1,2110 inlners, who make this their home. Th, mine nuns parallel with the railroad track through the village About 7o feet aterve the place of Saturday :s tied- Mont tlio :nine eavvd In some pears aigo, hut 110 (11I11ger 11111111 hns .\llOlll I. yi•lll . Sngon. II hole Was made by 1 ht. ,11' the eitilli .111 . ..et1y lit front e the two 111-filll.ll 111111N1,1. The residents of 111111,11'S Nll,, :11'11111 1,3.1 r. Phillip Willll,llll, MS (Wilily 1111dlooarderh:11110 Ihr 111.111 Ily of 31r. tori•lgi and hoarders,tw, ,need front II terrible death by it singular 111,11111KiIIIIre. A r. :\ 0rr1..1 :mot: e t ht• Its pvt,lsh•nt howling and harking iht•aneu t , O t he pur pogo iallSeert 11111111 g a•httt 1111 M alarm ;old the lau Wlullhw hail Imrely lime to Nittr Wotherait, running the NX ruin; 1,11, , G• 11 htto ;thysn, hut thus sub 11,1,1,1 ce.111,1.4 ... 111P11. She 1. S.1111.•NVIIIII i11 . 111501i 111111 prostrated fr.llll exoltemeill :Cud b‘dekvill I,i:over All it lay re , 1.11•W54,1N05..1;t11116 liopeleKsly i 1..• lulus. 'Hwy ink %%lb'. a , kpl of 01 ywars, (laughter of P.:years, :I , lollff right 11101 3111 illtllat. MIN 1,1111 piked one filmlly. The other voilsisletl or Mr 1,111,: POIIIIII, 11 111111 1111 1110111! 1".1 Is laal:cs I 'r l" It is n•port,4l jilt ~.111,• 111,11 Ic. :I• 1111131 . HIM` 311 111.• at•vidcitt, and a1i,110.0,tc.11) . dealt. 11111 Illy ril.rt L, v.•ry doubt I II I. ir /id 0111110 A 110 1:A01.11 to ally 101111 1 4 0 :i11111 , 11 . 10 Si/ for II lids (.11111 I relleli 1).1104 111 1110 TllO i • ilVI . I , 7.1 Ibol %vide ;Mil 1 , 01 lit. 011,111111 :, the ill tht• .i•t .•.12,i lie 1.1 %VW , ‘,ll 11.4 . grUllllll, nud 111111 111.010 rri•l y t•>.rrliuu tai eS11111:11101 the lire 11111/.• lhnt NOllle I.i Ihr prI,OIIS f u the Cave =I der- , ‘,lkJ was not, howe'ver, the faintest probal,lllty to any being ally° one hour a.tor the aryl lent 1‘,13i Place, as all Wert, hurled I, tint. Lulea ~art h. Tito ezchemeut Is very etesit. reettlies lit this t ielutiy arc MOVIng out Iltidr laai , es, heating that their! , Will melt In nest. 'sneer Is . 110 danger of thu, millet; taking I,lad..ralan nod alcuar arrivcalat the A4,11‘• of tin , . alsa•dvr title afiernOcia. are spnria4 an pain , tin •••••are thobodies us Speedily as Tlicact.l.lellt hy worltittg tilt. Itreitst lu Iltv c•.111..t . 3y tilt, twat' litt• Itittler the Isott, , , tilt., Irving tinily almitt ts,.•ltty Wet M . stutt.t• wltt•re It rut rd ill. I Intl} of IWrSIIIII4 11111 11 . 111• Ii N 14.1.• 1111011,1111 N/ a <lllll6ir 11.ilv. NVllel , it U1.'1141111.1 . ..f till• 1,111 . 1)/11111a.ltlivt • tt any. ~ver work:. lit, Pulpit nprrmit.ll...ll , ilt tit.m . the Qttri;,..... .11,4 1....4‘...1 a 1..0.14)4 11—...tituvia .4 llolidu) t.. 1.4 r.....iming .4 a baulk.. tint it Luc. , tad I.itor , Cullnr. euhlwariug Puial. Puiulupliqua, (rein Thrond. Ifrul Slut tie. nod a 1.... ;In 1,,11eul u...o.lutent .4 Im4/41.43 Loo , Th. , ... In ....urch of Chri•una. , Pre...4a• Canns Out oily 111010 iIC,I/1111.1i. gift. Sru ladle,. thou ure oulluar.ll in one largo. unol var1...1 41.41, of InOtlouuld.. gond, We win Wvie.lllll' 10 It enter It, this deilltrillient nay lielli , of Sunday Sellout new= front any and ' S• P. ?V EIV II A BD. • ,1,1711 every part ttl the enmity. Pastor i a4therintend. rute and teaeltertt me reque•ted to IN biliribllie Mat- S IZ . EN (;LEAI A N • ter of Sunday•Sehool Imputative. All vontioni. • 1 , 1,1.1, IN eIIiIMIR should be ad C d oresreedp to HI 1. A IV ki ,Tho r,ondlng Secretar, C lF Lehigh County Sunday School As•neintion, II h: LW I. I N.s. 80HR.111.1.21' 1.1 LA SSW ARE, Po=t Oftlee box 291, Allentown. ORIGIN OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS. • ' LAVA \VA HE• Sunday Schools were formed about the' PARIAN NIARBLE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. year 1781, liv Robert Mikes, a printer in Gloucester. 'Business leading hint into the NO. -I WEST HAMILTON ST.. suburbs of the town, inhabited by the lowest class of the people, he was struck with nston• .1 I.LENTC)W N, PA. ishment at seeing a group of children, miser- ''"'''''''' ably ragged at piny. Ile was Informed that c A ry on Sunday the street was filled with a multi- i , rude of wretches who, having no employment iiP THE BEST AUTHORS on that day, spent their time in noise and riot, playing at chuck, cursing and succoring. To IN' PAPER COVERS, cheek this deplorable profanation of the Lord's FROM 15 CENTS UPWARDS. day, he engaged four women, who kept dame schools, to instruct as many children as he should send them on Sundays, in rending and , the church catechism, for which they were , to 'l A . , Il' T l' N ILI A' IND' _.4.,_ .l I receive one shilling each. In a short period , a a visible 'improvement was effected both, in . T BO() the ma mOI nners and orals of the children, who , . r ..I T now' Mlle in large numbers ; they • attended . . ? church with their mistresses, and n great twiny , M • . •XEIIICAN AND LONDON, learned to read and say their catechism. ' .. Such was the origin of the Stitday schools PROMTIVE CENTS UPWARDS. in England. Numerous schools, formed on the some model, sprang tip in all the principal • towns, and a society, under high, patronage, T 't• Desks, was formed in London in 1785 for the estab- 11 '111 (I lishment and support of Sunday schools throughout the kingdom, which In fourteen . years expended £4OOO in payment of teachers. • EVER Y STYI:E AND PRICE. The Sunday school found its way into Scotland as early as the year 1782 ; but it wns not till • ---- 1786. when the Society for Promoting Religi- A NEW STOCK O" ous Knowledge among the 'Poor was formed, that it was publicly recognized • when the ~ K • , Gratis Sunday School was formedthen schools Oeket BIN es, became general. At first they met with con- siderahle opposition from portions of the en-' elcslitstieal courts, but they are now supported by all the churches. - Sunday School Unions exist in Edenburg . , Glasgow, Mid most of the • - • ,•ic. I , ••• ••• ' , '• large towns. In Ireland Sunday Rehm& have BEAUTIFUL POUT-MONNAIES, POCK been partially anticipated in County Down in ET BOOKS, LADIES' WORK BORES and 1770 ; but it was not till 1785 Soil the system „,_, „ , ..,,,„,,,,, mud pursued by 3lr. 'Nikes was adopted, since 1,-;'-'3"?.."1"-" , every • huaginabh; article which its history hat 'been' analogous to. that j kept In a fancy goods and stationery store, of England. The Sunday School . Society for suitable fur Ireland wits established in 1809.' • - Sunday schools.were introduced into New . CH ittstr NI A.S. PItE i SENTS - , York in 1810, through the exertions of smote, benevolent ladles, from which theyhave spread ' T • . themselves throughout. the United States. iLi i yam yls c,1111(111Q 11 They are now to be fottml NyitttVOYf,i' Pin ttti-.. !,, 1- itt 1' 7 4/4X/ 1 4 1 W , ji . O.Q-K r yi,vxwi-J, finiat {Pad rierinon hingungu t . ern apoken. 415 F4A1 4 1 1 HAMILTON STREET, , -They thrive vigorously in Ow Prnteinant 1 . • churches of Frilllf.P. Will Illpr 7f.ently WO . ALLENTOWN, I Lehigh tl' la Simian" School 111. lelligenee. --- been introduced Into Italy. Of -the number of teachers and scholars who assemble every Sunday, no correct estimation can be formed, ' but it is. stated That there are in the` United Kingdom abed- 100,000 teachers nod 3,000,- 000 scholars. Sunday schools throughout the world have done an immense anionnt of good. They have • brought many children to their Saviour who otherwise wouldhaVe been lost, from the time they were first organized until the present time, which is now about eighty-eight yenta. SAPIENTIA. • , + • , Amory all the attraiittfons and ladneettlents to buy. offered by other and newer elothingllol.l , M in Phiin. de/Pilliii that the old established concern of • Rocklin' & Villson not otily holdo Ils own. hot keeps pace with ell the modern Improgamento. actual') taking the load In most of theta. Their "(treat Brown IlnU" to stocked fromba,ment to roof with eyerythiug that eau be called for, Itt men's :fed bop,' wear. Purchasing their materials. as they do, in Immense quantities, and but ring tito entire product of whole rullin at certain clue.'.' of gouda, their faellitle , for furnishing tl.eir outruns with ' Philadelphia fabrics are unsurpassed. There is 110 11111(14 . t Philadelphia or any other city which has such complete , rorugenutato for making up Ito good., and trintsolug them In the moot exauleite style. Both lu the roatly-madn' • and • ' cuetom departments, hosts of our readers ran ten tify that Rockitill Wtleon never fall to give them entire eatlsfactlou. To OWNERS AND THOSE HAI' IND CHARGE OP HORSES AND CATTLE. -PRUSSIAN I.INIIVIENT, Ilna proved Its great healing and .00t1.1...t qualities In the curo of the most tronbleeolne affection.. lo which the la Sprain., Swelling, Stine. or the Joint. outl Tendon, Scratch., Bruise, Galls and Clinton. produced by the hurtles, Foot Rot lu Sheep. (Jarget or Swelled Ud der In Cattle. Ithentnalletn. Quin'', Nall lit the Foot. Sr. Put up In Pint Bottler. Price $l. it). For Hale by nit respectuble Dr...whits and Store-keepere throughout the confdry. Wholeanle hr J A MSS (I. WELLS. . . N E.Cor. Ninth and Spring Gordon Si.., For niloby L. SCIDIIDT S.: CO.. E. 04 Hamilton Kt. Alleutown. KRAIMERz—KNERR.—On the 13th of Decem ber, by the Rev. S. K. Brobst, Mr. Daniel Kramer, of Lyun, to Miss Emelina Knerr, of Low•hlll. QUADENFIELD—KODER.—On the 27th of November, at Richland Centre, Backs county, by the Rev. R. B. Kistler, Mr. John Quadentleld to Miss Sarah Koder, both of Haycock. • RINkER.—On the 20th of November, in Lower Milford, Lehigh county, Samuel Rinker, aged 80 years, 10 months and 12 days. HORN.—On the sth Inst., lu Roekill, Bucks co., Hannah, widow of John Horn, Sr., aged 61 years, 5 months and 3 days. GOOD.—In Allentown, on the 14th Inst., Willie Good, aged 1 year, 0 months and 10 days. MATCIIETT.—On the 17th of November, at Catasa unlit', John T. Matchett, aged 54 years. LEUSCIINER.—In this city, Eliza Jane daugh ter of Joseph and llelen Lenschner, aged 10 months and 8 days. pIIBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Will be mold at Pithlie Salo on NATURDA Y. the lib day of JANUARY. A. D. Ib7ll. at I o'clock I'. K. on the prein• 800, all that certain inesounge and lot of around oilman on the noutli hide of Walnut etreet. between Eighth and Ninth %Welk, In the City of Allentown. bounded on the Went by lot of Nrc. Harlitcher. and on the knot by lot late of II W. Burentr. contelning In frontopt nal,' Walnut street 3) feel and In depth 110 feet to no 11110 y. Tht..„ Improvernento thereon ce helot of a TWO-B'l'ollY n. BRICK DW ELLINII HOUSE. 20 feet front by :12 feet deep. with Buck Building II by 15 fret, nod Frome I an lloune. It being property lately hold to , tenet for Cathe rine SWOIIk. &WIMP& Coudltione made knownltoil attendance given on th• day of rale by 11111 lIA EL 1). EBERII ARD, dee 22.1 t Truitt., LEHIGH IRON CORPANY.-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for Five Directors of tho Lo• high Iron Company to nerve for the en.ning your will be held nt the Second National BOO< of Allentown. on MON DAY. JANUARY Id next. between the hours of one and two o'clock. I'. M. WM. 11. AINEY, dee ifellt SCI,(1,11.11. UNION SAVING AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. • The unnultor.: 0 r thln Annorliolan will wet at the tidier of Elias Mertz. got Monday evening, January 1870. at 7 o'clock. Panonal attendance In requented, an an 'tee. lion will be held for President, Vice Premident. Tresaurcr, and twelve Directors. At the same limo OUP dollar per shorn will •Ite paid In. Thorn wishing to have sharer should•serure them without delay. A. 11. \VINT. Cho/from/J. EI.IAN Motto,. S.ceetriey. MOM ALLE.VrOWN ItAII.It4IAD COM PANY:l'ltin*t,ootritt•. December 13, ItthA. The Annual Meeting of MP Stockholders of the Allan town Railroad Company trill be held et the Mlles of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company.. No. Ff 7 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, ou MONDAY. JANU ARY 10th. 1 , 70, at IT, o'clock. A. 31— when on election trill be held fora Pretddeut and six Directors to .erve for the ensuing year. W3I. li. WEBB, Seen. fill, 101IIMULICSAI.I.: OF BANK STOCK. IL Win be Pxpo.ed a.l puhlle -ode ouSattirday. January Ist. KO. at the American to the city of Alloutown. all "'dock, P. Al— ONE HUNDRED AND ONE SHARES OF ALLENTOWN NATIONAL BANK STOCK. OFJOIDE FRY. • \\'M. 11. SOW DEN. Administrator. of Win. Fry. aleceatold• Ilv hmilvillatigy gave I 11 , 001( I I.ooli I I LOOK I TILE BEST MACHINES IX THE 11'07eLD! G It() V - Elt & BAKER III , ;11EST I'lti.:3lll • slSENVi'Sli 31 ACIIINE An ...led 014.1111;11,4 ppottlnni. • • The ot the Le gion ttl Honor," at the Part,. Exp,ltlo. NI Af'lll\E NEEDLES. TlittEADnod SILK TW IST cotp.tautl,' on bond. The people of Allentown and ricitnt y ore cortliall) Ito:lied to roll at toiro.ttlettrottni. Ileutetabor the place. oppo,ile the (term./ Ilefurtned Clinch. II II —Full iuntrtictltotpt given to ant' Peroon• Inachott lug )laeltlae, Nitwit int, tvarranttsl to ttico.atp•factlett. S. M. KEll'Elt, Agent, N., In Et,t Ila !ninon St.. Alletston n. L A 11 fl. ILI{ A %I . S \C .a I. 01 11'.1 W' .1..V1) .11E.V AN Win FOREIONd other IloN , STocE S, lion; und (;oVERNAIENT an COLLECTIoNs prontPt I) °mac un all p"lnt , .. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, =I IStt paha will be nelreat Iti tit. Illte•re•I who favor ttm with t i p,. h.-inv.., CU.. hunk pro unit Broker, deo 22-ly 5 ,, . :0 , :Id SI.. /.111111.1.41 ar2REAT ATTRACTIONS FOR TIRE %._A HOLIDAYS. HANDSOME ANB VALUABLE (41rrs On. FELIX 11. MATCHKES' Aaarriagcs Dratbz. .111iticellaueou5. AT FosTEws SPW YORK STORE = M ItS. No. 34 EAST 11A ILTON ELENT( )\\r\,• or VARIOUS PRICES Clothing C A It II . E. 0. THOMPSON. MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 908 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Especial attention In tooled to thin eonimodlme, and beald(rnl ri.tablittlintent, iher.rtenalnct stock ofitessocksble non dealrablo 'nods mlware on band, the reputation ob tained on a Irivlrr in In shlon.w , and the great fetcl/itler pooeoosed for titt.fahritution ind prompt deepateh of all order'. Although cininent In the pr..ectition of ovary brunch or the trade, for the portlcalar benefit of the great number dlkitthdled, PANTALOON CUTTING. AA A PPACI•LTY. bannounced .• which Is au art not obtained by traltalion , ut through close study, experience and practice. Thome doodling eacy and mynah Pantaloons, are Invited to giro thin method a trial. , Oct (43En The Iles] Excellence oolCh,":: eu of our Cloth leo le the only Beet el ist ..t.6._.. !IMM _ 4H` 11111PIPP .„1,01rEtT104,1 OF .''.. MI r. ..he 101 l . ..II ervry place • I. wall atallged, and ea...folly eat:Wood. • our ....oh. of lt•ady h...... coo Llog,•r• such aot k In other • • omits on Cu.. ••• 1111.1 r work hi ..e• • comfort with t. Our hands sea elopplled with Ou brat trim tolugs. mid we ova that they nu them, sod every amid* tr, thoroughly hated be. lor'obolug put lobo stock. kvery garment sold I. an. 101 l with a legal holding us r•- sivo.lll.lo for th• c0r .........•••0f all lb. rep ro...tallow. made. It It rouerded tbst 0111' lara• Imalne•• and ninny ...1., i i vaotagra, enable ua ote• II low., thou k.lll, i/0111e. IV•lnvite• fa I r cotuparlatm of price. MIL AlrD WINTER OF 1869 WO iIIITO Wide the GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET. Numberless Garments, Endless Variety, Choicest Selections, Goods to Wear Well, Standard Styles, Latest Fashions, New Furnishing Goods , Ke - A I I our gorliln are marked at Lowey ruka (hurt were thomune !uncles last year. AND HPAITSEIT BOR BOYS' AID YOUTHS WEAR • .1 r. .dpechally well propared to glr• astleactl.. :.:ew aid Better Cutters, • Improved System, Greater Dispatch, .1 Finer Lino of Goods than ever, Scimul • oth,., •!•mindey Clothes, Many New Styles, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. ..„ • , 13,U ILDI NGS • SIIR Leta= Ili MI STARS, ?. E. t:ur. oth & MARIET STS., :in«birningin.V.l.: PHiLADELPFIIA. tMarket 141 Minor. Agri cultural S CUM Pl. ET E NFI E, UENUV BUWER, Ohentist 1:1=1 Made from Super. Phoyhate of Li,ae, .Amonia and Ran.,! WA RRANTED FREE FROM ADULTERATION Thi. 31,11111 re contain,. MI the elements to produce bin croph of all kind... nod I“ highly recommended by all who geed ho by dh.tinguk ro hed chebwo who here, by au aly•d• t.•- ,, d it. qna 1111 , 4. Pocked In Hoge of Mlllta. cod, DIXON. SHARPLERS & CO., =Ea 89 Soul:, Water aid 40 South Delaware Av., ==! For ..111111 Ily WI LL lAM REYNOLDS, 7P South Street. Baltimore. For btformattop, addrons iiolll7 Bower IrbIlut11.11 , 1.13• fob 10-'W-17 Financial INCREASE F CAPITAL. I'll I.: FIRST NATIONAL IL \Nli OF M. EN TO W N Paid up Capital Authorized Copithl. 8.3110.000. The Dirertor. el 11,4. I.ntheing the inerelll.• of buslues. la the clo an.l community the entalla• um! &main] anti y more Ilanklng earllnl. have revniv...l 1.. inerea.., til.. Capitol Stock or 1111. Bank (rent 615.1.e1 Y 1 10,0004111 The x 1 The me, ea,. ate nen open al the Banking Hon-, and all ner-on. 41e4reum ..1 eecUring etnek are illVited to make applleallon nnen. The ale 1 ,, im1.1 In theinlinn ing 1.4,11. meula, vls: 10 per row. ell day el rille.erlitl'ei. " 1:41/ they or Fehrnary neat. 111 " 1.1 .1 Avell next. .. ~ 1 .1 " Jinn. next. For !nether Information 41114 . 11 8 11111,111, 1in..." 10 T. 11. NOT ER, I'll.4ller. uo, 1:41 =2ll MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK I=l =I MOW.] on deptlYil 411 1100. ant to .40V butt‘ (non 000 dollar upward, for which I=l9 will Lo paid. • Depoolts may he w lthdrawu O. any time. Penman de tlroun of nendlng wontnp to any port 01 the rutted States or (Innntlan, will have their man,. promptly attended to. and without nut - rink on their port. Mold, Silver, Coupon.. Bond.. roil other neeurltler bo , t v it !Lk It Ay I Sri' A LI,. Prenldent. EN, •rP K UT ZTINN BANK, lOrytularil undo) ))tate )'hurter lu leUl. ) MONEY HECEIVRH ON ONNOSIT. and Itper woo. le. t•rc•11will Le elluw ,t. For periods dwrial taloa Also, money lonurd out nu F AVI It ABLE TKHNIA. Std Bank tu locatod le tbe Huy tour Ilonee, in the borough 01 Kutztown. JOHN H. FOOKI, Presldeut. Entealtti IluTTEnteKin, M. D. Cashier. MIIME . . F. J. Slough 31. D.. .J, 1.. Wanuor, /1..4,, ..David FtKier. 11. 11. Schwartz, 1. y.. w. 11. Fogel, • 1/aulel Chider Itlehnr.l.l. hutqr,, Joan.. MIIIrr 10'1241 JOlll,ll. V0r„..1, E., - .. AL LENTIII N MAI'IIiGS INSIITiII. TlO3l (Orgattlard undor SIAO' Chian, In Inn.. bloody zerelved uu %Toga, and u put vino. liderept al lowed for oue year. Fut .lop lot loo'beb rul••. will De paid. ALSO, Mossy 1.41,11 , .0 , 11.'T ”N Fa r,Rnnl.R Banklos Ilouss,llAMlLl'ON told•way he liessit the Court noose sod Ad... 11,14 14)(6, upposits side =I WILLIAM U. AIN EY, P. ut xlde JACOB h. NI (41.1/19r. Charles n 1it0 , 1,. John D Srilx., CM - 1011111 Nets, Frameln, C Soworir, limrrso Probst, riametel Nell, Beni 3 II ag..#31.c 11 . Ncttoo Iwter, Willbou II &Nev. timrll T I JEVVEIC NUOTOOItAPIIEIt (I.titutd Philadelphia.) Itits taken the Gullet No. II EAST HAMILTON STREET, rna uY I R ES. t ell I lt t eileu tu • VlHnr t tlT r igla t Ne.hti?thtytie-:,Cou..ttritt't• Zaatdic.g anb 3ennlrp. CHIVATNUT AND 12111 STREETS. PHILADELPHIA BAILEY 6z, CO., EW GRAND OPENING ('HRIS'I'hIAS TR_A llb: MAGN I FIC ENT STOCK WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, FANCY GOODS, ac. BRIDAL GIFTS A SPECIALTY, DAILEY It Co. hat• the handeomest store ta ty 111.11141 and will at tines be pleased to receive and abew vislt ors through their eetablishment. BAILEY & CO., NEW MARBLE STORE, CHESTNUT AND 12TH STS., IMEIMI jive 13raof £aft HERRING'S FIRE AND BURGLAR PROW,' (WITH DRY FILLING.) Aron".led aka ril4t Mal& at World's Falk. L.t..1.,1 World Fair , New Turk, Lipositlca Parl, FARREL, HERRING & CO ii•WIST 011.1.Ah1, Cu.. Mataawa. WM. W. ltrasi. 6294'H EST NUT ST R E t:T, lIKKHINto, FARM/J.• *HUMAN. NSW Tomb 13=1 HIRRIXO, FARM. • 00., 11W ORLI/ail THE GREAT PACIFIC RAILROAD uokiTu.tut. ttUNDii 4159.000. UNION az CENTRAL DULTOLIT AND SOLD DEHANTEN & BRO., JANSSEN •ND ODALDRI IN ourmagariNrat 40 SOUTH TIMID tiTHALT, May 11010 W . J. EI'EUETTW NEW PATENT SCA PULAR SHOULDER BRACE AN!) STRAP SUPPoRTER. Yo rlrnPn Inter Ur Perfectly comfortabir. nno • junalrally 1116 neul bighly hearielal. 60 North 7 16 ppL?mows., Pupportnr.. Pc t ionklnym, t`rtrnr, lowert prirr. In Ow 011 y. 1.r..1) •tirtlnut. A SPLENDID CHASM AN EXTHAORDINAMY OFFER IXOPT DELAY, REND AT ONCE THE LEA DLVN An II WULT ra.4 JO FM*: }N)I.2 ON ENEA • A101116. , 01 STOICK .101 . 101.4 L. —l4 dir•L•tis , •• .UlOOllll4 92 large doubt.. rolitturt OW> 4.V.a..4 311111.• in itud Stock lire... Mug. a xtxinlxß Irg.ttot d.'lmttoto•t• fur ton Practical Fortner. Dalryisy•, Stork Protolor t Wuot tiro urrr. ttud l'oultry Illtwttvied With outs . lefollot Ittorror y mud IU 1111101. , 111.1) noted arum. YILIrII4OII 0111111 thl. /110.41.1tly•• 9.try loch • xr. dent yid to nil thy AugAttyte•tt. Vartutug totti Murk 8rt ,11 .2. 1. ‘ •• NrArrlu•rY Uoy•riwte.yl ma or the rhuyyy „, y i rt.ift..4o.lllU Ilse Unto"! Marro who 1,4. dxix lrouit y .. 1,1t0 • , 1 . 1 Tlitt9 ovory thyLostllw; tow It 11..trw. 4.1.9 1111. .111 - Ottorf Wit ttryc.w yerporod to..4..rthr A owe/coo iiryrkj,,,, WI/ Le. ififf 1111 00.. year. to oil iir wattilarribrrs Int to 1111.11 111,111 , 1111:ILE .1[1 . 119; ohull subotribe Lts l ;ll:l Jl: rhil ' alurATi; ', ! , :ei ,. . i . ,‘ , ,) ,e ruiouir iloltbl duly mppreelotte, .L 1 your •ttbreri•ltorkS otto• mud serltrp Jultrnat froe roan a yaar. aoa 14.. 0 101aT. fREDELIy, J1R.,..11114111410W. FOB THE FALL BEI ELM I=l N V EI,TI ES PHILADELPHIA PATSDIT CRAMPLON SAFES PHILADELPHIA. I= RAILROADS I= I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers